Clinton New Era, 1894-02-09, Page 2Il the paster in kris
$put Wne intrgdttcing atrang•
ming the aged or eick; llowever,
y axe preparing to work along
S. (6) There scents to be a deep,
, growitlg iattereett in the objects
>ttof the Soolety. (6) The eneonr-
a urea of the work are, regularity
dance, promptness in doing required
.,nd in the increase of Bible study,
e 'discouragemente -mentioned aro,
ek of interest and sympatthyrshown
e,• older 'members of the church; so
that are members of the church
among the associate members, and
venese of some in coming forward. to
(8) There is great uniformity in
conducting the meetings, most of them ad-
hering to the regulations,
win a
One column
Ualf-column , 35 00
Quartercolumn, 25 0
One inch
its for
be paid in
( y nto. 111 mo
40' 00 $25 OU I $8 00
25 00 15 00 i 4 50
14 0 2'5011 1 00
Leman Nox_• _.s—At the head of local column
10 cents per line or portion thereof, each insertion
Articles 'lost or found, girls wanted, &o., not
exceeding three lines,. 25 cents each insertion.
Five tines 50 Bents one insertion, and 25 cents for
each eubsequent insertion. Houses to let or for
similar advertisements not exceedingttle eight and
Slier one month and 50 ciente for- each subse-
gment month.
��.. n the otgce by noon on Wedncontract esdays.ts must be
Crisp County Clippings
Mr John Ritohie, oft Wingham, is still
very low, and but faint Hopes are enter-
tained of his reoovery.
We regret to announce the death of Mrs
R. Dennie, relict of the late John Dennie,
of the Huron road, near Seaforth, in To-
ronto on Wtdnesday, aged 75 years.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff
Mr J. G. Wilson's little daughter, of Sea -
forth, was rather severely burned on the
breast and one arm on Saturdae by falling
against a stove.
The Rev. A. B. Dobson, to whom the
Presbyterian congregations of Gerrie and
Fordwich gave acall, was inducted in the
church at the pac
latter 1 e,on the 1st inst. bull Goderich; J. H. Fairlie, Clinton; T.
A Brood Showing.
b,. l,Aux4' DAY.
The following remarks and sugges-
teons axe made baa leeseness man of
$owtl, Everyone may not agree with
them all, but they are in the main
worthy of serious t:onsidet'ation and
definite action,. The success of .a mar-
ket day, does not, however, rest with
the merchants alone; it rests *ith
Among the many good suggestions
made at t• heJanuarymeeting or the new
Clinton council, was one by a reminder
regarding a Market day. The sugges-
tion was a timely one, ante, possessed
the merit of resurrecting a matter
which for some time has had no active
advocate, but whoa h has always been
conceded to bring in its train a very
considerable amount of good, to the
town that carries it out properly. The
suggestion does not possess the novel-
ty of newness;- it is an old scheme. It
has often been brought before the
council, and recognized by that body
as a measure calculated to do good and
benefit all concerned. It is only three
or four year's' ago that a motion was
carried, making Saturday a special
market day, but for some reasons it
was not as. well attended as expected,
and the results, as a whole, were so dis-
couritrgitig that it was dropped at the
end of four or five weeks.
It was in a measure successful at
first; there was a fairly large attend-
ance, and, many farmers were present,
but there was not enough energy and
posh shown by the merchants and
others to• keep up the interest. The
farmers "could not be expected to at-
tend, for, asee rule, all that was placed
on sale was garden and dairy produce,
which was very good so far as it went.
