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Clinton New Era, 1894-01-26, Page 7
H L!N' 'OM NEW ERA BRUMBALL, `'THE JEWELER" The holiday season is overt and we still have an immense -as- sort ent of beautiful roods ro essor.«Doren enC, Is corning Now is your tune; .The only visit this season. He will be at the TEINEV Y ROUSE, . CLINTON Op. THUJRSDAY, . FEB. 8th. If you are bald, or grey, or if your hair is thin or faded' • don't miss this chance. By the nee of his coverings a more refined ex xeasion, a more youthfu '' I and greatly improved appearance can be secured. or 'Obi he has Gainples of a la�vgr@�nnmbar of new styles this season in Bangs and other cover - =stent ban wdknout'laoe foundation, more natural in appearance, stronger �� l;ki . Sl hl eW p gg g tar and mors thoron hly youtilated than anyything ever before ofrored in Canada. wave.bangs plain trontpiepes, wavy. fronts ewitohoe and brafas in all lengths and shades; fel: and open wigs o) onrlf+,straigi#t. long or'tbort hair.. otltlenten, 800 tee grand atylee in Toupees epd wigs, If you are bald or partly bald the pro- fest0! can flt you no exactly that•it is impossible to distinguish from the patural growth of hair= teheg@g_goode.are worn by 12,000 of thegegtlemen of Canada, Why not by you? Ladierk,dpn't fail tp ae$ hew to secs e a pure,clean complexion and how to remove tan and wrinkle •Remember at the .• k TTENBURY HOUSE, CLINTON, --ON-- JIURSDAx', FEB. 8th, 1884. oot.N WEND& ¶OU? EE FARM FOR SALE - Well eitnatad rarinor56 Gores, near Bayfield. Good frame honao and barn, two good springs, Otte Weep! nardwood bush and four acres.iinn orcbard; five Wires fall wheat. Will be sold cheap $114,0n verryreasonable terms. This is a good op- tfoXtunity to anyone desiring a farm. Possession li ends. Apply to ;,HALE. or MRS•C.MOFFATT otoria Si., olinton., « SHINGLES FOR SALE ubscriber has now a large stock of North ore Cedar Shingles, also British Columbia Red lir Shingles on hand at each of the following Coe. and they may be procured either from or the parties named: Belgrave, Wm. t tson; Blyth, D, Cowan; Brucefield, at eta - tin : or from..-.. :Rebell MoI1 een- . !Stanlgy; an LOttdesboro, from himself. 'w. II.''WRITLF]Y. ' * r '�OARS FOR SERVICE. ,Phe unTersigne as for service a thorobred nglis Berkshire and a thorobred Tamworth at te:promises, Lot 5, Con. 6, Hullett. The Berk- ebire pig• was bred by Snell, of Edmonton. eiine- $1.00 for Berkshire and $1.60 for the ainwerth, payable at the time of service, with the;.tsrivelege of returning if necessary.- .Also a :i'dmber o/ young pige fit for service for sale. Tawe are all re toted stock. v,.*4i P..11 SCHOALES,Constance. • a• FARM HAND . WANTED. Wanted immediatele a Farm Hand,to hire by the year. Apply to JOHN THQMSON, Blake P.O DRESS MAKING. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of Dress Making at her home victoria St. Satis- faction guaranteed. • MISS BARGE, Clinton WOOD FOR SALE Subscriber has for sale any -quantity of Short wood. Green or Dry, and will deliver it to any tothe town. Preasonable. JOHNpaTeamster, Clinton.i — _-BULL FUR `SERVICE Subscriber keeps for service at his premises Hullett, a first-class Durham Bull. Terms, Si ai time of se e, with privilege of returning if no-- cessary. HENRY FREEMAN. PolaT:d China Boar for Service. Snbaoriber keeps for service a thorn -bred. ((�r-egipil6Y'ed)"�tiland China boar. Terms $1 at tiles of service, with the privilege of returning, ifSoo@ssary. HENRY JOYNER, JR., Linsley "1hrrace, London road, Clinton. THE COILED SPRING Wove Wire Fencing. *easniii�ssws�ss#e/©ilf�® ®01111110111119Q1111CIIMONli®lilAQ rtelAwl111/1is011ri011111a0111.01011 14011•1aA01l011A6a1A01AAA01A1111 rasnarsraar isrrarsso artrirrrBisararerr rawneasetre..a.rewnew.