HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-05-18, Page 2Kay. 18, 1894 • E IPAX MAY 18, 1894. General Application. The following extract is taken from the Hamilton Times, and was written goncerning the constituency of North Wentworth, but it has so general an application that we feel justified in republishing it:— "The platform of the Patrons has very little to do with Provincial poll - 'tics. Apart from the minor question of the method of appointment and of payment of officials, it deals altogethr e With Dominion issues, and the reforms which the Patrons demand in Domin- ion legislation and administration are the same that the Liberal party have been struggling for during the last fif- teen years. When the Dbminion elec- tions come ou, the Patron organiza- tion may make itself useful. But the Mowat Government has been the far- mers' friend throughout its whole ca- reer, and for farmers to elect a Conser- vative, under the name of a Patron, to oppose the Government would be both ungrateful and a blunder." Crisp County Clippings Brussels population is 1200, an in• crease of 51 over last year. Mr 11 D. Wilson, Seaforth, is now feeding a fifteen months old steer which brings down the scales at 1,254 pounds. Messrs Frank and Archibald Barrett left Seaforth for Port Finlay. Algoma, where they have purchased a farm. Mr and Mrs Megaw, of Goderich, left for Vernon, B. C., on Tuesday, to visit their son, Wm. Megaw, who is ill in that city. Wm. Brunner, son of Mr Brunner, of Stephen, died in St. Joseph's hospi- tal, Guelph, of inflammation of the bowels. Master Alfred Whitman, of Kippen, got his arm broken on Friday by fall- ing out of a wagon, the horse taking ., fright at Mr Peter Cameron's dog. G. Little, of Winthrop, has purchas- ed a blacksmithing business at Nor- wich,'for which place he left last week to take possession of it. Mr Jaynes Berry has leased the Mc- Naughton farm, being lot 23, con. 3, L.R.S., Tuckersmith, and has remov- ed to reside on that farm. The farm is one of the best in the township, and contains 100 acres. ' Airs D. Cameron intends leaving Brucefield this week for Manitoba, where she goes to take up her abode with her sons. Mrs Cameron is an old and highly respected residentaof Br.ucefield. At last accounts Mr S. J. Reid, who has been ill for two months with typhoid fever in the Kingston hospital was improving slowly and as soon as his condition will permit he will be removed to Goderich to spend the summer. "Ten people out of a dozen are invalids," stye a recent medical authority. At least eight out of ten, it is safe to allow, are suf- fering from some form of blood disease which a persistent use of A_yer's Sarsapar- illa would be sure to cure. Then, don't be an invalid. Wm. Scott, cattle buyer of Seaforth, purchased 15 head of cattle from Dun- can McLauchlin, of Grey, last week. They were weighed on the market scales on Thursday, the total weight i being 20,220 pounds, an average of Owen Smith, an old and highly es- „ teemed resident of con. 4, Grey, was called to his reward on Saturday morn- ing last. About 4 weeks previous to his decease he got a sliver in his right hand and the wound festered and blood poisoning followed despite all that could be done. His age was 63 years, 11 months and 10 days. Mr Thomas McElroy has purchased the farm of Mr John L. Brown, on the 9th con., McKillop, west from Win- throp. The farm contains 50 acres, and was bought for $2,200. It adjoins Mr.. McElroy's present farm, and gives him a nice 100 acre farm. Mr W. S. Bean, who has been in the mercantile business it Gorrie for near- ly fifteen years, has intimated to the public that he intends to retire. He •will remove to Woodstock, where he will take charge of his brother's busi- ness. RHEUMATISM CORED IN A DAY.—South Am- erica Rheumatic Cures for Rheumatism and Nenrlgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re- markable and mysterious. It removes at once the canoe, and the disease immediate ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene- fits. Sold by WATTS & Co., druggists. Uriah McFadden, one of the leading men of Grey township, died on Wed- nesday last of cancer of the stomach. He was known very favorably as the President of the East Huron Farmers' Institute, a position he has held ever since it started until this year, when he quit on account of failing health. One of the saddest events which have taken place in this neighborhood for some time, was the death, on Mon- day evening, of William Wesley Con- sitt, aged 6 years and 11 months, eldest and only remaining son of Mr Thomas Consitt, of the Parr Line, Stanley. The little fellow had been ill for sever- al weeks, of some affection of the heart, and what makes the event seem all the more distressing is that only in February last the bereaved parents were called upon to bury out of their sight their youngest child. Rev. Mr Martin, of Exeter, had a narrow escape from serious injury on Sunday evening. While returning home from preaching in the Thames Road church, during the dark storm of that night, he collided with a buggy driven by Mr Harvey. As both rigs were driving at a considerable pace the collision was so violent that Mr Martin's cart was upset and the oc- cupants thrown with considerable force into the ditch. As it was, how- ever, a blacksmith's bill of a dollar or two, and a liberal application of arnica will repair all damages. At the East Huron Patron Con ven- tion, held a short time ago in Brussels, no person was more outspoken on the line of independence arid cutting aloof from old party lines t an Thos. E. Hays, of 3lcl4llldp towels ip, nor was there a namear m e ire tt lyfesso ' ed with resdlutiene favid . the noire, of a Patron candi than his, and all this in the face of havin a con- servative candidate in the field. So far so good, but at the East Huron Conservative Association meeting last. Friday, the same Mr Hays is appointed chairman of McKillop and of -coarse his business will be to boom the cause of Mr Dickinson, the Conservative. This is a case of two strings to a how with a vengeance, and alxould prove to the most skeptical that talk is cheap and that the great anxiety of several leading Conservatives to get a Reform Patron in the contest was simply a dodge with the hope of splitting up the Liberal vote.—Brussels Post. WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION Will be of value to the world by illustrat- ing the improvements in the mechanical arts, and eminent physicians will tell you that the progress in medical agents has been of equal importance, and as a strength- ening laxative that Syrup of Fige is far in advance of all others. Political Notes. G. G. B. Lindsey, the Liberal candidate for West Toronto, is a grandson of William. Lyon McKenzie. He is a Torontonian by birth, and an able man. Mr Lindsey should win if merit counts. A. Gifford. •Meaford, member of the Grand Board of the Patrons of Indus- try, in speaking of the Patrons' chances in the coming election said:— We are at least sure of 25 seats, with prospects looking good for more. Our members are very active and are doing hard work to have their representa- tives elected.. Since 1867 Hon. John Baxter has rep- resented Haldimand in the Ontario Legislature; with majorities ranging from sixty upwards. His majority in 1890 was 333. He was re -nominated b}9 the Haldimand Liberals who promised him that 1894 would see his eighth suc- cessive victory. The Dominion Auditor -General points out that there was $13,000 personal ex- penses in conneotion with the Canadian representatives' trip to the Paris arbitra- tion which was not covered by vouchers. Of this sum $6,0e0 was expended by Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper. The Mail says the Dominion Govern- ment has already contracted for a sup- ply of ballot boxes for the next general election, stipulating that they shall be ready within ninety days. Does this mean that an election will be sprung on The erection of the Ontario Parlia- ment buildings, involving $1,300,000, was accomplished wi hout mismanage- ment- or the" loss of a dollar by bad methods or crooked ess. It was an Ontario Governmen work. The build- ing of the Curran -•b idge, which was to cost less than $200,000, cost the people $200,000 moreisecause of official mal- feasance and relessness. It was a Dominion Government work. Yet the supporters of the Curran bridge build- ers and boodlers ask the people to op- pose Mowat.—Hamilton Times. At Conrtright on Thursday a sleight-of- hand fakir was amusing a knot of people, who gathered around him, by professing to take money from the pookets of the by- standers. Among the crowd was a big war- like Indian named Tom Nichols. Extend- ing his hands towards Tom's pockete the fakir exhibited a half -dollar, which he claimed he had just taken from the brave's pocket. Accepting this as true, Tom made for the fakir, who took to his heele,but was eventually overtaken in a store. It was not until the fakir had given him a real half - dollar that Tom's anger subsided. The sleight-of-hand man has abandoned for all time the business of seeming to take money from red men's pookets. Before the Fee Commission at Brant- ford Mr Joseph Stratford advanced the opinion that the appointment of officials was safer in the hand° of the Government than when entrusted directly to the people. He bad opportunities for knowing the opin- ion of Americans regarding their elective system, and knew they were very far from satisfied with it. Such appointments he thought ehonld be left with the Govern- ment rather than turned over to the County Councils. Mr Stratford is a pro- minent member of the Patrons of Industry, and, although in thorough sympathy with the lines along which they are working, was strengthened in this view by his per- sonal experience. As this is the only point on which the platform of the Patrons is at variance with the Liberal policy. Mr Stratford's position may indicate that this will not prolong the dissipation of valuable strength in unwise and unnecessary hos- tilities. A PLEASANT SURPRISE is in store for you when you buy Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pel- lets. If you ever took the ordinary liver pill, big and bulky, nasty too, you'd appreciate a good thing, espe- cially when it is sugar- coated, tiny as a mus- tard