HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-03-30, Page 2March. 00, 189' TH r,z fe EVIIIr FRIDAY MORNING ]New Era Stearn Printing Office, ISAAC I,iTREb1T, - T °LINTON, ONT Tz rem oa SUBSCRIETION-,•Oita dollar per year It peld in advance, $1,00 per year If not so paid Tho date to Which every subscription is paid is denoted by tbp 4?itte on the address label. 41 v8Wrlsate RATES — Transient advertise meats, tQ cents per Nonpareil line for first fuser 004,3 centsper line for each subsequentiusortion OoNTliAom RATES.—The following table shows our rates for the insertion of • advertisements for peciflo periods:— Advertisements, without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged according y. Transient advertisements must be paid in advance. • SPADE. 1 1 YR. 6 M°. 3 MO, i 1 MO Obe.00lumn .rye.. $60 00 840 00 825 00 88 00 Half.column •;, 35 00 25 00 15 00 4 50 Quarter column,.,- 26 00 15 00 8 00 3 00 One inch . , 6 00 400 2 50..,100 'Loes,NOTICES—At the head of local column 1Q,oents per line or portion thereof,eaoh insertion °•'rArtioles lost or found, girls wanted, &o., not eXelieding three lines, 25 Dents each insertion. Five lines 50 cents One insertion, and 25 cents for each Subsequent insertiot;f.: ;Houses to let or for sale farms to rent or for°sale, strayy cattle and all similar advertisements not, exceeding eight lines $1 ;sir one month and 50 cents for each actinic - q tient month. Changes for contract advertisements must be n the office by iiodn on Wednesdays. ROBT. HOLMES. Crisp County Clippings We regret to learn of the death of Mr John Cowan, of McKillop, which tooklace p on Thursday forenoon. Mr Gowan had been in declining health for about t'tvo years. Mr Thos. Woodcock has leased Mr Geo. Fretwell's farm, in Lower Wing - ham, and will move to it in a .week or two. He will give special attention to the breeding of thorobred stock, and has already secured some Holstein fe- males as a foundation of a herd. Mr Jas. Netterfield, sr., of Wingham while running a planer in the Union factory, on Saturday last, he had three fingers taken cff his right hand. He had only been working at the planer for about fifteen minutes, having jus finished a job he had been working at r: ,:r: ;k L, 4 -SMILES. "Then you think I oan never learn to dive. I don't see why?" Professor—My dear young lady, you must remember that you would have to keep your mouth shat, "Laura," °aid Mrs Figg, "you really ought to break yourself of that habit of loud sneezing. A young lady's sneeze should be subdued in tone; in fact, you ought to sneeze like—like—well, like an undertaker would." Bridges—I sent my son, ied,, to college, just so the druggists would have to stop cheating me with these blamed Latin pre- scriptions, but it did no good. Brooks— Why not? Bridges—Booause it appears that colleges don't teach doctors' Latin Minard's Liniment Cares LaGrippe. "Keep the change," he said dreamily as he handed the wailer a $10 bill from which to deduot a 75-oent charge. "Do yon mean for me to keep all the change?" asked the waiter. +"Er, what? no, no," he said brisk- ly; "I was thinking I was still in Chicago." Itch on human and horses and all ani- mals oured in 80 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist. "I walked down the street with a strrnge man to -day," said Mrs Jingle to her friend Mrs Smith. "What]" exclaimed the hor- rified Mrs Smith. She repeated her state- ment. "How indisoreet," said Mrs Smith; "Oh, I don't know; it was my husband. He is the strangest man I ever saw in some respeote." R,,HEIIMATI5M CURED IN A DAY.—South Am- erica Rheumati9• Cures for Rheumatism -and Neurlgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. It° action upon the system is re- markable and mysterious. It removes at onoe the cause, and the disease immediate- ly disappears. The first dose greatly hem. fits. Sold by WATTS & Oo„ druggists. Preacher—Young men should never go to a plane where they would not take their sisters. Is there a young man in the audi- ence who thinks he may safely break this rule? (Young man under the gallery stands up.) Preacher—And what is the plane, my young friend, which you think yourself justified in visiting, and yet which yon would not think of taking your sister? Young Man—The barber shop, sir. t I was CURED of Acute Bronchitis • byMIN • 1 ARD'S LINIMENT. We are sorry to learn that the oldest son of Mr S. Johnson, of the cut Iine, Goderich township, who has been suf- fering for some time from a cut that he got on' his knee, is not improving as fast as might be expected. 