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The Wingham Advance, 1919-02-27, Page 12
rag, mei,* WING141 A `A 'O agOwcMOtxrcaaXaXaaza�catacXttiasXXtccaaxXaexXXseatXatXatXasuxXatXxXaaeatXXacasXacXaucasscXuXacXu� Ori 4"DaN1 esx\:‘, n,Q NNOMNIMMIIMMION IZ,emem ber the iJate TUESDAY, MARCH 4th Kings' Store will have the Greatest Values ever offered on Dollar Day.. Everybody should take advantage of this one day list of Money Saving Values. BARGAINS FOR MEN AND Men's''and Boys' Suits,t0v- ercoats ;" and!. Furnishings, Reduced for ',$1 Day only. 26 Men's High Grade i i Tailored Suits fere"ss your chance to get areal good suit at a very' moderate price. They are made in the latest styles, in good all wool materials of serge, tweed and worsteds, Regular $33. to $42.50, $ Day only $27 50 15:Men's"Good"Quali- tywTvveed.Suits 1f you want a good second suit to save your better clothes, come here early Dollar Day morning These are broken lines taken from our regular stock. Sizes 36 to 40 only,,,, Regular $18 00 to $25.00. IN$ Day only .. , $12.75 35 Men's Guaranteed Waterproof Raincoats Special purchase of samples of best English make coats in all wool double Paramatta cloths and Tweed effects in latest styles. All sizes, div;d d in two lots. Reg. $ 7.50, Dollar Day only $10 00 Reg. $18 to $25, Dollar Day only 14,50 • Boys'Suits, Overcoats, Bloomers 25 Boy's all wool suits in tweed effects of Grey and Brown. Regular $12 to $15, reduc- ed to $8.75. 15 Boys' Winter Coats All wool tweed coats. sizes 6 to 15 years. Dollar Day $8.75. Boys' Odd Knick- ers - 30 pair boys' bloomers in cor- duroy and all wool tweeds, sizes 6 to 14 years. Reg. $2.50 to X3.00, $ Day $1.95, 300 Men's Fine and Work Shirts $ Day. $1.35, 3 for $4. Made extra good quality shirtings, in light and dark colors suitable for all kinds of wear, sizes 14 to 18. 15 doz. ail wool Cashmere Socks White and black in good qual- ity English make. Reg. $1 and 1.25, $ Day 75c a pair. 25 doz. Heavy Work Socks Reavy all wool socks, made Nr, from good even yarns, Black, Khaki or Grey. Regular $1 for $ day 69c, 2 pair for $L25. 20 doz. Men's Black Cotton # Day only 6 pairs for $1.00. (Come quick.) Socks Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear Shirts and drawers in all sizes extra value for $ Day 81.49 per garment. Men's Combination Underwear Men's wool combinatians, broken hers and tramples, all sizes. 8 Day *3.69. • S minter weight Combinations Special purchase Men's Merino Underwear long lege and sleeves, made from extra strong merino cot- ton, alt sizes. $ Day *1.35 a suit 300 Shirts and Drawers Extra quality Balbriggan and na- tural merino, in summer weight all sites. $ Day 69e, BARGAINS FOR THE HOME Flannelette Blankets $ Day 3.69 pr One case extra large sheets, in grey and white made from soft Saxony cotton, Factory Cotton Reduced 36 inch fine even factory:cotton will bleach splendidly, $ Day 10 yards for $2.25. 500 yds Hand Toweling Good quality hand or roller towelling, $ Day 10 yards for $2.85. 10` doz. Cream Window Shades Spiendid purchase for dollar day only plain or fancy $ day 79c 100 yds Curtain Scrim Good quality in:plain or fancy designs, regular 75c $ Day 43c a yard. Heavy Brussels Carpet Remnants Very"suitabie for small' bed room (mats or hall runners, in extra heavy quality, special $ Day 3 yards for $2.95; 6 yards for $5.00. 20 Tapestry and Brussels Rugs Sizes 27ix3, 3x31, extra;good rugs, moderately priced $ Day 10 to 20% saving KINGS' GROCERY DEPT. (I'URE FOODS A T MONEY SAVING TRICE S) 50') cans (Aylmer Brand) Peas, Tomatoes, and Pumpkin per can 15c. 500 pails best corn syrup 5 Ib pail 480 101b pail .... .. 950 10 doz extra good brooms, $1.25 value for.... ::95c 2000 packages Breakfast cereals, Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat and Gusto, per package. • 10c 200 cans best (British Columbia) red salmon 5 cans for .. $100 10 doz bottles pickles ......... ..... ....19C 1000 lbs best Rice 3 lbs for , 20 sacks best Rolled Oats 4 lbs for " " " • 25c 5 lbs best quality black or Japan tea (guaranteed or bob forney back) ask for sample 1 lb :. ,875c Canned Fruits. Peaches, Pears, Cherries per can 20c 12 bars best Laundry soap 90c Ladies' Georgette and Crepe-de-Chene Blouses 50 Ladies' blouses in white and colors, all s'zes, regular $6 to 7,50 $ Day 34.95. Men's Fur Coats, Fur Caps, Gauntlets and Sheep Lined Smock Special $ Day price. Men's Hats and Caps 100 Winter Caps for 89c. 50 Men's Hats, $ Day $1.00. BARGAINS FOR WOMEN, -MISSES AND CHILDREN= Cloth and Plush Coats Reduced The balance of our stock of coats are greatly reduced do we will not have to carry any over, reg $45 to $60 $ Day fur $37.50; reg, $30 to $40 $ Day 22.50. 