HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-05-25, Page 1���• . � . ,� *, � �� �� �. : . o � � � re: _ , � � '1 . � .. .. <�•y I. . � . . . . ' . . I . . . � . , � ,�:.. ..... .. . . . ._ '.. .. . . � � . , .. . . . . , ( � . . . . , • .::. . , r-_. _ r ��. VK ' _ , . I :,� R"�� 7 , n � . . i�{ ,y�' ; � y�ar itt �dv�,nue, i� � �,.. �led � .0 , �uk�saription � �,xxce o� U� ;,,, �- �a " , � � . , r �r. �he ��7�v.Ezt�, an.d iG is � exGqPtion�,� vt�lua a� en ' - � � , ' ' ' ' � la�cv�p�ice� Subsoti�ers , � ��ara �" �: : r , w�l� gre�tly obli�e us • � g . , , ,, ` by �ro�papE rQne�vuls, ', r; , , _ . _.. ... . 1 .... , . , . . ,� � . . . ,, . . _ . , . y �, �� . . ., . �'.. , ....... ...�.. ..... . ,.._....... .. .�.,. _ .�.. . s�" • ��., .1 . . ' � . . , . , . t � �.n . . . . . . . . �,. .. . ... ti .� ��: ,�� .�tAB�R��' HOT,M�s� �',cui�or and Proprietor �,/LIN�.�QN, UNT.� M,Ei Y' `,l,ra �� 1$$�. $1 year in advanoe,, $1.5o when not so pa : r � � ' r t ... ... .... ,.... . . . .. ... .. _. .... $olmesv;ille. (� �dd to hig dsys o!. peQfu#q�s� in tha aervitt9 �� � . , i .. + . �ur Week1�T Bud ..��. �'et � T��� CAI,L to �Y.�� �S � �R�� �� : � � OREdMERY.—The separ�,tor cream- 11, . .��� 4! bie DTaster a�nd' �e pk�{isp#; , a y �',, ery commenced operatioua Monday --» s�gped on be.hal��'b�`ti�@ yQasxqn snd oon- .•� � •~ " OF 1�1TTF•RESTING} NEWS . mornin , and though it took a white S'0�, A8�(i8 �y Prasbytery. bregation, on tha 2f���,,d�y o� Ap;i�� 1894, L,' t�o �et t�e machiner to work pro erl _ y q Wu. Forl�anqa�eca,; ,` •: it ie well under way now. �he draw- W�s.' Q�x,�aens, '� ' '""— Frora ali paarte of tbe Qonnty—by wide-awake ers are ea in that Full report of the Oongrega• y� g people are more J. Lezznq$Qaopau, and lively CorreBpondents • wllling to give their railk than they tioual Meeting , and alep tLq • D, �� ' A�or�'i� Londoeboro. , es ected, and they �g�e far a large �eeting of Presbytery. •. . w���,�� � Ga�.�.�.�.� � pa��a� � � �,.,�. �: L�aA.L MA7'TIDRB. -z•The, #ollowing PosTPox�n.—The Miseion ba�d.p! ��� '"� �'�` g meeting o! the ooqgreQ�tiop ot Wtlli�, �eear� FoEherin pa andK#,t�a,�Rpq�� ����na uch su ris when Devm I�tem, from the lega�l � p�� ' NOT,.',��p�{p�gANp$ TBER�.—Bome- ohurah wae hald on Mo�c�y evening, tq, 4n beh*1! ot the ,; S0�[� OOp$18�Nt�0� j �� � �� regQ�tQ of the the Presb terian church have ' and fsirl reee �� , daily pa}�ere, fd oE inte� ot:—'�„,Re Town- poned their entertainment to eo�,� � f°1� �a.;�hd'Templ�r�'sent a commu- hesr and oottsider the ze4sono advanaed by Y P e$ eir ol�ima ppo� �raq- "�" '�hib him with a etone. He eaid that � ehip of l�orrie and Qt�t�ntq :�pl� �Turon. future period, and the $unday SGh ����att���.• Hqn. J. C. Patterson, ask- tha eeesion oi Brnoefleld ohnrqh ,tor Che bytexy; etrese w id npoa t$e peoali� ;, =G}arrow, Q,(7., for the f7or�ration of are preparin to have their annt� '� �i°4'"� uae his in8uence against rranelatioz� of Rsv. A. 8tawar�. The weating posltion in ophiob�y we;tq:�lsoqd and tlio .:;„; ,__,_.....__ p� � tl�'e ratiacabion of the treat with wap the lar .bene8ta that w6ald �fd4 n pg tpe p�etor- � piu+��i a thing had N�vEx' Errr��tEn the Countp of Huron, d eai�d� lrom festival on t e evening of DoqlibfQn . Y gesb and moat reprneeqt�tivQ � ,,,,;; �'iance, anent the free imporiat�On oP oongregational meetingheld xoryewre. pte o! Rev. Mr 8te�uar� b �u an order and decieion of ergue4n, J., Day. �heyyntend to try and malts ��; •�yjn89� ge re lied that he didn't�think J. MoGFe►rva was eleoted cbairmab snd �c T/ee anawera from ,��' �"`a�". co�gre- •�I''` ;� ' 'ce �,6, AEAD B�FOR�, diemiesing an a�ppeal by x�►� �yp��ll�nts even more succea�ul than in tbe �ptr; p from . an awacd under the paunici t�l the rn,tiflcation of the trPaGy wb�t�ld be J. 8oaeton eeoretury. The reaeone giveq. gal+ars of W:ll�a • huf�� to�� r�vinq;.,crrrer ' ���" ` °� a,c p p BeRx Rnisnvc+.—li�r Jas. B%o detrimenftal to a nrohibitor law, and b Braaeeeld eeeaio� ,were resd end the aafoliowa•— �• .',^ �� �� ,�s�aa;+ ra E „' To�ivqship of ]�orr e� whereby thep ape on Monda We are eW ��i to preea • p� Y . .- 1. �qhile we oa�' a��� ; ' ; � h �� .�r the 12th con., c�� evert Hon. John Thom s4n had r+x- anewere thereto by the 8eeeion o! Will�e ,�� °'�'L� , ' ' �'^ • pellante were orclered to contribute Lo- y' p�� �ci bimlaelE to the eame e8eot. Of oharoh, when the latter were ttne►nimonely p�r Bt � ���°�"�� V���'� there �vere no mietakes. ,;;:;A � coqree he � Qwar b hia ts �j � ' warde the erection and maintenance of �' �vould not commit himeelf approv�p�, �rr ' 9: , p . � number from the village tqok Tt. _q �,� �►t all. '� � The qa��Qt;�n� uatarel e►� '�` ` �`, ,m� , „aN With .pther men: -� It • has bridgea in the townahip under aection �V owing resolation ot the Yonng � S�ted to baild np a �p ida'�e t e one of the evente o# _ the eea�on. '�f E�eo le oonneoted with the oon r ,. • \;�Q 533 (A) o� the coneolide�ted municipat No'rIDe.