HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-04-27, Page 3MORRI Pio,os MUSICAL EXCELLENCE; ARTISTIC DEMON DURABLE CONSTRIXT1ON CATALOGUES SENT FREE ON APPLWATAONs Morris-Feild -Rogers-Co LISTOWEL. Integrity Rewarded. "I wouldn't have anything to do with it, John," said Mrs 'Nye, a dainty, little, hazel -eyed woman in a plain calico gowo, w:th white linen collar and apron, looking up at her husband, who had a staunch, manly air, as he stood by the .door of their little tene- ment at the railroad terminus, holding his lantern and tin lunch pail. 'lave at your best, John; that is the only way you can have any influence over the others. Set your foot like a rock against everything like dishonesty "I tell you I have always done so, Mary, but it looks now as if I had got to wink at this thing or lose my job. The new conductor suspects that I am true blue for the company, and he will have me turned off before I know it. If I had only myself to care for I would let the job go; hut—" "Let the lob go as it is, if it comes to that," put in the wife quickly. "I did not marry you for a thief, and robbing th a company is no better than any other kind of robbery, however. the • men may excuse it on the ground of low wages and corporations having no souls. You have a soul and you have a family. I would starve, and allow the children to do the same, before I would put upon Inv table food stolen from the train, and if you allow your fellow workmen to do this without a protest from you, the Lord will not hold you blameless. There is the whistle of No. 8; good-bye," and with a kiss the.earnest-faced wife sent her husband out into the night with the parting injunction, "Remember, there • nas never been any stealing on the Knoneluck branch, and you hold the honor of the road in your keeping." "A brakeman on a night freight with the honor of the road in my keeping," he said scornfully to himself, as by the light of the lantern he made his way across the labyrinth of switch tracks and swung himself up on the little, black, smoky caboose of No. 8, called by the boys the tar bucket, it had been so long without painting. He disposed oflais lunch pail, mended the fire, and examined the lanterns to •see if they. were. all .right, _although none of these details were irr his line of duty. "If •that red light should go out on our hands, the honor of the road would go to smash by the time we meet the local at White Feather bridge," he said to himself as he proceeded to adjust the wick,—and then added in an impa- tient tone to a slim young fellow who came slouching in at the door: 'Pretty shittless housekeeping, this, yclung man; I have trimmed your lan- terns for you right along ever since this accursed plot has been brewing— and I tell you, Joe Griggs, my minor is made up. I am going to break up the scheme as far as this branch is con- cerned." "You can't do it," whined the young fellow, "It has gone too far. You've no idea what a lot of the boys have been coaxed into it, and made believe it's no harm, or it's just a frolic, or it serves the company right." "It all came through hiring that new conductor from off the Pan Handle," groaned John Nye. " He's good-look- ing and carries brass enough in his face to make an alarm hell, and a tongue that would make a good clapper. Some of the boys think it is geed eno'igh for the company, if they will keep fellows from the outside over their old faithful men, instead of promoting someone. If we report him, he will swear out a case of persecution, and say it is all on account of jealousy. Well,.if worse comes to worse, I shall ask for a bill of my time. I will not stay here and wink at the operation of a gang of thieves." "You are the first one to raise a kick," said Griggs, "I have wondered all the while why you didn't. You are older than some of the rest of us, and have been on the road longer. You are a family man, you don't drink, and the boys look up to you. I don't like the look of it myself, but I am only a tail brakeman.' "You are a man !" said John Nye, -With a strength that astonished him- self, "and so are you. and you," as the two other brakemen entered the cosy little car. "Now, while I have the op- portunity, I want to say I shall have nothing to do with robbing