Clinton New Era, 1894-04-20, Page 2THE CLINTON NEW tRA O isp County 431ippings Miss Agnes. Wortley, of Gray, has leased her farm to Alex, Stewart, ji'., at an annual rental of iib). Mr W, U. Willis, formerly of Wing - ham, is. now in the boot and shoe. basl- ness-in Seaforth, Mr Jelin Russel, "in the employ of Mr Cann, near Lumley, -while in the bush the other day, had a. tree fall on him, injuring his head badly. The salary of the rector of St. Paul's church, \\Ingham, Rev. L. Woods, has been increased oy the church witr- dens'$1C0.. Glias. Sage, a well known resident of Walton for the pant 27 years, passed over to the great majority On W edneR- day morning of last week,aged 59 years. The residence in connection with the Roman Catholic church at Drysdale, which was destroyed by th e recently, iit to Lele-built at once. On April 10th, there passed r.to his eternal home a very highly esteemed young man, in the per. on of Cyrus Martin, of Hay township, at the age of 21 year s. The Exeter Agiicultural grounds were rented on Tuesday for the season to Mr Jas. Willie at $'(5, the track be- ing rede•rved by the Agricultural So- ciety. On Wednesday, Apt it 4th, there pass- ed away to Itis long home, after an i nese of several months, Andrew G don Elliott, aged 2years, son of Mr Elliott, of the Albin hotel, Eayfleld. Erussels is well supplied with dress- making establishments this seasou, no less than twelve being engaged' in fit- ting out the fair sex with ep; inn and summer wearing apparel. Mr Robert Laramie has pw•:based the farm of Mr Snider, tieing lot 18, Lake Road, east, near Drysdale. The price paid was $2,Sc,2 The farm con- tains about 70 acres, and,is an excellent peace. It is said a number of the leading farmers in Grey and Morris townshius are talking of combining, and if so will make several shipments of fat cattle to the Old Country. The buyers ap pear to be unwilling to run any rise. A small child of Mr S. Madge, of Us - borne, the other day fell front a chair while at the table with a butcher knife in its hand, the knite penetrating its left cheek and cutting an ugly gash al- most from mouth to ear. While gathering eggs in his barn, on Tuesday, Mr Wm. O'Brien, of the 3id con. Hay, fell from a cross beam, some fourteen feet to the floor. He was knocked insensible, had a shoulder badly broken and his back severely in- jured.. n- jured / Principal Cameron has placed his resignatlan in the hanbs of the Brus- sels School Board, the same to come into effect at the close of" this term. Mr Cameron has done excellent work in the school in his 1} years here, and his place will not be easily filled. Mr George Loutitt, of Wingbam, was kicked by a horse on Tuesday ev- ening. the fr••ce of the blow breaking the rrc,ntal bone between the eye- brows, smashing his nose and laceta- ting the flesh terribly. It will take a long time for the wound to heal. On Thtu'»dav morning oof last week, George Skelton, an .old resident of Morris, passed away to his long home, aged tl"$ years and 3 months, The Expositor says: -We are ored- ibly informed that Mr Wm. Milne, who was nominated, by the Patrons of .Gast Huron as . their candidate for the Legislature a few weeks ago, is not likely to continue in the field. At the t fine Mr Milne received the nomination he was not a member of the order, but agreed to become one. It now turns•out, however, that although he is quite willing to carry out bis part of the compact, the Patrons must fail in theirs, as the officers at head quarters have decideb that Mr Milne is not eligible for membership, as he is more of a manufactmer than farmer. THE 17VOLUTEON Of medicinal agents is gradually relegating the old -tithe herbs, pills, drau';hts and veg- etable extraota to the roar and bringing in- to general use the pleasant and effective liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs. To get the true remedy cee that it is manufactured by the California rig Syrup Co. or'y. For ale by ail leading druggists. Brant County jail is empty. There is not a single prisoner, male or female, serv- ing a sentence within its walla. It is safe to say there is not in Ontario, and certain- ly not anywhere