HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-04-13, Page 3aciaaa- M bRR1 Pianos Bidet# inittr* .'>ud this was a pet theory berg and one that she much advocated of late, so she shut her red lips very' tightly, and said teat she wouldn't >ti. 'x1'P him until • she had proved that she could be independent, if necessity demanded. 'But I've waited so long," he said, with his eyes shining even in the dark., nand now you say I must wait again. I'm afraid -4 believe -I have heard it said that women are false, but I thought I had found a true one." Mattie drew away from him a little haughtily. "Am I less a true woman because of this?" she asked with sud- den flash in her eyes. MUSICAL EXCELLENCE) "But you know how lonely I am, •it how comfortless my life is, and you ARTISTIC DESIGN will not come to me. You don't care e." DURABLE CONSTRUUTIOI for "Ohm, I do ! I dol" she cried. And when he had gone back to the r'-"---'And beginning, with arguments and C 1A,pGDIp SZPT Pass oft APPLIOLTAoe. persuasions and coaxing words. The end of it was—she wouldn't. That is. she would only give the very uncer- ta n remise o igomotrm , p p, Morris-Feild -Rogers-Co LISTO'WEL. Golden Jdols i a era s when she had proved certain things," and with that he had to be content. His boarding house at Elmwood had never seemed so dingy and comfort- less as it seemed in the months that followed, nor his room so dark and dreary. ---- Mattie hgon iede,to work in earnekt. She drew her fifty dollars from the city bank, and bought another cow, ' A. COUNTRY STORY. not a full blooded Jersey because her father thought they "wan't likely to -- be as healthy nor do as well part Jer- "A swan!" Squire Freshwater CSatf- sey." The red cow, Cherry,-helon ed Toed his hand to his wa'mus pocket a1id to her, also; little spot, that oho had lumped up so suddenly that the )hila) begged from her father, when in its family of Plymouth Rocks gathered Cask€:hood it had„gone lame and been about his feet fled shrieking to their condemned to death. Careful nursing mother who was prospecting content- had brought the little creature edly in Black tPriuce s manger. "1 through, and noW she was as "pert a clean forgot that letter; now that's the creeture as there was do the place.” nakedtruth. Dee -claret I didn't mean She made some chicken coops for to for it the gal that way. Most like- her big plymouth Rocks to go to house- ly sheds out in the spring house; it's keeping in, and gave a dozen more of churnin' day. So I'll take it out there; thein nests full of big brown eggs to she'll want to read it right off." brood oyer. A minute later he tiptoed away fi om One Saturday she, had harnessed. the springhouse, silent and unseen. Black Prince to the buggy and gone to "Good Lord!" he said, taking great the city on a secret errand, with a strides down tlie' orchard. "Good mysterious looking box on the seat be. Lord! I never'd a believed it." side her. In the box was a roll of the Something seemed to ail the squire new little Jersey's butter, hard and that day. His wife noticed it. Hat- yellow, wrapped in a snowy cloth and tie, too, caught him looking hard at' lyingin a nest of frest green grass, and her at the dinner table. "Well, fath- blossom r s l r was the evprettiest d ettie tof apple p morning er," she -asked good-naturedly, "is my in he spring -house. y,cary Thea were hair done wrong?' de- lighted ihit at the Women's Ex - our hair? • , �"H,�.Y .�y{�yS1.;; /jam . �_n.++!fn.l4:f. 'CLI $Tei .... ra' ',. trtA sat down again to,ai till the fury of the wind and. storm ' s could spend it- self. But the downpour was continuous, the steady rush and roar of waters. did not cease. Great thunderous gusts of wind, in grand crescendo swept'up from the far reaches of field and inea- dow, and hurled themselves against the house until it shook and trembled. The great maples outside writhed and twisted in the gale; the rain dashed heavily against the window and caught the firelight's glimmer as it streamed down the glass. But within,wae peace. The pleasant firelight flickered and did merry battle with the soft brown sha- dows; there were friendly voices; a face in a shadowy corner half revealed; and in and out, through roar of incoming winds and soft rain -filled silences, the words of an old song sung themselves over and over in his brain. Y No 'tint your hair, change, and promised to take all she my gal, 'taint your hair." would bring; so, when she turned Mattie started a little at this, but homeward, there was a little trium- forgot it a minute later. phant sparkle in her eyes. That night, after the rest had gone In due