HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-03-30, Page 1It:
a year in advanee# ILO
Subscription pr ce of
the NawElee. aia.d it:ie
cxceptiorial value at eo
lowaprice, Subseeibers
Will greatly oblige us
by prompt renewals,
BMW= HULMBS, 131ditQr
If you select your Se INC
SUIT now, you will have
a much better asso meat
to choose from, an it cane,
barnacle up when a are
;not as busy as we 11 be in
a month or rfo,
Cash and One Price
N kat! JO: 11
An Adventuredated in good
Dictiona Words.
Being easily exsuscitated, and an amni-
oolist fond of inesoatiug fish and brogglin ,
with an ineluctable d sire for the amalition
of care, I took a pmt and descended the
river in a enithy gal . The water being
emooth, I felt I could venture with incol-
. amity, as I was familiar with the obun-
one river.
Having broggled without result I rowed
From all parts of the County—by
and lively Correspondent
St. Helens. " N
was -the .—Miss McRoberts, of London,
guest of the Misses Todd. Miss
Mary Curran has • returned home from
Detroit. Miss Buchanan was visiting
friends at Whitechurch. Mr Duncan
,McDo aid, of Galt, spent a few days
with' friends in this vicinity. Miss
Lockhart has retured home freur New
tonville, Mr John McCrostie left last
week for Forrest where he purposes
,learningthe drug business. Mr Mid-
colm Weatherson, of Michigan, is at
present visiting friedds in this loeatity.
The contract h"as'been let for the build
ing of the town hall and preparations
are being made for the same. Mr D.
McDpppiinagd hadointhe ehwhile
ave hie
foot badly cut, but we hiipe soon to
se him About again. Those attending
tl Goderich Nigh school from our
vicinity are spending their Easter
ber from on here atttendedethe Presbyte-
rial meeting of the W. F. M. S. held in
Wingham on Tuesday of last week.
Rev. R. S. G. Anderson gave a lecture
lately on "Hardy Christianity in Bri-
tian illustrated- with magic lantern
views of person and places of historic
CarRca -,-p$e Epworth League of
North S r Meth idiet church, under
the direction, of .Miss'ieorgi a Martin,
song -filtrated'
Misses y' Minnie .yy
�. a .A
and Pridham, a `duet by Mr Calbeck
and Miss Graham, .• with a reading'by
Mise Nellie Henke; there wa
atteridanre ande service°
able and interesting! The se
North St. church were high]
ing on Easter„ Sabbath; Mr
preached on "the Resurre
Christ" in the morning, and
urrection of the dead"in the
in connection with the evening
helch wasexcellent choir, under the
ship of S. P. Hall, rendered a
tertaining song service, con
for Easterantheolos and Sabb Sabbath ices;
Acheson and Pridham fully su
tlieir enviable reputation as
singers; the congregati~oii",:wa
delighted with the -service Next
ath the S. S. annivets of the
St. MethRd}st S. S. will" he held,
E. E. Scgt'e,"'df P$ rkdale, Toron-
ill preach the anniversary ser-
; the children of the S. S. will
sh an entertainment on Monday
ing, consisting of%recitations, sing-
Krutergardeti; etereises, &c.; the
under D. R. Colbeck as superin-
nt, is in a very flourishing con-
EXAMINATION,---aThe °mem' nation of
S.S. No. I, Stanley, Wasiield on Thurs-
day, March 22nd. The teacher, Mr
George Baird, was assisted by Messrs
R, Rose, T. A. Lachlin, D. McGregor
and iss J. Mustard. There was a
1,g" umber of visitors, considering
.he c emoncy,of the weather. The.
scbgi a acquitted themselve i
s n a
a fa
etre manner. • .
oT s. -•Miss .., Isabella McFarlane
paid a visit during,Eastet; to her par
vents and friends, Mr 'Frank Scott is at
ggresent under the maternal roof. Mr
M. McEwen and daughter
visited friend g Maggie
� �a�d acquaintances in
Kent during the,holiday,sgason .
hi -
led. upon to record the death o£vve aonee of
Huron's earliest pioneers, over 80 years
a resident of the township of Stanley,
Mr John McNaughton, who died on
Wednesday, March- 21st, at his resi-
dence, Glendevon b'rarm, township of
Stanley, and was buried on Good Fri-
, the,ns were interred service ebeing
conducted by the Rev. Mr Kerrie.
