HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-04-06, Page 4auto* J tut l�'fi?il 9► fiiX Si .X894, z+'bp, .ia,NATIOBS' AUTTIO1 spew Wasted,-ger;ar itox Koos 13VI NOS-Baok'd skin Grr entlet, on the Bay, 1fieldroti• Aplplyat taW ERA Offipo. It YOU want your F'ruft.:freee and 4rspe Vince Tripled call on W, O. SEAARLA. EMS. BLANKETS, BELL$, &o„ at Coat to olear, ,ORNHQN & ARMOUR, Clinton, *real Rednoed Sale of Underwear now going on at the BEAVER MILLS WOOLLEN STORE, Olieton: Hard Times and loney Scarce. Just arrived, car of Sugar from Illiontreal Refinery, selUng at Lard times prices. Come and see for yourselves. J: W. fl WIN, tlrroeer, Clinton. - own SONO. MEnicAi,.—the fiiixt meeting of the Huron Medical Association will be held in the Council Chamber, Clinton, on Tuesday, April 10th. Several in- teresting -papers and cases will be pre- sented. ODDFELLOws' AT HOME. --The 28th inst., will be the 75th anniversary of the organization of Oddfellowship, and the Society of town purposes holding an "At Home" that evening, in their lodge rooms. DISLOCATION. — On Friday evening while Foster Wilson, second son of Mr S. Wilson, was playing around the house, he dislocated -ilii; arm at the el- bow, putting two bones out of joint. It required considerable effort to get them back again. PUBLIC ADDRESS.—Mr T. 0. Currie, of Napperton, Vice -President of the Patrons of Industry of Ontario will deliver an address on the order, in the Town Hall. Clinton, on Monday even- ing next, commencing at 8o'clock; the meeting will be free to all; Mr Alex- ander, organizer, will also be present. BRIDGE MATTERS. — Mr Ainsley, county road commissioner was in town this week; he had been over at Bay - geld settling up matters in connection with the bridge at that place. Ile stated that the bridge , into Colborne, near Holmesville, is now perfectly safe, although it has not been straightened. It hadbeen strengthened so that there was no danger from it.• THE HAT. TRADE.—Just at present a number of hay presses in the country are standing idle, because there is no demand for hay. Mr Cudmore, who was filling a large contract for a dealer in London, Eng., is; now shipping direct himself, and expects to handle a considerable quantity during the months of April and May. DEPUTATION. — Last week Messrs Blackall, of Clinton ;Wal ker, of Londes- boro; and Wilson, of Wingham, repre- senting the Huron Veterinary Associ- ation, attended the meeting of the Perth Veterinary Association at St. Marys, to secure the co-operation of the members in matters relating to the work of the association. TRAVEL.—Mr John Stewart, of Stanley, has gone on .a visit to his daughter at Denver. Mr J. J. Mc- Laugghlin, of Hallett, and J. B. Weir, of Clinton, left the other day to look after their interests in Manitoba,. J. Agnew (brother of R. Agnew) left this week for Chicago; all the foregoing were booked by Mr W. Jackson. CONCERT.—Nearly all the reserved seats are secured for the Nora Clench concert to -night (Friday) which is giv en under the auspices of the Foresters, And, there -is._likely to be a large a,udi-.. eiice. An opportunity to bear a musi- cian of her recognized ability, should not be lost. She will be the guest of Mr. T. Jackson, sr., while in town. A Bic STOCK.—As our readers are aware, Hodgens Bros. recently bought the bankrupt stock of A. Rolfe, in London. The goods were all new and high-priced, and as the stock was too large to unite with their own here, a portion of them were run off in the city. We understand that the balance of the stock, which still contains a large quantity of choice goods, will be brought here in a few days for disposal. ASSESSMENT.—Mr Henry Stevens has completed his work of assessing, though he has not yet got all the tables totalled. He reports a gratifying in- crease of about fifty in the population of the town. He is of the opinion that values will not show an increase, owing to depreciation. The num ber of dogs returned this year is considerably larger than previously. Mr' Stevens has until the 1st of May to complete and return his roll. LEFT TowN.—We notice in the re- port of the examination at Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons that Mr G. A. Newton, of town, has been successful in obtaining his degree, L. D. S. Mr Newton also wrote for the honorary title D. D. S. (Doctor of Dental Sur- gery) at Toronto University, the report of which has not yet appeared. Mr Newton moves to Lircknow, where be purposes hanging out his shingle. The people of that place will find him a good citizen, thoroughly reliable, and his many friends here wish him abun- dant success. THE FAIR.—The fair on Wednesday was much more successful than some of the previous ones had been, and it begins to look as if the efforts of the promoters would be crowned with success. Mr T. M. Carling had pro- cured 20 good milch cows and calves, all of which were put up and sold at fair prices. There was not a very ready sale for horses, although nine or ten changed hands. The next Monthly Fair may possibly be „the last one until after farmers get through with some of their spring and summer work, an extra effort should be made to have it a success. MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS.—At the recent examinations in Medicine at Trinity University, Toronto, three Huroniahs took high honors. Mr Thos. Agnew (brother of R. Agnew, Dentist)) passed his final examination. R. 13. J. Stdnbury, eldest son of Dr. Stanhury, Bayfield, stood as follows:— in the 2nd year, 1st class honors in Practical Chemistry Toxicology and Practical Anatomy; 2nd class in De- scriptive Anatomy,chhemistry, Physio- logy and Histology, 3rd class in Mate- ria Medica. Miss Mary Irwin, daugh ter of Mr J. W. Irwin, Clinton, stood as follows in the 2nd year: -1st class honors in Toxicology and Practical Anatomy; 2nd class in Chemistry and, 1‘19,teria Medica; Aust 3rd ( sa in DIP;! Oriptive 4natolny, Miss. Xt wan bga,ded the list of lady etudente In O,hecni_stry anti was second xn Toxicology.. ,$$ow Srlou' 4)0. --The North Bay ,Despatch of last week thus refers tciiy former Clintonian;--MraQ. D,Pay gave a snowe..oe party on Monday "night which proved to be both unique and pleasant. The party started on, a tramp up the lake shore fox a couple of miles and halted ata shant whereprOvisions, hob coffeeand a "taffy pull" were thor- oughly enjoyed.andin true aboriginal style, while the war' dance around the camp fire would put to blush many a denizen of the forest. It was 200 below zero," NoTE$.--Mr T. Jackson, jr., w Toronto last week on business. was represented at the Provi Teachers' Association in Toronto week, by Mr Musgrave, of Wing Mr Scott,� of muckersmith; Mr W of Mensal!, dud Inspector Tom. Holmes, daughter of Rev. J. Holmes, left on Monday for Tor Normal School. The Public So and Collegiate Institute opened Monday, each with a good attend of pupils. Messrs Harold and H Bausford, sons of Mr John Ransf who have been home for their Ea holidays, returned to their studie Upper Canada College, Toronto, Monday. Mr W. • Ball, who stu with Dr. Blackall last year, has ope an office for the practice of a Vete ary at Walton. Messrs Wm. an Taylor, of town, were present at annual meeting of the Uonfeder Life Insurance Company, in Toro on Tuesday. Mr Flath, License specter for West Wellington, wa town on Saturday' on private busin Mr Luther Manning, of Clearwa Man., brother...of Mr Wilbur N. M ning, who has been visiting fr`ie and others here for .some weeks, turned to the Prairie Province week. The present Lieut.-Gover New Brunswick, Mr Frazer, and C. A. Hartt, of town, we; e fell students in the same law office, the former is married to a cousin the latter. Mr John Shaw, of Br sels, (father of Dr. Shaw) was in to last week. Mr W. Young has with us an excellent sample of m syrup of his own production: he about 180 trees tapped in Colborne a has made quite a quantity of syr Mr Jas. Sheppard; of town, has c tracted for the erection of two br at Pine River, in Bruce Mr John Pickett has let the cont to Mr John Stephenson, for the er tion of a bank barn on his property the east side of Victoria street; Hirman Hill will do the masonr Mrs D. Buchanan and her three dau leave on Saturday for •Vancouv B. C., where Mr Buchanan and o son reside; they have for many ye been residents of Clinton, and car with them the good wishes of all th friends; they were ticketed through their destination by Mr W. Jacks Miss Broder, of Morrisburg, who h been visiting her sister, Mrs McTa Bart, returned home on Monday. have received a copy of the Ontar Cal., Observer, which contains a ape al "write-up"'and illustrations of t earthly pas adise;'when we Fet our fo tune made we intend to visit it, but the meantime we can only feast o eyes on the pictures; the paper is se us by John D. Armstrong, of On tari a former Clintonian, who went west search of health and has evident found it. Mr John Ransford was Toronto this week, on business. John Pickard laid information against Jas. Morgan, for assault and battery, and the case came up before the Mayor, on Saturday; defendant 'pleaded guilty and was fined $5 and costs; both the parties reside in Goderich Township. Mr. NV. Jackson- was In - London on business, on Tuesday. Messrs Jacob Miller and S. J. Andrews acted the part of "safe-breakers" on Tuesday evening, by opening the town safe, which had hitherto resisted. all efforts' to unlock it; they found it necessary to cut'the safe just above the lock, and thus get at the combination. Mr Robert Mason, of Wingham, was. in town' on Monday. Mr D. Cantelon shipped one hundred hogs to London. on Wednesday. Mr Hugh McConnell, of Tuckersmith, who was married to Miss Nott, on Tuesday, has rented a house on Maple Street. Mr McLean, of the Expositor, Seaforth, was in town on Wednesday; Mac expects to represent South Huron in the next Local Legislature, and we firmly be- lieve his expectations will be realized. Miss Minnie Cooper, of Brussels, who was home for her Raster holidays, re- turned to her duties on Monday. Mr Todd, has, we believe, rented the house belonging to Mr Buchanan, on Albert street. We are informed that none of the Clinton hotel keepers attended the Hotel -Keeper's Convention in Toronto, on Wednesday. What with Cantelon Bros. buying up all the eggs they can for export; Mr Searle doing likewise, and Mr. Grant just entering the field alsgo, dealers should not have many er J. H. Galla her,s left poof n their hands. auditor'sM office, M.C.I. R., Detroit, who has been visit- ing relatives here for the past week, has returned home. Mr W. , S. Har- land has added a fine Mason & Risch Cabinet -grand piano to his household. Mr David Steep Worsen, rented the