Clinton New Era, 1894-04-20, Page 6[PARASOLS E JEWELER" and Si1k! Umbrellas FOR WATCH ES THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD . Thatwill born ROUGH WOOD and COAL .. • Equally Well... Tb� OO.'UUAE !int do at Has the Largest Oen. Is A BART IER'S STOVE 18 Everybody's Cook Stove, See It. • • THE OXFORD:. • 0I1, GAS COOK STOVE �, Makes and Burns Its Own Cas From Common Coal Oil. NO DIRT, NO HEAT IN THE KITCHEN. Cooks -a Family Dinner for Pw'o Cents.. The GURNEY FOUNDRY COt, Ltdf, TORONTO, & WILSON, Have added to their stock of Drugs and sundries, a staple line of Stationery and School Supplies REMEMBER thatyou get the best at THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE Change of Advertisement weekly—Watch for it. Sir Oliver Mowat and the Patrons. In North Oxford several Patrons have declared their intentions of vot- ing for Sir Oliver Mowat instead of for the Patron and P. P. A. Candidate. They are supporting him, as The Sentinel -Review says, because "he has done more for the Patrons and all other farmers than any other man in public life to -day, because his Govern- ment is and always has been essentially a farmers' Government—that is, a Government which has in every con- ceivable way promoted the interests of the farmers of this Province," It will be exceedingly difficult to make good against such men the charge of dis- loyalty to their order. Their leaders have declared again and again that they do not seek to 'lake and unmake Governments, and have even said specifically that they do not desire to overthrow the Mowat Government. Moreover, no object for which the Patrons are striving would be served 1)37 driving such men as the Premier of Ontario out of public Life. His in- fluence on the politics of the Province or more than twenty years has been eminently good. It is largely due to him that government and legislation have alike. been free from jobbery and cormptior The; vclusion of such men from th Legisla lir would weak- en its reputation forat ity, and would bring no credit to those who took part in the movement. Nothing in the Patron Patron plat- form lends countenance to the notion that a constituency ought not to elect a man who does not reside within its bounds. This narrow localism prevails across the line and has done much to exclude men of character and ability from a public career, The farmer representation in the Legislature is already large; there is no reason why it should not be increased if the fanners desire. But then e is no reason why they should be forbidden to vote for anyone out of their own class. It would have been a wise as well as a graceful act if the Premier of Ontario had been allowed to be returned un- opposed; but, as it has been determined to oppose him, there can be no ground of complaint against Liberal Patrons who declare that as Liberals Sir Oliver has not forfeited their confidence, and that as Patrons they can conscien- tiously vote for a man whose influence upon legislation and administration has been for the benefit of the farming community.—Globe. Mr Laurier has given ns one of the best phrases heard during the budget debate. He says the Government in creating a sur- plus in the Treasury hascauseda deficit in pockets of the people.—Toronto News. dear Atlulexti,ieiuiento. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of William' Spind: ler, late of the Town of Clinton, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Laborer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. 0. 1887 Chap. 110, and amending Acte, that all creditors and others having claims against ,the estate of William Spindler, late of the Town of Clinton,in the County of Huron, Laboror,deceased, who died ou or about the Twenty ninth day of December A.D. 1893,are required,on or beforeMay 25th, 1894, to send by mail post paid, or delivered to Manning & Scott, Solicitors for The TrustsCor- poration of Ontario, administrator of the property of the said deceased; at their office in the Town of Clinton,theirCnrietian and Surnames,addresses and descriptions of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them,togother with a Statutorydeclaration provingtbeirclaims; and that after the said 25th day of May next the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of Which it then shall ;have had notice, and that it will not be liable fcr the, said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims it shall not then have received notice. MANNING et SCOTT Solicitors for The Trusts Corporation of On- tario Administrator of the property of William Spindler deceasad. Dated the 18ch day of April 1894 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Joseph White- head, late o/ the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Retired Contractor, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. 