HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-03-30, Page 8,{
•TliV IC ' '( NEW iB
aiolz,.30, 180
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MAbONIC —Ri ht Worthy Brother
k 4ti Davison, p.n. 14., paid his oillcial
visit to Clinton odge No. 84, G.l.C.,
on Friday, 23rd.inst. Alter the sever-
Ii.Ctl1 0, 1894 r al degrees had been given by the W.
k' IDA 1 M, and Wmthy Bro. Heywood, he ex-
tppressed himself highly pleased with
he annex in whir they were gl t
PUTP141, lid kd/atis Wanted—QauTsteN Bees.
FOUND --Black d akin Gauntlet, ou the Bay
field road, arena atrium ERA. QSioe,
Trailed call on o W. OFruit Trees . SEABLE�nd rape vines
BOBEsi BLADIRET$, BELLS, &o., at Cost to
(dear, SOHNi3QN $ ARMOUR, Clinton,
Great Reduced Sale of Underwear now going
HOT' BUGGIES ab reduced prices owing to
being soiled by smoke at J. TWITUHELL'S.
Also a large stock of British Columbia Red Cedar
and other Shingles at lowest prices.
All 1893 Accounts are. now
past beforand
taking; sSt tock eptly
Zan VitPUO•
MONTHLY FAIR.—The next monthly
fair will be held on Wednesday, April
4th. It is anticipated that a " number
of -buyers will be present, and every
'farmer who has an animal to sell
should bring it in.
Rev. r Hodgens, W.M. of Brittania,
No. 170, Seaforth, was a visitor. After
the lodge closed the brethren went to
the Novelty restaurant, where refresh-
ments were awaiting them, and after
doing full justice . tol the same, the
brethren went home well pleased with
the evening's work.
NoTEs.--The regular meeting of the
town council will be held on Monday
next; there are no matters of special
importance to be disposed of. Farmers
inform us that the winter has been
easy on fall wheat, which is looking
well now, and is not likely to suffer as
spring opens. Mr David Dickinson
has been instructed to sell the fur-
niture. of Mr Donald Buchanan on
Saturday next, as his family are about
.rex_neving to Vancouver. Mr Bert Hill,
of Brussels, brother of Mr 3. W. Hill,
has gone to the northwest to go into
business with his brother there. Mr
French, of Logan township, a Cousin
of Mr Searle, died o 'y
st; Mr
Searle was in Woodstock when the
reach him
mMr and
D. Robb, 'In-
spector, will leave on Saturday for the
northernpartof the county,wher e he ex-
pects to remain for three or four weeks
In performance of his duties; Mrs Robb
accompanies him. We were in error
last week in stating that Mr Wood-
ward had engaged with Mr Wheatley;
le has not done so, The NEW BRA
ist week filled an order for some post-
osters for aman at Lockport, New York
State, Mr A. A. Scott iS representing
the teachers of East Huron at the 23rd
annual convention of the Ontario
Teachers' Association in Toronto. ,R.
Holmes is this week attending a meet-
ing of the Canadian Press Association
Executive, in Toronto. Master Kitt,
who has been living with Mr. H. S.
Andrews, left this week for Dakota; it
is a pretty long trip for a boy not yet
11 years .of age. Mr J. Wiseman has
rented the house owned by Mr James
Smith, opposite the Ontario St. church.
Mr 11. has rented
the hose son, ownedappby tMr E. Holmes,
Rattenbury street. Mr Currie, one of
the Grand Officers of the Patrons, will
shortly deliver an address in town.
Last week Mr H. Plumsteel advertised
for sale, in the NEw ERA, a tine 15
months' old Durham bull; be found
ready purchasers in the persons of
Tyndall Bros. For the "Carnival of
Nations," to be held in Seaforth on
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of
next week, the night train will be held
over one evening, and possibly both,
for the accommodation of Clintonians.
Mr W. J. Biggins was present at a
meeting of the Shorthorn .Breeders'
Association, in Toronto, on Saturday.
