Clinton New Era, 1894-03-02, Page 8a 1." ya H;tiV A7R,"(RIVALS For Xim s Tratlle at 14c (. orner Store, McKay Block. NEW RAISINS NEW CURRANTS NEW FIGS NEW PEELS NEW yALENCIA ALMONDS Choice Extracts and Pure Ground E'pices and a full line of Canned Goods HAMS & BACON FLAKE PEA S HERRINGS & TROUT ROLLED BARLE Y SCALED HERRINGS ROLLED WHEAT Ilighest price in Trade or Cash for But t er and Eggs. J. W. Irwin, Grocer MACKAY IBLOCH, . • • • CLINTON. SIDEBQARD IN EITHER DARK or ANTIQUE OAK FINISH FOR $6.57. :- Our aim it to give our customers First-class Goods for very little Money: We mark our goods down to a bare -living profit, and have but one price. We do not advertise any Big Discount Sale in order to draw trade, for every intelligent person knows what that means. When a firm advertises in that way, it Is quite easy to understand what they do; they simply add to the regular price the percentage they iutend taking off. This is a fact that bas been proven in the so-called Great Discount Sales, .When buying, don't simply look at the discount offered, but deduct that discount from the regular price, and then compare it with the prices of others. If you call on us we can show you the best assortment of Furni- , tore in the County, and our prices are as low as the lowest. JOSEPH CHI-DLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. JOS. CHIDLEY JR.,Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night Calla Answered at his residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry. COOL WETHER IS HERE But you need not Buffer from the cold, as you can purchase very cheaply at ADAMS' EMPORIUM - Under Clothes, Top Shirts,Flannels, Flannelettes Pants Suits, Overcoats, Ca .! ►5' MittsSocks, Gloves, HHosiery and Good Boots & Shoes Suitable for alI classes of people. Special—see our Fur Coats, Goat Robes and Horse Blankets MILLINERY of the very finest quality. M ADAMS' EMPORIUM, L� , ADAMS. LONDESBOTO 1 r CLIla7'TON: Sash, Door & Blind Factory M t S; S. COOPER, Proprietor : : GLIM tis molt Map its 0-111 • Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me, We prepare plans and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contracts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and man carry in stook all kinds of Window Saab, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath. &o. Persons who intend to build will find it to their own interest to see me before eodoing. S. S. COOPER, Clinton. II -v- O C E Y We have made great preparations for the Xmas trade. Extra value in Currants. Raisins, Coffee, Cocoa, Oranges, Dates, Figs, Lemons, Candies, Nuts All kinds Canned Goods, English Peels, Lemon, Citron Orange. Sage, Savory. Extra value in Teas and Coffees We think we can satisfy the most particular customer, and are here to show you the goods. (-FO SWALLC W, - Clinton erg RUMBALL'SCIIRUIIJ FACTORY -E(uron. Street, Clinton We have on band an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES,- & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship. t you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us. F UzvrasAlt..=.a., -- CL.nry rc>W Tit CLINTON N ;W EBA AN OW N . SOU ; D MIRACLE', Tho Relliallcable Exper'ence of , Mi r,Villinan Belt( se. ATTACKED BY MALARIAL FEVER, FOLLOWED PARTIAL PARALYSIS—PHYSICIANS RAID TH COULD DO NOTHING FOR HIST—THE MEA OF l'v1u 1.714w\1RED ri11.UL uli tiliALi., NEWSPAPER. From the Owen Sound Times. The Times has published very frequentl the particulars of remarkable cures a tributed to the use of Dr. Williauit' Pin Pills for Pale People. These varloua ar tides were oredited to newspapers of goo standing, and there was no reason to uuab their truthfulness, but as we had no happened to come across a striking Das ourselves we had given the articles bu little thought, end perhaps this may als bo the case with some of our readers. A few days ago the opportunity was given u to investigate a case, however, which satis fied us, and will Satisfy those who rea • thistt that. there is a marvellous efficacy i this now celebrated medicine. It was tol us by one of our leading druggists that well known resident had an experienc which fully equalled the wonderful curei o which so much has been published. The citizen referred was Mr Ain. Belrose, ship carpenter, who has been a residentljof this town since 1866. The Times undertook to get the facts from Mr .Belrose to satisfy ourselves. He was working in a shipyard and when found was wielding the heaviest axe on the grounds, shaping the ribs for a big vessel on, the stocks. None of the 800 men employed were working harder, nor appeared to be