4 very pleasant event took place on Wednesday, at the Methodist parson- age, Bayfield, resulting in the marriage of Miss Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Mr H. Rutledge, of the 4th con., Gode- •rich township, to Mr James Thornton, of Seaforth. It surprised many visitors to the Chicago Weld's Fair to find that of all the blood - purifiers, Ayer's Sarsaparilla was the only one on exhibition. The reason is that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a standard remedy, and not a patent medioine, or secret nos- trum. - At the meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society, held of Kippen on Friday, arrangements-wereillade. with a deputation from the Tucker - smith Society, to hold the annual show under the auspices of the amalgamated societies, at -Seaforth. The dates fixed for the show were the first Thursday and Friday after the Western Fair at London. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs etc. Save $50 by nse of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cnreever known. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist The firm name of Gilchrist, Green & Co., Wingham, ceasedto exist on Tues- day, and now the Union factory hands are working in the employ of the Union Furniture Co., (Ltd.) of Wingham. Mr R.-Mainprize has retired from the firm, and this big industry is now running under the -charter of a joint stock com- pany, with Mr Geo. Thompson as its •president. The regular court of Maitland Pres- bytery was held at Wingham on the 20th inst. Rev T. Davidson, M. A., of Wroxeter, resigned his charge on ac- count of ill health. A call from Moles- worth congregation to Rev. G. Ballan- tyne, lately of Mono Centre, was sus- tained, and his induction was ordered to take place at Molesworth on the 3rd of April. The reunion of Belgrave and Cavan churches and Whitechurch and Langside was harmoniously effected, subject to the finding of the Synod in regard to the position of Rev 1YIr Law relative to Beigrave. Items IN• SIx liozns.—Distressing Kid ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN SIDNEY Cum." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary _peesagsle...i11. ,makeser "f6rrlfsle. "It' relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sols] by Watts & Co., Druggist. Mr James H. Gardiner, County Sec- retary, has issued the following an- nouncement in the Patron's Sun:— "Patrons are hereby notified that a convention will be held in tHltvillage of Bi-ucefield, for the purpose of bring- ing out a candidate for the House of Commons for the South Riding of Huron. All associations in the Riding are requested to appoint four delegates to attend said convention on Friday, March 30, at 1 o'clock p.m. While bottling at his pop works last week, Mr John Dodds, of Seaforth,met with rather a'b~ad accident. A bottle` burst, and the force if the pressure from the machine drove a piece of glass with considerable force into his wrist. The wound was dressed by a physician, and although he is unable at present to use his hand, he will probably be all right again in a short time. THE MODERN WAY Commends itself to the well -formed, to do pleasantly and effectually what WAS former- ly done in ,the crudest manner and dis- agreeably as well. To cleanse the ien --_- --and -break up-oo}eld de-heacl n'xml -WIT " without unpleasant after effects, used »a delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Bay of Islands. J. M. CAMPBELL. I WAS CURED' of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT.. Springhill, N. S. WM. DANrxns. I WAS CURED of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Co., N. B. GEORGE TINGLY. HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE A copy of the pentateaoh, inscribed by the hand of Maimonides early in the 12th century, believed by experts to be genuine, is included in the Sutro Library in San Francisco. In Kingman, Ran., there is a local ordi- nance forbidding minors to appear on the streetsafterLp,pp. unleesthey can furnish a saU !aotory'eabtiee fo-T Sri d5uig' -'Itft og.. idly enforced, too. On a north British railway, says Loco- motive Engineering, they have in use a