—Mr1'V.Wilklneon, fromne�r p a eg�tfon Tuesda `�i� a small r�, � s t rien ren d �e fo llows:— $�noe8eld oo�gregation, i��N ap�' �; not too' never entered their head that ac t, 1 8 8 2: 8 ince t he ince tion o f t he Y. A1ex. Barr ��.� j tc he l l is vieitin at the � p ing puttingran additit�lh"y;Co �ie barn. � a t� pa,reonage. �fi Ippoh to ola' thst thoae' q"�f�; �aeq anc� a eal the L islatuce hae repealed the , of Leebur � w�,at ; G}eo. , he Yonn Peo le o! � i i, ;,�Chea r in the lon ruA to bu pp e8 Y r,. � r'Joe ook j�, Reeolved, that we t g p qn�r$oe►tio�i will lie �}q�.,���e i�ee%iti�to�h�` �� � g � section in uestion, and left onl the THE LEMETERY.—It�Vae annouqc ,, ; uller s Frida,y. M�; �aFr�d',' o�" �av- ��is oharch, eapreae on� deep regret st Clinton aongre pt'� ;, tp at�3 0l� -;ihe .hdv� �fi '" � �} � a, Ga4�p]e uf weeke a•o t '�eld road, wae ca lin on r9en e in a. P paetor, _, , ' �od, etrong, serviceable tailor- qnestion o coats to be diepose of. t, t a.meeti,, ''�j ih� o ntiexp lated removal of oar •�•} � �` ;� � '� ��� � Rev, �A. �teovart; lrom onr midet, and we �e�`�`� � ���tay tiel8inl'iSi"`C e �iab�',; '' ' a �•. � Gounsel Por the appellante contended F°�;tpose.p�vaing lote iri�ye, cemetpC, he village Sunday. �t-the �en�plr�rs; 2, he , " . made clothes.' �it�hae never enter- th'at the award was bad and that the 'Wa�ld'b8-�eld for the punpose of ma ' ondw ni t it was decided that the ��ror�gly obje�t to hie removal !ar the !ol- "'� i, � I�o 1.#�i ,�6e 8'xuoe&eld � � , y- Y �� ooiutgregub�n,�a�.,i���1�, .'�1(g�.; Ve eet� , �� were entitled to the caate: Ayles- ing'mProvements, etc. A number p oartutn w ld not be open to the lowin rea�one, smong othere:— is�qotory evid�uqe t��e� ;�dK ' � ` ed their heade that a�ilor-made worth, int�0res� ,p��!son@ res opded, but� a6iic in the future, as it has been for I• �bA� �r.��tewert wonld not be bene• � �� �=r �� u "' ;,; Q. C., and E. L. DicYineon ineTemeh.t wet�th p p��; p 8tted thereb : 2. That it+wonld be hnrb� g'tewsri a tranelstionA ��y q�r��oiid� � � . Suft oan now be bought at almost �Wingham), for the township of Mor- @�S4no doubt ke s he ast two monthe. Mr H. rFoetes, � the� esding of Providen6 ; iy'�6�1T°be`obs�� � rie, contra, Reserved." number away also, It ie eince�ejyr�, Qlinton, took �, pho�ograpb oP tlie' =n1 to bhe o�urah and injnrione to the �'t�at, in their pa ;tion,'6hey have nct hoped that one �nd. _�rll yQill unite ��d', Chool house and ls�� t�veek; �t$e' 'P�PIe'e • best �ntereste. 8. That �n hie ,� . ' � little c�st ae the ready-made � pupils etaEea what that e�denoe ie nor tt o�r, make the�neceesary improvemenbe ��p�cture is ret�ll flrsbclass c�nd mn, be Present field of labor he hae proved hi what ground they baee their' opinfon. pb'u G}ode�iCh Township r<<•F, ��� � ' p oa aoit to work to the honor oi the Mae� i� � artiole. � , g ' No��B:=Mrs ''Mc'K���ie is vi i nt(� 'heid' from the teacher, Mr McRoberts, p y the other l�ewd we, appeeling to the reoord ,.�• �' LIC+$TNIN(# 9 FR$nxs. — The li ht- d�i ,fo 50cents. � n�. friendq ab' B�l r"ve. Abr�m Fxo � er, and for the wellare of the oommanitg.. P ebore o! 02r Btewart , � ; ning of Thureday morning last sl,ruck � �.��,.� 4. That Mr stewart hae eo endeared him• Q# the sat e,g6oeapfnll +��•� �° ""� """ a large elm tree on Mr Ourrie's farm a°� R'��Q'�'��$�� rave wete yisi}�p , �� !,�gE Bz.Au� BNxGF�[T f1oMiNp. — Mr � hfi� reeenti d�fik�e oannok but b�se apL: ' W. 8, �}tibl ,�i" a Fri�w o eel! to ns that it woald be 6 very Lrqinq Qxi �� ,,.'.- _ on the 7th con., and not onlp broke a ��� Y ���� j�eqtoc, the;iatnqµs tein`p eka�tce �ectur- ,, q, a reoord the; �"ope and eapeotiq�iq� " ' number of limbs trom it, but ou ed weeic ,•�Q, ,� a�l '° �• n hQw of ;21��ai= � �at�elr tQ eever the tiee ohet hsve eo lon , � `� � �� e� knowu as; th�. Bjack. $nji t, will B �t,�he , eppro �,n�l �aiag o� �,ivine v g g Joj�n" �eu'��t?t�!e�' ' rom ;llinoie �, � �n?!�'�.