time, the little dwellings in up to bed. he went. over and shut the the orchard were tilled with peeping, stair door carefully, downy families, and she was busy as a "I say, fin ,' he began, running bee, too busy to see Dr. Brook when his grown fingers through his burrr- he rode by and bowed to her. cane of white hair, "did you ever Hosts of new ideas came flocking think—did you ever notice anything wrong about our Mattie?" down to her in the spring -house, an It was out now, and he wheeled whenone hs ae ctrriede tonout a ch waseao e d around and faced her desperately. She looked up at him through her there were twelve little golden lions on -.silver•-bowed glasses with a gentle individnal butter u tespring-house, lates. tw s never they stare of amazement. warm in "Mattie!" she said, "anything the kept firm and -hard. , matter with her! What do you mean?" Next day she drove to the city in '':I mean this, I—there's something early morning.• There happened to be the matter with her -=soul. I'm afraid a young woman at4the Exchange look shees an—infidel—a heathen --that's ingg for some of this very butter, the it.'>"Freshwater butter having already. A s•hade of •alarm crept over his made itself a name at the Exchange, wife's face. and when she saw Mattie's box, she "You see," he went on, "X got a le spoke quickly and said she was very ter for her last night and clean forgo sure her mistress would buy the little to give it to her till -the middle of the lions, because she was going to have her afternoon, an' then knowing she's be friends to tea. Thus Mattie disposed of in the springhouse, I took it out to her little family of lions. her, that is, I went to the door, an'— Summer went by The chickens now I'm tellin' the • naked truth—our lost their first fluffy prettiness, and �•al were a -standing there by the table. got themselves cunning little gray She'd made an idol, mother, a little wings. A thieving hawk captured - idol out'n the butter, an' she were two or three, but the rest grew up a -standing there before it a-washupin' happy and cheerful, playing "hide and it. It. just, minded me of the 'Israeli- seek" and hunt the grasshopper all tes an' their golden calf. But, 'good day in the -long, lush grass, and at Lord! is it a thing to laugh at, woman? night creeping under their mother's Are you turned heathen, too?" wings with sleepy little "che e -p, She choked down her laughter in a chth a," which the mother answered soft, deep -voiced crooning note Minute, and sat up in her chair. "I like a soft, dc declare, Nate, I never heard any- The little new cow proved a regular thing so funny in all my born days! dais and Mattie christened her "Funny!" he began, with a sudden "Daisy.Daisy was the pet of the sternness in his -tone. • "But'twant an idol, she interposed; farm. "that's what's funny. It's your mis- When the county fair came, Mattie take. You see, Nate, when Mattie was fuller of the mysteries than ever, was down to Elmwood. to the high only she:took her father into confid- ochool, she took -a great faticy to wood enmeth9s di he n brought ugis t home mystere i un s sea: ruing and sculpture and such things, ant so once in a while she tries her old Tuesdaypes and e drove a'ofl boxes, and barn`) .at" it the while she works over the onwith a gret wooden box in the'wagon. butte.- t 1 on The rest were all curiosity, but Mattie The L,quir only shook her head. d aid his hands carefully y of the "And her face is the fairest That ere the sun shone on, That ere the sun shone on, And deep blue is her ee, And for bonnie Annie Laurie I'd.lay me down and dee." HAW TO GET 4 "SUNLIGHT `"PIOT[JRE, ' Send 25"Sunlight" Soapwrappers wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom» an Look Old Sooner Than a Iki:an")to LEvi,a Duos.,, Ltd„ 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to deoorate your home. The soap ie the beet in the market and it will only nest llo postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. There are fifty-two canals in the 'United States, having a total length of 4,468 miles. China alone excels this country in ite can- al mileage. The severest oases of rheumatism, are oared by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. Now is the time to take it. B.ocd's Cures. Steel has been used for ship -building only fourteen years, yet it is estimated that 1l6 per Dent of the vessel° built at the present day are of steel. The Alaskans often have eating matches, at whioh great numbers compete. The one who eats the most is considered the Bedtime came and the storm still' biggest man. raged. Squire Freshwater, after a As