HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-05-04, Page 27." ArlrigriVIRRTir
11lay t, 1893
frittion tIV
FRIDAY MAY 4, 1894.
It is reported that as Peter Ryan's
Wary as Registrar of Toronto is only
about $2,500, he will retire and go into
Public life, where he claims he can
mai° more money,
E. E. Clarke will not run for the
Lima in Toronto again. It is said he
has his eye on the Dominion.
W. A. Fallis, of Cavan, will be the
Conservative candidate for the Local,
for East Durharn.
Dr. Ryerson will contest East Toron-
to, for the Local, in the Conservative
Sir John Carling's name has been
'struck off the Ontario Voters' list at
London, he being a resident of Ottawa.
The Liberals of South Renfrew de-
clined to re -nominate the present mem-
'her, Dr. Dowling, for the Local.
South Essex Conservatives have al-
ready nominated two candidates to
the Local, and the second one has been
• asked to retire, as there are 1,500 Catho-
lic electors in the constituency, and he
is a P. P. A.
What misht have proved a serious
accident occurred on Sunday, as Mrs
Harrison and family, of East Wawa -
nosh, were returning from church.
Upon entering the gateway, the king-
bolt of the rig broke, throwing out all
the occupants. Mrs Harrison was
severely cut and bruised about the
head and face and injured in one shoul-
der, but the others got off with a few
At a recent meeting in Drumbo, at
which Hon. John Dryden was a speak-
er, Mr Thos. Elmes, of Princeton,
made an attack on the Mowat Govern-
ment, specially singling outMr Dryden
for censure. After the meeting the
Minister personally challenged Mr
Elmes for his unfair reflections on his
character. On cool consideration Mr
Elmes appears to have been conscious
that he had exceeded the bounds of
fair debate, and wrote Mr Dryden ac-
cordingly, stating that the circum-
stances would be a warning to him in
the future to keep a strict watch over
his tongue, and asking Mr Dryden's
forgiveness. Mr Elmes' manly course
in acknowledging his error could fre-
quently be followed with advantage
by other politicians who make wild
statements on platforms that they
would never think of making under
'any other circumstances.
Once more grim death removes one
of the pioneers of Goderich township,
in the person of John Johnston, of lot
21, 3rd con., who died on TuesdaY in
his 76th year. Deceased was born in
the County of Down, Ireland, in 1818,
and came to Canada on July 17, 1842.
He settled on the present homestead
in that township, then a wilderness,
in March, 1847, since which time he
has been one of the most industrious
and highly respected residents of the
township. His wife survives him and
a family of four sons and four daugh-
ters, one daughter being dead. Of
the latter. Mrs Cox lives in Grandin,
Dakota; Mrs Gee. Elliott, in Hamiota,
Man; and a son, David, lives near
Sheppardton, in this county. The
remaining members of -the family live
in the township.
Will be of value to the world by illustrat-
ing the improvements in the mechanical
arts, and eminent physicians will tell you
that, the progrees in medical agents has
been of equal importance, and as a etrength-
ening laxative that Syrup of Figs is far in
advance of all others.
bigreounty 1ippings
Guelph Conference.
The eleventh annual session of the Guelph
Conference will be held in North street
ohuroh, Goderioh, Friday, June 1. The
Stationing Committee will meet in Victoria
street ohnroli, Monday, May 28, at 8 p.m.
The Statistical Committee will meet in
North street ohuroh, Wednesday, May 30
at 9 a.m. The financial secretaries will
meet treasurers of the connexional funds,
Wednesday, May 30, at 2 p.m. The Minis-
terial Session will begin Thursday, May 31,
at 9 a.m.
The Indian Drng to be Mixed With To-
bacco -First Effects Described as Dream-.
Producing Past Imagination -Headache
Which Follows is root Imagination.
Hasheesh is fast taking the place ot
opium among smokers who aspire to the
highest misery and the highest pleasure
which oan come from inhaling bine fumes
from a long-stemmed pipe. It's against
the law to sell it, but there are many
places where you oan buy it, and it pays
handsomely the tradesman who takes the
risk of selling it. He oan get a high prioe
for it.