�4 ,�o�,gether ss psstqr snd people. �rovidenoe will�6bif►ue�d be'vbifh •h�m in D�/ �� �3 50 hUge� chunka of wood out of the body �, � 1�1� ,p�i�ve one o� hi �leCtures; on4��iq pr9,nce, g�o�, rQsQlaed�, � that we respeatfnlly and #he e ' "# " of t,he tree, and threw them a consid- report� t��s`ver�+dqll in'thos�a �ia}'�, 5�►;edneac}ay�_,�,'�"a�: 30tI�, itt. t�t,i��etho- ,�eatil phere oi le�horin whioli lib heq ¢lre6dy �+� '� . erable diatance awa he P�r'Po�es iemainin$ in'� `Lo�idesi�o�'p tiiet chu � h he ` Y pxby in oahose hande the matter y�en ebund ti desire in c� , �r�. ,, M"r Sec r,�is �i cal- aa� �y tileBe�d. We t� y' for d time. Thos. Fair ervice �e ted p�an,;an is h'red b��D".oriaibioa a��e0 "y��'on�in 'qn favor. onr oese end give thie conneotiq� esp�ojt�} {' "qall sttention '� � ' Por a'trip, to �cotlat�di�hi week'to� ' em er,a� e'A1 � �' �'"' ' weed sults Tucketsmith. � �, P �C �' ,Liyapce, �iri whos� epnploy �be toregoinq resolatione were sdo Eed to the #Q]lqqpn�:- 3 �� �, � the liome o# hie cliilcj�q�;d: There� c1' „' he h bee�,,for.severml yea�s.. Thoee ,and Mr D. MoTsvie $ (1•) Thb oomplete hsrnioa y,�'ing�'hea NbT�s.—The farmere, of thie vicinity, a k`air iper� ,t'o'tfi.2 poppla'tiqri � who h��a;ve,he � h` ' cannot e b, 7r., sppointe a anitormly prevailed between •M`r'8� rt � Are 'ueb the �thin fcr s rin and aum• who have not sold theit May cattle for �1}p villag,8 1, etttvee'k,` ' • �+ h� pe�'I[ toQ, aominieeioner to ragresent tihe yonng peo- gnd hie con e stion. '� „' J 8 P S � ;�highly di t}im, As�e hae o�l he one.. Bi' e � export will turn thcm to grase. �k "• • ��a ''"�'�' '� o�'�, . oe � ;,p)e before the Presb�tery. 2. Mr Btew�rt'e enoaeeefnl lsbora in Ooc�q�iqnaLCoFrqepo��enQ � ning to speak��rp Foi�91�d�'r ourselves.' i � � mer weai. They are well made, lacge number Kathered at the fa,�m o. � � sa �'�'he followiag peticion, wae �dded to the the con �e ation for sizteeu � � Oo�uxa.�34[rs,(�}�:�cry, of O'_ very fortunatQ`xn �noburin 6� yeare: , loo� well, St well al�d will Wear. �� $' Qudmore on Monday to ae3i� H R��r $��p4 i'or" 'doonmente to be presented to Presbytery, �g,� ��e nnaaimity ot; the,00ngre�a- "e • i§ esp�c'teti4 exe u'�hf�: eek t,o Festde �.e lecGure, and e ' t'aua �mm���e ,:6ad we mi y y p lion u► desirin e' + and witness bhe barn raieing; Mr T�o „����� � '� :pro�r to hear the �ebc� ed orat�tii�. 8ht ee wae entirel o ontsneone g tall to enjoy blip�mi�iextd= , Dale and Hr F. Crich were theca tatr� t�q� +�, g W.eek. very pud �� P and wfthont anq eolioitstion whstever pn tion oi Mr Btewar0. ` ; p < d�enl �:":i�;� �t�e. , tire(;� dau ht ���he �yal TempI�S���p etti him � �• •� , ae itwae�thoughtbesttouse exper►enced ` R 8� Q to thm ood of th � tbe p�rt oi WiUie ohnreh: , . , hande; the eides were well matched as �dr � ���i'k oi p 1$�h oon. ; 11��.,. ca ' 8 e��&ii��a.,, n��. t�� ' T W io T���1 n Huro�.•' nttersnaes hsve been leaein � p p ; . 4. The faot that 11�r Stewsrt e nblio Gtrao� •, �,�f1�e� m uth of tlus co ��$ to make ea� nisea , p g, el tal snd � ` ` Qash and One itrice both fln3shed about the eame time. +, „_ _ erePore �,,g a �Fper y be o ged to the aommnmoa editying aot only to thoee more immadiate. .� murit�g:,S;��j�t}a� Aiereavement. #� , puttin�,�t�+�.:si1 es� fee r,, Mrs Inglesby� of Walton, ie vieiting. ���h a "�'�+� t� pi,tl�e� hWroh o! Englsnd, oonneoted with ly identified vgith the oongre ation, bnteleo . her d�ughter here. Mesare Ashton, of Hd���' �'�well will spe�id �l�b�n the f� ey��yo g�, ,Qo thdti ��.p B*��s ohnroh, �linton. Thm the to othere, who, by, hie able preeentatian o! k � (�re , a ent Sunda withrAlativea here. her hplidAt ,'� Lpndon thie weQk;wl no bne„will mise �'a e f'.A.d= °� ; �� �' �' �'� {� � 4 � ,. � seoent .h��pening oi nntortnnate oironm- the � trath, heve been so attrsoted ae to bd- ' , y� y v ieaion 1 .$oo a'�. th. sha , he� son. �cT`Rr B rkwell is think# �, ., F• �► p �; �' � �r ,,1�o and t�ook, oP G}oderich town- op }�king & t�u�p to�Londoq, En •t CauxqS.,, �a` " enin t�h '4�� nt �o antarily tleft � oar own �nroroh�e oome� �The hs m�on thst e set lwa s ez- • °` �k'. ship�'called on relations heze thie week. B•+• ��t; `' g �„E;�a� 1 , trip wonld perhape ilDltprov� hia b,e,u�t churc6 �v ' the occa�eio� Attrso t� b t he h i h c hsraater sad iet e d� between the oongreg'u, ti,�on,'nnder D2r T� 8 F���� B ��: g 0� �� M y u�' �re Thos. O B g e e p eut a few e�� ��� 1,�` S. s g a- -very much, prov idin ]►e could of �h Q� IIll f 7 i0 1'�' L� 9@ 2� 9 i G B � f ' t h e l a t te o a t s tion o f t he� R ev. A. � tewar t, o! Wi l lie 8 tewart e lea dership, sn d ihose oi other n� d a E� i i e w e e k v i s i t i n r e l a t i v e s a t � r„- H i 1 l� o r a. M i s e 8. D u e t o o f B e l m o r e the �ourne y. R ev, r F e r g u s 0��, ,; o� $�' m