HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-05-18, Page 7r 8 1894, 4TI0 ir1AIIiY IE'AI1 MING. ens and Prein1er,may wed, At least Timor Saye- that the Earl of Rove, begrand old man's suooeasor, and Maud, the youngest daughter of e of Wales, are engaged. The t is by far the be looking of the terga, And would be oonsiderod la ty even .did the pot belong to the Fly. But, though only 24 yeare horonghly well educated, a good nc feer, her most eetimable quell.- aefui a ltnplishment is that she Salient . a makerof bgiier 'e:o her - She comes honestly enough by en* : through her Danish mother— tle man sea-girt kingdom in northern being jenny famed as the home of t batter -makers in the -world. What- did hat did example as a proepeoliVe wife "e�•�' inoeseMaud pets the young women Of this great' farming oonntry. It does not neoesaarily follow that every pretty girl who can make the best of but- ter—even beat her mother at it—will catch it premier for a husband, ',though that Would be none too good. a thing to happen her, but her, chances in:, the matrimonial market of getting a prize should and un- doubtedly would ,be immeasurably in. creased. Dairying—the making of butter and cheese-is'the agricultural art above all ()there that modern soience and invention, oupled with the distance -destroying steam. a • in ' of tolday, have placed in the very fore -front ae a profitable' branch of farm• ing in Ontario:, Deep-set milk pans, pow- er cream separators, the thBalm*milk- tester, improved churns, new apparatus and processes for cheese -making, as well as a better system of packing butter for arkets, not to men. THE CLrr TON EW ERA BLASPHEMED AND DIED, The people of Calumet are not more superstitious than their neighbors, but t1 y, do believe in divine interposition, -and all as more so because of recent events, A few nights ago Farmer Joseph Remile rd was found drowned in a ditch by the side of the road, He waslying on his face, embedded in the mad and covered by about an inch of water. His horse was entang- ed in the harness. It was evident that Remillard had been thrown from: the vehicle, but it hardly seemed possible that a person could be killed so easy. The dead an wee a crusty old bachelor. He had a way of getting drunk on slight pro'rooation. Hie mother brought him up In the Oatho- 1 ie ahnroh•, bat Joseph fell away. Like many Frenohmen who backslide, be be- came a bitter and uncompromising atheist believing neither in God nor in religion of any kind. Before leaving on what proved to be a fatal trip, Remillard blasphemed the Saviour shockingly, using the most awful, epithets. An hour later he was dead. Everybody in Calnmet believes that his death was a direct visitation of Provi- dence, for he sorely would not have died in the ordinary coarse of events, from so Blight a cause as falling into a ditoh. Calumet people cite the Dose of another man who was brought up in Calumet and became an apostate. As he was an in- telligent men, his anathemas against the Catholic Chnroh, and religion attracted good deal of attention, Two or three years ago he stood in a party of men curving God with terrible oaths. Suddenly he be- came dumb as an ox, and from that day to this has never uttered an articulate sound. The man is in good health, and physicians have been utterly unable to account for his malady, except on the ground of Provi- dential interterence. Ho is now seeking a cure for his terrible affliction in an eastern city. shipment to far awe tion minor details n which decided ad- vancement h een made, have praotioal- ly revolutio zed the dairy business. • Then the slow but sure "breeding -up" process going on in the average miloh cow of the Province thronghjudicions blendings with the best blood of well recognized milk- ing strains of cattle, is an element of ex- traordinary value in estimating the present Jekof this important branch of the 'greatest Industry in the county. • The World's Columbian Exposition at Chiafi,go, with its sweeping successes for Canadian dairying, is of enormous benefit to us in Ontario who will profit by the les - : Bens taught thereby, and follow up the tremenduous advantage such an advertise - Ment as that was of the Province's capab- ilities.in the production of the finest butter and cheese. It is not to be wondered at, therefore, -that the,l7th annual conventions of the two Dairymen's Associations, those of 'eastern and western Ontario, dealing with Sheese making, and that of the Creamer- 's' Assooiation of .Ontario, covering the elo province in its scope as a gathering btittarl;7naker ; .should this year have n brigh'ter`dnd better than any held be - his hopeful condition of things is evi- t to anyone who will look through the clearly printed pages containing ex- ded verbatim reports of the speech de, the papers read and the interesting seusaions thereon at these . meetings, 'which has been published under authority of .the Minister of Agriculture; Hon. John Dryden. Incidental to the invaluable teohni;•,tf in- formation for butter and cheese makers imparted by these export dr`r`ymen in their essays, addresses and talks across the table, is a perfect treasure mine of general agricultural lore—useful k;,ow1edge to any farmer who want to k •,p abreast of the timesin hie profeesior• The book will be .found .good reading '-by all who have at heart the welfare and progress of agricul- ture in Qtario; All that has • been said about the above Pw, 1'ktion as of especial interest to the fa ere of Ontario jest now is applicable w h intensifiedrelevance to another omana- on from the same Governmental source— a special bulletin dated Toronto, May Ist, 1804, entitled "Daiying in Ontario," pre- pared by the Department of Agriculture. A simple list of the questions treated in it with exhaustive Dare and minute exactness as to facts of figures, mast suffice to whet the appetite for this opportune and pre- sently precious pamphlet. Here they are: Have Dairy products decreased in pride in Ontario as mach as grain? Is dairying less exhaustive upon the soil than other methods of farming? R Is Ontario adapted to daiying? Have the dairy exports of Canada been increasing or decreasing? What aboat the exports from the United States? With what countries other than the 'United States do we compete in the Brit- ish market? In what way has Denmark got such a hold upon the British market? What has been done in Ontario in the way of making butter in creameries? What is the difference in price between different grades of butter? Will the use of improved , methods in- crease the quantity of butter? Are there any other advantages in the no -operative system of butter or cheese- makingl? What will be the cost of a factory; with plans for a centrifugal creamery, capacity 500 cows; or ode on the cream -gathering principle with a capacity for 500 -Ac 700 cows? What will it cost to equip a factory? What is the best way to start a factory or creamery? What is the best method of conducting the business? How may a Dairy Company become init corporated? , What ants have been passed by the On' tario Legislature in regard to creameries and cheese factories? Application to the Department of Agri- oulture4,Terento, will bring copies of these two publications by the Ontario Govern- ment to all who will take the trouble to write on a post card their names and ad- dresses. r, ECONOMY AND STRENGTH. Valuable vegetable remedies are used in the preparation of Hood's Sarsaparilla in such a peculiar manner as to retain the full medical value of every ingredient. , Thus Hood's Sarsaparilla combines aeon- omy and strength and is the only remedy of which "100 doses $1" is true. Be sure to get Hood's. Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily and efficiently. WHAT JIMMY KNE " ABOUT MOSES It is very common . ow in the primary schools for teachers tr entertain their little scholars with stories A few days ago the teacher" was telling the children about rharoah's daughter finding the babe in the bnlruahea. 'Now ohildren," said she, "how many of you ow anything about Moses?" Only one hanvkwent np. "That's '-4,44,7 y ! s. glad en see there is ono * yeew- a:' 1 has . heti ,d of him be - wee 111oso=?" "He's the wanted t0 , owhere no lw, light wA„ii ant ” exclaimed TEACHER AND TRUSTEES. The Kingsville school board, wishing to get a cheaper teacher, advertised for a principal. Mr Henderson, the present principal applied as follows:— understand that the Kingsville school board has deoided to advertise for a prin- cipal. I hereby make application for the position. I ask a salary of $240, will take $200 and board around. Will also agree to work for Elihu Scratch, John Scratch and Chas, Quick during vacation. If the pipe line is not completed I will assist S. T. Copus in the management.' I will also agree to subscribe $50 to the Church of England providing it is supplied by the board; if necessary, I will join said church. I will also agree to see that the standing of the Kingsville public school is recluse. from its present position of b'u' in the county to that of the worst. G...T'. HENDERSON. P. S.