enjoying more vigorous health. In rely to a question Mr Belrose said: "Yes, sir, I would not be using this big axe if I had not taken Pink Pills." The story as briefly told as possible is this: In 1890, after returning from the Pacifio coast, Mr Belrose went to Chicago, where he secured employment in the. erection of one of the Phil Armour grain elevators. After being in that city for a short time he was taken with a malarial fever. After a week of euffeirng the -people with whom he was staying spoke of taking him to the hospital, -but YIr Belrose objected. A con- sultation was held and it was decided that instead of going to the hospital—a place he dreaded—he would take the first train home. His ticket was bought and he- was placed on the train. He was so siok that the only incident he could remember in the 'whole 600 miles' trip was.the changing of cars at some junction. Be reached home on August 7th, and at once a well known physician was called in. Recovery was slow and it was not until November that he was able to get out of the house. Then in his weakened condition he took a relapse. winter wore on; the best physicians were called in but with no avail. There was no improvement. The ccmplications baffled all treatment. From the hips down a sort of paralysis seized the sufferer, and it was impossible to keep the lower extremities warm. The bed covers were increased, but proved of no consequence so far as the warmth of the patient was concerned. As a last resort a pair of heavy German felt socks were procured and pulled over the cold feet. But the artificial warmth failed to do what nature could not for some rea "son accomplish. At last the doctars de .tided -that_ nothing .moracouldbe done, and soothing dranghts_were administered to ease the pain. Friends brought the elec- trio battery and this treatment, though re- lieving served only to make the pain more in- tense when discontinued. It happened dur- ing this treatment, however, that one of the visitors brougnt in, wrapped around a par- cel, a paper giving an account of a cure ef- fected by the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. After reading the article the sick man determined to give them a trial. Be- fore a box was gone the good effects were noticed, and the second box brought still farther improvement. A third, fourth, fifth and sixth were taken, the end of each only proving a milestone on the sure road to complete recovery. Twenty boxes were taken in all, but the end fully justified the expenditure, for as lir Belrose put it, "I feel better and younger than I have felt for years, I eat heartily, I sleep sound and I can do a days work alongside of anybody. Dr. WilliatpS Pink Pills under Providence did it all. Pink Pills should be kept in every house. Since they cured me I have recommended them to my friends every- where, and I shall continue to recommend them." An analysis shows that Dr.Williams•Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness of the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neu- ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prcstration, all diseases de- pending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles pecu- culiar to females, each as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. NEWS NOTES Me Mowat bus been 'unanimously ge-nominated fut• North O 'rd. Philip D...l mour, of eh ieano, w - ploys 12,000 po.ple, and 1 itys 1.ca:l;; $7,000,000 annually in wages. BY EY James D. McDonald, of Nassaga- Ns weya, was seriously injured by being f.,Cie., i.y ,t U.11,, ;ti. C, ri'leu4'o�'�t'llel's, Inear Acton. y t - k a t e t 0 a a n d a e f Dr. Williams' Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing their trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com- pany, from either address. A new free public library, to contain 80,000 volumes, is building in Manches- ter. This will give the city a total of 420,000 volumes, housed in five libraries, for free public use. Paderewski says he has made all the money he needs, and hereafter will de- vote his time to composition. He has not, however, enough money to induce him to get his hair ttimmed. In a railway station in ,Iowa is the following placard over- a- clock: "This is a clock; it is running; it is Chicago time; it is right; it is set every day at 10 o'clock. Now, keep your mouth shut." Mr Jacob SiVettlaufer, of the 13th con., E. Zorra, met with asevere loss a few clays ago. Twenty-one out of a herd of twenty-five of his hogs, which were ncltrly" ready for the market, werci/poisoned with arsenic. I WAS Conrn of Acute Bronchitis hyMIN- AP,D'S