m a F o P d; B� v' M r. F e a r p r e a c h e d p li u r o h, w e h ave b e en le� to s t ten d npon denomina tiione in the t�wn, and the hig#� , k`���- S� has returned home. �'' '�'�nton, (form�rly -�of t,hie plac� , Il ;i,''tiouR=ProS�:l 4, 1$ �'T�ie+path oP xh¢,juet 1�is minietration, nnd tiave been won ae eepeot in w�itoh Mr 8tewart is held by the ' �V. � � . .. � 8 8 �•+ �, � e �dherente,` by lua distingqished ebility es :�irenchere sncT peQgle of thoee congregetiona. - • �" � preaeh in tihe A3ethodiet church ip�iie z6 e;s a shinf�u li it th t�ab}ne� �; »nqr + (Intended tor laet week) mornin of the $ret Sundt�, in J, � a�'��'�N r y pcl�, and m�e unto�th@,,, irp@C,t,•:c�a�x,;bh¢ �`pr�aoher, end we pari sAy withoat any y;3. We fail to eee how the removal of Dir � • ��• • . NoTEe.=The Youn People's Litef-,• h1e manq frienc�e will be pleasedz � puipit and .lzaclr��u$ �e�:�in#s�x were ,Iid i�tion' bhet we eu� mo� and more at- Btewsrt aad his te�mily frbm t6e comforCa .:<_. g ' oko..�;t..:w� , ,� - . � ' �.. , 'ar,�,8ociety, of the,London road,�s ��:�lesr him agaiai, �Mr Jo n �5 in e� dr+�ped.fo: tihea �ca,�iu . , " ;:_; p-. •i�..•... ;�* _•�' - t„ , �,, r.,: yy ,�► P, •• ��� !p�C ;t �.�;��cRq-, ���ed to hip5; and led mare and mQre Lo an,� advantages whio� thep enjoy in Clin• � . �.._ ,�;.,: � .P��.�. F�. �8 �i1 e'�i a.���.,"p ���-;i�R^n�' �be�'t��•.�, .at BeF1t4���l��z�;►�}���;�?.� irehie�+on,�ierin�ly alear presentstion bo$ willbe to hie, or their .phy.iaal or t •, P�soxe�,.-�`!us is �wh�st 1�� 8ea- a y.v , !���"�?a .�,:y.,� ,��;�' morpYn�,r., �,,�'�ctye; t.��iste�w�eetnn ..nn � ��h t : 'W Im , �. . , . ' forth E ' Mr �'ohn Mcgdnx , on the 0v�emn of ' � , • pk � . ..: : � y , �tk�, , , .,, �, q�o „ o�ale e %h�t wq �entsl welfare; und, indeed, nnlese eome � itor se�s con�e�rning one of g . W�2�=�.—we . h�ve� receiced ,Tu� e�'�' �` ,i �,�aa . eci� t,�r , A��� . `�" , � the 23rd o� May,. Wonder how the � �: ° '�at`�Vn� gcest aonnterb�lsnoing good ban be shown � � �. `' ` " the raoe � hi�t1y �esteemt� m4jn.in.thie long comtnunication concernia ' the ��`b' �Q �e����ti `��,?Y� � "`�;1� 6 ` `' � me �ve�d�rinot ra . s � West Enders will epend bhe 24th'? bot- g ' M'cblt'oiiiet 8�inrl,�► 4> ,� a ri '�01ie Ii�ie"1y�..ti�s rbsnit�'ie+u�rif''3�b�iratub►tion, r eection :— �upta�in J�ohn McIIanald, of proposed Closing. up bt the Ebenez ,,- �: .,.�aol��"� �. �. • �' on beLore: �{� we ownot eee thst it woalci be either kind ^+�J --- .. _. Porter's.Hill, �ovas fn town on Monday ,ter ga $9hin� on the Maitland. 1VIe � ointimentotrtlie F,onties . , tH4i� an�5na4 meetin .:o'n,.. , a-ev. b., " ' y ,�, . '� . < _. , . Chae.:MA�son s barn is now flmehed. PP borocircuit,� w g 4 . ,, , .Y; � ,: ,. ,18 „ , :, l� �e �beluve-h� ar �nst �o Mr:Btewart.to s�1c Lim to forego - ' last, caliing �on Ool. Wiieon and other but we think no good p oae can be 'Xa , �`buti otfe ar �wo .� gee,�t�� ,�e�v�r6 7�enderid � `�� Shin lin and unshin lin ap enre to � g ,Q, nor irb�i� r those comforte and e8vanta es. � � frfends. CJaptain Wilson is one of the $ g. g p accompli�Hed by its ubhcation. In ���bere� �ti� �offiibira retd ``�ionin ood wlu`bhwe, 4. We wonid ree eotfnllggek the Pree• 'L',; {i�; . oldest officere in•the Huron Battalion, be tih�Comtnon oecupation of the far- the 8rst place the wr�iter wiahes it�to ; '�e� '��Y &re. m��t4�'at�an t 4 �`0, � gon h him. I! b te to coneider thst the trenelation ot and is oue of the most efficient, and mere•1}efie.: ,. Mr Harry O�dmore ex' � fpr a icuia to �� JieCd...,& t,, �, ��� g 9 1'y L��'. � g � g' pec 't�se hia ba,rn in a few da e. appear anonymoue, 'abd . tLue throw �► y atr �t� bv� �Ebm Clinton� �we Mr 8tewart to an sd'oining oongregation � althoa h verRin upon 90 eara of » e, � y �b� re neibilit oi hie own ehoul- �e xtliddle o Jurie:,, �, ., ; •,' i�� �p► 'e�1e�-besb inetrnotor, ma resnit in the wes�enin of the oon re. " ie etill as blihhe and active ae mn�n a, �Mr cav,'er, the egpeit Avery fence- �° �. �� �+ . Y g g y builde'r, is kept busy thie season; as he ders; then insinuations are made in t4e I�' Ovaa�r TO Bffi' B7'17i�PED.—Th�li+e� ��!4� PT°Y �, snay be p1e6eed, gation of �PilIie ohnrch, by the withdrawal r���, r man half hie age. I.ast qeas he took ia quite an esperienced hand at thia letter that are unfA,ir, and ehould be �are a.f�v� yvung^'ii(�ff who have -�` to�� ������1' ' -`ii}iat ie right, to of inembere and adhereate. iue position in the work of attending made openly, if at ali. And� in the �lt lately of drivin ver Poriouel `� '� �r �� ?�!� ,.