that poul- try car that is coming down to -night. If I can't have a green goose without stealing it, I will eat dry codfish. If we are only working on a night freight we have a duty to ourselves and our families, and it is our privilege to make the best of ourselves." Involuntarily he went on repeating his wife's words: "There's never been any thieving on the branch, and while we are here we have the honor of the road in our keeping." • "I amglad to hear you come out so strong,"said Jim Corning. "I thought it strange, you're keeping so quiet, and I'm with you. I wouldn't like to have my goad mother back East hear that her boy had turned into a thief as soon as he got out of her reach." "I reckon we can none of us get out of the reach of our mother's prayers," put in. Bob Welch. " I have been thinking that ever since this new man came whispering and insinuating around, but I didn't like to he "the first to come out against him, and I sup- pose a good many of the boys . feel the Same way. They sort of fell in with it, some of them, because they feel ugly toward the company for setting up this new man." "HMI" Said John\ Nye, "here he THE CLINTON NEW ERA THE BOOMERANG, -- comes, Remember, every man of you 1.8 to say to every man you meet on the A Terse Deseripticin of the Mak* and pee road, to -night, 'INo thieves in the tar of This Weapon. bucket.' ' iuvOL weapon beoamu an nteinsely .At the White Feather Crossing they interesting object to me very soon after met the first through freight, No. l5, arriving in Australia; and for the purpose and although they were all as busy and of studying it, I went pereistently among alert as their duties required them to the black fellowe, whose friendehip I ow- autgone how the employes on the t trains could have the opportunity exchange a word, the men on the o going. train said, one to another : "No thieves in the tar bucket,—goo let'e pass the news along; 20 is ju ahead," It only took one night's work to u do the subtle plotting of vteeks. T poultry cars went through safely, a in a few days the new conductor w rnissing, much to the surprise of t company. So much freight, however, was mis ing at the terminus of the great throw line that an investigation was he through which the men on the Knon luck Branch came out with flyin colors. "Not so much as a kernel of corn h been missed on the branch," said ti general superintendent. to the conduc or of No. 15, "but yet I heal. there wa at one time, a thoroughly arrange plan for robbing every produce tr.& hat passed over. Now what broke '"As far as I am Concerned, it was oice out of the darkness that bit re ike a hot shot, saying, 'No thieves i he tar bucket.'" This was the substance of the helm, talon given by the men on the branch nd one night the tar bucket was boil red, and its inmates astonished, by all from the three head officials. "We have heard," began the presi ent, "that the honor of the road 1 eld in the tar bucket, and—" "The honor of the road rests with y wife," interrupted John Nye—and e told the story, adding, "She said hat after I left that night she just laid old on the Lord and. would not le im go until she felt, sure in her heart at there were no thieves in the tar icket. I felt the help, I did, sir, 1 an ankful to acknowledge it. It seemed me some one else was talking, al- ough the words came out of niy malt." 'This hasistrengthened my fa•ith,"sald e president, and the simerintendeat ded : "We want some new conduce. s on the line, we shall take them om the branch. We waif a good neratfreight inspector; that falls oa u, John Nye. We would put your ife in assistant, if it was not out of der." "We can't promote her," said John rnestly, "only the Lord can do that. e has always been at the front pray - g for you all, that you :night do your tv in every way." 