HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-03-09, Page 5EWELER". WATCHES ! A CHANCE FOR EVERBODY, ----WE HAVE JUST PURCHAS •:D A LINE OF—=— Sedroo2. Suites; Zideboards Extension Tables and. Lounges At a big reduction 4n the regular pride, and we are going to give our customers the benefit of this reduotion; so now is your chance to make your home look neat for very little money. Spade will not allow us to quote prices, as we have so many different lines, but come and see or yourself what great bargains we have to offer you. Parlor Suites, Centre Tables, =x11 Racks, hook Cases. Secretaries, Bed Springs, Mattresses And everything in our line cheaper than ever. We want your trade, and if Good Goods, Low Prices and Honest Dealings,is what you want, we will have it. Furniture' to suit everybody. J OSE PH CH I DLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. JOS. CIiIDLEY JR.,Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night Calls Answered at his residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry. HURON COUNTY UNION. A complete list of all the Young Peo- ple's Societies in connection with every church and denomination in the county of Huron is wanted by the Executive Committee, of the County Union. A partial list, as given below, is now re- corded on the Secretary's register, and is as complete as he cau make it, until the different society secretaries will Bend him corrected and fuller particu- lars. As per list, you will notice the infor- mation we require, viz., Name of..soci- ety, dente uination, corresponding sec- retary, active and associate members. Will each officer, and particularly „the Recording Secretary, under whose notice this circular letter comes, make it their business to see that the County Secretary is notified at once, as to the -_eorcectnees.of their. society'sreport. We understand there are many so- cieties in the county of which we have no record; if so, will the officers of such please see that such will not be the case next week ? Early in April a corrected list will be published, as per favor of this paper, and your society will then be properly registered, provided you have fulfilled out request. Please do not delay, but send a post card to the Secretary at once, and thus help the executive, and you will also let others know what we are doing in the county for "Christ and the Church." We are anxious to be the banner county Union, and if the officers of the different organizations will see ,that their Society is properly registered, much will have been done towards_per: fectectoigailizat-ion: u " _-: MEMBERS CORRESPONDING PLACE SOCIETY DENOMINATION ACT- ASS°- SECRETAIt.Y POST OFFICE IVE CIATE Auburn, Chris.Endeavor,Presbyterian 13.... 4....Mrs 'D. Patterson Auburn Blyth, Chris. End Trinity, Episcopal 30....16....Miss E. Watson Blyth Blyth, Chris. End Presbyterian 30,...17... Mr R. B. McGowan Blyth Blyth, E. L. of C. E Methodist 37.•...22.... Miss E. Young ..Blyth Brussels, E. L. of C. E....Methodist 55....55._..Miss M. McNaughton., .. Brussels Brussels, Chris. End Melville Presbyterian ....28....52....A. M. McKay Brussels Brussels Chris. End....... Knox, Presbyterian.....25....15....Mies A. T. McCalIBrussels Brucefeid, Chris. End....Union, Presbyterian ....13....18.. Clinton, Chris. End Willis, Presbyterian ....29.....16....Miss Josie Fair Clinton Clinton, E. L. of C. E....RattenburySt., Meth....55....17._Miss Hattie Rumball Clinton Clinton, E. L. of C. E. , ..Ontario St•, Methodist, ..30....28.... Miss Millie Andrews Clinton Carlow, Chris. End Presbyterian 36....12.... Miss C. Robertson Carlow Dungannon, E.L. of C.E..Methodist D. E. Anderson Dungannon Dungannon, E.L. of C.E..Methodist Mr A. McQuoid.........Dungannon Ethel, E. L. of C. E Methodist.........:.......12....20....Chas . W. Willis Ethel Exeter, E. L of C. E James St., Methodist .. .40....20.... Miss M. Gill Exeter Exeter, E. L of C. EMain St. Methodist 35....40...,Mr A. Gregory Exeter Exeter, Chris. End Coven, Presbyterian Mr R. Muir Exeter Egmondville Chris.End...Presbytorian 27.... 