HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-02-16, Page 3is i MORR1S 1�ianos MUSICAL EXCELLENCE; ARTiSTIC DESIGN DURABLE CONSTRUCTION IJATALQe[IEB SENT. FRNE'ON AFFL S`AWAON. Morris -Field Rogers -Co LISTOWEL• , Elizabeth that womtettby marc rage 'eyed her former name and legally re- a� WHY A WHWIFE: (1FItb+1 m i NAME.. It is said that the practice of the wife Itsawntng the husband's nae at marriage originated from. a ,Roman custom and.became the common cus- tom after the woman occugatitin. Thus Julia and Octavio, married to Pompey and CU•ero, were called by the Romans Julia of Pompey and Oc- tavia of Cicero, and in Etter tenses married worsen in most European countries signed their ;(arses in the sanait manner, but omitted the of. Against this view may mentioned entioned that during the sixteenth and even the beginning of the seventeenth Century the usuage seems doubtful, since we find Catherine. Parr sti. signing herself after she had been twice married, and we always hear' of Lady Jane Gray (not: Dudley) and, Arabella Stuart (not Seymour). Sonne persons think that the custom originated from the scriptural teaching gnat husband and wife are one. It was decided in the case of Ben. vs, Smith, in the reign of MOTHER'S ROOM. ceives the name of her hushan • !ria the cheeriest room in the honeehold, I ' PECULIA.R TO ITSE LF With window seat battered and brei c So Wh SO ' em ere the carpet, the chairs and the table Are never too good actrae need, Here little ones come with their Borrows, Or bubble with laughter and noise;Brin. And scattersweeand test caresses 'th it books and their toys. feet, There's an unceasing patter of small An opening and shutting of doors; And the room that was swept and ished Ia covered with spoils and stores. In the dawn of a summer morning There's a soampering down the stairs, .And everyone knows'they are coming, They whisper so loud their affairs. • And when the day's lessons are over, They come with their chatter and song. To the sunniest room where dear mother, all that is lovely, belong. t‘the threads of their' life get tangled, She quitely straightens them out. And gathers them, sweetly united, Her -little low rocker about. Ohl honored and beautified queen, Dear mother, o'er all presiding. You gather your loving subjects With a graoe that is rarely Been. garn- Then, who, to keep spotless and tidy The carpets, the windows and doors, Would loose the sweet laughter of c hood, And love from each .beautiful stores. inently successful has -Hood's Sar- saparilla been that many leading citizens from all over the .United States furnish testimonials of onres which seem almost miraculous. Hood's Sarsaparilla is not an accident, but the'ripe fruit of industry and study. It possesses merit "peculiar to it- self." Hood's Pills cure Nanaea, Sick Read. ache, Indigestion, Billiousnees. told by all druggiste. WHY THE DUDE WAS MAD. When the stove pipe season has pass- ed, and the bruises and abrasions of football are forgotten, when the mo- ther-in-law joke is so; well worn that - its further use has been tabooed, then does mankind tarn to the dude for amusement; for the dude is a large tangibility, and he has his uses. Amus- ing the gamin is one. Good News says that he was walking along the streets and met a little boy who asked him the time. "Ten minutes to nine," says the dude. "Well," says the boy, "at nine o'clock get your hair cut," and he took to his heels and ran, the dude after him, when, turning a cor- ner, the dude carne in contact with a policeman, nearly knocking him down. "What's up?" said the policeman. The dude, very much out of breath. said: "You see that young 'archin running along there? He asked me the time. hild. I told him ten minutes to nine, and he said, "At nine o'clock get your hair cut." "Wil," says the policeman, "what are you running for? You've eight minutes more yet." A Good Showing: The following in reference to the Do- minion Life Assurance Company is clipped from The Bulletin, one of the leading Insurance and financial journals in Canada, and one which can be 'relied upon as good authority:— "The year 1893 was another twelve months of good thiugs for the Dominion Life Insurance Company. The card in this issue shows that not only has steady progress been made in the amount of busi- ness in force, the number of policies issued, amount „of premiums, interest, •and_ gross assets, from year to year from the com- pany's birthi n .1888, to present date, but that the death claims have been few . and small in a remarkable degree, showing l/cssible "good luck" but positive careful &election of risks. The total cash income of the year 1893 amounted to 543,830.07; the death claims only 52,000; groes assets $139,005.7.5, and what is remarkable in so young a company is that it has a surplus of 84,300.00 over all liabilities, capital stock paid up included. It is a very hand- some showing and one that does great credit to the management." R. D. Stan - or