HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-02-23, Page 5, 'THE JEWELER" i!. SACRIFICE SALE. T. M. Carling, Auctioneer, will sell by Public Auction, the balance of the Simpson Stock at the store in the 1 BEAVER _ SI O CK ° On the Evening of Feb23rd and Evenings of e'l) 27 NO RESERVE, EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD GREAT BARGAINS Thestore will be closed on the 29th. 01.1 The "DOMINION" Leads: Others Follow. The Dominion Life Assurance Company was the first Canadian Company to give its policy holders the benefit and privileges contained in their unconditional and non - forfeitable policies, whereby the only con- dition is "payment of premiums," and af- ter third payment is made even omissions to;pay the premiums does not void the po- licy until the reserve value on same is ex- hausted. It has been well named as the "Model Po- licy," such has been the popular apprecia- tion of their polioy that two new companies since organized have adopted it almost in its entirety, and the Confederation Life, one.of.the.olsiompaniea, adopted.. itsjad- ung features last year, so that the above motto holds good, viz: "The Dominion Leads! Others Follow." If yon want to be labreast of the times, secure a policy with the "Dominion Life" as Ithey issue all forms of Life, Limited - Pay Life, Accumulative, Divided, Endow- ment and Annuity Policies, at the lowest rates consistent with perfect security, and it was the first (Canadian Company to is• sus a practically non. forfeitable and uncon- ditional Policy. It is the only young Ca= nadian Company with an earned surplus, and the only company giving ladies the same rates as for gentlemen, and by assar• ing general section total abstainers and la- dies in separate classes, perfect equity is secured to all. The Dominion has just closed its fifth year with $1,485,930 Insurance in force, a cash income for 1893 of $43,830 and total assets of $139,000. The total death losses to date have been only $8,000, so that the interest receipts - alone ($17,238) have been more than double the death claims. This re- port must commend the Dominion Life to the insuring public in that it shows great care on the part of agents and Medical Ex- aminers in the quality of the business sent in, and economical management on the part of the Managing Director and Board, and bespeaks for their policy holders hand- some returns by way of profits at the first Quinquennial Division, which to the early policy holders will ccme this year. According to Government Standard (as will appear in the Blue Book) their sur- plus to epolicy :holders on Dec. 31st, 1893 was $69,000, represeuting assets of $188 to every $100 of liability to policy holders, or including paid up capital in the liabilities, the ratio is over $103 to every $100. For a sample of their Model Policy, write to Head Office at Waterloo or to R. D. STANLEY, oft, Clint 3n, the Company's General Agent for the County of Huron. BORN CARREIT.—In Hallett, on the llth inst., the wife of Mr John Carbert of twins—eon and daughter. , MARRIED CLARKE—A0gEw,—In Clinton,on the 20111 inst., by the ttev. A. Stewart, Capt. Harry C. Clarke, of the salvation Army, Petro- lia, to Miss M. A.,daughter of Mrs Agnew, of Clinton. CoLE—Ievrlco.—At St. Thomas' church rectory on the 14th inst., by Rev. J. W. Hodgens, Mr Joshua A. Cole, to Miss Agnes D. Irving, all of Hull'ett. Bnxc1ENRInoE--OevIs.—On the 14thinst., by Rev. J. W. Pring, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr David Breoken- ridge, of Morris, to Mies Orvis, daughter of Mr Leigh Orvis, of Zetland. Tunen LL—KERn.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Brussels, on the 14th inst., by .Rev. J. L. Kerr, assisted by Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Thamesford, Mr O. E. Turnbull, of Guelph, to Miss Rosetta May, youngest daughter of Rev. J. L. Kerr. DIED. MARLow.—In Clinton, on the 21st inst., Elizabeth, wife of Mr Robt. Marlow, aged 73 years and 14 days. JAc1 ON—In Hullett, on the 17th inst., David Jackson, aged 51 gears and 11 months. Cunncin a. —In Ooderich 'township, on the 16th inst., Mabel Edna, daughter of Mr Joseph Churchill, aged 1 year and 6. months. - - CsnnanT.—In Hallett, on the 11th inst., the infant son of Mr John Carbert. ELLforT.—In Sideshow, Grey, on Jan. i y• al fa 31st, Robt. Elliott, aged 83 years, father of Mr John Elliot, of Seaforth. MoA rrnz.—In Morrie, on the 8rd inst., Geo. MaArter, aged 26 years and 2 months. McNeni&ne..—At the residence of her daughter, Mrs John McInnis, Hamilton, on let inst., Elizabeth Quirke, wife of John McNamara, of Harpurhey, aged 62 years. Hntcas.=-1n Goderioh township, en the 19th inst., Harvey Hingka, aged 78 years. An elderly man, named Michael Purtill, was killed by a fall from his horse in St. Catharines on Saturday night James Campbell, of Bradshaw, was thrown from his sleigh and drowned in two feet f watsr on Saturday;. -"•`• A terrible explosion happened at MoKin- non's factory, St. Catharines, on Satur- day, in which a lad named Thomas Feeny re':eivel fatal injuries. Daniel Leary, of Dource, near Peter - boro, lost his way in last Monday's snow. storm and his dead body was found on Saturday, about three miles from Peter- boro'. Rev. Father Welan, after mass in St. Patrick's church, Ottawa, on Sunday,, had s imething to say in regard to the ballot for separate school•eleotions, which, he said, the majority of Catholic ratepayers did not want. DIED IN JAIL.