sys- tem of car ---heating in which the exhaust steam from the Westing house air pump is used to do the heating. It is announced that Paris is to build, for the purpose of handling world's fair visi- tors in 1900, a tubular railway eight miles long, in which trains will'run on two min- utesheadway. Electricity will be employ- ed for moving the trains. The Buenos Ayres Great Southern Rail- way has made some successful trials of petroleum as a fuel for its locomotives. The intention is to substitute Petroleum for coal on this line in order to avoid the dan- ger of setting fire to the pampas by sparks. A San Francisco drayman named Beres- ford bought a sick horse the otherlday. He brought the horse home and the animal sneezed in Mrs' Beresford's face. A few days afterward she was taken with chills and pains and a swelling of the forehead. She grew constantly worse and was taken to a hospital, where it was discovered 'that she was suffering from the glanders. The upper portion of her face was eaten away and she died. Electric locomotives are proving them- selves to be well adapted for use in coal and other mines, and they now.ifnrnieh motive power for hauling cars in about thirty mines in the United States. A. VQh 4.4" 13,1IBDE2 8 are Tightened when she turns to the right medicine. If her existence is made gloomy . by the chronic weak- nesses, delicate derangements, and painful disord-' ' lot her sex, she will find relict and emancipation from" her troubles in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If she's over- worked, nervous, or "run-down," she has new life and strength after using this remarkable remedy. It's a powerful, invigorating tonic and nervine which was discovered and used by an eminent physician for many years, in all oases of "female complaints" and weaknesses. For -young girls just entering woman- hood ; for women at the critical "change of life "; in bearing -down sensations, periodical pains, ulcera- tion, inflammation, and every kin- dred ailment, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your • money back. you. The trey td the situation —if you suffer from Ca- ' taker]],. you!'11._. -find . in. -Dr. Sage's Remedy. No mat- ter how bad your case may be, the proprietors of the medicinepromise to pay $500 if they can't cure For sale by all druggists. ,Mr..7•. Alcides Ohaussd' Montreal, F. Q. A Marvelous Medicine Whenever Given a Fair Trial Hood's Proves Its Merit. The following letter is from Mr. J. Alcide Chausse, architect and surveyor, No. 164 Shaw Street, Montreal, Canada: "C. L Hood & Co:, Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen:—I have beenrdaking Hood's Sarsaparilla] for about six months and ani glad to say that it has done me a great deal of good. Last May my weight was 152 pounds, but since HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CUR I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla it has in- creased to 103. I think Hood's Sarsaparilla is a marvellous medicine and am very mush pleased With it." J. ALCImE CHAUSSE. Hood's Pills cure liver Bier constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. NEW YORK'S FISH MARKET. In all New York city there is only one wholesale fish market. It has a water and a street frontage adjoining the Fulton Ferry on the East River side of the city, and it is directly op- posite the famous old Fulton Market. This season of the year is harvest -time in this industry, for wh en the Lenten period comes there is a rush of fishing - smacks from all along the upper Atlan- tic coast to the market's dock. Thou- sands of crates and barrels of fish:from the Great Lakes and the far South arrive; and the early hdurs of the morning, especially on Friday, with a blockade ofstreetsfor a radius of a quarter of a mile, take on an activity that is supposed to exist only in sum mer when the peach seai;on is at hand, and the truck farmers, with their teams and produce, turn night into day, and swarm over acres upon acres of New York's streets. More picturesque •is this night mart in winter than in summer. On the water side of the market, packed and wedged close in the dock, are the ice - 'coated vessels, the steamy vapor of the •.ri•ver--ricing -in-jets in. the open. spaces between the • snacks "find a score or more of temporary bridges running from deck to deck and thence to the piers. over which