HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-01-26, Page 10for
in Au -
rson, Moore,
isses Moore, Porter,
and A. Young.
D.—A inueting of
'les was, held on
Wei -al accounts
sxitinication from
er until the next
,an increase in the
+ •eenfel and necessary
eve desks.
—Tuesday evening while
layingin front of the
fall, a- : pier's horse became un-
ageable, and strikiin a boy that
d'in the road, the'^�uggy passed
er hirn. It was at first thought that
'WO killed, but invistigation.shgrved
hathis injuries were very slight. •
TBEY`KNow HIM.—The Boston Post
't,4 `recent' date, thus alludes to a well-
known Clintonian:—"Billy" Ransford
pia man whom one meets about town
continually. He is the secretary of the
Military at 134 State street. He can
sing a song or tell a story with the
best ofthem, and has as wide an ac-
quaintance as most men in Boston.
AN OLD TIMER.—On the 9th inst.,
Mr J. C. McLagan, editor of the Van-
couver, B, O., World, received many
congratulations upon being spared to
see the 40th anniversary of his appren-
ticeship to the printing and publishing
business. Mr MeLagan was indentur-
ed on Monday, Jan. 9, 1854, in the
fice of the Sentinel, Woodstock, and
somewhere about the year 1860 or a
Jit„ • little later, published a paper in Clin-
(Friday) in the town hall, will be given
stereopticon views of the World's Fair,
with a, rectors by Paul E. Greer. The
e- „ttitvs r_present the leading features of"
the Fair' and should be well worth see-
.ing. Mr. "Budd" Barton is business
`manager of the venture, and is a son
f Mr Parton, of the old time firm of
shcr & Barton, here. Theexhibition
es here direct from Chicago.
IISHIN( AHEAD.—"Jack" Cooper,
st son of Mr W. Cooper, of town,
is the able editor of several trade
als in Toronto, is also filling the
on of Secretae to the Canadian
Association, grid is thus brought
lose touch with' the eminent
ers of public opinion," &c. He
n be—in fact ,e, is already—one
nfluential pre s men of the city,
11 yet attain a high position in
diton therewith.
Ho's McGuruE.—The members of
the Clinton Gun Club would like to
know who •'J. McGuire" is. At the
Hamilton Gun Club tournament last
week, some party who was doing some
wretched scoring, gave,his name as J.
McGuire, Clinton, thus throwing the
onus for his bad shooting on the Clin-
ton Club. As the Clinton Club was
not represented 'at the tournament,
its members are naturally anxious to
1 know who it was that was ashamed of
` his own shooting.
CASH BUSINESM,—Our readers will
notice in the advertisements of Cooper
&.Co. and Rance & Spalding, that they
have decided to do a strictly cash busi-
ness. after the first of February. This,
we believe, is a move in the right di-
rection, and the sooner all business can
be conducted on the same principle,
the better it will be for all interested.
We bespeak for our book and station-
, ery dealers every success in their new
departure, as in their business the
sales, while numerous, are .mostly all
small accounts,`and should be cash.
THE Cosi.—The amount of money
expended by the West Huron Temper-
ante organization, in furthering the.
• interests of the plebiscite, prior to the
vote being taken, was certainly not
very large. The total amount collect-
ed was 5125.75, and of this amount
only $102.18 was expended, the sum of
$76.10 going to pay the expenses of
lecturers, and the balance being for
incidentals. This was certainly a mo-
derate outlay. The amount expended
in East Huron was even less, being
somewhere about $80, but the Execu-
tive there has a deficit ,instead'�of a
- SIPPING NOTES.—R. Irwin Is ship-
,-ppingq large quantities of hay, also W.
endmore. S. H. Smith shipped two
cars of stock to Toronto. D. A. For-
rester is shipping one car of tow to
Chicago; he shipped one car to Bel-
fast, Ireland, a few days ago. The
London Guarantee Ace. 0o., through
their agent, A. O. Pattison, handed
Mr J. Joint of Si,. Helen's, a cheque
-- for $6'l in pits uont of claim for a hrok•
en hone; this is• a first class (1n., and it
only costs a small amount to carry a
few thousand dollars. W. Doherty &
Co. made n. Inrge ship!). (Ant of organs
to Montreal on Friday 1: -t. The G. T.
R. is considering the' Ina' ter of issuing
cheap Saturday market t. kets to Olin- ,
ton from Blyth Loneeshcir•;, Bruce -
field, Kippen, Herrman and E-l.lnies-
ville;.the rate will be single fare for
roundtrip, ' J. Andrews shipped 'one'
ear of hogs to Montreal on M nclay.