'Praise the Lord 1" said the gray- aded president tearfully," gad the hers wiped their ayes in sympathy. be ,andn o one but a rail way man could wo to ut- dl st 11- he as he 5- d, g d 11 e - le t- it a e u a t t u v 1 t m a 0 d h m h h H th hi th to th m th ad Or fr ge yo w Or ea Sh in du he ot AN ESSEX FARME.0 A Tom WRECK WITH KIDNEY DISEASES— ALL THE Seareaus OF BRIGHT'S BISSAU PRESENI—DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS MAKE NIDI PERFECTLY WEI; LEAMINGTON, April 3—Sherman Buch- anan, a farmer living -near -here, recently passed through a terrible ordeal. He wan attacked by kidney diseases which made him a perfect wreak, , He suffered agonized pains and hifi digestive organs were serious- ly impaired. All the symptoms of Bright's disease were present., after several doc- tors had treated him ineffectually, Mr Buchanan used several boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they cured hica• Dodd's was the first kidney remedy in pill form ever offered the public.. Its wonderful success in curing all forms of kidney dis- ease, has led to the introduction of num- erous cheap and worthless imitations. Purchasers for their own safety, should I insist on getting Dodd's Kidney Pills. Sold in large bares; price, fifty cents or six boxes for $250. To be had of dealers. THE OLD AND THE NEW. OUT OF DATE. Doe a your wife approve of your smoking? Does your wife take an interest in your politics? Do you consult your wife on impor- tant matters? Does your wife ever dine out with- out you? oat does your wife say to your go- ing to music halls? Does your wife sit up for you? Are you car eful what you say before your family? Do vou think it your duty to go to chinan with the children? Do you like the ladies of your family to read everything you read? Are you a kind husband and father? Is the further progress of women de- sirable? If so, in what direction? Do you contemplate the prospect with equanimity? UP TO DATE. Do you approve of your wife smok- ing? Do .you take an interest in your wife's politics? Does your wife consult you on any matters? Do you ever dine out with your wife? What do you say to your daughters going to music halls? Do you sit up for your daughters? Is your family careful what it says before you? Can the children reconcile it with their conscience to go to church with you? Would you like to read everything the ladies of your family write? Are you a kindly -treated husband and father? Is the further progress of women possible? If so, to what extent? Does it make any difference how you contemplate the prospect? I believe Minard's Liniment will our every case of Diphtheria. Riverdale. MRS.'BitIREN BAKER. I believe Minard's Liniment will promote growth of hair. Stanley, P. E. I. MItS OHM ANDERSON. I believe Minard's "Liniment is tfie best household remedy on earth. Oil City, Ont. MATTHIAS FOLEE. tivated in different ways, and so succeeded eventually in learning how to make and throw the boomerang. So far, well and good; but of its history I could learn noth- ing. Of the origin of the art:148d stink there is no knowledge; one can only eon - t born with the race itself from the acoi. deutal throwing of a flat stick; for from ohildhood the black fellow shows a natural beat for throwing things, es you can see by watching him use his only other weep - one, the spear and club. The bow and arrow, so oommon in other lands, is not used, except in the extreme northern por- tion of the great island continent, where there is a mixture of the race with the Papuan of New Guinea. There is the war boomerang, hunting boomerang, and amusement boomerang. • This last is used for light hunting, such as killing ducks, cookatoos, and parrots, and is the ono that is referred to when speak- ing of the boomerang. Them sticks mea- sure from a foot and a half to three feet and a half in length, the fighting and hunting ones being the largest and heavi- est. The hardest and toughest wood is selecte4 and the form of the weapon fol- lows the grain of the wood; thus, if the crook of the rqot or limb is little or much, so is the form of the .boonierang. You will find that nearly every one is of a dif- ferent shape. In my oolleotion I have them varying from almost straight to a shape like that of the letter V. Nearly straight, curved, plain, orna- mented; some with strange carvings, and all varying aocording to different sections of the country and individual tribes, each having its own make or style, showing se- speotively rough crudeness or considerable finish, and being especially characteristic n the ends or points — all of whioh a boomerang connoisseur will distinguish at nee, and locate as to tribe and seotion. In the _black fellow's