HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-02-09, Page 5U LL, THE JEWELER" FOR WATCHES 1 PEATHERB ONB Corsets are now recognized to be the Standard Corset of Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ASK YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR THEM. PURSmowCOS 1 Beaver Collar and Muff $25 00 now $20 S Beaver Collars - - - • 12 00 now 9 1 Otter Collar - - - - - 30 00 now 22 1 Oppossum Collar - - - 9 00 now . 6 1 Oppossum Collar - - - 10 00 now 7 1. Oppossum Black Collar - 12 00 now 8 1 Oppossum Cape - - 12 00 "now 1 Greenland Seal Cape - - 12 50 now 1 Coney Cape - - - - 20 00 now 1 Astrachan Cape - - - - 8 00 now All other -Ladies' Furs in the same proportions. MEN'S FUR COATS Coon was $40 00 now $30 00 Wallaby was 26.00 no* 19 00 Wombat was 22 00 now 17 00 Carsican Lamb 20 00 now 16 00 8. 9 16 RObt.COats & Son,: Clinton, DR. McLELLAN LONDON, ONT. 497 Talbot St., Specialist on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital 1889. Post Graduate Course at the New iork Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital or .EFull tock of Artificial Eyes, Spectachroat 1892. lessand Len' see. Will be at the BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WINGHAM, the third Thursday in each month. Next visit to Clinton, March 2nd. Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that the partn"rebi heretofore existing between Wheatley & Finch ent.r4Alleaccountseoutstanding must be mutual aid to the undersigned, who will continue the business. W. WH•EATLEY, Clinton Do yon intend to ride a Bicycle in '94. If ao, it will pay Yu to see ns before purchas- ing; we have contracted with Hyslop Caul- field & Co. for a large number of their .justly celebrated wheels, and as they were bought for spot cash, and having a variety to choose from, we are sure to suit you. We have Pneumatic Tired. Men's or Ladies' Bicycles at from $50 .P 'tO $175. We control the sale of those mappines for the county of Bruce and the greger Hart of Huron; and responsible Healers throughout this district would do well to oorrespond with us.l G.F. EMERSON,, Clinton The Clinton Music Dealer. SPECIAL Reduced Round Trip Ra to. to Pacific Coast Points Prom Clinton via G,T.T3 to WINGHANT, DRUMBO, LONDON, or 'i'ORON I'0, thouce C. 1'. R., returning same route. Special Price $.102.50 8leepor can be le lured ai,1 fr 11 ,nfcrma'ion 'supplied by A. T. COOPER, C.P.R. TWEET and TELEGRAPH AGENT, CLINTON. BOIt1N Lone.—In Goderieh township, on the 30th -Jan., the wife of Mr W. H. Lobb, of a daughter. MARRIED `-ICKERS—ZAvITy.—At the manse, Eg- mondviile, on Jan. 27th, by Rev. Neil Shaw, Mr Robert Vickers, of Imlay city, Mich., to Miss Mary Bell Zavity, of Sea - forth. ELLIOT—MITC$ELL.—On Jan. 29th, at the Methodist parsonage, Wingham, by Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., Ur Wm. 0, Elliot, of Crisco, Iowa, to Miss Annie Mitchell, of Turnberry. DIED. LAusnr.—In Morris, on Jan. 25th, Sarah A. Laundy, aged 83 years, relict of a late Henry Laundy. JACKSON.—In Hullett on the 4th inst., Frederick Sydney, the son of David and Maria Jackson,aged 22 years and 11 months. McQuEEN.—In Stanley, on the 5th inst., Isabella McQueen, relict of the late James McQueen, aged 68 years. GOOD FARI.VI FOR MALE. • Good wfssale being lot Bayfield cdGderich Farm onbip, consisting of 64 e, 44 of which are cleared and in gond ced ultivation fine hardwood of good cherry trees ;e ow arand s es cedar aar t rea r end of lot, 2 acres finelbearing orchard, good frame i house, with general outbuildings, a few acres fall wheat sown, spring creek crosses corner' of lot. 2 miles from Hayfield and 7 from the town of Clinton. ld and' has no familrietor. wants Tliereoll isas he is no incumber-- anco on the place. Price, 82,800, timber and orchard ale a worth the money. For full par- ticulars apply to JOHN E. EAGLESON, Bayfield P. O. Sale.FireB��d1DdP BOOTS. SHOES HARNESS, ROBES, TRUNKS, VALISES &c —ON-- Saturday,Feb10 We are determined to clear out the balance of our stock if low prices will do it. Early buyers get the best choice. Jas. TWjth-ll3 SearIels l3lock,Opp, )Market CL INTON. TI- E C I.,T'IN`TQ "NES' . ERA. • To hand this week at th A great quantity of beautiful Prints, wide, soft cloth and lovely designs and coloringswhich are selling like -hot cakes. New Sea- side ani outing Flannels and Flan- nelettes, choice patterns and col- Lace C ' nrtai ors; you may depend we show only ns, the best.:value we this - think we have ever shown from what is®newest in stuffs in ide 35c per pair up. New 36 i ar�tment. � New Shirtin.gs of best Cot p inch White �' indigo dye, sellingfrom to 12c. Cloth tons' heavy quality and fine New 3 i only 8c and lOc. New Sh.ee , bin. Heavy Flannelettes, 'fast ; in8� a 'y t colors and only .100. g � a nd 9 4 ,plain and twilled. New Circular Pillow Cottons , 40, New Boiling Prints only' 5c. New Floor Oil, 42- and 44 inches, heavy quality Cloths 14, li and 2. yards wide. Newest and ) and fine cloth. New S latest designs in spot and striped Miislins, r T prin '' TwCCEI * ew Ticki nes from 'l0c ' to 25 hams fine as muslin colors. New Cream hite wide goods and fine quality. New G1assTow- els, pure linen with fast colored border. New plain Sateens in gold, pale blue, cardinal, pink cream all fast colors. New Denims in Blue and brown. New Cottonades, heavy ,pnakes. ew Black Worsteds for Spring Mantles in all new shades, New Table Linens. New Napkins, New Hosiery, heavy ribberl. and fast black and all sizes held in stock.. Begin the year right and establish yourselves and do your dealingat the store that is acknowledged' to lead the trade in.this section for - reals first class, Wledged y bright, desirable goods bought at the best markets only, for the money and sold at the lowest livingprofits. crILL RICE • CLINTON NorEs. — The Gospel Temperance meeting will be held in the Methodist church nexr. Sunday afternoon at 2.3() o'clock; in the future the meeting will be held on the second Sunday of the month. The annual Sunday School convention will be' herd on the 28th inst., in the Methodist church. 'The Orangemen intend holding their tea meeting on the 23rd; they are prewr- ing for a good time. Mr John Mit- chell has i eturned home from College. Miss M. Helwig and Miss J. Mitchell are at present gone to live at Clinton. 11Ir J. Stevenson was visiting friends in this vicinity this week. A very pleasant time was spent on Tues- day night at Mr 0. Weasel's, tripping the Light fantastic toe. Hensall CHURCH. — The sacrament of th Lord's supper was administered i the Hensel! Methodist church on Sun day.; Rev. M. Swann preached a ver acceptable sermon; the whole circui Was well represented, and nearly pat took of the sacrament. The bus ness meeting was well attended. an the financial returns were satisfactory CLINTON MARKETS Czrrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Feb. 8th, 1894. Wheat fall 0 55 a 0 58 Oats 031 a032 Barley • 0.35 a 0 40 Peas 051a052 Flour per bal a 3 (i0 Butter 0 17 a 0 18 Eggsper dor 0 13 a 0 14 Potatoes 0 35 a 0 40 Hay, New and Old 5 03 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 2 00 a 2 50 Pork 5 00 a 5 50 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 75 Beef, hind quarter, per ib0 06 a 0 06 Beef, fore quarter, per ib 0 05 a 0 05 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS.. There were about 600 head of butchers' cattle, 50 calves, and 200 mutton critters offered at the East end abbetoir Monday. e i The cattle Market was very bad, and com- eparatively few sales were made during the - I early part of the day, and prices werellower y all round, excepting for choice beeves, t I which seem to keep up their value pretty 21x0 ` well. A few prime cattle sold up to 4o. i- , per Ib., but there were not many sales d ! made at over 3o. and from that down to about 2c per ib. seemed to be the rates gen- t erally paid. Prime veals are in active de. d , mand at high rake, but the 'bobs' are not sought after. Good lambs sell at from 4 to 4*.o per ib. and mixed lots at from 3o f I per peer lb. Fat hogs self at from 5 to Sic NOTES.