Clinton New Era, 1894-04-27, Page 2A.prll. 27, i894 E Crisp Ceara)/()finings Mr Gordon, or Wigghatn, lost a 0150 ('log last week. Wingham will in all probability liav(i no derrionptration sari lrlxe Queens birthday tills yea. fr Old Isar John Brandon, oP Ile! rave, who is ave): 94,, yore of age, walked to ollurol • last! Sunday. Mrs Pugeley has sold her farm of 50 acrea.on the 5th con., Uaborne, to Mr Pen- warden for the sum of 02,500. Mr Robert Dodd'a lies pparchased 25 acres on the 9th calk., of McKillop, part of lot 31, from Mr A. Govenlook, The price was X1,125. The iron bridge whioh is being erected Over the river at Grand Bend ie fast near- doubtlesslwill lash many yearsraoture and Mr John Lawson, of Wingham, was called 'home to Credit Forks again on Thursday death, which mother's 000nr ed Wednesday night. Mr Nelson Thornton, of Morris, near of hie house and a great suffered the s portion of contents by fire on Tueeday. It is supposed to have origi- nated from a spark catching onto the roof. W. B. Dickson, wife and family, former- ly of Brussels, have removed from Denver, Colorado, to Langdon, Dakota. Mr Dick- son intends practising law in his new home, we understand. Samuel Ferguson, who has acted as as- sistant miller in the Big Mill, Seaforth, for 'several years, left on Monday for the ., where i) Northwestosi- tion of head miller in a large flouring estab- lishment. .. Mr Samuel McBride, has purchased from Mr Thomas Sherritt, the 100 acre farm on the Goshen line, Stanley, which abut on his own homestead. It is a good farm and a good bargain at the price, $5,500. A young lad named Will McLean, who was engaged in Messrs Button & Feseant's chair factory, Wingham, had the thumb of his right hand takers off by a saw at which he was working on Monday after- noon. Word was received on Monday of the death, in Jos. Kerr,a brother oMes, New ssrs rs WmfMr and John Kerr, of Wingham. Mr Kerr went west several years ago, on account of his health, being troubled with lung disease. ° A sister was with him at the time of his death. Now Lnoknow is having a similar ex- perience to Wingham in regard to paying the freight on a couple of cannons sent to that place by Hon. J. C. Patterson, Min-ister of . amount to $521afcharges. The freight The not ased for by the Council, hence they decline to pay freight on them. Another 'of the honored pioneers of las- borne, in the person of Mrs A. McInnis, has passed away to her long home, having reached the unusual age of 91 years. She died at the residence of her youngest son, Mr Donald McInnis, Thames road, on Thursday of last week. Mrs McInnis had a family of thirteen, six of whom survive ber. Our readers will regret sincerely to hear of the demise of Mr Richard Sperling, so long and favorably known in MoKillop. He breathed hie last on the 16th inst., af- ter a long and exhausting sickness. He was comparatively a young man, being on- ly 55 years of age at the time of his death. elimhed llutside Was to exatuine Willi - self for cuts and other wounds, "'Well, I guess I, am alive,' be said, with.• a laugh. "After we had sat there for awhile Watching with shivers the wreckers that working out to mto crawl back nd declared i into g the car. "'Great heavens!' I begged, 'don't, do that; we were lucky to get out r once. You might get pinned there or drowned by the rising water.' "'I have a waistcoat in there,' he answered, 'and in the side pocket there are over $1,000. I am going back for that waistcoat. My berth was an end one, and I must be able to find it.' "In the face of my protests he crawl- ed back through the window and when he dropped down with a loud splash I was as 'rattled' as if I had been there again myself, I could heat. hien puffing around in the water down there for a long time, while he fished for his waistcoat. F inally his wet, head came through the window once more, and I was never more glad to see a man. "'I got it,' he said, with a trium- phant laugh, 'Pretty__ wet, but the bills seem to be here. Watch is gone. Too bad, too; it was given to me, but one can't expect to save everything out of a railroad wreck,' he added cheerfully. "He was a cool man, that fellow, and nothing could disturb his good humor." _Rev. T. Davidson, M. A., of Wroxeter, has notified Rev. D. Miller, moderator; that he intends resigning his charge at Wroxeter. He resigned a few weeks ago, but f the Presbytery.. 