�p� reeent offioe. 6. We also desire the Preeb 6er to re• work those em loyin him may rest Bu Y Y �, Y y t�� � a s�eam threshing machine, and in ' � � neat place we believe it will be to the � es eciall 8unda �ev@t��n a, re ardl �fgne�;bj� W..VP`�1 , 9�,�.; �'d 24 othere, member that x�e�trwnelntion of Mr'8tewe,rt � �"C years gone bp he, on two di$'ernnt oc- aseured that a 1 wor entrueted to �nanta e of Methodiem to cloee u p 9 � g g ` him will be done in +� satiefactor g qf the consequences, »�fine insta�nce ,; ;�oved by A. ; �h�, eeoonded by Wili leave a lai�isnd important oongrntion ru ,;� caeione. walked the entire, diatance manner. � the appointment. It ie eituated onlp ,�urred laet $unday, :�CbG people we ,, p.71�oEwan ths ° '� withon4 6 estor• that s, oon�iderHble time � a � �` 8t . .a.,d th8 iesoln. P , from Buffalo to (�oderir,�, ` being 18q about 2� miles west of Londesboro, the aoming to church in.t : evenmg, thg��;, tion, whioh waa Qn�jr,�ssed st'the msy elapee before e� paetqr oe� be ohoaen; � ' miles. The captain is oue oith�se men Sfnbnrn e�ttendance on any occasion ie notlarge, rvere three rige c��ng down the Cit� speoinl meetin ; n tion held tbat snoh a break in tbe paetorate m�� a � who always keep � oung in mind and and those who attend will not 8nd it �i$,�, the 8ret. contained a oun mah on Ma 9 188� tih,ie, �ot�� e oall to eBsily be to the detriment of the congre a• 'fa , epirit iP not in yeace." C300D TEMPLARB.—The Yollowing are much of a hardship to go to Londea- nd hie mother he ,se�ond wags two �� �� "`�g �{r '• tion, aad that there ma be no li6tle d ffi- " the officers elect for the eneuin term: �� ]i�le 8tewsrt from��1 c1� , Hemil- Y� B boro. The Ebenzer people, it is true, �e1lo�1s driviag a cplt, Lhe , third wap s, to snd wbioh ia i�p�ttie ollq' oaltp'in obtaining the services of a ge�ator. I —Q.T., Annie McIntoah; �.O.T.. Beat- ,, �+ w�l worde;— � ever wa so gnited to the con S�ensa�ll have a nice little ehurch, which ie paid bo� from the 8th, whipp'ng l�i� ho�9e ved by w, 3i ''ay; �econ'�e�1<� w. H. Y Y gre ation . �+..�^^� �, . � rice Lindeay; R,$., L. Proqtior; WA., for, and are zgaloue in their work buC to a f 11 allop and ae.�e ran up b�:? �g �� "�tthism�tin otthe`co tion ot se Mr 8tewart hae proved himeel! to be. D�ATH.—�Vord hae just been receiv- y�m Ddclntosh; V.T.,. Florence Fisher• ' 11T�illie ohnrch, tearnwit� regret ot hesttempt Mr 7. Honeton, repreeenting the 8eseion ' � � looking to the 'ft�ture well-being oP the - iad t�ie cblt'� it nattYkall becam � �� , � .i, by telegraph, after a very long and F,$„ Wm Knoa; W.T., Berthe, Fiaher;, circuit, we would• strong1 advise them � � �� `�� �ade to e�Canre the translatt��t 8�� of 9Pillie ohn,roh, made sn eloqnent dnd ,A � �nd painful illneae of Mr Reuben Chae. W,M., T.uke Lawson; D.M'., G}ertie y �t�Chtened, when. in- i�s turn, �it . ee�e¢ anctbeloved paetor and h + P B Farnham• 8entinel Jamea Hinchle t° fall in cordially"with the proposed �to the ri n t� . sble lee in behalf of retsinin � toneman in $ rin 8eld, Miseouri. g hiitd, with such Yorce� �on ree�s�t�o�m foinh"ids nnre�t�tg sn°�a�u. 8tewart• k the Etev Mr ' Mr t�toneman is a brother of Wm. and ' ' Yt change, as it ie one that should have � turn the buggy completely upai e , he ehowed the very oordinl reia- G}uard, Bertha Uole, Organiet, Mary �en made' eome time a o E7o. N� � able labore tn our mias the aSoo we eater- J. C1. Stoneman.' He had been ' a teai- B•— ,+hrowieg tttd ' occu ants o�t t�in tor him reonsUy� tione thnt esieted�between eo le nnd As- . Wheatiey; L.D., Jae. Hinchley. ERe. �' '. p or hfa at ente and P p P dent of Miasouri for over 2U years. '�rher violenttq, but the 9th con. fellbbv hieh oh�istian oharapter and the ein- tior, the eaoellent and greatty appreoieted ^ ' '�°n� �r etopZf'ed ;�o see it avyone was �� W ���� Y t1� '' cero ho that the e wlt{ah hae bound eervioes rendered b Mr 8tewart, e nnani- HAPpEz�tINc�s:— The lecture which HAllett ' t, b�rt ke C u the rii'p till he catqe °B tor e'paet� riine yeai's; msy np�,. aevered ngone desire of the people to retain him, t' • we announced to be ►ven b bhe Rev. The NEW ERA will be eent `tq �� and tifsb Lhe .i�reebytery, it leit•t�t.�le�tde, w[Il the nnsatiefaotory etate of sffeire that B� Y NoT�e.