—Wm. Black, aged 63 years, and Wm Shaw aged 90, two county wards, died in jail this week— the one on Tuesday and. the other on Wednesday. The usual inquest was held. Mr Marter (Conservative) will intro- duce a motion in the Local House, to do away with the Government paying the house expenses of the Lieut -Gov- ernor. As the salary is $10,000 a year, this should be sufficient for the posi- t'on, and the government would be wise to support the resolution. In fact, if it had the power, a motion to abolish the office altogether would be 'in Order, and would receive the endorsation of nine -tenths of the peo- p1; of Ontario. Ben Fisher, of Mount Bydges, has been committed for trial on a charge of robbing the post -office at that place. 4jy Are made in one grade only, and that the Best• in the world. If you do not wish to go up to the price of a Whitworth, we have a variety of good machines at all prices. We are the wholesale agents for HYSLOP, CAULFIELD SG CO.,, For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Write us for catalogues. G.F. EMERSON, Clinton The Clinton Bicycle Dealer. G • Te £ ., For all information concerning travel, consult: W. JACKSON, Local Pass. Agent Gi T R i tri- CLus J. O ,i NEW E aF1F ERA. raf KEEL .. SHARP.. LO KOUT • 01000 For this STO will be showing for the next TSN DAYS a ■ N ■ GILROY do WISWAN CLINTON SPECIAL Reducea Round Trip .Rates to Pacific Coast Points From Clinton via G.T.B to WINGHAM, DRUMBO, LONDON, or TORONTO, thence C. P. it., returning same route. Special Price $102.80 Sleeper can be secured and full information supplied by A. T. COOPER, C.P.R. TICKET and TELEGRAPH AGENT, CLINTON. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. Good Farm for sale being lot 7, Bayfield con., Goderioh Township, consisting of 84 aures, 44 of which are cleared and in good cultivation, fine hardwoodbpsh, grand unoulled sugar bush, a lot of good cherry trees, a few acres cedar at rear end of lot, 2 acres fine bearing orchard, good frame house, with general outbuildings, a few acres fall whefit sown, spring creek crosses corner of lot. 2miles from Bayfield and 7 from the town of Clinton. Proprietor wants to sell as he is getting old and has no family. There is no incumber- anee on the place. Price, 82,800, timber and orchard alone worth the money. For full par- ticulars apply to JOHN E. EAGLESON, Bayfield P. 0. * FireDm SaleD OF BOOTS .SHOES HARNESS, ROBES, TRUNKS, VALISES &c We are, making every day a Bargain Davy, and prices will be, found Very low. We are determined to clear out the balance of our stook if low prices will do it. Early buyers get the best choice. Jas. Twitchell, Searle's iliock,Opp, Market CLINTON. CLINTON. MABHETS " -- Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Feb. 22th, 1894. Wheat fall 0 55 a 0 58 Oats 031 a033 Barley 0 85 a 0 40 Peas 0 52 a 0 55 Flour per bal a 3 60 Butter 0 16 a 0 18 Eggs per doz ' 0 12 a 0 13 Potatoes 0 35 a 0 40 Hay, New and Old 5 00 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 2 00 a 2 50 Pork 5 00 a 5 50 Sheeepskins . 0 25 a 0 75 Beef, hind quarter, per lb0 06 a 0 06 Beef, fore quarter, per ib 0 05 a 0 05 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The cattle markets rule quiet. Private cables Monday stated that there were some prospects of the restriction being taken off the Canadian cattle, and also that good fat cattle shipped jrrom any of the open ports now would sell better in Glasgow than either Liverpool or London. .The butchers were present in considerable numbers, and trade was more active than for several weeks past and prices were higher all round. A few of the best beeves were sold at 40 per lb., with pretty good stook at about 34c per lb,; rough steers and) bulls at from 3 to 34c., and the leaner animals at about 20. SALE REGISTER. Auction Sale of Farm Stook, Horses, Cattle, etc., on Lot 6 Maitland Con., Col- borne, on Feb. 27th, without reserve. John Rossier, ?rop T. 31. Carling, Auot CORN To SToce FEEDERS— We have a large amount of good feeding Corn for sale. A man is always at the warehouse. Also for Seed, Oats,Peas, Barley and Ensilege Corn. W. H. PERRIN. LIVE HOGS FOSTER Leave your orders q,uiolk for those Pho- to's you intend send ing to pour friends. PRIIITG GOODS In Stock this week. New Prints New Tweeds New Dress Goods New Trowserings WANTED—Live Hogs from 150 to 200 New Wove D e l a i n e s Pounds. D. CANTELON, Clinton DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing botween Wheatley & Finch, as butchers, has boon dissolved by mutual eon • sent. All account° outstanding must be paid to the undersigned, who will continuo the business. W. WHEATLEY, Clinton FOR SALE OR TO RENT. New Laces ---White, Cream and Black A good farm in the township of 'Juokorsmith, being north half of lot 88, on the 3rd eon., L,R,S., containing senores more or less. There is a goodaand barn on ibr premises, also a Choice Goods good bearing orchard. Liberal terms of pur- chase or leasing will be offered. Apply to A. NOME= or MANNINO & SCOTT. *41 SPLENDID OPPORTUNI'T`Y. As the subscriber intends to remove his fam- ily to the South early in March, he is desirous 1 of either renting or selling the property owned and occupied by him. The place is nicely situat- ed on the London Road, just across the Bayfield bridge, and consists of 14 acres, with comfortable faame house, stable, 70 bearing fruit trona, and all other oonvenlenoee: Tklalaimmanent- op., portunity for a retiring farmer to buy a cheap place, as it will bo disposed 04 on reasonable terms. TI108 EAST. *41 000 - Low Prices, L. OUIMETTE, CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO " , •