HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-01-26, Page 5,
• •
Good_Single Fold Dress Goods 5c -
Fine Check Single Fold DressliGoodsworth
14c for 7c
Shot Velveteens worth 76c for 5001
46 -inch Serges, all wool. Fawn,INavy,AMyrtle
and Black, 35c ,
564noheavyNavyDressSerge, was 90c for60c
'46 -inch fine All Wool Black Cashmere_ 42c
A big lot of Double Fold Goods,11were 40, 50
and 60c, to be cleared outllat 25c per yd
Double Fold Diagonal Dress Goods, regular
price 50c 'for 256
Heavy double iold.13rdbades worth 30 for 19c
Double Fold Meltons 15c, all colors
Double Fold Skirtings, were 35c for 150
A Table Full of Remnants of Black and
Colored Dress Goods
A• Few Ends of Stanley Suitings, very cheap
to clear
licipsacking, 3 colors, very fine goods 55c
ell'S Furnishings
90 cent Cardigan Jackets for 65 cents
$1.25 " " " 87ic
2.55 " " " $1.60
70 dent Top Shirts for 50 cents
15 /9 99 9! )9 55 /9
850 and $1 Top Shirts for 60e
$1, L12 and 1.15 Top Shirts for 800
1.25 Top Shirts for, 95c
IleavyRibbedShirts& Drawers 454for 33c
60e "
Plain StStripedShirts. & I;rawersT1
Fancy and " " `: $1.15 "85
If you want either Blankets
or Comforters, vihatwe have
are yours for very little money.
Boys' Nop Overcoats $2
Boys' Good Tweed Coats $2.50
Boys' Heavy Double greasted
Ulsters $4.50
Men's Good Tweed Coats $4.50
"Men's Meltoji and Tweed Coats.
'Meii'iFiiie Melton
and Worsted
Coats 0.25
A few odd sizes Frieze Ulsters
. wql be sold very cheap
EveryMantle in the stor at exactly hilt price F..,
Good Black Astrachan $1,60 per yard 7„,,P
Our !hole stock of Mantle Goods at special
prices to clear, we want them sold, and
• prices must do it
We would like our whole
stock of Heavy Shawls cleared
out on Bargain Day , and will
make the prices a temptation for
you to buy.
• Staples, Linens, &e
Fine Ribbed Vests were 70, 75 and SOc.
Bargain Day for 50o
Cromptotts Coraline Corsets 65c a pair
All sizes Wool Hoe, 2 Pairs for 25e
50 inch Damask Table Linen 270
60 inch Fine Damask Table Linen -36c
A few odd pozens and Half Dozens Nap-
kins at nargam Day prices,
Ladies and Chiidrens Colored Cashmere
Gloves 5e a pair.
27 inch Heavy Shaker Flannel worth 100
and 11c. at 8e per° yard
A poorer quality at &e
15 inch Chee$ced TOweling, all Linen -7-6e
Good Toweling•50
Better one's 7o., 80. and 9c
Remnants of White and Factory Cottons
Extra Heavy While Cotton suitable for Sheeting% was 12/ and
14e for 10c
We cannot give detailed
price list of Furs, but have still
some good Caps, Capes and Setts ---
left, and will give you a big Bar-
gain on any of them. A few
White Wool Boas 15c.
Miliiiicry •.
Every Felt Rat in stock, cb,oieo "
for 25e, all good shapes
Remnants of Trimming, 'Rib-
bons, Birds, Wings, etc., all
at Bargain Day prices
• Fancy Velvets and ?lushes worth $1 & $1.
per _yard, your choice for 35c.
Wide Ribbon Velvet suitable for Dress Trim-•
mings, 5c per. yard.
Double Fold reversible Canton
Plush, good patterns,worth 900
for 50c per yard
• 52 -inch Art Muolin with borders
Regular -20c Art Muslin -12c
Regular 50c and 60c LaceOur-
• tains 390- -
11.50 Curtains for $1.15
$1,40 Curtains for 11.00
A few odd ones at very low prices
broughttocktak1flg has : to light many lines �f .000,a6: that must be closed out, hence• • ''1'"ab1y Low Priees.. The early buyer gets first choice.
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