else, a county with popu- lation anything approaching that of Brant oounty or a city with anything like the 11- population of Brantford, in whose county E. !jail there is not a prisoner under sentence for a greater or lesser term. Mr David Ferguson, of Tuckersmil hi has engaged Mr Darling, of St. Marys, for this year. Mr Ferguson is now preparing a sit- for to move his barn, when he is going to have a stone found- ation erected underneath. Mr Fergu- son is a prosperous farmer and his im- provement will add to the many fine bank barns that are to be seen in this section. Mr and Mrs Andrew Swan, of Bruce - field, celebrated the 19th anniversary of their marriage on Wednesday, April 4th, when their whole family, with the exception of Mrs Wm. Kaiser, of Rib Lake, Wisconsin, and Mia James Thotmpson, Moose Jaw, N.W.T., wete present. Quite a number of old frienc's of the worthy couple were there also, and a pleasant evening was spent. One of the largest wedding parties that has bee,( seen al. Kippen for some time, gathered at Mr Andrew Bell's, on Wednesday, the occasion being the marriage of his eldest daughter, Miss Lizzie, to Mr Luther Williams,a worthy noung roan of Edmon.,on, she cetera, ny was per•rcr med at 3 o'clock in tin afternoon, by Rev. S. Acieson, ie the presence of some 20 invited guests.' Mr Joseph U. Vanstone. fathe. of Messrs Richard, William and Walter Vanstone, c f Wingbam, passed peace- fully away on Tuesday morning last, in his 63rd yea,'. Tne decased hau been a resident r 1 the town for only about a year, coming here from Kincardine. where he spent most of his life. He was engegea in the marble business in that town for many years, cart-vir; on a very eetensivri business. Mr Duncan McDonald. who resides on the London road, a short distance north of Brucefi.ld, is, probably, one of the emartesf, men for nis years, that can be found in the county. He is now to years of nge, and one day last week he amused himself helping to carry sap from the sugar bush, and trip along with a pailful of the juice of the maple as blithely as many men not half his age. He is still in the enjoy- ment of al his faculties and is blessed with the best of health. He can yet put to shame some of our young men by his agility in handling the axe. The wife of a Wingham business man was bitten or stung on the neck by something, probably a black spider, on Saturday morning. The wound was very much inflamed, and red streaks darting Out therefrom told where the poison was working. A phy- sician was immediately consulted. who treated the wound. The spider, if such it was, was evidently in a lace collar, and when the lady stooped over, her neck came in contact with it, and the angered little varmin bit her. The mark is,yet visible. Mr George Willis, an old resident of Exeter, died in Detroit, on Monday. He was about 53 years of age, and had been in delicate health for several Years. The remains were brought there for interment. Mr Willis was at one time one of the leading business of the village, and was extensively engaged in the grain business. He owned the farm on which a considerable portion of the village now stands. He repre- sented Usborne in the County Council for some years, and afterwards, when Exeter was made into a municipality, be was the first Reeve. The Eook of the Fair. PART 13 Of this seperb work has been received. One cannot peruseits pages without being cenv need of the immense labor irvoived in its production. Even in a literary sense it is a r emaekable and inter esting digest of the wonders of the white city, and should find a place in every home of culture and refine- ment. The handsome engr'a.vings are faithful representations of the build- ings, exhibits and scenes, and when c o ripleted will be a most valuable one. banuroit & Co. Auditorium ',Edge Chicago, are the publishers. An 1110141, .