HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-03-23, Page 7PxX�0lplea; of. Dzolutloil in, Our 'bodies. 'a ue's; Celery Compound Banishes the Se ds of DiseaSe , And gives .Lono- Life and Good Health. cLamon NEW Z ' ' +i Tal rE. 1 .BRIER WITHOUTVIMI NOWIN IT. They do not seem to be a thoughtful people, but take life like children, keen- ly alive to the beauties of nature, skit, tui in, all tb y do, and intensely artistic R to their nter rude, It i9 said that even their language ailuetrates the im- personality of their teinperment. Their social institutions are; based on the fancily and not upon the individual., The patriarchal form of society sur vives here. Children are taught to be obedient to their'father and to worship 'their ancestors. Tt is through the fa- ther er that the family continually e�K- tends. The mother does not count. If the wife have children, especially sons, she is all right. If she fails here, she has no assurance of her position. Yet we find here women not secluded, not. showing evidence of oppression, simple, natural and merry. I am told that fre- quently "the gray mare is the better horse,' and the roan submits to the better judgment of his wife. I don't know why we should need to worry about these people. They seem to be doing very well for themselves. They have attained their ideals far more completely. than we have. How to do anything has been settled here for ages. They were doing fine things when our ancestors had scarcely em- erged from barbarism. The country has a finished look. Wherever a wall is needed we find it. The cities are much cleaner than ours. The houses, though they seem bare to us, are, in some respects, more sensible and bet- ter ordered than our own. They are rapidly assimiliating all 'that they want of our civilization. They have the railroad, the telegraph, canals, steamships, all thoroughly constructed and well managed. Their postal ser- vice compels the admiration of their critics for efficiency and accuracy.Pub- lic education is universal and practical. With their skill, taste, industry and economy, I see no reason why the Jap- enese should not have a brilliant future. Japanese Letter. GEORGE A. WILTSE. • A great writer has said : "We are born with the principles of dissolution in our frame, which continue to operate from our birth to our death." A more reoent authority—a medical man -of long experience—has made the import- ant statement, that "Men and women can quickly dissipate and stamp out every trade of the common ailments which attack them, and add many.long years to life, if Paine's Celery Compound is used instead dE.the ordinary drugs now so freely dis- peneed-'to'tiatisfy professional custom." These - principles of ilissoiution-mor- tality—death—are seen in thousands with whom we Dome in contact on every hand. In such, the germs of mortality are fast ex, pending and tightening, and will hold them captive -unless • released by a strong and effective agency. Mr George A. Wiltse, of Athens, Ont., whose portrait appears above, was fast be- coming a victim to dyspepsia. Knowing what Paine's Celery Compound had done for others similarly tortured and afflicted, he used nature's health.giver, and soon found,a complete pure. Mr Wiltse writes as follows above his case :— "I want to add my 'testimony in favor of your valuable remedy, Paine's Celery Compound, which I have been taking for over a year for dyspepsia and.severe ,ppains in • the neck and back of the head.'• Your medicine has produced a complete cure in my case, and I have recommended it to several friends who claim they have receiv- ed great benefit. I can testify, therefore, in all honesty, that your Paine's Celery Compound is a very valuable medicine." A CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY. WE HAVE JUST PURCHASED A LINE OF--- ' Eodrocm. Suites, Sideboards E$tension Tables and Lounges At a big reduction on the regular price, and we are going to give our customers the benefit of this reduction; so now is your chance to make your home look neat for very little money. Space will not allo9w us to quote prides, as we have so many different lines, but come and see for yourself what great bargains we have to offer you. Parlor Suites, Centre Tables, .2E011 Racks, Book Casoe. Secretaries, Bed Springs, Mattresses And everything in our line cheaper than ever. We want your trade, and if Good Goode, e Low Prices and Honest Dealings,is what you want, we will have it. Furniture to suit everybody: JOSEPH CHIDfEY, FURNJTURp DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. JOS. CHI'DLEY JR.,Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night Calls Answered at his residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry. TENNYSON ON SPRING. We have the word of Alfred Tennyson for it that in the spring the young man's fannies lightly turn to thoughts of love. It is singular that the great laureate omitted to mention the fact that it is in the spring that a considerable portion of the human race turn to taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Probably nothing but the difficulty of finding a good rhyme for that i invaluable remedy deterred him. Certain it is that the old-time domestic remedies are gener- ally discarded in favor of the standard blood purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla, which has attained the greatest popularity all over the country as the favorite Spring Medicine. It purifies the blood and gives nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength A BOY TO BE TRUSTED, "I want a boy I can trust." That was what a grocer said not long ago, and a number of boys applied for the situation. One