house owned by Mr. Worsen, ori Rattenbury street, and .lately occupied by Mr Ker. A beautiful Gerhard Heintzrnan Cab- inet -grand piano, on exhibition in the warerooms of G. F. Emerson, was pro- cured expressly for Mr W. L. Ouimette, of Londesboro. Mr G. A. Dewar, brother of Mrs James Fair, jr., heads the list of those who have just passed their final examinations at Tronto sonSchoooflof MrsMoore, of townMr ,ert hash been engaged for a school near Kincardine. We are glad to know that the wife of Mr W. Shannon, who underwent a surgical operation on Wednesday, is improving as well as can be expected. Cattle men report the outlook for spring trade as very unfavorable; the prospects are that the British embargo will remain on. The American -Slavery Co. did not come to town as the stage was not large enough to accommodate them. Clean up your premises now; dont wait till the hot weather comes and your family are exposed to fevers —the result of the winter's accumula- tion of filth abort your home. Persons allowing black -knot to remain in their orchards are liable to a fine therefor. Miss Lizzie Gorrell, who has been con- fined to the house for several days by severe illness, is now able to be out again. Although we condense our news as much as possible, and have no waste space, we are compelled this week to leave over several articles, to accommodate our local news. as in Huron ncial last ham; ren, Miss W. onto hool on ance enry ord, ster s at on died ned rin- d L the a tion nto, In - sin ess. ter, an- nds re - last rnor Mr ow - and of us- wn left ma had nd up. on- ickr Co. ract ec- on Mr ugh- er, ne ars ry eir to on. as We io, ci- hat r - in ur nt o, in ly in S RINGTIVIE : : AND:: CARPETS g All the year round there is a certain demand for Carpet s, but the spring season sees the business at 'its height. Our preparations for this spring's demand have been very extensive; we give a great deal of atte;ntion to our Car- pet business, always trying to get the- most desirable patterns and the best values obtainable, and this sea- son we can say that we have done better than ever before. Last year we purchased a Carpet Sewing Machine, and since that time have sewed 4nd laid all carpets bought from us free of charge. This has been a feature of ,our business much appreciated by our customers, as it saves a great deal of work and trouble. When you want anything in the House Furnishing line, see what we have before buying. We can not only give you the largest assortment to choose from, but can save you money as well. k'OR•-BEAUTY AND ECONOMY CANNOT BE E qUALI.,ED. OUR NEW DESIGNS and COLORINGS Are handsomer than ever. We snake a sthdy of harmony of colors, and from our immense stock (the largest in the County,) we can match your carpets and furnishings to perfection.' Your �► ourWjfdOWand our Shades Are the best ever presented to the purchasing public of this locality. Our stock is now replete with the latest designs and novelties, and we are now ready for inspection. oxo RANCE & SPALDING THE NEW STYLES IN Spring - Footwear And qualities to suit any• purse. Our customers evidently appreciate our style of doing business, judging by the success we are having in selling goods for cash at Estate J. Hodgens CLINTON Who's Your flatisr? Our stock is now full and complete, and we show without exception one of the largest and finest ranges to be found in this section We are agents for'' • • W. Wilkinson & Co., - London, Eng Christy & . Co., - - - London, Eng Sims & Co., - Manchester, Eng And all the leading New York makers See our New Stiff Hats! lines in See Four New SoftHats! Things in Our Boys' and Girls' School Caps at 25cts. are having a big sale. All the Latest Novelties in Child- ren's Hats and Caps. JACKSON BROTHERS, Hatters and Clothiers, -. CLINTON. -�CASH PRICES. - •• - As a matter of fact values for this season's trade are quite exceptional in favor of the buyer, and qualities are just as good as we say they are. THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE. Batter and Eggs taken at Cash prices. t TAYLOR & SONS BEESLEY& CO Red letter days in Millinery in, spite of gloomy forecast and chilly' atmosphore, a most re- markable collection of HATS and BONNETS. Brought an overwhelming crowd of visitors to our open- ing. Our Millinery Parlor presented a most animated and gratifying scene, Thronged with discerning and delight- ed ladies who freely expressed the opinion that the present surpasses any previous display in conception of designs and artistic arrangement. We feel thankful to our customers and friends for their compliments,but more especially for their pur- chases that made our Millinery opening a success financially. Those who were unable to attend, need not feel discouraged for this week will do as well. We shall replace all that was sold with new and original designs.. We lay special, claim to novelty in styles, variety in patterns and moderation in. prices. We give a discount to all cash purchasers of Millinery, and owing to the immense and growing trade we do in this line, we are in a position to place before you an assortment that cannot be found elsewhere. Even our spacious showroom would not permit us to show all we ,would like to have done on the occasion of our opening. Remember the place is IIEESIIEy&COThe Ladies Favorite Estatillahmoro BEAVER BLOCK, " 1 OLINTON o.