Clinton New Era, 1894-03-16, Page 7J
Health More Than Success.
No One Has a Greater Share of
Both Than Beautiful
Marie Tempest.
Paine's Celery Compound Gives the Health that
Insures Success.
That stage fright is a malady wnich af-
flicts the the most experieneed and capable
actors as well as beginners, is the nnan--
mons verdict of the profession.
Miss Marie Tempest, whose many snc- I
ceases upon the English and American
stage have placed her in the front rank of
operatic stars, admitted frankly upon a re-
cent occasion that she is frequently attack-
ed by stage fright. Mies Tempest com-
bines a voice of extraordinary pitch and.
sweetness with the dramatic fervor of an
emotional actress to a greater degree pro-
bably than any other prima donna now
upan the modern stage, and the statement
will be a surprise to thousands of he'r ad-
mires whom she has impressed as the per-
sonification of supreme .confidence and
It is interesting to note that the great
prima donna strongly advocates the use of
Paine's Celery !Compound for nervous excit-
ability, which always results from a too
oloselapplication to any pursuit. Regard-
ing the subject of "stage fright," she says:—
"The sensation is one of utter collapse;
it is truly an awful feeling and is nearer to
seasickness than anything else I know of.
Players with a highly neryoas organization
are sure to be attacked by it when ap-
proaching the climax of an important part,
or when appearing for the first time in a
new play. Those playing emotional roles
are more susceptible to stage fright than
others, because the individual capable of
portraying those parts sncceesfnly is neces-
sarily possessed of a highly nervous and
impressionable temperament.
"In one respect a highly developed ner-
vons orgization is indispensable to success,
as without it aproperconeeption and feeling
of the part to be anted are impossible. You
know an actress must not only understand her
part, but be so absorbed in it that she forgets
her own personality, and for the time being
lives in her assumed character."
"In the way I have described, yes; as a
general proposition, no. The mental strain,
theintense application necessary to a pro-
per realization of the part, the apprehension
that the audience may be criticising you
adversely, and' the constant study of new
roles, undermines the health and often cots
short the career of the conscientious and
ambitions actress. At the close of last
semen, I was completely prostrated by
nervous excitement and Overwork. My
nerves were so unstrung that the slightest
sounds startled me, and I became elee5INV.
melancholy, and irritable. Sick an die=
heartened, I sought the home_ of an old and
dear friend,who immediately advised me to
use a brain and nerve food of which I had
heard much, but knew comparatively little.
I would have taken anything she chose to
give me. but I liked the taste of the prepar-
ation and continued its use. I had not
consumed one bottle when I found that my
nervous system had resumed its normal
tone. I no longer jumped at shadows, my
appetite came back, each night brought
sound and refreshing sleep, and I am now
in perfect health and vigor, through a sys-
tematic nes of Paine's Celery Compound.
The present season has • been the most suc-
cessful, and therefore the most exacting, of
my career, but the invaluable remedy
which restored my health has also pre-
served it. I have recommended it to num-
bers of my friends, and in every case with
most fortunate results."
The beautiful prima donna looked the
picture of health as she spoke. Her large
blue eyes sparkled with animation and her
countenance lit up with an expressive smile
that enhanced the charming vivacity of her
manner as she remarked:
"I have found that devotion to a chosen
pursuit is not incompatible with good
health. If all the men and women, the
clergymen, teachers, merchants and law-
yers in this busy country, whose overtaxed
brains cry out in protest against the heavy
burdens laid upon them, were to use Paine's
Celery Compound, I am sure there would
be a marked decrease in that terrible dis-
ease, nervous prostration, which seems fast
becoming a national one with Canadians
and Americans. Success, indeed, a glori-
ous thing, but believe me, health is better."
Young, old or widdle-aged; who And them-
selves nerVbus, weak and exhausted, who
are broken-down from excess or over -work,
resulting in many of the -following symp-
toms :—Mental depression, premature old
age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad
dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation et the
heart, ewiesions, lack of energy, pain in the
kidneys, headache, pimples on the face and
body, Itohing or peculiar sensation about
the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi-
nese, specks before the eyes, twitching of
the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bash-
fulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will
power, tenderness of the scalp and spine,
weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,
failure to be rested by Bleep, constipation,
dullness of hearing, loss voice, desire for
solitude, excitability of temper, sunken
eyes, surrounded with LEADEN CIRCLES, oily
looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of ner-
vous debility, that lead to insanity, unless
cured. The spring or vital force having
lost its tension, every function wanes in
consequence. Those who through abuse
committed in ignorance, may be perma-
nently cured. Send your address and loo
in stamps for book on diseases peculiar to
man, sent sealed. Address M. V. LUTON,
24 Macdonnell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada.
Please mention this paper.
Am -G 0 CrD-00RRE S PON D RN eE
Here is a good suggestion for the
girls. It relates to an ingenious scheme
devised by a class of young ladies at
school together a few years ago. One
cif them, an English girl, thps explains
"There were nine of us in the class,
and we were all promising to write to
each other contionally, but in our
hearts we knew that such a correspon-
dence could never be kept up. Final-
ly one of the girls suggested a circula-
ting letter, and the idea pleased us
"At the expiration of one month
from the time parted, the, first girl
wrote a letter telling what she had
been doing and everything about her-
self which would be likely to interest
the others. This letter was sent to the
second girl, who, after reading it,
wrote her own letter and sent the' two
to the third.
y'The third, fourth, fifth and all the
others in turn added their letters, un-
til the ninth on the list sent them all
to the first. Then the circuit was com-
plete, and we had the circulating let-
ters fairly under way.
"Now, of course, the envelope al-
ways contains nine letters, and each
girl, when it comes to her, takes out
her own letter, writes a new one tell-
ing what she has been doing in the
mean time, and starts it on its travels
"You can have no idea how interest-
ing it is to receive the letters, and how
anxiously we all awaited their arrival
when our turn comes. We have kept
it up for nearly four years, and each
time the letters come round the pleas-
ure of reading what all the girls have
to say seems to increase."
can never rest on a body frail from disease
any more than the lovely lily can grow in
the steeile soil. When Consumption fas-
tens its hold upon a victim, the whole
physical structure commences its decay.
At such a period, before the disease is too
far advanued, Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical
Discovery will arrest and cure it. So cer-
tain is this, that an offer is made to refund
the money paid for it when a failure can
be found under the condition of a fair trial.
re al -
was a good-hearted, charitable man, just
and lenient to his tenants. He loved Mr
Gladstone and detested the Crewe iron.
wo rks.
tie never married, although be was once
proplsed to and deo!iued, after having recd
a lecture to the would-be Lady Crewe.
Toledo taxes bicycles.
Glass is out by eleotrioity.
Paper window -glass is new.
Photographs are telegraphed.
Camelia draw Russian ploughs.
Minard's Liniment is the Best.
Tea once sold for $50 a pound.
A whale net is a new invention.
In Irdia painters get 40 Dents a day -
The States contain 1,255 lighthouses,
Minard's Liniment Cures LaGrippe.
Argentine bas 6,100,000 acres of wheat.
A glass bedstead was made in England.
Armour pays $7,000,000 in wages a year.
Morocco mule drivers earn a dime a day.
Austrian_ members of Parliament get $4
a day.
Last year the States built 1,958 locomo-
-r .
Ninety-one peri Dent of the farmers in
Utah own their farms.
ltoh on human and horses and all ani-
mals cured in 80 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold
by Watt's & Co. Druggist.
Since 1840 the world's production of
meat has increased 57 per cent; that of
grain 420 per oent.
The sooner you begin to figth the fire, the
more easily it may be extinguished, The
sooner you begin taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla
for your blood disease, the easier will be
the cure. In both cases, delay is dangerous,
if not fatal. Be,sure you get Ayer's and no
"Jimmy, where did you get this five
cents?" 'It's the money you gave me
for the heathen, mamma." "Then why
did you keep it?" "My teacher said I
was a heathen."
KINGSTON, March, 12.—The fact that
rheumatism is caused by diseased Kidneys,
has been again conclusively proved by the
case of Mr J. h. Brickwood, fishery in-
spector for thio district. He suffered from
rheumatiem for fifteen years and found no
cure in the prescriptions of doctors or in
patent medicines. Finally, he used Dodd's
Kidney Pills, twelve boxes of which cured
him. Harry Wade, the well-known drug-
gist here, who sold Mr Brickwood the
pills, says he is over run with inquiries as
to the genuineness of Mr Briokwood's story,
of which he is able to satisfy everyone. He
also reports large sales of the pills with
most satisfactory results in every case.
Nearly every boy determines to whip
a certain school teacher whenlhe grows
"There is considerable change in the
weather nowadays," said the umbarel-
la vendor, as he joyfully jingled a hand-
ful of quarters.
The Professor's Daughter—Oh, papa,
here is the sweetest little bird that one
of the boys caught in the yard. I
would like to keep it for a pet, if I only
knew what it eats. The Absent-mind-
ed Professor—We can find that out
easily enough. I'll just cut it open and
examine its crop.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
rd, soft or calloused. Lumps and Biem-
es from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
lints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
rains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs
Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
tedthemostwonderful Blemish Cure ever
own. Sold by Watt's & Co. Drnggiet
"Sammerson tells me that he`court-
his wife five years before she would
ept him." "Well, he has nothing to
mplain of at that. .She brought him%
00,000. It looks to me as if $20,000 a
ar for courting a good-looking girl is
g pay for a mighty easy job."
QN'T 4'r •
YOU will find
that it will do
what no other :1
soap' can do, and
will please you every
It is Easy, Clean,
Economical to wash with
this soap.
All of
In time to any irregularity of the
Stomach, Liver, or Bowels may
prevent serious
consequ ences.
Indigestion, •
headache, nau-
sea, bilious-
ness, and ver-
tigo indicate
certain func-
tional derange-
ments, the best
remedy for
which is Ayer's Pills. Purely vege-
table, sugar-coated, easy to take and
quick to assimilate, this is the ideal
family medicine—the most popular,
safe, and useful 'aperient, in phar-
macy. Mrs: M. A. BROCKWELL,
Uarris, Tenn., says:
"Ayer's Cathartic Pills cured m04of sick
headache and my husband of neuralgia. We
think there is
No Better Medicine,
and have induced many to use it.
"Thirty -live years ago this Spring, Toms
run down by Bard work and a succession of
colds, which made mo so feeble that it was
an effort for me to walk. I consulted the
doctors, but kept sinking lower until I had
given up all hope of ever being better.
Happening to be In a store, one day, where
medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed
my weak and stel::y appearance, and, after
a few questions as to my health, recom-
mended me to try Ayer's Pills. I had little
faith In these or any other medicine, but
concluded, at last, to take his advice and try
a box. Before I had used. them all, I was
very much better, and two boxes cured mo.
-I am now 80 years old; but I believe that
if it had not been for Ayer's rills, I should
havo been in my grave 16.1g ago. I buy 6
-•boxes•pvcry.year;.wleclLmako.21e.hexes up
to this time, and would no more bo with-
out them than without bread."—U. 13.
Ingraham, Rockland, Me.
Bedroom. Suites;- Sideboards B$tensio
Tables and Lounges
At a big reduction on the regular price, and we are going to give our customers th
ber:efit of this reduction; so now is your chance to make your home look nea
for very little money. Space will not allow us to quote prices, as we have s
many different lines, but come and see for yourself what great hargains w
have to offer you.
Parlor Suites, Centre Tables, call Racks
Book Clyses, Secretaries,' Bed Springs
And everything in our line cheaper than ever. Wo want your trade, and if Good Goods
Low Prices and Honest Dealings,is what you want, we will have it. Furnitur
to suit everybody.
' ha0S. 'CI UDLIi it JR. Zj't neraM Director and Nni'balirfer, light Calla Answe
e> hie raga noes ung ptre0tr o ite hale `ottfidry
,, a:L u
preparca big Br. J'. d. Ayer $dao., Lowell, M
Every Done Effectiv
Lace Curtairis
Table Linens
and Parasols
Have you seen our great FOUR DOLLAR SUIT?
The best value in the trade.
Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton,
.RZT'2rrS Raisins, London Layers, Black Baskets and for
Dessert, Valencies off stalk, fine off stalk selected
CURRANTS, Prime Provincials in barrels and half barrels, choicest Vostizeas in cases
New Prones, Figs and Dates, Oranges and Lemons, NUTS, new soft shelled Almonds
New Grenoble Walnuts and Filberts, Shelled Almonds. New PEELS; Orange, Lemon -•
and Citron. Fresh ground SPICES of all kinds. Full lines of CROCKERY, CHINA •
and GLASSWARE—Tea Setts, Dinner Sete, Toilet Setts. Special values in new, sea•'"
son TEAS and fragrant COFFEES. Cash for BUTTER and EGGS.
N. ROBSON, - Clinton
Long waist,
Correct Shape,
Best Material,
Combined with the best filling in
the world, makes the" Featherbone
Corset" unequalled.
For Xmas Trade at the ( orner Store, McKay Block.
Choice Extracts and Pure Ground Spices
a full line of Canned Goods
Highest price in Trade or, Cash for Balt ter and Eggs.
J. W. Irwin, Grocer
NEW MILLINERY—Such as Hats, Bonnets, Plaques, Sailors and handsome
Muslin Hate and Bonnets for children. Ribbons, Silks, Flowers, Plumes
and ornaments, eto. Tweeds strong, handsome and cheap. Flannellettes that
please the eye and suits the purse.
O011% AA D SHOES in great variety- Rubbers to keep you dry. See our read
made Pante at $2.85 and up to $8.50. A. trial "order . respeotfnlly solioi ted
Highest price either in trade or cash for Butter and Eggs.