ley, general agent for Huron and Perth CLIIlIATICINFLUENCE ON HEALTH. It cannot be denied that influent: 'climate upon health is great, and it i recognition .of this fact that physio send patients suffering withipulmonary easee to great distances for "change of a But when the sufferer happens to be oor to act upon the advice his lot is h ndeed. But it is not necessarily hopel r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery e had at any medicine store, and t thousands whose cases were ,co :side esperate owe their live'. Up to a certain point in the progre5 onsumption, Dr. Pierce's Golden Med isoovery is a positive, remedy. But y_is.dangerous with Consumption. --In-; a conditions that lead to it, the "Disc y" is the remedy. With -severe lingeri oughs or -Weak Lungs, nothing acts romptly. Every disease that can ached through the blood yields to t edicine. The Scrofulous affections of t rigs that's called Consumption is one em. For this, and for every other fo Scrofula, for all blood -taints and dis re, and all chronic Bronchial, Thro d Lung affections, the "Discovery" is t ly remedy so certain that it can be gua teed. If it ever fails to benefit or cur u have your money back. Can anything else be "jest as good" 1 u to buy? Don't you believe it. HONOR THE DEAR OLD MOTHER e of a in ians dis- too and ess.' can o it red, D C D la th s of ical de- alt ov- ng SO be his he of rm or - at, he r- e, er C re re lur tb of de an On ye 3.0 Time has scattered the snowy flakes on her brow, plowed deep furrows on her cheek --but is she not sweet and beautiful now?' The lips which irate kissed many a hot tear from the chil ish cheek are•the sweetest lips in th world. The eye is dim, yet it glows with the rapt radiance of a holy love which can never fade. Oh, yes, she is adear old mother. Her sands of time are nearly run •out, but feeble as she is. they v ill 1:1, farther and each down lower for yr than any other on earth. You cannot walk into nridnreh where she cannot see you; you Cauno enter a prison whose bars shall keep her out; youlcan never mount a scaf- fold too nigh for her to reach that she may kiss and bless you. ' In this evidefice of her less love, when the wo rid shall despise and forsake you—when it leaves you by the wayside to die unnoticed, the dear old mother will gather you up in her feeble arms, carry you home and tell you of all your virtues until you al- • most, forget that your soul is disfigured -by vices. Love her tenderly and cheer her dc'- cliningyear,s with holy devotion. counties. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. TIM TAME VALUE AI'`;BtB s, That to tivhloh the great sacred looks of the. wof ld g<ortform, and own mos of alt, 14 the evo1aitios. et the highest conceptions, belief and aeph•aalona of our race from its ohildhooat through the great turning points. in ;tshistory. lrlerein Hee the truth o f all evalees,they deed oftenfare a Warrecordaof i in the tatuar ecce tagtly increasing thiq value; but it is not for this that we prize thein .most --they are eminently precious. not as a record of outward feet, bat as a mirror of the revolving heart, minds sod soul of a man. They are true because they have been developed in a'icordanoe with the lava governing the evolution of truth in humh gniole ceri de, lege d, and myth Baps 1 gun, or parable they reflect this development of what is beab in the onward march of hu- manity. To say that they are not true is as if one should say that a Hower or a tree or a to scoffnet is at tbeot lawa ofto the unff iverse. In welding together into noble form, whether in the book of Genesis, or in the Psalms, or in the boob. of Job, or elsewhere, the treat conceptions of men acting under earlier inspiration, whether in Egypt, or Chaldea, or India, or Persia, the compilers of our sacred books have given to humanity a possession ever becoming more and more precious; and modern science in substitut- ing a new heaven and a new earth for the old—the reign of law for the reign of oaprioe, a` id' the idea of evolution for that of creation—has added and is steadily ad- ding a new revelation divinely inspired. WHY HOOD'S WINS. President Lincoln said, "You cannot fool the are two quick to recognize realle a second tmerit or lack of it, and cling only to those things which they find to be what is claimed for them. It is especially gratifying that the sale of Hood's Sarsaparilla increases most rapidly in_ those sections where it is best known. The inference is plain. Hood's Saran - ilia has proven that it possesses genuine merit. It maintains a high standered, which others cannot even approach. It is the people's favorite blood -purifying and building up medicine, and is more popular this. year than ever before. All this be- cause Hood's cures. WHO JOKES, PAYS. The Emperor Nicholas of Russia was in the habit of travelling about incognito', ac- companied only by one of his generals, in the diIligence. On one of these occasions they were