HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-01-26, Page 81'-'
Oa NLtGflT
0Ontelne no exit
le ltartietlire.
Onemioalii to ur.
• YOur Clognerew
your hods.. greatet,
ineriufalleire. end
onelite kite elenr•Oleren
by the nubile wit it bee
the Barges* Sale 01 itir
Sop in,412*Woeld,
err to
e White
as Snow,
ate that be
rDotion, tu tee
• ed. on ander the
OCATOHe, willoontinue the
the old `ad,. ad t-rtistit by Sivina the
aped, atteatiou to 'the bust-
ar441.14 00arteons treatment
1, att Ming only oneice meat', tomerit
fair share or public patronage.. All
earetully and promptly filled
entral Butcher Shop
• , .,10
.. Ty; fOr. the ottronage best evict], upon him; and
Binseriber deeiree to thauktlie .publie eenjorai
.. - the iglu+ time to say that ne is novr in a bet
. ,. -,!----14fe e .gireitnewonal attention( to all the 'detail°
,, teitration *lite ever to riupply the wants of all.
t,'S ', ' Ofi-1040 bueinelst ctistomere • can rely on their
,. , , ..
His 15 goolmettr=gr
41:11Kdee Sausage, Poultry, &e.,
''''s•.-- ..,' .:' .. ' . In season.
• Cash paid for Hides, Milne, dm. ,,
, , , • ,
Albert Elt„ (luton.
Flour and Feed Stores
Flour, Feed 8E ..Seed gore
• ,11Ae undersigned having formed a partnership,
aspire' to intimate that they will keep on hand
he very. best
•. Of all**, alio the choicest variety of
Clover, 'Timothy & Small Seeds
whici.lvin be sold at oloee margins for cash.
• SALT also kept on baud. They will also keep&
ohoiee variety of . all kinds of,TEAS which con-
sumers winded to be excellent value.
flTrL& 017T,
. •
• o'
louriF d Store -
rge or: small cjuantities.
poundatihoice Oatmeal for 1
bushel of Oats.
• 000K, CLINTON.
The Maisons Bank.
1,404rpoiatedby Mt of Parliament, 186s
0A7PirAL, '•• $2,000,000.
REST FUND, - $1,115,000
J. H. H. MOLSON President.
• F. W. THOMAS,....General Manager.
— s •
probes counted,•Collections made, Drafts is-
sued,Sterling and American exchange bought
and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al-
lowed. on deposite,
A.ILDIXilltlE1 •
• Money (evolved to formes on their owenote
with one or aka eudorders. No ,nortgage re-
newed as secturite
, H. 0. BREWER, Manager.
,rrx irr or
A. genera's Banking Business
tit ansacted
NOTES • .DIS00111ITE1), •
Braftkissued. Interest allowed on
gLIN1r0 .. T
made to fermate on their own
oda* At 10W rated of inte'rest,
generalneiriesa trandetited
z.; Inteqiit al owed on, deposits.
Ale Neteor bough
j. TiSDALL, Manage
\ soots,
citttt two tad% it
youre never ed
tbe y think of it, then try
itforyoursele The Tie
suit will please you. and
your clothes will be
washed in far los time,
with Dose Lbour,
Greater Comfort, and,
an theY
g Will be whiter than
,whenY174 tiled orditnnY
bave ever 'been before,
•HASE4 Me * new dle.
e the itoOpeeets of
V AO* Titer andth.
iit ainZaTatt
o ,
teal obillisite ogees retain en other
f,atied mestere, Zeta hydra,
, of Mt Pit mfettit tires
ta amps lomat.
ilio14 by ;is. E. Combs.
;agoImes wit tot«
• c01;"tteV61r4i .r.grng
Is SwboaiffiIs of. there
e tbkorialv,bv a faeady rtrIal
yPorsolf. TOO are not
Ave " Committed jo•spy way
N ONINN tonne the soap* all We
ask Is: Don't ,Delay, try
IS the next washing day.
• • • • • • •
To the Wives
Is Safficient."
For Rendering
Pastry •
' Short or Friable.
tter than Lard
It has none of its disagree.
Ogfiennd kidigestible
. • features.
. • •
Endorsed by leading food
and cooking experts.
• • •
Ask your tirocer for it.