An effort was made to get the cattle
buyers here on that day, but the farm-
ers evidently did not -think it necessary
to bring their cattle or horses. Their
grain went begging, and nobody want-
ed their pork. Who thought of try -
and the next day had a contrivance which.
ing to get apple buyer's here? None of when attached to. the, engine boiler and
the leading merchants mode Saturday the steam turned on, gave out a shrill die -
or any other day a bargain day, as they cordant, sound. The railway directors,
do now. Tlhere was no attraction for greatly delighted, ordered similar contriv-
the farmers wife, and we cannot get ances attached to all the locomotives, and
along without her. The only thing from that day to this the voice of the loco.
the farm. generally produced, that was motive whistle has nev .r been silent.
sold, was butter and eggs, and the A negro preacher in the south who secur-
fariner's little boyand girl were old ed the eloquent Bis'..op Simpson to preach
enough to bring tem in. The affair to bis colored congregation, thus grandilo-
was not even well advertised. The quently introduced him: "Bredren,yom are
people were not alive, and of course it to hab de privilege des mornin' of hearin'
went to the wall, and it will again, if the groat Bishop Simpson, from the Noff;
carried on in the same spirit. amen whose repootationes all over dis land
But now we want a market day very like a soundin' brass or like a tinklin' cym-
badly. It has been a beneficial thing bei,
in scores of towns that have given it a
fair show. Take some of the places EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA.
where it has been tried : Chatham is On account at the San Francisco mid -
miearound, becauseof its •Winter Fair. the Chicago, Milwaukee &
market; one mem
member mentioned
ed lex-
bridge, and told about the opposition St. Paul Railway Company, will sell ex -
union tickets to San Francisco, St. Jose,
that was accorded the measure when ColtoreLos AngelesandSanDiego,Cal., and
it was first brought up. Other members Portland, Ore., at reduced rates, good nn
were in a few moments thinking of "the til April 1, 1804, fall further partiou-
long age," when the market day, at the tars call 1, any coupon ticket rnt orrt eu-
"Donnybrook Fair of Canada,"Orange dress A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pass. Agent,
ville,was mentioned. when the day"al- 87 York St., Toronto, Ont.
ways ran into the night." Berlins day
has been so successful that they could
not do without, and the same in 'The new king of Dahtmey is not fully
many other places not so highly favor- married yet, having only a few more than i
ed as this town.
T will suggest some of the ways • I -•Nearly every ran, women and child in
Newport, Ky., has the pink -eye No seri-
ous results have followed, but the disease
is very annoying ...., r.„. _es :-
A Millionaire of Vienna hes left pre-
vision in his will fertile constant illumine -
Con of the vault wherein he lies. An elec-
tric light is to b3 kept burning for a year,
and even the noggin is to be lighted in the in-
terior by electricity.
It is now announced that the Rev. Dr.
DeWitt Talmage has completed arrange-
ments for a tour of the world during the
corning spring and summer. Dr. Tal-
mage will bo accompanied by bis wife and
two daughters, and will be absent about
five months. It is his intention to preach and
lecture in every place be visits.
The following in reference to the Do-
minion Life Assurance Company is clipped
from The Bulletin, one of the leading
Insurance and financial journals in Canada,
and one which can he relied upon as good
authority:—' '
"The year 1893 was another twelve
months of good things for the Dominion.
Life Insurance Company.. The card in
this issue shows that not only bas steady
proress been made in the amount of busi-
nes in force, the number of policies issneel,
sen ant of premiums, interest and gross
assets, from .year to year from the com-
pany's birthin 111888, to present date, but
that the death claims have bean few and
small in a remarkable degree, showing
possible "good luck" but positive careful
selection of risks. The total cash inoome
of,the year 1893 amounted to $l43,830.07 ;
the death claims only $2,000; ,gross
$139,005.75, and what: is eema,rlrable in so
young a company is that it has a surplus
of $4,300.00 over all liabilities, capital
stook paid u? included. It is a very hand-
some showing and one that does great
credit to the management," R. D. Stan-
ley, general agent for Huron and Perth
Dien delight in giving: horrifying exsmp•
les of the length to which feminine vanity
may run, but the supremo climax seems to
have been reaphed in an old Swedish cus-
tom. A. looping glass was placed in the
Coffin of an unmaTxied woman, so that
when the last trump sounded she could
arrange her tresses before making her en-
try into heaven. Maidens were expected
to have their locks less tidy, than these of
their married sisters, whose hair was bound
about their beads in orderly braids, while
the uneven maid wore hers loosely in
coquettish arrangement that was easily
disturbed and put out of order.
The January meeting of the Ruri-De-
canal Chapter of Huron was held in St.