The laige„ assembly of relatives and
friends,who were present at the funer-
al testify' to the high esteem in which
he w,s,s,held by all who knew him.
Deceased was born in Perthshire,
Scotland, in the year 1815, at the ;age
of 17, with his., parents, brothers and
em `
I ri
g ted to
this country;
arrtyip att..F:lamilton in the summer of
1� aeRe was twenty one weeks from
the,te a of.ieavingGreenocI until,;he
s a good 1 ing 'Aet • *Si:but wee, delayed eat
prices it .0 i by' keen/Mess>wed > death,'of
ver. a then.movedto;London,e
y interes- whre he resided for a few years, mov-
Howell ing"i: m London, he located on the
ction of Bayfield road. " In politics, in which
the "Res- he always took an active part, be was
evening; a staunch Conservative. He
service, warm and ardent supporterwas la
e old
house, established church ocotland.yhAfter
leader- the union of the Presbyyterian churches
most en- he joined tlreEpiscopaiians, A widow,
sisting of three sons and five daughters are left
suitable to mourn the loss of a loving husband
Misses and a kind and affectionate father.
stained A memorial service was held on Sun-
solosist day evening, March 25th, in the Eng -
s more lash church, Varna, to which Mr Mc-
Naughton was attached; many of his
friends were present, the preacher
preached from, 1st Cor, xv, 54 °Death,
is swallowed up in victory." --The
church was appropriately draped in
o'vrr,d an ey,Ilt, Jnter-Jag meriltyra�° quid I than
- --.die, when 1 saw a haekee. Wishingt4, cap- ' Sabb
}hire hiraa decided :to circumnavigate and Nor t
to, w
di tion
ake him unaware. -Landing, I derned
myself where I could see the haekee dera-
cinating grass. He discovered me and
skngged behind a tree, occasionally pro-
truding his noll. •
SeizWhen rthe neb appeared waited ofeagned° e him.
The hackee, which is pedimanous, tried to
climb the bole. He seemed sheepish, and I
assuspected ischeeks of some Beamed ampullaceousialij
caught him by the tail and he skirled.
Though be was a rack I held on with
. dour, and tried finally'tq aowle him. The
hackee looked soyned and tried to Boyle.
I belabored • him; and he eloped, making
vigorous oppugnation and evidently longing
for divagation.
Then a pirogue approached and an agri-
cultor landed. This distracted the hacker),
and I Bowled him, but dropped him because
he ecratohed so. I vowed to exungulate
him when caught.
Borrowing a fazzolet, I tried to yend it
Oyer the haceee's head ave a meting of 00,
ceation. The agriouIfor aided. He was
not attractive, seeming crapulous and not
unlike had a
dinnerpail,owhichB looked aalpha/midst-
edif he
been. battering it while pegging. Bat with
stringa stick and some tried to make the hck a bins n. he made a This
who seiz-
ed the causedc adjutor s hathe hllux. Thus exasperat-
ed, the agritultor captured the hackee
without any migniardise; but he gloated
over the bite, and his rage was not gnatiefi
until the hackee was a lioh. Carrying it fb
.the punt, I sank into a queachy spot, which
delayed me until the gale obnubilated the
While removing the pelage, I found the
lick somewhat olid, because the swinker
had feagned the hackee, and so I yended
the Lich away, went to market, and sapped
upon a spitohoock and a hot bisk.
Goderich asTownsRIL—yyhip.