Made only by
Wellington and Ann Streets,
0.12 C ROM
iff 41° LIEC;IFTEUIFY 1•16:;:*12‘S;
Not only e* relleflatt a cure for all kinds of
Harmless. Contain no hurtful dm/. A
wonderful Compound. Nice to take,
Sure death to pain.
De euro you got STARKS.
25 GENTS a Elilret)Inaewbye4inti
Bleated, vs. Appointed Oilleials,
List wok, in disowningwk, tile platform of
the Patronsof industry, we took exception
te One plault,that relating to the eleetiotinf
personitholding aim of any 'Wad. The t
matter has mince come more promMently
tethe trInt, by an address delivered 'be-
fore the Young Liberals, of Toronto, sou •
liflonclay evening, by lbe, HOU. Oliver
Mowat.. The addr4s covered several gab;
J6001141'4 dealt BPOOtaeltllY with this plank
of the Petrone platform. A. portion of Mr
blowatio renearlie en the. anbjeotarc as fel.
It is sometimes asked why, as the body
Of elentere are (panted: to 'choose mem,
bers of Parliament, they, are pot equally
qualified to elect the Reglatrate and other
• rovieoetl 1c&officers aloe? , And the
neetien ii somethnee thought to be con.
naive. Rut it is net iw, Tile COO of
iihareholders in .it 'banking company or
other large joint stock company illustrates
..the difference.,..The shareholders choose
tbe direetere, and'they leave to the direr),
tore the tielection of the odious of the Reins-
pany. No one querilione that 'this Method
of management is in the interest of the
companies. it is for this reason that the
systen0s universally adopted, 'fik) tinder,
the school law, the people. cheese the
[school trustees, the trustees olictoee the
tefiehete. Under the ninnieipal law, the
people ehooee 'the members of the 0ohncil;
• but the Council ohm° the mnnleieni,
Treaeurer and Olerlinthe Assessors, Cpl.
looters, and other officers. There are
stronger reasons in the case of the Pro-
Villoial officials than in those came Which
I have Mentioned, for an elector's choice in
'voting for members of the Legislature de-
pends, not 'merely or prinoipally on what
• he may know of the integrityand business
ability of the respeotive, candidates, but
also, and larsOly, on the political and other
parties to which they respectively belong,
and to the professed 'principles and his-
tory of such party. When any govern-
mental or legislative change is proposed or
considered, the first and most important
question to be weighed is, whether the
change is expected and likely to be a bene-
ficial change. In the present matter it has
not been suggeeted hitherto, so far 9.9 I
have seen, that the work of the °Mori,
aimed at would be better done in case of
the offices being filled by county election or
appointment. We have the experience of
or neighbors &arose the line as to the
election of such officers, and there is no
pretense that they have eleoted better
men or more efficient officers than, as a
rule, our Officers are, by whatever party
appointed. In fact, the very contrary is,
the case; our officers are as a rule superior
to theirs.
Again, we cannot go for the change to
local appointment or election under the
notion that the proposed method follows
necessarily or logically from Liberal prin-
ciples in other matters. On the dontrary,
I have failed to find that the municipal
election or appointment of such officers
is in use under any liberal or democratic
Government in the world except tbe Unit-
ed States. That method prevails, as I
have sold, in the United States, but I
hope that, however kind our feeling
towards that country, none of ns have such
a love for whatever exists there that the
mere existence of the proposed system
there is suffidient to make ns determined to
have it here, -Let no have iii Ontario the
best modes, and the beetlawC-erfestheir
they correspond with the laws of onr neigh-
bors or not. Several of our institutions
and many of our lama are in advance of
theirs, and as regarde these we should be
retrograding, and not advancing, were we
to adopt theirs in place of their own. Do
not let us forget that the Provincial Gov-
ernment represents the people—the people
of the whole province—quite as much as
the electors or Municipal Councillors of a
county represent that county. Under re-
sponsible government the Government con
slots, in effect, of a committee of the Leg-
islature, a body chosen by tbe people, and
the Government must fiave the support and
confidence of a majority of •that represen-
tative body. Thus, what is done by a
Governmept under the responsible system
ie recognised as done by the people. An
appointment by the Government is quite
as much an appointment by the people
as an appointment by the County Council
would be, or as an election by a direct vote
of the electors on the smific appointment.