the fishermen and helpers, clad in oil -skin garb, rush the cargoes frorn hold to market stalls. Some of the catch brought in is alive, and is sent splashing and squirming with much confusion, shouting, and calling into the tanks that lie in the river close up to the market. Some of the catch is dead, frozen stiff, and this is quickly transferred to troughs and slabs and made presentable for sale. On the street side express wagons push and crowd up in the snow and . slush, and the police have more then theycan do to straighten out the tangle in the babel of shouting drivers. The horses steam like a river, and the: electric lights shine through a night haze that is like an on -coming fog. ' GEORGE SACKETT'S CASE. HOLSTEINERS ENJOY A MILD;SENSATION— ONE BOX OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS cIIREs THEIR FELLOW CITIZEN OF BACKACHE AND KIDNEY DISEASES. HOLSTEIN, March 26.—This quiet? village is in an uproar of excitement just now over the case of Geo. Sackett, a well known resi- dent. His experience has had many par- allels in other places, but none here. One box of Dodd's Kidney bills cured him of severe backache and kidney disease of long standing, after he had tried every other remedy within his reach, but without any good results. These pills are manufactur- ed by Dr L. A. Smith & Co., iToronto, and are sold by all dealers, or will be mailed on receipt of price; 50c per box, or six boxes for $2.50 PITHY PARAGRAPHS. Wool is now manufactured into near- ly 32,000 different kinds of goods. Last year 358 people died on the steamers en route from. Europe to the United States. When a public office -holder comes to feel that he is a big gun it is tim for him to be fired. The fact that a woman is flighty by no means indicates that she is growing wings. Minard's Liniment the best Hair Restorer. There are a few lawyers in London who earn about $100,000 a year from their legal practice. A mein whose locks are red has about 00,000 hairs on his head, and one with fair hair has about 140,000. A blind lawyer argued a case in a Bradford, England, court not long ago and secured a verdict for his client. Nobody has ever any intention of going to hell when they first hear of the plane. Some people who are too honest to steal will borrow and never pay back. Some people claim to be trusting God to save their souls, who appear to be afraid to trust him with very much of their money. THE CHILDREN'S ENEMY. Scrofula often shows itself in early life and is characterized by swellings, abscess- es, hip disease, oto. Consumption is soro- fula of the longs. In this olass of disease Soott's Emulsion is unquestionably the most reliable medicine. ey, ore, 0 onoe pper by a absent mind- edne e afterwards became consoion egret and yet a spice of amusement. , Heine, when a stu- dent ''et Gottingen. was invited with a fellow -student to take supper with Professor Hugo and hip hospitale wife. The -fare was simple, and not too plentiful, but one dish was viewed with conscious pride by the hostess, who evidently felt that nothing could be better for the occa- sion. This was a email piste oontaining four fat sausages, with tempting gravy and garnishings of green. The ohoioe dish was passed first to Heine, who was in the full tide of a long and animated disoourse, setting forth his opinions on some question which had been started by the professor. Instead of helping himself to one sa ieage, and allowing the dish to proceed on its way to the others, who were eagerly ex- pecting it, he seized the plate, placed it he - fore him, and proceeded to dispose of one saueage after another, not neglecting the` gravy, either, until the garnishings'aldne remained to show the havoc he had made. Coming to the end of his speech at about the same time that he finished the last sausage, he looked at the gloomy faces about him then at the empty dish, disoov ered what had been the meaning of Der: tain spasmodic attempts on the part of Professor Hugo and his. )distraoted spouse to interrupt his flow of language, and, of course, made profuse apologies. But he was never invited to that house for sapper again—the chance of being left supperless themselves was too great for his hosts to risk it a second time. London .Crossing -Sweepers. A shilling a day is the limit of the av- erage income of the London creasing - sweeper, and this is rather