HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-01-26, Page 1-
a year in aeliveneeo
Babecription price of
. tha NEwEnA, and It is
exoeptional value at eta
, low itprice. Subscribers
will greatly oblige ue
by prompt renewals.
' ItOliERVIOLMES Editor arid Proprietor
MANTON, ONT., XANIJA,R1E'' 260 1804*, 4,
ur y
•orand Bend, father of the late Peter
. eek 1 Budget.NoTE.s.-Ilr Donald Campbell, Of
' OF INTERESTING NlifriNiii ,,-- campbell, 'is in Stanley, this week; he
is a bale old man of 84. Rev- Ar Cate
, riere and wife were also in Stanley,
Vi'00), an gllarativta°efiro%/i„r°e1304011'07;17dbeYirtds d, 4/44W4ke , attending the fineerel of his brOther-
imlaw, Peter Campbell.. Mr Alex,
Campbell, of Kincardine, is viiiitbig
here this week, and also Mr WM. Baird,
of Gulids, Kent Co,,'Ont. Mr and Mrs
H. J. Smith have reternetite their
SALEIn order .to clear them out
fore entering stack,' a- line
of $16.50 and $1650 Tweed
Suitings have been m' -
marked "
f. you are looking for a good
servicable , Suit at a moder-
ate price, this ought to be
• your. 'chance.
..LOVES- All our Lined
,Kid ,Gloves • have had con-
siderable cut off the price.
We. didn't party any over
' last year and we. don't want
Casa and One Brit:Se
Jin Botss
A tittle Story in Plain Terms
. A sacralegions 1Meel descendant of Be-
lial. who srifferod from bronehitis, laryn-
' , gitie poputuonia, phthisis, pleurisy, quinsy,
, whooping, cough, measles, _ biliousness,
, 1%1VA* Prtht:
• ' •
• cerebto•spintd-raenixigitis, la grippe and
'lentigo otfreeldet,,in order to fill his de,
pleted trepariry, determined to ally him-
, ' self to a &rile anitable, beautiful. and
wealthy Is:Mug Widow, •• *hese =44 ttire
- was L innelid-tiashie jepon e.nd a grog -
• grain dress trimmed with gimp and chenille
In 'order to stop his troublesome cough
• while enticing this relict of a defunct
millionaire to beoorrie a partner in this
nefarious, nebulous and diabolical scheme,
he took a dose from a large ble.ok bottle in-
to which a,doctor emptied what was left
over from the Boyers' mcipes which he
filled, coneisting of digitalis, morphia,
ipeoaousibana; alcohol, asafetida,‘ °berry
'• pectoral, quinine, calomel, camphor, cos.
care, chamomill, chloral, chloroform, co-
* hash, dextrin, eleminipane, aconite,
• sia, series, ,hellebore, laudanum, lettuce,
licorice, magnesia, molasses, muoilage,
mallein, myrrh, coriander, phenol,
inonia, suet, sulphur and
417'. .t
t . This medicine cured all his diseases at
' once, and .so completely rejuvenated him,
that when the Widow refused to marry
, him unless led could spell gneiss, feldspar,
.• • mispioliel,' guano, gypsum, emery, mer-
maid, skeleton, poniard, eschew, icicle,
shekel, plaguy,veterinary surgeon, microbe,
, 'bivouac,. subreena, cotillon, newt and
ghoul, he became so emberrassed with
" these, harassing words that his No. 13
r oeParrad from his pedal extremity and
come into violent and premeditated colli
sion With the lentigioral proboeciii4„this
intellectual dowager,dialocating her edmer,
and throwing her on the corzygeous ex-
, `trefnity of her vertebral column. ,
She called her,ubiquitous, corpulent and
4 unctueue lackey to eject this contumacious
descendant of a Siinian troglodyte through
the bridal orifice of her eumptuous and
•. • gargoylel mansion. Finding his scheme
abortive he emigrated to Dairotte and can-
, , • traeted a morgantio alliance with an ab-
g- origin() of the feminine gender, and finally
'• '• . shuffled off this mortal coil by Hovering his
• jegular vein with a piece of vitrified &ern'.
• tite in a tepee or primitive pavilion.
• US IS FIE. .
• Mantle
This .
store has got the -lead
in this line, and 1,1 Nice
dood4,iirst plasi' Work.
manship and SuperiorVits
along with :the' closest
living priceg, will hold it;
'then we are bound to win
• • • „
• ' . e . , „ .