Paul's church, «gingham, on Wednesday,
Jan. 24th. The clergy present were, Revs
Rural Dean Hodgins, of Seaforth; M. Turn-
At a meeting of the directors of the Mor- Higley, Blyth; W.G. Riley, Brussels; W. F.
rheld last week, it Brownlee, Gerrie; L.W. Diehl, Hohnesville;
is Adcidedutol holdithe in L 'fcknow; H. Jeanes, Port Albert,
- •was decided to the next fall show C. Mlles, L
\Blyth on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 9th and L. G. Weed, Wingham. The subject
and lOth of October. of special Diocesan collections was discus.
sed. The returns from the various parishes
Mr Peter Moor, of Tuckersanith, has sold were considered gooe. particularly that
his farm on the Kippen road, adjoining the from Goderich. It was recommended that
Red Tavern, fore the sum of $2,900. The special envelopes be provided for special
farm contains about fifty acres. A. Mr appeals. The Rural Doan then spoke on
Canning father of Mr Canning, merchant, the desirability of forming a Charity
of Hippen, is the.purohaser,Workers' Assooiatien adapted to the re -
Many of our readers will regret to learn quirements of the Deanery. An animated
of the death of Mr Archibald Currie, jr., and inter •sting discussion followed. Rev
formerly of Harpurl.ey. Me Currie died at Mr Turnbull strongly recommended a
Grand Forks, North Dakota, of typhoid Church Guild, based on the constitution of
fever. He was 4e years of age, and was a the one at present used in hie parisb,which
son of Mr A. Currie, sr., of Currie, Minne• was based on church lines, etre
sota. his about 23 years sinoe the family loyalty leyfeatured towards this
iscu con was
left Englishthese parts. motion of Rev J. H. Fairlie, seconded by
• s Liniment removes all H. Dennis, the following gentlemen were
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- appointed a committee to frame a co estitn-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, tion and report at next meeting of the
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Chapter:—Revs M. Turnbull, W. Riley, T.
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs Higley, Rural Dean Hodgins, L CC Wood.
etc. Save $50 by rise of one bottle. War- Amo
.> rented the most wonder:el :Pie= ish Cureever
known, Sold by Watt's Co. Drnggist
f .
Mr John Harris, of the 5th concession of
-Osborne, died at his residence on Monday
night. He was in the best of health a few
days previously, when he took bleeding at
the stomach, which terminated in hie death
as above stated. Mr Harris was one of the
pioneers of Usborne, and was familiarly
known as "Farmer ,ohn Harris-"
A young man it Lowell, floss.. trcubled
for years with a constant succession of
boils on hie neck, was completely cured- by
taking only three bottles of Ayer's Sarsap-
arilla. Another result of the treatment
-wee greatly improved digestion with in -
erased avaidupois.
What might have proved a serious ac-
cident happened to a little son of Mr
ThomasMeitis T.vippen,the other day.H 3 was
sitting at the' forge in his father's shop
warming himself, when he began to cry,
the little fellow's clothesIns father's wereon fire.
who foixnd
When locomotives were first built, and
down an to trundle tha newly their
and rudely constructed
railways of England, the country roads
were for tho most part crossed at grade.
and the engine driver lead no way of giving
notice of his approa5li except by blowing
a tin horn. This horn as may be imagin-
ed, was far from being a sufficient warning.
One day in the year 1883 a farmer of
Thornton was crossing the railroad tracks
on the country roads with a great load of
eggs and butter.
Just as he name out upon the traoks a
train approached. The eugineman blew
his tin horn lustily, but the farmer did not
hear it. Eighty dozen of eggs and 50
pannd of butter were smashed into an in-
distinguishable unpleasant mass, and
mingled with the kindling wood to which
the waggon was reduced. The railway
company had to pay the farmer the value
of his 50 pounds of butter, his 900 eggs,
his horse and waggon.
