HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-05-11, Page 51 TSE CLINT011 NW ERA, IF YOU ONCE SEE OUR Ladies' & Gent's -ROLLED- PLATE CHAINS You will buy them. May .11, .1894.. !III I i I'i i li l 1'J!1' ,ISI �,lil1111.: ,� � , Ili `.�•► •'';III�I. <ba � 'SCh !i'!gg iII1111:;1'r CHASED GOLD .2•ifi„! Warranted every time. J. B. RUMBALL3 Jeweler and, Bell Telephone Agent, SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY SPRAYING YOUR TREES WITH A SOLUTION OF Carbonate of Copper IT DESTROYS ALL INSECTS. PROCURE THE PURE ARTICLE AT ALLEN & WILSON'S , PURE HELLEBORE, PARIS GREEN, IDNSECT POWDER, Moth Balls, &c. Try our Blood Building Iron Pills, they cure General Debility, 25c a box, b for $1. Sold only by us. THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, &c. MEN THE FIELD. The following is a complete list of the candidates already in the field for the coming Ontario elections:— Constituency Conservative Liberal Independent Patrons Addington Algoma, E Algoma, W Brant, N Bran S Brockville Bruce,N Bruce, S Bruce, C Cardwell Carleton Dnfferin Dundee Durham, E Durham, W Elgin, E Elgin, W Essex, N Essex, S Frontenac Glengarry Grenville Grey, C Grey, N Grey, S Haldimand Halton Hamilton, E Hamilton,W Hastings, N Hastings, W Hastings, E Huron, E Huron, S "Huron, W Kent, E Rent, W Kingston Lambton, E Lambton, W Lanark, N Lanark, S Leeds Lennox Lincoln -.. London Middlesex, E Middlesex, N Middlesex, W Monck Mnskoka Nipiesing Norfolk, N Norfolk, S Northumberland, E Northumberland, W Ontario, N..,, Ontario, S Ottawa Re:d Savage Jelly Sutherland Farew��JJ Conm6e Wood Hardy Dana Hopkins (P.P A ) ",. itney F: lie Reid Brower McCall Buchanan Smith Bush Rorke Read Kerns Wood Lockhart Dance ...:.a McNeish McKee Balfour Lacey Bayside Hartman Cleland MoKeohnie Baxter Husband Middleton Gibson .., Campbell • Kitchen Valens McDonald Jeffs Kidd Dynes Fox Ford White; McGillivray .... Wintemute Dobson Haycock McPherson Scott Gamey Metcalfe McNichol Senn Smith Hancock (P.P.A) Haggerty QleComb Hodson Dickenson Weismiller Col. Watson Clancy Smythe Vermilyea Gibson McLean Garrow Harty McCormick Preston Matheson Preston Meacham Hiscott Meredith Gilir our Fox Leitch Langford Bonghner ... Willoughby Mitchell Glendinning Miller Caldwell Clarke Symington Thompson! Hobbs McCallum (PPA) Gurd (P.P.A.) .. McLaren Milne Connolly Darling Pardo • eeeeee Ferguson Wilson Oliver Taylor Ross Harcourt ..., Cockburn Loughrin Carpenter Charlton Webb Field Chappie Dryden Metier (P.P.A.).. Fournier Shore Alexander Weloh Crawford Dalton Cruse Ewing Oxford, N t..... Oiford, 5 Parry Sound Beattie Peel Crawford .... Perth, N Magwood ... Perth, S Teterboro, E Lancaster .... Peterboro,W Winch Prescott Prince Edward Gibson Renfrew, N Shaw Renfrew,S Russell .. Spratt - Simcoe, E Mieoampbell.. 8imcoe, 0 Thompson ... . Simcoe,W Duff Stormont Mowat McKay Sharpe Smith' Armstrong Ballantyne Blezard Stratton Evanturel McDonald Barr Tierney Robillard Harvey Patton Hartman Armstrong Race Toronto,E Ryerson Toronto, W Crawford Toronto,N Matter Toronto, 8 Victoria, N Carnegie Victoria, W Bryane Waterloo, N Waterloo, 8 Welland McCleary Wellington, E ' Hampton Wellington, 8 Wellington, W Wentworth, N Wentworth, 8 York, E York, N York, W Lindsay Tait Moss McKay Horseman Nancekivel Weiderholt McNeil Quinn Croce Cavan Rothwell Lawson Contte Currie' Bennett Thursdon Campbell German Graig Mntrie Allan Flatt Wilson ...... Awrey Ryokman .... Richardson .. Davis Hutchinson St; John...... Gilmour Sipes Park •• Darby Tucker Nioholson 0111"4‘ IRON BLOOD PILLS` Don't confuse these with the common Iron Pills. They are a direct food for the blood. These pills will change the pale and sallow complexion of debility into the ruddy glow of health. • Put up in round wood boxes with red label, 25c per bolt or five boxes for 01. Put upjonly by fl JAMES.. H. COMBE, ,CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SUPPLIES, ETC e. Lt :—We diiriy the lar?eat irlork of Drain in ih, Coanty'of.