HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-05-04, Page 6Has proved by its enormous sale that it is The best value for the Consumer of any soap in the market. Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this,as it is they who have proved its value. It brings them less labor, greater comfort. .7t II DON'T MISS 'PHIS TEN DOZEN Men's Summer Flannel Si3IRTS Well worth 75c Each For 35c Each or 3 for $1 ROBT. COATS. & SON, CLINTON � CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY. --WE HAVE JUST PURCHASED A LINE OF--- $edroom, Suites, Sideboards B$tenaion Tables and Lounges A,t a big rednotion on the regular price, and we are going to give our oustoxners the benefit of this reduction; so now is your chance to make your home look neat for very little money. Space will not allow us to quote prices, as we have so many different lines, but come and see for yourself what great bargains we have to offer you. Parlor Suites, Centre Tables, . all Racks Soot Cases, Seoretaries, Bed Springs, Mattresses And everything in our line cheaper than ever. We want your trade, and if Good Goode, Low Prices and Honest Dealings,is what yon want, we will have it. Furniture to snit everybody. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. JOS. C.HIDLEY JR.,Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night Calls Answered at his residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry. GOOD NEWS THIS I3 SOMETHING PEOPLE ALWAYS LIKE TO HEAR. This week we have opened out a fine assortment of TINWARE which has already been much admired for its cheapness and good quality. We are also well supplied with FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS, FENCE WIRE, SPADES, SHOVELS,: FORKS, &c. sV ..L �L --•1 We have Suits for Men and Boys, and make up fine Cloth- s 1I�r..�� ing tc order at very low rates. We will be pleased to have yon call and examine goods and compare prioes. We give good bargains all through the stock and every day. Produce taken as cash or we will pay Dash for most kinds of prodaoe. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, .ADAMS. LONDESBORO R. RUMOALL' S ilIIZ FACTORY Huron Street, <Minton , We have on hand an assortment of -splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship: I you want a good article at the price of a poor ono, call and see us. CLINTON RH WNATIS.,. toxIM1A.044.11Wi ry,111 PAIN IM SIDE 8 LAME BACK LAM eV U QO Tratir.MENTROL PLASTER AD THE*MENTON NEW ESA OONpT NT1tA.TE D J X.TRAc T, • I Learning is the dictionary, but sense is the grammar of sciences --Sterne, Wedlock's Tike wine not _properly judged till the second, gLasb-.,j poll, In business three things are necessary. —knowledge, tempeiand tithe, It is computed that xnor'e than 200,- 000 booksfbave beet} written about: the Bible. loyal naturefand ofdnoble pared —Ten- nyson. Minard's Liniment cures Dandruff. A misery is not to be measured from the nature of the evil, but from the ternper,o€°the t uflerer.—Addison, He who bridles the fury of the bil- lows knows also how to put a stop to the secret plans of the wicked, —Racine. There are now seventy-four survivors of the famous Balaclava charge, so far as the British army authorities have trace. When awoman says to her husband: "You know I haven't a bit of jealousy in my nature, but I should like to know," etc„ look out for storms, A ton of pure gold is worth 8602,799.- A' mill on dolls pure gold silver, 837,704.84. about a ton and three-quarters. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. San Francisco has the greatest pro- pordon of divorces to marriages of any city in the world. ` For every 10,000 marriages there are 2,223 divorces. A youth popularly known as 'Baby Bliss," of Bloomington, Ill., weighs 452 pounds, wears a 19i collar a 7a hat and a No. 12 shoe, and yet he is a good foot racer and a graceful walker. When fevers and other epidemics are around, safety lies in fortifying the system with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A person hav- ing thin and impure blood, is in the most favorable condition to "catch" whatever disease may be floating in the air. Be wise in time. The Electrical Review truthfully re. marks: "The loudest talkers against the value of advertising are the most covert and assiduous in their efforts to get it for nothing." An organist says that a cow moos in a perfect fifth octave, or tenth; a dog barks in fifth or fourth; a donkey brays in a perfect octave, and a horse neighs in a descent on the chromatic scale. TIME TO CONSIDER. Will you be my witsP I cannot answer such a question as that without taking time to consider. Pardon my irnpetuosity. How long must I wait? I think there will be time for you to close the doors and turn down the light a little. HER SPRING BONNET. Mabel—Do you think this hat is too old for me? Madge—Pooh! how could it be, dear and it's just awfully becoming. ' EASILY ANSWERED. "Daddy,"asked little 'Ras tus, "which come fust, de egg or de chicken?" "De aig, ob co se. Doesn't yo' find aig in de early mornin', an' chickens kain't be found twell 'way after dark?" A CHANGE OF SENTIMENT. Mrs Henry Peck—Bahl I only mar- ried you because I pitied you when no one else thought anything about you. Mr Henry Peck (dejectedly)—Well, everyone pities me now! MANY A YOUNG MAN. When from over -work, possibly assisted by an inherited weakness, the health fails and rest or medical treatment must be re• sorted to, then no medicine can be employ. ed with the same beneficial results a I Scott's Emulsion. FAIR PRICES OBTAINED FOR BOW PARK CATTLE. The Bow Park sale of Shorthorn cat- tle came off on April 25th. Sixty head of different ages were sold. The co brought fair prices. "Julia, 28th;" sold to A. G. Pettit, Drayton, for 81 , "Duchess of Brant, 6th," sold to John Idington, Stratford, for 8155. The young heifers ranged from75 to 8100. Among the hulls, for which there was a lively competition, Wm. Douglass bought ';Isabella's Heir," a yearling,, at $130; Capt. Milloy, Brantford, se- cured ' Kenneler, ' another yearling, at 8165; "Lord Outwith" was bought by Robert Davis, Toronto, for 8252. The tctal of sale amounted to over 85,000. BRIGHT SPRING DAYS. The spring should be pre-eminently a season of contentment, happiness and hope. In these bright and pleasant months the country should enjoy its highest degree of tranquility. But spring, it is well known, is often, a period of discomfort and dis-• tnrbanoe in the physical system. Im- portant organs of the body become torpid or irregular in their aotion, and the fact is instantly reflected in the mental condition of the individual. A disordered liver means disordered nerves and a dull and unsteady brain. Anything which will bring the, phyeioal system into harmony with budding Nature confers an enormous benefit upon the nation, besides the mere allaying of physical discomfort. Hood's Sarsaparilla does this, as thousands of grateful and hap. py men and women can testify, and increas- ed use of this standard spring medicine is of more real practical importance in pro- moting health and quiet in the business world than reams of abstract theorizing. ALREADY SUPPLIED. Agent—Don't you want your house fitted with a first class burglar alarm? Woman in the doorway—We don't need any. My husband always leavtes lyyhing about, and nobody ever comes in Itthe house without stumbling over it. )10W TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to Lima l3nos., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- our ing. a The soapThis is an isthe best to in the mmecoratearkett and it will only cost le postage to send in he wrappers, if yon leave the ends open. Write youaddress carefully. F.. PUBLISIIER OF PONOIIOE'S, iaat . the Great .A.merican Catholic Monthly Owes to Paine's rle S Celery Compound. i The name of Donohoe's Magazine, found ed by Mr Patrick Donohoe, of Boston, i 1879, .is known and respected throughon the English-speaking world. Within the past year it has achieve almost marvellous success, and stands to day peerless in itsfield, doingsplendid wor for greater religious. tolerance and bette economic conditions. This success ha been won under the direction of its new publisher, Hon. Daniel P. Tommey, who, in addition, at the head of one of Boston's books publishing companies and is a re- presentative from that city in the legisla- ture of Massachusetts. Mr Tommey writes as follows in a can- did and interesting letter: "I believe in Paine's Celery Compound. If I tell you why, you may, perhaps wish to publish my words. But even that does not deter me from writing you the truth. I have no sympathy with the man who - helps tear down 'the bridge that carried him n over.' Neither do I sympathize with the t men who hides facts just because their publication may promote the success of d others. Paino's Celery Compound helped me. That's the fact of the case, k ' "Finding myself run down and getting r into a state of nervousness, recently, I took s the advice of a medical, friend, and bought Paine's Celery Compound. Its use gave me strength, energy and buoyancy, Busi- ness Dares were made lighter than before. "1 believe in the efficacy of Paine's • Cele- ry Compound!” Mr Tommey's experience is like that of thousands of others. Brain workers, those who suffer from de- bility, exhaustion, mental depression, sleep. lessness, find Paine's Celery Compound a certain rejuvenator of the vital portions. Hard study among students is a direct cass of debility. Energetic action cannot HE WAS BRAVE. Stubbs—Well, sir, I gave it to that man straight, I can tell you, sir. He is twice as big as I am, too, but I told him exactly what I thought of his rascally conduct right to his face, and