It was regarded as a very serious matter;
and straightaway a director of the c o n-
pany, Ashlen Bagster by name, went to
Atton Grange, where George Stephenson
livel, to see if he could not invent some-
thing that would give a warning more likely
to bo heard Stephenson went to work
eele�I fbhe
grOX O#0114i 434 u 1 tr eivols
Barristers, Solicitors
Brings comfort and improvement and
tendo to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's beet products to
the Heads of physical being, will attest
the value to heal`h of the pure liquid
laxative primo; es embraced in the
remedy, Syru+. of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in- the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ;leffectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing- constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval pf the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly fret] from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured. by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose naive is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
Commissioners for ODtarlo slid I4fanitoba
01� imeNSUDoolt TO kaA, 01417014,
D1aNOS OD Ontario street, Olintoxe, o
polite English bhureb. Entrance by aide
a s a few doors Least of Albert Street.
.1J University, Ai D. O.M. Victoria University
M. C. P & S., Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrical
Society of Edinburgh, late of London, t ngg„ and
Edinburgh Hospitals. Otllce,—Dr. Dowsely a old
otliee Rattenbury St. Olintet. Night bell
answered at the same plana.
Accoucheur, etc., trice in the Palace Block
Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve
Clinton Ont,
▪ Accoucheur. Office and residence, Huron
street, near railway crossing.
Wanted immelrately, a Farm Hand,tc hire by
the year. Apply to JOHN THOAISON, lelak • P0
1J MeSdical Department GRADUATE
Via oria Ilnivee .
city, Toronto, formerly oY the Hosldtale and
Dispensaries. New Toru, Coroner for be
County.of HuroU, Bayfield, Ont." •
i . Coats' Block, Albert St., over Taylors' eh
store. Specialty Preservation of the natural
teeth. Pabelees Extraction by the use of the.
most approved loccl Ansesthette• N. B 'Wee
visit Blyth professionally every Monday at Ma-
son's Hotel, and Bayfield the 2nd and 4th Thurs-
day, during the summer.
The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of
Dress Making at her. home, Victoria St. Satis-
faction guaranteed. MISS BARGE, Clinton
Subscriber has for sale any quantity of Short
partd ofeen or the town ' and Priceslll reasouableliver t to
COON, Teamster, Clinton.
tion was introduced by ooa, think the matter should be treated, if
seconded by E. Softley, that a S. S. aeso-
},t t it is to be brought to a successful issue.
The most impoatant..thin rr tQ„Adver-
tise it thoroughly for �ftesit
around. The town should share the
expense. The towns and villages with-
in that radius should be flooded with
.announcements of bargain , days; of
small fares and big snaps, Reduced
fares should bring the people here
from Londeshoro, Blyth and farther
north, from Brueefield. Hippen. and
other points south, and Holmesville
and Goderich. These people should
buy* their fine dry goods and groceries
from our merchants; our tailors should
have their clothing trade. The women
should be attracted by tremendous
bargains in bohnets and cloaks. The
farmers and their stock should be
brought out by the presence of horse
and cattle buyers. It would not be
hard to get them., if there was anything
in it for them. Wood and hay should
be brought in and sold. And then
sometimes prizes alight be given to
the farmer who came the longest dis-
tance, or who brought the largest
number of pec ple in his rig -something
to keep the interest up. Then, in the
evening, the merchants should give
the restaurants a• show. The band
should be out. The working man
should the more enjoy his stroll about
tonin, because of the splendid music.
Everythinii should be in a state of
hustle and bustle, and then business
will be done. But the farmer must
know that you are his friend, and are
trying to help.him, before he will take
any interest teethe matter.
But the whole matter will depend on
the way the merchants take hold of it.
They are the ones who grain the most.
The fact that the market takes place
once a week, and not once a month, ae
in the surrounding towns, will get the
farmers to come herr', lvher'ee has
four chances to one; and once he comes
here he will stay with the town, The
fact that there is something lel ge for
sale will get hila 1,0 Conga Out. It will
have the effect of getting our towns-
eople out, shopping on Saturdny.—
.dation be formed_ in connection with.,
Chapter, to meet some time in May heel-.
Mr Turnbull invited the Chapter and S,
S. Convention to hold their next meeting in
Goderich in May, assuring them of a hearty
welcome. The invitation was accepted.