"An ounce of hasheesh costa a dollar,"
said a young man who knows. "It comes
high, but it's great. I have a smoke every
Saturday afternoon, and I don't wake up
until Sunday morning—and such dreamer
Hasheesh is an Indian drug. It is Ob-
tained by making an infusion of the plant
(Canabis indica) in hot water, to whioh
butter or oil is added. The resin attaohes
itself to the melted butter of oil, and, when
evaporated, is kneaded with flour and
spices intcspastilee or cakes called "ma-
jan." Simple infusions of the leaves and
flowering tons are drank in many parts of
India by old and young alike, at their fes-
tivals, just as alcoholic drinks are used too
frequently in this country.
But the hasheesh whioh is sold in New
York, compared to that which ie drunk on
public occasions in its native haunts, is as
comparing skim milk to buttermilk. A
little of the imported article goes a long
ways. It is made up into a fine powder
and resembles snuff. Two pinches of it
will furnish a man with enough dreams
for a book of tropical poems.
It is nearly always used in combination
with tobacco, although BOMB of its devo-
tees take it "straight," a fact which ex-
cites the envy and wonder of other has-
heesh smokers. The hasheesh and
tobocco are kneaded together iu the
palm of the one hand. When they
are thoroughly mixed, the combination ia
pushed down tight into the bowl of the
pipe. Some smokers sprinkle a litttle of
the Indian drug 'upon their tobacoo every
time they sraoke, and in this way they get
the exhilaration withont the dreams.
"The first effect of hasheesh," said a
hasheesh smoker, "hi of great exhilaration.
Yon feel as if you were walking upon the
soft moss of the banks of a placid lake,
with rich foliage hanging over
yon. Then the birds begin to sing
in the boucles. Presently you feel that
you own all the world. The hind -maid -
one of a queen, compared to whioh the
finest opera ballet is tawdry indeed. are at
your bidding. You feel you want to talk,
and talk you do. Your 'tongue seems to
move with the case and rapidity of a hum-
ming -bird's wings.
"Preeently there oomes a desire to danee.
A hundred maidens are at your elbow.
Jumping to your feet from the golden
throne on which you have been seated,
you caper about with a fairy-like nimble-
ness, keeping time to a waltz played as no
living master could play it. At last, you
find yourself lying upon the softest of
couohes, with a row of maidens on either
aide waving tans made of peacock feath-
ers. •
"You thought Yott-Tfad dreams before,
but, oh no! You had not. It is now that
you see such ,scenee as the brush of the
painter or the pen of the writer cannot
describe. Yon see ships made of dies
monde reflected in waters of glass and the
like. Then you fall asleep.
"The only drawback is the awful head-
ache yon have next morning. To com-
pare opium to it is like comparing a coun-
try sitting -room to Cleopatra's court." -
New York World.
North Street Church -9 a.m., Conference
lovefeast, led by Rev Geo. Richardson; 11
a.m., ordination sermon, by Rev A. Car-
man, D. D., General Superintendent, fol-
lowed by ordination service; 3 p.m., Sunday
School addresses by Rev Thoe. W. Cosens,
Mr Isaacs Hord, and Rev C. E. Stafford; 7
p.m., Rev J. G. Scott, followed by sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper, conducted by
Rev J. H. Cornish, LL.D.
Victoria Street Church -11 e..m., W. H.
Hincke, LL.B.; 3 p.m., Sunday School ad-
dresses by Rev A. J. Irwin, B.A., W. H.
Kerr, and Rev G. F. Salton, Ph. D.; 7 p.m.,
Rev James Livingstone.
Knox Church -11 a.m., Rey R. Hall; 7
p.m.,Rev James Charlton.
Savation A.rmy-11 a.m., Rev Tbos. J.
Sabine; 3 p.m., Rev James Harris; 8 p.m.,
Rev Walter Ayres.