Messrs GeOOD o ge Cooke and am WltJweek
ston, • of the Bayfield line, cut two
cords of wood in twenty minutes.
This is very good work for two lads
that pretend they,khow nothing about
sawing, but profesai,M, a1s may think it
a mere trifle, but we • ant the record
SALE.—As M. S. McLean, of the 3rd
con., has sold both his farms and in-
tends giving up house -keeping. He
intends having an auction sale of all
his effects, on Tuesday, April 8rd, at
12 o'clock. As Mr McLean has a lot of
stock there will be a large crowd
which holds its meting tin the school
house on the 15th con., will have a
spelling match at its next meeting, this
weeas the
list.k's Mt Will am ConnellERA to e yhas sold his
farm to Tho only child of Mis r Albert Wise has
been suffering for the past few weeks
with t is
now improsving oftion the
Ed Wisehas �upar-
chased a new windmill from Mr Geo.
Levis, it was erected by T. Wigging
ton, and gives good satisfaction. Mr
ing Joseph hiiswebrother of Bens. Mrs Peter
did up with an in jer con.,
knee ° s able been
be around again.
- ..
NOTES,»_-John Welford of Blyth,
preached' .at--Sunshineeelte'telh nd
afterrnoon, the pastern being at Blyth.
East Wawanosh
NOTES,—Thomas Black
a very wood _bee 0nFridedMiss Clara Coultes left on Wednesday
for a month's 'visit among friends in
Guelph and Halton. The snow storm
of Sunday and Monday put a stop to
the plowing and the farmers are now
taking Toll, sr., have moved ionandl
into the house
on Geo. Henry's place, lately occupied
by John Mason, who has moved onto
the old Hunter farm owned by James
SOCIAL.—The social given at the
house of Mr W. Cudmore, on Friday
evening last, was very largely attend-
ed, and was a complete success, espe-
cially from the "social" point of view.
Mr Cudmore's home is not as large as
a • palace, but his heart is as big and
generous as can be, and both he and
Mrs Cudmore made every one of the
large company so cordially welcome,
that it wail a pleasureito be there. The
evening Was a very enjoyable one to
all, and spent in social enjoyment.
Proceeds over $20,
--A. considerable
ploughing has been done this spring in
this neighborhood, but the snow on
Monday changed the order' of the day,
and the e�yheeakdforhe summr,werainbrought
out for use. The entertainment in the
hall was not lcyytaccount of the ncenenyof he weon
ther. Mr W. M. Doig, teacher of
Walton, and Miss T. Monteith, teacher
of osertheir hlidaat their homes Tuekersmi re
W. McDougall, jr., 'died Veiwy Suddenly
on Tuesday of last week; her remains
were interred in Brucefleld cemetery.
NOTES.—Mr Haslam and family have
taken lage, Mr
Haslam pintendsbworkingihiss rl farm on
the 4th eon. Morris. Mr M. Hughes
preached at k ech n a undylast in absence v
J. H. Dyke. Rev. W. J. Brandon, of
OrEaster with was home
s motherland spending
E. Wawanosh.
ago the Minister of Militia, Hon. J. C.
Patterson, was visiting in Win ham
and promised to send a couple of can-
non up to adorn the park. The cannon
arrived on Monday, arida special meet -
in of the council was held to consider
what should be done with it. When
it was learned that there was a freight
bill of $34 due on the cannon, there
was consternation on the faces
of the members, and after a pet-
ty animated discussion the council re-
fused to pay it. The Mayor then tele-
graphed the Minister of Militia, stating
the action of the council. 'Whether
-money..willebe . raised_by private.. sub-
scription or raised at all remains to it
Stenzel, of the 14th con., of McKillop,
was arrested on Thursday by constable
Duhaving, on the preof rvious Tuesday morn
in , outraged ed `
Martha, aged 12 years,I duringd the ab-
sence of her mother,
the y and the other
g al on Friday astHe wto stand
Stenzelhis lisfor the a well to-do farmed er, and h s
hitherto born an excellent reputation.
The affair has created quite a sensa-
tion in this neighborhood, and we 'hope
he may be able to prove his innocence.
SCHOOL REPORT.—Standing ot pu-
oflexami at oos4and mere to
the month of March:—Sr. IV—A. F.
Johns, 221; C, Crich, 207. Sr. III—Ella
Johns, 298; Mary O'Brien,y214; Arthur
Fowler, 136; P. Nott, 62. Layton,
old Har-
old Fowler, 305; Horace Wiltse, 234;
Mary Layton, 169. Sr, II --Walter
LMary, nCrich, Laurence art I I d II-
Brien, 258; Fred. Wiltse, 236--HATTIE
DoDD, Teacher.
NOTES, --Miss E. Turner, of town, is
spendin Easter holidays with her
brother here. Mr N. Crich spent his
holidays at Wingham. The agricul-
turists here appear to be behind the
tinies; we have seen no sowing done in
this vicinity this season as our farmers
come fer to ait utnallsright.mSeed a gen-
appears to be hard to buy this spring:
barley and blue peas are the greatest
in demand. Drawing -TRIM -and lum-
ber now appears to be the order of the
day. A 'number of the young people,
of the West End, took advantage of
the sleighing on Tuesday evening and
took a, drive- to Egmondville, where
they took possession of a farm house,
spending a very pleasant evening,
CONCERT. — The famous Canadian
Jubilee Singers will give a concert in
the on
Mondayhodisty evening April 2nd,Bcommenc-
ing at 8 o'clock; admission 15c and 25c.
making a five year tour of
Britain recent! they appeared before
the Prince of Wales and Royal family.
They have also a line orchestra.
in this issue will be found a bylaw re-
latingpto the Kinburn Swamp Dkltin,
the work that ris of great importanceons of which s to a
certain section of I3ullett township.
The estimated cost of the work is not
he wll much enefits that
mre than
compensate therefor. It is to-belioped
that no difficulties or objections will
rerin€rse that pr proceeded might
as quicklevent the y as poork s-
NOTES. --Mrs Isaac Lawrence is vis-
iting friends in London township.A PROs
Mr Jas. M. Elsiy is spendingSabbath of
withlfriends in Comber d a wee baptized fon
were receive
trial. This i
py and prog
freer entertger ainment in the hall here on
Thursday night. A number of speak-
ers with recitations, vocal and instru-
mental music interspered. '
pie oPRTH oLEAat7E—The young peo-
an of Methodist church formed
Epworth L
ague on
night after the prayer me
elected F. O. Elford pres
ranged for the election of
ing officers at the next w
DEBATE.—.The debate cant
day night as -advertised;°
speakers on the negative fa
in. ail. appearance, they
from the and'
year In advance, $1,.00 When hat eo paid
lime rearsARY.--The . .
sary services of the 5 "q' anniver-
last Sabbath 1Methonda church,
avid Monday, were
quite successfeil. Although the wea-
ther and roads on Sallba.th Were not
very favorable, the attendance was en_
Wednesday 'ter sting ' and ofitable,s in
e •y is-
eting. They courses, morning and evening,g' die" i
ident and ar- j Rev John Har Q# the;
the remain- instructive and itrllp ess eve" and er$ei
eekly prayer heard with much delight by his many
Me off old friends, On Itccotintof the blizzard
Mon- which began on Sunday night' and eon-
One Of
it dt
through oe
$t 0
i! M
In g n
g to put ! feared that the Mond ng many
picked one be a failure, brlp the ib y me sting mould
up, off,, T. .Con face an d thesides lined
andup, J. f (rapt) E. Jervis
H. Lowery; neg., A. Jervis
(rapt.), Jellolrlies and F. Elford. The
speaking -was pretty lively, and some
of the speeches. showed considerable
thought. The judges gave their de-
cision in favor othe negative. Next
Monday night the. ofection ot quart-
erly dues and token's will be given.