The difference is that an appointment by
the Government is an appointment by the
people of the whole province, while either
of the other modes would be an appoint-
menthy the people of only a small section
of the province. Some things are better
done by that section, and other things are
better done by the -province as a whole.
The present question is, to which of these
two classes the appointments in question
belong. Again, under the elective system
in regard to public officesEit is found by
experier ce that the mase ,of the people do
not really choose. The ohoioe is made,
and perhaps necessarily made, by a few
members of each of the reepeotive political
• or other parties- who meet in caucus or
otherwise for this purpose. -- The choice of
the eleotors is limited to one-orother of the
candidates so chosen. Any • eleetor who
does not vote for one of them throws away
his vote, for no other oan get votes enough
to be elected. In 99 cases out of 100, per-
haps in 999 out of 1,000, it is party arid not
the qualifications of the candidate for the
office that determines the electors' choice.
As regards tbe officers whom the Patrons
want elcoteds, their duties are not muni-
cipal. The laws with which they have to
do are Provincial httve, and in a few in.
stanees Dominion laws, not municipal by.
laws or regulations; their dutiestinder these
laws are of prime importance to the whole
province, not to the county only, and under
030 present system the Government is re-
apensible for the efiloient disoherge of those
duties. The article in the Patrons' plat-
form embraces county officials generally,
not those of the Province only. Amongst
the Dominion' deco Which might as well
be filled by local eleotion as these now in
the gift of the Provinoial Government, are,
for example, poetmasters, local inepeotore
of gas and gas meters, loud officered the
Exohequer Court and Others. The general
principle on which the present e3reteni.pro•
weds is that it is for the publio interest
that the Government of the country, in
other words the people of the Province as a
whole, should be responsible; as far as
predicable, for the administration of Ins;
ROO in the Whale Province.
The grounds. of objeotienraised and the
argomente need by Mr Vowel', to the
eleetivs systeinceeem to bercesonable. The
more the matter is °Melly !poked into, it
sonnet° US that ono becomes more thor-
oughly convinced the present system is the
boo one, Where may bo abases of it, brit
they ere rare, and the officer responsible
to some constituted authority for the pro.
per diseharge of his duties lemon likely
US perforni hie &ilea Well, than if Mellen.
sib o from year to year, to a changing cot.
tporatkin snob WI a municipal or county
council. '
The undersigned having bought out the Whiten,'
besinetiate etteileabfullY carried en by Mr Win.
Young, continue the htetineas at, the eld stand
De Will endeavor, by stipplying °tat mass gra-
de. to Meritthe support Of the bconls.
Breed delivered anyleb ere in town.
Wedding Oakes, Fruit B onge Oakes
A Resident of Barrie, Out.
as in. 4 bistressing C011.dii011 for
Over Seven. Mouths.
' PURE 1.10iNal*:
For *ale, comb. and xt
Ile. was. Totally Itleapacitated 4nd Could .not
Wort' at his Ttacle
AMER :A, WISE TRVAiltIMNT 1:1,0 CoriirtIENeas
TO „ Nyci,a 40..A.,111
A popular and well-known citizen of
Hamilton, Ont., who was recently restored
tokhealth by aPine's celery compound, af-
ter suffering from a complication of troubles
for several years, says:—
"Had I taken .the advice of the first mer-
chant to. whose store I went to buy Paine's
celeryicorepound, I would still be enduring
agony or would have been in my grave be-
fore this. The merchant I refer to tried to
persuade me to take a preparation of which
I was ignorant, and of which I had never
heard befOre. I quietly declined the offer,
and direoteCipyliteps where I knew I could
peohase.the nieffreine iti'Oritli had faith.
Yes, I found Paine's celery compound, and
it found its way to the root of my troubles."
Mr John Barrand, tailor, of Barrie, Ont.,
whose portrait appears above, is another
man who had implicitleenfidence in Paine's
celery compound. His -hopes and expecta-
tions were fully realized, and to -day there
is no stronger advocate of "nature's health
restorer" in the Province of Ontario.
Mr Barrand's case was a particularly se-
vere one. Inflammatory rheumatism in
its most acute form had pulled down a
.strong physical frame, and brought him to
a condition of utter helplessness. He truly
realized his great danger, and the argent
necessity of wise and prompt rotion.
5Ir Banana was a thinking and observ-
ant man ; one on whom great truths had
made deep impressions. While in wretch-
edness and suffering, these great truths
were continually before his mind. Every
wonderful cure effected by Paine's celery
compound for the !benefit of some friend or
neighbor, was carefully and prayerfully
considered, with the result that he determ-
ined to use the medicine that had done so
much for others. No power under Heaven
could have dared to alter his decision; and
the merchant or dealer who would have at.
tempted to reeommend or urge upon Mr
Barrand something elsejust as good, would
speedily have been rebuked for his eelfish-
nese, dishonesty and callousness,. •
Mr Barrand, after a jUdioions and persis-
tent use of Paine's celery compound; 'ivas
snatched from the very gates of .death, and
given health and strength to pursue his
trade. No other medicine in this world
could have done the same work for him.
His life depended solely on the wonderful
recuperating power of Paine's celery ,com-
pound, which the best and ablest physi-
cians are now recommending so strongly
for many forms of disease.
Now, dear sufferer, just a word of warn-
ing and encouragement for your benefit. We
have given you the chief points of the won-
derful restoration of a gentleman to whom
'. you may write for information; he is will-
ing to confirm all we have said, and can
;give you. fuller,partioulars. -The 'medicine.
that oared Mr Barrand, of tiarrie, will do
the same for you if you only make use of
it. It's power is not limited to certain in-
dividuals or certain looalities; it is suited
for all who suffer.
We are pleased to be able to give Mr.
Barrand's own wads of testimony in favor
ofPaine's celery compound. To add strength
to the testimonial, the Rev W.M. Magrath,
rector of Christ Church, Barrie, confirms
• every statement made. Mr Barrand says:
"Just a year ago I was attacked by in-
flammatory rheumatism in its most acute
form, which totally incapacitated me from
pursuing my trade—that of a tailor—or, iu
fact, from doing work even of the very
lightest kind, as every nerve in my body
was affected. I was in this distressing con-
dition for more than seven months, when
I commenced to use Paine's celery com-
pound. I soon began to realize the benefi-
cial effects of the medicine; but my case
was an obstinate one, and required the per-
sistent use of the compound for some
months before. I was able to move about.
I am thankful to say I am ao far recovered
that I have commenced work again; anal
am very hopeful that by continuing to nee
the compound a little longer, I shall, please
God, be restored to, my wonted health and
strength again. Surely the medicine which
has done so much for me Will prove an equal
blessing to others similarly afflicted; and to
stwhI say,414.ive Paine's celery compound
a fair trial.' For what your medicine has
done for me I am most grateful."
The Local Legislature.
The Local Legislature has been called
for a meeting early in February, ..and
as this is the last session, dissolution
and an election will follow shortly
after. How long the session may last,
will only to determined as business
progresses. No doubt the session will
be a lively one, because the Opposition
on the one hand, will do its utmost to
find weak spots in the administration
of Mr Mowatt, while the government,
on the other hand, will feel called upon
to place itself in the itrost favorable
light before the country.
Mr Meredith has, so far, maintained
a solemn silence as to his platform.
In none of the recent by-elections did
he l take any part or express publicly
any opinions, so that people are in the
dark so far as Ms intentions are con-
cerned. To say simply that -the in-
• tends to.adrainister the affairs of the
country better than Mowat hue
done is a. statement that requires
something to back lb up. Wherein
has Mr Mowat failed An the faitlifui
discharge of the trust reposed 111 hiin5
His administration- has' not been ek*
travagant, or dishonest, or corrupt.
It is charged that he has filled public -
offices with relatives, and even this
charge has been shown to be greatly
exaggerated. If it could be clearly
shown that Mr Meredith would be a
more honest and better adthinistrator
of public affairs than Mr Mowat has
been, there might be some grounds for
a ,change at the next elections, but
until this is domito the satisfaction of
the electors we fail to see why Mr
Mowat should be turned out and Mr
Meredith installed in his place.
Scott's Emulsion does not debilitate the
stomaoh as other cough medioilies do; but
on the contrary, it improves digestion and
strengthens the stomach. Its effects are
immediate and pronounced.
Middlesex eOnnt37 takes front rank in
the plebiscite vote. Including the city,
as will be seen from the complete re-
turns, the majority in favor of pro-
hibition is ver 5,000.
