Clinton New Era, 1894-02-16, Page 6li Peelke bavo fano ed', toaatnenood1 tkhelpulalfe gen ,than ever to q: �imprro redrefrig slie SHIP , tboeo who age ennui I thieve' them and e fti'better shape rants, having added ralloraud oUior Conveniences W HEATLEY Clinton MEAT Market • BUSINESS : CHANGE. Tbeunderai¢nn•1 desires to intimate that be ' hae bought out !lab interest or Mr tloept3, to tae butcheri business lately carried on Tinder the , nnggi1 he y1e ofli'O.RD & COUCH, He will continue t .>#rne.5t.the old stand, alid,truata by Fiving the closest and most careful attention to the busi- neas -straightforward and courteous treatment to ail, and andliug only ehoioe meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. Ali• WPM orders carefully and promptly filled JAII'I C:S A. FORD. Central Butcher Shop Subscriber desires to thank the public general- ly, for the patronage. b e! towed upon him ; and at the same time to say that ho is now in a het ter position than ever to supply the wants of all. Al bei gives ,persoaal attention to all the details ot the eir orders being promptly a tdness ssatisfactocan rily fillon ed. His motto is "good meat at reasonable gripes" Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., in season.. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SORUT W, Alb our and Feed SI gyres our, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned having formed a partnership. desire to intimate that they will keep on hand he very best FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds, also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds whiSALT alsolbe kept old at n hand. close margins will alsorkeep a oholee`variety of all kinds ot'TEAS which con - a ..•,sumers will find to be excellent valve. y PROUT, HURON ST., CLINTON. OOOK'ts. Flour Feed Story- BRAN & SHORTS, In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL . OF ALL KINDS. 11O pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. 4., y r�tifyjr,. BY SPECIAL PO L A' POINTMENT Wash Day AtiD No Steam IN THE AND the work so out down that a young girl or delicate woman can do a *ally washing without being tired, NO HEAVY BOILER TO LIFT L. Rouse You Say: HOW BY US1NC 1� SO. . °---,ding to Easy Twee -- Put Put aside your own ideas next wastl'-day said try the eae9, 01een: "SBWLI1?!!T" way. IonLet another wash -day go by without jJ U L trying it. BANKS The Mol§ons Ban k. Incorporated by A of Parliament, 1855" CAPITAL, -- S2,000,000, REST FUND, - $1,175,001) flEAt OFFICE, MONTREAL. V. W THOIdASON.GeuoralPManager. Notes- discounted, Collections made, Drafts is- ene'l,,Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest cuonrrent deposits. . Interest al - Er AlELMIEGF•�- money advanced to formes on their own -note .with one or more i Ad orsors.s No mortgage re- H. C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. McTAGGART, BANKER, ALBERT ST, , CLINTON. A. general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts:issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDaA,LL BANKERS, CLINTON. O �,: �.' Advancesmale to farmers on low rates of interetheir t r ows general tanking Business traneaotea Inti.a st allowed on deposite. ale Notes bought J. P. TIBDALL, Vanage THE COILED SPRING Wove Wire Fencing. �Nt�■��wwifAli ewnwww wwewwwwowo r a •t illlel niall011RAA�11IAl a Gwitwe�ONta�rit�ii10101r010111 0.11110ti ..ret ofostae rn/anain./atAA/tm/t OTI6C5 POPULAR SUBSTITUTE FOR LARD. 4; Sold by Grocers Everywhere. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK do CO. Wellington and Ann Sts., MONTREAL. IsTO MAN IS Il`TR11:SP>+al,YSt1,13LE. "Ah, yes" 'said n old commercial traveler to us. the other day, "i've quite conquered the idea.that any ser- OM are -indispensable to my fician,. The notion twit complete possessiOn of me at, once, yeir'rs ago, but the ex- perience resulting frim it cured me ;>(ii'ever', "T 11ad a good trade, and Slake Warw. other young sale4men, fancied th.tt'1 s t t1 . it ld Otvrierl the 11ou?at, and, r1 lile'de1 that were altogether Unreasonable. These not being granted, I threatened to leave tjiehouse and go to some otl1- er•.firnt, and to my. surprise, was told to go. Sn:iling in derision at ray principal's short-sightedness, and emi- tldent that the old concern would fail very quickly without ops -.ties ..Act,s THU,A,Joi ITY IN ONTARIO .iron rJ.'OTA.L PEUJII,etet'ION TIM following are tiweein fete. re- vote was polled.