Clinton New Era, 1894-02-02, Page 1a Year ilia ad's ttbsoription. p rife, Na w , a it exco tionM'vaI e Pit 'IQVK spike. ,Sublic Vert Vat greatly 011,00, UP by prompt reUO Walla apullaT;,Hol47MEi 'Odep; t(1 ol: r theins out b . fore enter' stock, alino of $15.50 a s $16 50 Tweed Suitings ave been re.. marked any 11TTI.+REsTiI4Gt• ^ Flea* all,rete of the Oountyt •.bywide.awake and lively CorzespondentS Gloderi"f- Hoimcs"Qflle+ rnocatuss NL. -Kno hurch held a . it aan 'rtual Meeting Mony night, g .. hut. we have not beard any particulars Of the meeting; under so • excellent and faithful e~ • astor as the -Rev, 7. Ander- eonsthe .church should prosper in all Its departments, as we have no doubt it is doing. Aris=e. -+Mr and Mrs Logan have. been so - unfortunate . as to lase the only child, a .sweet little daughter. Mother, and Child • were, visiting in Montreal, 'Where it contracted scarlet fever. We extend heartfelt sympathy to 'the young parents in their great sorrow. Mr Logan is manager of the salt, works in ' Goderich. • Mr Earnest IHambelton, brother of Mrs Oliver Qlson, died in; Guelph recently, of lived pp•ris etv lungs, 71 hemorrhage theof g here for some time, and made many warmfriends, who greatly mourn his sudden death. CitllAix;y MEETING. ,A• public meeting will be held' in thetownship hall, here, At '0, p,rn.,sharp, ori aturday, 3rd inst,,, for the, purpose .of seeing `what support weld be givens& se_pp arator creamery at..Holruesville,, as'Mr Safinah will put in;; a separator, pro vided-a snffielent quantity of milk can be obtained• DEBATE.—'the Petrone) intend hey, ing a debate a week: from. Thursda , on. the subject of Married % ,ye Single life; The whole lodge will speak op either side and a live y time re antlers pated. • Messrs H. Sturd . J., Hurley and 3, Ford Will act as• referees, • This (Thursda3�) night a . paper on " the pro- per application of manures will be read by Mr Sohn Marquis. OYSTER, §irernR. -- O'win to- the sternly weather, on Tuesday night,' the oyster supper given by E. W. Ramsey was only fairly attended. The chief feature of the program was Mr Shamley, of'Colborne. whose comic songs were.interspersed with the violin by Mr and Miss McDonald and Mr Roberts, club swinging by W. Mc- Roberts and mouth organ by Messrs Bear and Habel. DISTRICT COUNCIL. — The Royal Templates sent five delegates to Sea - forth, Monday,. to attend the District Council of Royal Templars—T. C. Pickard, District Chaplains' Misses E. Proctor and T. Tebbutt and Will Rut- ledge and F C. Elford. They report a good time and two. of the council be- ing elected to District officers. PERSONAL.—A correspondent of ,the Stratford Herald, speaking of a church opening at Carlingford, says:—Next came Rev, E. A. Fear, of Holmesville,. ,, , .Helens,. No's,. --Mrs .Cameron is at" ;resent V with grip Mr R K. Miter has boort v siting friends in Goderich; thio. • past week. Miss Stewart, from .neat+ (4oderieli, 'Walker cousin Miss :Stew rt. Of Mttskolm "were the guests of wellamong ing jecture • • q, rirs Work- hip lately. alwaysThe Mies Roth Durnin. Miss Minnie Gior- don arid her sister, M,r0 McDonald and. fancily, of; Brandon Snans. are 'visiting tinder the . p}re .tal roof. Mr Hug Mc0rostlu, ,who baa been, nn buainees to Scotland, retained home looking much the' the better of :his trip. Mrs D. Todd, who bas."been ve poorly, is 'phrey was ti at Mr W.J. last flying visit to is; uncle, Mr111. Wings, this week,:` Dr. Gordon,of Teeswater, spent Sabbath last with; his parents. Mrs McDonald and Miss McDonald, of Edinburgh, who have* been visiting` friends in this locality for some time, left last week for Durham, accompan- ied by Mies Lizzie Todd, where they purpose spending some: time. Alec i ethe lec- ture, under the Auspices f Mg, chanics' Institute, will be •given. on ,Fridayevening, Feb. 2nd, on "The Wqrld's Fair," by Mr R. D. Cameron, of Lucknow. • The annual meeting of Calvin's church, which -was held on Monday last, proved quite a success; the Treasurer reported over $60 of a surplus, and it has been proposed that.. $50 be added to the pastor, Rev. R. S. G. Anderson's stipend. ing match, last Monday, ,quite a number present, in spite of the awkward little story that accidentally crept intothe front page of the NEW ERA. The Captains, Messrs McRoberts and Lowery, chose. sides, while Mr Jas. Ford and E. Proctor gave the words. The`riesult was a—tie; -Emily Proctor and Jos. Holmes keeping the floor un- til everything had been given and spelled, the little story and all. It will take more than a few awkward words to get the better of our mem- bers. No'Ea.—Ins ector J. E. Tom, of Godericb, paid an official visit to the school on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 31st, and foiind everything in good or- der; he visited Taylor's school in the forenoon. Mr Vance and wife, of Clinton, spent Sunday at the latter's brother, Mr Geo. Holland. Mr Ed. Lavis and wife are in Brussels attend- ing the funeral of her mother, which occurred on Tuesday morning. Rev. Mr Fear and family are spending a few days at Nile, and also attending the Sunday School Convention there on Wednesday. RrrxawAY.—Whatmight have prov- ed a very disastrous affair in the shape of a runaway took place in Clinton on Friday last. As Miss D. A. Holmes and her cousin were driving down Rattenbury St., near the high school, one of the hold backs of the harness broke, and allowed the cutter to follow up on the horse, which soon became unmanageable, and leaving the occu- pants in the ditch, proceeded down yron St. toward the Commercial hotel, when it succeeded in getting away from the cutter. No serious consequences resulted more than a broken cutter: Sonora, REPORT. --The following is the standing of the pupils in the school here for the month of January, based on conduct, punctuality and efficiency in general. -5th class—Maud Dempsey, Nelson Trewartha, Ira Pickard. Sr 4th class—Bertha Stanley, Alburn Murch. Eldred Yeo. Jr,. 4th class— Herbert Tre wartha, Matilde Colclough, Mabel Dempsey. Sr. 3rd class—Harry Evans, Willoughby Tebbutt, Wilber t Potter. Jr. 3rd class—Willie Potter, Minnie Evans, Winnie Sturdy. Sr. 2nd class—Harvey McCartney, John Potter, Norman Murch. Jr. 2nd class —Lillie McCartney, Clarence Sturdy, Harold Forster. Pt II class—Edgar Trewartha, Harvey Mulholland, Lulu Fear. Pt. 1 class—Nettie Ramsey, Robert Colclough, Joseph Cook. W. McR 0BERTS, Teacher. ACCIDENT.—As Miss L. Shobbrook, daughter of Mr James Shobbrook, was out driving with a horse and cart, the horse became unmanageable, and bolt- ed into the ditch, and by some means fell and was unable to rise. Mr James Brown and Mr Carter, seeing the•pre- dicament Miss Shobbrook was in, came to her assistance, and 'succeeded in rescuing het from her perilous position, not much the worse of her adventure. ANNUAL BALL.—Mr Bell's annual hall was held in his hall here, on Fri- day evening, the 19th Jan. There was. a very large attendance of the "beauty and chivalry" from both far and near, and everyone seemed to be jolly and happy. Mr and Mrs Bell and their able staff of assistants. including the immortal Lasbam and Dr. Young, who was ready to cure any sudden cases of the "grin," did all in the power to make their many guests feel comfort- ableand at home. The music for the occasion was supplied by Mr Bailey, of Clinton, and the Best Brothers, of Hullett. • Belgrave SAD.