Before the meeting closed Mr Turnbull
made a warm appeal for St. Stephen's
church, Goderich township, and sincerely
hoped the Deanery would take steps to pre•
pare a plan for carrying on the services of
the church. It was decided that the Rural
Dean and L. G. Wood visit St. Stephen's
and meet M. Turnbull and L. W. Diehl and
the people interested. with a view of ascer
Mining, the wishes of all concerned and
laying them before his Lordship the Bishop.
After a hearty vote of thanks to the rector
and people of Wingham, for their kind
hospitality in entertaining the delegates,
the meeting closed with the benediction.
'ItrtnetrAT74w CIIOEP IN A inns.—Sonth Am-
erica Rheumatic Cures for Rheumatism,
and Neurlgia radically cures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is re-
markable and mysterious. • et removes at
once the cause, and the disease immediate-
ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene-
fits. Sold by WATTS & Co., druggists.
The following district officers were elect-
. ed at•the recent meeting of the District'
Royal Tempters, for the current term:—
Bro. J. E. Tom, Die. Coni}., Goderich; cis.
faxby, Disi Vice -Conn., Seaforth; Bro.
”- Pickard, Cliap., Holmesville; Bro. Fred E.
Elford, Secretary, Holmesville; Bro. W,
Lewis, Treas., Crediton; tiro Geo. Penhillf
Herald, Exeter; Bro. Mcash, Guard, Varna;
Bro. H. Monteith, Sentinel, Brucefield.
Has tastes medicinally, in keeping with
other luxuries. A remedy
st wsemebole
antly acceptable in form, purely
in composition, truly beneficial in effect
and entirely free from every objectionable
quality. If }ally i11 he consults a physi-
cian; if constipated he uses the gentle fa-
milylaxative, Syrup of Figs.
Single eyeglasses are prohibited in the
German Army. If a sol tier bas one good
eye, but needs glasses, he must cover both
eyes with them.
Minard's Liniment- Cures Btff•ns, etc -
A West Wawanosh correspondent says:.
We were startled on Wednesday evening
by the news of the sudden death of ,Mr
Hedley. Ile had been in his usual.hcalth
and was carrying into the home an armful
of firewood, when lie suddenly fell to the
floor, and in a few seconds was dead.
Heart disease is supposed to be the cause.
Deceased was 80 years of age. - . -
"One•morn.a Pert
At l e gate of Eden stood, diaeonsolate."
or Peri she had a beadtche and had
never beard of Starks hencache, neuralgia
and liver powders; pleasant to take, per-
fectly harmless, and immediate and per-
manent in their cure of all forms of these
distracting ailments. Why, Mr F look; G.
T. R. Hamilton, says they cured him tit -
tirely after suffering from heaclaohes for
three years and they cost only. twenty five
cents a box.
The following is a summery of the re-
ports furnished the Iluron Presbytery by
the Christian Endo;.vor societies within its
bounds, and was presented to the Presby-
, tery at its last meeting by I:_v 3)r. McDon-
ald, Convenor of the commiteee appointed
to procure the information : (I) The num-
ber of active members in all the societies in
the Presbytery of fluron is 434, and of as-
sociate members, 388, a total of 822, besides
a large number that attend tills m -stint's.
but are not classified under either Betel. (2)
Many of these eceieties are lint recently
formed, and have net one/need in any par-
ticular work, but the followirg indicates
the lines of work to which attention in di•
rected, namely, evangelistic wort; Sabbath
School, prayer meetings, mission work,
collecting for the schemes of, the oh'irr'h,
and temperance. (3) ,There are 23 active
Members whp are not in fell communion
with the church, and 106 associate members
Who are; -126- joined •the church- from these
ooieties during, the pant yeas. (4) So far
• � Where wouid be something special for
IT Ii'ASTENS ITS IIOLD then. and they rkbe on band till
right. The market, gardeliers with
.--upon you before you know it. It their produce, the fanners with their
is sure to be in the air we breathe, fresh butter and eggs,' nil these will
the water we drink. The ger of br'in`y there nut.. The working man
Consumption is everywhere presen
germ bo .ins to grow as soon as
it reaches a weak spot in the body.
Catarrh, Bronchitis, and a scrofulous
condition, furnish these weak spots.
The way to fight these germs—begin
early—render the liver active and
purify the blood with Dr. Pierce's
Golden. Medical Discovery. Besides,
it builds up healthy flesh.
It's guaranteed in all bronchial,
throat and lung affections ; every
formi of scrofulae yen Consumption
in its earlier stages. If the " Dis-
covery" fails to benefit or cure, you
have your money back.
Fortify yourself against disease
by making the body 'germ -proof,
then you will save yourself from
grip, malaria, and many of , the
passing diseases. _
It cures Catarrh in the
Head — perfectly . and er-
manenily r -- Dr. Sage`s a-
tarrh R mrdy. ,,•
The undersegned has opened cut a Butcher
Shop and will keep alt fresh meats in season,
and will sell the same as cheap as the cheapest.
They intend to deliver in the surrounding coun-
try either by quarters or half quarters. Cash
for Hides and Skins.
The Conservative papers are pitching in-
to the Mowat Government right and left,
bat there is not one of them apparently
that knows -enough about the party's plans
to tell an anxious world what their party
would do if they once got irto office. As
they stand to -day- Mr Meredith has not a
platform and his followers have no`plat-
forna except to find fault and scold away
like a lot of old fishwives. How would it
do for the Provincial Conservatives to bold
a convention and find out where they are
ate On such an occasion Mr Meredith
might be induced to come outside of him
self for a few moments.
emouTd he Yea much benefitted by the
competition. Everything his wife
hought'oiling be the freshest, and as
he would have to pay rash for it he
would buy at'r• prices, And it(
has always been the case that there
has leen no shrink ego of business
during the week, so than the nnuaunl
business el this market day is gitin—
clear gain.
Now there is a large number who
are in favor of this market day idea,
They are wady to fall in with it send
make it na sut•ee:-e, for they• know by
experience gained itrti other places that,
it can be made a pleat. good to the
town. Let. tis hen from the merchants
themselves; if there is anything in it
they otught to see it, and seeing it they
ought. to get the good out, of it. Ho
tvrit.t' about it, trek shout it, rine, bet-
ter than all, work for it. Help the
Reeve in his eleteeterter to Bret cheap
rat"s. Help the council in the matter.
mid I am ';tire Orin inctrliet day will be
at greitt 80000Se, and our merchants will
do just as ninth and more business as
their paste and energy merits.
Chlidren Cry for
Pitchers eastorta.
Mrs. ]lEaa'7J E. ®'Fallon
of Piqua, 0., says the Fhy-
stolane aro Astonished,
and look at her lice one
• peonareryGraduateoftheOntarioVeterivary.
College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and
mals on the most modern and scientific prine e
pies Office- immediately south of tbe New Ere.
attendedtopromptly.nton, Calla
ht ordav
No witnesses require
Ira. Small sums on good mortgage security
modcreterate of interest. H HALE. Minton.
lee Auctioneer still in the field, able and will-
ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and
takes this opportunity of thanking his petrous
for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed..
and rents collected. Charges moderate. D
Din&INSON, Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton.
.i' • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and
Civil Engineer, London, Out,—OII1ce' at Gee J
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
We can make a few good leans from privet
funds at ow: rates and modate expeneeer.
Terms made tosnit borrowers.t`linton
Mr3S WHiTT. M. 0. M. S
Piano, Organ and Technicon,pr•Muecl develope
for use of Apupil . eetmeC10 Beaver Bloeit.
House and Lot for Sale or to Let
The house and lot on Maple St., Clinton, re-
eeetly occupied by Mrs Bryden, is .offered either
for sale or to rent on very reasonable terms. The
house is suitable for small family, and has qu rr-
ter acre lot, good well and bearing fruit tieee,
Purchaser can have any time ARTB
Well sitnatel farm of 50 acres, near Bayfield.
Good frame herine nd barn, rive good springs,
four acre's" of nard't0ood'bush! and four gcreein
ertbard; five acres fall wheat Will be sold cheap
and on very reasonable terms. This is a good op•
portuuity to anyone desiring a farm. Posacseiuu
at eine. Apply to H.HALE, or Mks C.MOFFATT
Victoria St., Clinton.
