HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-01-12, Page 5.r, «r• • s Fie holiday season 4s . over, we still have an nU a sortnient o beaut ful . oods st • •. eceiV d another . ear :0 f1 .orated Briar Hit SOT COAL eager fuel than wood. Try it ew Store. ld Stand AILAND BROS. Brick Block We start this week the cheapest Bale in our history. � • We quote a few. Aintree to diaw *Mt we moan business. e . it's ' 25o Boys' Ta]fo g ots $1 20 lbs White Sugar 51 . l7; .'i .,..25o. ' Boys' libber Socks ..51.25 25 lbs Brown Sugar $1 25c Men's O>mhoss ' 750 f Scrubbing Braehee..:.100 • re < . ,25o Women's Overshoes ....500 •• 8 calfs beet Salmon ....25c Men's • s , ..25o Girl's Overshoes 50o 10 lbs Oatmeal 25o t't ' Mee Telt eltiterg ..500 Trunks half price. 31be Port Barley 10o 's Boots .......750 2 bottles Pioklse 25o 5 pings loo Chewing. ...25c Women's Boots .- .50o 4 pke Cornstarch 25o 3 Brooms 25o Boys' Boote .. 60o 2 lbs 20o Japan Tea . • .253 5 Bare Toilet Soap 10o '=#irl'e Boots.......; 50o 61bs_25o Repan Tea, ... $1 61be Starch 25o • MenniLongFelbBoote 51.25 4 plugsMoDonaldTobacitif5- 100 Baking Fowder - ----5o Men's lin ber .Boots~..52 We will Pe y--19‘.• for Butter. 17e for Eggs. 13c for Lard JE$P & MCELROY Dealers in Boots,•Shoos, Tranke, Rubbers Oversboes,'Crockery, Glassware, &o - Opposite Queen's Hotel, BLYTH. 1110110141011 SALE OP— Yaluable 1142 31. LANDS IN T1In TOW *BEYP OP T170EtiRS1i1Te. and b vLeae of tits Ds hblis M slim Dav1dI)teiMwlaar, AaIM�Daee SATURDAY, /rill; ]loofa¢ �rspgrsy `via: 13a1idi lot lfo."16, Sri Landon Rood fiervsy. In ltihs0�ty iota ereMate4�oitetiw►, �e�+ofl id terl�ei.ss sad Wept f aeieer. When TElY,RifL- +renyneaNit actin day of eels, and the ereafter.dtbontwR,R�i, sew o�thtede (Abbe as P� cent aa>llteox, etreiton,er. Vendor."Under The Ofre or' lees. Vier" Inama with Intehat. persists,downendowapart was inorleage mut to on other terms Belioitora. po., You VVarit A. WAN() ? AN ORGAN ? A PIANO .STOOL ott DRAPE ? MUflIO BOX THE. LATEST SONG? THE LATEST .SHEEP xusio If qbu do it.will pity you to order ttlrough. • GI% MOON, Clinton The Oliltton Music Dealer. 8PEGIAL Reduced • • ROtill f Trip Retell to PAWLS Ota it Pointe onost4otwora(i.'L':lt.er rORObI TO, t3. P. 1t, returning him routs. . lylw eirti Price $1,051.50 $.100ew it ova Ire seared and tali inforrnatioti auppliel by A. T. t*, PROPERTIES FOR SALE on To LET BTOC; • Ue n = Xs' `v Lots. a sweeeping. cuts all Tong line The stock has to be cleared out of al�r'� goods daring this month, as our�p Goods are now coming ' in The prices -quoted will be sure tolease you, so nc your opportunity. GILROY ac wis: CLINTON SHINGLES FOargR SALE ShoreCedar Shinglnow s a1 o linestock Columbia aoRed Cedar Shingles on hand at each of the following himself orthethopartiees may n procured Belgraye,either from graWm. Wattled; or' from D. Robert Moilveen,Stanleyy'•, sta- tionend Londeeboro, from himself. W.S. WEITLEY. 110138111 AND LOT FOR SALE. I . You eon bay a bens and Lot in the finest 'part Wan apply b0 w W. ARKAN. Poe full par. 001FIA,oilk TO RENT. Vie eom,fonable scutageon Baron street, at proment 000apied byXr Thomas liurob to offered to t. it eontaear every a000mmaiation for ,dinory4eeaily, with_ ggood stable and garden. Applyto 1RTLLIAM ROBINSON. GOOD AMISH fro RENT \ • Aspiendi4atortf aad-o haifdwellh�housetole beautifullyetinaIM on Huron street, linton, late 1y o,esoled by tier ILItumbali containing aocom- e fodation for good•e►aed family. Hard and sof* water. • hoed gardeawith bearing orchard. Th house is on send stone foundation and cellar Bent reasonable: Apply to MRS B. RD118 or at NNW RRA Moe. PAESI FOR SALE. , Good farm ofMMOacrea within 15 ranee ofBl 40 scree cleared, for S ,LF Myth, J. B. t,• • DRESS MAKING. The undersigned is ilrepared to do all kind, of Dress Making at her home Victoria St. $atiw faction guaranteed. MISS BARGE. Clinton WOOD 1l'OR SALE Subrerlber hes for isle a nantity of 8hot1 wood: Green or Dry, and will deliver it to an L'1 of the townMmder, a.liOtoPriii.eee reasonable, 1011n BttLL FOR SERVICir .. flabeeriber keepe for service at his premises Sullen, a aret..laes Durham Bali. Terme, 51 a time of e,rde, with privilege of returning if no oeseary. BEINar FREEMAN. xOi'i'ICE. The public are hereby cautioned item renew ing guy timber or *noveising 00 West hill• Lot 11, eon. $ Bellett, without permits/oil of the owner. Vier ve farm is for We or to Bent. Pofprston yen it twee. Plowing 00 it Is au done. BHW GINN, Proprt WSW irev HER SHOP 1 LOADI IIQRO.. • 17 The` under�goned has opened out a Bute Shop and 0111" keep all frith meats in e60r00; andwiil re114116 Same ***heap es the cheapest. They intend to deliver in the aurrodiding, wen - try either by wieners or half tonere . JOS, TRW1LBY f 8024:` McKILLOP, I148171/1tiiCE CO. Thi anaail meeting of the members of iii, 1t. IIlopIttittita Fire Inearanoe DOMINI 111 be held in ICI Halt, Seaturth, on PR DA JAN. isih, 1804, it 1 e,olock p. M. 'f0+r ahs lir. pts, of 610034 direbttora reoei,ilig the direst• repnrtr rand the irinsastiou of other breathes. 1).11026, Prsa. . W.J. 14HANNON, 8.51. BOARS FOR manta E. The u ed ]tzar for retries a th Re hill athot�obred Tetewcath• hie prehlisse. e, oesWU bred ki�.+a, Ha11Nt. '1'bi. T�O55 tier B.rkehirs atria $1.1et ' ddb risk awotIS •11 et eerriee. beeate �• fru Aa a Polar d China Boar .fOr '.Service. Eintcriber keeps for service . a thore.bred (registered) Poland China boar. Terme g1 at time of service, with the privilege ofreturning, TncI,no,QOo Terrace, IondoradClinton. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Jan. litii,1894. Wheat fall • 057a060 Oats Barley Peas Floor per bol Butter Chickens per pair 7Lggiper doz Potatoes O80a081 a. 085 a 040 050a052 a 400 O 18_a 0 20 025,085 O 16 a 018 O 85 a 040 500a700 MARRIED. _�. PATTSBeoN—Mmnas.-At Exeter, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. J. S. Henderson, Mr Robt. Patterson, jr., of Heneall, to 'Miss Mary Miller, daughter of Mr David Miller, V. B., formerly of Hawaii. IlLute ni—BLasn.--At the residence of the bride's gather, Colborne, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. A. Thibedean, Mr T. F. Marquis, of Suspension Bridge, N. Y., (formerly of Godenob Township): to Dose " liarsha, fourth daughter of• Mr.W. Blake. Pmt.sn—aulfars.—M the residence' of the bride's father, lith con., GaLrioh Township, on the loth inst., by the Rev. E. A. Fears fr Win Pickard, of Hohoeaville, to Miss Minnie A., daughter of Mr Eby Bombed', Ssawear—F;inas.—At the reeidenee of I the bride's fatheer,6loderiob,on Wennesday, I R Jan. 10, by 'Rev. J. I, Howell, M. A., Angus John Stewart. of Souris, Man., 0. P. B. Station Agent, to Mise May Florenoe Fisher, daughter of E. Fisher, Esq. MAcensac T—llvvasetw n.—On D • 26, at Orangeville, by the Rev. Donald se- kentie, R..1)., Norman Maemnreh , . A., Science Master Collingwood Collegiate Institute, and reeentl of Goderioh, to Kate, eldestdanghter.o! Alexander Sneer - land, governor of the jail. • Ku,u e—Bo.n.—At the, reeidenoe of the bride's nnole, Hay, on the 8rd inst., by Rev. F. Swann, Mr Henry Hading, of In• nerklp, to Mies Lydia Bneh, of Greenway. McQasstaMoKev.—At the residenoe of FOSTER H N d Old the bride's parents, "Hedgerow Place", a ' New fan. $id N �1 trimmed 8 00 q 400 Hickson, Ont., on Deo. 27th,AbF'Rev'J:'D Cbiokeno per pair 0 80 a 0 40 Ferguson, William McQueen, B..A.,.for- Geste eaoh 0 40 a 060 merly of Bruoefteld now of Brookville, to Turkeys per lb 0 08 a 0 09 Mies Lillie 0., second daughter 0! Mr D.W. Dn ksPeYpair 0 50 a 0 75 MoXay. Pork . 6 00 a 6 00 slurs—Mslgz1ss.—At the residence of the bride% brother, on the 2nd inst., by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr James Smith, to Mies Mary Menzieg, both of MoEillop. DIED. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There was about 5110 head of butchers cattle, 40 calve, and 100 mutton oriftore offered at the Hatt End Abattoir on- Mon. day. The butohers• were present in cone siderable number, but the class of cattle did not snit them, as there were. no really prime baevea on the market, and minpar- atively few prettygood animals, while common and inferior beasbe were plenty* fol enough. The best cattle sold at about 4o. per lb, rough and half -fatted beasts at from 30 tot}, and the leaner beef' critters at from 2o to 2io per 1b.' b lot o!eight lean cows and a hard looking small ball wets sold at 20 per Ib. They weighed/00 lbs. Good olive* are in demand, but the Webers dont seem OD oars at the "bob" vends. Prices -ranged front 52 .td $10.; Goad iambs sell it to per lb, and the *ere at from 3o to n0 per lb. Eat hogs are sat and sell at. front no to 51 per 111' win ' - I1r orrttb, on Dao. 806h, the Mr Um* Morris, of twin*, son and ..-I*i tui oh 'ownship, 16t1t I/1 5th lila., fire wife 'of Mrr R. a t dailghtsi . bdB!4�lo1din d, b*s 3. G. bnt chis. I1n TuokerI ith, on the., 98th e wife of M Herbert Crich, of a —In(�Anion, . the 8thyInit., the . 8. Hollies, -' t G, T. r f, of;s • Hezair.—In Liverpool, ling., on the 12th December, Mr George Baby, father of Mr Robert.Baxby, of Staforth, aged 70 years. Oteux.—In Egmondyille, on the 36th Deo„ Mr Hugh Clark, aged 89 years. ,A roxerroie.--In ' Stratford, on the 4th inbt., Jamas Armstrong, formerly of Ttiok- riniith, aged 73ysa�ri'; 1`l Gkldetioh on the 29th Deo., James D. Frazer* son of the late UMW M. Fraser; &god 7 years and 2 months. llllurtroif,--In Goderiok township, on' 28th Deo., Alex. Hamilton, aged 79 years. Buwlowe.--bi Sbeppsrdton, on 29thrteo., George Barrow*, ar., aged 74 seen. Sanividier'41t Goderiolyon Deo.3Oth, W. H. Sedwidk, in the 78 year of his age. Wzu.wis. tn Goderioll township, on, 6th Inst., Catharine William*, relict of the, late 0. White Williau l,. 87 Year* and I 6 menthe. ' Hjwu rolt.- At Godsriob, on din. Bib Margaret, •wit. of Hugh'iamulton, mid years. MAcCAtionsli.--.Ab Goderioh, on Jan , 11, Edgar MaoCaughan, aged 6ayear* a . , 9 months. 'LAzrolr.—In•Taokeiremith, on.the• Oth instr, Prune's L4y7bon, aged'44 years d 6 monilia. Funeral on Saturday,' it 2. p. in. to Turner's oemetry. • SALO REGISTER. s Leave your'. or , 'r quio� for those" to's sou, intea dr*e to pour 1� rgams.• 9 IRO • tai This is a month of special ' activity all through thi3" store S Shoppers: understand that bargains await •them . matter whether they come—and we sell goods so ;f times at a loss rather than have them grow old o bands. Spring goods will soon, be marching in, a t all winter' goods we bid a, fond adieu. . We arenow 'sellling our best Frieze StornfiCo Silk mixed 14in g, silk sewn at $11, theynwerews $10 Ulster and Cape Coats for $7.50. A few Overcoats, Men's ,Sizes. tha last years � Tweed .fly's � were $6 to $8, Clearing at $8• , run wasin Marmot, . Wallaby, Wombat Caor at late in the season prices. Ill S f S-A fe'w in Gray and Black sum wilt be sold tat Clearing pacer . Of WoolAll".Tweeds at e. to 37 cents a a We are cleating up 'some lines of Boots and Shoes and bn are picking them up rapidly. One lot Ladies' Button':, laced, were 0.0.25, $1.50 and $2; your choice for, $1. , Laced Boots, were $1.50, $1.75 and $2; your choice for Come in awl •Wee what we are doing. Raying Aad. Walling tor Cash enables' no t0 quote plot that keep vie buffy. Ito dull days here. 0001.0.4.4 ,..,-....:.t .fir Horses, owns,boggy and horn , pro... rty Of m Hill, at the Zan 20*11...yy l A DIQyI,►lt, al L. -OtJI k/ CASH DE` &,a R, r, .,0 MO O