LINIMENT. Boy of Islands. J. M. CASIPBFLL. I WAS 'CURED of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Springhill, N. S. WM. DANIPLS. I WAS CURED of Chronic Rheumatism -by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Co., N. B. GEORGE Tlxor,Y, Frank Cenninger, while attending an edge saw in Thonllison's mill, at ; Shallow Lake, Ont., on Thursday, had hi.e right hat.d cot. al. James Duncan, a ypung farmer of Nortonville, Peel county. hadi,his arm cut off in a cutting box, Tuesday. He was to have been married on Thurs- day. The house of Thos. Gray, on con. 11, Otonabee, was destroyed by fire early Friday morning, and Thcss? Scollie, aged 67, was burned to death. At San Francisco, on Friday, Dr, Eugene West was sentenced to 25 years in the penitentiary for the murder by malpractice of Addie Gilmour, a young milliner. .Rev. Dr. Maxwell, a popular Toronto ethodist minister, has been sick for some time and is now dangerously ill.. The Ideal- Washer, Churn and Wire Mattress Company, of St. Thomas, which went in to liquidation some time ago, has paid 1 cent on the dollar to creditors. They owed.$22,620. Mr Henry 0, Lunn, a, veteran musi- cian, who was for nearly 30 years a teacher of the pianoforte at the Lon- don Royal Acad of usic, and was also for many ears itor of the Musi- cal.Times, has just died at the age of 76 years. _ The death is announced of Mr Ed- ward Reynolds, editor of Reynold's Newspaper, London. He has been connected with the journal since its establishment in 1850, and only ceased to discharge the editorial duties in August of last year. Mrs Wm. Innes, sr., of Mosa town- ship, while putting a stick in the stove run a sliver into her hand. The result was that in a few hours it had turned into a very serious case of blood poison- irg. Doctors operated on the hand. She is slightly better at present, though still in great danger. Mr Dalton McCarthy. was asked his opinion in the judgment in the Mani- toba school case. He had little to say, but intimated the possibility, if not the probability, of the decision of the Supreme Court being endorsed by the Privy Ccuncil, He based this view of the matterr on the utterances of Lord Watson during the argument of the case of Barrett ve. Winnipeg. They Make Life Successful:—It is easier to face a cannon than to crrry about with you, day after day, a sick headache. a wretched billionsness, a torturing neural- gia pang. Men and women go down before these things who brave the great afflictions of life. Stark's Powders_ cure thoseaffec_,. tiers and`help'nlake life 'sudbessful. By removing paint, they put hope in the heart, they put brightness in the eye, and elastic- ity in the step. When one has a clear head and a sound stomach, he is always ready,in the battle of life, to give a Roland for an Oliver. Stark's Powders are the secret of success. 25 cents a box. A shocking fatal accident occurred on the farm of Mr Fred Weicher, liv- ing near Bresleau, on Wednesday. Mr Weicher and a young German farm hand, named Hagerknecht, were saw- ing cordwood by horsepower, when the saw broke, and one of the flying piecesstruck the young man on the head, instantly killing.him. He was 25 years of age. "Everything runs to Ps nowadays. The P. P. A's. and the P, I's. and the Prohibition Party with its Plehescite, and no sooner does the Press associa- tion get through with President Pirie than it pops President Preston into the place. Ontario's Premier ought to keep in the swim and change his name to Powat—he's prosy enough already." —Hamilton. Herald. . There was great commotion• in the twenty-third ward of Philadelphia, Friday, when A. T. Wadsworth, a member of the Common Council, un- furled a British flagover his house, A, number of neighbors held an indig- nant meeting, and a committee was appointed to wait upon hirn and re- quest him to have it down. The coun- cilman was not at home, but the wife informed the visitors that the flag hav been put up and'was going to stud. The committee withdrew, but they had hardly time to make their report when the Councilman, Who bad heard the angry threats of his constituents, re- turned to his home and hauld the flag down. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla, J. C. STEVENSO1 —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A PULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT STOCK ThebostElnbalming Flnidused Splendidlearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE' TOWN HALL OES 'YOUR WFE Do HER OWN WASHINC? F she does, see that the wash is made Easy' all4 Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP; which does away with the terrors of wash -day. Experience will convince her that it PAYS to use this soap. OS-. 