—Rev. M. Swann returge home on Monday., Rev. J. S. He son preached in Londesboro on Mon day. Mr Wm. Stoneman is in Toron to this week representing the R., T. o T.'of this place at the Temperance convention held there. Several hen roosts have been visited in town ditr- ing the past week and chickens taken away. Mr Pete Dalias, who was em- ployed in the G. T. R. station here some years ago, but who is now of Winnipeg, was renewing acquaint- tances in town last week. Mr Chap- man, who has been visiting friends here for some time past, returned to London on Wednesday. Mrs F. (Rev.) Swann was called home on Mondayby the death of her father. Mr john Morris is visiting his sisters, Mrs J. T. Wren and Mrs 8 Harold. , The Wingham Advance of Jan. 25th has this to say about the Marks Bros Co. who play at the Town Hall Clin ton one week, and Saturday matinee Feb. 12th to 17th under the auspices o the Clinton Town Band, Admission lOcents. Reserved seats 15cents:— The Marks Bros. Musical Company gay the best week's performances last week Ove seen in Wingham. Six evening performances and a matinee, with crowded house every time is a record they should bo proud of. Every member of the companydoes, his or her work Irish comedy, such Marks ulcpahy inl "Muldoon's Picnic." n Ho has',wondorfully improved since the last time ho played horn. MrJlmmioyioirl, his wife and two daughters are all capable of doing clever things. The singing of Miss Emma Gertrude and her serpentine dance act made hiser a harfavorite. a to exceA.B. A.11Markssisarapidly dancer, com- ing forward. Perhaps not a little of the suc- cess musicof f Mrcompany lmarks,lthe mn. cathe l director of the company; \f'in harn is her home and hero of 0001:50 she i i a favorite. Tho local hits throw Oft on various oOgasions were quite opportune. We hope to sec Marks Bros. come to town again next season. They played here under the suspices of 1 he 1. 0.0.'1'., who place the money derived in the Widows' and Or- phan's Fund of the lodge. SALE REGISTER. Farm Stook eto., Thursday, February 22nd, Lot 29, Con. 7, Hullett, Jas. Howson, Anat. Geo. Westcott, Prop. ' Farm stock, etc., of Mr Jos. Smith, lot 38, 5th con- of Goderieh township, on Tues,... day, Feb. 20th. T. M. Carling, Anat. Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Horses, Cattle, etc., on Lot 6 Maitland Con., Col- borne, on Feb. 27th, without reserve. John Rossier, Prop. T. M. Carling, Auot. On Wednesday Messrs Williams & Hall, ' of Bowmanville, one of the largest cattle exporting firms in Ontario, received a visit from Mr A. Ramsden, of the firm of Peels, Brewster, Ramsden & Dnokham, cattle salesman, of Liverpool, England, and also having branches at London and Bristol. O Mr Ramsden was- accompanied by Mr J. ✓ Gould, ofrChicago , who is also in the cattle business. Mr Williams took Mr Ramsden for a drive into the country to inspect the stables of ' some of the principal farmers, and, as this was his first visit, he express- ed himself as being veryy'much pleased at what he saw, at the same time having his first nutter ride. He was surprised to see the fine farms and comfortable residences occupied by the farmers in this country. The Toronto Globe charged that the Dominion Government had perpetrated a 'rank[job' by selling the right to cut tim- ber on McGregor Island in the Georgian Bay to a favorite, Mr direswioke; of Barrie, for 390, when it is worth at publio auoticn 360,000. It is further char'ged that this is done also to steal the timber from Ontario, whose property it is. The Dominion Gov- ernment have sins enough ,to answer for, but it appears they are not guilty of this one. The officers of the Department of In- dian affairs state that all offers to buy this timber have been refused because the ques- tion of ownership is in dispute with the province and has been refered to the r a. punts arbltrat3rs f Ir their j t Igen fu The valhe of the property exempt from taxation in I(in-gston aiiiounts to more than :2,600,000. Mrs Benedict, a woman living in Chat- ham township, was fined 325 byMagistra e Forbes, at Chatham, Saturday, for prac- tising medicine unlawfully. • FOSTER Leave your orders quick for those Pho- to's you intend send ing to your friends?. TUI What about a 4pw Suit for sp:eing: It always pays a ' man to dress' well. This- is a good time to make a selection. We have just opened new , Tweeds, Worsteds and Trimmings direct from the manufacturers and will be pleased to , have you look themlover It's more than likely you. will. find somethii,g to please you. -000 diadmeftga OTJIMETTE, CASTI DE LER, LONDESBQRO 4. 1 0