—The choir of �inburn Meth- � �Le ure , ter clf�ireh, seeming r,e;nse t pe trane]st�on: � �� J. S. H e n d e r e o n in t he P� ea b t erian n e w s n b s o r i b e r e, f o r t h e ba lanoe'o f- � * gregstion o! Willie `' oh, in P 9 i , � odiet church intend �{iving a literary $ho�hc�� Var�e not entis8ed witfi t}ie oon � wonld revnil in Willis chnroh b t� bein • church on the evening of �lay 2lth, and musical entertainment at the meet- the yeAr, !or 60 oente, aseb. t�t he done, as eoon as he h a r d meeiing sseemb�ed adopta th6. e of the withont a psetor for an indeSnite period r', h a s b e e n c h a n�r e d t o a l e c t u r e o n " L i f e in of the E worth Lea � to ea nothin of ' � in the Ar entine Repablid' b the g p 8'ue Mondap '�18ft the. cl� Atnt�ted the horse on reeolntfoa, in eo fAr ae the�r� ,. pplioable 9 g the flnanoial snd pereonal Y evening, May 28th; a silver collection gLyTg bHe run, `�nud�ethtut�gh�'��s much of to the preeent, 6o the ex� Nion o! onr eaorifioee that wonld be mede by Mr Btew- Rsv: Ddr. �errin, of Ba�yfleld. Rene, will be taken up, proceeds for the pur- a cro�vd tts h�' d; �hether the sen�timente end wi�e� abV►, snd wonld add g�+ ehonld he be trenelated. He wae fol- Wallcer, gtvann and Trealeaven were �LrcTux�:—Mr Thad W. Leavitt fellot�Ewas craz ��fitlV�we don't know, lowed b Meeers A. MoMnr�hie, A. lnnie, ose of getting music,for the use of y thereto tha� tk�e �►aef eeven yeara have in- Y in Clinton on Friday laet. The boye �he choir. The del_eg atea who were lectiired in Induetry hall on Fridbp but he certninly acted ae if. here was a oreb� onr s m�nietrstion and deepene3 Je�mes Qoott and D. MoTspieh, jr., all oi who were doina the cha,rivaring last sent to the DietiictMeeting of the I.O. and Saturday eveninga, n,nd not�vith= 'acxew loose somewhere. can't say onr lovefor'M� 8tewert, And he�veetrength- phom epoke in the eame mnnner. �. Week�ap�ear to believe in the old��pro- (},T., held in Olinton, May 18th, from etanding the weather, which wa,a any it wae the horse's fault, r almo9t ened the re6eone whiob bhen pfi!'�vailed for �v A. Stewart wee then henr� in hie � verb Tis better late than never, the bhin but favorable the hall was full. �ver one knowa Ba the e�- the oontinnation oY the�stocste'tie, and own behalf g Con�ta.nce� Brothere Farnham and g � y " , and dnrin hie 6ddrees there , party charivaried being married a Medd, Sieters McIntosh, Medd and He is a forcible and pleaeant epeaker. feed atore horse was ne' hard to we now, se 6 oongregetioa, ,�,ri1y thet the were many moist eqee emong hie bearera. month ago. The � K4ppen correspon- Farnham. An entertainment was Mr Martyn, a character artiat, who as- msnsge. tie may not be broke'n, beirtg, more than He epo of the generoae oondnot of hie dent for the Expoeitor eaya that l�ip- beld in S.S. No. 5 Frida evenin at siated him, ie a good ventriloquiet, and ever estieSed b onr gs rieqoebt-the iet own pea�e; their noble loya.lt to himself (Anot6er correapondent) ��} y P° P 9' and to the oharoh• 9 �r ,' �en.}s agitating for electric stroet care, which a very enjoyable time wae s pe�t; Bave some very amusing eketchea. � literatnre, minieterial atri�Ciie�j und pra- , atlnded to tbe many r in ol}der to keep up with the electric �,n egcellent pro r�n was iven, show- P'��e� Ar..�itat.—On the arrival of p' I. M�rTnvc�.—At 'the meet of dence, nnd aleo the eni.'"b%nese to onr edi- m4nifeetiatioae of good will that hed been . li�Ht: boom in I3erisall; we would make .. � � the Patrone of I�dustrv, which wae $ostion ot the � nnoetentationsl the �iuggeation that there is e�5ch a�n� that the .eac er, Mr owery, had the four rrain Monday. conaider�ble gitte o!' r Btew�iC�, and in q ehown lnm, and stabed '�: with his usun,l ener held x�t Holmea�ille on Thureday enen- thst hed he known ee maoh at the time gy. endea vored to commotion was caueed by the vigoiows „ view ot the eiatean qeate ot a�ored end ,. •thin�' ae frictional e�ectricity, and, in ,�they had a debate, subject, �f%hieh . n�g from the letters that .have a b$ve it prove a eucceas. If we ma,y r�nd continued blowing of the factory � hmp y memorias, wa rqipeW 1he +1rowe re- Brnoefield people flret approsahed him as f!��� P- jud�e from the dfeplay of bloesoms on wh'tetle. Citizene were hastil mnking wi 1 be to the country's beat interest,Eo ��.�ed i� the asll oi;, .` congr�ebion to be did now, he moat aesnredly wonld not • 1 rpe ared in several of the county papere the fruit trees, we have the romise of for the ecene when it was discovered bAve all profeesional inen or all farnh- bim, promieinq him• �dae reepeo t eu- bBye allowed the matter to go se far ee �t , ��" �' 'durin the ast fe�v meeke we would P ' era to govern the country at the res- g p ��' � an�t�bundnnceof fruitthissensen. We � be an ovation or melcome tendered +� � oonraaemeut and obedienoe ir# the Lord; bed. He had no wieh to leave Olinton, ,-� :$�ink there was enough friction in tha�t ent time. J. W. ieo took the ei e of slthoa h� erfeotl were nery eorrq indeed to hear of the �r Ingram, one of the partnere, who nnd tnrther, erigage to oqntril�nte tn hie 6 P y willing bo make the C �,, �viCiflit to run a etreet car clear from y was at that moment ste g the tarmere, and John Marqtue s ok� aaorifioe if Presbyter� eo deoided. �Ie 0n• `` S' sudden and untimel death of Mr J, ppin o� the � eniteble m6intenanae oo�liort snd health, `y� • "•.'.$ip"tieritoToronto, provided, of coursey Ta lor, brother of Mr Andrew Ta .lor train with his bride. He t�&s married foc the profesaional etde. Decieion se G1od ma � � tertt►ined nothin bnt thekin$eeb o[ feelin 9 ��b;there twae no etop n, s at 8ea- y q � waa given in favor of Mr Yeo. Jud es, Y proeper ne—Oeu�ried unani- 8 g ; p� teacher in 8.9. No. 7. The townahi in Lucknow to Mias Middleton. The g monely, for the Brnoeflel3 people, who had been `y, £o"rtb. 'rhe .Methodis t s are mnkin p 9� J. McCartney, J. Jarvis and W. $. most generone and oonsiderate in thelr g council has adverbised for tendera for have tnk�n u their residence in the lldeeera �. MaMnrohie, A. Innie, J. pcott, .:; k��� v reat prepariatiotis for the demonatra- P Lawrence. Thie orga,nization ie in- treatment of bim. The mone difference '� 4• a , the work of cleaning up the Kinburn house lately vacated by Mr $ymonde. J. MaGFarva and D.'MaTavieh, jr., were Y ion in connection qfith the la��q�n of creaein in membership, partiea join- in the two ositions had ao wei h r � � ewamp, in accordance with the recent A weleome and congratnlations are in g � b�en nppointed to represent the.00ngrega- P g t with . ,„ the corner etone. Rev. J. 8. Hen er- by-la�pv made and provided, and eo eoon in at a moet all meetin s: thon h he needed mone s � son and Rev. Mr McDonald, of the order. _ � g tion' snd yonnq people st tLe meeting of bim, g y e mach a,e us nil the necessary preliminariea are NoT�s.—A succesaion of thunder and• Preebytery, Bnd the meeting adjonrned, other people. Bnt it wae for the Presby. , • Ba3Yfleld i'oad, exchanged pulpite ln,at �,rr�,n ed the wqrk will likel be pro- Helgrave. tery to deoide se to where he oobld be the x;; ' Sabbabh, ' R.ev. Mr Swann of London � rain etorms have prevailed hete for A meetin moet nsefnl and l�e left bhe ma�ttet entirel • + + ceede� with. ' Mr Thos. Curbert of the g oi Hnron Preab tery wae + y . �"� oCcupieiYthe putpit oP the Methodiet + the pnst week. Mra Jamieson wae the NoT�s.—The coal str'ke is afiectiwg � in their handa. �{ravel road, laeb week sold a ftne Berk- gueat of Mrs Richmond this• w held W R'illie ohnroh, on T4e ay morn- chu�Cli Sabbath morning laet. J. O. ghire boar to Mx J. Ha an, of Morris. �ek. the Gt. T. R. freight tia,�e; people can- �� g�v. Mr Hsmilton, m.pd�rator ro It wse moved by Rev M'r Mnegrave, snd 171ausen had an auction sale of harnees � Miss Agnes Bn,bb is vieiting frieh�'a in not get care for ehippirlg purposes; E. tem in ' P eeoonded by Rev J. 8. Hendereon, ,. Mr E. McVillie, on the llth con., ie MitetYell. Mr Mosee Burlin a , the ohnir. A?r G}ntBrie, a etndent, thst the �-��� on Tuesday, Messre T. Fitzgerald, W. movin and enlar m his burn and S+ familiar LivingstonA has reduced the number reaohed before the Preab e and wae oall from Brncefleld to Rev A. Btewart be �. Northcott and J. a. $toueman �ttend- g g g flgute,returned on Thursday fromPick- and a qf his men. Miea L. Ruth has � �� 1 utting stabling under it; and Mr Jae. p 9• oeneed to preaoh the gospe . aet aeide. Both the mover and seoonder ed the districu meetinq in C1linton on � ford, Mich., where he has resided for a been boffie visiting ,for a day or two. epoke to this resolation, ae did aiso Reve �J oon Pis also enlarging his barn; Mr few months. Mesare Wwteon and Dr. A ew The aall to the Rev. A. �tewart, paetor Friday laet. Frida� �and 8aturday McVittie, of Attwood has both con- 8'�H. Depent a few days it� Foregt. Mesere Anderson and Aoheeon, eaoh end next being the meetin� of the South tracte and there ie no� doubt but that Emigh slripped another car load a! Rsv. J ykP will •-��,peeach ., �o the ot Willie ohnroh, Olinton, fr6in BrnoeBeld all oommending the noble attitnde oi the ��'� Huron TeaaheTa Aseociation, of which 'hogQ to Montreal on Saturdn,y and en,t-� todqe of the A. O. U. W. on ,5ab$ath congregation aame np befotib Pre�bytery, in willis oon re ation w thoae joba will be well done as Mr Mc- g g , hile eympat}uzing Mr J, 'P. Wren, Principal of Hensall � tle on Tueaday. Divieion Uourt Olerk, afternoon neat in the Methodlat chureh tbe eiternoon, for linel diepoeition, qnite dee 1 with the Srucefield con �,.,�, echool. ia Preaident, the sch o '11 be �ittie is a spleY�did framer. It ie four P 9 gregation. yeara ago thie week, since those three �ampbell wae in Clinton on Tuesdu�y. r�t 2:30. The raina hav6;,.4topped gar• n nnmber ot the membera ot hie anngrega- Rev Mr MeLean aleo ma8e n few remerks. ,,, � closed on Friday. mase mee 'ng youpg men — Hamilton Little and Mies E. �ateon ie vieiting in Hamil- daning i�ere, but will:ddi��tlese benefit tion bein� present. Tiie motion waa carried nnnriimousl ���u: , 04 the su urtere of Mr b. Weismil r � ton; we trust the change ,�nwy pxove the haq crop. , Tlee foltowing were Elee reasos�afor l�ie trana. Mr Fotherin ham a oke n few word�, pp Qole got their backs broken in trlkin�g beneficial to her health. �1%1C ��par�ing, w+ -� - Zation edented by Ehe seeato�Y ¢n� conflrega- eapressing his ghigh admirabion oY Mr � was held on Tuesda�p and wae fai� down the bnp�� on the fartn of Mr G}. Wingh��n, wn�s in towt� On �.`ue$iiAy. 6ummerl►ill tian of Bruce,1Feld cbripreyat�' 'n• �� 8tewort'e oondact thronghont, ancl 6he wetl attended; thQ meeting was -- $amil�on, and thoae youn men are ,'p`;; dr , d b�+ Mr flampbell, of Algoma; �t}ll liv�ng, but in a eowewhat k�el� p�e�� Knights of the road ttrb becotning NoT�s.--Our band is again on praa 1• We believe'thel Riv �l.. 86eiova,rb is, Prea ery wae edjonrne8, when D2r Btew- " Mr�eiemiller and cstH�rec... __.. �p�qditibn. MrTambl �p nfPorb•Hope numerous; the ooler bad-[i„n ocG}tp�,t�t tice for the coming 12th. Mr ei, A. by hie giita an8 grsoes dxd other.t�neti8o�. ort � enrronnded by friende oongrata- �.� ..+� , .,��, a..;, Y, + � on Monda ni �t. A mie�ion is beit� is at resent �, in is bPother who y� ��cott, of Blyth, on Sn,tUrdaq, d�liver- tione, nstnrnl� aud. ncc,�ni�CaB� 6�u�nenblq �t• lating him on ihe re�nit. ' AshB�elri. ''� p p� g� � conducted �rt t, Michaels R. U. churC ed � J. W. Hill a 8ne set oP furniture• ti� to baild ap snd ootisol��A�6 iu,�it obagre- rebid_��@ on the 2th c n., � vieit. Mra . thta week; the Rev. Fathers Quigiey, Ab, is n, huetler. 5ever�,l iiedv culrerta Betion, snd roti�otp tbe epitiii��►i t�`bll-Win We need eobroel ea thst Ehe d NoT�s�The farmere flnished �their Jas•,ElgYgg of the 13th con., hae been geily and KenBy are t�kibg�� p��rt iu � 8 Y 9 e4iaion seedin�g "earlier trhis yP�ar than �they nerq law far some time, but at preeent the services. Mre A�-. F� M�Ei:q �on are required in this vicinitj� owing to o! onr peop e. ���:�� • bi �reebJ,kery �g eminentlq estie�'�q�pry to • h�ve done for ye�rs. There are �rattd 1�er friende have �ome hope of her re- and ohildren left for, Bufx'al'b iin•'�,+hurg. the lare raipe. J. W. Hill lOst a� flne �• We 4hink we hl►�* , iy �`ri» thaau,peop% oi town. Where Mr �iewert • �prospeets for a large cro_p n� fryib #n �b�t9r � �; . dn mdrni�a . to oin t�' `M�: b. ' mat� a»d�cdlt tliie tceek. Onr teaeher, denoe thst in o�lling� �, :�Senp�►e hsa �Q aaoop�sefqllyr and.effioien�ty labored, ' , t8[n'vi�cinitp thig qebr: The .weather . . . . �"� ,, , _, : —.,..-� Y g i . , , , , ��i� �an, Mr C�. M. Kiltq, AtEeticie' t�ib��n�etin our ,pietor, we irtl Zar�ib �1��ng� �►n7 qth , `reeuli t9onTd a�ve been � �►r�ed / ..�«:',;�k , r .. Rr N "�qi�#tnqe'�in. . t '. �� f�een eYtreuu�ely' �t�aid nnd�'We� tit'r ` '�e 2i'� �ilA w lib. •rent �o who alr� holde a:t'uat�df�wtibe�'e. .� the `�V'ee� Hurr�ti Te4bher�' Ih�ti �it,tl •'- °' , . _ _ , � .. , . _ . . . . oi t'roWdbnbd:, , , . , : , . . r ., d we 11 pone�od,�ed �h�� � � Th , � ' � �. e,. �fi ,y wi , be A��h� i��'�p'�t�to e. .. W� �lio baiUwl �� 16e �iM;wl�i4t�. b*�p �+�d b�herU ill ou� . , �la�m0 da�!a; tbie b�nci,ig vyet�e� ntr'av ` �► �ia ber� tcir tiie - �►�ob ,>"�Y'� !.����'.out� citi n a�ti �e , �:eWr an. Fr�ds apd ;�pr�d�+,� � � ' � �' , a � , � . ., k�a !?� , . � � ,� _ M '� g�bt�� , ;� th�i . . . M►ta�i sap�aanr;�Y . . . . , t�i�iii►d. �b 1��� �c� bi'ir d�ring� . : J' �C �a"�V�h ' �liri; �►fid �ld�th�' t . r , , , � ` _ #Ya «►r►'ti►f � �1�r' � � .. . � 'nVdtm���a Aw't te►�' �t�r �.'1� y ai�atea� � . � , .. . . '. K , � - , . . Q: i':�itbit"�t;, (il�. � ��n�1t�w� , �qaFfl�ld 1�i'al� � P�� bi[tr� ; , . , i'►��ri�4AX . '. q ' ; � �� r ' , . " �: ° � K . , , , ., : , ; , � ,� ,, ,., , . . .:, . .... � , ,.. . �+ . . ,_ . . .. ._. . . ... . . �ii _ ,. • .l �.��., ..�,� ..(� . «_;�c ... ..,.._icek.i:..x.i.Y4;.+1:..