humpy, where be eeps his collection thrown down in a orner with a pile of spears, clubs, rags, ark, and skins of kangaroo and wallaby, have seen very rare and curious speci- mens. .The nomad black fellow makes his rimitive humpy, or hut, in a location hosen temporarily, according to his ne- essities for hunting, fishing, and the like, y cutting a young sapling half through bout four feet from the ground, and bend - ng it over to a horizontal position, thus orming a ridge -pole, against which boughs nd strips of bark are laid. The covered de is always against the wind, and before he open front a fire is always burning r smouldering. He does not like MC ind, and if it changes, prestel the umpy, too, is changed in a twinkling. Down in this humpy corner, underneath e pile of bark and skins, he will burrow ke a rabbit when he goes to sleep, and om the same place he will provide Wu- lf with a weapon when starting off for a unt—Harper's Young People. 0 k b p00ba a si 0 h th li fr Ete h E SNOWprap#,,soN • HEAD&SHOULDERSOVERALLOTHERS SNOWBALL WAGON CO.STGEORGEONT Tbi i one of th o best Farm Waggon. mann- facturod, naving boon on the market for 60 years, ii,i being V,21') strongly built, while at the same time adapt t ti to all kinds of work, ard is noted for its lig.itnoss of d: ttil and easy running. Those lhivo mem wil' 050 00 other, while the price at whirdi it is sold is no more than would b.-, mild for eh !nforior s,risle, The undersigned to o1e agenr for tLIF,:eoishhorhood, and the wag gon mav be it•snected at any time at his shop OLIVER .ToPINS'110N, 3:„.:AZ)KSMITH ISAAC SrltEET, : CLINTON Attention In time to any irregularity of the Stomach, Liver, or Bowels may prevent serious consequences. • Indigestion, costiveness, headache, nau- sea, bilious. nesst'and—ver-- tigo indicate certaiu fune- tional derange- ments, the best remedy for Which is Ayer's Pills. Purely vege- table, sugar-coated, easy to take and. quick to assimilate, this is the ideal family medieine—the most popular, P516, and useful aperient in phar- Inaoy. Mrs. M. A. BROCKVirELL, Barris, Tenn., says: 'Ayer's Cathartlo rills cured me of sick headache and my husband of neuralgia. We think there is No Better Medicine, and have Induced many to use it. Thirty-five years ago this Spring, I was Tun down by hard work and a succession of colds, which made me so feeble that it was an effort for me to walk. I consulted the dootors, but kept sinking lower until I had given up all hope of ever being better. Happening to be in a storeione day, where medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed my weak and sickly appearance, and, after a few questions as to my health, recom- mended me to try Ayer's Pills. • I had little faith in these or any other medicine, but concluded, at last, to take his advice and try a box. Before I bad used them all, I was very much better, and two boxes cured me. I am now 80 years old; but I believe that if it had not been for Ayer's Pills, I should have been in my grave long ago. I buy 6 boxes every year, which make 210 boxes up to this time, and I would no more be with- out them than without bread."—H. H. Ingraham, Rockland, Me. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective POWDERS Cure SICK 'HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 misures, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath, to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VERS. NICE To wits. PRICE 26 CENTS AT DRUG STORESI• WASHING MACHINES. • Mr B. Cole isrnanufacturing for Sale a Patent Washing Machine called the " Engle washer" which 1. "Demi at a very low figure, They can be..i.00n at his rbridettee, Isaac stroet. B, COLE, Clinton. HUGH MINOCCA EGGS forHATCHING Eges that will hatch, from a pen of Thorobred Black Minorcan. This pen is headed by one of the highest scoring male birds in Canada. These birds were:shown at the leading fairs in Huron last fall, carrying oil lst and 2nd prize at Exeter, lst and 2nd at Clinton, and all the first prises given for Minorca's at the Seaforth Fair. They stand second to none in the Dominion. Eggs 51 per 13. Satisfaction gtutrante3d. Write me full in- formation. J. H. REID, Seaforti., Perseverance In mange will give relief, even I0 cases of long standing, where a cure seemed • impossible and hie seemed hardly worth hvipg. Per Boule.25c,50c,or$1.00 .4/t111.1Z/Ct4, ttd, 3,itiA601~11~V THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD .. That will bum ROUGH WOOD and COAL ... Equally Well... Tile OO RADE Irwmnottli Has the Largest Oven, • IS A PARTIES'S STOVE ••THE OXFORD:.. 