HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-01-26, Page 9, ° • k • 45' 04., • ;elk.; • RV CIL/PITON leRilio • ' NEWS NOTES Utful• Christmas Present ' .11 • s • The house of Louls7:7roll East Zorra, • •P (Faisi:41ritYtre,,clEblizafi, rsegri tex.r1c,i, laitaa/3, WHITE BOSE, LILAC! ItiA)$$04,r, Mrd'sLinimentOures Dandruff. CiliEOPATRIA. EGYPTIAN 130QATET, VIOLET IIELLITROPE, yxixt4ETTE vAlotE AND iVI-41.• These are the richest goods ever brought. into town. Beautiftd Out Glass Dot* ties put up in a satin lined, hand painted box. We have them at all prices ally one of which will make a bandkoine Christmas box. A 3. R COBIBEi Chemist and Druggist, Clinton 'Vor Xmas' 'rrade at the orner Sto ay 'Rlook NEW. It*ISINS NEW CURRANTS. NEW VALENCIA ALMONDS • Choice Extracts and Ilure Ground . Spices and a full line or Canned Goods RAM & BACON' FLAKE PEAS • - HERRINGS & TROUT ROLLED: BARLg,Y SCALED TIER:RINGS ROLLET).,WUAT Highest prtoe in Trade or Cash for Bni t or and Eggs. • The oompelsete returns of the plebissilt for eleven oiti , including Belleville, Brant. ford, rierrulton, Einseston, London, Ot. tem% St. Oatharines,St. Thomas, Strat- ford,' Toronto, and. Windsor have been forwarded to tha. Clerk of the Legisliture, and glow a majority for prohibition of 7,- 118801d fTrizon%eiestYGnceitipYli.tbee "melee to bo and every part of the urinary passeges im- mediately. If • you want quit* relief and Saturday, en When going over a creek in Co., Druggiet. , • wood *areas Toney lake, at Suntlndge on male or female. It relieve!! retelitien of water and pain" in passing it almost cure this ie your reined)", Sold by Watt% • „ I As Mr Janiee Duke was hauling pulp. itanter Six idenas.—.1.4etreesing Bid ney and Bladder diseesee relieved in six hours by the "Nzw (3111AAT Souni Aurnseottl Emelt Oiniz." Thin new remedy great eteprille and delight to physicians on aceonnt of Ito exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kuineysi, back the10e. aeotion of the ice broke off,• letting the team and load through. Ar Duke, wait alone a full briar trying to keep the horses from droWning, the' game tune calling for help. Ho was finally heard in the town, two miles away, when a number of men hastened over with a team and succeeded in ramming the horsee, wbioh were nearly exhausted with the •strtale. They will recover. ° There fully 10 inches of clear ifte on the lalge, and it IS corieider. ed perfectly safe except in the vicinity of these crooks or air -holes. Grocer.1‘1(.14 N°TICIE. During the year the space devoted to ad- fdA0IIAY BLOCK, - CLINTON. vertising MINARD'S LINIMENT will • contain *expressions of 'no uncertain sound .grom people wile epee* from personal ex- perience as to the merits of this best of, Hensehold Remedies. C. 0. RICHARDS' & (16. E EITHER 'DARK or ANTIQUE OAK FINISH FOR $6.57. Our ni is to give our cuBtemers First-class Goods for very little Money. We mark our goods -down to a bare -living profit, -.and have. but • one price. We do pot advertise any Big Discount Sale in order to draw trade, f every intelligent person knows what that means, When a firm advor ses in that -way, it Is quite easy to understand what they do; they aim y add ' the regular price the percentage they intend taking off. is if( a fact that has been proven in the so-called Great Discount Sales. When buying, don't simply look at the discount offered, but dedtiOt Wit discount from, tho regular price, and then compare it with the prices of others.: If you Call on us we oan she* yon the best assortment of Furni- ". Auieln the County; an onr prices are as low a&the lowest. •,, • • CHIDLEY, fixt.,,,Aler'ultitkit,i4.01#"..' • r4igice i'Cials Answered 4.1a4 0010001alu0:1Eitie4i'co 'But you n not suffer from the cold, as IS HERt can purchase very cheaply' M ADAMS' EMP UM • Under Clothes, Top Shirts,Fla els, Flannelettes Pants, Suits, Overcoats, Ca Mitts, Socks, • • Gloves, Hosiery, aseisiodf pGeople. ds OtS & Shoes 4' Suitable for all °las •al—see our Fur Coats, Goat Robes and rse Blankets MILLINERY of the very finest lity. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO Sash, Door & Blin • - -4-1 -4-0 flr* Cti timazta, oili 4-‘i/11,-..."--• , '„ fe -- Fowl im4, )r\t4MAtc,Li1„°7.41$ kvi. i,,.....,,,,, 0 11Prit!filliiiiIMM- 474_,,W4:_,..0-itki • Ca", ,.„.1.4.,---400.-?:71-,....„,,:.•Wiskb, ...-Anccas . ,.....:....z.--,,....,.....„;,:z,.--rr 1 I. : : DAMS. S. S. COOPER, Proprietor t: : Owing to ixty increasing bnsinees, I am buildinwan eXtert itn; addition to my •premises, and ale° putting in one of the latest improved Paton Dry Kiln, and will then be in e better position than ever to fill all orders e truIn sted to n. We 13repare plans and estimates for all kinds of residenees, ar i exec te contraots . , for :the artMe on abort notice, and in a Workmanlike manna.. Wd mannfaotore to order and also carry In stock all kinds of Windowash oor Pr°1:11°°' Elinde, Lumber, Lath, &o. Persona who intend to build still fin .„.......................... ..............., it to their own interest to see me before eodoing, ___ ___ Factor . • . • To EDITOR SUN.. -.-DEAR ISMS no- ticed by the Sun of Jan. 5th/that yot have •had a Bell telephone insittiment placed in your office. Last spring' when Mr Bulver- well and yourself cello& upon me you rep- yesented the Automatic to ize the greht and only telephone. Bindly give yourreasons for adoPtingan'instrunient of the Bell tele. phone systemliow, and oblige—StrIMBIBER. M. BESSCR/BER.*In reply to your en- quiry tieto why we have adopted the Bell telephone after representing the automatic to be the better system we would say, that at the time we represented. the Automatic Company here we firmly believed it to be superior to any other system known. It was claimed to be in every way ahead of the Bell system, one advantage being that eaoh subscriber could make his own con- nection in a very simple way, without ap- plying to the tentrel office to have the con- nection made for him, and the service thereby being secret. Now, after she sys- tem had been in operation for about three months, with two men almost continually in ettendanee.to in order,WP.baVe "discoVered it &Carnet possess all the super- ior qualities claimed for it One Automa- tic subscriber informs us that not once:out of five times does it give the proper oonneo. tion. This, along with other objectionable business transactions in connection with the Automatic Company, is why we have changed our opinion regarding the Auto - mail° system and accepted the Bell instru- ment. Just here we wish to state that our remarks in no way apply to or reflect upon Mr W. R. Counter, in whose store the An- tomatio telephone plant is situated. We have only attempted to faithfully answer the question submitted, and are fully pur- Goaded, after close observation, that the Bell system is superior in every respeot to its rival.—Ed. Sun (Seaforth.) HOW TO GET A"SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25"Simlight" Soap wrappere wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old Sooner Than Man")to Lents BROS., Ltd., 43 Soott St., Toronto, and you will receive b post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if yen leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. BANNER ROUTE. Does it ever strike yon that the new Wabash line between Detroit and Chicago, just ooinpleted, forms part of the shortest yline from Canada to the World -Fair City and the great west The new trains on the Wabash areeabsolutely the fincet in the World; not half the advantages of this Railway can be outlined here, any R. R. kidket agent will tell yon the rest, write or call at our new office, N. E. Co. King & Yonge atreet Toronto. J. B. Richardson Canadian Passenger agent. • S, OOPER on. Gi-mR..0 4fit We have made greatspreparations for the Xmas tra.06.2 Ex Currants,' Railsins, Voile COgoa, Or Figs, Lemons Candies, Aluts