Mr J. Miller is getting the material
ready for his new shop on Albert street.
Mr James Werry expects to remove
his family to Blyth in the course of a
few days. Mrs Grattan, of St. Catha-
rines, is visiting her sister, Mrs Robert
Holmes. Mr Will Whitehead left last
„week far laje have, in Northport N,is
Mr Chas. Whitehead, • Brandon, is
still here. Miss Clara Holmes, daugh-
ter of Rev 3. W. Holmes, left on Tues-
day to visit friends in Stratford. Mr
smith was in town on Tuesday, and
LEIrr OvER.—Harland Bros.' change
of advertisement is unavoidably omit-
ted this week. They are. callingsp_eci-
al attention. .4c the Hathaway Wire
Fence, made of galvanized steel wire,
with a double strand and loup, made in
such a way as to be easily observed by
THE ROADS,—During the past week
the roads, more particularly in town,
have. not been in a condition that
would warrant a personatremingting tor
them on a bicycle,
walk them in a pair of carpet slippers.
Clinton is usually able to boast of the
cleanliness of its streets, but the sub-
ject is not one just
tetwould warrant
much boasting y
FROM THE WEST.—Under date of
March 20, Mr W. Cole, of Pierson,
Man.. writes:—"It has been fine spring-
like weather up till, yesterday.There
were poor crops here last year, owing
to the hot winds before the crop was
harvested, and poor prices to back it
up, making it very hard times all over
the province. It has been a very fine
winter all through. It looks like an
early spring."
with has bought out the bakery busi-
ness lately conductped by Mr James
tine on and
y. There is certainossession of ly
not much money to be made by any of
the bakers at the low price bread is
now selling, but as Mr Beckwith, who
has been connected with this stand for
some time, will still be his own baker,
he can at any rate keep his expenses
down to the lowest notch.
SHOOTSNG.—The Seaforth Gun Club
held a shoot on Good Friday, and
shooters from Brussels, Goderich and
- Clinton•awere�ther,e-to-tak-e-partr-.. There
were eight different matches and all
well contested. Several straight scores
were made, taking the match all
through it was exceptionally good
shooting for amateurs. Goderich Gun
Club has re -or anized, and under the
Presidency of W. Watson should boom
and do well.
VISITORS. — The Easter holidays
brought back many former Clintonians,
aniong those who were here being Mr
and Mrs French, of Ridggetown; Mr and
Mrs of
; Mr and Mrs
Taylor. ofDetroit;3 A. Gooper,ofTo on-
to; Mrs Kaake, of Lucknow; F. E. Hod -
gens, of London. Mrs Tuffts, of Bel -
grave; Mrs W. Cantelon and Mrs Hunt
spent Easter at Mitchell; Misses Mary
and Lizzie Twitchell spent Easter at
Blyth; Mrs J. W. Irwin went to To-
ronto; Mrs James Young to London;
H. B. Chant to Unionville; Messrs S.
Doan,. W. P. Spalding and H. Combe
were in Toronto last week; Mr James
Macmurchie, principal Harriston High
School, is visiting his brother here
Reeve Macmurchie. Mr. Hurlburt, of
Mitchell,' was this week the guest of
Mr Wm. Robb. Miss Hallie Combe
went toToro'ntoConservatory of Music
on Wednesday.
Millinery opening Saturday evening was an unqualified
success. Our display of Millinery this spring is very
beautiful—"unequalled," "the best in town," the most
stylish, was the verdict of the numbers who visited us
Saturday afternoon and evening.
Are -handsomer than ever. We make a study of harmony
of colors, and from our immense stock (the largest in the
County,) we can match your carpets and furnishings to
perfection. '+
YourW.: �.dQ�- Shades
Are the best ever presented to the purchasing public of this
locality. Our stock is now replete with the latest designs
and novelties, and we are'now ready for inspection.
If you have not been able to get in why come at any
any time and we will be glad to show you through.