• . . . .,.. r. A;young minister asked a sa1'n;'5: "L'ou't you fear death?" Mr. Hawk, a po-erfu!, finely propor- tioned savage. looked de nen upon the un- dersized lad, ''Boy, it is only the whites who teach the fear of death." he said!' "The Indian fears nothing. He takes what comes. If he has food, he este rt; it ue can nue°, ne goes without." And then I,e proce•sed with a dissertation on the glories or death that took away the buy's desire to he a missionary. There was smileriun, arc,. founUy touching in the Indian's philoso- phy. After that Mr. Sabine did net try to convert any more Indians, A Well -Dressed Empress. In point of dress the German e')press is considered to carry off the palm, and the number of toilets that ab„ ur'.ere in the oourae of the year is considerab', _1s a rale, however, her dresses are net fitted on her, but on a model, so that shei.9 saved all the inconvenience. fade 'ue and loss of time that so many ladies have to stiffer. Her majesty desires in every case to have•nnique garments, en that she has to be supplied with garments of a pattern which has neither been Bold to others be- fore her nor may be disposed of to any- one else. Brief Notes. Eighty of the Popes are honored as saints, thirty-one ae martyrs and forty- three as confessors. The highest church steeple in England is that of Saint Walburg's, which is 303 feet in altitude. Palestine is not as large as many think. It is only one-fourth as large aa the State of New York. The Sabbath day's journey of the He- brews, frequently mentioned in the Bible, was two thousand yard°. Foochow, China, has a preacher whose salary is $3 a month. Ho refused a consu- lar position at $50 a month, The fourth verse of the twentieth chap- ter of Revelations contains more words than any other verse in the New Testa- ment. The moat notable attraction in a mosque at Delhi is a single red hair, which is said to have been plunked from the muetaohe of Mahomet. Under the British Flag. Almost five -eights of the steamers in the world are under the British flag. Reflections of a Married Woman —are not pleasant if she be delicate, run-down, or overworked. She feels " played out." Her smile and her good spirits have taken flight. It worries her husband as well as herself. This is the time to build up her strength and cure those weaknesses or ailments which are the cause of her trouble. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription regulates and promotes all the proper functions of womanhood, im- proves digestion, enriches the bood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. It's a safe remedial agent, a tonic and nervine guaranteed to cure those disorders and derangements incident to womanhood, or the money paid for it is returned. It would not pay to sell a poor rub medicine on these terms. pub pox ll •�*• xe Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures -d n Catarrh in the Head. Mr. J. W..Dyketnan St. George, New Brunswick. After the Grip No : trength, No Ambition Hood's Sarsaparilla Cave Perfect Health. Tho fcllowing letter is from a well-known merchant tailor of St. George, N. B.: "C. 1. flood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " Gentlemen- I am glad to say that Hood's Sorsa:etrilla and Hood's Pills have done Inc a G cat r eel f good. I had a severe attack of t::o grip In the winter, and after getting over the f:. ; : I dad nit seen to gather strength, and had r.3 ambition. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved to be j, et what I needed. The results were very sails( tctory, and I recommend this medicine to all -,,.:.i aro afflicted wi:lr rheumatism or other Hood'ss�arinaCures afflictions caused by poison and poor blood. I always keep Hood's Sarsaparilla in my house and use it when I need a tonic. We also kee Hood's Pills on hand and think highly of them." J. W. DYKEMAN, St. George, New Brunswick. Hood's P111s are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists. The triumph of shorthand as a time anti money saver was exemplified ut t'�e recent Wentworth assizes in Hamilton, whets Chancellor Boyd disposed of ten cases in two days. U the evidence had been taken in lona; hand, the court could not have risen In less than a week. ;A POTLACH IN ALASKA. ONE OF THE PECULIAR CUSTOMS OF THE NATIVES, The Salmon Merry Season is the Great Merry -Making Event of These Far North- ern Tribes—The Pinking and the After Feasts—How They Enjoy. The natives or Indianeeet southwestern Alaska are of a very sociable nature, and