HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-03-16, Page 5• RUMBAI,L, 'THE JEWELER" FOR WATeHES.! Spring Circalar 189, We again return thanks to our customers who have patron- ized us in the past, and hope to retain their trade by supply- ing them with good goods at reasonable prices'. We want it distinctly understood that we will not be undersold by any one in the trade, We sell for Cash and we sell on Credit to good paying customers, and are bound to sell all the goods we can. Some houses are trying to impress on the people that the only ones that can sell cheap are those that are sell- ,- ing strictly for cash. Vb e differ from them, we claim that more money can be made and more goods sold by selling for Cash and Credit than by strictly adhering to a cash business. Our reasons for the stand we take are that it costs a certain amount to run a business from year to year, and to do a strictly cash business necessarily cuts off a portion of trade and makes the turn over smaller, and the smaller the amount of business done the larger per cent of profits will be taken to pay costs of running business. We would rather do a mix- ed business of $30,000 a year than $20,000 strictly cash; we can make more money and sell goods cheaper. 'SPRUNG STOCK NOW COMPLETE TAILORING DEPART/CT This department is under the management of MR. W.G,VANCE, who guarantees satisfaction and a fit every time. _Dress and . Mantle Making ! This department is under the management of MISS M. SHIPLEY, who is too well known to, need further comments, her work in the past spears for her ability. r. DEPARTMENT Having secured the services of MISS WELSH, of Wood - Stock, one of the best Trimmers in the trade, we. bespeak for her a large share of the best trade, as she has been accu8tom- ed to doing the finer class of millinery. Our KILLINERTIOP ING We hope to be able to WILL BE HELD.;Ok show the best class o SATURDAPY, MARCH 24thMillinery ever shown. PLUMSTIEL GIBBING SPECIAL Reduced Round Trip Rate t to Pacific Coast Points From Minton via G.T,B to WINGHAM, DRUMBO, LONDON, or TORONTO, thence C. P. R., returning same route. Special Price 81O2.5O Sloe per can be secured and full information supplied by A. T. COOPER, C.P.R. TICKET and TELEGRAPH AGENT, OLIN TON. TENDERS FOR CHURCH. Tenders for the whole work and for each part separately, addressed to MR. E. RENNIE, Hen- sel!, and marked 'Tender" will bo received up to MONDAY, MA ROD 10th 1894, for tho erection of a Brick Ohuroh in tho Village of Honsall. Plane and Specifications may be seen at Messrs Coad & Ronnto's Store after March 8th. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND LAND Tho undoreigrnad Ivill sell by -.Public Auction, on vosaturda,y, March 240, 1894, At 1 p.m., on the promisor Victoria St., Clinton that plane known as "the Finkle property," situ• ate on the corner of the London Road and Vic- toria Terrace. There aro two acres of land, with a numborlof bearing fruit trees thereon also con- crete house stables hard and soft water. This Propertyis beautifully situated for any one who Wishes to live retired being close to the:river, or Would answer admirably for a market gardnor. Tants-Lane fourth down at time of sale; bat. Aliso can remain oa mortggsgeto suit purohaser, 8 AtiaN108 ST)31WAItT, PropeetroU REMOVE • THE CLINTON NEW ERA This store's stock of Dress Stuffy is now full and complete, and for New- ness, Style and variety; we believe cannot be surpassed in Western Ontario. It is, we, have been told, by far the Richest, Largest and most _comprehensive stock: of pretty Staffs for ladies wear ever brought to the town of Clinton, including as it does only what is Latest and Newest in Materials, shades and makes of tash- ionable Stuffs, and the pries are within the reach of every. buyer. GILROY di WISE1VLAN CLINTON PIANO TO RENT First-class upright Piano to rent, on reason able terms, JOHNIHOLMES, HuronRoad,Gode= rich Township. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, March 15th, 1894. Wheat fall 0 55 a 0 58 Oats 0 31 a 0 33 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 62 a 0 55 Floor per bal a 3 60 Butter 0 1.7 a 0 18 Egg eper doz 0 12 a 0 13 Potatoes 0 35 a 0 40 Hay, New and Old 5 00 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1,trimmed 2 00 a 2 50 Pork 5 00 a 5 50 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 76 Beef, hind quarter, per Ib0 06 a 0 06 Beef, fere quarter, per lb0 05 a 0 05 Bak OlcIStan J: TWITCHEL Leave your orders qudobs, for those Pho- to's you intend send ing to yomr friends MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS FOSTER There were about 650 head of butchers' cattle, 15 calves and 60 sheep offered at the East End Abbattoir Monday. The but- chers were present in considerable num- bers, but they seemed indifferent about buying any more beef oattle at present, and very few sales were made up to 11 o'clock, and the prides paid were even lower than the low prices of last Thursday. A few choice animals were sold at about 4}c Her lb, but they were much . better than usual, and would make fair Easter beef. Pretty good stook Bold at from a little over 3o to nearly S2ic, and the others at o per ib.I There were a number of bulla on the mar- ket some of them being superior animals, while some of the worst were rather hard looking. Prices ranged from 2o to 4o per lb. Throe of the best calves sold for $33; the others Bold at from $2 to $6 each. There were very few mutton critters offer- ed, but there was scarcely any change in prices. A lot of 8 good sheep were sold at $5.50 each; lambs sold at from 4c to 47}c per lb. Fat bogs are plentiful and lower in price, or about 50 per lb, with a few choice porkers at 5fo per lb. Desires to intimate to the public' that has got back into his old store, Victo Block, which has been materially improw where he will be pleased to see all who w anything An the way of BOOTS, SHOES TRUNKS, : HARNES SLC., &c He bas yet a little of the old stook, and h decided to offer it at exceedingly low' prim to clear, EVERY SATURDAY, n til it is disposed of. So remember Sat days will be bargain days. J..TWITCHEL r' CLINTON. CORN To STOOK la a utas-- We have a lar amount of good feeding Corn for sale, man is always at the warehouse. Also fo Soed, Oatt,Pose, Barley and Ensile a Co W. H, 7E'JEii M SIHINGLES FOR SALE. Subscriber has now a large stock of North Shore Cadet Shingles, also British Columbia Ind Cedar Shingles on hand at each of the following places; and they.may be procured Dither from himself or the parties named: Belgrave, Wm. Watson; Blyth, D Cowan; Brucofleld, at station or from Robert Mcllveen, Stanley; and Landes - hero, from himself. W. H. WHITLEY. DRESSMAKING, The subscriber desires to intimate to her many old friends and the public generally, that she has commenced business again in the building direct- ly South of the Queen's Hotel, Victoria St., where she will be pleased to execute promptly and In a satisfactory manner all work entrusted to her.-. MISS or:- MISS MARTHA TREWARTHA. We are after Your Trade We : Sell : Pianos PLACED IN STOCK : THIS WEEK : Boots & Shoes Full lines forMen,Women 1 Children Hats and Caps New Shapes in Soft, Crash and Fedoras ds Worsteds 8c Trouserings, Twee Place your order now for a Spring Suit FIRST CLASS MIXED PAINTS • TWELVE GOOD. SHADES ALSO WHITE AND CARRIAGE BLACK Of the Best Makes at Reasonable Prices. If yon want an ORGAN you will find our prices right. We handle the White and Now Wil- liams Sewing Machines and sell them at a slight advance on cost, you can save peddlars expenses by purchasing ' from us. - 2117 $YCLlead trade, an4 while=Cwe make theE$ WWe HIT VORTHthe our leader, we have a number of different rbakos at prices that will interest ypu. G;;RME�RSON';. Olin on • The glintolx $ioyale »eale FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS Timothy, Red Clover and • Alsike Clover, all grown in the County of Huron. W. L. OUIMET'I.E