A Special Feature_
It is an acknowledged fact that new styles always appear earlier on
the American side of the line than they do here. Recognizing this fact
MISS MscDONALD visited the wholesale Millinery opening in De-
troit, and there secured styles and novelties in shapes and trimminga,
that cannot be got here. These, we are confident, will add to the at.
tractiveness and tone of our stock; they will be found exclusively with
ourselves, and ladies wanting THE VERY NEWEST in fashionable Milli-
nery, will be able to get it here.
T fixing prices we've remembered we are selling for
D. Walker, of the mill road, Tucker -
remarked that it was just 56 years
cash only a,nd you'll find them lower, considerably low-
er than the same qualities can be got for elsewhere:
A customer made is a customer kept is the record of our
Dressmaking Department. We employ skilled labor
and turn out Stylish, well made, perfect. fit ting gar-
ments at moderate prices.
Spring -Footwear
And qualities to suit any purse. Our customers
evidently appreciate our style of !doing business,
judging by the success we are having in selling
goods for cash at
ON :w
As a matter of fact values for this season's trade are
quite exceptional in favor of the buyer, and qualities
are just as good as we say they are.
THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE. ° Butter and Eggs"taken at Cash prices
w;1rAUU' li'SONS
since he landed in that township. Mr
3. T. Garrow has kept us well supplied
with parliamentary papers since the
House opened. The Toronto World
had. a so-called humorous poem the
other day entitled "Archie Bishop's
daboo ina swallertail coat," based op
Mr Bishop's remark in the House that
in order to attend the Lieut. -Governor's
reception he had to borrow the neces-
sary outfit. Boys who use catapults
for the destruction of windows should
remember that they can be severely
punished therefor. Mr D.Cantelon
day. Thetown safe
locked, and all efforts to open it have
been in vain; it is not unlikely that an •
expert will have to be sent for
� in order
to get it open. Fears have been ex-.
posessed that the late frosts have in -
7 used fruit buds, butweare assur ed that
such, is not the cam.. Referring to the
drama, "Troublesome times in Ireland,"
rendered in Goderich, on St. Patrick's
day, the Goderich Stas; speaks of a
well-known Clintonian as follows
"Capt. Torr Rance, of Clinton, had a
somewhat difficult and rather unplea-
sant task to perform in the character
of Capt. Hawkins, the bad man who
makes all the trouble between the
young lovers, and who was an alto-
oethe ." rls J.
J well,itnen of a British
who ecsr. Mr F. dealers of
sents Gwatkin & Son, type
Toronto, remarked on Tuesday that
the NEW ERA had the finest printing
office in Ontario, and on being shown
samples of • the work done here stated
that they would be a credit to the best
printing offices anywhere. Mr Robt.
Agnew, dentist, of town, has succeeded
in passing with 2nd class honors the
recent examination in Trinity Univer-
sity, Toronto, for the degree of D.D.S.,
and now commands the title Doctor of
Dental Surgery. Mr G. A. Knox and
family have moved to Toronto. .Mr
Thos. Boles, of Delaware, brother-in-
law of Mrs Boles, of town, has been
appointed Supreme Secretary of the
Canadian Order of Home Circles; the
position carries with it a salary of
1,800 a year. Mr 3. P. Tisdall was a
guest at the wedding of Miss Radcliffe,
in Goderich, on Wednesday. Dr Gunn
was called to Lucknow,on Tuesday, to
a consultation. Mr Petet McDonald
left on Tuesday for London, where he
intends taking h course in the Business
of h rdd parents. Dr
Turnbull spent a few days in. Toronto,
on business, last week. Mr 3. E. Black -
all, V. 8., has procured a dehorning
outfit, and is kept pretty busy in its
use. It is reported that Mr Ben Tom-
linson will shortly open an office in
town. Dr Gunn performed a success-
ful surgical operation on a young man
from the neighborhood of Hensel), last
week. T. C. Bruce, who was in Toron-
to in the early part of this month,
writing for the degree of D.D.S., at
Trinity University, as been successful
in passing the examination. Mrs W.