12 coats left over that are out of date made of good all wool serges and tweeds would pay to make over for children's coats and dresses, regular up to 325 $ Day morning, $3.96; (you will have to be here when the door opens to get one ) yrs New Spring Raincoats Specially Priced 25 ladies' Raincoats in new tweed and silk materials in latest styles, regular 818.50 to 22.60 $ Day $13.75. Rare Glove Values 40 best long French Kid Gloves white, tan, and black all sizes regular 2.50 to $4„$ Day 1.80, 20 D O 2. CHAMOI- SETTE GLOVE.) Best make in white, black grey' and natural colors, all sizes regular 31.25 $ Day 95c. LONG SILK. GLOVES Colors and" white special 2 Pairs for $1.00. :4000 Worth of High Grade Furs (Specially reduced for $ Day.) 1 set Hudson Seal reg. $100 $ Day $75.00. 1 set Hudson Seal. reg 375. $ Day $47 50. 1 only Canadian Mink Muff, . regular $65 $ Day $42.50. 3 Persian Lamb Muffs best quality, Reg 860 and 865 $Day 37.50 1 only $350.00 model Hudson. Seal Coat $ Day $265 00. 1 only $250.00 model Hudson Seal Coat, $ Day $192.50. 3 only Ladies' Musk- rat Coat . Choice northern rats, full fur- red and made in latest styles, with extra quality linings, regu- lar $185 and $200 $ Day $135. 4 Ladies' Hudson Seal Coats Made from the best of French Dyed skins in latest styles with best of linings and workmanship $ Day specially reduced. Persian Lamb, Beaver, Alaska Sable, Mink Special prices on all our best quality of furs, including all the newest styles in sets, muffs and stoles $ Day save 20 and 3596. Silks for $ Day greatly reduced $4.00 yd Heavy Black Duchess Mouseline $ Day 32.85. $2.00 and 2.50 silk Poplin and Faille all colors 8 Day $1.65. 31.50 Natural Shantung silk $ Day 1.19. 3150 Heavy white Habitau 3115. Print and Voile Waists 100 Ladies' slightly soiled and sample waists in white and printed patterns $ day half price. Ladies' Hosiery and 'C�n• derwear 8 pair Silk Lisle Hose (Black or White) 8 pair for $100. $1,50 Black Cashmere Hose 95c. Children's tan ribbed hose alt sizes $ pair for $1.00. 3 Ladies' Summer vests $1.00. 10 dozen Ladies Combination suits, 60c. Take advantage of $ Day. It will pay you. Shop Early. ING BROS. )0301XMODOMMOOMICOIZIOCKIMIC41000000011XXX 9qX7p% otx WINOQAM MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon) Wheat No. 2 Spring 2 06 to Wheat No. 2 Fall 2 11 to Flour, per cwt, standard.6 00 to 6 30 Bran, per ton .......,...36 00 to 40 00 Shorts, per ton 40 00 to 44 00 Oats ... ... 65 to 75. Barley . 80 to 100 Hay,. ......... 18 00 to 20 D0 Butter, per lb • dairy35 to 40 Eggs,. per dozen 40 to 42 La.d 30 to 35 Cattle med., butrhera10 00 to 11 00 Cattle, butchers choice. 12 00 to 13 00 Hogs, liveweight.... , 16 75 to 17 00 Butterfat .... ........... to 56 North limn Telephone Do, The annual meeting of the North Hur on Telephone Co. was held on Thursday evening Owing to the heavy expendi- tune, increased cost of wiring and mater- ial, the cornPany was .unable to pay a div. Wend thia year. Sixty-two new. phones. have been installed during the year, The officers elected are as follows President --W. 3. Greer. Vice•President-H. T. Thompson, Directors -Wm. Maxwell, Leamihston, John Webster, Lucknow and George ThotnPson• H, B, Elliott was re elected. Secy.Treas and Manager, and E. J. Pattison is the obliging trouble buster. ' - r, Co Whom It May Concern. Headaches are often caused by de- fects of eyesight an expert optometrist will be at McKibbon's Drug Store on Wednesday March 12th. women's testitute. The regular monthly meeting will be held on Thursday February 27th. A re port of the Toronto Convention will be given at this meeting by the delegate. There is still yarn and socks belonging to the Institute that has not been hand d in. Will all those having same please bring or send to the meeting on Feb. 27th. We also wish all quilt blocks returned on the 27th. Patriotic Notes The Society wishes to thank Miss Far- quaharson for a donation of two pairs of socks. Any