HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-01-12, Page 8•
, • ,
'2.41 ois pur,rt.
Ictbi,„ .
. •
tar, ot
we 04 Ttr.
44.1,30 bogs.
n forra here a
. 1 :
of ,
they Uvis Put Yet,
alocal el
T To OaVrtal.
who have called a.
Rua office during the past
referred, to the feet t t&
h they
. up andledtocittl •
r the former they'claint
, but for porkthey do
it is aa good as 'other grain,
It 0.2itit, not produce tbe!irte,
hod/ alettirehle. • .
. • 7 ° • ' '
the 'pelt season Mr
Isiebiletebai IMUeled. no " less than.
, woe of hay, Whieni•-has Oiled 200
Nearly the whole of this bee been'
w to the old country. Mr 004:7„,
degrous of still • handling more.
velliteg topay the highest price
it. ,The railway has given notice
an vance„ of ton en freight
fteerticle, which will Mean
sidiffer,ee 10 price. . , • •
, • •
1,7.4C1.tf were install 14t -the
V,' .4 -Mho f011owititoilicers
41.1411un -911: IrWtkalt':' 11'11S
Foreman 'twit**, '0.te reeent
3. Bean ; ancier.'
4414- iver. ollovvay;
telintaii. Jas.
• tatfee to Grand
wham:, alternate repro -
os. irolltrivayt ,'Trustee,
usluobb. STO
o T. OK
yitt:i TARING
igoornrw, SALE
•t Grnevers"
byMYrsUoc1 I:un-
oordifl invited.
sete-,to ll wibe
the le to mem gen
relit_ and it will be to the solvants
all to attend. .An emit:a tete
coosiating otaddresees, mu
atm& will oleo be held.
".; • •
Elsogrartse.--The rentutoi re.
of the Ontario Sheep and Elwin
bil Aseaciation ha* just been
by tin:government, Thls is on
oI the few. government return, that 1
Of epeeist service to the farmer,' an
no doubt tke government would be
glad to tribute so of this to, all
wbo 4.k. Ueni. There are some ex
and diseuselOne tb
60°0114. Pt* nosey o
p by BruCat
The oul,Membece, of the Sheep
"Altiociation Ws *unity
Ifrattere; MaJcolm
and James lifolfeelene, Stan.
•Wigginton, 0•41derich
ij . Only. member of the
wine ; • ere Association, is Mk 3. 3.
Biagio* StanleY. • - •
John Shaw, 'father of
Dr.' She*, is . now, inspector , for the
NorthAmetican Life .Insurance Com-
panyfor north 11000n and west Bruce.
Mr Wm. `McCeleen.”' B. A.,'an old'
teacher of of .the Clinton Collegiate in-
stitute, was married on, esdLty to'
a very estimable -young lady' at Hick-
son, Ont... ,Mr.VelKay,,of 'Osborne, 'hes
*0104 the hot:Se of Mr Coats, Queen
St" and Mr Theobald, late' of Brigden,
has' rented .4•., house • on' Orerilie
owned ilkie,john Stephenson. Mr Geo,
• VirestcOtt, Of Bralltt, is likely to rent
farni and come into Clinton .to re-
side. Mr Wil1 Harland is visiting rola-
died. in Toronto a few days ago, wee e,
'former Clintonlan, he having 'been in
business here before his., removal to
London Many years ago. The Lehdeo
Ad tisereaSrier and John
Derrr r*tarrked to Clinton, after
epenuing Obratmas• New Years
With their cousin, WalterRicbards,
920 Dufferinave " The Coun Coun.
4'. •
• I
, 1.4 ..
or 17,airettAim. —,The ''bIstrlot
• T. Jokoon, sr., installed. the
on:kers in SheffieldLodge
its of ,England, at last regu.
eeting for ,18U4:—Pee., F.W.
Pest Pres,: H.:Joshua; Vicer
W. He Webb; hap., 11. Joyner;
No Itoboguri Trea9, .E. Josling.
ttea--Alf tartitan,...04kxemp,
East. Ingirtesinew
• W. Evans;t0titelde 'Guard, R. Rey:
de; Delegate to Grand Lodge, F.W.
annual-re of the Provin.
Board of Health 'before*, 'Con.;"
%wort:: fromtbeLocall/oardeof
frwathe*eriOne portions of the
virtue, ,Weeitserve that Gederich •
'• hip SW0%; MsilIipEurn-
an4 Pat ''Wir*anosh. are • e
Moja Huron making
'"' tou'OPIteSo 411d these all,
as being. free from infectious
. NVotddr it not be well if all
1 Boo.rda of Itealtlfmade some.;
ene4W.Ireport, as, a better -idea
formed ofthegoteral
liine,sof eachoclty0
XtrMentrou.—The clues.
4 with.trames is agriev.
. • Der andJustwhat
. mine, During
Ietts than ten have
night'to lodging
lock-up, entleometimee they are
and meat breakfast be -
Of these eentry rested in
Munday night, one a crip-
$4 on hie person, and Cora-,
that he lit4 grip, but it was
ey grip; whey, thqleft they for.
o loaves .of bread and.S.: can of
It is no uncommon thinglor
wilt° cal1 at private houses
aoodmeale b altsorfa of
stone* and It is lust a ;;;queo.
1 :
4: •
ell Will 'met at Goderich on the 23rd
inst. Mr Thos. Asst, jr., • who last
suromer*as pretiten , for. a Virginia " -
brick -yard. is now engineer at the
Doherty Orgsn Factory. Miss Hattie •
J if
Does it the* quality du regular 23O Grey Flannel to
sell It at iSe 1
• Does it make 10e Vingering Yarn any poorer to sell it
,at 5 cents ?
Won't Ladies 45e all wc4 Vests wear just as long if
they are sold at 25 cents?
Is woollen Hosiery any poorer because 1,0e or 16e has
been taken off.the price of each pair?
Does it lessen the value of a pair of Blankets to out one
or two dollars light off the price ?
Are Fun any poorer if the prices happen to be 25 or 30
per cent less thawthey were?
Won't 40c and 60e Dress 000CTS make up just as well
even if you do get them for 25c and 30e, ?
Is an $8 Mantle any worse because you get it for $5, o
$11a one any.poorer because you get it foi $7.7i?
We don't think sd, it only makes them easier to get
We are anxious to clear out all winter goods possible
this month, and in order to do so are quoting prices that
mean for you an absolute saving of money, It ',shouldn't
take any great amount of figuring for you to see it will pay
to buy here. • -
• •
"Pedd, ling ter Of Mr *ken Dodd, en-
tered, on her duties as teacher in S. S.
No. 4, • Teckenniiith, last !Week. Mr
and Mrs Jas. Stevens, of the Uwe lino,
have both been quite ill with grip, the'
former being. seriously 111 aleit, with
paralysis of the brain, and is not. gut
of (Unger; -Mr Mark Ousels 'and, wife,
id OlontOnians) were this week visit.-
] g friend i here,havilig entire down_to
attend the wedding'of their neice, Miss
-Rumba% of Godermli township. Mr
.11enrY Sara, and familjr, !eft 'for ghat-
nanin TOKIO, Where he' purposes
residing in future. „Mr- S. S., Cooper
CiAMS..70._be youngest person
elected to a seat at the council board,
Mr j. W. Ws.de,,who has been Visit-
ing here for some time; purposes re-
turningto Dakota in a few d.aYs.. • One
of the prettiest callenders coming into
our office is from the Attila PreePressr
itiedoniin the excellent style- that
aelflilen.tbe ree Pres job room.a
provincial reputation, , Mrs Manning,.
of Exeter, mother "�f Mr "A Man-
ning, who has been . here for eeveral,
woers, heart:turned home. Mr. Lay-
ton, of Victoria St.; is seriously and
unable to *axe the house, _aed -what
makes.hisposition all the more regret..
9of. 1118 son
• u
nameit Sullivan. said to 'be a former
resident of this place, died at St.
Thomas last week. .Mr and 3fr Geo.
Swallow, were gueete at the wedding
of Miss Blake, in- Colborne, on Wed.
netlart Mr S. .Cooper has been
" eaMtrir C°Utrlenow
et* for Roger p fT r
smi and Mr fistthevv ntesselwOod
of lit ett; thorn gentlemen' are goin
to haveneat and tasty teeideope!, and
will get a good job from. Sam. Mrs
Smith, of Ottawa, Ill., is visiting her
brother, Mr R. Smith, We ate VetY.
00tty t,0 hear of fit.? des,tial lir. 'W.
11, Longman, late of Clin high oc-
curred at Loncieeboro, last . • The
votein favor of theplebiscite n
may was the second •
er it • is" -Witt to help such.
plenty of. deserving poor in
es. With farelliee,- and it
much better if they get . the,
bat is given to tramp, ,
Huron Parmelee Thatitute
;mai meeting:rt./Hint:44
and 20, when the folio*.
'will Wrote the meet-
, itt'ek.elc, Wm: Rennie,
vet- Growing;" Andrew,
"Gossett!, eat- "Orme
" II;1, 0:McGowan, Blyth,
Election of officersi•
7.80 o'clock: W. ill
ag the, tartnet, A.
ucation. ._ . A Lpiue.
on 'iteteese Making," ivili
wen by st.man from..the • 0.A.
le prograut * being prepared
e meeting. Tuesday.
k.. -W. kamile, .4,1141tation, of
Ifilos"Turnip au d Barley,
, by the Chew*
, 'Gas, Deity ''Oow." 'Nest*
orNr. Rennie, "Cliettri
r rieterilicik •
4 81111:sees414hisker4
stet Cheese Making •
local talent will kelp in d
subjects at the :nestle
. ' ...On Tueild;‘,. of
and Dr. r
' 4v4Tv .
i; • • t" 'N
..,N 4. • ..*04. ...1. , 1
° 1 fi'''
• «, il
" s •
Province; Oxford county e
ed it., and only,' by a 1 number.