All kinds Canned Goods English PeelS,. Lo Orange. Sage, Stwory. Extra vain() in • Wn think we cats satisfy the, Most partiOular 011, tire here to shotv yen the( Kode, (J� SW.A.LaLleNVVt IIM • ra value in 00,4:Dates, 4 , on Citron and Coffees r, and Canada's monster oweee, which arrived In Liverpool some time ago from Chicago, is still unsold, and is lying in the London Railway station,no private warehouse being strong enough to bear its weight. Only 'twenty inohes from the top has perished. The idea Of exhibiting the cheese has been abandoned. • Several offers for the pnr- °ham of it havebeen received, but they were not high enough. a ©F Easjy, Donna:1(10,y &stored. Weakness Nerv./. ousness, and all the train of evils from early errors or later excessei, the results of overwork, sickness o Werry) etc. pus strengglik,develop. Ment awl tone given to every organ nndportion of the body. Simple, natural knetimds, mediate: improvement "I„ seen. Failure inipossi- hie, 2,000 references, Boolt,explthation andproofs mailed (fettled) free Dow Insurance Insure? A few yeere Lea true above qnsoion mien/ have been put to the siren* by an ul intending 'Mora and with a certain amount of realm, but not so to -/14y, Snob rapid sad vaneement has been mane in the soionce of life ineurane. during the post deeitle, that there are few, if any, et 00011._ the ORline 001nPall[ell that have not dur- ing that time eliminated to a large extent the unreasonable Andsonseeessisry 01TOST.IN GREEN].and striation. which attached to the policies• in those dills. But the demand for a polioy that definitely insures from date of issue; 4 policy without re/0100mqa eimple pre,, 'Wee to pay, wording in language easily understood by feet acoutrsct, pro- viding for the payment of 'the clung im- mediately upon receipt at the pro* of death, without queetion, has Only; been. acs Ceded to within the past year. The Confederation Life Association, a home company, with, an assured position in the foremost rank, and having the uninniti, confidence of the Canadian pUhlio." hem ilwgetreirreeeeollutrizaeciot:bfreonmeeetlmltodtiliralrpinizi during the past year the Directore,deoided to meet the demand for a contract which would give a complete answer to the above question and settle beyond a doubt that lfle insttranow doge insure from -date of issue. Cenfedera,'tion ''Lf TElie AfIt4Opigtion is the only Canadian company sawing a policy that 10 unconditional and automati. eallynon-forfeite,ble. Itscontract is world- wide and indisputable. You may travel and reside where you will, engage in slay occupation whatsoever, and, provided' you fulfil the one condition 'asked of ;you, viz; the payment of tlse premium, the AsSoobt. tion will pay your policy immediately upon receipt, of death. This °entreat not only guarantees the'above, but grants to the in - tiered, not only the nsuel nonforfeiture conditions of paid-up ind surrender values, but also that great benefit known as k'Ex. tended Insurance," That ie, that atter two full premiums have been paid, without applioation, the full amount of the policy will ,be carried for a further period of time definitely set forth in the policy itself. Notwithstanding the hard times of 4893, the Confederation Life Association have written more new 'business than in any previous year. • This speaks for itself, and goes to prove that the Unconditional Ac- cumulative policy is the policy that is wanted. The Association'e General Agent, for the county of Huron, Mr William Taylor, and Local Agent, Mr Israel Taylor, of Clinton, have been writing up a very large business under this form of policy, and wlll,be pleased to furnish rates and hall particulars to any who may communi- cate with them. Minard's Liniment for sale everywheer. George W. Harvey, of Ioana, died last Saturday evening in terrible agony. He was celebrating the anniversary of his gold. en wedding. While surrounded by his children and grandchildren he kissed one of thp latter on the head: A hair lodged in his throat. A severe coughing spell en- sued. Mr Harvey suffered great pain, and at last burst a blood vessel. He died in'a e w minutes. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Beginning with a small local sale in a retail drug store, the business of Hood's Sarsaparilla has steadily increased until there is scarcely a village or hamlet in the United States where it is nnknown. ----Tezday Hood's Sarliaptiiilia-sternik e.fthe head in the medicine world, admired in proeperity and envied in merit by thous- ands of would-be competitors. It has a larger sale than any other medicine before the American publw, and probably greater than all other sarsaparillas and blood puri- fiers combined. Such snooees proves merit. If you are sick, is it not the medicine for you to try? Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures.. Compared with other nations Canada may fairly claim the palm for sobriety, but last year'e revenue returns phew a slight increase in the per capita consump- tion of spirits. In 1892 the figure stood, 701 gal. and in 1893, 740. The consump. tion of wine and beer was less in 1893 than in the preceding year. ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or over -work, resulting in many of the following symp- toms :—Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headaohe, pimples on the face and bedy, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, diZzi- nese, specks before the eyes, twitching of the minden, eyelids and elsewhere, bash- fulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and en, weak and flabby ninecles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes, snrronnded with LEADEN CIRCLES, oily looking skin, elo., tire all symptoms of ner- votts debility, that lead to insanity, unless oured he spring or vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in contlequenae. Those who through abuse aomnaitted in ignorance, may be perma- nently cured. Send your address and 10o fi stamps for bopk on diseases no:miler to inan, sent sealed. Address M. V. LUIION. 4 Meadow:loll Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Please mention this paper: 2 16 World's Fair Photos for one Ditne. The 0hicago,,Milwankee & St. Paul Ry. has made an arrangement with a hist -class publishing house to furnish a series of beau- tiful World's Fair piotures, of a large size, at the nominal cost to the purchaser of only ten cents for a portfolio of sixteen il- lustrations. Nothing so handsome in re- ference to the World's Fair has before been published. The seriee would be worth at least twelve dollars if the pictures Were not published in Such large quantities and we are therefore able to furnieb.the works of art for only ten cents. Remit your money to George H. Heallora, General Passenger Agent; Ohioago, Milwaukee& St Paul Ry., at Chicago, Ill., and the picturds will bo sent promptly to any specified addrese. They.will.make • a handsome holiday gift. The Toronto saloon.keepers-,-while they attempted to pooh, pooh the pinbisoite vote, are greatly agitated by the majority given for prohibition, and, the activity of the tem - Perrault! leaders for intniediatel restrictions. In consequence a secret meeting of the trade was called for Wednesday. The pro. ceedirtga ore gradually transpiring. First of all thertleterrnined to organize a per. =tient assordatiOrt ter oppose the early sing ono license reduction movements. e /mm6.0150E/en for the society by the uor sellers is the Hotel Eeeriers) Drotec- o Assoeiation. Among the °Moore eo t I ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Duff*, NY lici rir far (doted isreillifr bseph POWer,prettideitt 'Iowa neweay tor Catarrh lthe Zest, FAsfett to UM, 411t1 Chpapeist. CATA. FR' R 1-1 awasSall or sent by anal, "Pt, lr.iszAIre "A°10,te"- 1 Mr .T. U. Wilson, ve.p ieresident, and Mr Benny Pewees, treasurer, an office is to, be opened for the headquarters of this new nti.prohibition organizatio ; to be in sage of a permanent seeret r, • , adies Men's and taxi* ALL ol)t. Coats & Just reeeived auothr- ea of', celebrated Briar Hill 4 SOFT COAL Cheaper fuel than wood. New Store 91d Stanc1-4-7 YfackayBlock HARLAND BROS, Brick, Bide 30 Days acrifi Goi OF• , • BOOKS,StiOionek: WALL PA PR, &c Imorder to clear out the entire stook of W. FI. SIMP ON, it has:bee to offer the same at prices away below cost, Everythrtg ;figures that will make it of interest for purchasers:tic/gone here. TRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD OUT • , PlICES ARE VI APE ACCORPI$Gt 3. .r'?3jflflft•Itt.a ri g'.q11p, anti It is deStred• t.! t 1It i7; •1•1 tl I tr:,. e Th s WONDERFUL CURES! • • Ilf0X413 1111CORIN. • , MAJOR W. A. SDIriELD. Before Treatment. Siter Treatment. • Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured. Thomas felikaohin says: "I was reduced to a nervous wreck—only weighed 118 Pounds. The result of early abuse was the cause. I had the following symptoms: Miserable mentally end ehyslcany melancholy, nerv- ousness, weakness, specks before the eyes, &EV. _Poor memory palpitation of the heart, flushing, cold bends and feet. weak back, dreams and losses at night, tired in the morning, pimples on the face, loss of ambition, burning sensation, kidneys Weak eto. Doctors could not cure me; but Drs. Kennedy & Bergen by their New Method Treatment, cared me in a few awoke. I. weigh now 170 pounds. It is three years goo I have taken their 'treatment." Before Treatment. After Treatment. Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Major Slrnflold Bays: "I had DYspepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach for many years. To make metters worse I contract- ed a Constitutional Blood MOSSO. My bones ached. Blotches on the skin looked horrible. I tried sixteen dootors in all. A friend recommended Dn.._ Kennedy & Berserk. I began their New Diethod Treat. Meat and IR a tow weeks wits a new man with renewed life and aut ition. I can- not say too much for those eientillo doe - tors who have been in Detroit for font- teen years. I conversed with hundreds of patients in their offices who were being mired for different diseases. Z recommend them as honest and reliable Pnyskiez4," ,,, 1„„..,,,„,,....., DRS. KENNEDY ,. The CsIebrated upsookiiims of Detroit, Minh. • TREAT Atip GUARfiNTEE 'TO CORt Catarrh; Asthma; Bronchitis; theumatismt entilgia‘ Nervous, 13 Ood and 8 ineilludgastirs; Satrawa:hdan2lad dliebeittagrie)! settee; TattetvorMi ruesentintos: IMPOterIOY; Deafness; Diseases of the Bye. Ear, Nem and Throat; &glow Mem* of the kidney/5 and Bladder; Briers of Youth; Failing Manhood; Diseases of the Bexttal Organs; Female %Ouse: Dioceoct of Men end Weirken• and Chrottio Bbisalies in general. They etre when others fail! Mrd MUM/ C11/18. 9 dhit 2*4/12fArl021 111.542%1,02' Their 15IPT mmon TREATMENT nature that has baled beretotore the medical profession. weer are not lineWn files world over, hi curing diseases of everZ/ '1'4,2 'fatally doctors' --- they mak& it specialty of Chronic and diffieult disearreS. *V* • - DISEAsjp oF mit ,Nitivairrmirig.airtinbtke.tbda°tOttrre tkaUtceteeaskOnYes di6 otifefM4leeen a 146YOunginit nia7:4 iren n etrie -Doi, • k K. will euro you, You they bare been treated by cineeks--eenenit tielelitine Meters. Neer" no nay. consult them. ISEliSfS t)rwomot • Posmalle AiVnaltritillai Bitrrionnetaist 'Or toffee in aliened They can ritira V*. lanlanarnente. Irretrulart y, and painful aerie& cured in a &Ott time, g iieve vitality given. Illustrated nook Fres. liltdosO entrap. PcIAUEAEStottor)glgte1:ttIntu,f§ISS,ttvt2:Atirtkttutti0tis,„alHaus guaranteed eurd or no pay. It year. In mrrott.turs4atlenil repttatiet. Mote free—uonseitetion free—Names owt4enti100 If Citable to caU, Volts for a, list of +pestle/to end Advice free. DRS. KENNEDY & 1021WAN• 148, Shelby St., DET12,011Tv Atitti. °I ) ••.w 1k,”‘ 4,