011, GAS COOK STOVE B akes and Burne Its Own Gas From Common Coal Oil. NO DIRT, NO HEAT IN THE KITCHEN. Cooks a Family Dinner for Two Cents.. The GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., Ltd., TORONTO, Is Everybody's Cook Stove. see It. WolcomoSpriligish:r:tgazi,AlsolloadloaniniTinio We offer full lines of Scrubbing Brushes, Stove Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Whitewash Bru03?s, Self -wringing Mops and Mop handles, Patent Brooms, do., Whiting, Pearline, Sapolio. Washing Soda and kV galling Crystal. SOAPS -Sunlight, Sunbeam, Home Sweet Home, Surprise, Wide Awake, N. P., Victor, 0. K., Electrio, Dingman's, Amonia, Niagara, Standard, Century Soap. TOL LET Sif DA VS—Pare White Castile and Oatmeal Bars, Heliotrope, Baby's Own, Home Oomf,at, Carbolic, Tar, Sulphur, Master Meohanics will remove tar and grease • from the hands. CROCKERY—During April we offer Toilet Sets, Dinner and Tea sets at greatly re- duced pricer; for cash. We cannot be excelled in the quality and flavor of our TEAS, either in Black, Green or japans. Speoial outs in Teas and Sugars in quantitiee. Cann- ed goecle, Pickles, Spices. Hams, Bacion, Lard, Cottoleno, Oatmeal, Cornrneal, Flaked Peas, Flaked Hominy. \We continue to offer special inducements to cash purchasers N. ROBSQN, - Clinton • Aprit 27, 1894, THE HATHAWAY • • e- . 9 PATENT FENCE, WIRE. A g =he 014 Above Curls Ose.hallAchalInte, This strand is made of the best quality of Galvanized Steel Wire, is one and three -fourth inches wide, and consequently is easily seen by stook. By using one or more strands with the barb wire makes an excellent fence. 'We have also the American Braided Barbless Steel Wire, Plain Twist, Barbed Wire, and .Black Fence Wire all sizes. Our stock is now complete in every line and prices reduced. Best No. 1 COAL OIL 10c. per Gallon Cash 12 cents if Charged. Si.immommaimomp New Store HARLAND - BROS. trick NrackayBlock Block. • Old Stand odern Featherbone Corsets must not be confounded with those which were made five or six years ago. The Featherbone Corset of to -day is as far removed from the old style, as black is from white. BUY A PAIR AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. People Must Live 411/41 A.nd in order to do so they want the very best they can get.. We have anticipated their desire by purchasing the choicest GROCERIES, TEAS, SUG ARS, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, Szc, Having had 35 years experience, think we know the wants • of the people pretty well. Our stock embraces everything found in a first-class grocery, and we will not be undersold. We have a Beautiful Assortment of FANCY G-LASSWARE and CROCKERY. Special Cuts on SUGARS and TEAS in large lots W. Irwin, Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, -- - - CLINTON. Hub Grocery .- Tea Just arrived, a consignment of the celebrated BEE BRAND TEA, put in half pound and pound packages. This is the only package Tea put up where 11 18 grown. The Bee Brand Tea is grown in the Palameotta Gardens, Ceylon, and is no mixture, but a pure Tea of very fine flavor and strength, This Tea took the first place at the World's Fair, Chicago. We have the soie agency for this town. Come and get a sample and try it. (1O SWALr4cW, ▪ 42111inton: CLINTON . Sash, Door Si Blind Factory SN -1 4.2 C:3 4 1;::1 TNIXT1,1; Iffr.:A-.„.. CD , t... •vii,.% ..... "'"'" P'',...4,......irksttsr ) •...,..„. Cs) .i .. .74 -..r.ilheigfillt542;40'..•'-ifr : : 5: S. COOPER, Proprietor : : Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to the. We prepare plans and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contraots for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also carry in stook all kinds of Window Sash, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &o. Persons who intend to build will find it to their own interest to see me before sodoing. S. GOOPER, Clinton DIPIITHERTg•L itilloitmcoLy141)usRAD wawa