—Mrs McDonald who was mar- ried alittle more than a year ago is now being brought home for burial,tshe is a daughter of Wm. McCrae, of this vil- lage. She was the subject of great suffering duringher;illnese, her body is expected to arrive some time late on Saturday evening. The little one is doing well. The husband and friends arefully sympathised with. NoTna,--Joseph Corbett is sinking fast and can not last long. It was announced that •Bel rave Quarterly services would be held in the Belgravo Methodist church, on Sabbath 'text at 10,30 a.ni.t sermon by the pastdr, Love -feast and Sacrament" at el'ose of the sermon. On ''Sabbath evening: last Rev. J. H. Dyke received live persons into full Membership of the church. Mrs Forbes is still confined to her bed with inflainatoryrhuniatisfn, and it is not likely there will be any im prove, meat in her condition. J. J. Brooks, d lenflartiahis as .tie , Apleasant but last w if the•sh in of our time Wan slieibt at the residence popular of tion. agent last week,• twin,. ing but tlie,elitethe of ,thevilla0, were Or =•cilia •Prof, -3. W. Ii,v Wanner-. of Waterloo,• is ting his pat. Hipper " SAD DEATH.—Much sympathy is felt by the community with Mr John Forrest and family, in their bereave- ment. Miss Sarah Forrest, who was drowned last Saturday when going from Toronto to the Island, was at one time teacher of . one of our schools. She was a young lady of stirling worth and a noble Christian. Those who knew her best loved her most. The funeral, whish took place Tuesday, was largely attended. 'Ow+n +tt r r NOTES.—Mrs Acheson, of the .Manse, is recovering from a severe attack of bronchitis. Miss Agnes Blair has been under the doctor's care for some time, but is improving. Miss Martin,.of Ex- eter, has been the guest of Miss Mellis for a few days. Mr Wm. Cooper is home from the west on a visit. Miss McMordie, of London, who was spend- ing a few days with her many friends here, returned home on Wednesday morning. Messrs Carson and George Moore are sending home. ood reports from Algoma, and more of our young men talk of going to seek their for- tunes there. Miss Brigham, of Landes - bore, is progressing very favorably with her fainting class. The P.P.As. are`€he topic of conversation -atpreg': ent. Messrs Dick and Winters made a large shipmentof cattle from this station on Friday last. Scott,grip.purchasedtotoanyMisscorning East Wawanosh NOTES. — Farmers and others are making good use of the sleighing these days, in getting wood and logs to mar- ket. Our reeve seems to be mighty lucky this year; he got elected reeve by the clerk's casting vote, and then he got in for warden of the county by one vote: close call, Thomas: John Dey, of Wingham, spent Sunday with John Fells. AN OLD LANDMARK.—An old land- mark on the 7th concession has disap- peared from view. The old log school house,which has stood for about thirty years, has been torn down and' re- moved, to be used for fuel. Many of the young men and women of that lo- cality will perhaps heave a sigh of re- gret, to seethe_ place where they re- ceived their limited education, vacant, and thoughts of the many youthful escapades and other adventures of those times, will doubtless crowd upon their minds. Varna SOCIETIES.—A very large and en- thusiastic meeting of the different so- cieties who have met in the temper- ance hall, and.those in sympathy with the trustees, in the temperance hall difficulty, was held here' on Saturday evening last; .the meeting was opened and Mr John Torrance was appointed chairman, andJas.. Armstrong Secyq. All wore unanimous in , censuring ,Mr. Ward for the very extraordinary and unjust attempt to deprive the temper- ance and other societies of their. hall, which they built and occupied uninter- ruptedly for over 80 years,• by nailing _. up the window and door; lint all were determined and unanimous in pushing! the thing through it was -then move seconded and Carried uunniniotisly that this ineeting .advise: the different so-• cieties,that occupt:the .ball to enter ail.. action for nl aages, against.. Mr Ward for tailing up their pproperty, was reeoly d that.a union. tea•Meet. .d etntcrtain etre of the different �n` an g "om. an';e ', a"t c � c # .. mltteies be held, i eke, the Kitties• was appei+a td M e iii I s,..utid f I �'� l e t iN` r mer . at a y • ar i Ileo ss _,y predict; the i1 hit` ...ing Attie:.tbcr'd wili�,,b�o tlto,iar�gept•cro'„dt ateveir Was iti;'C7a'rnicat n.. teat. m eting� 'i eetere wilX be lsiii In•�a few $!s. ' • - Summerhill ENTERTAINMEDIT.