baldness makes one look permanently brief survey of the, windswept outer would, came back remarking that'twas old, so a full head of hair gives to mature "the worst ekinokshul storm he ever life the appearance of youth. To secure this and prevent the Dimer, seem" When he opened the big fami- ly Bible for prayers, he happened to choose the fourth chapter of Hosea. Slowly his brown finger crept down the page and his deep voice followed it, Dr. Brook listened idly, with his eyed on tlf, shadowy face: "Ephraim is joined to his idols," read the squire, "let him alone." ' Dr. Brook saW a sudden light sweep over the downcast face and her eyes met his, full of tears. thietl she slipped noiselessly from her seat and vanished through tlie•open kitchen door. Sotne way, after prayers he found his way out to her, where she stood faintly outlined against the pitchy blackness of the window. And then and there, in the soft gloom and shadow, sweet and humble, she gave her hand into his, and the golden idols were dethron- ed. When morning broke, clear and shin- ing, with blue skies, and jubilant song of birds, Mattie peeped into the pan- try where her mother was at work. I can't keep chickens and cows in Elmwood, mother, what am I going to do about it?" Her mother looked up with a quick, pleased glance. "So yoiti are going to marry Dr. Brook!" h f Ayer 's Hair Vigor is confidently recommended. Both ladies and `gentlemen prefer it to any other dressing. The tunnel which carries .the Colored Midland Railroad through the Rooky Morin tains at Hagerman Pass, Colo., has just been ooiiipleted. The tunnel is close upon two mile, long, and it is bored through solid gray granite. Its oompletion involved over three years' work. Itch on humanand horses and all ani- mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Watt'e & Co. Druggist. Paper yarn is now being substituted for other cheap stook in carpets, and is said to be superior to shoddy and mungo, both is cost and strength. Of course the paper in used only in the body and on the under side of the texture and not on the upper surface. It is said that 55 per cent of a carpet may be made of paper without a oustomer suspecting it. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. The notes of the Bank of England cost exactly one sent each. Jacksonville bas two hotels which, to- gether, cost over $5,000,000. Minard's Liniment aures garget in cows. A regular organization of one -legged beg- gars exists in Springfield, Mo. The mines tributary to Butte City have an output of $23,000,000 a year. On the retreat from Moscow the Frenoh lost and threw away over 60,000. Minard's Liniment cures distemper. A wave of thought would require about a minute to traverse a mile of nerve. Americana drink tea hot and wine cold. The Chinese drink tea cold and wine hot A discarded theater at Tacoma, Wash., has been converted into a house of wor- e put both fee squarely h d the floor an 1 One of the prettiest exhibits an tt ti his knees, inspecting atten- Farm Products department was the tively to se e that each was properly display of butter. It was in a small placed, and square in the middle. P y that been Squire Freshwater abhorred anything show cl blocks of ice, and on this with or out Af plumb. tel foundation was a castle built of "Marthy," he Said, presently, "I'm a solid gold butter, tower and turret hag fool. Let's gr, to bed." Out in the fragrance and coolness of and battlemented wall, all complete,' )Mattie sangand with two tiny sleepin lions on either wothe ed spring -house, f e, • side of the entrance. The card had on The spring in the fresh p .crystal mornings, clear ga. it Mattie Freshwater's name, and late The dark bubbled basiny crystal clear in that afternoon a gay red card was tied its slate -stone in the corner, on the corner. and then slipped away under the wall. The chickens flourished, the cattle and again, ia happyigg ng andt sparngkling linfreg throve and the little golden lions grew through it ran in sparkling in great demand. Four months later, through bird -haunted e orchard avd meadow. Outsidegthe door, the apple found that she had an even otwo'she h n- wblossomsswung in all their pink and dred dollars, besides the cows and the Robina himself,iand sent among them thirtyhens, and she announced the o';chin hid and out drifts fact ith agleam of triumph in her of song through the fragrant air. eyes. Round and round went the handle of yDr. Brook fared badly the next time the yellow churn, "che-clurg, che- be saw her. She had growne very clurg" and by and by, after a few satis- independent that she had almost ry e - fled peeps and dashes of cold water, aided not to marry any man. Women the golden woodenmos were lifted out into who didn't marry were better off a big bowl. nowadays 'anyhow. But when a few Dgbt ino the south patch, her father minutes later she stood at the sitting - singing, w and then. snatches of her room window, and heard his horse's andsing�lee-leaned histo° satisfied lihoofs o tearing down thefrozen yard, "Dee -c lar e! ke saidmwith aoweushe turnedrand ran up stairs and never smile. "jt makes me feel a powerful stopped till she was in her own room tter now that's the naked with the door locked. When the themclat- ::- THE HATHAWAY -::- PATENT FENCE. WIRE. 6 ship. On the march European troops are strung ont in the proportion of 2,000 men to the mile. Fifteen Engligh brewers and wine mer- chants who died last year left over 1130,000,- 000. The owl's wise look is the result of a physiological oddity—hie eyes ere fixed im- movably in their sookei'6."'' The Empress of China has sent five ladies to the court of Berlin in order to learn German manners and etiquette. Minard's Liniment aurae diphtheria. Ii is a disputed question among scion- tiets as to which is the most fatiguing, walking up hill or walking down hill. At Saltsbnrg Austria, a man was kept prisoner in a cellar for fifteen years, during which he never saw a human face. RHEUMATISM CUBED IN A DAY.—South Am- erica Rheumatic Cures for Rheumatism and Neurlgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action npon the system is re- markable and inysterious. It removes at once tbo cause, and the disease immediate- ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene- fits. Sold by WATTS & Co., druggists. sight be , truth,to know she's all right, I thought tering.of the hoofs had died whops away in the distance, she turned and sure she was a-washai in that butter - ggger, like them Israelites." hushed. threw herself on the bed and neither i y and over,by the song moved nor spoke for an hour. �r and and round and mass; then with With the comingofwinter days, the P Ove v'ul touchyellow pat it began to spring -house had -been deserted, and she 1. 'ul touch and the butter had to be made in the wide, a skill and she stood before oshapingl -bill shining. farmhouse kitchen. When shape. r, changing andnext churning day came, there was anc the 1 of a nodal was perfect ad om no singing, no lingering over the task, the li'tt1e r ,afore, your Dr Brook no toying with the golden mass, but a p]et�. g sober subsistence till it was done and A mouth t hat he loved her. After ut'outof sight. Golden idols had lost bad told her t. d heart-throbs, she had chair charm. the first star .le. aught every girl ought The March night was shutting down, said that she the am a living, and that e could. cold and gloomy. There was no sun - to know bow er prop -ed st that to me?" set,, but a swift, down -swooping dark - she had never you tit yourself nese that blotted out the world with a ,,But can't you t we int on to tell her n•. ht The gg"uire had been eked, 1 tea o �trDI o 4I t�t.ili v. r Him Calf Ons•MllAoltid titre, 1 t.. This strand is made of the best quality of Galvanized Steel Wire, is one and three -fourth inches wide, and consequently is easily seen by stook. By using one or more strands with the barb wire makes an excellent fence. We have also the American Braided Barbless Steel Wire, Plain Twist, Barbed Wire, and Blank Fence Wire all sizes. - Our stock is now complete in every line and prices reduced. Best No. 1 COAL OIL 10c. per Gailon Cash. 12. cents if Charged. \-- Old ..,.,. New Store HARLAN BROS 12aokayBlock S. Old Stand Brick Block Mrs. .T.) T. 1TORSNiiDEIL, 152 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal., writes: " When a girl at school, in Reading, Ohio, I had a severe attack of brain fever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I feared I should be permanently so. Friends urged me to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, -on doing. so, my hair Began to • Grow, and I now have as fine a head of hair as one could wish for,being changed, how- ever, from blonde to dark brown." "After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in combfulls. I need two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heavy. I have recom- mended this preparation to otheirs with like'good effect."—Mrs. Sidney Carr, 1460 Regina at., Harrisburg, Pa. "I )lave^used Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satis- factory results.• I know it is .tho beat preparation for the hair that is made." —C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring; Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. 3.0. Ayer & Co., Loweil, Mass. GoMrORi!, IN CORSETS Can only be obtained by wearing No. 391 " Improved All -Feather - bone Corsets." No side steels to break, hurt'or rust. TRY A PAiR. All First-class Dry Goods Houses Sell Them. People Must Live And in order to do so they want the very best they can get - We have anticipated their desire by purchasing the choicest GROCERIES, TEAS, SUGARS, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, &o Having had 35 years experience, think we know the wants of the people pretty welL Our stock embraces everything found in a first-class grocery, and we will not be undersold. CWe ROCKERY: -have a : Special SUGARS and TEAS ent of FANCY GLASSWARElarge and CROCKERY: sig MY STORE IS FILLED UP_WITHNICE, NEW, GOOD FURNITURE—AT LOW PRICES—BOUGHT RIGHT TO SELL AT SMALL PROFITS Rouse - Cleaning - Time - Coming J� W. Irwin, Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, -- - - CLINTON. - Ilub Grocery �- Tea SIDEBOARDS—A nice Sideboard in 16th century, an- tique, &c. Light finish, $6.50 --new goods just in. BAMBOO TABLES 25c. 30c. and 40c come to hand. POLISHED WALNUT BEDROOM SUITS $20. CURTAIN POLES and Fixings, im- A lot of Mattresses, Lounges, Spring Beds, ported goods, from 25o up. Poles in Oak, Parlor Snits &o. Enamel, blaok or assorted colors. BEDROOM SUITS from $10.50 up MIRRORS in different sizes. Furniture in Oak and other woods. FANCY ROCKERS in staffed bot. tome and Rattan Chairs. CentrelTables Large stook of Picture Mouldings in Oak, and Extension Tables. Tarbox's patent Gilt,New Shades. Frames made to order Pillow Sham Holders. J. C. STEVENSON, :: Furniture Emporium, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. he could let ti sudden If ']I f fever' and Dr. Brook_ he had a store laid by having bow he had waitedlittle, • t it was ac- had stopped o o - he i evil Before he little hams,r and. want - to qqin on lis wanted he' the day been fuliiled, and they • cvery 0 d, I very do- forbeide his venturing forth. So he ,ed,.vel iIQ�y poutd 'x'he y had • y, Just arrived, a consignment of the celebrated BEE BRAND TEA, put in half pound and pound packages. This is the only package Tea put up where it is grown. The Bee Brand Tea is grown in the Palamcotta Gardens, Ceylon, and is no mixture, but a pure Tea of very fine flavor and ace at the stro. We ength. the sole agency for this town. Come and get a sample and 's Fair, gtry it. •, . C,1 -3C) SW .LW W, Clinton. CIAILNTON-. Sash, Door & Blind Factory ..0 4-7 Pe Vii. �, _'I ?-5*-i.liiI•%i�\n\i .'. il;s_ll1.:!II 6... y{�m11{{M-. IINti C0 �;7r -m f..-•-4' ' . Near it i�n� 11so HouseC1iuLn Time Welcomes ran . Brushes, Stove Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Whitewash We offer fall lines of Scrubbing Br , Brushes, Self -wringing Molts and Mop handles, Patent Brooms, &c., Whiting, Pearling, Sepolio, Washing Soda and W ashing Crxetal. SOAPS—Sunlight, Sunbeam, Home Sweet Home, Surprise, Wide Awake, N. P., Victor, 0. R.., Electric, Dingman's, Amonia, Niagara, Standard, Century Soap. TOILET SOAPS --Pure White Castile and Oatmeal Bars, Heliotrope, Baby's Own, Home Comfort, Carbolic, Tar, Sulphur, Master Mechanics will remove tar and grease from the hands. CROCKERY—During April we offer Toilet Sets, Dinner and Teas sets at greatly re- duced prices for cash. We cannot be excelled in the quality and flavor of onr TEAS, either in Black, Green or Japane. Special ants in Teas and Sugars in quantities. Cann- ed goods, Pickles, Spices. Hams, Bacon, Lard, Cottolene, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Flaked Peal, Flaked Hoinihy, We continue to • er special inducements to Dash 'purchasers. ROBSO , - Cliritop :: 5: S. COOPER, Proprietor : ire Awing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to my p'remises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We prepare plans and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contracts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. • We manufacture to order and also parry in Stock all kinds of Window Sash, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &o. Persons who intend to build will find it to their own interest to see me before•sodoing. S• S. COOPER, Clinton SeverePain in Shoulder 2Years Cured by The D.&L. Nlenth0l Plaster. My ft.* 5iIs( my remedies s wi hout relief, he triars with a severe ed at"'nder D.k 1..c" left Menth l Plaster, through its work. UserQl{'4W Creta b uadOWS&tom plasters have been sold by me here, giving equal satisfaction. 1. 2. SUTHERLAND Druggist, River john, N.S. Sold Sveryvheret• 25C.eachy i3