seed but very effective. Other things being equal, the smallest is the best in liver pills— hence, "Pleasant Pellets." If you are troubled with Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness, Bilious Headaches, and a hundred and one ills which depend upon an inactive liver,—use Dr. Pierce's Pellets. With these pills you get not only temporary relief but a positive cure; they're guaran- tees' to give satisfaction in every case, or your money is returned. For fat people who suffer from indigestion, for hearty eaters and high livers—those whose livers are slu gish, this pill is hat is needed. a a Pellet. dinner. THE CLINTON NEW ERA. The Hamilton Spectator says;—"The report of the commission appointed to in- quire respecting the construction of the bridges over the Lachine Canal at .Mont- real leaves a very painful impression upon the mind of the impartial reader. It die. closes neglect of duty ou the part of offici- als, tolerance of irregular methods and peoulation of others whio7l absolutely shook, the reader by their shamelessness and astound him by their.magnitude. One who firmly holds to Conservative prinoi- ples, and who has faith in the honesty and ability of Dominion Ministers, must lay down the dooument with a feeling almost of despair." Then follows a review of the evidence, and the Conservative journal oonolades thus:—"These are but a few of the fade related in the report. The whole document is a frightful record of extrava- gance, and of something 90 much worse than extravagance than we hesitate to call it by its proper name." A Boos TO Honsinme•—One bottle of Eng- lish Spavin Liniment oompletely removed a curb from my horse. 1 take pleasure in reoommending the remedy, as it ants with mysterious promptness;in the removal from horses of hard, soft ,or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles and sprains. GEORGE ROBB, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by Watts & Co. CABINET MEETINGS. The Telegram says : The Ontario Cabinet held two ling sessions last week, and another meeting will be held this afternoon. All the Ministers are in the city, and they are prompt in their attendance at the meetings. The two questions of importance that have been discussed are the dissolution of the house and the action to be taken on the retirement of Hon. C.F. Fraser. Neither of these questions was definite- ly settled. The wisdom of making the addition to the Cabinet to fill the vacan- cycausedby Mr Fraser's retirement has been decided in the affirmative. Mr. Harty, M. P. P. for Kingston, will re- ceive the portfolio of Provincial Secre- tary, and J. M. Gibson will be promot- ed to the portfolio of Public Works, Mr Fraser's appointment to a position in the gift of the Government must be made before the election. His health will not allow that he should take an active part in the coming campaign. Mr Fraser's chief difficulty is with throat troubles. an ailment that not seriously interferes with his office dut- ies, but practically incapacitates him from the active work required from a Minister of the •Crown. There is no good paeition now open in the gift of the Ontario Government. Every Min- ister of the Cabinet with the exception of the Commissioner of public works has a deputy minister in his office, the salary of such assistants ranging from $2,300 to $3,000. It is just possible that a new office—the of Deputy Commis- sioner of Puplic Works, may be creat- ed, and Hon. C. F. Fraser may retain that work for which he is well adapt- ed and has a particular fondness there- for. "I enclose M. Send me six bottles Roy- al Crown Remedy." R. R. LAIDLAW Blyth. A very pleasant and interesting event of a matrimonial nature took place at the residence of Mr Wm. Alexander, of McKillop, on Wednesday evening last, when his daughter was united in marriage to Mr James McKay, of Tuck- ersmith, Rev. P. Musgrave performing the ceremony. RELIEF- AT LAST. The Experience of a Londesboro Young Lady. A VICTIM Of SEv➢sE PAINS, DIZZINESS AND WATERY BLOOD—AT TIMES COULD NOT GO UP A STEP—HOW SHE !;➢GAINED HEALTH AND STRENGTH. Mies Kate Longman is a yonng lady of about ''22 years of age, who lives with her mother in the pretty little village of Londes- bore, six miles from the town of Clinton. Both are well-known and highly esteemed by their many friends. The NEW Ens, hay. ins' learned that Miss Longman had been a great sufferer and had recently been restor- ed to health by the timely use of a well- known, popular remedy, dispatched a re- presentative to get the particulars of the' case. In reply to the reporter's inquiries Miss Longman said that if her experience might be the means of helping some other sufferer, she was quite willing that it should be made public. "For a long time" she said, "I was very poorly, I was weak, and run down, and at times suffered pains in my back that were simply awful. My blood was in a watery condition, and I was sub- ject to spells of weakness to each an extent that I could not step up a door step to save my life. I doctored a great deal for my sickness but without avail. At last, after having frequently read in the NEW ERA of cures effected by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I determined to give them a trial, and procured a supply from Mr R. Adam°, who keeps a store in the village. The result was that my health soon began to return, the pains and weakness left me and I was again restored to strength." At this moment Mrs Longman entered and bo- ing informedwho the visitor was and what was his mission said, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the greatest medioine known. My daughter was so sick that 1 feared she would die and she continually grew weaker until she began the use of Pink Pills, and they have cured her, as she has not had a recurrence of her trouble since." Miss Longman is now the piotare of health, and declares that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are entitled to the credit. The reporter called upon Mr R. Adams from whom Miss Longman procured the Pink Pills, and he stated that he knew Miss Longman was very ill, suffering from a number of complaints and that after acing Pink Pills her health was restored. Mr Adams says he hasa large demand for Pink Pills, and that they are a very popular medicine. The NEw ERA knows of many others who have benefitted by this remark- able remedy. Dr Williams' Pink Pills are a specific for all diseases arising from an impover- ished condition of the blood or a shattered condition of the nervous forties, such as St. Vitus dance, locomotor ataxia, rheuma- tism, paralysis, sciatica, the after effects of La Grippe, lose of appetite, headache, diz- ziness, chronic erysipelas, scrofula, etc. They are also a speoiflc for the troubles peculiar to the female system, correcting irregularities, suppressions and all forma of female weakness, building anew the blood and restoring the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radical care in all oases arising from mental worry, overwork or exoessea of any nature. Dr. Williams' Pills are mannfaetnred by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Sohdnectady, N. Y., and are sol 'only in boxes bearing their trade mark nd wrapper printed in red ink, at 50 cents x wail boxes for 112.50, and may bo ha of all druggists, or direct by mail from r, Williams' Median e. Co paby,, from Ithe> IT drat). - .1 -NE COULDN'T HELP IT. The man's wife had asked him to go up. stairs and look in' the poolset of her dress for a key she thought was there, and being a man willing to accommodate, he had dope so. It was a long time until be returned, and when he did there was a peculiar look in his eyes. "I can't find any key in the dress of your pooket," he said with a painful effort. "Why," she retorted sharply, "I left it there." "I say I can't find any dress in the pock• et of your key;" he said doggedly. His tone seemed to disturb her. "You didn't half look for it," she insisted. "I tell you I can't find any pocket in the key of your dress," he replied in a dazed kind of way. This time she looked at him. "What's the matter with you?" she asked nervously. "I say," he said, speaking with much effort, "that I can't find any dress in the key of your pocket." She got up and went over to him. "Oh, William," she groaned, "have you been drinking?" He looked at her leerily. "I tell you I can't find any pocket in the dress of your key," he whispered. She began to shake him. "What's the matter? What'e the mat- ter 7' she asked in alarm. The shaking seemed to do him good, and he rubbed his eyes as if he were regaining consciousness. "Wait 'a minute," he said, very slowly I indeed. "Wait a minute. I can't find any dress in—no; I can't find any key in the dress of—no, that's not it; any—any—any pocket. There, that's it," and a flood of light Dame into hie face. "Confound it, I couldn't find any pocket." Then he sat down and laughed hysteri- cally, and his wife, wondering why in the name of goodness men raisdd such a row over finding the pocket in a woman's dress. went upstairs and came back with the key in two minutes. Mr. P. V. WaritaoIL Toronto, Ontario. A Narrow Escape Took Poison. by Mistake Bad Effects Entirely Eliminated by Hood's Sarsaparilla. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen—In April last, through the effects of a dose of strychnine taken in mistake for another drug, I was Laid up in St. John, N. B., for ten days. After this I never seemed to regain my -former health, and continually suf- fered from indigestion and heart palpitation, for which I could get no relief. I thought I would try Hood's Sarsaparilla. After taking one bottle, I felt a little better, so con- tinued using the remedy until I bad consumed six bottles. I found myself gaining strength s'PoCures and flesh every day, and am now as healthy as I was before taking the poison." F. V. Wsxxox.L, representing the Seely Perfumes, 30 Melbourne Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. . Hood's Pills etre liver 111., constipation, *mindless, btlioasneea, sick headache, indigestion. AN HONORABLE RECORD. During the twenty-two years that the affairs of this banner Province of the Canadian Dominion have been ad- ministered by a Reform Government, supported by a Reform Legislature, there has been no ground for scandal, no suspicion of dishonesty, no discrimi nation in favor of a particular class, no attempt to take an unfair advantage of the party in opposition, but an evident determination to to square all political actions wi,.h the moral law, and to base the laws of the Province upon the prin- ciples of justice. The resources of On- tario have been developed by wise liberality; the money belonging to the people that found its way into the Pro- vincial treasury has been expended only for the people's good; the unfor- tunate classes—the sick, the insane, the idiotic, the blind and the deaf and dumb—have been benevolently main- tained, nursed and taught; the educa- tion of the youth has been assisted by an improved school system, to which large grants of Provincial money have been evoted: the great agricultural interest, in the prosperity of which all citizens are concerned, has been foster- ed by the outlays upon the Experi- mental Farm, the Farmers' Institutes, the Travelling Dairy, and the several competitive exhibitions; the crown and timber lands have been judiciously managed; and all these services have been rendered without burdening the labor of the Province with undue taxa- tion. On the question of temperance, the Liberal Government has shown a disposition to carry out the popular will, constitutionally expressed. The rights of minorities have been courage- ously guarded and defended against intolerant attacks; the laws relating to property have been simplified and made workable at reduced expense. In view of these praiseworthy achieve- rnents in the past, the Canadians look with confidence to the future of Onta- rio under the guidance of the respected Grand Old Man who bas so long and so successfully proved his title to their esteem and their support; therefore, all who value honesty and integrity in public men should use every legitimate effort in the corning election on behalf of Sir Oliver Mowat and his Govern- ment. I KNow MINARD'S LINIMENT will euro diphtheria. French Village. Jens D. BoIITn.LIER. 1 KNOW MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure croup. Cape Island I J. P. C uNNrNas' rf. o KNwM INA/RD S LINIMENT i�"the ,beet rernefly os e• gth, d`oiinrtr A.OS KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beet products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to heal'h of the pure liquid laxative prim; es embraced in the • remedy, Syrur of Fige. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening eakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured 'by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. BLACK MINORCA EGGS forHATCHING Eggs that will hatch, from a pen of Thorobred Black Minorcas. This pen is headed by one of the highest scoring male birds in Canada. These birds were:shown at the leading fairs in Huron last fall, carryingpff let and 2nd prize at Exeter, est and 2nd at Clinton, and all the first prizes given for Minorca's at the Seaforth Fair. They stand second to none in the Dominion. Eggs $1 per 13. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write me full in- formation. J. H. REID, SeafortL. PROPERTIES FOR SALE oR To LET HOUSE FOR BALE. A good two-story frame house, conveniently situated on Victoria Street, is offered for sale on reasonable terms. There is a never -failing well on the place, and stable about 1Bxa&. Apply on the premises. DAVID BARGE. FARM FOR SALE. Good farm of Ste acres, within i} miles of Blyth 220 scree neared, for sale or to rent. Apply to J. B. EF.T,T,Y, Blyth, Out CHOICE BUSINESS STA.ITID FOR SALE. The undersigned having bought gut the busi- ness of Mr H. Mewton, Porter'e Hill, desires to. dispose of hie WAGGON MAKING BUSINESS and premises atHolmesville. A good trade elan be done here, and a splendid opportunity will be given to anyone desirous of purchasing. There is a good dwelling, and workshop, with three- quarters of an sart of 0. POTTER, good Holmeevllle.~ DRESSYAHI]TG . Tho subscriber desires taintimate tk• her many old friends and the public generally, that she has commenced business again in the building direct- ly South of the Queen's Hotel, Victoria St.. where she will be pleased to execute promptly and in a satisfactory manner all work entrusted to tier. MISS MARTHA TREWABTIL. SHIVCrLES FOR SAL, Subscriber' has now a large stock of North Shore Cedar Shingles, also British Columbia Red Cedar Shingiee on hand at each of the following places; and they may be procured either from himself or the parties named: B&&grave, Wm. Watsop; Blyth, D. Cowan; Brucefield, at station or from Robert Mcllvoen, Stanley- and Londes- boro, from himself. W. H. WHITLEY. LIVE HOGS WANTED—Live Hoge from 160 bo 200 Pounds. D. CANTELON, Clinton City BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned having bought out the bakery business so successfully carried on by Mr Wm. Young, will continue the business at the old stand He will endeavor by supplying a first class arti- cle, to merit the liberal support of the people. Bread delivered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied on short notice. M. BECKWITH, - CLINTON A FEW MORE OE' THOSE CHEAP Baby Buggies Trunks, Valises, Boots, Shoes. &e. To make room for the new stock now coming in which is also very cheap. British Columbia and other Shingles at Clinton Blyth & Brucefield TWITCIIELL 0 grottooanaI ant( miter ezuti MANNING & SCOTT. Barristers, Solicitors • 0ONVEYAhOEEb, &O. 90E1=1604.n f„ OniaRai 1••s11,1 .ba (JyrloLI\151y'1'Ji Wo TOhi:\, Li.