have a good many feasts and social gath- erings during the year, which are partici- pated in by both old and young. Tho sal- mon berry grows in Alaska in great abun- dance and attains a size and excellence that I have never seen equaled anywhere else. As may be supposed, in a oonntry where fruit, except the hardier varieties of small fruit, is scarce, they are eagerly sought and highly appreciated by the na- tives, and therefore one of their principal anniversary feasts is called the salmon - berry potlaoh." When this fruit is at its, beet, which is from about the first to the middle of August, a large number of na- tives, both men and women, take canoes and go away from the village to an island or part of the coast some distance off, where the berries are ripe, luscious and abundant. When they reach the picking ground they all start in, and while they talk, laugh and have fun, they gather hundreds of gallons of berries, which are put into cans, boxes and baskets, and in two or three days the party is ready to return home. The canoes all keep in sight of each other, and as they approach the village, flags and showy streamers of oal- ico or other material are displayed by the returning berry -pickers. The Indians left at home, inoluding women and ohildren, march down to the beach to meet them. As the canoes approach they line up in a row and stop, jnat a short distance from the shore. The spokesman of the party stands up in the center canoe and makes a speech to the receiving party, that is crowding down to the very edge of the water. He recounts the incidents of the voyage, and tells them, in rather stilted and grandiloquent style, of the pro- teotion they had from the spirit of the sea while on the water, of the success they had, and of the choice supply of fruit ob- tained. After the close of this address an Indian on shore steps forward and deliv- ers a reply, and glad welcome to those in the canoes. He tolls them of any thing of importance that may.. have happened since they left, and congratulates them on their safe return. The whole crowd then com- mence singing and beating rude tambour- ines, and those on the beach rush into the edge of the water and then take hold of the canoes to help pull them onto the shore. After all the berrypickers are land- ed, they and their friends form a proces- sion and march up to the village, and there in front of the house of the chief, amid singing and general rejoicing, a large num- ber of presents, consisting of blankets, sal - loos, domestics and various other kinds of goods, are distributed so that each pee - son gets at least one present. These pres- ents sometimes amount to $1,000 to $2,000 i'n value, and the giving of them is called "potlaoh." Some of the more fortunate natives will often get sever& valuable presents at the potlaoh. After the pres- ents are distributed, the berries are carried into the different houses and a feast and general good time ends the celebration, KEEP TEE DOCTOR FROM THE DOOR. (EDITOR GUELPH MERCURY) Dear Sir,- I am pi",ased to add my statement to the great number you have already received, recommending in the highest terms William's Royal Crown Remedy and Pills. A Mr Scott called at my home about six years ago and told my wife of the virtues contained in this mar- velous liquid, and my wife and he persuad- ed me to buy two bottles of the remedy. It did me so much goad that I bought six bottles, and we have found it a great.rem- edy for many complaints, and has been of great benefit to us and our friends, and has lessened our doctors bills from those of former years. Wo have kept some of William's Royal Crown Remedy on hand ever sine we first tried it (over six years and we highly recommend it to all who ffor from any curable dieeaeo. Take no etitute. Get the genuine. Price, $61; a 25c, or 5 bottloa Of Remedy and 5 s of pills for 85. Sent by expreea by ac William' Co. London, Ont., or ggists. Yours truly, A. SweETMeN, 24 Oharlea St., Guelph The 1Q'aoe In a Natatat State of Itenoae. "I have more than once remarked that the women who seem able to keep their faoea in a natural state of repose, especial- ly when they are on the street are in the mineriteman the other" day. au f bthey loon d only be brought to realize how completely it de- stroys their good'iooks either to simper or scowl, I am sure they would pay more at- tention to the control of their features, and strive in some way to overcome the habit. The variety of expreeaions one sees depicted is both marvelous and laughable. There are features set and tense with de- termination, scowling brows and grim mouths. The tendency to frown and pucker up the face in the light is very common, and when the sight is strong enough to bear the glare. Children should not be allowed to contract the habit, as it is very difficult to overcome when they are older. I know a family of children," con- tinued the old gentleman, "who, together with their long, fair hair and pretty fee- turee, ought to look like angels, and instead with their puckered faces and soowltng brows, are completely spoiled. Every child should be taught to look, if not at the sun itself, at least at the sunny sky, with unclouded, serene countenance." Facts in Few Words, It is said that the word •'silhouette " or- iginated from the niggardliness of a French Minister of Finance, named M. Silhouette. Under his rule the meanest tricks of econ- omy were practised, and the courtiers had their portraits painted entirely in black, with profde view, claiming that M. Sil- houette had left them so poor that they could not afford anvthins. more costly". Pretty Necks. Mrs. Jenneas Miller says: Few women have pretty necks; moat of them having a prominent bone. If they are fat it is cushioned; but still it looks like an ugly piece of dough. This can be gotten rid of by leaving off the corset, dropping the shoulders, raising the chest and getting control of the abdominal muscles. Talk to women of hygiene from the hygienic standpoint and they are apt to be but listless auditors; but talk to them of hygiene as an adjunct of the toilet -as a secret aid to beauty -and the demonstra- tion will find eager listeners, and the wheels of the social revolution will have been set in motion. WEST I-IURON LICENSE DISTRICT. 1 ac.ordaece wi.d the prov:eioos of the Liquor License Aca, nublrc aotic is hereby 2,ven'het a meetio-, t. the Board of License t arm' sioneri for 1e West Riding of Huron -ill be held in t:,e License !nspeetor's Ofcc, lrlar. Street, Cli ,,.on, on MO1I DAv, APRIL L til, 1894. at 4.;;0 p" m to coae,eer adult alone for llceneee for Ile sale of ligno, in the West Fading of Huron, 'or .,cense year, 18^1 95. Tae names of new appl:eants for hotel lioensc s se. .10 ea'L;.ielev D.usley House, Win:nam. a. Mot_ •ue.d, (.ark Haase, Wingham. loll, ...ASSOC, Central Hotel, Blyth, J,.Ln ,;eniett. Rip1L Mansion House, Dl. An; :env B'sck L)ungnno... bdo , 1o,:^c0, E. A Schuh, in Taniblyn'e bli,ck, A' .An: ' • • a.l e .at .he [•ranting of ally of the s. ;, ,' • tCu o^ Gu'" one 'Med e'ec'ara of he ba iodeen w•"h the undersigned be - ti. a .e 0,, . ' m -a 11,5. "' • Gl' n Ltce•isanted in the .. t` • " • 51 9' ;vas 8-i; number 1 .. w :olec^j- Poenees,• ' u ,t • " •.Dill/0..2,b :01 189^-75 is 40 I• ., R a..Ul', w .2 "enol, .•ale. V. J. PARLEY, Inspector. WASHING MACHINES. ln" R. (`ole ?9 me •,u teat. nq for sate a Patent Ws,r1ogMr.el.ii..ecal let; •.he "hweic Wit 4bc," w. ic'i ' ore eid , • a ver low figure. 1nev c .i be o 1 at b • , re .iunr e, Isa-c scree.. B. COLE, CI'''.oa. BL At ( MINORCA EGGS forHATCHING I1 Eck rbatl Axedlif';c'r, from a nen o: Ino Axed 1.•ro.e Tai • hen •e goaded by ode of . g nye 'e -'•••`tiIS Caca.:a. Leese e .. ,0 a Ce., leadidg 2'1•, in Httro, le ,fe." �1. e I. - • ,7„1., z^ Ern A.% 1st r„J.. ., , 1!., R..... 00 nryt r,':. 8,'.L GO � • • a ,� 'o ey ' ,and Nkfc, d,.; •.v 111 ,'i1 Dcai.1.,. E c 1 per ,. t• - , .• .1f1 Jo- ni: •T, .:1. t h_0' i', 5,7,'.0 SHE 3NOWSTA1dDS BALLWACON xes r -_ TO DAY EAD$c HOULDERS I VERALLOiHERS SNOWBALL WAGON CO,STGEURGEONZ, This ce one of the host Farm Waggons mantle. factored, having boon on the mari,et for 60yeal's, and being vera strongly built, while at the same time adapted to all kinds of Work, and is noted for rte lightness of draft and easy running. Those m„wl'ilueo no other, while the price at wh,e,i it is eo47Ya Ie no more tuan would Who h: ve used the be paid for au in:eldgx. rale. The undersigned so19 agent for this neighborhood, and the wag gon may t3 irep::ctod at any time at bre shop OLIVER JOHNSTON, BLACKSMI'T'H ISAAC STREET, : CLINTON Ee mil1en IsTweserr FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREADS, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND2ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a epeoiarl,y, LARGE, STOCK ON HAND, The above ornamental trees and ehrubbety s 111 be sold at very low prices, and hose wanting any thing in this connection will eavo'money by pur chasing here. Order, by Mail'will be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART, — eenmlliAr. KNOWLEDGE - Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet. ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beet products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to hea)-h of the pure liquid laxative princ' ,s embraced in the remedy, Syrua of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak. ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR TO LET FARM FOR SALE. Good farm of 240 acres, within 171 miles of Myth 220 acres cleared, for sale or to rent. Apply to J. B. KELLY, Blyth, Ont CHOICE BUSINESS STAND FOR SALE. The undersigned having bought out the busi- ness of Mr 11, Newton, Porter's Hill, desires to dispose of hie WAGGON MAKING BUSINESS and promisee at Holn'esville, A good 'trade cau be done here, and a splendid opp„rtunity will be given to anyone desirous of purchasing. There is a good dwelling, and workshop, with three- quarters of an acre of land; good stable, &c. E. C. POTTER, Holmesville. DRESSMAKING. Tho eubaoriber desires to intimate to her many old friends and the pu bl.c 6c re:ally, that she has commenced business again in the building direct- ly South of the Queen's Hotel, Victoria St., where she will be pleased to execute promptly and in a satisfactory manner all work entrusted to her. MISS MARTHA TREWARTHA, SHINGLES FOR SALE. Subscriber has now a large stock of North Shore Cedar Shingles, aleoBritish Columbia Red Cedar Shingles on hand at each of the following planes; and they may be procured either from himself or the parties named: Be:grave, Wm. Watson; Blyth, D. Cowan; Brucefield, at station or from Robert Mallveen, Stanley; and Landes- boro, from himself. W. H. WHITLEY gx1 gittind and .iihty K61atIW •. MANNING & SCOTT. Barristers, Solicitors CONVEYANCERS, eco. Commteeionere for Ontario and Manitob a OFVIOH NEXT DOO1 TO NEW MLA, CLINTON. !R APPLETON — OFFICE — AT RESI DENOE on Ontario street. Clinton, o polite English Church. ,Entrance by side gate, I)R. WM. OUNN, CFFIOE ONTARIO ST a few doors East of Albert Street. DUn ve eity, IUtRIN). 0.bl Victoria University M. C. P & S. Ontario, Fellow of the Obstetrical • Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng,,, and Edinburgh Hospitals. Office. -Dr. Doweely's old office Rattenbury St. Qlinton. Night ball anewered at the same place. ,f, DR, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Ratte bury St. formerly ooci p ed by Block Clinton Ont. DR. R. MOORE, PHYSICIAN, BURGEON Aocouoheur, Office and residence, Huron street, near railway crossing. L1 Medical DepartmentofUVictoriAIE 0a UnTHE ei. fifty, Toronto, formerly -of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New Yore, Coroner for be County of Huron, Bayfield, Out, 9, C. BRUCE L. D. S. SURGEON DENTIS • Coate' Block Albert St., over Taylors' eh store. Specialty Block, of the natural teeth. 'Painless' Extraction by the use of the most approved local Ansathetio. N: B. Will visit Blyth professionally every Monday at Ma - eon's Hotel, and Bayfield the 2nd and 4th Thurs- day, during the summer. J E. BLACEALL VETERINARY 5L1 3EON • HonoraryGraduate of he• UnterioVeterinary College, Treats all diseasee of domestioatc.d and mals on the most modern and scientific •>rinoil pies Office- immediately south of uLc ,T.'1019 Era Office. Residence - Albert St.,Cliniti. Calls night or day attended topromptly. TAMES CAMPBELL. LONDESBORO, ¢J ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, No witnesses require MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR age security moderaterat fin inSmll sums on terest. HAood LIS.Clinton. DICKINSON, THE OLD & RELIABLE Auctioneer still in the field, able and will- ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgagee closed and rents collected. Charges moderate. D Dr0EIN°ON, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Residencn,llbert Street, Clinton. W. FARNCO14I-, MEMBER OF ASS'N OF • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Loudon, Ont,—Office at Geo. J Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. MONEYI MONEYI MONEYI We can make a few good loans from privat funds at ow rates and modate expenseer. M NNINO Terms SCOTTe osuitborrowere•Clinton MRS. WHITT, M. C. M• TEACHER OF MUSIC, Piano, Organ and Tech nicon,or•maser develope for use of pupils. Rooms in Beaver Block Albeit Street, Clinton, R. AGNEW, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painles extraction of teeth, Office in Smith's Block over Emerton's Barber Shop, Clinton. elr Night bell answered. A. O. U. W. The o mbeHlalton on hedlet and Brd Fridays inmeet in leach month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W • J. BEAN, Recorder DR. McLELLMN LONDON, ONT. LIVE HOGS WANTED -Live Hogs from 150 to 200 Poe 'ds, 111 D. CANTELON, Clinton WHY WILL YOU Wear your life away on a wash board? Get a SEWARD WASHER It will wash cleaner, ea,ier and quicker than any other washer in the world. Trial solicited, AGENTS WANTED in every town in Canada Manufactured by J. T. SEWARD, Clinton, Ont City BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned having bought out the bakery business so successfully carried on by Mr Wm. Young, will continue the business at the old stand He will endeavor, by supplying a first class arti• cle, to merit the liberal support of the people. Broad delivered anywhere in towp. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied on short notice. M. BECKWITH, - CLINTON A FEW MORE OF THOSE CHEAP Baby Buggies Trunks, Valises, Boots, Shoes. Sze. To make room for the new stock now es is ing in which is also very c tap. British Co4imbia and other Shingle at Clinton Blyth & Brucefield J. T 1'1. TCIIELL CLINTON. • fi 497 Talbot St., Specialist on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital 1889. Post Graduate Course at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital or EEar, Nose cEyes Tested. stock ofArtiflaoEyes Spectacles dLen sea, Will be at Rattenbury Rouse, CLINTON, on. MAY 4th. Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Will be at BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WINGHAM, the first Thursday in each month. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remediei;. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Fos repute, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, G3DERICN, ONT J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON, McKIilop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONL INSURED D. Ross, Pr)sident, Clinton; Goo: Watt Vlee Pres. Harlook; W. J. Shannon, Seoy-'JSroael Seaforth; M. Mn'-dle, Inspector of Ciaime Seaforth. DIRECTORS. Jae, Broadfoot, eaforth Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Joseph livens, Beechwood ; Thoe. Car - bet, Clinton ; C, Gardiner, Leadbury ; John Hannah ,Seaforth, Thos. Neilane, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, soy • forth; J. Cuminge, Egmowlville, Geo. Murdie, auditor, Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran sect other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers adressed to their renpocitve faces. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co'y This Company to Loaning Money on Fardi Security at Lowest Rates of Interest MORTGMIES PURCHASED' SAVINGS BANK BRANCH, 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, according toamount and time left. OFFICE—Cor, Severe and North St„ Goderioh HORAOE NORTON, Manager C INION MARBLE WORKS. -- COOPER'S OLD STANT, ext to Commercial hotel. This establ i�iiment la in full operation and al orders filled in the most satisfactory way Cone. tery and granite work a aliecialty. 1lrioes as reasonable as th o of any establishment SEALE & fXOOVER, Clinton, las