1d.r Darew it at the ideon's health is not good. Thursday afternoon the bank barn on what is known as the Robb. Burns farm, 21 miles south of Brussels, was completely destroyed by fire. Michael Shine is tak- ing the farm and he was working about the pig pen when somebody told him there was fire in the hen house. He ran there at once, but before water could be obtained too ranch headway was obtained by the flames. There was an insurance of $700 on barn and contents, it is said, in the Howick Mutual. In a recent issue we made mention of the serious illness of Mr Geo. Skelton, of the 7th line, Morris. This week we have to record his death, which sad event took place on Thnraday morning. Deceased had been ailing for some time, and about three weeks ago he took a paralytic stroke, after which be was unable to help himself. The funeral took place on Friday at 2 p.m. to the Brussels cemetery. Deceased was in his 65th year. His wife died a few years ago. BRIGHT SPRING DAYS. The spring should be pre-eminently a season of contentment, happiness and hope. In these bright and pleasant months the country should enjoy its highest degree of tranquility. But spring, it is well known, is often, a period of discomfort and dis- turbance in the physical system. Im- portant organs of the body become torpid or irregular in their aotion, and the fact is inetantiy reflected in the mental condition of the individual. A disordered liver means disordered nerves and a dull and unsteady brain. Anything which will bring the physical system into harmony with budding Nature confers an enormous benefit upon the nation, besides the mere allaying of physical discomfort. Hood's Sarsaparilla does this, as thopsands of grateful and hap- py men and women can testify, and increas- ed use of this standard spring medicine is of more real practical • importance in pro- moting health and quiet in the business world than reams of abstract theorizing. ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who ttua'them- selvee nervous, weak and exte.asted, who are broken duwa Proof eyoees or over -Work, resulting._in many of the Luiluaing syt�lp tome :ental i1ental depression, premature old age, lose of vitality, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in tee kidneys, heaaaobe, piislples on the face and body, itching or peoulier sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diz-:• ossa, specks before the eyes, twitching of the monies, eyelids and 'elsewhere, bash- fulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, dtraire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes, surrounded with LEADEN CnRCLES, oily loolting akin, etc,, are all eytuptolns of ner- vous debility, that lead to iueanity, unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance, may be perma- nently cured. Send your address and 10o in stamps for book on,d.isspses peculiar to man, sent sealed. Address M. V. LU BON, 24 Macdonnell Ave., Toronto, Ont,, Canada. Please mention this paper. It is odd but true that one con best judge of a woman's carriage when she is walking. The Fee ConnlliSSiOI#, ,l His Honor Judge IIIeDonal(l,. Toron- to, testified before the Provincial 1?'ees ; Commission on Friday, and is the fust i witness examined. With regard to the election or appointment of the of, ficial$ in question he said: I have only one answer to make to that, and that is, that, in my opinion, the officers are better selected as a rule, by their being appointed by the Pro- vincial Government thtyn by their. be- ing elective officers; I arra not at all in favor of elective officers. I should think it would be a very great mistake and a serious blunder, as to the case of officers enumerated here, to substi- g�TOWLEDGE tute the mode of election by, the peo- pia as a means of election. He regards the whole registry system Brings comfort and improvement an as a branch of real property law, and tends to personal enjoyment when hence not of a municipality but of a rightly used. The many, who live bet. Provincial character. He thinks the ter than others and enjoy life more, with work should be' paid for by those for ass expenditure, by more promptly 11 P whom it is done, as at present, and oda tm the worlds p to recommends the fixing of a minimum p g will attest salary fur deputies and assistants. At the session of the Fees Commiss• ion on Saturday Mr E. B. Osier and Mr B. E. Walker, General Manager of the Bank of Commerce, Toronto, gave