EASTER. --The Easter holidays pass-
ed of very quietly here. Mr R. Finch
andieliss Mary Cook, of Clinton, anent
linty in the village. Mrs .E
. Q.
nur ice, of Clinton, .was in the village
on Friday.: Mrs .Pear and children at-
tended a social at Mr Cudmore's, Kip -.
pen, Friday evening. J. T. Hold
worth, of ±L. ysville, was home. Two
resentations took _place in. the church,
Friday' •evening, W. McRoberts in-'
tended going home, but only got as
far as Clinton when his heart failed
himDavidson, ot f Stratford, speed in nd Easter
With her sister-in-law at the parsonage.
considerable dissatisfation haamong
some at the way the stealing of the
robes has been hushed up. One of
the men, who lost a robe, went to,�,
for pthe thid ngs,on in and they ween and
had been over and the fire oas ffer) oll ffence uld not
be so bad, but when the same thing
was done not long ago it is about time
something was done. Is connections
whieth m. a hpcenseblto do Ilies as heo likesowith
other people's property. Not a few
would like to see them publicly expos-
ed, and should it ever occur again here
they will be shoved in spite of family.
WEDDING, ,Before the NEW ERA
reaches the majority of its subscribers
an interesting and happy event will
have transpired, whereby "two hearts
are made to beat as one" and two lives
will be united in hymen's, bonds for
a11. the time. Cards are out for the
marriage of Mr Ralph Wale, of West-
p„rt,Dak., (formerly of this neighbor-.
hood) to Miss Carrie Murch, second.
daughter of Mr Wm. Murch, to take
place Thursday evening, March 29th.
Rev, Mr Fear will perform the cere-
mony, and the bride will be supported
bLancaster,her eof Mitch whilelwilllass Charles
groom. The bride is a popular and
amiable le
young y lady g and d
Y bot
carry to their new home in Dakota,
the good will and good wishes of a
large circle of warns friends,
PRESENTATIONS, --.Last Friday even.-
ing the choir had an unusually inter-
esting practice in the basement of the
church. At the close of a short pra-
tice Messrs E. Jervis and W. Lohb,
members of the choir, stepped for-
ward, while the former read the fol-
lowing address and the latter made
the presentation to one of their mem-
bers, Mr E. C. Potter, who will remove
to Porter's Hill next week. After the ad-
dress Mr Potter replied, thanking
them and expressing himself as being
greatly pleased with their present, and
that he would associations and always frndshipremember
made in
their midst,
MR .C. prior' to
among us a number of yoyour departure ehave
mother° to express our sorrow at your con-
templated removal from our midst We have
yyouoyed and we hope you haand
en with us. You with
been a good citizen and an earnest worker in
church and choir, and we have recognized ba-
discharge of your true
es in connection (with
all our church services, and in your daily life.
In our social means of grace we shall miss you,
your estimable wife and family. In view Of
our departure allow us to present you with
you and yours. Hoping Hop ntoken anraying that t Go
richest blessing may rest upon,you and yours
may all
your eforttsl insyyour nehwthomo is
the earnest wish of your Jfolmesvllle friends.
completeefore -
ly Mr E tornent Acheson tooktheplatform and said he had a few words
to say if they Would listen, and asking
Ree. ICfr 'Fear to read a short note
which be handed him. The note was
an address to Miss Pickard, organist,
and will speak for itself.- After the
presentation itableply on behalf C. of his daugh-
after which a nugmber of the mem-
bers of the ressed
their sympathy with the work ation p of the
recipients, in both church and choir,
then all r'epa'ired to their several homes
feeling satisfied that the evening bad
not been spent in Bain.
mi PRMISS IEND.—y e a few of
friends, have met this eveningyour many
some tangible way our appreciation tO express e
valuable sevices yyou have rnpheMeth-
organa tist uand choiirloader You haveydooneyour
work well and we have admired yon' in it; you
helped you Ihard performance perform
and You God has
led us not only in the service of so,h have
tryst you- have led us in song nearer t iGovd..
Allow us Itb present you with this gold watch
as a slight token of our indebtedness to yon,
and we shall ever pray that your useful life
may be long spared to be a blessing to all
around you. Signed,
WM Sm NL usoN,1 stewards.
WestifeIfl. I
REssIVE OnrnoH. -- Last
ternoon Rev. W; Baugh
r infants and nine adults,
dints full connection with
and stook-;Fotlr-erfi•ee in -on
s a large, enthusiastic hap-
ressive church,
an Harrow,
e1Mrs Wm McCool, of the 8th_con.,.�has_
-piiiireecori.01:0,;";11-Fgritlk `natitaining 4870
tie, •.
less, as the heavy fallpf 'makingre
quite good sleighiiig made it the more
favorable for the many :Who desired to
attend. The church ,was well filled
with a large and ha y~a�j}dience. The
'literary and musicalpprogfeen, provided
by the members of the school, was, a
yggand weli executed by alldn ho
one,, and was
took part. The gory elo uent and ap-
propriate address of the Rev J. Hart
on "Success in Life," was highly ap-
preciated by the audience. Mr Arthur
Stephenson, the popular Superinten-
dent of the school, presided as chair-
man, with very great acceptance. The
collections Oce Sabbath and Monday
were liberal, and the Sabbath school
enters on another year's work under
very promisingand encouraging cir-
NOTES.—Thos. Kew, ofWhitechurch,
spent good Friday in town, Miss Elsie
Felton, of Tavistock, was visiting her
sister, Mrs R. G. Wilson, for several
days this week. 0. E. Turnbull and
wife, of Guelph, spent Easter with
friends in town, Mrs, Geo. Good, of
Seaforth, is visiting in town this week.
11. A. Stewart, of the Standard bank,
spent Easter holidays in Toronto. Rus-
sel Climle, of Portage la Prairie, and
Chas. Climie, of Listowel, were visit-
ing their sister, Mrs R. Ross, there ap-
pears to be some special attraction rn
Brussels for Charlie. Mrs Sheppard
speaks in the town hall here on Thurs-
day and Fridathis vveek.
The ladies of Ste vebings John's church held a
very successful box social at the resi-
dence of Mr W. Bryans, on Tuesday
evening. Thos. A. McLauchlan, teach-
er at Brucefield, was home for Easter
holidays. Miss M. Smith returned to
her millinery situation at Blyth this
pal Cameron is holidaying in Lucknow,
Miss Beaden atLinwood, Miss Downey
at Listower and other places, and Miss
Cooper. at "Home sweet Horne", C Lin-
who h s beenrunningna hardware bus-
iness in Fordwich for sortie time past
has removed his stock to this town,
where he intends carrying on business.
As he is a practical business man he is
sure to succeed, Mr Hunter is well
and favorably known in this locality,
and we hope he will receive a literal
°share of patronage.
Chiao, CUSTOM has out n the store Ng est door of late o
Andersoloth can have itmade tipes in first-class their own
style at
reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed.
NoTEe. —Rev. J. H. Dyke preached
morning and evening in Blyth on Sun-
day last and at Jackson's church in the
afternoon; the pastor, Rev. Geo. Bug_
gin, being at Tara. Mrs Doherty, of
Grimsby, formerly of Blyth, visited
old friends here last week. Mr H.
Buie, who is not in very good health,
for arest f r om Mrs. Howson andonMissSMc
Kinnon were Mc-
Kinnon last weeks 3. A. Turof Mes D.ner, of
London, spent:Sunday with friends
here. • Mrs Davis, of Ripley, was a
guest in town on Friday hast, Mr.
Wm, Richmond returned otl Saturday
from a business trip East. Miss Mc-
Lean, who is attending London Colleg-
iate, ret rned on Friday evening for
the holid amiss Campbell, teacher,
is spending the holidays with friends
in Seaforth, Miss Duncan, teacher,
is spending the holidays in Bayfield.
The Rev, D. MacViear and Mrs Mac -
Vicar, Dromore, were guest at the
manse last week;Mr MacVicar filled
the pulpit of St. Andrews church very
acceptably on Sunday last. J. A. Tay-
lor, B.A., of the Pickering college, re-
turned for the holidays on Thursday
night. Miss Mullen, of Belfast, is the
Jnest of Miss McKinnon at present,
ames Emigh left for Toronto an Fri-
day to take aposition in a_mill in that
city. Mr lien Texas, who Ste
was callledyhome througainsvilleh
the death of his mother, spent Sunday
with friends, he returned to Texas on
Monday. Owing to the illness of the
pastor, Rev. Mr Iii ly, Mr Sherwood,
of Huron College, London, officiated
in Trinity church on Sunday morning.
Effie Elaine Hext, was greeted with a
very fair house in Industry hall on
Thursday evening last; some of her
numbers were thoroughly appreciated,
and her posing in Greek costume was
particularly good; she was assisted by
local talent, and we believe the affair
wdians jubilee !singers, who were hess. The eren so
recently, are again billed for Satur-
day evening, under the auspices of the
Metalso lsing in thatodist hurch Sunday evenh; we believe they -
ing, when a silver collection will be
taken up. Miss Miller, who has been
the guest of Miss Moffat for a few
weeks, returned to Wroxeter on Fri-
day last. Good Friday was generally
inobserved as a srvice was held
Trinity church in theeven ng. Miss
Smith has returned and taken up her
old position as milliner at McKinnon
& Co a. Mr Allen took possession of the
business purchased from Mr McBride,
on Tuesday. Geo, McElroy of Wood-
atmkt s vent Easter with his friend
CHUII'CII,-^MTs Ashley was unable
to tench ber claire in Sabbath Schoollor
take her work et Marnock l04 Olinda"'
owing to a severe hoarseness, whicn.
she contracted and which seems to be.
quite common at present in this neigh.
borli od. Some of the friends of one
fernier pastor, Rev. W. W, L eclii
paid him a visit a few days ago, ane�l} as
Usual were
pitably entertaaiinjed rete # ed and 1i4s-
... e
• ea rel the columns
iteiu has ap
p runs of your papetlof
late, intimating the necessity oft e
erection of a new Methodist ohuec
here on account ot'the increasein the ,
-c9-nregation. -whoever your corre.
spondent may be,`he or she must be
thinking of the congregation as it was
some years ago or else they seldom' or
never attend church. No doubt there
ta much need of new, church, not be-
Cryuse of the increased congregation, as
the one which we have is quite. capable
of accommodating all who are in the
habit of attending, . except on very
very rare occasions, bot because of the
age and inadaptibility of the present
NOTES. --Stephen Grey started for
his home in Texas on Monde morn-
ing. Mr McFayden and MissMeLaugh-
lin, teachers of S. S, No. 8, visited their
homes at 1'
brought a spasan en
horses James
Point, in the colnty of Essex, on Tues-
day; this is like. shipping coal to New-
castle. The meetings in the Metho-
dist church are being continued this
week. The building committee for
the new church has not been organized.
The council and some of the residents
the v'
e have @ bad
arrange a
meeting n
about draining, but did not
come to an agreement, but there is to
be another
ernec ayebnyhtlwehope everyr r in vil-lage
will attend and join heartily in
the scheme to put in two good drains
from the corner one north to the creek
and one east to the creek also; ip would,
be a great improvement and not cost
any one much if each does .what is
right. Miss A. McQuarrie, of Blyth,
was visiting in Londesboro over East-
er. Quite a lot of eggs are being ship-
ped by train from here, but the price
has declined very rapidly, Mr James
Roberton is pruning a great many
orchards in this vicinity. R. Adams
contemplates keeping a line of hard-
ware in stock.
VESTRY Mumioerhill
The annual
vestry meeting was held in the church
on Monday evening and the financial
standing was found satisfactory.
Messrs G. M. Kitty and W. M. Lowery
were re-elected church wardens, and
Messrs Jacae5 Miller ale' IL Watkins
were chosen as sidemen.
NOTES.—Mr Watkinehas moved into: _ _
Mr C. Beacom's house in the village.
Holy Communion was held on Easter
PRESENTATIONe O ell evening last
week the choir of the Methodist church
and went to the parsonage in a body
with a finephotographeof the
choir, beautifully framed, as a token of '
the good will and feeling existing be-
tween pastor and choir.
MATRIMONIAL. —A pleasaxet event
took place at the residence of Mr D.
Bell, of the township of Hay, on Wed-
the Wed -
them arr marriage of e
his daughter. Ellen, tog
Mr John McAllister, of the Parr line.
The interesting ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. J. S. Henderson, of
Hensel', in the presence of a large
'number of friends. The happy couple
have the congratulations of hosts of
friends for their future happiness and
prosperity. They will reside on the
old homestead, Parr line.
CHURCH.—On Monday evening last
Miss B. Ellis gave an eil'�ellent report
of the proceeding of the convention of
Methodist Young People held in Lon-
don last week; Miss Ellis seemed to
cave caught e enthusiasm of the
onvention and transmitted m
ra smittedconsider-
able to her hearers, The Methodists of
Hensel' have decided to erect a brick
church, with stone basement, during
the and 11. Cudmore have secures the rcon
tracts for the carpenter and mason
inwork which pthey now ectively; The frame
a psolublic hall, wto Mr Jas. h ch washto
uh ne needed
e used as
in the village,
NoTEs.—Mr John McAllister
r� has
tohis ha dsomearsidennce, y whichs he
erected on Richmond St. during"the
turned summer.
C. Klausen
nedhomean Fridaylast from To-
ronto, where he had been as a repre-
sentative to the Supreme Council of
the Horde Circle. Mr and Mrs • Rertn-eee . •
spent Eiister with Rev. Dr. Cook, of
Ripley, but formerlyof Hensall; Mr
and Mrs Rennie also visited Flarriston
before returning home. Miss M. Latim-
er visited the parental roof in Seaforth
during the Easter vacation. Miss
Simpson, fermerly teacher in the 2nd
division of our Public school, was re-
newingduinEaster.e1aMr. es in the J. T. Wren,litthe
populor principal Public hwttendingthe Ontario
Teachers Convention in Toronto, as
the delegate of the South Huron Teach-
ers association. Services appropriate
for Easter were held in the several
churches on Sabbath 14st. Mr dames
Coxworth, of the Centennial hotel, has
purchased the Methodist church, and
will shortly move it onto the ground
at one tedthe
rink; heeme cuwill ruse it asya hall, thus
filling a long felt want in this village.
Miss Carlisle, of Seaforth, is opening
nut a fancy goods store in the building
adjoining the barber shop, and which
has formerly been used as a restaurant,
Mr John Hefferman, of the London
road, away n Monthe
age ofp75 assede years; bis oriel wereart in-
tered in the Irishtown cemetery (near
Seaforth) on Wednesday. Over 2,000
has alreadyb ' e awards
even subscrib d t
teres s the new Methodist church, Rev, M„
pmt h and d liter_ -,left Swamrh rd wife-Tuvrviaitin'g theaf Shift --
-t •--
°ri I+'xiaaig"gryrlln Beeeh'vilie. ! Rev, J Swanni at he
J A Brownlee in
. of London was '
C fawn on MondayM W parsonage.
r rs m. Colwil is via ting friends in