• In Pelee Island, the I. Om of the plebie,cite vote, hese .re- lttwtci ut vines, th. a retools. axe ilnco:rn- t urns may be taken 'as being practical- polite as to details, but the majority in ly the official figures as they av'ill be favor of prohibition, -the vote being proclaimed, in the Ontario Gazette, small, was almost 3 to 2. The counties Che vote in the cities was about 210 1 declared. for prohibition by 'almost 2 to ti. a -. returns show that per tl t 10 per, e t fit) in t 1,a t rn ow rh i,o andand _s .l t r actor of o q if uent.`Ot the prohibition, vote was polled. pI' i cent, of the total vote was polled. -The the districts th9 proportionate rnajori- 1 wuniem's vote went 6 to 1 in favor of ty was hardly as great as- in the cities, • prohibition, and they polled 35 per and about 44 pet cent. of the total vote cent. of their total vote. The grand to- was polled. In the separate towns till shows an average vote of almost ex - the majority in favor of prohibition actly 10 to 11 in favorof prohibition, 5S. was as 3 to `2, and tit per cent of the pet cent, of the vote having been polled. ; fa1Mon on . Voters' List .o Went out, • And hien I Began to ex- Tot i,1" �'� m� m orienut tither surprises, 1 applied for U.,TLEIS t Vote a o pFo 0 other o mons in vain. They were all For I, to positions The old house did not recall it511T4logyt;3601i,,ksinteiet 1,416 1po1sme, and Seemed to run right along ata3,678..,.2 842usual. I was put to sore straits, but 618 :1'!11 found a cheap situation at hast with a 1,747 , , .. 117 poor commission firm and was glad to 1,840 1117 fret it. Time passed. Instead of go- 193 4:1ing to the )vaall the old house a peared'..............132 05 11 to he doing betterthanever. It didn't• . 310. 49 break warth a cent. One daythe11 •,.,. 133 13 principal suet toe on the street and... 160 5 asked me how I was prospering�. Itold himfrankly and acknowleded any faut. He took me back, - and I ve been with ththouse ever since. It was a needed lesson and will last me for a lifetime. Manymenare valuable but notindidpenstble. kraut Bruce Carleton Uufferiu('rotonc Gre . iia . in)aEIalton Hastings Huron Kent Lambton. Lanark Leeds and Grenville Lennox and AddingtonLincoln Middlesex Norfolk Northumberland grid lluhr.m.Ontario Oxfordreel PerthPeterborough Prescott and 1tusell Prince Edward..f{enfrew Simooe Stormont, Dundas and Glengary Victoria WaterlWVelland womeoat 2,673 3,704 1,864 3156 288 2,261 1,689 7,114 3,340 2,668 1,302 2,323 898 4,626. 2,099 7,420 4,098 5,073. 2,948 6,344 2,879 2,926 1,352 5,504 3,017 2,660 1,709 2,627 1,312 7,192 3,066 3,394 1,217 7,490 2,608 5,032. 2,091 6.107 2,606 2,659 1,501 3,056 2,650 2,544' 1,050 1,558 1,177 2,384 1,167 2.594 2,300 6,987; 3,798 6,2321 3,455 3,170! 1,571 3,5061 4,259 2,881 1,83?; 5,042 2,488 3,358 1,167 5,095 2,841 368 211 Meagre Stanley and Steep are agents for the above fence, which is claimed to be the boat fending wire manufactured of the kind STANLEY & STEEP, Clinton Don't Wait till Sickness Comes beforeBuyingaBottle of PERRY DAVIS' PAIN•KILLER 'You may need it tonight When Baby was sic$ we gave her Castoria. When she was a child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gaveltem Caatoria. NEWS NOTES The Stratford City Council has de- cided to reduce the nutttbet• of hotel licenses to 16, and of shop licenses to 2. ' Wellington At Winston, N, C., on Thursday, in Wentworth York people, the presence of 6,000 eo le, Peter 1)e- Haliburton (provisional swots) Gaft was hanged for murdering his sweetheart, Ellen Smith. Total The Godley Publishing Co., of New • York. publishers of Godley's Magazine and various books and periodicals, as- signed Thursday. The liabilities are $50,000. They come to Bless. -Perhaps you Live too well. We a►11 live better now than diu our forfathers. The food is highly apiced. We take too mncb of it. Nature fines us for excess, "Oh, that bilious feeling which makes the daintiest morsel taste like death sea fruit!" Stark's Powders were made for your relief.Theythrust the bile *out -ofPaine's Celery Compound Saves from Death doors,,making ing allltfairt and' sweet, and re- - creating the world in beauty, as far as your AMC WDE 154,009 83,846 572 3,774 1,30G 1,425 2,527 3,325 2,125 3,465 1,574 2,487 951 1,315 4,133 2,177 4,882 2,371 3,501 1,158 1,,306 1,494 1,217 204 3,189 2,784 1,591) 1,049 2,554 2,19i 2,254 157 72,667 .... 