Mr IL Hale is now able to attend to
his office. Mr Os. Whitehead* con.
fined to he house. A meeting of the
Executive committee of the Huron
Veterinary Association, was held here
geterdT 'Prank Thomson, of
bought good -inany horses in this
neighborhood,: is here again for the
purpose of securing load. The wee.
they this month has been unusually
open, and the absence of snow for
leighingniakett (ono a difference; it.
ooka moire like early fell than mid.
REIsellItIOrts or iliopeot.
The followit reTolu ions of respect.
ansilel Ohio, who *even years 'ago
bet, end
adopted:by file, e NO.•". HI, and,
Preston Lodge No.. 824,-• slim*" 1.0.0.
P., relating to the late Robert Vex,
have heen received for emblication;—.. •
Estate .
•••••4. • .
IS the term wliteb suits
the ease of every man who pure
chased a Fur Coat fro m us, and e
,. 6 A , • , •
intend thatthereshalltiot be a coat
go out of the establishment wit''-
Out a 'guarantee Of its being 'in
every particular ,exactly whit it, is
presented to 'be. The host C at
yea eat buy is 'the cheapest,
The Coats that in good qualit es
are sure to satisfaction
Coop,Corsiean Lamb, ItussianCo n
and Ntromba
n we are ogled upon to chron-
e departure of one of onr num.
her from the pleasing tuttochtFes of
this life, to the more Arnett
acne of the realms of 1. be-
yond the tomb, and 301116 we btevitin
submission to the Divine' Mediator,
and humbly asy "Thy will be done
We rel.:dee that eine brother leftsbrig
evidence behind, that to hita d
Was only the v•;of the Master at
— "It is enniagt, cocas up
belt r*tolved, that tn
•Robert Pox, o 011
0. at Olintott, Out., I.O.
loots an exemplary
and Is fatal
• 4; • 1 • ••..
171‘.4•144.'14) is,;
r ciseount on a
"r- e for cask.
Our Bargain Day on Jane fa7tX
Further partiouWis net week.
N. 4,1
4; Co'
• 4
7. • •
`.1 • .1.:t.'"447, '
yfp:s,„ •
W•e have taken the Ageuey of thy Zileitio
Loadau. and are
e.. Portrets. The vreirk
not used not be aeeepited..
To the first person tamOring USwith au order :ore
eitheSma beautifize '416rtritit for- ':; -
The same as . you are *amenity 'charged *8 ara
for; We carry a large stock,ot Mouldings and cs1n.
do picture framing in a Art -lass manner and 04 the
shortest notice.
4 4,
Our business, conductect.on a strietly'i'•\Cash)aas more
than met .our expectations during the past year, and
" we haVo no doubt but Our custoinfrO are also wtill sat-.
iefied, .as they have no'heavy acdenhti to ,pay: at thls(.4
season of theyear. ' . ••••
• 74.
We take stock on the 1,s,t of Februaitl and are,
making a genuine Stock Taking Sale, siind„te citpar 00, ,
all the winter goods, that we can-hefore,that dat, ofler•
them at prices that even cash profits are 'Mot considered.
THE%0NE PRIOR CASH STORE. Sutter sea takenab Cash
What we are doing now is giving cheap goods, to bur oust°.
niersi we always claim to do, that, but we intend
goe them eta greater bargains. it has . become cue.-
ternary with Wholesale houses before stoektiikiiirke•iiii
' the end of the year to clear out odd ,lmes1 orif they
have too many fall and' winter „goods to clear them out
at any price rather than carry them over, believing it
- better to lose 4 little aid 'get bhornoney than aceumu-
• late oldgoods.' 7' • •• " •
This month we take and enter stock, and any line' of g''ods
we have toe many of for thiS time of the year, We are
determined that low'priees shall soli them,
IN MILLINERY:we have some •.nice goOda that? We would
rather let go at aniprice than hiwe thezn,left over, so
.60 in this line you will be sure to be pIeed with the
nice quality otgoods and the low price.
LACE CURTAINS—We haVe odd pairs that we \vni sell
away below regular price.
DREssi. Gooprit—tia,ck anci Colored. Ve have -',16..ree'
values to oiler you well worth your camaideration7
MANTLE °Ls:mita—We are selling out of them. '
IINDIVIOLOTIaNG—Men and Boys' Ihnistrolothipg.
we have too irony and are letting them g? 'chat*
-* • ...t
47 , •
7 ' f'
,47 •
•,=.• 4,, ,1
...... .4/