Man in rho form mos ac ptable and pleas- M.t�NNING & SCGTT. Barristers, Solicitors CONVEYAZt't1ERS, &o. , Cgrtr ekIlltx•rpona Ontario and 0Lu or! ., beetproducts the needs of physicalbeing, the value to heal*h of the pure liquid laxative prince Je embraced in the remedy, Syrur of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting evidence. Both gentlemen were ri m t ce in the opinion that the present system ant to the taste, the refreshing and•truly of appointing and tc., wa crating•cher- beneficial properties of a perfect lax- lk' iffe, Registrars, etc., was better than ative ;.effectually cleansing the system, Visitor—"Dn you regret the past?" anything that had been as yet sug est- y ed. Both are opposed to giving the dispelling colds, headaches and fevers Convicted counterfeiter—"Oh, no; it'sp and permanently curing consti ation. what didn't pass that I feel bad about." tower of appointment to Muni'i al It has }van satisfaction to millions, and Councils or to the election of offic' le "You think my boy is bound to make by the popular vote. met with the approval of the medical his mark?" Teacher—"I arm afraid so. • Ex -President Wilkie of the Toronto profession,because it acts on the Kid - It seems impossible for him to learn to write." "Hardup is a pretty decent sort of chap, but he never sticks to anything." "Did you ever lend hiin any money?" Ethel—"Do you allow Charles to kiss you when you are not yet engaged to him?" Maud—"It isn't an allowance. He calls ir, a perquisite." Board of Trade thought it would be a mistake to make any change in the present system. He thought the elec- tive system would not be a success if tried. And further, he declared it would have to be applied to county treasurers and judges if applied to reg- istrars. DR 4PPLETON „-, OFFICE •*- AT REST DLNOS on Ontario etieet, Clinton, op poeite English Church. Entrance 1)y side gate.. DR. WM. GUNN CFFICE ONTARIO 13T -111••••77 a few doors 'East of Albert Street. DR J. L. TUii.,NEULL, M. D., TORONTO Univereity, Jit D O.M., Victoria University M. O. P & S., Ontario. Fano* of the Obstetric/ea Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng„ and Edinburgh Hospitals. fitlioe.—Dr. Dowsely's old aloe Rattnbury St. Clinton, Night bell answered atthe some place. TR, ,F. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON llA000ucheur, ete„ office in the Palace Block Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Beeva Clinton Ont. DR. R. MOORE, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Accoucheur. Office and residence, Huron street, near railway crossing. DR STANSsURY, GRADUATE OF TBE Medical Department o1 Victoria UDihar- city, Toronto, formerly o1 the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New Yorg, Coroner for be County of Huron, Bayfield. Ont. T. C. BRUCE ar D. S. Dentist - Surgeon - Clinton. Painless Extraction by the Ilse of local Antesthetio witl visit Blyth every Monday Mason's Hotel, Bayfield 2nd and ath Thursday of each month duringsummex eoialty Pre- servation servation of the natm.a' teeth. neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- °thee, Coatsslook, over Taylor's shoe store ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75e. bottlers, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. Stub bands of Thought. A man is utterer woman's ideal than a woman is. It isn't a sign of weakness for a man to be afraid of a woman. Individual men and women are free- dom. The family is the integer of human happiness. Age is the natural enemy of mankind. Nature is undistilled art. A man's character is born with him; he gets his reputation from ether people. When love fills the heart, the pockete may go empty. A kiss is a concejitration. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of William Spind- ler, pind- le late of the Town of Clinton, in the Coun- ty of Huron, -Laborer, deceased. ( Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. 0. 1887 Chap. 110, and amending Acts, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of William Spindler, late of the own of Clinton ,in the County of Huron, Laborer,deceased, who died on or about the Twenty ninth day of December A.D. 1893,are required,on or beforelvIay 25th, 1891 to send by mail post paid, or delivered to Manning & Scott, Solicitors for The TrustsCor- poration of Ontario, administrator of the property of the said deceased, at their oilice in the Town of Clintou,theirOnristian and Surnames,addresses and descriptions of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, together with a Statutory declaration proving their claims; and that after the said 25th day of May next the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which it then obeli ,have had notice, and that it will not be liable fcr the,said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims It shall not then have received notice. MANNING & SCOTT ,;ichors for The Trusts Corporation of On- tario Administrator of the property of William Spindler deceased. Dated the 18th day of April 1894 Cheap Work. Italian ships are worked cheaper than those of any other nation. The monthly • expense of an Italian ship with a crew of twenty men is about $475. Gun Powder Has a Rival. English naval authorities say that the days of gun powder as a charge for naval guns are numbered, new and superior ex- plosives having come to the front. An Old Bridge. ' Westminster Bridge, built in 1750, was the first in which the foundations wore laid by the aid of caissons. Hotel proprietor—"We don't allow any games of chance here." . Gambler —"Tis isn't a game of chance. My friend here has no chance." Pains in the Joints Caused by Inflammatory Swelling • A Perfect Cure by Mood's Sarsa- parilla. "It affords me much pleasure to recommend Hood's sarsaparilla. 31iy son was afflicted with great pain in the joints, accompanied with swelling so bad that be could not get up stairs to bed without crawling abut on ds and knees. I and having read was very serious HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom- en Look 01d Soener Than a Man")to LEVER Baca., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive .by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The Soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the endo open. Write your address carefully. THE EVOLUTION Of medicinal agents is gradually relegating the old-time herbs, pills, draughts and veg- etable extracts to the rear and bringing in- • to general use the pleasant and effectite liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs. To get the true remedy see that it is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For ale by ail leading druggists. ood's Cures so much about Hood's Sarsaparilla, I deter- Mined etermined to try it, and got a half-dozen bottles, lour of which entirely cured him." Mae LAKs, Oshawa, Ontario. N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's P111s act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 265. Mamma (as she is serving the pie at 'the table)—"What is an improper fraction, Johnny?" Johnny—"Any- thing less than a quarter, mamma. Wm. Bremner, of Adelaide street, London, was killed in a runaway acci- dent, in that city, Wednesday. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Joseph White- head, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Retired Contractor, de- ceased. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR To LET FARM FOR SALE. Good term o1240 acres, within 171 miles of Blyth 220 acres cleared, for J, 13,KELLY tApply Blyth, to CHOICE BUSINESS STAND FOR SALE. The undersigned having bought out the busi- ness of Mr f3. Newton, Porter's Hill, deeires to dispose of his WAGGON MAKING BUSINESS and premises atgolmesVille. A good trade can be done here, and a splendid opportunity will b given to anyone desirous of purchasing. Ther is a good dwelling, and workshol,, with three quarters of an acE oC. PO'TER ,Holm aville. DRESSMAKING. The subscriber desires to intimate to her man3 old friends and the public generally, that ebe he. commenced business again in the building direct ly South of tiie queen's Hotel; Victoria Si., when she will be pleased to execute promptly and in satisfactory mannerMARTHA TREWe d to he MARTHA.r Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. 0. 1887, Chap. 110 and amending Acts, that all creditors and ether having claims against the estate of Joseph Whitehead, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Retired Contrac- •tor,.deceased who died on or about the 12th day 'of March A. D.1104, are required on or before the' 25th day of May 1894, to send by mail post paid, or deliver to Manning (4z Scott, Clintou,•Ontario, Solicitors for the executors of the Will of the said deceased, their Christian and Surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions of their claims, and the nature of the secur4�yyy (if any) held by them, to- gether with a Statu`tory declaration proving their claims; and that after the said 25th day of May next the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets, leaving regard only to the claims of which, they then eha)l have had notice, and that they will not be liable for the said assets or any purr thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims they shall not then have received notice. MANNING & SCOTT Solicitors for the Executors et the fast will of Joseph Whitehead deceased. Dated the 16th day of April 1894, ISMISMOSIMOINNIMISIMIWIEr 1{ ROIs COUNTY CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION. SHINGLES FOR SALE. Sdbscriber has now a large stock of Nort Shore Cedar Shingles, also British Columbia Re Cedar Shingles on hand at each of the followin places; and theypparties may be procured either fror Watson Blyth, D. Cowan; Brueefteld, at statin or from Robert MoIlveen, Stanley. and Londe° bore, from himself. W. 13. WHITLEY. LIVE HOGS �l 11 E. BLACKALL VETERINARY SURGEON • HonoraryGraduate of the OntarioVeterinary College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and mals on the moat modern t,nd aoientiflc princil pies Office- immediately south of the New Era Office. Residence — Albert 81..Ct1nton. Cans night orday attendedtopromptly. JAt1IES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, ISSUER OF leAVULAGE LICENSES, No witnesses require MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR Small sums on good mortgage security moderaterateofinterest. H HALE. Clinton. • rs DICKINSON, THE OLD & RELIABLE Il Auotioneer still in the field, able and will- iand tgakesg othie opportconduct unity of thanking his patrons sales entrusted to for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed and rents collected. Charges moderate. D DiosixsoN, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton. e W. FARNCOMR, MEMBER OF ASSN OF • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Office at Geo. J Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! We can make a few good loans from privet funds at ow and modate expenseer. Terms tosnit borrowers. M NNING & SC TT, - • Clinton MRS. WHITT, M. C. M. ;LEACHER OF MUSIC.. Piano, Organ and Technicon,or•Muscl develops for use of pupils. Booms in Beaver Block . - R. AGNEW, c t Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the palnles extraction of teeth, office over John Jackson's Shoe Store, Clinton. 6a"TNight bell answered. a A. O. U. W. o The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Biddle L. oombeHall on the 1st and 3rd Fridays in erica o month. Visitors cordially invited. 1- R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Record° " DR. IYIcLELLAN LONDON, ONT. 497 Talbot St., Specialist on the EYE, EARL• NOSE & THROAT WANTED—Live Hogs from 150 to 200 Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital 1889. Poet Graduate Course at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital or Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1892.. Eyes Tested. Full stock of Artificial Eves Spectacles and Len ees. will ire at Rattenbury House, CLINTON, on MAY 4th. Wear your life away on a wadi board? Geta Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. SEWARD WASHER Will be at BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WINGHAM, kir than an the first Thursday in each month. Pounds. D. CANTELON, Clinton WHY WILL YOU 1t othe wwash her in the world. Trial solicited.AGENTS y tn in ada Manutnt uredNTED by J. T. SEWin ARD Clinton,nOnt • The thanks of the Executive Officers not yet arrived, bat we trust that,when C1+� i5 tel n , the Secretaries ies and ether officers, the officers see this, our second request, U BAKERY NV 11'1 1 ',misled led 'to promptly to our re- an early reply will he despatched (' quest ft .r ( nnlplete returns of the quickly. Young People's Societies in the county taBel as eg iv presentyoulist ofthe orded on the of Huron. • In some cases, however, where we Secretary's register: needed fuller particulars, such have COOL AND COLLECTED. "There isn't anything in the world that I know," said a New Yorker, "that makes a man lose his senses so completely as being tumbled over and over in a falling car, and yet I met a man once who seemed the personifica- tion of coolness in just such a situa- tion. As soon as our car left the track we wereall shot from our berths in various directions, being tumbled up and down and around as the car kept on turning somersaults. Like the peo- ple I read about, we landed in the wat- er, and when the car came to a stand- still after its terrifying bumping and crashing, I was so frightened that I could scarcely move my arms to keep my head above water. "Near me, however, was a man who kept his head. 'Don't splash around so,' he said. 'You'll cut yourself. The car is full of broken glass, lamps, wrenched rods and rails, and you'll hack yourself to pieces.' "But I thought I was drowning and I shouted. my fears to him. " 'Oh, rap,he said, 'we are not drowning; we'll get out of this easily.' "But it was not so e»sy to escape as my cool friend assured rrre. The whole inside work had been shattered,. and there was nothing by which we could climb to the windows, which were high above us, as our car was overturned lying on its roof. "We made so many efforts to jump up, always fallinghack into the water, that I became exausted. My friend, however, kept on encouraging me. "Finally, with his assistance, I managed to clutch a window -frame, and I got out. He followed ins shoot- lyafterward. "The first thing he did when we had MEMBERS CORRESPONDING PLACE SOCIETY DENOMINATION ACT- Asso- SECRETARY POST OFNIOs IVE CIATE Auburn, Chris.Endeavor, Presbyterian 13.. , . 4....Mrs D. Patterson Auburn Auburn, E. L. of C. E.. Methodist 11... 18 ...Mise E. Blair Auburn Blyth. Chris. End Trinity, Episcopal 30. 16. .M198 E. Watson .Blyth Blyth, Chris. End Presbyter Ian 35..;.22..., Mr F YounGgowan.. Blyth th Blyth, E. 1. L. E Methodist 55 ,Miss M. Mo aughton,...Brussels Brussels, E. L. of C. E. Methodist, Brussels Brussels, Chris End Melville Presbyterian ....'18...,52....MiMss A McKay Brussels .Mr T. A. McLauchlin....Brneetleld BrusselsChris. End.. Knox. Presbyterian.. ..25....15... hlrucelicld, Chris,hlndUnion, Presbyterian ....25•...13... Bluevale, E. L. of C. E..,.Methodlst Belmore, E. L. of C. E....Methodist Rev. J. T. Kerrin ...,....Bayfield Payfleld, Chris. End Eniscopal Brucefield,E.L.ofC.E....Methodist 27 ,., 3....MissAggleEslor BlakeBlake, Chris. End Presbyterian . Clinton, Chris. End Willis, Presbyterian ....29.....16....Miss Josie Fair Clinton Clinton, E. L. of C. E....RattenbnrySt., Meth ....55....17....MiesHattie Rumball Clinton Clinton, E. L. of C. E....Ontario St., Methtodist...]08.... .:Miss !Milliary Robb cws Clinton Clinton, Y. P. Union Baptist Clinton. (Turner's Appt.) E. L. of C. E Methodist Chiselluiret E.L. of C.F,Methodist Crediton, Y. P. Alliance...... . . . Carlow, Chris. End Presbyterian Dungannon, E.L. of C.8,,Methodiat Dungannon, E.L. of C.EMethodiSt Ethel, E. L. of C. IC Methodist 8....10...,Ira W. Johns Clinton 24... 14 ..Geo. E. McTaggart .,.Chisolhurst 39 Bernhard Braun Crediton 36. , ..12....Miss C. Robertson Carlow D. E. Anderson Dungannon Mr A. MCQuoid......... Dungannon 12....20....Chas. W. il]Is Ethel .40.,..20...,Miss M• Gilt Exeter 57....F4....Mr A. Gregory Fxetor .. Mr R. Muir Fxetor 13.... 26.... John T. Elliott Seaforth Mrs F. Knight 60....70....Mies L. Gibson Exeter Goderch 60.....60..,.Miss Lizzie Robertson Goderi]ch ' OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The nndelaigned having bought out the bakery business so successfully carried on by Mr Wm. Young will continue the business st the old stand Hs will endeavor, by supplying a Bret class arti- cle, to merit the liberal support of the people. Bread delivered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied on short notice. M. BECKWITH, - CLINTON PECULIARLY .MADE. Exeter, E. Lof C. E Main fames 51,, Methodist Exeter, E. L Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are Exeter Chris. End coven Presbyterian made of refined and concentrated E zmond ills r s.End.,•� esby aysttt sten pnl botanical extracts. ' They're differ- C+oderich, Clercs. Find T{nox, 1'rosbytorian ent from the large old - fashioned Cederieh, E. h. of C.1... • •••North fit., Godct ich, F.. L. of c. Fl.... Victoria tit., Methodist pills for these Pellets are as tiny as (rorrie, F L. of C. E Methodist (lorrle, (mango H1)1) mustard seeds, and are sugar-coated. 1�,. L. os 1'. 