. The Canadian evangelists, Hunter
and, °mash* ate now holding very
suceessful revival meetings in Brook-
lyn, N. Y., in the largest Methodist
church, It IS said, in America, There
!US very great crowds attending, With.
good. results. '
\II 1
DIMON ER,Tg. •Li(ielgerl,COLY 1,0S AND (*VOUS.
.. • .
C. IfOA.RE, Clinton, ,:4*
Clinton Planing Mitt/
DRY itztint
The subscriber, havingthe very latest imPrevol • „,
Meebieerfr., ane empleying *be reeetskillee w
Men bi lb* to dtt WO* in lila nue in the moat
satiafactory manner, at reasonable rites ana
• on the Ihertest uotlee. Atrial
111100- XaBBITZIE
••••F VA/4.10,..110, Inueft.,••••••40..41-**4.4•41.4,
motitY to*
' Daiwa feline it will
Tclus &SO%
YOU SAVE visge5. -
• Inucb diotgarat,
, ..,
When We' iisert tha-:.
Kidney ,Pills
# Cure Backache, Droi3sy;,
• Lumbago, Bright's. Dis.
0 ease,,Rheumatism and all
4 other forms -of Kidney
-Troubles, . we are. backedb
y the testimony of all
who have used ,them..
By all druggists or mail ofiVevelpf ot price,
so cents. Dr. L. A. Sewwwitaiii:006,4000411 & Toronfq.
thitatiwiQuilwgaivuet yaofiru sstaliistagalOtreeX-renadde'ytVocm0--4'
to the undersigned. He will dig and o eau°
wells, and do It at the closest prices. kte-Wiso,°' •
handles a ftrarolase PORCH RUMP ."
Opposite Queen's Hotel Figb Street, qllftt
Manufacturer and Proprietor ter the beet *wet •
DIM Dog in use. ,A.geut for the sale and_,a 11.
cation of the tffrissea PATCNT Aurrafsruf
ctsainin. STEAM NTT !NIS furnished and app
(Id 4,1 sly, ^t notice
Donors. Engines. *snot all kiwis of
Manila wiry repaired e pedielonsly
and to a •fttiafaetory manner
Fenn Implardmps,tematagtured and repaired
Steam and water pumpirfurslibed-vid
poeitipn. Dry Kline fitted un on applieation ' •
Charges moderate.
, • C. Near gte
111.0416 • PLASTER
1.443-n & uvesunent
TisConrneieLtun ?gerontarseeuritarogahefnter
8, 4 and 6 ,,„ Itowed ON
Dpoita, accorditay t q.mount atid time left.
• —
OFFICE. -Cor. Somme and North St.. eoderiel•
oltA0E HORTON, Manager
CAN 1 0111,4111JN A. PA'kEIPM 4' For I
WA& lir Vii.othoagatIgirc TragyllicTriLli
experienee In the, patent Inteineas. Moatmtmles•
Mons Strictly confidential. A Handbook of In. •
formation concerning ,Pa tents and how to oh.
tain theta sent free. Akio a catalogue et meeha.
Ical and nientific books sent Inc.
Patents taken through mune t Co. Invitee
epeelal notice in the Scientific Atnerican.and •
tins are brmight widely before the pUblIC•Ilth+
OLIt CONE to the inventor. Tete splendid Ono%
issued wekly. elegantly illtustrated.tulabyrar the
largest circulation of any edentate work In the
world. in a year. gamine cFeles isentrree.
B=onuilding Li, monthly, 1,0 a year. Shoos
tes, 25 *onto. Every num r, containe beau*
Mud plates, in colons, and photographs of new
houses. with plane, enabling buildento show the
Latest dettlans and debure emitracts. Address
hillieN 4 co., maw lemur. atm 13.04"DwAr..
ROM hiiltig ad Paper
The undersigned la prepared to proinptly eite•
°ate all orderfor plITINO, 11at,SOM/$1110
PAPERHANGING, Ste. Ile is a practical roana
ong experience and guaritutees to do aa work •
in a manner that shallti' satisitiotorY,While
prices will be exceedingly electorate. Ordere re*
opeotfully enciled.
GEO. POTTS, Hirit OlintOn.
Perseverance 01 sung ti oagi4inai•, mad
ni Wad et loos ttedlog. *hoe a suit seems
orpossisessui lie Nested Redly *Nth foinf
Poe Elottle.25410cor SLOG,