•T110 keireni (tit. • ' IiOndefilboroe,
, „
NoiEti,- Mr jes. Crietr• is illetting DELEGATES, - The dellatee froin
material on the ground for t e. im- !North Star Ledge No, 017, of 0,,
prevenient of the laeltee CPI :the Carter T. did not oAlce aver, Pod sbovibg
farm. A renriner Of ataterriente are at the dietriet-IneetiCa on . Monday*,
abroad as to. who will Occupy thisbouse, owing , sickness and some -other
it is thought that the occuppts wilI
not be' outside of the AWner aboneee,'
bold. "action speak louder' 'than:
Werds.' . Mr joint Landebornand Wife,
are visiting reletiv,43 here, One Week.
Miss 'Dick, Morris', is , welting ,her sta-
ter here. Mies Dust0-18 visiting at
N. 00800. Mr Oeet.Orieh has returned
after auextendectvisit atGolierich.
meeting of the ratepayeranfthie town-
ship, took place Tuesday for the pur-
pose of electing a trustee ler place ef Mr
Layton decearsed, ' Mr Fraielterieh was
elected too the position, for the term
namely two years. •Reniember the
phonograph concert ,.it; • Turner's
church this (Friday) evening..
Alexander, of Strathroyktan organizer
of Lodges of Patrons Of Indlistey, held
a meeting in School No. 4, for the pur-
pose of organizing a here. Mr.
John Landsboro was call to the chair
and gave a very appropriate, address
on the subject which was Ao be discuss-
ed. Mr W. S. Lawrence, of .Goderioh
,upon and gave some prop remarks
township, being present, was called
concerning the organization and the
benefits derived:therefrom, after which
MrAlexander the organizer, Was„called,
and in a very lengthy address explain-
ed clearly the objects, benetite etc., de-
rived from such organizatiens. A dis-
cussion followed the addresses, after
which they proceed to organize and the
following officers were elected. Pres,
F. W. Crich; Vie. Pres., Thole Fowler;
Rec. Sect., Ira W. Johne; Fin. Sect,
Geo. Layton: Treas. S. Johns; Guide,
Jos. Crich; Sentinel, Iddo Crich. This
organization has commenced with
good prospects; thirteen< names were
obtained and will double this number
in all prohibility during, the week.
Next meeting will be held next Tiles -
day evening at 7.30; all interested in
the organization should be present.
Ho I mesville. ,
RENTED.,. -We understandthat Mr
John Halstead has rented ' the farm be-
longing lo Mr John Currie,. of Mani-
loiszTralfe.7tir enier:-Gbdericirfai-O
ship, and intends moving bout April
LEFT Tow% Mr . Mart Mugford
and vife have left our village/ it belh,g
toe quiet no dclUbe, arid have taken, up
their residence at Tailor's Corners,
vvhere Mart will work the farm belong-
ing to ,Mr Jonathan Miller, of Groderich.
CoNcEir&.---Tbe„ohonograph concert
given by Mr Laing,of Acton, may be
heard in the' Methodist church here on
Friday:even i ng, Feb. 2nd, corn mend-
ing at 7.30. The phonograph Itself is
well worth hearing, and the concert is
spoken of as being exceptionally good.
night the Royal Templars will have a
spelling mat ch, the words taken from
the first page .of this week's NEW ERA.
It is hoped some enormously difficule
words will creep in, and metaphorical-
ly speaking, make them scratch their
BETTER.—The many friends of Miss
Mr causes, the only repletentetiveVrtaM
B. Lawrisore: Who; would,threng
.fire and water to be prose '
. ]'.-The 1. 0.0, iodtt
lest Tuesday night,: had one‘ of :to
inostinteresting meetings it haalie
for sonie time, there were five ne
members *nu US IWO, They els
received on invitation from Cenetene
lodge to visit them on the evening
January Plet, which was accepted„ an
a large number intend,going algoO
ante ei expected,
AcinnEET AND DEa.Tre-Last Wee
the eldest son. of Mr 'Nit. Morin in
trying to reach some grain in a barrel,
overbalanced Arid could not get beck
off the eclge'of the barrel. He was in
that position for some time,9Intil his
father fouud, him and lifted him down.
He complained of being hurt, and scion
inflammatien set in and he died on
Friday night. He Was a bright, Clever
boy, and his parents have the Sympathy
of the people around • here. He was
buried in the Londesboro cemetery on
Monday. There was a very him
NOTES. -The letter on prohibition
by A. H. Drumm, in the NEW Eit
last week, meets with the hearty op
peal of the ;people heed. Mr ‘Vm
Bowers has been doingsorne handsorn
work for R. Adams; anyone wantin
painting done ought to speak to hint
about it. Mr Pyper, of Seafortb,. was
here this week making old fernitur
look new again. Our worthy Reeve
R. Scott, is attending the county par!
liament Goderich. Mr John
is on the sidle list, as is also WSW. F
Longman; we hope to soon see them al
right again. Dame rumor says tha
there is to be a Patrons Lodge organ
ized on the 12th con., west o the gra-
vel.road shortly. R. Adams has al
ready received a shipment of Sprit)
goods. There is to be an election o
80n, Parr floe, ,retorOod to Dakota last
'week, after tWri• week's'. visit with
fhroterane487 oreelif after enen:441k
_ srafof Om); Ander-
the. past . months in Dakota. _Mr.
Stanley. A large nember of
the young ropiC,',‘Of Stanley Pehaeed
e the ours w tb flying feet," at the resie
clerice of Mr Wm. Logan, oloe evening
w leetweek,,
• OniTnART,--LA &MT; iike.,a thunder -
ft 0011d fen on the people of the second
and third con,lof Stanley, Saturday
d morning' lest, as the report gle
very sudden death of Mr Peter Camp.'
hdeeleleaweaea swp4rsealdivoaaloinegutityheinlinbeie. usual
rola* health, indeed he was the Very
picture of health, and, was with his
men engaged in making square timber,
for Mr Ira Johns, Tuekersmith, all day
Briclay. In the evening he seemed in
his usual health, partook of a hearty
supper, and retired, at his Usual hour,
about ten o'clock. Between' two and
three o'clock his bedfellow, Mr Sam
Cooper, awoke and Puna' him breath-
ing heavily, and tried to awaken him,
but failing alone, called his son, Dan.
e Catnpbell and Geo. Ow*, but as they
dame to his loedside he breathed his
lea, Without having spoken, and ap-
parently without a pain or 'struggle.
_ The deceased was a man in the prime
of life, being at the time of his death
in bis fiftydirst year. He was a man
,;." who was widely _known, and highly
.0 esteemed. -indeed, very few people
stood better with the cotennunity than
„, be did. In his capacity as a. framer,,
carpenter and contractor, the bad much
' to do with the ioublie, and was greatly
esteemed for his honest and faithful
waeorwk,asaanmd afaniargearndanuemright emedreoaflitnhge.
Onion Presbyterian church, Bencelleid,
and a trustee of S. S. No. 10, 'Stanley,
a me poeleiteics.
lil)e was a member both of th 11.1
A. ajtreiewraveir or
ducted by llov f Clinton,
and also by the Masonic Order at the,
hoose and grave, the Masonic Order
heing regalie,and a number being
present from Clinton, Seaforth and
IiensUll. His ethrerriff the 'For-
esters were also present in 'area
numbers. The remains _were interred
in Baird's. cemetery, ori ypesday, ,Jan.
.8ect`; there being. 'aboot. nft direct
relatives in attendance. *bile hefunee
rartVas' 'One of thE?largeet'ever sen hi
Stantey, and bare the strongest evi-
dence to the high esteem in which he
was held. The deceased was born in
Drummond township, Lanark, but
when quite young his parents removed
to the township of Stanley. After his
marriage with Miss Jane Baird, he
lived for some time at (Ironton, and
then moved to the town of Clinton,
where he lived till the years 1882, when,
he removed to the farm, lot 22, 3rd
con. of Stanley, where he continued to
reside till his death. He leayes
widow and seven children, four sons
and three daughters, to mourn the loss
of a kind and loving husband and fa-
ther.- Two of his daughters are mar-
ried, Mrs John Moffatt, of Moose Jaw,
Assa., and Mrs John Moffatt, of the
fourth of Stanley.
and was a staunch Liber 1
esrttils.anAtehAnCeati,mdian Cedep. of gr.
elders for Knox Presbyterian chnrch
ballott; there are three to be elect.
ed. Mrs Ashley is this week visiting
her brother, Mr R. Miller, of Howick.
•-,DEtheree-The sad news was received
here last week of the death of Mrs Jas.
,Wenhain, late of ternefield,
she was the second slanfliter next, mid
Aire San 0/Wrath 0 itrillett;'Slre*
was „born in • _England/. Jan. 29th, 1814,
and emigrated toernicida•Witirlieropiiiie
ents over forty years ago. they Wang
in the city of Guelph far four or five
years and from there moved to Itullett
to the old homestead, where her father
still resides, her mother having passed
away in May last. She was married
in the year 1860 to Mr Jas. Wenha,m,
and lived Inc several years in Londes-
boro, and from there moVed to Mani-
toba„ where She lived until the time of
her death, which occurred Jan. lith.
1894. She was priviledged -in the pro-
vidence of God to visit the old home
three years ago to be welcomed by her
many friends here. She did not then
enjoy very good health, feeling at
times symptoms of the disease. which
caused her death heart disease. But
'death to her -moan° unwelcome mes-
senger, it only ened to her the or -
Emily Ford will be pleased to learn tals of glory. She was erte to
that for the past few days Mae has been God while in early life and showed to
considerably better. For aboiit two
weeks she ia13 been very low. it was
not expected she could possibly, recov-
er, but we are glad to hear of her im-
provement. The doctor called it the
real old fashioned grip.
PREAcuEn Toon Tun FIELD. -Last
week as it Colborne youth WA' out
driving, the horse became disgusted
with the rough, hard roads, and thought
he would take the grass for it, and in
spite of the protestations of the occu-
pants of the buggyjumped over the
fence into Geo. 1.avis' field, and was
taking a straight line across -lots for
home. This, however, he was unable
to'do. and had to content himself with
a circle or tivo around the field, when
all three were willing to take the road
again. Preacher has a few bad habits
which it would be well to break him
of: before he can be driven after dark
with otie hand.
NOTEs.-Mr Honston, of Clinton,
very acceptably filled the pelpit here
Sunday morning; we will be pleased to
have him again if he should favor us.
lb*t Mugford, of Benmillen, has
ting his sister, Mrs W. Ram -
Ir Thos. Marquis and wife, who
ting among their friends prior
are vis
to their departnre to their home at
Niagara Falls, were dolling on relatives
here hist week. Mr W. Wade, who
intends returning to notate shortly,
was in the village this Week; it seems
hard fori Will to decide whether it will
be more economical to bey one ticket
or two; better try the two, Will. IL
B. Evens seems tti be doing an exten-
sive business with his patent clothes-
line. The fellow who took his girl out
for an evening's enjoyment lasb week,
found the lost cushion; it .was just
were be left it -at home; it was queer
he coull ride three miles before he
noticedthere was no cushion on the
seat; you should have wade your words
before you accesectany One of taking it.
those around her, by her daily walk
and conversation, the spirit of the
Saviour she much loved. She strove
daily to walk close by the side of her
dear Redeemer, leaning on his arm for
grace' and guidance. She leaves a
husband ancl five children,three sons
and two daughters, to Mourn her loss.
They have the heartfelt sympathy of
all in their sad bereavement.
They leave us at the mystic river
And one by one
They gather in the Father's Kingdom,
Till all the crown have Won.
Farewell to earthly breathing
To heaven they come,
Renewing there the broken circle
In an eternal home.
East Waw,anosh
NOTES. -The box Social at George
Taylor's, on Thursday evening, was ft,
grand success, as is every effort of the
.Knox church Ladies Aid Society. Mr
'hos. IL Taylor was very ill with
grip for a few days, but is recovering
nicely. Mrs Thos. Shorts is seriously
111 with the same trouble, which is very
prevalent. - Miss Annie Scott is visit-
ing friends in Halton county at pres-
ent. Miss Pella Howatt died at the
rssidence of her brother -in law, Mr
Chas. Wm
ightab, on Wednesday' last;
the funeral 'took place on Thursday to
McVittie's cemetery, and was largely
WEDDING BELLS.--Quite.a, ripple of
excitement was caused at theresidence
of Mr John .1thirdock1 of Ashfield, on
the 18th inst.; the :cause being the
marriage of his daughter, Maggie X.,
to Mr R.O. McGowan, it popular young
farmer of this township. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. A. Mc-
Kay, of Luckpow, at 4p, in., in the
• pre, settee of about forty invited guests.
The bride was , tastefully attired in
white cashmere, ' trimmed with silk and
lace. The bridesmaid, Miss Dickson,
of Hamilton, was becomingly attired
in fawn eashilnere, trimmed* with silk
and. lace. The groom IVIIS supported
by his brother, Daniel. After the tisu-
NOTES.-- Revs, FL V. Irvine and W. al tongratultitions were extended, the
H. Mose filled the -pulpits* of, North St,
and Victoria, St, Xethodist churches,
on Sunday, in the absent° of the pas-
tor. Very enjo ablespecial meetings easion, to whic al seemed ti -.do eta.
company repaired to the din nnig-roorre
where tbe triblee fairly groaned with
tholmod thins repared.for oc-
are bell* eon ucted in North St. pie Juetiee. The remainder .of the me.
chureli at present; they wiIL likely 'iiing t'as spent in social cbat, singing
eloee tide week, The Warn) Weather and playing games, The bride was
of this inentil is giving _US liad side- , the recipient of ninny ornamental and
• wente imi Goderich._ The 'county Coml. bagful presehts, teeny of which earne
ell ineetieg at, Goderich thia Week, froth a (listemee and sent by frioode rmi
pee/1,43)201y quiet town present,. shinvieg the, esteriii In whieh
o bUNIfleSs. Mar $r are wonder. the briar is bela by. i111 t,13t.know her.
ing why, oar town time le front fiva to Wsloth in Wishing their) a happy and
tOtt inmates festee tlinii G T B. tuft.
Proqieroue journey Iltrough
paper says: -Dr Sloan, of Dunn aven-
ue, Aeho lately escaped from $8,000 lia-
bility in the Hess case, is trying to get
his money out of Court by lawyers
John and. Haverson. The Master -in -
Chambers was favorable to the doctor,
but the matter promises to be appeal-
ed fromCourt to Court. The creditors
want to retain the money in Court,
pending an appeal to the Supreme.
A NEw SPHERE. - The following,
'from the Hamilton Times, refers to a
former iesident of Blyth, and is a little
bard on him: -"Prof. T. Pasmore, who
advertised himself on the bill as "late
ediuor of the Patri,otic Canadian and
the pioneer champion of Protestantism
in Canada," lectured twice in the Alex-
andra Arcade Hall yesterday. In the
afternoon his subject was "The Char-
acter and airn of the Papacy.: In the
evening the subject was "Are we Justi-
fied in Publicly attacking Romanian)?"
To the afternoon there were about
people present and in the evening the
paid admissions were 34. Some of
these were disgusted with themselves
for attending, as the so-called lecture
vvas a miserable affair, and the speak-
er's style simply execrable.
NoTE0.-Miss Richards, of Strath-
roy, has been the guest of Mrs D. Me -
Kellar the past week. Mrs W. Camp -
hall entertained a party of friends on
Friday evening. Mr E. A. Chamber-
lain has been re -appointed town clerk
for the ensuingyear by the new coun-
cil. Rev. Mr Baugh, Auburn, oecit-
pied the pulpit of the Methodist church
here, on Sunday, Rev. Mr Biggins tak-
ing the Auburn work. The 0, O. F.
have leased the Watson hall, and in
future Will meet there, for Which 'pur-
pose it is now being renovated. A. M.
• Babb is, we are glad to learn, able to
attend to his duties., after a severe et -
tack of ei'ysipelris in his face. R6V, me
mg.ley was in SVingham on WeitineS-
dill, attending 'a deanery meeting.
Mr A. McNally has purchased the fine
buihlimig site on\Ditisley St. west. from
1.1r A. MeNclughtdil, on which he in-
teedsto build in the spring.. The many
friends of Mr P. Kelly will be eorry to
learn that lie lias oat been to vvell the
pest few days, Reeve Young is in
Goderich this week attending county
'emineil. A number of delegates front
heeeitttended the district meeting of
s he °111 Albion, Ori
. W. D. h s been spend-
ine• ewe ww:k bete with his pareet t.
Oft on Pritloy for Vanernivee, JI. 0,
tieOrlth Towne
Thateoztax..-A. young Mall
line forded to Dundee the ot
whether he went by the Bay
or the Maitland, we gannet,. tell) ,
„learn he hada *pod time,, notwithe
ing the dilfionity of getting there.
' ST. IA/Mk ' liftriator0i4,--Tbe
emitter* r tainment provided,for by t
, .:0 ROO- in the be -Sapient Of th
young people of St; James church w
oncThursday evening, Feb. 1st.
' Thoth* part of the entertainment wil
:be. vied.) ,up :of ono,. recitations on
.dialogrice by the eliikleen of tbeSah-,
„bath wheel,: The - second part will be
,ao03001400, Of Bible 'dews, WoriTs.
Fair views, and V.lewe'lor Children by
the magielantern operated by Xt. if.
.0.• •Irio;?er, banker, ***. Afelsons Bank,
Clintnniv, ThiiSe who attended the leo.:,
ter? by Rev, J. .T.eKerrin, of 'Hayilelar
last Week,:Wereall well 804101(4/ : being
both interested and edified; come again
and enjoy, "'Myself, . - .• , '
. ,COnicrii.e;20eunoil Met on the X5th'inai4
according to Statute. The following -gentle.
toertheMie ' id their Certificates of ',.qiukli-
fiCatien. and 'declaration of office; ..,' John
iity, • Messrs . Jae: Oonnelly„ Jae.
Cox Eleeve' Rove; Samuel taturdy, EFici
Dep ,
johnitte reed Marisa) W. WV:tante, Court..
.oillOili,..`'i-;The '.Reeve assented the ciliair;
mioutele:eklast meeting were read and
pasted. silta.vaa by Jas. Connolly, seq. by
SaeatielfitUrdY; that the following accOunte
be paid, ,iiSf.,-Bert* 44 Biddle, printing;
ilLe2M'efiV4. Record Printing, $17.25; 'MTh
MollWan / for gravel, 010.20; Clerk icor regis-
tration blithe, !marriages and deathii, 08.10;
Pose° cello* 31. oda e $15. removing
hicligenta,44 election expense, $72; F..Mc,
CertnaMetOriving driftwood and repairing
hil4.03rt,'Orenyn, for gravel, 58.70, J. wil
sOily locr'0,*el, $1.44; John Trewarths,
waiting otc:T,teasurerce reports, $3; Wm.
Cerrie-i'graYel/ $10,20; G Emerson, Work
on 7thafroi 011) con., $2.50; H. Beacom,
epilting.liSago, oi. The following fence.
vieWeniand'.penndheepers were eppointed:.
FeCcevieWera. No 1, Tatee, Belltelal 49,
Porter, YO*;,;MOMath; No. 2, Sohn , Sturdy,
W.M.,,tfierik Thee:Gorr , No. 3, Albert E.
Flearn,That Rutledge, *fills Bell; No. 4, .
John Mfdagton, John G. Elliott;',10beft
ElliOttiNelf5,' jaeStevenk HenrYlAttribli
Oa, ,PreOlier. renadkee ' 032!: lf-4,....-N,th....•
4 d c
ullhabnid; NO. 2.. Gle01,.. .. ,.bttit47k.gt'' *'
AndieWMeGlizire;ANTe,,V:. : O. -.t.460:
No. ti;',1inese Salkeld; ',04-,,i John Weir,'
Moved* janies joberii*,'Ileo. * Chas M.
WillitiottiAtat the following should be
road.o0Mmissioners: No. 1, Jas. Johnston;.
No. ',2;,: Samna Sterdy; No. 3, John:, ,
NO; 4iitia 4, Jas. Connolly; No. 0, ,,o',,,
%mama; ,IgOvedliSts Jae. Connally,', a
by B"0. ,'StnirdY/, ' tlfat the salaries ,et: if,
tiOlitiftRilViefollirOiii '''''giei'kr•iflOkTreae
uker ' $70; .Colleeter 070; Asserisor' $65;
AnclitorS;,0' each. The following °faders
w00,ei, }Meth John Trewattha, assessor;
.$roma*trohmitore gollecter; 'A. Oantelen
*o.44; -.'s#61ples, Auditors. perinciY841.=,
'igniriefflidieeet; pe-- the .• finit.' Xondey in,
Pebruarr. 'INIncoOtAII54cloric:'•'' .
..' owi :
: • n'irrolunredetr ' i -
of 4an. *. ,
20th. In ;addition to e- ecture by
Rev. Mr Hodgins, we understand some ,
talent .t. ' Andrew's have kindly
7.4371:"YriTitouirlf.eA1111,41(ortile.-..-ir441e.:'. A -4'.n"-4'1;4.44
a. hitglime on Monday , evening, !Oen
- ftleers from neighboring towns visited •
th8 sOldiers here. • After„thelhanquet
they,repaired to the tgliVn hall, Noliere.
J. J.; 'Whyte and daughter; and others,
uncide„the evening pass both reasantry
and Prefitahly, .. . •,1, ' . ',.. :. ., . -
Stows Og isltw tarE.,-ThoVe, -wee,-
quite a Atir round' the new saw Mill on.
. Srtitoilikoriew
Saturday fterriooenr,og
aas':•:, .,. ..,1 ,;,:,..,
smoke stack. A stiff ,breezeae.loloxy-
afeirhours 4
the air. The engine 14 'forty hors*
power,e.r, and will no doubt Make ts,1:
nun, ;
I.' 44,,,,, - .!'.- - „,„•
„loe4en PaskArd itciA:Lme Clanitclrrawg:'"7114.-7:1*: iitof
about the new bridge, as the people ht.
wthitl4itl°iVii"cliwtc)hclefpeeulbtr1VxnACtirdy4:1'till'.''. -
ibstineetowneotoigutlyind:p:i:eteilesodsf teph;e4tiiiicitettitwhoilikti:VO4.:otnentsi,w,ahts,e,
cannot see that alayod]Wouldresult.1';‘\ .'
/a;eri;:elclet:Ipi;oLii:oe:t•L..t. hamrnoril eAil!,ezu;Ittply..:': tt; japon;i;e4Y,
know the Met, and another freshet 'o
LondOiMs the guest of - his conelie 4
Donald McKenzie, at ii'opeeent, M*- 4.
Violet Thompson, who has been a
on visiting tour, rettirned:-.•itoine (.0.1, :•-"•':-' .1
Sunday. Air Andrew Ellicit4 of CI
this Week attending the County Ottn-l' . '.;.,• '
latid,fretiirned chorne, 1)),St,,:week,' • u.' 1,', .....,
will likely remain the remairithe
iffnterllii-OVF*Wo e irm,God rich:• .: •
oil. lire Briegel, of Loudevilieelt. •-e• is ' ; i: ' ' •' .
tliime,gonues,et4penofxkkeeor.btfother,. ,•,,•17r: ,'aries
:w6flien•Mailistrattki'S1511W4lasdfitfilticeaVerY e4ttd eleini
from the roof + of the Albion -tot ,
Quite a crowd gathered in a few Mill.' '
etes, and, it wasn't long before eel:nigh.- .
water was thrown dowo ,tke,chininer
to start a fair sized swimming hathln
ftehwe reohoiningsiebee,lhoeww. however, a onliteeterwf•pog of, a...L..
covered in the chimney be eeti'e J.
clone. nooeondf e ea. ne pd pt eh ree net! u s Ne o til akt ae 1.19,,,,tworiTld",• it
WeAlINsuPPpEliNsicillwciitir7 lataeordelUlf I''IrsolsY.'•-
sh,ries of life, but We do net eee,'WhY'a.,'
butchering -business' emitd not ee :pro-
fitably carried on lire. At present we
are supplied, in a sort of a way, by,the,
Stanley butcher, but that is far from ' •
satisfactory. We should judge her, _
quite a hist of meat is consumedliet6 .
especially in the summer, when, the . •
hotels are er,owded, and if some, Of Our
enter -0;16111g townsmen, who can. PrO.
cure Ice easily, would start a shop, we
think they would be amply rewarded, -
and at the sanoe time keep triule v,eitii-- 4
in our own village.
NOT Our. -For the past couple of IN
years the Ba.ylield celumn of the NEW 1 •
ERA has been 'kept dleap of thoseiper-
sonal "drives," which trity-Irkealled .
spicy by those not immediately
ed, but are at no time items of tie
We, however, are not responsible
all that appears in this coliunte 1, as
items are sometimes sent in whichire.
not from the regular reporter. When ,
personal item's, porpOrting tote jokes • .
on some one, are found. among he
news, we wish our readers to ender- '
stand that they were never penned by
the regular 'correeponden, t. , . .:,
LOpAI.:RTTIDS.-111,1m0I'S are enemy ,, 'f,
afloat about the probable occupant OE ;
the store now occupied by Mr G. H. ? ,f
Hewilon When that gentlerniur.Moves
into his new one; Mr Sas. Burne, bow
of Toronto, but a former niercharite,
here,is amongthose mentioned.,"
okating on the river here has been ex- ,
cellent almost continual sinee New •
Years, and large numbers , of young
people have been taking advantage of .
this pleasant pastime. Mr Charles
Dewar came near having a serious- ac-
cident, on Sunday, while attending his
horses, one of theni knocking iiiim on
the chest With its head. Mr Joh
Gemeinhardt and sons were busy 1
ikeeklearing down the old beifte, b
did not proceed very far, as they a
waiting on More snow; evert injts rni _
the bridge leeks fine compared With ,
the new one. The funeral of the late :.
GOO. Beetty, Of Venial took pittee at
the Bayfield eemetery on Wednesday
afternoon. Me Will Jowett .had his
ice -boat out last Saturday and it 'went
Spebdidly, Mies Oasb, of Seaforth, is
a guest at the PC8idetiee of Mr Wm,
Clarke this week.
At lia;tford a youeg couple, evidently
newly married, boarded a with the motion
of which made the Man„ , who had ,brera
drinking brevily„ quite eiek. When be
had eettled into a sleep the disgusted bride. 4 .
tale at envelope irOrti bilk coat pocktitee
wrote e brief flow oh the blank We of an
old letter, drew 4 ring frOte her Anger and• .
itiolosed Uhl the note, ant tor o, left the
Additional toter •, will
found ori lime fouetiel,,i
OYSTER< SUPPER. -The Grangers of
this neighborhood hell their annual
oyster supper at Mr John Rudd's, on
the 17th inst. Quite a number were
present, and a very enjoyable time
was spent by all.
EPWORTH LEAGUE. -The young peo-
ple of Ebenezer have organized an Ep-
worth League society with George
Laithwaite as Free. -Lena Nesht,
Vice Pres.; May Baker, Sec.; Oliver
Grigg, Treas.
PARTY. -A farewell party' was gioen
to Henry Tebbritt and aldon Leith=
waite at Mr W. Tebbutt's, prior to
their departure to California. The
evening was spentin music and games,
and parted with singing "God be with
you till -we meet again.
NOTES. -Mr Jas. Castle, of ainton,
spent Sunday at Mr W. Tebbutts.
Rev. Mr Fear, being away preaching
on the Nile circuit Fast Sabbath morn-
ing, Mr Thos. Murch supplied for him.
Miss Clara Proctor spent a couple of
days visiting her sister, Mrs n. Oakes.
NOTES. -Mr and Mrs L. Melville and
child, of Seaforth, who have been visit-
ing friends in this section. returned
home last week. Mr R. Rogerson is
now attending the military school in
London. The numerous friends of
Mrs Allen Farnham will be sorry to
hear that she is in very poor health at
present; we hope soon to hear of laer
recovery. Mrs John Hughes is laid up
with a severe attack of grip; Mr Jas.
Hamilton is also on the sick list. -
Mr William McBrien, truly a pioneer
settler:of Hullett, died on Wednesday,
at the age of 81 years. Mr Riley and
his gang are now taking dot timber at
Mr G. Hamilton's for the erection of a
new barn. Mr. Hasselwood and sons
ars doing a large business in. the wood
cutting tuis winter; they have already
got away up in the hundreds of cords
cut; it takes Mat to make the wood fly.
Mr. King, of Culross, who came home
from Manitoba with the body of his
brother, has been visiting Mr. James
Licincia uAsE.-On eriday last In-
spector Paisley_laid information
against the proprietor of the RallWay
House. Mr Dinsley, on a charge of sell-
itig liquor without a Itemise; the ease
was tried before Messrs Brockenshire
and McKenzie, J. Zs., who imposed a,
fled of $50 arid ceste.
MinexorgAn.-- One mitnicipal affairs
give rise to considerable talk this year,
and justly so, and although matters
have quieted don some, a greet many
are dissatisfied aV, the turn the 'events
141tELY .4t.1 liec1r1.tet,-011 the're-
commendation of the town courvil
lest year, the Taltell80 OorrunissierieS
last year redueed the number of hotel
lieensea from six to four. The courieil
having this yeet changed its eoinplex-
ion, it te exweted ilex tin increase to
five els will tine ee0111.
11Th probability is thet
Ifinsleyi;.z liot el u III again get a lieense.