1' .. • • - Methodist They're made in an improved. chem- lionyfln. Chris. oEnd F • •Episcopal p scopiet ical laboratory under the direct su" IIcnsall, Chris. End Presbyterian pervision of scientific men. Every- Benson IB l of C fryer) Methodist. thing else being equal, the smaller Holmesvillc, R.L.oe('.E,Methodist the size of a liver pill, the more xippon, E. L. of C. E Methodist Kipper', Chris. End St. Anrlrow'S, comfort. i ,, -1 nolv,, r:. L. of C. s:Met hodist They do not shock the system, Lumley (Thames road) 3' Chris. End Prcehyterinn but regulate, cleanse and tone up,Nile, E. L. of (f. E.... Methodist snafort1), (Chris. End Presbyterian the liver, stomach, and bowels, In ticafort.h, E. 1., of C. E..,Methodtst 75 Mrs H. Sanderson ...Corrie t 25 .. John Worrell Gorri l 11, 12. .Miss Blanche Petty 30... 20.....Miss B. Wilson Hansell 53. 15 .Mr W. Elder 21.... 9....,Mise 5. Keddy.... ..,Roti ill nature's own way. They're put up in sealed glass vials, easily carried in the vest- pocket. In Bilious Disorders, Sick Head- ache, Constp:dti6rl, Indigestion, Diz- ziness, or for breaking up sudden attacks of Colds, Fevers, and Inflam- mation; "Pleasant Pellets" are prompt and effective in action. Peculiar in the way they're sold, too, for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money is returned, 24 ..MISS Hannah Ivison Pres 14.. .23 Miss Mary Crawford 25. .20 ,MiSs F. Hamilton A FEW MORE OF THOSE CHEAP BabyBuggies Trunks, Valises, Boots, Shoes. &o. geTV a To make room for the new Kippen stock now coming in which Trig>pe" is also very cheap. Luclt�tow British Columbia and other Shingles at Clinton Blyth & B'rucefield McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For reptant, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss' of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones; Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, RODERiCN, ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON. MoKlllop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM de ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY 014L INSURED owwio6Ra. D. Ross, President, Clinton; Geo. Watt Viae Pres, Harlook; W. J. Shannon, Secy -Tread Seaforth; M. Murdie, Inspector of Claims Seaforth. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Joseph Leona, Beechwood; Thee. Car - bet, Clinton ; C. Gardiner, Leadbury ; John Hannah,Seaforth, AGENTS, Thos. Nellans, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea forth; J. Cumings, Egmondville. Geo. Murdle, auditor, Parties desirous to effect Insurances or Iran eaot other business will be promptly attended to on application to auy of the above oltcere adressedpto their reapeoitve offices, HI3R0N AND BRUCE Loan &-Investinent Co'y 10....50....Mr Il. T. Ellorington Lumley 12...,.13...,Mr A. P. Shepard geatNilo an . . 50....ri0..,.Miss S. McLean Seaforth orth 47 ..,..12,.. C. Gray Varna (Hn.yfleld roa( ) 26....2 .••••.••.•••••••••••• ••• •...... Chris, hod.... ...Presbyterian 14 9 T C Reid We. Wield Westfiel(1, E. L. of 0. E.. Methodist Wrstfleld, E. L. Of C. b:,..Methodist ............ 16..,..21.. • •Mi RK.. Q oveiloch Wii ghrym WIngham, Chris. End.... St. Paul's Episcopa] Wingham, Chris. End.•..Presbyterlan 13 27. .Miss E. McLean Wingham Wingham, Chris. End.... Congregational ..., ; ..13..., 2,..,Mr John Ritchie Wingham f0,... 5. -Mrs small Wingham Wingham, 0. Chrie. N,nd....Bnptist 7A....,II. ...Mis91 E. L. Lloyd Whe hum Wh,xhncn, 0. L. of C. i. 1Vic nodiat Wroxeter, Chris. End....Presbyt�erien 30 ivTs Wm. Saunders Wroxeter Wroxetor, E.L. of C..E ...Methodist...q,.. 40 Thos, G. Hemphill , Wroxet^r Your exerut ive met in Wingham lastood railroad accommodation, .and a month, and arranged the program for hospitable people, and we expect a the Clinton Convention, to he held large delegation to avail themselves of earlyin the fall. As soon as the pro- this, our third annual meeting. grams are printed, a supply will be REV. G: H.\CosnLEDICli,' sent to each of the Corresponding Sec- retaries retaries whose na a we have. A. T. QOOPER, Clinton is ce rally located, with Secretary, Clinton J. TWITCIIELL CLINTON., This Company is Loaning Money 011 Farm Security at Lowest Rates of��Interest .MORTGAGES PTE CHASED - .CCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE—Cor. Sonare and North fit., (3oderich HORAOE HORTON, llinagor CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. This establishment 19 In full operation and al orders Oiled in the meat aatisfaotory way Oeme+.. tory and granite work a specialty. Prices as reasonable as those of any ostabilehn.ont Sb7ALE & HOOVER, Clinton, im r •N A -,dors,. r�J' - (�...uitiaf