I called him all the names in the dic- tionaryy apudds—And didn't he try to hit you, Jenkins? Stubbs—No,sir, he didn't.! And when he tried to answer back, I just hung up the telephone and walked away, I KNOW MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure diphtheria. French Village. JonN D. BOIITILLILR. I KNow MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure croup. Cape Island J. F. CIINNINpnAif. I KNOW MINARD'S LINIMENT is the best remedy on earth. Norway, Me. JOSEPH A. SNow. SLAPPED HIS FACE. A capital Burns story, says the Dum- fries Courier, was related the other night by Mr E. M. Todd, the well- known Scotch angler. "When I was in Queensland,” said Mr Todd, "from 1864 to 1869, the Burns anniversary was being held at various centres. I think it was at Port Mackay or Port Dennis- ton. Scotchmen from all parts had poured into the township to do honor to the poet, and, amongst others, a certain Dr. Wilkinson, a well-known squatter and a man not in robust health, yetfullof the fire of the oldcottish chivalry which never failed yet In the hour of trial. He was elect- ed chairman of the centenarybanquet. All went harmoniously tilla school- master rose and began to speak. 'Gen- tlemen,' he said, •I have listened with pleasure to the speeches which have preceded mine, but I have observed that one feature in the life of Robert Burns has not been touched upon. R-robertBur-rns was a man of undoubt- ed genius; but R-robert Bur-rns was not a moral man, (Sensation.) Gentle- men, I may go a step further and say that R-robert Bur-rns was a very im- moralAt this stagethe chairmaren rose,ation.walked up to the speaker and 'kith all his might brought his open palm straight on the cheek of that luckless dominie. That speech came to an abrupt conclusion." P o'e Remedq for catarrh in the Beet, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest, CiokTA R F2 I --I Sold by druggists or Bent by mail, Me. E,HH¢8ttIne, Warren. Pia, be kept up in the brain and stomach at the same time If the mind be intently ocoupill ed with profound thought the nervous power will be oonoegtrated in the brain, and the stomach being deprived of it, in- digestion and disease ensue.. Hence the weak digestion and sallow complexion of literary men and their constant complaint of ill health. It is also true that a hopeless man or woman can do more work and get well faster than one in despair. From the first taking of Paine s Celery Compound a feeling of confidence in recovery Domes oyer the invalid. New blood and fresh nervous en- ergy give a hopeful outlook. Paine's Cele- ry Compoundhastens convalescence wonder- fully. In the spring and early summer, if ever, there is need of food for the nerves and brain. Paine's Celery Compound make the weak strong; makes the people well. Try it MY STORE IS,FILLED UP,;WITH NICE, NEW, GOOD FURNITURE—AT LOW PRICES—BOUGHT RIGHT TO SELL AT SMALL PROFITS House - Cleaning - Time - Coming SIDEBOARDS --A nice ..Sideboard in nth century, an- tique, &c. Light finish, $0.50—new goods just in. BAMBOO TABLES 25c. 30c. and 40c come to hand. POLISHED WALNUT BEDROOM SUITS $20. A lot of Mattresses, Lounges, Spring Beds, CURTAIN POLES and Fixings, lin.Parlor Suits &c. ported goods, from 25c up. Poles in Oak, Enamel, black or assorted colors. BEDROOM SUITS from $10.50 up MIRRORS in different sizes. Furniture in Oak and other woods. FANCY ROCKERS in stuffed bot. toms and Raan Large stook of Picture Mouldings in Oak, and Extension Tables lis Tarbox's patenCentre t Gilt,New Shades. Frames made to order Pillow Sham Holders. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Emporium ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. 1 NI Nil nr1-31A,ATICS To our customers who have helped us to make our last year the best in the hist • of the firm, we tender our best thanks, and assure them we will will spare no efforts to not only retain their trade, but to give them even ' better value for their money or produce than heretofore. We have just closed the purchase of ONE CAR LOAD OF SUGAR Direot from Redpath's refinery (without doubt the best Sugar produced in Canada) which wo will sell by the dollars worth or by the barrel at prides that cannot be beaten. TEAS, COFFEES, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS Andleverything pertaining to a first-class trade as low as the lowest. We believe wo are within the mark, when we say our BLAME TEA at 50e a lb. beats the town. We have had a large sale of CROCKERY lately which has diminished our stook somewhat, but have a nine assortment arriving which we will be pleased to show intending purchasers. Call and get prices before buying. MClMURRA.Y & WILTSE, NearPostOffice--CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 For•that Bad Cough of nurs •,- fie As o Preventive and Core dall Throat and ti .ung Diseases, tista J.