•eenw Messrs Stanley and Steep are agents for nisi above fence, which is claimed to be the best fencing wire manufactured of the kind STANLEY &STEEP, Clinton ,o You Want ,.h Av PIANO ? AN ORGAN? ,,,. A PIANO STOOL or DRAPE-? A EpIO BOX, .. - THE LATEST SONG? Tail LATEST SHEET MUSIC ? i/x1011 do it will pay you to Corder tlli'otigh —p �1 OJ. EMERSON, Clinton The Clinton Music Dealer, • EO/AL Reduced lwi►uncl Trip Bates to PacjiI4 Coast . Points . lr'rotn• Minton 'via 0-.1'.11,. to .WING11AM,, DBINS0, • ZONDON, or POIfoNTO, thence O. 1�..R„ returning sa lie 'route, Special: Pried $ .O2r6O I' Sleeper can be secured And toil iutorlitatlon stippliel by • T►0+'' 11;1'.%1► 2'1 OW and' idt.ifOR.lPit Atiltllli'C,. 01.INTON.,, • NOTICE. The public are hereby cautioned from remov- ing any timber or trespassing on Weat half of Lot 17, con. 3 Hallett, without permission of. the owner. The above farm is fr Sale or to Rent, Possession given at once. Plowing on it is all done. . ANDREW GINN, Proprietor. NEW BUTCHER SHOP IN LONDES BORO. The underssgned has opened cut a Butcher Shop and will keep all fresh meats in season, and will sell the same as cheap as the cheapest. Trey intend to deliver in the surrounding coun- try either by quarters08. or quarters. e& SON. House acid Lot for Sale or to Let The house and lot pn Maple St., Clinton re- cently occupied by Mrs Drydn, is offered either- for ither for sale or to rent on very reasonable terms. The house is suitable for small family, and has quar- ter acre lot, good well and bearing fruit trues. Perehaser can have any time to pay forCOt. ART CLINTON—MA;RKETB-_ Corieoted every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Jan. 25th, 1894. Wheat fall 0 57 a 0 60 Oats 080a031 Barley 0 85 a 0 40 Peas • - 050a062 Flour per bal. a'3 60 Butter 0 18 a 0 20 Chickens p pair 0 25 a 0 35 Rapper d z. 0 15 a 0 16 Potatoes.. . ...--.e7,--Z. 0 35 a 0 40 Hay, N e and Old 5 03 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 3 00 a 4 00 Chiokens per pair 0 30 a 0.40 Geese each 0 40 a 0 60 Turkeys per lb 0 08 a 0 09 Duke per pair 0 50 a 0 75 Pork 5 75 a 6 ,00 SALE REGISTER. Farm Stook eto., Thursday, February 22nd, Lot 29, Con. 7, Hullett, Jas. Howson, Anot. Geo. Westoott, Prop. HORN SwenTe.-ln Wingham, on the 15th inst. the wife of Mr John Swarts, of a daughter. • MARRIED " MoEwAs—GOLDTROnPE. — At Highview, the rest fie of the bride'sparents, by the J,e,4 nrnball,, Peter MoEwen, to .Alio%, daughter of Joseph Goldkkhorpo, of Colborne. D4oEncsos—OuivEg.--On the 16th inst., at the residenoe of the bride's brother-in- law,. Mr John Leckie, Toronto,by the Rev. 0. 1 Milligan, P. D. McKinnon, Winni- peg, to Pauline, daughter of Mr James Oli- ver, late of Brussels. WEhsix---BArxwum.-At the Main Street Methodist Church Parsonage, Exeter, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. D. MoDonagh, Rich. Welsh, of Osborne, to Miss•Kato, daughter of Mr Wm. Balkwill, of London Road. MoGowtr Mnnnoc' .--At the residence of the bride's father', on the 18th inst., by th Bev•A. Mct lay, Mr R.C. McGowan, of st Wawanosh, to Maggie J., daughter of S. Murdock, Aabdeldr • T)ILU.., 1v[o]Ot3t1 N. iia Pitillett; on the 23rd inet., William Molirion, aged 81•ycara. I tAtrst.- -In Varna, •nn the 22nd George Beatty, urged 75 years and 7 months. Oittru:nr..-•In Tncktlremith, on t1icc 20th hint., Peter'tlaropboll, Of . Stanley, aged Gg rare and ii months. nlrl9.«- In .cton,' on the 23rd #fiat., 'William Daniel Correll, infant eon of 'Rev. .L Edge, aged 2 months and 18. days. y R One weep, froom. yester , o► closes .our bus ness year, alot one week: Iron- last ig. we expeet to work -the, greater part of the oc ., night 'entering d own s� k and ope the result may be as satisfactory as �h.we' 9 anti- cipate,. Iz s0,7, we can . only say . what we always,)lave said, that' unless we lay before the people .the 'very newest, brightest -alid best value in goods we cannot "hope to lead the • trade in this place, as we have done the' past `year and •a half. We want. to see all the old faces.and many new ones for1894 ILE(OY tic WISE1VL CLINTON • Leeburn NOTES.