one having material on band. either yarn, finished or unfinished gar- ments kindly leave at Willis''store or at Mrs. Hingston's house. The crocheted yoke which the Society sold tickets for was won by Mrs. Stanley Brice. The sum of $4.60 was realized from this sale. flee hire Beti Toiled. At 10 30 on Saturday morning, the time at which the funeral cortege of Can- ada's revered statesman, the late Sir Wil- frid Laurier, left the Basilica at Ottawa, the Wingham firebell recorded seventy- eight muffled notes signifying the age of the venerable statesman. His was one of the grandest funerals that ever passed in Canada, W h i tec hurch Miff, Waiter Paterson of Wingham, spent a few days of last week with Mise Lily Paterson Pte David Kennedy visited in London and Thorndale last week, Mr. David'Clow has bought a house in Wingham, where he will reside in future Mrs. Alex Milne of Toronto, visited friends here last week. Mrs. J Casemore visited her sister Mrs. R. Tyndall of Wingham, recently Miss E Anderson of Ottawa, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Robert Purdon A telegram was received last week iv - forming friends of the serious illness of pneumonia. of Spr. Cecil Middleton in England. Latest reports. however, are to the effect that he is recovering. .Mr. Russell MacKay, who recently re turned from overseas, has engaged with Mr. Wm Barbour for the summer months, Mrs. McEwen of Denfield and Mrs MacKay of Woodstock, were guests last week of the latter's sister, Mrs. George Wilson, Mr and Mrs Mac Ross spent a day last week with Beimore friends Mise L. Paterson led the Y P. S. meeting on Sunday. The leader for March 2nd is Miss. C. Clubb. Mr. Wm. Morris has bought the farm on the 2nd of Culross, belonging to Messrs. Hugh and Charles McKinnon, Miss R. Henry spent the week -end with Wingham friends, Mrs.`McClenaghan and Miss Ona left last week to spend some time with Mr. Harry McClenaghan at Belgrave. Mise Olive Terrify of Wingham Gener- al Hospital, visited at her home here this week. At a meeting of the managers of the Presbyterian church, it was deelded to introduce the new hymnals in the spring Mr. and Mrs Michael Galleon left on Friday on their wedding trip to Chicago Mr Alex Slmpeon of Toronto Is spending a few weeks with friends here Mr. and Mrs. T. 0 Gaunt visited the former's sister, Ml's A. Green, near Teeswater, last week. Mr 1311 ,Jacquet received word on Monday of the death .in Chicago of his brother Mr Thoo Jacques Mr and Mrs. 1311Jacques were notified last weekof the sedan* illness of intiu ensa•pneumonia of their eldest hon, Mr John Jaeques, of Cadogan, Alta Mr Wilfrid Jacques left for the west on Sat* urday to be with his brother, but a tete• gram on Sunday convoyed the sad newt of the latter's death on Saturday Staid - es his parents and brother Wilfred at home, he Ie survived by another brother. 'Pte George, who le overseas. An illustrated lecture oh the "Sham- rock, Rase and Thisbe'" will be given in the Methodist church, Whitecbureh en Wednesday evening, March 5th, by Rev C. R. Durrant of Ttettweter Mr Dur- rant it a Bret elate speaker and hie Lecture, illuerrated with views of the old lend will be a rare treat. Come to cnioy yourselves Everyone welcotete Pro *cede In lead of church 'tinde. Adrisisetonr Adults 1St. attal Clillidrss 10c. y ►tt, 19f9 Dollar Day at Willis Shoe Store TUESDAY, MARCH 4th Bargains in every kind of SHOES, RUBBERS, ETC. Some Very ;Special Bargains in Shoes for Women and Men Ott Look in Windows W. H. WILLIS SOLE AGENT ,00191,. FOR THE Eggs Wanted -Cash or Trade, FOR LADIES Blur: vale The Farmer's Club shipped 125 hogs from here on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm King of Jamestown ' visited at Mr Bert McCall s on Sunday Mr Alex McGee is very poorly at pres- ent. We hope he may soon be enjoying better health. Account of the 8 hour day the G T station doses at 4 p m. and an agent is not on duty for the night train. Mr Howard Stewart has purchased the P 0 store at Henfryn from Miss Martha Fraser and is moving over 'there to take charge this week, We are sorry to lose Mr and Mrs Stewart from out village but wish them success in their new field Miss Fraser will make her home with her sister Mrs Robt Shaw in the meantime as she has been very poorly for the past few months and her many friends will