Temperance Hall -4:15 p. p1., a Gospel
Temperance Meeting; addresses by Revs
Wm. Baugh and H. D. Moyer.
East Huron License Commissioners
only grant 22 licenses this year.
It hos been decided to celebrate the
Queen's birthday in Wingham.
Mr D. Dallas, Brucefleld, left for
British Columbia a few days ago.
The population of Goderich is this
year 3638, last year it was 3536.
The population of Wingham in 1894
is 2,225, an increase of 66 over last
Building operations in Morris this
year are: expected to foot up to the
handsome sum of $28,000.
Mr Hall, late blacksmith of Varna,
has rented a blacksmith shop at Chis-
Miss Lenna Hill, eldest daughter of
Mr Robt. Hill, Wingham, accidentally
fell on the street,on Sunday afternoon,
and dislocated her left arm.
A little daughter of Mr Jos, Bullarn,
Wingham, one day last week, by some
means got its hand in the cogs of an
ice cream freezer and had one of its
fingers taken off.
Mr John Nichol, of the Bank of
Hamilton, Wingham, has been pro-
moted to the position of Manager of
the branch at Lucknow.
Mr C. E. Mason, of Brucefield, re-
turned from the old country on Sat-
urday. He says the horse market
there, as well as here, is very dull.
Mr Mason has crossed the Atlantic 40
Mrs James Broadfoot, sr., mother of
Mr Wm. G. Broadfoot, of Tucker-
rnith, left last week for Abilene, Kas.,
to visit her daughter and other friends.
It is a long journey for a lady over SO
'Years of age, but Mrs Broadfoot is uns
usually active for her years.
To be held in North Street Church.
Temperance --Wednesday, May 30, et 8
p.m., addresses by Rev Jas. McLachlin, M.
A. Robt. Holmes, Clinton, Rev D. A. Moir,
Educe.tional—Thursday, May 31, 8 p.m.,
tularemia by Rev S. Sellery, B.D., E. P.
Clement, and Rev J. C. Antcliffe, D.D.
Reception—Friday, Jane 1, 8 p.m., ad-
dresses by Revs W. F. Campbell, Ph.D., F.
E. Nugent, and the President.
Theological Union—Saturday, June 2, at
3 p.m., in Victoria street church, lecture
by Rev J. C. Pomeroy, B.A.
Consecration Service—Saturday, June 2,
7.30 p.m., led by Rev R. Davey.
Simerannuation—Plonday, June 4, at 8
p.m., addresses by Rev Robert Walker, J.
Mills, LL.D. and Dr. Griffin.
Missionary—Tnesday, June 5, at 8 p.m.,
addresses by Rev F. A. Cassidy, M.A., H.
L. Rios, and Rev C. S. Eby, D.D.
Sunday School and Epworth League—
Wednesday, June 6, 8 p.m., addresses by
Rev W. H. Harvey, B.A., Thos. Magwood,
M.P.P., and Rev W. C. Henderson, D.D.
A. CUNNINGHAM, President.
J. E. HOWELL, M.A., Chairman.
Hang Lyme.
& iirel17.TriCieled
There is a cat out in Colorado whioh
has probably viewed more goer -iu the
Rooky Moentain region than any other
member of the feline species. It was a
apecial pet of the wife of the engineer of
a 1 might l000motive, and it accompanies
him en every trip he makes, When the
train makes one of its long waits at the
depot the cat will go in searoh of fun or
mice, and at some of the moat need junc-
tions it is quiet a local pet. While the en-
gine is running the oat site in the oab or on
the coal, and as its fur is jet black, ite
beauty is not greatly impaired by ite peon -
liar surroundings. Pussy must have
travel(id many thousand. ufilee, for lhee
been doing duty for several years and has
never been known to miss a trip. The
first, journey or two there war3 much
oulty about keeping the " animal from
jumping off, but there is none now, nor
does its owner bother himself about ascer-
taining whether his feline passenger is
aboard or not. The absolute indifference)
of oats to persona and their attaohment to
places and environment is Teen in thts
stanos, for when last year the engineer got
injured in a wreck and was laid up for
three months, the oat stayed around the
shops until the engine was repaired and
then resumed her rides with the iubetl-
tude Louis Globe -Demo-
She—You know, Reggie, that gts
are being called by the names of
era now and my sister suggested th I
should be called Thistle,
Reggie—Oh, yes, I see; because you
are so sharp.