—Rev. J. T. Kerrin, of Bayfield, will give his popular lecture on"Life in the Argentine Republic," in the Orange hall, on Tuesday evening ne*t, Feb. Oth, under the auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Peter's church, Summerhill. If you wish co hear howeople live in South Amer- ica, don't fail to hear this interesting lecture. NOTES -Miss Murdock, of Dakota, has been visiting friends Isere. Mr H. Hyslop and wifeb, of Stratfold, were here last week, attending the funeral of Mrs Hyslop's father, Mr McBrien. On Saturday last the members of Rev. Mr Diehl's congregation here presented him with about 40 bushels of oats; a very appropriate gift, we think. Mr E. Butt's mill is again humming and the logs are coming in fast. There was a Royal arch meeting in the Orange hall on Monday night, when two can- didates were advanced. Hensall HAPPENINGS. — Quarterly meeting services were held on Sabbath last, and were largely attended. Miss La- timer, teacher, spent Saturday and Sunday in Seaforth. Miss V. Smith lies been visiting friends in Exeter the past few days. A number from this village intend attending the Nora Clench concert in Exeter this (Friday) evening. The Royal Ternplars held another spelling match last Thursday evening. Several of our sporting mien lost some loose change on the Mitchell and Corbett fight. Mr• A. Weseloh in-, tends taking down the partition be- tween his shop and what was former- ly a tailor shop, and utilizing the whole for his business.• The young people.of Hensall-'mise the skatingrink this winter. Miss ;.Miller, of xeter, was visiting in the village the past week. Mr Geo. Sutherland spent Monday in Goderich, Miss Belle Wilson was vista iting-friends at Londesboro on Mon- day.. ,Mr -Jas. Troyer returned from Marlette, Mich., ori , Saturday. last, The following are some . of the dele- � atm l� tet. ' attended the District gates why to ra hem in Sea - forth ctrl lar l g `eD;aalT ing 'ofrth forrth ottMonday:--Metuali Johnso , t . 1,ee'dtlln ,;aid. 'Lieraeht A. Shu ,, and"Miese, gL. short,' 11. Slltililaco'nhe slid 3.,` kssi f\ay. y It, ell returne day last. Tuckersmith. NOTES.—A large number of the_west enders assisted the sons of Mrs F. Lay- ton to cut a large supply of wood on Tuesday. The Patrons of Industry are the principle topic of interest here. Invitations are out for the wedding of Mr Amos Townsend and Miss Libby Crich, which takes place next Wednes- eay evening at the residence of Mr G. Crich. Mr G. Watters and wife are both confined to the house; the former having a severe attack of grip and the latter with a severe cold. Mrs R. Cud - more. sr., is on the sick list. Mrs Flintoff is confined to the house by illness; she is at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs H. Cndmore. NOTES. -4, odist Sunda be held at the, Consit,_ Parr li evening. quite sick t but is now 1 bees are bei the material Presbyteria meeting ser res this appointment elhurst next Sabbath. intends placing a fouri`� barn, and is at present for that purpose. ; q Colbur` dent of the West Inure Association and ex -war; was married on Wed Rev. R. Henderson,.: t r of Mr John a Colborne township ; took place at Mr Kerr fol residence,`and.',t o^1 with guests. The c by Miss Sturdy, of Mr M. O. Johnston, rich, acted as groonpsm presents were rumen ful. After dinner'' the Goderich, and left• train for.Toronto Pers 'Mr j. -P. Tisdall�w week, Mrs S. Taylor, of T here on a visit. Mr D. Fell and spent Sunday in t' Miss Minnie Mai home for ber holidays Mr Charlie Bow of,•' present hot4e on it,,t Mr Fred Joyner left this week Or of 4%,iburn. - TEMPLARS.