3. Miss M. Muldrew....Egnyondx•ille Exeter, Chris, End Trivitt Episcopal Mrs F. Knight ,...Exeter Goderich, Chris. End Knox, Presbyterian 50. ..70. Miss L. Gibson Goderich Goderich, E. L. of 0.E.....North St., 60.....60... .Miss M. Stokes... ....,.Goderich Gorrie, E. L. of C. E Methodist , 75 Mrs H. Sanderson Gorrie Gorrie, (Orange Hill) E. L. of C. E Methodist Hensall, E. L. of C. E....Methodist Hensall, Chris. End Presbyterian Hensall (Bethesdappt•) E. L. of C. E Methodist Kippen, E. L. of C. E Methodist Kippen, Chris. End St. Andrew's, Lucknow, E. L. of C. EMethodist Lumley (Thames road) Chris. End Presbyterian Nile, E. L. of C. E Methodist Seaforth, Chris. End Presbyterian Seaforth, E. L. of C. EMethodist Varna (Bayfield road) Chris. End. ......Presbyterian WestA erCE. L. of C. E..Methodist Westfield, E. L. of C. E,..Methodist Wingham, Chris. End ....St. Paul's, Episcopal Wingham, Chris.:End....Presbyterian Wingham, Chris. End....Congregational Wingham Chris. End,...Baptist Wingham, E. L. of C. E..Methodist • Wroxeter;' Chris. End.... Presbyterian Where an Executive Officer can be of any assistance in creating deeper interest, orhelp in organizing a new society, the Secretary will he pleased to receive the request and secure sych assistance, The executive will be pleased to re- ceive suggestions as to the arranging 25.. John Worrell Gorrie 30... 20.....Miss B. Wilson Hensall 80. • ..54....Mr W. Elder . Hensall 21.. . . 9. Miss S. Keddy.... ... Rodgervillo 24 Miss Hannah Ivison Kippen Pres 14.. .23 Miss MaryCrawford Kippen 25. ...20 • • , . Miss F. Hmilton Lueknow 30.. .50. Mr R. T. Ellerington 12.....13.... Mr A. P. Shepard 50....60... .Miss S. McLean Seaforth 45.....41....Miss Galloway Seaforth Lumley Nile 26....2 •.. Westfield 16... .21.. . Miss K. McCulloch Westfield Miss K. Grover Wingham 43 ...27. , . ,Miss E. McLean Wingham 13.... 2. Mr John Ritchie ..Wingham 20..... 5....Mrs Small ..Wingham 74 -..12. .Miss E. L. Lloyd Wingham of a program for the annual conven- tion, to be held in Clinton next Sep- tember. BORN CAea.Ls.—In Wingham, on Feb. 28t1f; the wife of Mr Thee Cassels, of a daughter. CAnn.—At Kirkton, on Feb. lltb, the wife of Mr W. R. Carr; V. 8., of a son. CLAREE.—In Seaforth, on Feb. 26th, the the wife of Mr E. J. Clarke, of Toronto, of a daughter. HANI.EY.—In Goderich Township, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr George Han- ley, of a son. SALE REGISTER. • House and lot for sale on Victoria Street, Clinton, known as the Finkle property, on Saturday, March 24th. Mre Stewart, pro- prietress, T. M. Carling, Auct. Real estate on Victoria Street, Clinton, do Saturday, March 31st,Manning & Scott, for Vendors, T. M. Carling, Auct. A RARE CHANCE Porter's Hill General Store for Sale, one of the best stands in the county of Huron, Doing' good business. Post Of lee in connection, com. fortable dwelling sir rooms. Good Storehouse, large stable, half acre of land. For further par- ticulars apply to HORACE NEWTON; Porter's Hill P. 0. 038 ` TENDERS FOR CHURCH. /,.Tenders for the whole work and for each part Separately, addressed to MR. E. RENNIE, Ben- gali, and marked "Tender" will be received up to Me:Inky, MARCH 19th, 1894, for the erootion of a Brick Church in the Village of Bed'eaii. Plans • .and Specifications may_ be Been at Messrs Coad di Rennfe'e Store after Mdroh 8th. The lowest or any tender not newsier'', accepted, REV. G. H. COBBLEDICli, President. A. T. COOPER, Secretary. Clinton, SHINGLES FOR SALE. Subscriber has now a large sticic of North Shore Codex Shingles, also British Columbia Rc•d Ccdar shhiglo4 on hand at each of the following places; and they may be procured either from himself or the parties named: Be:grave, Wm. Watson ;13Iyth, D. Cowan; Brueefield, at station or from Robert Alcliveen, Stanley and Londes- b Aro, from himself. W. H. W11I1LEY. WE AI.31 TO. PLEASE THE -:- LADIES As well as the Gentlemen, and this week exhibit a cut of our Ladies' Bicycle, which we have in all prices from $50 up. Do not fail to see ns before mak- selection our Yee G.F. EMERSON, Clinton TJie Clinton Bicycle Dealer, LAC We have to -day opened up one of the Richest Stocky of the very ;Newest and Latest designs and makes in iNnglish Laces, wrench Laces, SWiss Laces, Ger- man Laces and Austrian Laces, in Black,. Two Tone, Cream- and white, all wid the and prices from 5cts. to $1 per yard. Among these goods will be found some of the very latest .novelties, and no class of trimming is to be worn as much this season as lace. Lace, lace on everything. IX.ROY dc W1SE1VLA.N CLINTON SPECIAL Reducea Round Trip Rater to Pacific Coast Points From Clinton via G.T.R to WINGHAM, DRUMBO, LONDON, or TORONTO, thence C. P. R„ returning same route. Special Price $102.50 Sleeper can be secured and full information supplied by A. T. COOPER, C.P.R. TICKET and TELEGRAPH AGENT, CLIN TON. OVE Back OlclStand J. TWITO}IELTJ Desires to intimate to the public that he has got back into his old store, Victoria Block, which has been materially improved, where he will be pleased to see all who want anything in the way of BOOTS, SHOES TRUNKS, : HARNESS &c., &c Ho bas yet a little of the old stock, and has decided to offer it at exceedingly low prime to clear, EVERY SATURDAY, un- til it is disposed of. So remember Satur- days will be bargain days. 1. TWITCHELL CLINTON. AffertIhN SALE OF $OUSE AND LAND The undersigned will sell by Public Auction, on Saturday, March 24th, 1894, At 1 p.in„ on the premises Viotoria St., Clinton that place known as "the Finkleproperty," situ- ate on the corner of the London Road and Vic- toria Terrace. There are two acres Wand, /with ti numberiof bearing fruit trees thereon also con- crete house stables, hard and soft water, • This property is beautifully situated for any one who wishes to live retired being olose to the:river, cc would answer admirably for a market gardner. Tame—One fourth down at time of sale; bat. anon oan remain on mortgage . to stilt purebaser. MRS AGNES STEWAtT, Proprietress CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, March 8th,' 1894. Wheat fall 0 55 a 0 58 Oats 03'1 a033 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 52 a 0 55 Flour per bal a 3 60 Butter 0 17 a 0 18 Kasper doz 0 12 a 0 13 .Potatoes 0 35 a 0 40 Hay, New and Old 5 03 a 7.00 Hides, No. l.trimmed 2 00 a 2 50 Pork 5 00 a 5 5Q' Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 75 Beef, hind quarter, per lb0 06 a 0 06 Beef, fore quarter, per ib .. , 0 05 a 0 05 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. There were about 450 head of butcher's cattle, 30 calves and 65 sheep offered at the East End Abattoir on Monday. The butchers were present in considerable num- bers, but trade in cattle was rather dull and prices were slightly lower for all sorts except the best beeves' a few of which were sold at 40 per lb; six head were bought at 4+c per lb. Pretty good stook sold at from 3}c to nearly 4c per lb; half -fatted rough steers and dry cows brought about 3c and leaner beasts at from 21c to 2}o per lb. There were very few good calves offered, and prices were very generally at from $2 to$6 each, with two:or three of the best at about $8 each. The sheep were a rather indifferent lot, and the best sold at about 4ie per lb, with old sheep at about 3&o per lb. There were two spring lambs sold at $6 each and one at $4. Fat hogs are some- what plentiful, and sell at from 5c to 510 per lb. FOSTER Leave your orders quick for those Pho- to's you intend send ilsg to your friends. MARRIED . GnEM—KERR.—At the residence of the bride's mother, on Feb. 28th, by the Rev. 11. Perrie, Mr David Greig, to Martha Kerr, all of Wingham. LeAvan-CAlllin'S.—j t the residence of Mr John Lowrie, Turnbury, on Feb. 2sth, bythe Rev. Mr Dennicks, De iclts, 11'Ir James Lea- ver. of East Wawanosh, to Miss Jane Car- rick, of Turnbury. MAKINS '—MILLER.—At the Manse, Varna, on Feb. 21st, by Rev. ,T. A. McDonald, Mr Edward Makins, of Stanley, to Miss Eliz- abeth, daughter of Mr James M. Miller, of Goderich township. HIISIPnnEY—Tn011PsoN.—At St. John's church, Brussels, on Feb. 28th, by Rev W. G. Reilly, Mr Jas. Humphrey, of Toronto, to Mise Maud, daughter of Mr Peter , Thompson, of Brussels. MEncLEJons—HOLMEs.—On Feb. 21st, by ' lte'v D'. B. McRae, at the residence bf the bride's father, Mr John Meiklojohn, of Molesworth, to Mies Bessie, daughter of .Ir Samuel Holmes, of Grey township. DIED. JOIINSTON.—In Toronto, on the 2nd inst., Robtert Johnston, (father of Mrs Robert Crawford, 13th con. Hullett) aged 93 yore and 7 months. RuraenoE.—In west wawanosh, on Feb. 1 28th, Mary, wife of Mr Geo, Rutledge, aged • 43 years and 10 months. WAYMOUTu.—In Hallett,' on the 2nd inst, Matilda, wife of Mr John Weymouth, aged., 28 years and 1 month. ROAR,—In Turnbury, on Feb. 27the Mary , - Ellen, wife of Mr Robert Agar, aged 27 yore and 5 months. Chicago business men and builders are said to be getting alarmed at the settling of the poet -office and custom hoose, Board of Trade and other buildings, showing that 11 t . the soft clay underneath the city gives an nsecure fonnilstion. SPECIAL A line of Henriettas in Jet and Blue Black, all wool, 40 inches wide for 50 cts. ayand A very fine goods, soft and ' silky in appearance, and much superior to anything we have heretofore been able to offer at the price. The quantity is limited; we cannot re- peat' it,and would respectfully urge any lady in want of a firs -class Black Henrietta, to call an see this Iine. "Samples on application" W.L. Ouimette, Londesboro