wish her good health once more, Mr. Harold Hammond of the Bluevale Creamer) has purchased a new motor truck and is looking forward to a rushing i business this coming summer. Mr. R. Eldon McKinney bas passed his final examination at Stratford as Operator and Station Agent for the Grand- Trunk Railway. He was the youngest student to pass successfully at Stratford s last examinations which reflects great credit on Mr Jas Masters, Bluevale Station Agent. Bl • th Dr j P Kennedy of Wingham. was in town on professional business on Fri day. Miss Kate Ament of Brussels, visited friends in town over Sunday. Missionary Sunday was observed in the Methodist church. on Sunday. Rev John Holmes of London President of the London t onference. was the speaker and gave two splendid inspirational ad dresses On Saturday evening Kate Brown, be- loved wife of Mr. Thomas Stewart passed peacefully away, aft. r an illness of sever- al month. duration Funeral arrange menta are not completed. Deceased's sister, Miss Lizzie Brown, is on her way from Calitornia and is expected to arrive Thursday It was somewhat of a surprise that our citizens learned on Friday that Mr Harvey Robinson had made an assign• ment for the benefit of his creditors. to Mr. Frank Metcalf The ever increasing cost of material is attributed as the cause Blaze At Blyth On Friday morning about 5 o'clock, fire was noticed in the Cutt building in Blyth and by the time that people arrived on the scene the building was doomed. Dr. W. R. Elgie, dentist had his office in the upstairs and every.hing was lost and only a very little insurance was carried. He will be the poorer by about $1000 Mr. Cutt had about $9000 stock and carried $5000 insurance: The origin . of the fite is unknown. WODDI IO BELL*; Cook NIOBIUM' omlzed on Feb. was so A quiet wedding i 18, at•the home of Mr. David Cooke, East Wawanosh, when their second youngest daughter, Violet Annie, was united in,mar- riage to George Albert Nethery of Belgrave. The ceremony wa• performed by Rev Mr. ©'Deli of Auburn. The young couple in- tend making their home in Hamilton. They both have the best wishes of the comtnunity, B(WN WATTS11s--In Minto, ott Sunday, Feb. 9th. 1919. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watters, fourth con•, a daughter. Mrrcertrttt In Winghani on 'thursclay Feb, 20th to Mr. and Wir!l, R. L Mit- chell (tee Miss Alice Mann) a daught. er. M1tI, is In 'Winging's on Wedneedtaly eb'q ;x6th,1919. to Mr. and Mrs. W. At Miler, (al ter i•tlfin Goa. $ DOLLAR DAY $ SPECIALS 3 25 or 40 Watt Lamps . . , ... .. 1.00 60 Watt Lamps .40 100 Watt Lamps .. .... ....... .80 20 per cent off Community and 1847 Roger's Silverware. Enamelware Reduced 20 per cent 36 Tubular Flash Lights at Less than Half Price ROSS' HARDWARE STORE r 1 THE KANDY KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT 1 The place for all kinds of home-made candy from 30c lb. up to 70c per lb. Oyster and t orn IStews and quick lunches at all hours. Give us a trial. ca M des i For AR OW Oniy. 2 lbs 50c Candy for...75c I 3 lbs 40c Candy for ....$1 I Zenas Lockman, Prop i sswo..e �:.ss- MEAL5 SERVED 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1.. the e.tate of Reb.•e a (.been., -sy, late of tha Tow,.shfp o Tn•nb try ti. the County of Huron, widow. deee•.sed, voile° la hereby given pursuant to section 66 Cha ter 151 or k 8 0.1914. that ail ppm, s having claims agaivat the es ate of heti een. Greenaway who die no or ab.an h ni th day of January, A. D 1919 at the *frid Town. snip of Tur berry, are recnn a to a.nd to the nnd..r-fgned. the iioliettor for the Lxe•ohtora, on or 1„+fore the 2.11 day of March, '. D. 1919,'th.4 nama e.. d till •re••s.•$ wit full per - Mule a of h it claims in writing and the iia• lute of the Kenn itis. Nlit./ tit any) he d by' th.tu. Ai d Further `rske .t•irit that .lit.the gale) To, h day of Marc .k D 19 9 the .•seet' f they send rotate will he dietrihut.d •y the sai.i Exeotors among the patties th.remo. hail g hA s *moor toe:halms or wand t e est fiwillt ueof y ebeil then liable for any claims not Aced at the time of chit sat distribution. ..ted at Wingham till,' 19.11 day • i Pee. misty A 1) 1919, T)trit tv Rowan aolieitor for the Exec ur., Alexander Mae. Ewen aria J hn Sponse, P41414141:4 B D AP! MONS 'satTEtt Get It ,.t rrgr egwnts i. HENRY CHRISTIE