200 382 240 334 .... 186 .... 377. 157' .... 136 .... 400 .... 222 .... 450 .... 355 ..,. 505 ..,. 168 .... 170 100 1,619 64 138 .... 106 .... 371 .... 388 171 753 315 .... 207 .... 327 189 366 2,5- 04 40 68 42 30 29 • 42 16 00, 101 50 s: 19 31 11 51 31 21 121 36 66 22 115 0 8,728 1,381 4,794 7,754 7,75' 6,019 9601 10,134 6,73318,396 55.783 5,695 11,642 16,703 12,38915,1'25 8,376 13,220 6,815. 5,393 16,309 7,994 15,131 10,732 12,619 6,305 9,851 6,580 8,681 5,588 9,729 20,728 16,578 8,777 12,255 6,916 12,000 7,117 1,454 360,094 Curer Consnmpti on, Coif ghs, Oruro,, Throat. Sold by alt plrun( sts on a Gear ptev. Fora fame Side, Back or ascii 8hiloh's.Porqull. Nestor will eivo great tsps �cleiactfon,,--3 map.. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. Mr•�s.. T. . HawklnW Obatt Tenn Mx • S1iUo V(tuUzer t 4 A . 4tthebeat debfittated r c or enatdof (f . li �1n ' trouble wietdex &L Pike 5a I�ilf>cOrJeidrie "ILOW 67t$ 820 417 355800611.307 x,066467 553 716 1,14 854 1,002 719 1,221 .526.1,385 702 1,385 1,009 1,208 542 627 440 355 463 379 1,360 1,255 616 1,012 796 1,071 768 31 28,202 In addition to the foregoing were the all being favorable to the plebiscite but votes in the cities, all fagorable but Prescott. The counties (rave a majori- Windsor; the votes in the districts of ty of 70,163 for the plebiscite, and the total majority in the Province was 81,730. Muskoka, Manitoulin, &c., and the votes in towns separated from counties, IT MADE HER WELL appreoiatioh of it is concerned. Bilious- ness, sick or nervous headache and neural- gia -these afflictions .thatkill the purpose -promptly disappear before • Stark's Pow- ders. - West Zorra Farmers' Institute on Wed- nesday indorsed the present method of appointment and payment of county offi- cial by the Ontario Guveanment. The Ottawa Presbytery, after consider- •ab18 discussion,passed.e. resol'ytiea;expreSs.. ing gratification at the strong temperatw- sentiment in the community as exhibited by the recent plebiacite vote. Mrs Pelletier, of Quebec, Suffered Continuously for 15 years 11OW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PIC; URE. • Send 25"Sunli;;ht' boapwrappers WI ,,; - per bearing the words "Why Does a Wunl- an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to LEVER Boos., Ltd„ 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty. picture, free from advertising and well worth from= ing. • This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the beat in the market and it will only cost lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. was Paralyzed on right si le for six years -Endured Terrible 11 r;-onleS Night..alid. Day -Thr ee_ bottles of 1N:ature's Healer r;',tV e grand results,-Paine's Celery Compound r?stores the ' sick. On account of poor health, Principal Grant, of Queen's University, Kingston, has canceled all his engagements to lecture this winter. Joseph and John Munger, of Leamington, were taken to Windsor on Thursday and locked up in Sandwich jail. They, with a man name d Defoe,who cannot be found, are charged with making an attempt to ruin the morals of about a dozen young girls be- longing to some of the most respectable families in Leamington. The prisoners are over 50 years old, and the oldest of the girls is not more than 10. Magistrate Sel- kirk committed the accused for •trial at the n •xt assizes in Sandwich, and refused bail. THE SWINE AND THE FLOWER. . I shrank to meet a mud -encrusted swine, And then he seemed to grunt, in accents rude, "Hush! Be not proud, fcr in this fat of mine, Behold the source of richness for your foodl" first I fled, and saw a pe that med, THF x,00 S BEST FFUNDOne giant mass of roseseld pureseeand whatite, cAVEATS,TRADE MARks COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT! For a prompt answer and an bonnet opinion. write to MUNN d:: 041., who have had nearlyfifty years' experience intim patent business. mmunioa. Lions strictly confidential. A II andbook of In- formation concerning Patents and how to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of median. Iral and eelentlfio books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special *Main the Scientific American. and thus are brought widely before the public with. out cost to the inventor. This splendid papen issued weekly, elegantly illustrated. has byytar the the largest gid! circulation 3 aayeaar. Sample scientific sent free Building Edition monthly, $2.50 a year. Single Copies, 25 Bente. Edition, number contains beau. offal plates, in colors, and photographs of new Ihaotuuees. with plans, enabling builders to show tho et designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO„ Naw Yong, 3431 Bnoavw.T. NEGLECTED Coadz a DimatUcT Cosa WILY ill ELY CURED 6Y LungA dSatw., With dewy buds' mid dark green foliage nursed, And, as I lingered o'er this lovely sight, The summerer breeze, that cooled that southern scene Whispered, " Beho;d the source of Cotto- lene!" -M. E.Wilmer. BANNER ROUTE. Does it ever strike you that the new Wabash line between Detroit and Chicago, jest completed, forms part of the shortest line from Canada to the World Fair City and the great west. The new trains on the Wabash are absolutely the finest in the World; not half the advantages of this Railway can be outlined here, any R. R. ticket agent will tell you the rest, write or call at our new office, N. E. Co. King & Yonge street Toronto. J. B. Richardson Canadian Passenger agent. DR. MMLELLO LONDON, ONT. 497 Talbot St„ Specialist on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital 1889, Poet Graduate Course at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hos ttal or Eye. Ear Nose and Throat 1802. Byes. T881ed, Full stock of Artificial Eves, Spectacles and Len sea. Will be at the BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WINGHAM, the third Thursday in each month. Next visit, to Clinton, March 2nd. Hours 8 a, m, to 4 p. m. • e • MRS. L. "I take great pleasure in letting yon know all the good that I have derived from your Paine's Celery Compound.' For 15 years I have been dyspeptic, and have tried a great many medicines without deriving any good result. 1 was also paralyzed on my right side for six years, and was unable to write or do any work. Last winter I was con• fined to my room with pains in my stom- ach, back and head, also with inflammatory rheumatism. A friend brought me sinews - parer and directed my attention to the al- most miraculous benefits that resulted from the use of your Paine's Celery Com- pound. I then decided to try three bottles and have, from the usd of the remedy, ex- perienced grand results. The pains have disappeared and I feel a great deal strong- er. I tully believe that I have at last found the precious remedy. I owe you un- bounded gratitude, and will proclaim it to 11avdJltota tot. I la .. ooettdvelyro ere fiitl#^0'you.' This Iriseeter for f suoceustul: furntshedfro e;,ititiaember,eptloh are soiti onto guarantee to.$1Voi4f11jyiPA.' sOLDBY T. I C.()MBE, CLINTQiLL POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia is 20 MINUTES; also Coated Tongue, Disei- ■ess, Biliousness•-Pn. ain in the Side, Constipation. _Torpid..Liver,_Bad..$teath.. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VERY NIOS 10 YAKS. PRIDE 26 CENTS AT DRuo STORrs, B en miller Nursery. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a speoiatty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting an y thing in this connection will save money by par chasing here. Orders by Jifk.ilwill be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART. - Bonmillsr. S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, ('LINTOE Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to reasonable rates. A trial soltetied • CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STANL, Neat to Commercial Betel. This establishment is in full operation and al orders filled in the most satisfactory way Ceme- tery and granite work a specialty. Prices as reasonable as those of any establishment SEALE & HOOVER, Clinton. lm PUMPS : : PUMPS • If you want a first-class, well -made pump, one that will give you satisfaction, send your order to the undersigned. He win dig and clean wells, and do it at the closest prices. He -oleo • handles a first-class FORCE PUMP JAMES FERGUSON Opposite Queen's Hotel --High Street,. Clint -347- A.NT: .. a rust -class step or Long Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow?. A Splendid Churn, or anything of like nature? Then call onIW. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E. Dinsleys Will be at4Dinsley's cornerevery Saturday afternoon . 1'ELLETIER. all the world, so that our poor suffooring humanity may derive all the benefits that your medicine can give. It certainly has no equal in merit as a reliever of pain." This is the testimony of Mrs L. Pelletier, 56 Bridge Street, Quebec; her portrait ap- pears above. - A more decisive victory over disease of long standing hae never been put on record by any other medicine. Mrs Pelletier's ex- periences of failure and success carry to all sufferers a weighty and important lesson of warning and encouragement -warning against wasting time and hazarding life with medicines that prove failures -and encouragement to use nature's true restor- er, Paine's Celery Compound. Mrs Pelletier's plain and honest testi- mony should influence and gnide thousanda of sickly, weary and diseased men and women in Can ada. PURE HONEY For sale, combe and xtracted C. HOARE, Clinton Clinton Planing. Mill -AND- D'D.Y KILN! The 'ubseriber, :raving the very latest improved machinery, and employing the most skilled work- men is able to do work in his line in the most ea: .;eon •crr - marnrr. at reasonable finites and o, ra.,t notice. A trial solicited. FAC1Oat ,Eah G:r.a. STATION, CLINTON THOS. MCKENZIE+ ROBE RT -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, ,iani.tacturer and Proprietor our the best Nus 1111* Dog in use. Agent for the sale and appli- ration of the Qd►'Ftsnsa PATONT AUTOMATIC BOILER Uruu:lea. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app ed on short notice etwlt.•r,a. Euirines, and all kinds of machinery repaired expeditiously and in asatisfactory manner Farm implements manufactured and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Hilus fitted up on application Charges moderate. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co'y Th to Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Hates of Interest MORTGAGES : - PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Gent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according toamount and time left. OFFICE -Cor. Square and North St., Goderich HORAON NORTON, Manager Hose Pailtilg all Paper Hanging The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- elite all orders for PAINTING, KALBOMINING PAPER -HANGING, &c. He is a practical man of ong experience ;and guarantees to do all work In a manner that shall be satisfactory, while prices will be exceedingly moderate. Orders re. epectfully solicited. GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Minton RUMBALL' S CLLI FACTORY City BAKERY Huron Street, €11111`'011 OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. We have on hand an assortment of splendid The unrlorsigned having bought nut the bakery business so successfully carried en by Mr Wm. Young, will continuo the business at the oid stand Hewitt endeavor?.by supplying n. first class arts•.___ clo, to merit the liberal support of the people. • Which we guarantee to be;'of�rst-class material and workmanship. Bread delivered anywhere in town. - I you want a good articlejat the price of a poor ono, call and sue u8. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes °- supplied on short notice. V, JEt,T IE. &LL1 •0 CLINTON.JAMES YOUNG, • CLINTON BUGGI JS. CARRIAGES, :& WAGGONS e n. . r•r•. :4