• ACOMairsT.—On Monday last. as Me
> ; Walder, who resides on thelirtilt.tt
'boundary, west of Blyth, Was driving
driW n the Landon_ ..ad, hie ':hors be.
me frights: tree that *Mt
e, but ,Mr
g. until be
n trying to
vett° theReenal:d.
. tO be hurt pa ti at,
an he seemed, dazed,,
• orig. [e drove on to
d, when Mr James Snell, of
saw' him, having passed him
tied before, and from his actions
concluded that Mr Walpeer
' realize what he was doing. r
uk, him over to;Dr, Armstrong,
n" examination, found three
uts in the,skul), one seemingly
:off �t� skull. He was taken
app•'e hotel and . cared for, but
equent'iy removed to his home,
re, we hear, he lies in a somewhat
ificalcondition. •Nolblamewhatever
.ttavhes, to any one, as the utmost care
was being exercised in the falling of
the; tree, and the horse had safely pass-
ed ,the spot before it became unman-
SPUIIITUALISM.—We notice that a
certain spiritualist is giving seances in
London, to those who believe in this
sort of thing. This recalls a little
event that •occurred last summer, in
which half -a -dozen Clintonians figured,
but which , has never been in print,
S iritualisin was being much talked
about here, several persons were par-
tial converts to the belief, and the
stories they heard intensified their
curiosity, if they did not produce con-
viction. So half -a -dozen prominent
and well-known Olintonians decided to
go to London together and investigate
the mysterious manifestations for
themselves. They were not any of
them believers in it, but professed that
they were open to conviction, if results
warranted it. All the preliminaries
were arranged, and in a dimly -lighted
room the seance proceeded. They saw
spfirits all right, and conversed' with
friends who were Said to be in the
spirit world, (though yet alive) and in
the course of the afternoon had more
fun, to use their own expression, "than
they could shake a stick at," but their
conclusions concerning the reality of
spiritualism would not be a very strong
testimonial in its favor—quite the re-
verse. If any one wants to know any-
thing about spiritualism these parties
—all public men—can give them em-
s is pointers.
h t' t
jvOTES.—Dr 'H. MacKid, of Calgary,
formerly of Clinton, has gone on a
visit to the European hospitals, accom-
panied by Mrs MacKid. Mr C. C.
Rance is now able to get .around, after
a severe and protracted illness. Mr A.
J. Snell, formerly of Wingham, (and
cousin of Jackson Bros., Clinton) but
who has been connected with the
Cleveland Dry Goods Company, of
Cleveland, Ohio, as buyer and manager
for the past seven years and a half,
has resigned and accepted a similar
position with the dry goods house of
A. D. Meyer & Co., of the same city.
The wife and family of Mr Jas. Kelly,
(who left fcr Manitoba a few days ago)
followed him last week. There will be
no sitting of the Division Court this
month. Messrs Jas. Brown and I1ar-
rison, of Kincardine, visited T. P.
Brown at the Grand Union, on Mon-
day. Mr C.A. Winter, superintendent
of agencies for the Dominion Life, is
spending the week with Mr R. D.
Stanley, tpwn.agent of_the company.
A monthly fair will be held in Clinton,
on the 7th of February; as there is a
good deal of stock for sale and there
are likely to be a number of buyers
present, the sale should be a success.
11Ir Geo. Westcott, of Hullett, has
rented the house on William St, be-
longing to Mr A. Knox, and 'will be-
come a resident of town as soon as he
winds up his farm business. Mrs
Baulch, of Woodstock, is visiting her
parents here, Mr and Mrs S. Davis.
Mr Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., for East
Huron, was in town for a short time
on Tuesday; he looks just about as
young and vigorous as he did many
years ago, and is evidently good for
many years of service yet in the ranks
of the Liberals. Mr C. Graves, travel-
ling passenger agent, G. T. R., was in
town on Monday. Miss Lu White
leaves this week on a visit to friends
in Toronto. There was genial con-
gratulation and hand -shaking among
the forty -odd members of the County
Council, who met at Clinton station
on Tuesday morning, on their way to
attend the January session. An en-
tertainment, in connection with the
Temperance Lodge, is talked of. Mr
Thos. Jackson, jr.1 has been elected one
of the Advisory directors of the Home '
Life Association of Ontario. Mr Gus
Chant, of Toronto University, brother
of Mr 11, B• Chant, has been chosen as
one of the examiners in connection
with the Educational Department, for
the second time; this is quite an hon-
orable and responsible position for so
yonng a man to fill. Clinton Temper-
ance Lodge' has been asked to visit
Constance Lodge on the evening of the
31st inst. MrJohn Middleton. of Gode-
rich township, delivered over eighty
hogs in town the other day. Mrs J. A.
Croll, who for the past six weeks has
been ill with grippe, is recovering, al-
though not able to be but yet. Mr
Will Coats, clerk, has been appointed
one of the county auditors. On Wed-
nesday next a popular young lady will
become the wife of a Dakota farmer,
who formerly resided in this vicinity.
Mr McKay, who recently moved to
town for the purpose of attending the
Collegiate, is unfortunate in not being
able to do so, so fat, owing to the ill-
ness of his wife, and the difficulty of
procuring efficient female help. Mr
James Mann, of McKillop, father-in-
law of Mr Wm. Moore, town, is going
to build a new brick house and has left
the contract to Mr S. S. Cooper. Mrs
S. Keachie and daughter Are visiting
relatives in town; they will return to
Galt on Saturday. Mrs C. Carline is
confined to the room by illness. Rev
W.'McDonagh, Exeter, is one of the P.
P. A. delegates to the Hamilton con-
vention. The following, rtrom the
Acton Free Press, will be re-echoed by
Mr Edge's friends here: "General
sympathy is felt for Rev. and'Mrs
Edge, in their affliction through the
loss of their little son; since their re-
moval to Acton this highly esteemed
family have suffered heavy and repeat.
ed trials in the loss of loved ones; this
is the second death in their family
during their residence here, and in ad-
dition several near relatives have also
been called to . their long home."—
Mrs Thomn,s Farquhar', of Hills
Green, is visiting her mother, Mrs
Kilty. in town. We understand that
an order' has been issued to all 4. T. R.
Station agents to make a charge of 5e
on all parcels left in their care during
the interval of trains. Wheatley &
Finch, butchers, have dissolved part-
nership, the business being tarried on
h ' the former. rs. 'arnes Riley+, of
a f. htor`d, Not es kota, is here visit.
eistor•1n4a, , .Mrd $11, Smith,
This week ends our business year; on Wednesday next
we enter stock. We are anxious, just how anxious the re-
duced prices on heavy winter stuffs will tell you, to have as
little as possible of our winter goods by that date, so are
clearing them out at prises.that mean a saving of money to you
Next week we expect New Prints, Shakers, &c., and
We, the undersigned Book and Stationery Merebants .of
Clinton, acting on the advice of customers and' friends,
knowing fall well the necessity of so doing, have decided.
from the first of February next, to do a
then our stock of Cotton Goods will be nearly complete.—
Watch for further announcements concerning them. We
will have particularly good values for the coming season.
Cash Prices
In proof of our oft -repeated assertion that 'goods can be
and are sold -cheaper for cash than on ci edit; you will notice
that when credit houses occasionally get their prices down to
a cash level they insist on the ready cash; they can't sell at
cash prices and give credit, neither can we, All the time we
sell at cash prices, and they are too low to allow us to gi' e
Standard Fashions
Standard Fashion Sheets and Patterns for February are
here, the Fashion Sheets can be had for the asking.
�e Hodgns
ash Busin
It it " �. ton to give you, as well as ourselves, thh benefit
• of this change you receiving better goods for Less money, and
we being relieved from the work and anxiety incidental to
the keeping of accounts. t`
Genuine Stock
Taking Sale
Our business, conducted on a 'strictly Cash basis, has more
than met our expectations during the past year, and
we have no doubt but our customers are also well sat-
isfied, as they have no heavy accounts to pay at this
season of the year.
We take stock on the 1st of February and are
making a genuine Stock Taking Sale, and to clear out
all the winter goods that we can before that date, offer
them at prices that even Bash profits are not considered
Tg) (Sl`1E rit10E SASH oro#E. putter and Eggs taken as Cash.
In a FewDa7sBE
We expect to be wide open for business in
a few days, and instead of our Semi -Annual
Bargain Day. on Saturday, Jan. 26, we are
forced to turn it into a
Our stock is the largest and finest
in this section.
It is dariaged by smoke and water
We are forced to clear it out as
soon as possible.
Prices will do it.
Shrewd buyers will take advan-
tage of this sale.
Full particulars next week
The Noted Furriers and Furnishers,
Hatters . = nd Clothiers,
C tsiToN
ay,OuY Regular
St BargaioDa'
ing yup • • •
Stoc-, ,taking Sale
prieel* here are making the
c;tYo r les:, but we have dome
nig crood' yet that we think the
Bargains, Men's &Boys' Enderwear
Ea -et .ohne of our Boyd' Siihirts
and 1)rawert at 25e. 'They are
b oing.
will Nell.
Barr s-Fing eri>"g iFactoryYarns�
- a lack and Colors
Bargains in Ladies' Wool Vests.
Bar ains-Ladies1 Child'soverhose
nd, Hosiery at (blearing Prices, --
Bar ' aius in Grey Flannels
verything - mentioned in this,.
pace is worth your consi dei
l.adies(Favorlfe Esta bbfsbme`"
gEAVt•1n r t,OCl ,