—At the meeting of the Maitland LO.G.T. lodge, No. 304, the following officers were elected for the coming quarter:—C. T., A. McDonel; P. C. T., G. Sturdy; Vice, E. J. Clark; Sec., R. Brown; Fin. Sec,, A. Knox; Chap, R. A. Roberton; Mar., W. Mit- chell; Treas., J. Wilson; Guard, J. Mit- chell; Sen., A. Webster; Lodge Deputy, J. Mole. NOTES. -The Rev. Mr Higley intends holding service every Friday evening, in St. Mark's church. The Orangemen purpose having a tea meeting in Feb. The Epworth League intends visiting Westfield on Friday night c.f this week. Mr and Miss Yates, of, Goderich, 'were visiting friends in the villagethisweek. Mrs T. Erratt is at present very ill. Miss M. Spool is the guest of Miss B. Younghlut. Mr and Miss Scott, of Goderich, are at present visiting at Mr W. Symington s. Miss Mutch is at present in Clinton, visiting her sister - Mr W.King. Mrs T.Turnbull. of Hay, was visiting her parents last week. Mr and Mrs.Clark who have been sick with grip. Mr G. Nicholson, of Stanley, is visiting his uncle, Mr G. Nichelson. Mies A. Helwig is at present ill with grip. A number of Blyth and Auburn members of the I. O.G. T. Lodge, were over to organize a lodge at- Poplar Grove. ' The Goderich Signal says:—Deputy- reeve McDonald made a bold fight at the county council board for a lockup at Manchester. There are four church- es in Manchester, an Orange hall, a temperance lodge, a schoolhouse, a brewery, and a hotel, and the genial deputy -reeve of Mullett thinks that with a lockup, a railway, and electric light service and a water -works plant, the bustling little burg would be able to stand up shoulder -high with the best of then. 4 Miss Lizzie A sti visiting friends Mrs W. Cant' the guest of Mi Mr Fred Cok visiting his sist Mrs W Colwil guest of Mrs Bro Mr Lu Stevens, up on a visit to his Mr and Mrs W. :C spending severs? .red daughter in Mite Rev, Fathers Q and Dixon were as on Wednesday mord Mr Ed. Mullins, spatcher, London, Clinton; is again ser Miss Sadie Mortok visiting•friends her home in New York M'r. Wm. Rutledg near Auburn, who friends in town, re Wednesday. Hullett S'i`lt AND 97'11 CON. NorEs. -Mr Fred Jackson is, at time of writing, in a very low condition: we hope to hear cCool aeon of hie recovery. Mrs R. M , of• Harrington,, was visiting in this Vicinity last week. We understand that Mr Vodden has pnrchr sed from. Mr G. D. McTag ar the farm at pre- t,on 200 sent occupied by �r W. ColTllttt , :acres at 36,500. The son of Mr Wm. Moon, that died iately,was not taught on a grain bar- rell as Was stated last week, he only IA g there a feW seconds. }. T e Pall Mall Glazette published a Mat •Mont'Weti'hesday that Mr' Glad, St a had decided to resign almost ini- on diately.•. The Prenaler•, authorized i it t seta Of the story, howevet i, Mr Peter Ker,sys ing in Grand Rapi home on a visit;a n ied him here. Mr P, Kelly, of 1l1 Toronto for severs eration, which, it in e his prospects of recot Mr Luther Mannit and his sister -in -14W his brother„Mr W` Luther was a reside years ago. Fast Huro The annual me Reform••Assouiation Hall, Brussels, Tuts dentilislop ocaapie an appropriate reading the 'Score en i,ediseussing it, ere were elected for President, A. 'Geo. Thompson; Q ohan; Secretary- Chairmen ecretaryChairmen of son, f$owiok; Geo. Fortune R: N. Duff, W. Mo(4avin,. lett; 14. H. Yr Brussels; J'a Bxoellent Macdonald,' end Vfeb-lir Wail deetirttt etirR"el very 1 held in,th mentioned liatid Wel worthy *sae 1f1.