0. 1887, Chap. 110 and amending Acts, that all creditors and other having claims against the estate of Joseph Whitehead, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Retired Contrac- tor, deceased who died on or about the 12th day of March A. f D. 1894, are required on or before the 25thordeliver fto Manning4, oB Scotnd t Clmail inton Ontost ario, Solicitors for the executors of the Will of the said deceased, their Christian and Surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions of their claims, and the nature of the security (If any) held by them, to- gether with a Statutory declaration proving their claims; ani that after the said 25th day of May next the Executors will proceed to dietributo tho assets, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice, and that they will not be liable for the said assets or any part thoreof,Ito any person or persons of whose claims they shall not then have received notice. MANNING & SCOTT Solicitors for the Executors of the last will of Joseph Whitehead deceased. Dated the 18th day of Apri11894, BUGGY FOR SALE. A new first-class TOP BUGGY for sale cheap Apply to MRS. JOHN JUNOR, Clinton. BOARDERS WANTED. Several Boarders can be accommodated with good board at Codarville,on William St., close to the Collegiate Instituto; at reasonable rates. MRS WESTACOTT. Central Drug Store. JAMES H. C OM BE CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANSSUPPLIES, ETC DR. WORTHINGTON'S LIVER PILLS. MAGNETIC DYES, 5 cents a paoket. Fine assortment of TOILET SOAPS and SPONGES at reduced rates. FAMILY RECIPES and PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS a specialty. Moth Camphor Balls 10 cents a box. X. B: --We carry the largest stook 'of Drugs in the County Huron. Inreat variety of Sty es an.l prices, some lovely things with the very new- est Stick Elaudles. Every lady shouldsee these goods if requiring any of the above. Ladies Fine Silk Taffeta ik 'Thread GLOVES A beautiful lot to lay be- fore the ladies who trade at this store. . In these goods we shownly what is newest,- both in style, color and fit, and what can only be seen on city counters, and the prices are right Ever Fast Stainless Black HOSE In Ladies', Misses and Children's sizes, from 123c to 75 cents. The lower lines are as fast in color as the higher.. Ladies having many pairs of hose to buy should see these goods., GILROy 8e WZSEIVIA.N CLINTON 1301tN VANSTONE.—In Seaforth, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr Fred Vanstone, of a son. JONES.— In Stapleton on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr Geo. Jones, of a daughter. HALL. -In Clinton, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr Frank Hall, of a son. CARTER.—In Goderich township, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr Chas. Carter, of a eon. FOSTER.—In Clinton, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr Adam Foster of a daugh- ter. RowE.—In Exeter, on the 6th. inst., the wife of Mr R. N. Rowe, of a daughter. Chien.—In Hullett, on the 8th inet., the wife of Mr Eli Crich, of a daughter. STURDY.—In Winglsam, on the filth inst. the wife of. Mr R. Sturdy, of a daughter. GIsnINs.—In East Wawanosh, on the llth inst., the wife of Mr P. Gibbins, of a son. MARRIED BIIRTON—SKELTON.—In Brussels, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. R. Paul, Mr Joseph Burton, of Brussels, to Miss Alice Skelton, of Morrie. BIRADSHAW—MCNEIL.—At the residence, of the bride's sister, Mrs T. Clark, Walton, on March 21st, by Rev. D. Forrest, Mr J.J. Bradshaw, of Morris, to Miss Mary Mc- Neil, of Hullett. WILLIAMs—BELL.—At the residence of the bride's father, on the llth inst., by Rev. S. Acheson, Mr Luther Williams, of South Edmonton, Alberta, to Miss Eliza- beth, eldest daughter, of Andrew Bell, Lon- don Road, Tuckersmith. DAVIDSON—DAVIDRON.