an over than an under calculation, since, although a few of the luckiest who are to be found in the West End square° or the fashionab thoroughfares, or opposite governme °Moen or banking houses, may posaib earn twelve or fifteen shillings a wee there etre a large number daily to be fo ID Ibe by streets of the metropolis who Rest that eightpenoe a pay is their avera Ks. As proof positive Of their a11eg nus they refer inquirers to t flunkies, from wham they rreceiveh loaves of bread a week as outdoor ll�� The old stories of abundant sup fila. stockings full of money have; at present day, no foundation iln nutb,, the �eeggrs° eroasing•sveepper, who beg 16600 to the daughter of Aldorm aitlxman, worm appear to have been t last member of a class whose above hie tnal neeeao1U1ea�sli.0 8150 WORSE THAN THROWN AWA ON FIVE DOCTORS. MR FREDERICK ZIEGLER', OF SEAFORTH, TH LOSER—FOIIRTEEN YEARS OE EXPENSIVE AND SUFFERING EXPERIMENTS'•sHOW OTHERS MAY AVOID IT • ' ,, From );]neon: Expositor...._ Mr Frederick Ziegler is well known i and around Seaforth, where he has live for many years. His prolonged and ter ible suffering from rbeumdtism and grip i also well known to most of the physician of that town, having been treated by the for years without obtaining any relei Mr Ziegler writes for the benefit of th readers of the Huron Expositor: "Four teen years ago I was seized with rheums tism, I have suffered terrible with it th pains at times being almost unbearable .tried several of the beet doctors, but to n avail. About four years ago I was take with grip. I then doctored with five 3f th best doctors, for five months with little o no relief. I paid over $150 on doctor' bills and medicine of various Ilia I a last procured three bottles of William Royal Crown Remedy and P,l1s,land b the time I had used one bottle I began t feel better, and when I had taken two an a -half bottles I was completely cured an have remained' in perfect health ever sine I believe it to be the best medicine ever in troduoed on or about.these parts,. for ther are a great many others in this town wh have been cured by the Royal Crown Rem edy. There is no person who thinks mor of this Remedy than Mrs J. McMann, o this town, who so highly recommended i to me. My wife was also very bad! troubled with salt rheum, so badly, indeed that her finger nails all fell of. She ha used but a small quantity of the remed when she was greatly benefitted, in fact will soon be completely cured." Williams Royal Crown Remedy and Pills is a wond erful blood purifier and system builder an should be continued until the Imre is com pieta, and always kept in every house, as i is the most economical medicine manufao tared. Only $1 for pint bottle and 25o fo Pills, (lasts a month,) or 5 bottles of Rem dy and 5 boxes Pills for $5. Sent by ex press by Isaao Williams Co.London, Ont. or by druggists. Take nothing;else; be ware of substitutes. ' RAM'S HORN BLASTS. The devil can catch a grumbler with bare hook. If there were no politica, the devil's gri on some men would be more feeble. The lazy man believes that there is n hill which is not steep. Minard's Liniment is the Best. It would seem as though there were some things that the devil might learn from a hypocrite. There are still too many people in the church who look as though they "had been baptized In ice water. Cares consumption, Coughs, Croup, sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Piaster will give great satisfaction. -25 Dente. 133HIL +' W S VITALIZER. hies, T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn. say's ".Sh4loh's Vitalizer'B4VLJD th LIII'D. i conalddr it thebeet remedy foradebilitated_apstelm I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it °zeels. Price 75 a .,, LOB'S'. .,C RRR REMEDY. Ilavo you Catarrh ? Try title Remedy. It will nositivoll° relieve and Cure you. Price 50 eta. This Injector for its successful treatment 14 furnished free. ltomember,$hllob'BRemediea aro sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction. SOLD BY J. #i,1COMBII, CLINTON. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tendo to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with leas expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best produota, to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative prince se embraced in the remedy, Syrur. of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting ht the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreehing and truly beneficial prepertiea of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevera and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 750. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. le at it, t, and il- a• if t r- 'a s' e: d e' 1. BacbeOldStand J. TWITCHELL Desiree to intimate has got back into Y Block, which has been where he will be pleased anything in E BOOTS, TRUNKS, : • to the pnblio that hl his old store, Viotorir materially improved to see all who wane the way of SHOES 4.: HARNESS the old stock, and has exceedingly low prices nn- ' So remember Satur. bargain days. d He has yet a lithe of decided to offer it e't ° to clear, EVERYS4TURDAY, ° til it is disposed of. -days will be f.e e J. TWITCHELL 1 G CLINTON. . n e a t PROPERTIES FOR SALE oR To LET Sr • d FOR SALE OR TO RENT. d A good farm in the townal'.ip of Tuckersmith, being north half of lot 36, on the 3rd con., L,R.B., containing 50 acres more or less. There is . a e frame house and barn on the premises, also a good bearing orobard. Liberal terms of pur- O e:saee or leasing will be offered. Apply to A. - MoKENZIE or MANNING & SCOTT. '4i e f t SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. y As the subscriber intends to remove his ham- , fly to the South early in March, he is desirous d of either renting or Belling the property owned y and occupied byhim. The place is nieely situat- ed on the London Road, just aoroa. the Bayfield ble ' frame 'huse house, and consists w 70bearinf 14 gffruit trees, with and - all other conveniences. This is an excellent op - portunity for a retiring farmer to buy a cheap place, as it will be disposed of on reasonable - terms. THOS EAST. •4i t GOOD FARM FOR SALE. Good Farm for sale being lot 7, Bayfield oon. - Goderich Township, consisting 0184 acres, 44 of which are cleared and in good cultivation, fine hardwood bueh, grand uncoiled auger bush, a lot - of good cherry trees, a few acres cedar at yearend of lot, 2 acres ,fine .bearing orchard,:good.•trame hdtieti;'with'general outbuildings, a few acres fall wheat sown, spring creek crosses corner of lot. 2 miles from Hayfield and 7 from the town of ` Clinton. Proprietor wants to sell as he is getting old and bas no family. There is • no incumber- anee on the place. Pride, 82,800 timber and orchard alone worth the money.' for , full par- r titulars apply to JOHN E. EAGLESON, Bayfield P. 0. House,andeLot The house and centlyby l kir sale or toied rent house is suitable ter acre lot, good Purchaser can for Sale or to Let St., Clinton, re- is offered ether terms' The and has quar- fruit treer. pay for it. COUCH. lot on Maple Mrs Bryden, on very reasonable for small family, well and bearing have any time to ARTHUR FARM - FOR SALE. , Good farm of 240 acres, within 1} miles of Blyth 220 acres cleared, for sale or to: rent. Apply to J, B. KELLY, Blyth, Ont WHY WILL YOU Wear your life away on a wash board? Get a SEWARD WASHER Ii will wash cleaner, easier and quicker than any other washer in the world. Trial solicited, AGENTS WANTED in every town in Canada. Manufactured by J. T. SEWARD, Clinton, Ont, LIVE WANTED—Live Pounds. D FOGS 150 to 200 rii4.,+.., Hogs from" . 'CANTt r.ON 8• tO0ognal and mixer (Eaxdo MANNING & SCOTT. B(,rristers, Solicitors CONVEYANCERS, &o. 4 0omisaloners for Ontario and Manitoba On It NEXT DOOR TO NEW ERA, CLINTON. DR DI poslte gate. PPLETON — OFFICE — AT REST OE on Ontario street, Clinton, op inglisb Church. Entrance by side TAR. ` M. GUIiN, C FFIOE ONTARIO ST a doors blast of Albert Street. DR 1L. TURNBULL, Al, D., TORONTO niv U'reity, M D. C.M., Victoria University M. C. P k', 8„ Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrical Society Edinburgh, late of London, Eng„and Edinoffice buRi teenbury 1e81.O Clinton. Night Bbell answered at the same plane. Derec8S�h Bo•AoouJ.elyur, ., oleinPalacellok Rattenburyigt, formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve Clinton Ont.i� DR. R. fit ORE, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Aocoaohel. Office and residence, Huron street, near :4,ilway crossing. DR STAN;GURY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical j apartment of Victoria Unlvei- ,sity, Torontcl formerlyof the Hospitals and Dispensaries New Yrke, Coroner for he County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. To. BRUC.I L. D. S. SURGEON DENTIS h store. Speoalt� 'Pre ervat onlbert St„ ovofer tTaylors' e to natural teeth. Painless, Extraction by the use of the most approved local Anaesthetic. N. B. Will visit Blyth prgqbesionally every Monday ac Ma., son's Hotel, and'Bayfield the 2nd and 4th Thum,- day, during the summer. J • E. BLACHA;L VE BINARY SU • HonoraryGr,duate f the OntarioV i'- EON e xi'nar College. Treats s�ldiseases of domeetioa},9a.a>Hc�, mala on the mos modern and scientific taxi " 1l''. Ofh'ce.Office- R Residence— Albertsouh Stt Clinton. Calls night orday attetdedtopromptly. TAMES CAMPB.ILL, LONDESBORO, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. No witneses require MONEY TO :,END IN LARGE OR e security moderaterateofine rest. H HALE,ood Clinton. n DICKINSON, HE OLD & RELIABLE lJ Auctioneer etil in the field, able and will- ing to conduct any ales entrusted to him, and takes this o pportumty of thanking his patrons for past favors. Alto Chattel Mortgages closed and rents collected' Charges moderate. D DICKINSON, Licensed Aaotioneer for the County of Huron. Residence, Albert Street, Clinton. 12 W. FARNCOMBEMBER.OF ABS'N OF Stewart's Grocery StcM��MMM555555 • P. L. S„- Provi. kkcI4Ial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Lon4, Ont,—Office at Geo, J Clinton. MONEYI MONEY! MONEY! We can make a few good loans from privet funds at ow rates and modate expenseer. Terms made tesuit borrowers. M NNINGF& SCOTT. - - Clinton MRs. WHIT?, M. C. M TEACHER OF mUSI Piano, Organ and Technioon,or•Mneo] develope for use of pupils. Rooms in Beaver Block Albert Street, Clinton. R.•AGMEW, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painles extraction of teeth, Office in Smith's Block over Emerton's Barber Shop, Clinton. f at -Night bell answered. ly A. O. U. W. -The Clinton -Lodge, No. r44, meet 'in Biddle- „ '" combo Hall on the 1st and 3rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially��invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder u 14 't 1 ��',►�Irprn I of a:-cl China Boar for Service. 3ut8criber keeps for service a thoro-bred (registered) Poland China boar. Terms $1 at time of service, with the privilege of returning, if necessary, HENRY JOYNER, JR., Dinsley Terrace, London road, Clinton. DR. N1cLELLUN' LONDON, ONT. 407 Talbot St., Specialist on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Lar Hospital 1889. Post Graduate Course at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital or Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1892. Eyes Tested. Full stock of Artificial Eyes, Spectacles and Len seg. Will oe at Rat+,,enbury House, CLINTON, on APRIL 6th. Hours $ a. m. to 4 p. m. Will bo at BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WINGHAM, the first Thu>;sday in each month. NOTICE T4 CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of William Franle' lin Longman, late•of the Township of Hui. lett, gentleman, deceased. Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1::7, chap. 110 notice- Se hereby given that all persons havingclaims or demands against the estate of W. F. Longman, late of the Township of Hullett, gentleman, deceased who died on or about the 7th day of January, 1894, are required to send or deliver to George Longman, Londeeboro, Ontario, executor of the will of the said deceased, on or be- fore the 30th clay of March, 1894, their names tin full and addressee, with full particulars of their respective claims. And take notice, that after the said 80th day of March, 1894,Ithe Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only tothe claims of which notice shall have been given, and the said Executor will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof so distributed, to any person of whose claim notice Shall not have been •received at the time of suoh distribution. MANNING & SCOTT Solicitors for George Longman, (Executor. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC ' AND ANTIDOTE For mpure, Wealc and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplesanoss, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, -Gail Stoller, Atindioii, Kid", "` " ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERICN, ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer .Sold by J. g. Combe, Clinton