$nzon. 1 If you. want to satisfy yourself in .the.. latest thing in Summer Blouses and. Shirt Waists. . We are re- gard.edr` as head quarters' for the latest in Style and Cut in these things. GLOVES --You will find just what ou want here in _ B y Black or Colored Thread and Silk Gloves and Col- ored and Black Lace Mitts in all the Shades and Sizes, Prices and Styles, so come along when you want some of these things. HOSIERY: We need scarcelyword say a word about the Hosiery of this store; the reputation for handling only the reliable article and what gives the buying public satisfaction, has been established and shall be maintained at all hazards. We want you to see the Fine Black Hose, heavy and long and well shaped that we sell at 2 Pairs for 25c. Grey and Brown mix twisted at the same figure. Then heavy ribbed, long and full fashioned, only 15c. But don't fail to patronize this house, for the only reli- able Ever Fast and Stainless Hose that this store is showing; take no other. Ask for this make and be satisfied with no substitute. GILROY Sc WTSEavIAN' CLINTON YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT THEIR Because they are the Best Rrgy`? (Goods in the Market and at Rock Bottom:Prices. Daisy Churns, Lawn Mowers, Garden Shears GardenRakes, GardenSyringes, GardenSpades Drain Spades, Shovels, all kinds, Steel Cut Nails, all sizes, Hathaway Wire, Barb Wire, Braided Wire, Plain Twisted Wire, Galvanized Wire, Oil and Enamelled Wire, Woven Wire for Screen Coors and Windows. Ready 'Mixed Paints all shades, Kalsomine, all shades; Alabastine, hot and cold water, all shades, Milk Pans, Milk Cans, Milk Pails. PH +' LE—The Greatest Disinfectant of the age. New Store R A R LA N D B R! OS Old Stand WfackayBlock . Brick Block CLINTON MARKETS Corrected ever Thursday afternoon. Thursday, May 10, 1894. Wheat fall 0 55 a 0 58 Oats 031a083 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 62 a 0 55 - Flour per hal a 3 60 Butter 0 15 a 0 16 Eggs per doz 0 9 a 0 9 Potatoes 0 35 a 0 40 Hay, New and Old 6 00 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 2 00 a 2 50 Pork 5 00 a 6 60 025 a 075 016 a 017 Sheeepskfns Wool .... THE BRITISH CATTLE MARKET Liverpool May 8. Continued heavy supplies during the wook have caused further sagging in prices. Mon- day's quotations aro easier and the fooling very weak. Finest steers, loo to 100; good to choice, Ole to 100; poor to medium, 810 to 9o; hulls, 60 to 8o• Insoriors, 60 to 90.Cattle markets at Gia gow are depressed by largo arrivals. Present . flees for best, 21d to MONTREAL LIVE TOOK MARKETS Tb ere w s an oraina but eleere market MO ran of cattle at boo morning and a fair amount of business was done. Tho total offer- ing ffering was 340 head, and most of these were sold at current figures. The amount of hogs for sale was larger, bub considerably loss than lasb week's offering. Quotations ranged from 60 to 50. Sheep,lambs and calves were quiet and in small suppy. Following is a fair idea of values:—Cattle, exports. 40 to 41c; cattle, butch- ers' good, 30 to 40; do medium, 30 to 30; do nulls, 20 to 30: hogs, 50 to 50; lambs, Oto to Oto; calves, $1 to $10. As far as the movement of export cattle lis concerned Monday was the largest day exper- ienced at the Point St. Charles market for some time. Furthermore the prospects for the near future aro excellent, and itis expected that upwards of 6,000 cattle will enter the mar- ket during the coming week. At Monday's market four care of ohoico export stock wore bought by Mr James Eakins at 4c to Ito. A Pow other lots were offered but no sales rane- FOSTER Leave your orders quiolt for those Pho- to's you intend send ing to your friends Wall Papers! WE ARE SITOWING SOME uF THE NEWEST AMERICAN DESIGNS—BORDERS TO MATCH ALABASTINE A permanent wall coating, especially adapted for plain tinting and whitewashing, ready for the brush by adding cold water, and can be easily applied by any one who can handle a brush. Full directions on each package. Ready Mixed Paints In twenty different shades, in half pint and one quart tins, also Carriage Black in half pint and quart tins. White Lead, Oils, Turpentine. pirod. TAMWORTH PIGS For Pure Bred Tamworth Pigs pply at once to 0110. BAIRD, 811., Clinton, O TAMWORTH PIGS For Pure Bred Tamworth Pigs apply immedi- ately to DAN CAMPBELL, Clinton P; O. BULLS FOR SALE. The undersigned has for sale two young Short- horn BULLS one year old. Both are of good color and pedigree and will Le sold at a reason ablefiguro. ROUT. SCOTT. Londoeboro. Field and Garden Seeds. 000— .dimm— �. QUiMITTI._ LO1'r"D;ESBOBB0 I