—At Seaforth, on the 7th inst., by Rev. A. D. McDonald, D. D., Mr Andrew Davidson, of Tuckersmith, to Mrs Annie Ida Davidson, of Holmfield,. Manitoba. PIIRDY--L0FFT.—At' Burnside, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. W. J. Harper, Mr W. Purdy, of Colnmbiansville, Mich., to Miss Lilian M., daughter of Mr Fred G. Lofft, formerly of Goderich township. JARROT—TROYER.--On the 17th inst., at the residence of bride's father, HillsGreen, by the Rey. Jas. Walker, Mr Robert Jar - rot to Miss Bertha Troyer, both of the township of Hay. DIED. FAIR.—In Clinton, on the 13th inst., Thomas Fair, aged 60 years and 9 months. SAOE.—In Walton on the llth inst., Chas. Sage, aged 59 years. SKELTON.—In Morris, on the 12th inst., Geo. Skelton, aged 65 years and 3 months. DUPEL—In Bayfield, on the 7th inst., Susannah, eldest daughter of Mr Michael Dnpee, aged 16 years. VANsxoNE.—In Wingham, on the 10th inet., Joseph H. Vanstone, aged 62 years and 10 months. CALIFORNIA Tickets. r _ / fA u.�i.i, wu lir l�Viil �'�i✓.,u; (.day !I Very low rates are now in force to California and Return. Intending travellers should enquire particulars at once. Throngh Coupon Tickets issued to all points at lowest rates. For Tickets and all particulars apply to W. JACKSON, Local Pass. Agent CI B CLINTON MARKETS Corrected ever Thursday afternoon, Thursday, April 19, 1894. Wheat fall 0 55 a 0 58 031 a 033 035 a 040 052 a 055 a 360 016 a 0 18 0 8 a 0 9 035 a 040 503 a 700 200 a 250 500 a 550 025 a 075 Oats Barley Peas Flour per bal Butter Eggs per doz Potatoes Hay, New and Old Hides, No. 1 trimmed Pork Sheeepskins MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS 450 There scalve and 150 sheepc and springolambstofd of butchrs' - ferod at the East End 'Abattoir, Monday. The butchers were out in full numbers but 'trade'tit cattle was slow, and prices somewhat domoral- I ized, having declined about one quarter a cent per lb since last week. A fow very choice cat- tle sold at about 4e per lb but it required some- thing good to bring over 31c do., with pretty good stock from a little over 3c to 3¢c per Ib. among there not offerrings but rough ere seremed ean cattle to bo scarcely any demand for them, and prices ranged from less than 2c to about lc per lb. i Good Valves were in demand, but there were. few of this kind offered, and the best one was bought by Mr Rourassa for 810. Mr Joseph Ricsuperior rd bought g 1. mbsr calves $11. $Mr'and two C. Brown bought 18 good s ringlambsat $4.50 each, while some of the smaller ones would scarcely bring over 52.50 each. Good yearling sheep sell in lots at from 5c to 5.1e per lb, and older sheep at about 4c per lb. Fat hogs continuo to sell at from Sc to 5lc per Ib. (SPECIAL Reduced Round Trip Rates to Pacific Coast Points From Clinton via G.T.B to WINGRAM, DRUMBO, LONDON, or TORONTO, thence C. P. R„ returning;same route. Special Price *102.50 Sleeper can be secured and full information supplied by A. T. COOPER, . C.P.R. TICKET and TELEGRAPH AGENT, °LINTON. FOSTER Leave your orders quick for those Pho- to's you intend a end in to your friends Wall Papers WE .ARE SIHO'ING SOME OF THE NEWEST AMERICAN DESIGNS—BORDERS TO MATCH ALABASTINE A permanent wall coating, especially adapted for plain tinting and whitewashing, ready for the brush by adding cold water, and can be easily applied by any one who can handle a brush. Full directions on each package. Ready Mixed Paints In twenty different shades, in half pint and one quart tins, also Carriage Black in half pint and quart tins. 0 BULLS FOR SALE. •White -Lead, Oils, Turpentine The undersigned has for sale two young Short- horn BULLS one year old. Both are of good color and pedigree, and will be sold at a reason- able figure. ROBT. SCOTT, Londosboro. HOUSE FOR SALE. A good two-story frame house, conveniently situated oil Victoria Street, is offered for sato on roasonabl 1 terms. There Is a never -failing well on the plane, and stable about 16x24. Apply on the premises. DAVID BARGE. CASH FOR EGGS. The rindorsighed is prepared to pa y the high- est market price in cash for any quantity of Fresh Eggs, delivered at his store, Victoria 8t., opposite the residence of the late J. Whitehead. WM. °RANT. Field and Garden Seeds. D00•— - W. L. OUI1WTTE, CASH DEALER, LON // SBORO