after another was refused, but a boy being greatly need- ed, at last one was engaged. At the close of the first weekhe was discharg- ed. Nothing seemed safe when the grocer's back was turned. The boy feasted on crackers and cheese at ev- ery opportunity. He slyly helped himself from the candy boxes and from the sugar. But he was discovered and turned adrift. The second boy was discharged after two days' trial; he was too fond of reading sensational stories to attend to his duties. The third boy chewed tobacco. Finally the grocer said he would do without a boy, but just as he had come to that conclusion a manly looking little fellow applied for work. He was poorly dressed in clothes neat though old and patched, but he had a sunshiny face. So the grocer gave him a trial. It is not a year since he entered the grocer's employ, but he has made him- self so beloved and trusted that the grocer says, "Robert is worth his weigh in gold." • He does not wear the old patched clothes any longer, a neat, serviceable suit makes him "look like another boy" "He has never failed me," the grocer said a day or two ago, "I can trust him anywhere." And away up another street, in a pleasant room, an invalid site in the sunshine coming in through a large window. She is a widow and the gro- cer's boy is her only child. "Dont you get weary of life?" a vis- itor asked her the other day. "Weary!" said she, looking up in surprise. "No, I could not` get weary of lrfe'with such a ,son as my Robert —he has never failed me—he has been the man of the house . ever since his father died." HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25"Sunlight" Soapwrappers wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old Sooner Thalia Man")to LEVER Boos., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy may to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if yon leave the ends open. Write your address oarefnlly. C�LINTON. Sash, Door & Blind Factory CID C tt, va::�_•.�,� • :: 8: S. COOPER, Proprietor . . occo NM. ICES sy ffi coo01-41■ Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to my prdmises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better petition than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We prepare plans and estimates for all kinds of residences, arid execute contracts for the seine on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and alto carry in stook all kinds of Window Sash, Door Frames, Blinds, Ltimber, Lath, &o. Persons who ihtend to build will find it to their '...teeni&,hefoxonadoiag.. C OPp, ClintO,_,� f NEW USE FOR THE TELEPHONE. Here's a story for the telephon e as it is used, or abused, in Russia. The use of the instrument to intimidate prisoners is the invention of a police Inspector at Odessa. A man was one day brought into police station, charg- ed with having committed a serious robbery. The inspectorlhad some diffi- culty in proving the case, and.had re- course to au ingenious stratagey. He went to the telephone in an adjoining. room, and asked the clerk at the cen- tral office to speak into the instrument with the following words, in a solemn tone, "Istno Smelranski, you must con- fess the robbery; if you don't you are sure to sentenced, ma. yourpunishment will be all the more severe." He then sent for the prisoner and questioned him again, threatening to appeal to the "machine" to get at the truth. The thief burst into a laugh, but the inspector held the telephone to his ear, and gave the preconcerted signal. The result was as expected. The rogue, terrified by the warning tit- tered by -the .uncanny "machine," at once made a clean breast of it —Itar- per-'s.Young.P.eople..... __ _ Children Cry for IFiltcher'seastoria. 151..�t1Ltear.�.yt: Father Tll�en, .of wiehita, tells tbe, following, story: "You never:heard, Of the tt'lne I mar,' I riedoloouple'before they knew it? Wella. Boon after I svati made a priest, X was engaged to perforin a metriage'oven .� mony. It was to be .a swell' wedding. I arrived at the house rather .early, according to request MA. was taken up stairs at once, . Then laid aside my bat and. - overcoat, and : then, the bride's mother knocked at the drtpr and said her 'd,aughter wished to see Inc. Of course, I obeyed the4uminons, bunt.wvas surprised • to.'learn that the couple wanted the 1narriagge cerernony performed in an up -stairs room ini mediately,, l; thought it was very queer, but went,through the ceremony, and married them fast and sere right there,. When the ceremony was over, the bride said; 'Now, we will go down into the parlor and be married.' "'But you are married already,' I exclaimed. 'I can't go through the ceremony again." "And then; I learned that all they wanted was 'to, practice' the ceremony, so as to go through it properly in the midst of their'friends. But there was no help for it. Married they were, and "couldn't repeat the ceremony, which with us is•a sacrament. O. E. WRIGHT'S CASE. by its tee; ell MOP'S_ sae that itls p' The hest value for. the Cogsuteer of any soap in, the markei;. Millions of women throughout the" world can vouch for this, as it. is they who have preyed its value. It brings them less labor, greater comfort: . PECIAL VALUES IN HE WAS A DOUBTING THOMAS—Dm NOT THINE. DODD'8 KIDNEY PILLS WOULD CURE HIS BACKACHE, BUT THEY Dm. PENETANOUISHENE, 11Qaroh 19th.—If any person in this neighborhood had any doubts as to the curative properties of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, the case of Mr C. E. Wright, the well known butcher here, ought to dispel such doubts. Mr Wright was troubled for some years with a severe pain in the back and kidney disease. He was reluotanato use the pills but was finally persuaded to do so. To -day he is cured of his kidney troubles and is loudly singing the praise of the remedy that did so much for him. Doll's Kidney Pills are manufactured by Dr L. A. Smith & Co., and are sold by all dealers, or will be mailed on receipt of price; fifty cents per box,a or six boxes for $2.50. Less than one-tenth of Russia's arable land is cultivated. "Rest and change are good for peo- ple," said the wife as she rose in the night to rifle her husband's pockets. "I've had a rest, and now I think I'll have some change." DissatisfledGuest—Waiter, you don't seem to know how to broil a steak at this eating house. Let me give you a pointer—Waiter (with some alacrity)— All right, sur; only we usually calls'em tips. It is said about 25,000 visitors kissed the bogus blarney stone which was ex- hibited in Blarney Castle at the World's Fair. It has been shown clearly that the alleged talisman was a limestone paving block dug up from a Chicago street and placed in a case received from Ireland. The customs officers were deceived and collected a duty on it on a valuation of $500. HEALTHY CHILDREN come from healthy mothers. And mothers will certainly be healthy if they'll take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Nothing Dan equal it in building up a woman's strength, in regulating and assisting all her natural functions. It lessens the pains and burdens of child-bearing, supports and strengthens weak, nursing mother°, and promotes an abundant secretion of nour- ishment. It's an invigorating, restorative Orlin, a soothing and bracing nervine, and a guaranteed remedy for woman's ills and ailments. In every chronic "female com- plaint" or weakness, if it ever fails to bene- fit or cure, you may have your money back. Delicate Diseases, affecting male or fe- male, however,induced, speedily and per- manently • :red. Illustrated book sent sealed for 10 cts in stamps. World's Die- pensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street Buffalo, N. Y. W. H. Radenhurst of Perth, bar- rister and Town Clerk, died there Wednesday, of pneumonia, after a week's illness. The Manitoba Free Press, after siz- ing up the financial management of the Ontario Government, volunteers the statement that no- Province, State or aa� t can make as better showing. This is i ' •nya, • hie. Po -c,, ested verdi...__ s, on in ttrrio that ascontra,ry opinion is expressed, buj; as it comes from jaundiced politi- cal opponents, almost mad with lust for power, it is easily discounted. LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD, General and Nervous Debility, ' Weakness of Body and Mind. Effects of Er- rors of"EEtegserin Old or Young. Robust, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How to en- large and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely un- failing Home Treat- ment—Benefits i n a day. Men testify from 60 States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Descriptive Book, ex- planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo. M.Y, All of our. own Importation Lace Curtains- Table urtains-Table Linens. TableNapkins Umbrellas and Parasols 0 Have you seen our great FOUR DOLLAR SUIT? The best value in the trade, Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton, NOW IN STOCK FOR XMAS TRME .j :j_ TIIrrlS Raising, London Layers, Black Baskets and for i -+� v v .L �L. 1� Dessert, Valencies off stalk, fine off stalk selected CURRANTS, Prime Provincials in barrels and half barrels, choicest Vostizeas in oases New Prunes, Figs and Dates, Oranges and Lemons, NUTS, new soft shelled Almonds New Grenoble Walnuts and Filberts, Shelled Almonds. New PEELS, Orange; Lemon and Citron. Fresh ground SPICES of all kinds. Full lines of CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE—Tea Setts, Dinner Sets, Toilet Setts. Special values in new;sea son TEAS and fragrant COFFEES. Cash for BUTTER and EGGS. N. ROBSON, - Clinton s INSIST Upon having Featherbone Corsets, Refuse all substitutes,• See they are stamped that. PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, 1884. No. 20110. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS SO STAMPED. EW AR1ZIVALS For Xmas Trade at the ( orner Store, McKay Block. NEW RAISINS NEW CURRANTS . NEW FIGS NEW PEELS NEW VALENCIA. ALMONDS, Choice Extracts. and Pure Ground Spices and a Hull line of Canned Goods HAMS & BACON FLAKE PEAS HERRINGS & TROUT ROLLED BARLE Y SCALED HERRINGS ROLLED WHEAT Highest price in Trade or Cash for Blit ter and Eggs. . Irwin, Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, - - - - CLINTON. ADAMS' ;- EbIPORIUM SPRING GOODS NEW MILLINERY-Snch as Hata, Bonnets, Plaques, Sailors and handsome Muslin Hate and Bonnets for children. Ribbons, Silks, Flowers, Plumes , and ornaments, etc. Tweeds strong, handsome and cheap. Flannellettes that please the eye and suits the purse.(L- rv, 4a3,t��+ BOOTS AND SHOES in great variety; Rubbers to keep you dry. S'ee;our read' made Pants at $2.35 and up to $3.50.• A trial order respeotfnlly solicit() Higheet price either in trade or cash for Butter and Eggs. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, , L � ` w A /A . -{t, t Cw • LONDESBORO "CtSie'stem "'NEI{'OlittWi ioid-Ventatgis, In 20 MitiLittfi also Coated Tongrie . Died iters,13ilidusaoss, Pain In the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver bad Breath. m ata+ cured alio' regulate the hetv4e. VAMP Mbit tri PAlrr. PA/Qll,28 OINTI At bleu& ,StGRtiri' Have a Very Bad Cough. - Are Suffering from LongTroubles. Have Last' Flesh,throug' h Inness, lViroatenerW tfi Consurim�oa emembet' that 1'444,, .. 'is WHAT Y0U . EQUIRE, -r A'.