She—Oh, no; she said it was because
a donkey loved me.
A charge was preferred against a
McKillop farmer on Monday of last
week by Post Office Inspector Hop -
kirk, for defrauding the mails by using
a cancelled stamp. -The case was heard
by two of Dublin's J. P's. and being
clearly Preven a fine of HO and costs
was imposed,
The Constance Cheese Factory will
start operations on Monday, May 7th,
and on that day the milk drawers will
call on the patrons for their milk. Mr
Papineau, who has conducted the
factory for several years most satis-
factoily to all concerned, will have
charge again this year.
Mr Jas. Weir, the owner of the Roy-
al hotel, Seaforth, and who has been
living privately for four or five years,
takes pessession of the Royal on the
first of May. Mr Jos. McChnchy, who
has conducted the Royal since the
death of the late John Carrol, has pur-
ebased Mr Walper's interest in Hawk-
shaw's hotel, and will conduct the
hostelry after the 1st of May.
The many friends of Mr W. Kydd,
ex -Deputy -Reeve of Usborne, will re-
gret to learn that he is in very poor
health. He had a very severe attack
of grip, and the disease has settled in
bis head. He intends going to Toron-
to shortly, to "undergo an operation,
which it Is hoped, will result in his
complete restoration to health.
Mr John Gibson, of Stanley, has sold
the farm on the 3rd con., north of the
Mill Road School House, belonging to
the estate of the late Mr Morton,
.the sum ot $5,000. The farrn-contains
one hundred acres, is well situated and
is an excellent place, the buildings,
however, are only fair. Mr Thomas
Lane, who has had the farm leased
for a nuitiber f)t years, is the purchas-
er. He is it ste dy, industrious far-
xner, and has been one of the best of
—of diseases follows
bad blood and inac-
tive liver. Every one
knows when his
blood is impure and
liver sluggish ; pim-
ples and bolls lipar,
or he feels drowsy,
794, tired and thick-
We want t� teach
you how to fight it
Begin in time. Plenty
fresh air, exercise,
and Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical Dis-
covery, will bring you
out of danger. The
reason ? "Discover"
enriches and purifies
the blood and renders
the liver active. As
the germs of disease
enter the circulatory
System through tho
liver, they can be re-
sisted there and in the
blood. In those scrof-
ulous conditions of
the blood which invite
catarrh, bronchitis,
and end in Consump-
tion, you have the
meant of prevention
and cure. You can
save yourself from
Grip, alaria, or Fever by putting
the functions of the body in a
healthy state, besides building up
healthy flegh, by taking the-
Covery." Not the fat of Cod liver
oil, but wholesor, e flesh,. G. M. D.
guaranteed toJ benefit or euro all
disorders, r money refunded.
grAltt %Ma -11W Orax40
Barristers, Solicitors
Commiesieueri fol Outer.* anti Is ;init. ea
°snot Brae 'mei roNar, i.r., Gi.ATA,r
Paper Tires.
The writer has visited the experimental
shop of the parties who are working out
the idea of making tires from paper for
bioyelee. A preesure equal to 120 pounds
was brought to bear upon a rubber tire
wheel in presence of the writer, and the
tire sunk in at bottom. Then the same
kind of a wheel was treated in the same
way as regards pressure, but the tire was
Made of paper. The same weight did not
clause the tire to sink in so muola as in the
case of the rubber one. Thus, the paper
tire ean be run over cobblestones, sandy
roads, mud, eto., and be less affected. The
continual squeezing together and inflating
of the rubber tire bas a tendency to wear
the rubber and cause a fracture. The
paper tire being leas liable to flatten, or
sink in, is not subject to this swear. -Bos-
ton Commerctal Bulletin.