told, onarriving at a postal station, that the next piece of road was so bad the diligence would take quite three.' ea hours to reach the town, but if they liked 1 la to walk through the woods they would get a A. serious ra tutu/ay occurred .Ile Owen Sound .on Wednesday. A couple of horses Started aluj r.iri into 'a cutter, completely derolrshing it and throw - lug out the occupants; with. fatal re- snits. . Irs- Rolden and Mrs Vernon were both badly cut and bruised, also their three ohilcirep. A little daugb- ter of Mrs Vernon's received a terribl N s� a alhriiibs ,rebroken.ho he died next day, One of the strangest mistakes' of ofirciai, red tape was told in a London district court this week. A man who was unable to support his invalid wife at home secured ber admission into an infirmary seven years ago. He paid 5 shillings weekly for her maintenance till a few weeks ago when lie, learned that the woman died a few days after entering, and he had been a widower for seven yearn. Instead of punishing bis conjugal neglect by the loss of seven years of contributions, the magistrate ordered the authorities to repay the full sum, "Bacteria do not occur in the blood or in the tissues of a healthy living body, either of roan or the lower animals." So Gays the celebrated Dr. Koch. ,Other dootors say that the best medicine to render the blood perfectly pure and healthy is .flyer's Sarsaparilla. It is good to hear that Mr Laurier's lofty and eloquent appeal to -the people of Cana- da against intclerance and race strife, and for brotherliness and patriotism, is finding its way to'the hearts of the people of On- tario. Never was an appeal more timely made. Mr Laurier is a party leader, and his address. was delivered on a party occa- sion. It was rot, therefore, free from par- tisan sentiments, but these were all of the better and higher kind, and the greater part of the speech w1.s so disinterested and lofty in tone that it is clear that the speak- er, in his earnest and patriotism, was con- sidering his country's needs rather than those of his party. --Montreal Witness. A. decision of some interest to Tele- phone Subscribers and Advertisers has late- ly been given in Toronto in a snit brought for damages against tl,e Bell Telephone Company, on account of their having omitted to issues of their "Subscribers'sert in one of lDirectore y," an advertisement, whioh had been ordered by a Subscriber, and also his name in the Alphabetical List. Although the omission was purely accidental, and the Company, on being notified of it, had at once taken steps to correct the error, the Subscriber relentlessly persisted in his action. The result, however, was that after a trial, which lasted for part of two days, judg- ment and the S b ornibai' gmined in favor fnoth' ng bthe y lira it, except the privilege df paying his wyer's bill of costs. He is now probably sadder, but perhaps a wiser man. there in half that time. Astheweather was line and the path through the woods said to be a ,very good one, the Emperor and the general set off on foot. By and by they Dame suddenly to a rap- id river, but they could see no bridge. A peasant happened' to coma by, and the Czar asked him where the bridge was. "There is none," said the peasant. "Then, is there no way acroas?" "No—only through the water!" "Well, I'll give you 10 rubles if 3 ou'Il carry me over." The peasant immediately took the Czar on his shoulders, and in a few minutes landed him on the opposite shore. t 10 rubles more to bring my friend over." f The peasant waded bank, took the general on his shoulders .ani started with him. When they. got .to..tbe middle the Emperor galled out: "I'11 give you 20 rubles to drop him into the water!" In a moment the gen- eral was splashing in the river. "A hun- dred rubles to carry me on," gasped the general. The peasant picked him up again but had not gone three steps before the Emperor shouted: "Two hundred rubles to throw him in again!" The peasant stood still in perplexity. "Five hundred rubles to carry me to the bang!" "Eight hundred rubles to drop him!" The peas- ant began to slip him off his back, but the general clutched him tightly and tcried; "A thousand rubles— ---you! to put me on the bang!" The Emperor aslaughing too much- to say any more, he general was put on the shore, and the' wo guided by the peasant, reached the own. After they had lunched the general ade up -his official imperial accounts, In hem were these items: "To carrying His ajesty'aver the river, lC rubles; to carry - g General A., under difficulties graciously eated by His Majesty, 1,000 rubles."— The annual meeting of the South Hu- n1 ron County Orange Lodge was • held in in .Exeter on Tuesday. The attendance er d. was the largest ever known at any e , meeting of the kind. the large hall be - I ing packed. Rev. W. McDonagh pre- sided over the meeting, and gave an eloquent address on matters pertain- ing to the order. The ' election of of- ficers resulted as follows:—C". M. , A. M • Todd; D: C. M., J. Neil; C. C'., J. Han- ley; C. F. S , Mr Stevenson; C. R. 8., a.