Raised from the Dead
The comfortable cottage on Huron street, at
pre-ent occupied by Mr Tboctas Alurch, is offered
to rent. It contains every accommodation fur
ordinary family, withgood stable
ole and garden,
A pl+; y to •
A splendid story-and.a-Half dwelling house tote
beautifully situated on Huron street, Clinton, late
ly occupied by Afr E.Rumball, containing aceoui•
nwdation for gocd-sized family. Hard and soft
water. Good garden with beariug orchard. Tho
house is on a good stone foundation and cellar.
Rent reasonable. Appy to MILS B. KIMBALL
or at NEW ERA Office.
Good farm of 240 acres, within miles of
le. REDLY,
220 aacrescleared, for saleply to
or to rent. REDLY, Blyth, Ont,
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate Of. the
Toronto School of Dentistry,
Nitrous Oxide Gas admiuiatered for the pafnlas
extraction el teeth
Odice in Smith's Block over Emerton's Barber
Shop, Clinton.
e•Night•bell answered. ly
ani Shoes
A. O. U. W.
The Clinton Lodge, No. 149, meet in Biddle-
ida s. in. each •
r -.Fal,
and 3 d
oamiiaH&ll oil ills_ gat - y_•
niiontli, Visitors cordially invitee.
Tested 'Remedies. •
For irpure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, -P,alpa-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,.
Female Irregularities and General Debility
Prop. alld Manufacturer
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Orerce S.
D., RSford:: Pr W t3, Shann inton;M.
Pres. ea
Seaforth ; Jno. Hannah, Manage;, Seaforth,
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth • Gabriel Elliott,
Clinton; Geo. Watt; Harloclt; Joseph Bvano,
Beechwood; Thos. Carbet, Clinton • Alex. Gar-
diner, Leadbury ; Ai.A Iurlie. Seaforth.
Thos. Nellans, Ilariock;eRobt,McMillan, Rea,
forth; 5 Carnochan,; John 0 Sullivan
nd Geo. Merdie, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insdre•nces or trate
eoon cother
applicationo business aof gea e
ny promptly
dressed to their rsspocitvo offices.
Jas, Twitchell
Long and Terrible Illness
from Blood Poisoning
Cenapletely Cured by flood's
Mrs. Mary E. O'Fallon, a very intelligent
lddy Of Piqua, Ohio, was poisoned while as-_
silting physicians at an autopsy 5 years ago,
and soon terrible ulcers broke nut on her
head, arms, tongue and throat. Her hair all
eamo out. She tvetglied but 78 ihe., and saw
no prospect of help. At last sho began to
take Tlood;s Sarsaparilla and at once ba -
proved; could soon get out of bed and walls.
She says: " I became perfectly eurod by
Hand's Sarsaparilla
and am now a well woman. I weigh 128 lbs.,
eat well and 'do the work for a large family.
My ease seems a wonderful recover ,and
physicians look at me in estontslan fit, as
almost like one rrtiired from the dered.» ••
HOOD'S PILLS should ba in every-retlaste
medicine chest. Once used, always pretested.
Searle's BIoelr,Op;'. Market
l'od C1 Clfina Boar. for Service„
t uliscriber 'crepe for service n• thnro.bree
erne of sPolwitbOhinn the privile. TO1111T1 0'1 ge of returning!,
erne of dry.service,
tnrrace,. HENRY
road, Clinton. I '' Jit.' Diusloy,
T'ie undersigned has for smite, a tborihrod
Fn tlish Ber tshire and a thot'obre 1 Tamworth et
e eternise t, Lot 5, Con. 6,Hnlistt, The Berk-
si t •e pig was bred by ne'i, ,of Ndroonton..
m, rnis-41.01 for Berkshire and ct1,i10 for the
'rrlaprivete to fg !4neoeessary4f0AMawith
r aprer;ofreturning
rittntie>":ofpink( ; yiig& In foir aehviool for
These are all r'eatetered wreck.
"41 F. II. SOBOALES, Constance
Z'hel,estErtrbalming Fluidused
Spleniilct Hearse.
Residence over store.