Mnemonics, or the art of rendering arti-
ficial aid to the memory by aesociating in
the mind things difficult to remember with
there which are easy of recollection, is of
very ancient origin. It is said to have
originated with the Egyptians, but the
first person to reduce it to a system was,
according to Cicero, the poet Simonidee,
who lived 500 years B.C. His plan is
known as the topieal, or locality plan, and
was in substance as follows; Choose a
large house, with a number of differently
furnished apartments in it. Impress upon
the mind carefully all that is noticeable in
the house, so that the mind can readily go
over all its parts. Then plaoe a series of
ideas in the house; the firet in the hall,
the next in the sitting -room, and so on
with the reet. Now when one wishes to
recall thew ideas in their proper eueees-
Mon, commence going through the house,
and the idea placed in each department
will be found to readily recur to the mind
in connection with it. It is related that
the mnemonic plan was first suggested to
the poet by a tragic oecurrenee. Having
been called from a banquet just before the
roof of the house fell and crushed all the
Nil a the cpripany, 47 teem; ?guru-
ing-that the bodies Vera so mutilated that
no individual could be recognized, but by
remembering the places whioh they had
severally occupied at the table he was
able to identify them. He was thus led to
notice that the order of places may by
association suggest the order of things.—
Pittsburg Dispatch.
WINCE on Ontario Street, Clinton, op
pOsite English Ohuroli. ntrance by side
Brings comfort and improvement end
tends to personal enjoymeht when
rightly used. The many, who live bet.
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to healli of the pure liquid
laxative Vine; embraced in the
remedy, Syrui. of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial ' properties of a perfect lax-
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling cold% headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given 'satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, slew the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
few doors East of Albert Street.
AJUniversity, M D. 0.M., Victoria University,
C. P & S., Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrical
Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng„ and
Edinburgh Hospitals. Office.-Dr,Dowsely's old
aloe Rattenbnry St. Clinton. Night bell
answered at the same place.
..LJAccoucheur, etc., office in the Palace Block
Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve
Clinton Ont.
-1-7Accoucheur. Office and residence, Huron
street, near railway crossing.
Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries. New York, Coroner for be
County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
A. Pretty Southern Custom. Eggs that will hatch, from a pen of Thorobred
Southern lovers have a pretty ougtom Black Minorcas. This pen is beaded by one of
that deserves poetical immortality. ft is the higherleicloring maleeigraddlni ug fs Canada.rsHruhreo8
well-known that when the petals of the
great laurel magnolia are touched, however
lightly, the result is a brown spot, whioh
develops in a few honrs. This feet is taken
advantage of by a lover, who pulls a mag-
nolia flower and on one of its pure white
petals writes a motto or message with a
hard, sharp -pointed pencil. Then he winds
the flower, the young lady puts it in a vase
of water, and in three or four hours the
message sfritten on the lleaf become quite
visible and remains so. The practice is a
modification of the somewhat stupid flower
language, and furnishes the means of pay-
ing many a pretty compliment. —St Louis
Globe -Democrat.
A carefully conducted religious paper itt
a necessity in every well regulated home.
Its silent influence for good is incalcueable;
and the cost of such a paper should never
prevent iIS being made a welcome visitor.
For the Presbyterian family circle no per-
iodical can take the place Of The Canada
Presbyterian. In size, contents and edi-
torial management, it is a model journal.
The weekly bill of fare presented in the
several departments is timely and attrac-
tive. Let us mention a few of the leading
features of this valuable publication. The
wise 'and witty "Knoxonian" writes for
every issue; the "Missionary World" gives
the reader an idea how the barriers of
heathendom are being assailed by the
Soldiers of the Cross; articles on impor-
tant subjects by "Our Contribntqrs," who
are among the inGst thoughtful writers in
the Church, form a augeestive feature; in
"Pastor and People," "The Family Circle"
and "Our Young Folks," the varied tastes
and interests found in a christian home
are consulted, and a large amount of en-
tertaining and helpful reading is provided;
the Christian Endeavor columns and lie
Sunday School department each receive
special treatment; while in "Ministers and
Churches" will be found, from week to
weak, the story of ministerial and congre-
gatiOnal activity. We cordially commend
the paper to our Presbyterian r aders. It
is now offered at the special rate of 81.00
for the remainder of the year, Address,
Canada Presbyterian, 5 Jordan Street,
Toronto, for free samnle.eopy.
Grand President Mallory, Of the Pat-
rons of Industry, gave evidence on Fri-
day before the Fees commission. He
favored the Patrons' platform on the
subject -election of county officials by
the people and payment hy salary. Be
specified the amounts which he t hought
should be paid. Ex -Lieut. -Governor
Aikins. of Manitoba, favr rod the pre-
sent system, with the exception that
he thought bailiffs should be appointed
by comity judges.
T. 0- BRUCE L. D. S.
Dentist - Surgeon - Clinton.
Painless Extraction by the tine of local
Aniesthetm will [visit Blyth every Monday OA
Mason's Hotel, Hayfield 2nd and 4th Thursdays
of each month during summer eoialty Pre-
servation of the natural teeth.
Office, CoatsBlock, over Taylor's shoe store
laatfall, carryingoff let and 2nd prize at Exeter, let
and 2nd at Clinton, and all the first prizes given
for Minorca's at the Seaforth Fair. They stand
second to none in the Dominion. Egge 81 per
13, Satisfaction guaranteed. Write me full in-
formation. J. H. REID, Seaforti...
A good two-story frame house, conveniently
situated on Victoria Street, is offered for sale on
reasonable terms. There is a never -failing well
on the place, and stable about 18x24. Apply on
the premisee. DAVID BARGE.
HonoritryGraduate of theOntarioVeterinary
College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and
male on the most modern and scientific princil
pies Office- immediately south of the New Era
Office. Residence - Albert St.,Clinton. Calls
night orday attended to promptly.
No witnesses require
Good farm of 240 acres, within 1i miles of Blyth
220 acres cleared, for sale or to rent. Apply to
J. B. KELLY, Blyth, Ont
The undersigned having bought out the busi-
ness of Mr H. Newton, Porter's Hill, desires to
and premises at Holmesville. A good trade can
be done here, and a splendid opportunity will be
given to anyone desirous of purchasing. There
acre of land; good stable, ,kc.
quarters of an • A. O. II. W.
is a good dwelling, and workshop, with three -
E. C. POTTER, Holmesville.
The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Biddle -
combo Hall on the 1st and 9rd Fridays in each
month. Visitors cordially invited.
R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN. Recorder
The Growing Old Trouble.
No woman likes the thought of growing
old. It means so much. The giving up
of pleasures and pastimes that were at once
her occupation and delight, and when laid
aside she takes np nothing instead. The
way to be young is to keep young. Think
pleasant thoughts. Do kind acts. Keep
all your muscles in action, for as long as
they are yours they should be properly
exercised. Live at peace with the world
and in touch and eympathy with your
neighbors. Gather bright young lives
about yon, and find your pleasure in giving
pleasure to others. Do not neglect your
health. Give youreelf plenty of time for
sleep, and above all, cultivate the nerves
nntil yon have them in complete subjec-
tion. Dress becomingly, and never be in-
fluenced by what disinterested persons tell
you of the becomingness of certain articles
of dress for a "person of your years" or
"advanced life." Make up your mind to
keep young and you will Bucceed.
millions of Egyptisdi Mummies.
Competent authorities estimate that not
leas than 400,000,000 of human mummies
wore made in Egypt from the time of the
beginning of the art of embalming until its
discontinuance in the seventh century.
Herodotna and Diodorna both agree in the
statement that there were three grades in
the embalming process, the first costing
not letui ban a sum equal to $1,225,
the seeoad about one-fifth thati amount,
lisa the tl iAd 0110 00m4on taxa%
b At'
.1.U. Small sums on good mortgage security
moderaterate ofinterest. H HALE. Clinton.
J.J Auctioneer still in the field, able and will•
ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and
takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons
for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed
and rents collected. Charges moderate. D
Dioximos, Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Residenoe Albert Street, Clinton.
12 • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and
Civil Engineer, London, Ont. -Office at Geo, J
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
We can make a few good loans from privet
funds at ow rates and modate expenseer.
Terms made tosuitborrowers.
Id NNING& SCOTT. - Clinton
Piano, Organ and Technicon,or•Musel devel op e
for use of pupil°. Rooms in Beaver Block
Albeit Street, Clinton.
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the
Toronto School of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painles
extraction cf teeth,
Office over John Jackson's Shoe Store, Clinton.
OrNight bell answered. '
The subscriber desires to intimate to hor mazy
old friends and the public generally, that she has
commenced business again in the building direct-
ly South of the Queen's Hotel, Victoria St., where
she will be pleased to execute promptly and in a
satisfactory manner all work entrusted to her.
Subscriber has.. now a large stock of North
Shore Cede.). Shingles, also Britiah Columbia. Red
Cedar Shingles on hand at each of the following
places; and they may be procured either from
himself or the parties named: Belgrave, Wm.
Watson; Blyth, D. Cowan; Brum:111131d, itt station
or from Robert McIlyeen, Staniey; and Londes-
boro, from himself. W. H. WHITLEY.
WANTED—Live Hogs from 150 to 200
D. CANTELON, Clinton
The undersigned having bought out the bakery
business so successfully carried on by Mr Wm.
Young, will continue the business at the old stand
He will endeavor, by supplying a first class arti;
ole, to merit the liberal support of the people.
Bread delivered anywhere in town.
Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakea
supplied on short notice.
As Well as Ever
Atter Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
• Cured of a Serious MOWN%
"I was suffering from what is known se
Bright's disease for Ave years, and for days at a
time I have been unable to straighten myself
np. I was in bed for three weeks; during that
time I bad leeches applied and derived 110 bene-
fit. Seeing Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised in
the papers I decided to try a bottle. I fennel
relief before 1 had finished taking half of a bot-
tle. I got so much help ftem\taking the first
bottle that I decided to try another, and abuts
taking the second bottle I feel as weu as ever
did In my life." Gyo. lifiesmerr, Toronto, Ont.
Hood's Pills are prompt and el:defeat, Wit
eery of sat& Cishl by all drursata. ase
497 Talbot St., specialist ori the
Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital
1889. Post Graduate Course at the New fork
Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital or
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1892. Eyes Tested.
Full stock of Artificial Eyes, Spectacles and Len
Befia Will be at
Rattenbury House, CLINTON,
on MAY 4th.
Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Will be at
the first Thursday in each month.
Tested Remedies.
For rcpure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palps-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General Debility
Prop. and Manufacturer
Sold in Clinton by
To make room for the new
stock now coming in which
is also very cheap.
British Columbia
other Shingles
at Clinton Blyth & Brucefield
IlicKINop Mutual Fire Insurance Co
D. Ross, Pr3sident, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Tice
Pres. Flarloek; W. J. Shannon, Seoy-Treasl.
Seatorth; M. kturdie, Inspector of Claims
Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ;, Gabriel Elliott.
Clinton; Joseph Evana,Heeeb*ood; Thos. Car -
bet, Clinton ; C. Gardiner, Leadbury ; John.
Thos. Neilans, Harlook; Robt. McMillan, Sea
forth; J. Cumings, EgmonAville. Goo. Murdie,
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or wan
sect other business will be promptly attended
to on application to any of the above officer*
adressed to their respecitvo offices.
Loan & Investment Co'y
This Company is Loaning Money on Farm
Security at Lowest Rates of Interest
3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Deposits, according toamount and time left.
OFFICE-0er. ficinare and North St., Goderich
Next to Comma -dial Hotel.
This establishment is in full operation and al
orders filled in the most satiataotory way, demo.
tory and granite work a specialty. Pirko! itt
reasonable as those of any establishment
BEALB 4t. HOOVER, Clinton. 31*
• A