Martin,who has been in..Oshawa all
winter, /has returned to town. Mr.
G. F. Emerson has already disposed of
twenty bicycles. Messrs Allen &
Your Hattor?
ENTERTAINMENTS.—There will be no
dearth of entertainments here next
week. On Monday evening the ladies
of Willis church hold a teameeting, to
be followed by a sacred concert, under
the direction of Mr Yellowlees; Mr
Knight, baritone, of Bowmanville, and
Mr Brown, bass, of Exeter, will take
part therein. On Thursday night an
American Company have the town
hall engaged, and on Friday night Miss
Nora Clench, the renowned violinist,
assisted by Miss Colvin, pianist, and
others, will appear under the auspices
of the Ancient Order of Foresters. The
St. Paul's :Guild gives an;entertain-
, meat in. the schoolroon this (Friday)
missioners for West Huron met in
town on Thursday last, and re -appoint-
ed Mr James Stevens as chairman. It
was decided that the 23rd of April
should be the day for considering li-
cense applications. Clause 8, of the
License regulations, provides that
"No one under 21 years of age shall be
employed as a bar -tender or act in that
capacity in the Riding;" this clause
was amended by adding in addition to
cense-hlder's family under
er of a
ithat age
shall be so employed.
THE SIDEWALKS. --The heaviest item
of expenditure the town council has to
face every year (outside of schools) is
that for roads 'Shod sidewalks—as a
matter of fact it might be said that the
sidewalks are the most expensive
thing a council has to deal
el with.
ple who have been paying
years naturally expect some return,
and especially if they live on the bor-
ders of the town, find
it more Or less of
t not a sidewalk
a hardship if they
past their door. And councils ofprev-
ious years,
laid down edewhrevrexpedi--
ent or necessary. As these wear out
they must be repaired, and etthheeycoysptiof
"zlrOilir `thus -is-increasing
As soon as the Weather will allow it,
in of the walks that are more
Our stock is now full and complete, and we
show without exception one of the largest •
and finest ranges to be found in this section
We are agents for
W. Wilkinson & Co., - London, Eng
Christy & Co•, - - - London, Eng
Sims & Co., - Manchester, Eng
And all the leading New York makers
See our New
lines in
Seer lour New Soft Eats!
Things in
Red letter days in Millinery in
spite of gloomy forecast and
chilly atmosphore, a most, re-
markable collection of€'
HATS and
Brought an overwhelmin g
crowd of visitors to our open-
ing. Our Millinery Parlor
,presented a most animated
and gratifying scene. Thronged with discerning and delight-
ed ladies who freely expressed the opinion that the present,
surpasses any previous display in conception of designs and
artistic arrangement. We feel thankful to our customers and
friends for their compliments,but more especially for their pur-
chases that made our Millinery opening a success financially.
Those who were unable to attend, need not feel discouraged,
for this week will do as well. We shall replace all that,was
sold with new and original designs. We lay special':claim
to novelty in styles, variety' in patterns and moderation in
Stil! Ilats!
generally used than others must be re
Wiison'e new drug store is now open
paired, but it is just beginning to be a for business. Mr T. M. Carlin will sell
question in the minds of the Street 20 cows on the market square, on Fair
Corimadvise ttet whether or not it' would be Da , Wednesday, April 4th. Mr A.
advisable to put down in some. parts of Twitchell spent faster with friends in
the torn, walks that would not call C K{neardine.
- or such frequent repairs.
Our Boys' and Girls' School Caps
at 25cts. are having a big sale.
All the Latest Novelties in Child-
ren's Hats and Caps.
Hatters and Clothiers,
We give a discount to all cash purchasers of Millinery, and
owing to the immense and growing trade we do in this line,
we are in a position to place before you an assortment that
cannot be found elsewhere. Even our spacious showroom'
would not permitus to show all we ;would like to have done
on the occasion of our opening. Remember the place is
tiEEstityThe Ladles Favorite Establishmen