&, DR, WM. GUNN, CFFIOE ONTARIO ST a few doors East of Albert Street. Dr'J. L. TURNBULL, M D., TORONTO University, M L. O.M„ Victoria University. M. C. P & S. Ontario.' Fellow of the Obstetrical of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng„ and Edinburgh Hospitals. Offloe.—Dr.Dowse] y'. old office Rattenbnry St. Clinton. Night bell answered at the same plane. DR, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEONAccoucheur, eta., office in the Palace block Rattevbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. hee:'e Clinton Ont. DR. It. MOORE, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Accoucheur: Office and residence, Huron street, near railway crossing. DR STAN)URY, GRADUATE OF '; HE Medical Department oz Victoria t•niver• sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New Torii, Coroner for lie County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. T. C. BRUCE L. D. S. Dentist - Surgeon - Clinton. Painless Extraction by the use of local Anesthetic will visit Blyth every Monday as Mason's Hotel, Hayfield 2nd and 4th Thursday s of each month during summer eoialty Pr e- nervation of the natural teeth. Office, CoatsBlock, over Taylor's oboe store JE. BLACIPALL VETERINARY SURGEON • HonoraryGraduate of the OntarioVeterinary College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and male on the most modern and scientific prinoil pies Office—immediately south of the New Era Office. Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Calle night or day attendedtopromptly, TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, J ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, No witnesses require MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR Small euros on good mortgage security modoraterateofintereet. 11 HALE, Clinton, S1 DICKINSON, THE OLD & RELIABLE L Auctioneer still in the field, able and will- ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed and rents collected. Charges moderate. D DICE.INSON, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton. FW. FARNOOMB, MEMBER OF ASS'N OF • P. L. S„ Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Office at Geo. J Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY 1 We can make a few good loans from privat funds at ow rates and modate expenseer, TermM NIXING &amade SCOTT�enitborroware•Clinton MRS. W H ITT, M. C. M CEAOHER OF MUSIC. Piano, Organ and Technicon,or.Muecl develops for use of pupils. Rooms in Beaver Blook Albeit Street, Clinton. R. AGNEW, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for alit' painles extraction of teeth, Office over John Jackson's Shoe Store, Clinton_ Aar/Tight bell answered. A. O. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 114, meet in Biddle. scombeHall on the lat and 3rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J, BEAN, Recorder .ly DD. McLELLAN LONDON, OXT. 137 Talbot St., Specialist on the EYE, EAR, NOSE .fit THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital. 1889, Post Graduate Course at the New York Poet Graduate Medical School and Hospital or Eye Ear, Nose and Throat 1892, Eyes Tested. Full stock of Artificial Eyes, Spectacles and Len ses. Will be at Rattenbury House, CLINTON, on JUNE 1. Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Will bo at BRUNS WICK HOTEL, W INGHAM, the first Thursday in each month. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For reran, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpi- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitic, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON . McKIilop MutualFlre Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONL INSURED orrlosRs. D. Roe, President, Clinton; Goo. Watt Vice Pres. Hariock; W. J. Shannon, Secy -Tress: Seaforth; M. Mardis, Inspector of Ciaims Seaforth. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Joseph Bvano, Beechwood • Thos. Oar. bet, Clinton ; 0, Gardiner, Leadl ury; John Hannah,Seaforth, AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harloek; Robt. McMillan, Res. forth; J. Cumings, Egmonwille. Geo. Hurdle, auditor. Parties desirous to effect Inenraneea or tran sect other bueineas will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers adrensed to their rospeoitve offices, HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co'y This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest MORTGAGES PURCHASED SAVINGS BAND BRANCH. 3, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, according to amount and time left. OFFICE—Cor. Sauaro and.Nortb St., Goderich HORAOE HORTON, Manager CLINTON MARBLE WORKS.. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel, This establishmentis in full operation and at orders filled in the most satisfatitory way Deme. terry and granite work a specialty. lotto.' all reasonable as those of any estabiisbnent 811,1,7a d a0OV�OI ,:OUntou, 0