1 Beaver Collar and Muff $25 00 now $20 3 Beaver Collars - - - 12 00 now 9 1 Otter Collar - - - - - 30 00 now 22 1 Oppossum Collar - - j - 9 00 now 6 ' 1 Oppossum Collar - - - 10 00, now 7 . 1 Oppossum Black Collar - 12 00 now 8 1 Oppossum Cape - - - 12 00 now 8 1 Greenland Seal Cape - - 12 50 now 9 1 Coney Cape 20 00 now 14 1 Astrachan Cape - - - - 8 00 now 6 All other Ladies' Furs in the same proportions. MEN'S 'FUR COATS Uoon was $40 00 now $30 00 Wallaby was 26 00 now 19 00 Wombat was 22 00 now 17 00 Carsican Lamb 20 00 now 16 00 Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton. NOW IN STOCK FOR XMAS IRADE : IIR:CT : t s Raisins, London Layers, Black Baskets -and for --++ VV Dessert, Valencias off stalk, fine off stalk selected CURRANTS, Prime Provincials in barrels and half barrels, choicest Vostizeas in cases. New Prunes, Figs and Dates, Oranges and Lemons, NUTS, new soft shelled Almonds New Grenoble Walnuts and Filberts, Shelled Almonds. New PEELS, Orange, Lemon and Citron. Fresh ground SPICES of all kinds. Full lines of CROCKERY, CHINA and_GLASSWARE—Tea,Setts, Dinner -Sets, Toilet Setts. Special valines in new sea son TEAS and fragrant COFFEES. Cash for BUTTER and EGGS. N. ROBSON, •- CJtnton Pure Qui11s Make a• better filling for Corsets than any other known material. "Featherbone" Corsets are tough- er and more elastic than any other make, as they are entirely filled with quills (Featherbone). To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores. smenielitimmei WEAK, NERVOUSDI$EASED MEN Thousands of Young and Middle Aged Men are annually swept tb a premature grave through early indiscretion and later •excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood Diseases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have yon any of the following Sym ptome: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning; No Ambi. tlo MJiemory Poor; lily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; l'im les on the 'Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore Throat; Hair Loose; Paine in Body. Sunken Eyes• -Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack •of e�s sexually. Our New Method Treatment will build you up mentally, physioaily chas`Pattereon, read What DRS, KENNEDY & KERGAN D nes. ;�" Cured in one m'nt Dr. Moulton. "At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I could stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Elec- tric Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Horgan. They sent me one month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cures when all else fails." They have cured many of my friends." MS GMRSED OR MOSEY 11E1131 "Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, lose of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy & Kergan's New Method Treatment. It cared me, and I have had no symptoms for five years. I am married and happy. As a doctor, 1 heartily reoomend it to all who have this terrible disease— Cureu c yours two. syphilis." It will eradicate the poison from the blood." Capt Townsend. 15 YEARS iN DETROIT, 150.000 CURED. gay"I am 88 years of age, and married. When young I led a fome. I became' weak indiscretions nd ervouuss, nd later excesses becamle affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married l'if.' was unsatis- factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything. -all failed till I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Their New Method built mo up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and act like a man in every respect. Try them." ice" Pio Names Used Without Written) ,.�;;. Consent of Patient. Cared in time. Our New Method Treatment never Fails in curing nieeases of men. It. stn then the body, stops all drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears the brain, buuilds up the nervous and sexual systems and restores lost vitality to tho body. we Guarantee to Cure 1Kervous Tar Witty, Failing Manhood etyphilis, V aricocele, Pitrlcturc, Gleet, Unnatural lilischarges, Weak Paris andAll Sidney and 13ladder L>,iseases. REMEMBER Dra. liennbdy & Kergan aro the loading epneialiets of America. They guarantee to euro or no pay. Their r�pa. tation and fifteen years of business aro at stake. Yon run no risk. Write them for an honest opinion, no matterpwho treated you. It may save,seu years of regret and suffering; Charges reasonable. Write for a Question List and Book Free. Consultation Free, DRSlb KENNEDY 84 KEQUAl, D Shelby ioho - J