—Mrs D. Sterling has been very sick this week, but is improving'. Mr William Adams and Mr Pat Wil- liams illiams visited Mr James Linklater on Tuesday evening; the former showed some slight -of -hand tricks, and the latter sang songs. Miss Matilda Glid- don, who has been working in Holmes- ville, returned home sick, last week. Mr Ben Allan has left here with a car load of Horses for North Bay. Quite a number of our lodge members attended the district meeting at. Manchester, on Monday of this week, and report an enthusiastic meeting. Mr Frank Allan has gone on a trip to North Bay, with his brother Ben; Miss Maggie Weise is visiting her sister, Mrs Arthur Hor- ton, this week. Mr John Horton sold a fine team of horses this week. The members of Leeburn lodge intend hav- ing a debate; subject is, resolved that the os is more useful to man than the horse, and not half as much harm. Miss Lizzie Jefferson, of Godericb, a former resident here, visited friends this week, prior to her departure on a trip to California, to visit her -brother George. Mr Percy Stewart is at pre- sent laid up, he having undergone an operation, which has left him very weak; we hope to see him out soon. A aburn. NoTEs.—The Temerance conven- tion, held here, prone a success; mem- bers from different to ges attended the meeting; a good program was given in the evening. Miss Lue Wray has r e - turned home from visiting friends at Gorrie. Mr John Armstrong returned home to• Parry Sound this week, after Visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss Baine, of Godericb, was the guest of Miss Willard. Mrs • John Smith and brother are visiting their mother, who is very sick. Misg Bella • Wilson *as aisiting the parental roof this week.. The friends will be glad to bear Mrs S. Clark is improving a little in health. Mr Edith Turner, of Goderich was visiting friends in the village. Mr R. Askwith had the misfortune to lose one of his horses last week, by break- ing its leg. Mr and Mrs D. Fell are visiting friends at Bluevale. Constance. PRESENTATION.—Ori Tuesday even- ing last a company composed of the young members of the Presbyterian congregation of this place, awaited on the Rev. Mr Musgrove, at. the manse, and presented him with the following address and a purse containing $80, as a slight recognition of the services he has rendered here:— To Ray. Mu Mvsortovk—DE.tR AND Rev. Snit --It is with mingled feelings of thankful- ness and joy that under God'e providers% we are again enabled to make to youself and your estimable --partner in life, ouryearly offering; you have labored long and faithfully as our stiirltual guardian, our earnest hope is that the harvest may be moat abundant, that the Minister ratty have many souls for his Jetvard., We have heard it teidakiced that the Rev. Mr Musgrove is one of the hardest worked Minis- tors in the Presbytery land we' feel ussurt)d that it is no exa geratiotl' the sir itt upon- your con., ..titution, both wontedly andpliysically must ti><• deed be most severe and°our carncati (loon and. grayer to . Gd is that; he array uphold' year strength in the future as lie has inttO past and ;thatourscit and your most estlni:tblO narthex' mhy lie lon snared to lninistor 10 .your flocks. Signed in behalf. of Woburn congregation. R,NDEHt o11, It. LitcnsAv. Dr Talmage will resign hie psi torr'ate in Brooklyrt'at the e'nd of Ilk term, DO NOT MISS THE CHANCE. Our readers will see from advertisement in another column that. Prof. Dorenwend, the well known manufacturer of hair goods is about to revisit us with his many styles of coverings for both ladies and gentlemen. He has invented and is now manufactur- ing some style on an entirely new princi- ple, seeming better ventilation, stronger' and more natural looking goods, and being lighter in weight—Ladies' wig of curly, wavey and straight hair—Ladies' plam fronts—Switches it all lengths and shades —For gentlemen he has wigs and toupees —so natural in appearance, so light in weight and of such great benefit as a pre- ventative of bold that now more than 12,000 are -using -hem—Why don't yon? The Prof. will also give hill information to la- dies regarding the oare and treatment of. the complexion. Remember at Batten - bury House, Clinton, Thursday, Feb. 8th. The sales of timber limits at Ottawa, Wednesday, by the Dominion Government realized about 8400,000. Owing to the resignation of Dr. MoLen- aggham, M. P. P. for South Lanark, a new election for the vacant seat in the Legis- lature will be held. Nomination has been fixed for February 9, andpolling on the 16th. It is rumored in Ottawa that certain papers in the possession of Mr Thonrbs McGreevy, at present in jail, will be placed in the hands of the Liberal party, and that their production next session will cause a sensation. Mr John McMillan, Weston, Ont., sold Mr George Keith, Toronto, $2,865 worth of Alsike clover seed, and retained seven bushels for his own use, pinking a total valve gf 62,420 from a orop of thirty-two acres. The total export from Toronto this season up to date has been about twelve thousand bags, an average of abort 930.00 per bag, making a total 2f about $360,000. Mr Keith's sales have been .principally in Great Britain and Germany. Discussing the future of the prohibition movement the Ottawa Journal (Ind.) says there is "every common sense reason to be lieve that the Supreme Court will deolare that prohibition pertains to the Dominion, not to the Province," and in view of that it argues that "the true line for the prohibi- tionists is to endeavor to get plebiscites in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick„ British a Columbia and Quebec, and then demand prohibition from the Dominion Govern- ment." FOSTER Leave 'poi= orders. quick for those rho.,• to'e you intend seivtl, ing to your frig s4 ODDS AND ENI: oa STOCKT AKING. We complete stock taking and close this year's business on Jan. In going through the stook we find many things that we would rather sell, even at a loss, than carry them over. Thousands of persons gathered in tba cemetery at Burton -on- Trent on. Friday, to attend the funeral of Town Councilor Charles Wileman. The members of the family were called to take a last look at Wileman's face before the coffin lid should be screwed down. Two persons said they saw aigns of life. Physicians who were summoned' pronounced Wileman alive. The funeral services were suspended and the crowdwas. dispersed. Wileman was taken from th3 cofiln and is now under treatment. ijndor the licading „ "Ile la grand ,yid Stan,>' the Toronto Evening Star,says:-- Ontario may well be proved of her Premier, 'Ontario'o`Grand Old man. no has clone a poblk work for. the Province andis a atundy, patriot, upholding the honor., integrity„and capabilities of his country with unfaltering faith and ringingdoelarations, °'Sir Oliver Mowat has lived- an anti a life and has not .spared himself in the bervidk. of his noun* try, Ile has grown old, and yet in hid' advanced years hq is able to apeale f or ;an. .hour and a. half, dealing vlgorouaiy.wlth the political paeatiane of the day." REMNANTS, Ends of lines, slightly shop worn goods,' lines we baye decided not to repeat. Shoppers this week will find bargains in every department; We hay®• still 12 raon's Overooattse.1 SO,1 that wore $5: to $8; and satin. a fa* piliOass Tv recd at 3 Tao. that ''ern 50o, to GCo. Ods you, of ford . to ' raja* the :opportunity' " of bugs good' meaooz,abie goods +1t eco. orr tho dollar. . for, odd, lines in Cfroeker arid G1absware at les% than Q5b.•ott the. dello • • • l3Ot ns AND SflOES AT eLNIO MOW: ' wr.�►,..+....W:wwffb0�ea.n�+��i►ieiMrtM,.,...... • In ASIIDEALER LOitergSBOItO