(. Mr Cantelon: C. T.,•J. Beacon; C. D. of i C., G. Hanley; Ist C. L., T. Scarlet; 2nd C. L., Mr Colwell. Parkhill was t ' chosen as the place for the coming 12th July celebration, and the next annual meeting of the county lodge will he held in Exeter 1st Tuesday in Feb- ruary, 1895., For all that she got by the settlem'nt, Canada paid a big price for thefehring Sea arbitration. Sir. C. H. Tupper and his friends drew out no less than 569,000 for eapebees. The British Government made . some heavy disbursements also. Sir C. Russell and Sir. Richard Webster each re- ceived a fee of $37,500 as British counsel. The great lawyer is the best paid man in Britain. • AN AGED LADY. MRs ECCI.EBTONE's SUFFERINGS FROM RID. NEV DISEASES CURED DY DODD's KIDNEY PILLS—A MEDICINE THAT PRODUCES GOOD RESULTS FOR BOTH Ow AND YOUNG. ESr. CsenseINES, Feb. 5.—Mrs E. E. oclestone, aged 69, a well-known resident of -this city, has for some time been afflict- -0' ed with kidney disease, the symptoms of which were severe pains in the email of her back. She is now perfectly cured. This happy result is due to the use cf Dodd's Kidney Pills, the famous and infallible remedy ter all kidney disorders, Mrs Ec- clestone says the pains have never returned since her recovery, RH^ her happiness over her res'orat'on to sound health is ind'scrib. able. These pills are manufactured by Dr. L. A. Smith& Co., Toronto, and are sold by ail dealereror will ba mailed on receipt . of price ; fifty cents per box, or six boxes for 82,50., • EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA. On account of the San Franoisio Mid Winter Fair, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, will sell ex- cursion tickets to San Francisco, St. Jose, Colton,Los AngelesandSanDiego,Cal., and Portland, Ore., at reduced rates, good un- til April 1, 1894. For full further particu- lars will on any coupon ticket agent or ad- dress J. Taylor, Canadian Pass. Agent, 87 York St., Toronto, Ont. JAPANESE TYPES. 1 There are two totally distinct types in -- 1Japan, which way almost bo said to be each other's opposites. The first, which the Japanese themselves call the Chineestl or Lorean, is the more common. Those belonging to it have round faces, Hat noses, full cheeks, rather thick lips—very pretty ones often—and very good white teeth. Those belonging to the second, or true Jap• anese type, have long and, comparatively pale faces, noses arched like'Ybe beak of a bird, thin lips, large eyes with not very strongly marked eyebrows, teeth mostly good, always very white, but often long and irregular. This is the aristocratic type, which when at its best is really worthy of admiration. To be called handsome' a Japanese must belong to it,. whilst those of the Chinese cast of countenance aft never more than pretty. Strange to say, the moral character of the sections of the community differs as much as does their appearance. I have noticed that, as a general rule, those with Chinese faces are gay, laughing and rest- less, full of careless good humor, whilst the others, are silent, indifferent, melancholy. sometimes even dismal. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. I WAS CURED of a bad case of Grip by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Sydney, C. B. C. I. LAGU;E. I was crimmD of loss of voice by MINARD'S LINIMENT. • Yarmouth CHARLES PLUMMER. I WAS ccnED of Sciatica Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Burin Nfld, LEWIS S. BUTLER. An old dyspeptic looks crusty when he finds out that the pie he had the night be- fore -does not agree with him. Canada' e•;cpatu.pearffive .tildes as much hay to Greht' itaiif' at year •aleshe did the year before. We are not sure that she is to be congratulated on the extra- ordinary increase in this branch of her trade. Those who have made a study of the science of agriculture agree in saying that to grow hay for sale is one of the most uneconomical eLbusinesses for the farmer who owns or hopes wn his own land. Hay takes a great deal out of the soil whicb is not easy to return to it again quickly, unless the hay be fed to animals on the farm. If fed to cows, and the product shipped in the shape of cheese,some valuable elements will be exported that will need to be return - ern if iu the shape of butter, very little, in- deed, is lost. 'Butter,' said it prominent agricnitnrist, 'is almost pure sunshine, and of sunshine a Canadian farm need not be parsimonious.' It is to be hoped that as the years go on the farmers of Quebec and C..:tario, and of all the Dominion, will seek the greater pgoflts that lie in the conversion of grass into butter and cheese for export, and will become more and more reluctant to impoverish their farms for the compara- tively small profits which can be obtained from the sale of bay, a profit which is rather a realization of the eapit'tl contain- ed- in the land, than a return in the shape of interest, which leaves the country.—Mon. treat Witness. «EurEF IN Six Hotrns.—Uletressung Hid ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "NEty GREAT SOUTH AMER/CAN KIDNEY CURE." nice -mew remedy is a great surprise and delight, to physicians on account of its exceed o,g promptness in re• having pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pair',• in passing it almost im. nrediately. • If you- want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., Druggist. • A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by flyer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. R1CUArn 13IRKS, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of them. I know of many Wonderfui Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one in particular being that of a lktlo daughter of a Church of England minis- ter. The child was literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex- ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the 'best medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad- minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot- tles of which effected a complete cure, muck to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he here today, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase. Cures others, will cureyou S i ARKS POWDERS Cure SIClr HEADACHE and Neuralgia in Qo lemon's, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, ala in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver Bad Breath, to stay cured also regulate the bowels, eater NIOs TO TARN. PRIOR 26 CENT!! AT Dreua 8TOR18. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For trpure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pallra- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Conenmption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid• ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitna' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility LAdORATORy, OODERICH, OHT, J. M. MOLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold by J. H. Combo, Clinton Castoria, IS Dr. Samuel Pitcher' and Children. It contains neith.9. nor other Narcotic substance. It is a Otte for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, an or is Pleasant. Its 011. 'lily guarantee is thirty �e�' use by. Milllions of [others. Castoria. destroys Worms and aita>N feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. cores Diarrhoea and Wind Co1i.o. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency, Castoria assi;tnilliitites the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas. poria is the Children's 'anacea-=theother'$ Friends, Caatoria, Castoria, - mamotts taws excellent medredne foe etre. a .,zn. Mothershaverepeatedly told meet its comm daea'welladaptedaystrae disc pooa meet upon roar cnlieiren." i recommend It aaaaireriorroagTpry ip, -asaoos, ;Row, io ma`! well, Maas. 1 •'i' , nN. x1180. Oxford rd St., Brooklyn, , N. 14 • leatorfale the beet remedy forcbiidrea cf ?hich I am acquainted. i hope the day is not tar distant when mothers willconslderthe real Interest of their children, and use Castoria in- stead of the varlousquack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby fu.eair, them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Krucua:Lon, Conway, er "t nr tebysfcfans in the children's depaE 1 meat have spoken highly of their expect vacs In their .outside practrgs with Casco riik and although we only have among oat medical supplies what is )mown as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." ''arras iloserraaeD Drerareatt, Ararat C. Sime, Pres.. Bea' Sawa Ararat The Centaur Company, T7 !.ray Street, New York City. IF, IT IS ONLY ONE1 It will make more room for Spring Stock In order to make room for large importation orders coming in this . spring we will give CIJT PRICES ^I:n, of STOVER Just received another car load of the CARBON, LIGHT, A HIGH GRADE OIL. Only 10c per Gallon, Cash. 12c per Gal. if Charged New Store HARLAND BROS Brick Stand vlackayl�iock r Block Have a Very Bad Cough, �JUAre Suffering from Lung Troubles. Have Last Flesh through Illness. AreThreatened with Consumption. ,Remember that the 4. /ij,b.. 15 WHAT YOU .iEQU)RE. nunmn 4il FOB THEROLINY THIM G A FULL STOCK OF NEW AND CHOICE FRUITS SUCH AS Raisins, Currants, Figs, Peels; Nut s, t c., . &c Everything required for a first-class holiday trade. Our TEAS beat them all for cup value. , SPECIAL -'From now until the newear we will give extra Bargains in all kinds of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. See our Toilet, Tea and Dinner Sets, white and colored, hice goods, low prices. Call and examine our goods before you buy. - IVIcMURR,AY & WILTSE B TS 3 SHOES We are now giving a Discount of Ten per cent to all Cash buyers ofBoots and Shoes at our store JN O. JACKSON, Clinton LAME =ACK .. tiE1 RALGIA,PLEURfSY,SCfATtCA ANO RHEUMATISM CURED EVERY Tli N "D.aL:MENTNOL PLASTER Ills p,