—In case the:, Should be a lower. figure than mine IRill agree to sweep the school house aid act as truant officer. If this don't ..dcure the situation, I want anothe-chance to apply. G. E. H. file California Midwinter Fair will close on June 1. It has proved a decided suc- cess financially and otherwise. Minard's Liniment relieves Nenralgia. Abner Chase Ellis, aged 81, one of Essex County's oldest residents, died at Windsor on friday after a lingering illness. "'Tis strange but true; for truth is always strange. Thousands testify to the face that sick and nervous headache, neuralgia and b•1- lioueness are immediately and permanent- ly cared by Stark's powders. All medicine dealers sell them at 25c per box. Lime Water. The uses of so homely an article as lime about the household are almost -innumer- able. One sees the hodman on a new build- ing keep his drinking water in a pail coated with lime, and one thinks it is a poor re• ceptacle for the universal beverage. Yet it would not be so good or so pure served in a silver ice pitcher. A tablespoonful of lime water in a glass of milk is a remedy for summer complaint, It corrects acid- ity of the stomach. It prevents' the turn- ing of milk or cream, and a cupful added to bread sponge will keep it from sour- ing. Allowed to evaporate from a vessel on the stove, it will alleviate the distresses due to lung fever croup or diphtheria. It will sweeten and purify bottles, jugs, etc. Lime itself, as every one knows, is in- valuable as a purifier and disinfectant. Sprinkled in cellars, or closets, where there is a slight dampness, it will not only serve as a purifier, but will prevent the invasion of noxious animals. It is one of the notable instances of the economy and the bounty of Nature that this article so common and cheap is serviceable in so many instances. His Desperate Resolve. "Yon—you will not do anything rash, Mr. Haralong, will you?" exclaimed the young woman, in a trembling voice. The rejected lover, pale but resolute, roes slowly to his feet. "Henrietta Plunkett!" he answered, through his set teeth, "I will! Just as surely as you stand there, proud, heart- less beauty that you are, I shall be in the South Sea islands six months from now, the happy husband of fourteen wives1"— Chicago Tribune. A Long Railway. The longest reach of railway without a carve is that of the new Argentine Pacific Railway from Bnenoe Ayres to the foot of the Andes. For 211 miles it is without a Curve and has no cutting or embankment deeper than two or thtee feet. Win* Used In France. - The annual consumption of wine in France averages twenty-three galloon for each person. How to Cook Pancakes. In order to hate light pancakes it fa ab- solutely essential to have a quick fire and the griddle or pan smoking hot. For those who have many cakes to cook at a time a high, narrow tin pail, with a long .pont ,sand a handle at the back near the bottom, is convenient, but one can manage with it pitcher that has a good lip. It is not wise to try to mix the batter in tho pitcher, for it cannot be done thoroughly. A Walnut Conundrum Party. Take English walnuts, crack them ex. aptly in half, remove the meats and gild the outside of the shells; place a conun- drum and answer in the shell and tie to- gether with narrow ribbon; distribute a Ong the guests, let oath iiad his conn. drum, giving the comiee7 n opportunity guess; intersperse /the' eadin of the nndrnms,; NI r ,sic, DCN'r WQRRY! FTRY'. iUNLictirsoAp IT BRINGS COMFORT nn• WASH DAY DON'T MISS THIS TEN DOZEN Men's Summer Fiannel SHIRT Well worth 75c Each For 35c -Each or 3 for $1 ROBT. COATS & SON, CLINTON A OHANOE FOR EVERYBODY ----WE HAVE JUST PURCHASED A LINE OF -- Bedroom, .Suites, Sideboards E$tension Tables and Lounges At a big reduction on the regular price, and we are going to give our customers the benefit of this reduction; so now is your chance to make your home look neat for very little money. Spade will not allow us to quote prices, as we "have so many different lines, but come and see for yourself what great bargains we have to offer you. Parlor Suites, Centre Tables, .va11 Racks Book Combs. Secretaries, Bed Springs, Mattresses And everything in our line cheaper than ever. We want your trade, and if Good Goods, Low Prices and Honest Dealings,is what you want, we will have it. Furniture to suit everybody. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. JOS. CHIDLEY JR.,Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night Calla Answered vis residence, King Strest, opposite the Foundry. GOOD NEWS THIS IS SOMETHING PEOPLE ALWAYS LIKE TO HEAR. This week we have opened out a fine assortment of TINWARE which has already been much admired for its cheapness and good quality. We are oleo well supplied with FIELD . and GARDEN SEEDS, FENCE WIRE, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, &c. �1TTTt•'T'tIC We have Suits for Men and Boys, and make np fine Cloth - i.7 `.J 1 �L I�.,7 ing to order at very low rates. We will be pleased to have you call and examine goods and compare prices. We give good bargains all through the stock and every day. Prodao° taken as cash or we will pay cash for most kinds of produce. ADAMS!' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS. RUMBALL' 5 CflILGZ FACTORY Huron Street, inton We have on hand an assortment of splendid 5 MX STORE IS FILLED UP WITR NICE, NEW, GOOD. FURNITURE -41.1r LOW PRICES—BOU(*WV RIGRT TO, 0FLL' ,AT It11,IALL FROFXTS louse - Cleaning in - Time - Coming BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS; Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship. I you want a good article at the price of a poor ono, call and see us. Ft . iF i in .4LLL, -- CILINTOIv • LAME BACites NEURAtGIA,PLEUR Y;SCiAtlCA 'AND' RHEO -isM.. CURED'EVERY TIME W "1).84 ` .� ' HOL PASTERosEn. .4i SIDEBO ARDS -=A nice Sideboard in 16th century, an - 1 clue, - &e= Light finish, $O.50—new goods just in.. BAMBOO .TABLES 25c. 30e. and 40c `come to hand. POLISHED WALNUT BEDROOM SUITS $20, A lot of Mattresses, Lounges, Spring Beds. CUI portedAggIodNs,PfOmLES 25o and l fixings, in - up. Poles in Oak, Parlor Suite &o. Enamel, blaolt or assorted colors. BEDROOM SUITS from 4510.5011P MIRRORS in different sizes, Furniture in Oak and other woods: FANCY ROCKERS in stuffed bot. tome and Rattan Chairs. CentreiTablee Large stook of Picture Mouldings in Oak, and Extension Tables. Tarbox's patent Gilt,New Shades. Frames made to order Pillow Sham Holders. tJ. C. STEVENSON :: rnrnittu,re Emporium, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. me IN To our customers .who have helped us to make our last year the best in the history of the firm, we tender our best thanks, and assure them-wewill will spare no efforts to not only retain their trade, but to give them, .Ven better value for their money or produce than heretofore. We have just closed the purchase of ONE CAR LOAD OF SUGAR . Direct from Redpath's refinery (without doubt the best Sugar produced in Canada) which we will Bell by the dollars worth or by the barrel at prices that cannot be beaten. TEAS, COFFEEES, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS Andleverything pertaining to a first-class trade as low as the lowest. We believe we are within the mark, when we say our BLACK TEA at 50n a lb. beats the town. We have had a large sale of CROCKERY lately which has diminished our stock somewhat, but have a nine assortment arriving whioh we will be pleased to show intending purchasers. Call and get prices before buying. 11161MURRAY & WILTSE, NearPostOfce—CENTRAL.1 ROS r,'R --Telephone 40 welcomIIIIT It in41 &UIO C1ea�iagTimo We offer full lines of Scrubbing Brushes, Stove Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Whitewash Brushes, Self -wringing Mops and Mop handles, Patent Brooms, &c., Whiting, Pearline, Sapolio, Washing Soda and Washing Crystal. SOAPS—Sunlight, Sunbeam, IIome Sweet Home, Surprise, Wide Awake, N. P., Victor, 0. K., Electric, Dingman's, Amonia, Niagara. Standard, Century Soap. TOILET SOAPS—Pure White Castile and Oatmeal Bars, Heliotrope, Baby's Own, Home Comfort, Carbolic, Tar, Sulphur, Master Mechanics will remove tar and grease from the hands. CROCKERY—During April we offer Toilet Sets, Dinner and Tea sets at greatly re- duced prices for cash. We cannot be excelled in the quality and flavor of our TEAS, either in Black, Green or Japans. Special cuts in Teas and Sugars in quantities. Cann- ed goods, Pickles, Spices. Hams, Bacon, Lard, Cottolene, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Flaked Peas, Flaked Hominy. We continue to offer special inducements to cash purchasers N. ROBSON, -- • Clinton ()LIN TON. Sash, Door & Blilld Factory :: S. S. COOPER, Proprietor : Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We prepare plans and estimates for a]1 kinds of residences, and execute contracts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also carry in stock all kinds of Window Sash, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &c. Persons who intend to build will find it to their own interest to see me before sodoing. S, S. COOPER, Clinton Have a Very Bad Cough. . Are Suffering from Lung1I'roubles. Have Ldst Flesh through Illness. Are 7_ hreatened with Consumption. _Remember that they • .t/ /44l/c, IS WHAT YOU •(EQUIRE- fir THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD .. 0 0 OXFORD �Is Everybody's wlthoutv;7^tt. Cook Stove. 1 Makes and Burns ttU O::'7.Gas See it. From Common Coal Oil. NCO DIRT, NO HEAT IN THE KITCHEN. Cooks a Family Dinner for Two Cents.. That will burn ROUGH WOOD and COAL ...Equally Well... Tfle OXFOPD �R�IAiE :: will do It :: Has the Largest Oven, 1.5 A FARf11:R'S STOVE Til-' 03:1'' 'D AIL GAS COOK STOVE 1 The GURNEY FOUNDRY COI, Ltd., TORONTO: