HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-03-02, Page 7tr • eas 1 The ufiSlersl9p out in the heli BlocIF, dealt • w t .,e Will keep or} bend: lisle very oh. eat Ascan. 'Having no ex - PO EM u 3i Outelelleglop. a is a position to sell Be will 'at ill tines bo prepared to pay the bigheatwarket price fax Illxpoe Cattle, L1R'R' UQGS 4lvtloye;wante4 (fpr export.. Give u . Ifim a can. 0Q10. lF'ITZSIDZONSS HURON ST. BUTCHER SHOP J, desire most ooraiatly to thank a.Qthose who two favored us with their patronage since I commenced In business, and to assure them and thetpublio generally that we are in better shape than over to eateer to their wants, staving added an improvedretrigeratorand other conveniences our shop, W. WHEATLEY Clinton MEAT Market • BUSINESS CHANGE. The undersigned desires to intimate that he bite bought out the interest of Mr Couch, in the butchering business lately earried on .funder the yle of FORD & COUCH. He will continue the ams at the old eland, and trusts by giving the closest and most careful attention to the busi- ness straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and reoeive a fair share of publio patronage. All orders carefully and promptly filled JAMES A. FORD . Central Butcher Shop 8ubsortberdesires to thank the public general- ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him; and at the same . time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of all. As he gives personal attention to all the details of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled. His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, Rc., in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &c. JOAN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. Flour and Feed Stores Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned having formed a partnership, desire to intimate that they will keep on band he very best - FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds, also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold at close margins for dash. SALT also kept on hand. They will also keep a choice variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- sumers will find to be excellent value. HILL & PROUT, HURON ST., CLINTON. Floure, Feed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL . OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 • CAPITAL, -- $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,175,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. • J. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS,....General Manpger. Totes discounted, Collections made, Drafts is- sued, Sterling and American exchange bought ail sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. FA.R.wrin R1 W4 - Money advanced to formes on their own -.tote with bne or more endorsors. No mortgage re- eeired as security H. C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. McTAGGART, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A genera. Banking Business t1 ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts:issued. Interest allowed on deposits. *ARRAN & TISDALL BANKERS,. OLIN TONT. Advances made to farmers on their own nates at low rates of interest. general 'tanking Basineas traneaoten Inte-s st allowed on deposits. tle Notes bought 7. P. TISDALL, Manage THE COILED SPRING Wove Wire Fencing: --r 77" ,— ,I; t_i_1_-4_.._--l--f--L-..1._ 11 OUT OF %Ap; iimaiiiiiiiiiiiiii FRYING PAN c!_i ,� IIII mato 1111111111111111111111111M11110111111ttisti#tlRisIIIIIMORIMPI knowledge as to cook- `:.0 1 ery—what to do, as well „ NSI a1 Mi wwirta.nt + .ostime.wnenisioatwawwae w •• we have learned to use 11 GOTT©LENS, 'El LI (53 the most pure and per- 0 Mesdrit Stability andSteep' ate agents for toYkbov'e Nice, l iCll i9 olaitffeti to:be beat, fencling.wirb'rilanufaetitred o the kind STEEP,,Intou . tspirited team of horses, owned by a t Ary R .t. mle r, itliilkman, St�.O:aChw- ran ,away Friday TV:ruin . Bur- Stuart, n, lad. of 14 years, who was riving, was thrown• head foremost .ronin the rig, breaking his neck. Death was lllstantdneous, Pale Faces dhow Depleted Blood, poor nourishment; every thing bad. They are signs of Anaemia. Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites, en- riches the blood, purifies the skin, cures Anaemia, builds up the system; Physicians, the world over, endorse it. ScottDon't 48. Boo vjll d. 1l uuglptu. B0e. & Si • O '•LEN , OTT'OLEN.• 6TT'OLEN o orroLsus OTTOLBY' UIC.OTTOLEN1 11 OUT OF FRYING PAN c!_i ,� Has come `not a little f' m 1 knowledge as to cook- `:.0 1 ery—what to do, as well „ Q_u. as what not to do. Thus •• we have learned to use 11 GOTT©LENS, 'El LI (53 the most pure and per- 0 feet and popular cook- o ' "ingmaterial for all frying and shorteningpurposes. .1I F La PRO ESSIVE s� 1 COOKING 4 ) is the natural outcome Ltd of the age, and it teaches - • us not to use lard, but rath- n er the new shortening, i 11 G@ !1 Ti0J1L15IEy . o which is far cleaner, and C 'wire more digestible than any 3 3 lard can be. The success of Cotto- leneo has called outworth- „r less imitations u n d e r e Similar names. Lookout E 8 for these! Ask yours oTTo Grocer for C IeENE e o and be sure that you get it. . Made only. by • - ... pr /'' N. K. FAIRBANK do sot: Wellington and Ann Sts., E u MONTREAL. 0,, griOLEENIIO .rtOLEN 0OTTOLEN • o 0 oD1.OL8 OTTOLE,I;; OTTOLI •• cAVEATS,TRADE MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT 4 For a mNansweOr and nn houeet opinionwryiteeartse experience to the patent bn9qlnesa. Commurn, .. tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In. formation concerning Patents and how to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of meohan- tcat and scientific books sent free. spPatents taken through Munn & Co. receive thus are br•oughthwidely before tthe pubito wit°M tosut cost to the inventor. This splendid yam largest giro lation elegantly ecientifc work far the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition monthly, 82.50a year. Single Co lea, 25 cents. Every number contains bean - E: plates, in colors„ and photographs of new es. with pidns, enabling builders to show tho st MUNN & CsO NEW YonK, 3 1 BHOADWA• Y. w,.; t' FJ ^fl dills ri,a,.•3: 31: 0:I:,,iess, Debility, i all the. train of f •.:11 early errors )_ or i.1t„r•c::cc sss, the • ��� - rk, is - 't ,C wt Ory,w etc. l 1' i; 1 3 uU sir• ngth, develop- ' mt nt rn 1 tone given to e' -cry ol•r a n and portion F ,.f the b: t;v. Smpl 1t ne'rral mentor's. bm- 1 t 1 r,.= mate i:mprovrrr,ent •�.._tt ti Fnilcrciml,ot;i- " "l -t ble. 2,t�;,t1 refer:.noes. l •.;coli, explanation and r'•nfs mailed (sealed) r ; rariiCkL-C3, r Buffalo, N.Y. t �1� BA.K1NC POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FR;EIVD� Alaresr Sai p if C te'r on. YouNeed It! — '--Emulsion. ItWrill••••• CureThatCough, Heal.YourLung's, - Pgtllesh oinYourtiones Preven Cpa'sueopkeo[l. NEWSNOTF;,.. t tti likely that the Manitoba school ea a wiil,go to the Privy Cpuncil, Wm, Waldorf Astor has subscribed $10,000 to the fund for the relief of the unemployed of New Yerlc, City, John Burgess, of Vinal avan, known as "Johnny Smoker," who bas been in the habit of beating his wife, was taken out of his house on Wednes- day night by a number of men, strip- ped and terribly beaten, and then rub- bed down with cakes of ice. His con- dition is serious., A Utica man named Hines: who in testifying in his own behalf in an as - stilt case, swore that he had not before been convicted of crime, has been con- victed of perjury and has been sen- tenced to 20 years' ' imprisonrent. That is the shortest term the court could award him. The edible dogs iu. China are known by their bluish -black tongues. They never bark and are very taciturn, and 000,000 are slaughtered annually to titillate the palates of the Celestials. When a Japanese audience wish to express disapproval of a play, they si- lently turn around and sit with their backs to the stage. If this be done by a considerable number the curtain promptly descends. Charles B. Carey,, of Boston, is the first to utilize aluminum fcr leggings. He has a pair made of the metal, and to test them tramped through the swamps of Florida, infested with ven- omous snakes. They were fang proof. "Wesleyan Bishops" continue to be a bone of contention among the socie•• ties of Methodists in England. Many of them do not quite "stomach" the pro- posed change in the direction of Epis- copalianism. Church Bells directs at- tention' to some remarkable confes- sions made in the co}rse of their internal controversy. They depreciate "cockney imitations" of real Bishops: if the Methodists want to imitate the Church, let them do so in those re- spects(activity of the clergy, etc.)which are making it a continuous power:" "if we want Bishops, let us go where we can get the real thing," etc.—The Canadian Churchman. HANDSOME FEATURES. Sometimes unsightly blotches, pimples or sallow opaque skin, destroys the attrac- tiveness of handsome features. In all such oases Scott's Emulsion will build up the system and impart freshness and beauty. Robert Kershaw, one of the Strat- ford Home boys, was drowned at Pais- ley, Friday morning. He was in Mr Geo. Flood's charge, and it wr,s in the river running near his residence that Kershaw was found. He was .16 years old. The Dominion Grange closed its nineteenth annual session at Toronto on Friday. The principal business was the election of officers, which resulted as follows:—Master, Dawson Kennedy, Peterboro; Overseer, D. G. Mackenize, Lucknow; Secretary, R. Wilkie. Blen- heim; Treasurer, P. Hepinstall, Ford- wich; Lecturer, Geo. Brown, Gryeshem; Chaplain, Thos. Porter, Banda; Stew- ard, Sylvanus Austin, Whitby; As- sistant Steward, W. N. Baker, Little - wood; Gatekeeper, Lyman Henry, Snmbra.-..- - - -- A SKELETON IN THE CLOSET. How often do we hear of this in domes- tic life at this day. But what is more ap- palling than the living body made repul- sive with skin and scalp diseases, salt - rheum, tetter, eczema and scrofnlons sores and swellings. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi- cal Discovery is the positive cure for all of these diseases. If taken in time, it also cures Lung -scrofula, commonly known as Pulmonary Consumption. By druggists. Keyser, N. C. Dn. R. V. PIERCE:—DEAF Sia—When about three years old I was taken with mumps, also had fever, finally I had that 'dreaded disease Scrofula. The most emi- nent physicians in this section treated me to no avail. I had running scrofulous sores on left side of neck and face. I was email and weakly when eigheor nine years old, and in fact was nearly a skeleton. Six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical .Dis- covery wrought marvellous 'changes. Al- though the sores were healed in eight months, I did not quit taking it until I was ure it had been entirely rooted from my ystew. The only signs left of the dread- ful disease are the scars which ever remind me of how near death's door I was until rescued by the "Discovery." I am now eighteen years old and weigh 148 pounds, and have not been sick in five years. Yours respectfully, H. M. HOLLEMAN, Agt. for Seaboard Air Line. For constipation and headache, use Dr. Pierce's Pellets. In the .natter of appointments Sir John Thompson takes no pains to be conciliatory. La Patrie illustrates this by his choice of Senator Howlan for the Lieutenant-Governorsnip of Prince Edward Island. The position demands a higher degree of impartial- ity and justice, but Mr Ilowlan has re- cently been the personal opponent of Hon. Mr Peters, Premier of the Island, in au election, and he was the regular organizer of the Conservative party. _Not long ago he resigned his Senator- ship to contest one of the Island seats, and the day after his defeat he was re- appointed to the Senate. How can Premier Peters expect fair play from the roan who has been fighting him most bitterly almost up to the day of the latter's appointment to the (ov- ernorshipi Perhaps Mr Howlan has been sent to play an Angers trick on Mr Peters. Cures Conenroptlon, Conglis,Cronp,Sore 'Throat. Sold by all Drbggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction.--•aS cents. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. Mrs. T. 8.Hawktns,Chattanool;a Tenn. sa$st "Shfloh'e Vitaltzcr' kid 1 ED h X LthD. 1 consider 4t the beat remedy f or a debilitated alt ;ver used." Fqr D� yepep. siaa,, Liver or SIdnesr trouble it ex , Price 76 018. N91 i L 9S .,, MATAR R o '' REMEDY. tarrh? TrythioRemedy. It will neve and Cure yout Price 50 ctn. r for its auecesstuI treatment i8 llernombor, 0).iiloh'onerhediell- gudrantee t0 give satisfaction. 13'a fad %to CO B14, "e Il4'.1 UJl1t• Hey°you positively t'h19 Injoo furnished are sold nn POET, AUTITOR AND ARTIST. His • Royal Highness, :.Albert Ed- ward, Prince of Wales, Writes Him a Special Letter. Lord Tennyson, Late Poet Laureate, Sends Him Kindly Greetings. Professor IN emyss, Strongly Endorses Paine's Celery Com- pound, the Medicine that Makes People Well. RROF. W. G. WEMYSS. Prof. H. G. Wemyss, poet, author and artist, is a resident of Brookville, Ont., and is well and favorably known in England and the United States. Posses ' r sing. great literary abilities, he has been the recipient of many honors in the past. Among those who have acknowledged Prof. Wemyee ab- ilities ase poet are His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, and the late 'Lord' Tennyson, England's Poet Laureate. From the former he received a special letter of thanks for poetical' contributions written for the Queen's Jubilee; and from the latter came a letter bearing kindly greetings and wishes. - Prof. Wemyss in his life work has al- ways kept in view one object, viz., doing good to men and women of all ranks and conditions. Already the talented professor bas conferred blessings or. scores of men and women who suffered from various caus- es. To Prof. Wemyss, nature's great heal- er, Paine's Celery Compound, brought strength, vigor, perfect digestion and a new life. Having secured these•inestem- able blessings, he pointed out to others the great highway to health,- The professor has loudly proclaimed the curing power of Paine's Celery Compound; 'he has closely followed the results, and says "it works like magic." Prof. Wemyee, who has given as permission to nee his letter, says:— "I write to say that I have been a auffer- erfor dears from irritable stomach and de- bility. No medicine has. done me so much good as Paine's Celery Compound. I fully endorse all that is said in its favor as"a powerful recuperator. for a run-down sys- tem. My wife had a very bad attack of salt rheum. Her hands were terrible to look at, and she suffered intense pain and tor- ture. She was getting worse under treat- ment she tried; but when Paine's Celery Compound was used it worked like magic, and up to the time of writing she is nearly cured. -I gave a few trial doses to a friend of mind suffering from debility, and she 'found such benefit from it that she is going under a regular course - of the Compound; her husband will also use it for rheu- matism." A '$U'RGLAR'S PRESENCE OF MIND. "I think one of the most remarkable exhibitions of nerve on the part of a burglar was .shown by one who was captured in Philadelphia•not very long ago," said J. H. Ivers last week. "The fellow was what is known as a 'porch -climber,' and one evening at about 8 o'clock he gained access to the sleeping apartments of a house in one of thebest portions of the city. While engaged in ransacking the room he heard some one coming up the stairs, and not having time to escape, he sought safety under the bed. The door opened and the lady of the house enter- ed, and, after busying herself about the room for a few minutes, picked up a hook and began to read. The bed under which the fellow was con- cealed was a very low one, and his cramped. position was anything but comfortable. Ho -did not dare to move for fear of betraying himself, but kept on hoping she would leave the room for some reason os other and give him a chance to escape. She stayed on, however, and about ten o'clock was joined - by her husband. After a few minutes' conversation they retired to the very bed under which the burglar lay concealed. In trying to shift his position a little, the fellow under the bed made a slight noise which immediately alarmed the woman. Calling her husband, she said 'Tom, there is someone under the bed.' 'Nonsense,' he said; 'you are dreaming.' ''I tell you 1 heard some- one,' she replied. 'It is only the dog,' he said. - 'Here, I will prove it to you,' and with that he threw his arm over the edge of the bed, and, snapping his fingers, called as he would to a dog, The fellow under the bed took in the situation io n In an instant, and, realizing that he must act promptly, actually reached out his head to where the hand hung and licked the fingers with his tongue, as a dog might do. The act was performed so naturally that the man in the bed was completely de- ceived, and. after saying to his wife, 'I told you so,' and telling het' to go to sleep, he turned over and was soon lost in slumber. After waiting until con- vinced they were sound asleep, the burglar crawled oat from tinder the bed, and taking everything of value he could find in the room, made his escape." lilac's Remedy for Catarrh Is the ? Best, Easiest to Me. and Cheapest. kiR R by druggists or,aeat oy .82811, 4aZeltine.`t7t'etren, lFttir Joseph Hartley. porter in a W. pi - peg hotel, has fallen heir to $35, The death is announced of Mr Jos, Smith, of Unionville, who had resided in Markham township since 1857. Ex -Premier Mercier delivered a '10 - lent speech on the Manitoba school question Friday night before the Club National of Montreal. • CLEAR -4 SKIi til\– �a ,r 1''A MENTAL ENERGY CURES OTHERS WILL CURE v `l OIJti STRONG NERVES STER'S SARASAPAR 1 LLA S. P. SMITH, of Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He writes: " For eight years, I was, most of tho time, a great sufferer from constipa- tion, kidney trouble, and indiges- tion, so that my constitution seemed to be compjetely broken clown. I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results., that my stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con- dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clock -work. At the timo I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my weight was only 129 pounds; I now can brag of 159 pounds, and was never in so good health. If you could see me bo - fore and after using, you would want me for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla to be the best in the market to -day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.(1. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mees, Cures othere,willoureyou .McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance 11!ARM & ISOLATED W P1tOPE.RTT ON INSI1END' QATICARli. A. Rose, Prasident, Clinton; Goo. watt Vic Pres. Harlook; W. J. Elhannon, li Seafor'th; M, Mu•:dle, Inspector oof Goo._, hm , Soafortb. DInztaaors9. Jas. I3roadfoot geaforth ; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Joseph iivan9, Beechwood - Thos. Car - bet, Clinton; 0, Gardieer, Leadbury ; John Hannah,8eaferth, AeENT9. Thos. Helium'', Earlock; Robt, IIIcMlllan, Elea forth; J. Cumingst prgmor;"vluo Okoo. Murdie, auditot. Parties deetrone to et eot;f nenrancep Or, trail oaot other, business 1t'lll'bbpromptly attended to on a plication bo any o the above *moan adressod to trhelr roopesilvt ofiieao ,., $enzisi,ller Nursery' FRUIT A„ND . ORNAMENTAL TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE; \ The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON RAND, The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by -par chasing here. Orders by Mailtoill be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN SiTEWART. — Benmiller. • S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN. TINWARE RURON STREET, CLINTON Repairingot_"all kinds -promptly attended to r-eaeobabTb""ra'te's. A trial eolictied CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. This establishment is in full operation and al orders filled in the moat satisfactory way Ceme- tery and granite work a specialty. Prices as reasonable as those of any establishc:ent SEALE & HOOVER, Clinton. lm PUMPS : PUMPS If you want a first-class, well -made' pump, one that will give you satisfaction, send your order to the undersigned. He will dig and clean wells, and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a first-class FORCE PUMP JAMES FERGUSON - Opposite Queen's Hotel - High Street, Clint DO Y017 WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow? A Splendid Churn, or anything of like nature? Then call on1W. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick 81„ or E. Dinsleys Will be atIDinsley's corner every eatardae afternoon.. Clinton Planing Mill —AND----. DRY KILN! The eubaoriber, having the very latest improvedroved machinery. and employing themost skilled rk- men Is able to do work in his lips in the mo t satiefaotory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest notice. A trial solicited. FACTORY NE tR G.T.u,-STATION„cLINTON - THOS. MaSEN-Z ROBERT -:- DOWNS CLINTON, • Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Ewa 11511 Dog in use. Abut for thesale and appli- cation of the jj'Fisnsa PATENT AUTOMATIC BOILER CLEANER. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app ed on short notice Boilers. Engines, and all kinds of 9laohinery repaired expeditiously and In a satisfactory .manner ]'arm implements manufactured and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Mitts fitted up on application Charges moderate. HUPIdON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co'y This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest MORTGAGES PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. . 3, 4 and'5 per" Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according toamount and time left. OFFICE—Cor. Sauare and North St., Goderich HORACE HORTON, Manager House Palatal sad Paper Haulm The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING, IIALSOMINING PAPER -HANGING, &c. He is a practical man of ong experience 'end guarantees to do all work in a manner that shall be satisfactory, while prices will be exceedingly moderate. Orders re. spectfully solicited. GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton City BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned having bought ottt the bakery business so successfully carried an by Mr Win. Young,will continue. the business at the old stand Ho wilendeavor, by supplying a first class arti- cle, to merit the liberal support of the people. Bread delivered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied on short notice. .JAMES YOUNG, - CLINTON NERVE NERVE BEANS are a new dig. ooveyy tbgt� Duro theworst casae of BEAI�T:� "°` r 11311h ty, eat vigor and ilhiliuR> iLMat reetoms the weakness of body er mind caused by owe• ver . or tbn errors or ex - 6 • enneeessee o+ youth., ' Me b Amedy �. ounetr. vua 'the molal obstInsto :ora; •rye:. •rtl other atteir.troulke.es navfr fancd eve!.L I.a .•ebeve. Jlr: ot,;rir. n%$Zatt ees •U,.ugs, •.. L:r t a 5.0 bs 00.. o:, teoolp$b2mice byaddrornitc',t'o 7*A70Bs: BP*C'f7,7 5.1. 'icer 'u (tnc. 1' i re. •.•. 7:o•A Pt - Sold by Jas. H: ^ombe. POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Nenrallgia in 20 MINUTES also Coated Tongue Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, MINUTES, also the Side, Conatipdtibffy Torpid Liver Bad Breath. to stay oared She regulate the {rowels, lister Ntc1. Td TANN, Atte 25 Otero& AT COMO . TO41il,„ s: