HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-04-13, Page 5• WIT SU'M'P E NT ITEADQUARTERS: FOR Low Prices nig CLINTON NEW ERA kir ‘1,44°,0Y April 13, 1894 HEADQVARTERS FOR Good Goods This is the House that makes the prices -� torday. THE GRE We will place on Sale r • T BANKR PT SOC Of A. Rolfe, 202 Dundas St., London, bought by us at 60c on the $ It's a new stock, it's a good stock, it's a stylish stock, there's no trash in it, and as we bought it so we'll sell; sell you these elegant goods for less money than they cost wholesale. If economy is a consideration fix your eye on this page, it's moneyearned reading Read it heed it. Fine Dress Goods. 46 inch all wool Henriettas, 7silk finish, all colors, sold in London at 75c. Bankrupt price 48c. 54 inch Tweed Suitings, 15 patterns, worth easily $1 per yd. now 77c. Heavy Serge 52 inch wide, two shades,green and fawn. London price $14- Bankrupt price 63- Fine ITress. Costumes no two alike, were from $4 to $6, your choice now $3.23 A few very choice Costumes, formerlprices.. were from $7 to $11.50, we now offer them at one price, $5.25 Regular 50c and 60c. Whipcords and Fancy Goods, now 39c Fancy Black Dress Goods were 60c, now 38c A few lines of Colored Goods,were 35c to 75c to be cleared at 25c • Ladies' Fine Black Parametta Circulars In all sizes with long Capes. We sold the same kind our- selves for 54.50. Your choice of this lot for $2.10. Rubber Circulars Fine Goods, they were 52.75 and 53, but the capes are a little shorter than what is exactly fashionable, and go at 70. cents. Ladies' Capes Bought for this season's trade. 55.25 Capes 53.90- *6.25 Capes 54.25 *3.00 2.10, 53.40 52.60 MANTLES. Fawn, Blue, Black and Brown Mantles, spring weights and styles, prices rang e from 54 to 56.50. Your choice of this lot for $2.97 Another lot were 56.50 to 512; these you can have for $5.00 ou afford to overlook such values as these ? NS 3 pairs for 50 cents ents a pair. amask .Towels worth nts a pair sk was 35c for 25cts sk was 50c for 40ets sk, was 60c for 48cts eLinen was $1 for 770 e Linen v,„, $1.25 a 95c PRINTS Fine Wide Prints, Dark and Light Grounds worth 8e for 5c Best Quality Prints for 9 & lOc 31 in. Shakers worth 11c for 8c Extra Heavy Factory Cotton was 11c for 9c Hosiery & Glbves We can only quote a few hosiery prices to give you an idea of what we will sell: Fine Cashmere Hose worth 60c for 45cts FAST BLACK Cotton Hose, Ladies sizes 3 pairs for 500. Children's Black Colton. Hose, a good Black but not guaranteed, 3 pair for 25c Bargains in Silk, Taffeta and Kid Gloves good goods, cheaper than anyDon't forget this sale commences Saturday next, at ade, but for CASH or PRODUCE only 18 o'clock, and lasts until the whole stock Is sold st. J�hn DGENS C I AT 0 IV .. f it