HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-01-12, Page 4+ gadtf tion- t to. Notion --W Lana G. T. R.•—W d&akkeon Deformed -0. Uluthe Caution—W. H. Hine O. P. li.- A. T. Cou r 8oliiw tot irala—A. Clough rolatem---110. . 1udgens Oatideatilo w•J•ae1ll Brea Cheap IS—liens-Brea- di *Elroy p Spalding • nit1ngur deeed .ilei, J, Rodgeut, 'Steck taking Sale—Taylor & Sena B'i'eredery bopping- -V. Ouimette ti TIM CI„ i TC`N NEw RA, eitton tha FaiiiATn•JANIIARY i2, lav4. The Patrons of Industry At the presenttime Patron lodges ate being organized in different parts of the county, and the enthusiam with which members? from bootr,h ollJ i..+•�: a ction paarties are joining'' these, indi desire for change, or diseatis with existing affairs. The organizer wisely lays stress ori the fact that it is not so much that the members may buy at wholesale prices, that he is try- ing to ryingto form lodges, but rather that the farriers may unite to better their so- Cia 1 and politica1:•condition." That the Ss • Patrons will have to be reckoned as air important factor both in approach- ing Dotrtiqion and Local elections, is a egone c,9 clusion. There is very little in .the\Patron's platform, that t, has not for 8oretitne been advocated byte n;e Liberal'darty, and the fact that ;bobby etre so much alike shows how olpsely in touch wkth the wants of the:- people is the"Lib ^al platform/ 12he only naterial diff0 " ce .W' Sween the one and that other -is that the Patrons Advocate the ,eleetion of all officers paid`lby the county, while the appoint- ment by the government has hitherto en the plan res Whit will lleWarden for the current Year. Wo second the to oinination of Reeve IdeMur hie. It is said that beth. Connolly and McGreevy will he pardened?this.week. This ie mere current ruznor,,h Wever, The plebiscite vote was no doubt a aurpriee to politicians, who will poet assuredly' have to recognizethe paes- ing ltreeze. - The Local Legislature. is expected to Meet about, theend of .the mouth, and, being the last session before dissole tion,{will probably he a lively one. ognized. 10 this particular plank we canribt :, eiey that we are afraid to trust the Veop ; but it seems to us that the The debate in' the United States Congress, on' the proposed Wilson tariff bill, shows t hat Canada receives` oQnsiderable attention from the public men across the line. Some of them are evidently afraid that this country will derive too much benefit by the proposed changes. But it is not un- likely that the bill will become law, pretty nearly as it stands, in which case 'Canada will assuredly be in a better position, so for as export trade is concerned. MUNICIPAL L '1 A.TT1 I i4. the $diwr.of She Minton Yew bits. BIS,•-�Iti a few days we shall hwve a now ugoil for 18J4. an es it is impossible to em to do many tkiiliga to improve and isld up our town, without the av-operti n of its citi�ena and the oomrunnit round, I offera► few saggeetians. There retieon why .our kJwn,(with he neatnra aivage, and good Boil for gardens, an fine aihaidei trees, by each owner taking d doinli his part) could not be made pretty place; there to work to be done now, We hays a by -laity that says "trees shall be aw, apart." N sixteen acs.. � oloaar thin every owner would eek she°rnayai' to g sir trees out vat to shalt distance (eve wenay po 'feet would be better—the govern eat distance is thirty feet) it would be iter. Some places they Ore too close, and not the right kind for !Arcot retorting, the telegraph, telephone an ^otrio linen have some trouble to atria Moir wires, hence they are constantly on . - king and diaflgnr�rig$he the -trees,- � Theirpol look, many o# there, as if they were drunk, not being up right, and as they are used or quaokmediaine advertisergents, they are a well ornamented eight in our sates beautiful to the yea. o! strangers coming into town, Now is the time to out tree down, and prune whero•neceseary, as they are robting, the sidewalks in many pier Trees coming over the fences from t ands- should be removed, as they spoil the shape of street trees. Look for your- self, and see if I am right, If so, help council make an improvement, to ornamentation. W. 0 SEARLE Carried By 70,000. To eox a. ion - as no d fi hold ena pr, VY get a ah be a d consequently el g t es ! ts, places. r he r-. sthe oour b t 01104140114, Ram ANI) SNoW The following figurer, relatingto the. -fall of anew end rain in M81 are from the iurea1i a! Industries report, and will be of interest. The inelu;urenaente are only 1 taken et three daces in the • eornn,ty:— uohes of Inohee of i� ■� enew dajr rain as a 1`1ait is Your Object (ioderich .. ,... , ,Iii- � 70 Since the plebiscite vote, a number of papers, more especially those never particularly in sympathy with temper- ance principles, have. been anticipating Mr Mowat's action in relation thereto, and imputing to him all kinds of ,pro- bable motives. This is hardly a square thing to'do.; Surely it is time enough to condemn a man when he has .taken action. T .ere is yet nothing whatever to show that Mr Mowat intends to shirk -arty responsibility, and he purely sa tellurian enough to know that the public would not overlook it if he' did. - Hon. Mr. Bowell,in his speech at the Board of Trade banquet at Toronto, cited gratifying, proof of the ability of Canadian manufacturers to sell their goods in foreign lauds, but evidently did not°see where his remarks wore leading him. He spoke with jest pride, of the ability of the Massey Co. to send their reapers and binders in Australia, 1e u in the face of keen American compe- rivalry for position—if appointments tition, overlooking the fact that if w' W de .elective—would too often Canadians can send their manufaetur- partizencontest. It might Australia, and be and perhaps the system by the Patrons, is the best xperience so far is against it. inns may at once make up nds to' the new element to be teredt and they are not in a -e P-,nillti to be trifled with. ()v- end concessions may be given both Houses of parliament, congratulaus by - mail and other- s1a very radical changes are wise, over his election. The following its not likely they will be sat - . at from the pen of that able and .gentle manly journalist, J. $, Willison, editor in chief of the Globe, is possibly more flattering than he deserves:— ed goods to far o successful in the Americans, they able to compete their own ground. r competition with Mould be, and are, with the latter on They Make .Us Blush • Momau1�s Iisioo!'tschooz — Books Sunshine 25 86 • Zurich ••.•.•• 73 47 PARI( SrATI8TIce, — The followingg figures relating to Huron are taken from the9Bureau of Industriee report c edd, 79988,085 issued; 676oe- , ; acres .swamp or marsh, 90,429. Acres in fall wheat, 61,867, yield 1,385,821 haahels, or 22.4 bushels per acre. .Aic- reage•in spring �wheat19,344, yield,- 228, or 14.9 busliels per acre, Acres in. barley 17,131), yield 467,895, bushels am per act e27.3. Oats88.421 aes3,5'19,156 bushels, or 38.8 bushels per acre, Peas, 42,552. acres, 914,888 bushels, or 21.5 per acre:—Hat—and--clovers 113,160 acres, 211,800 tons. or 1.87 tons per acre. , Po- tatoes, 1,713 acres, 471,3110 bushels, or 100 bushels per acre.. Mangold wurt- zein, 1,878 acres, 527 bushels per acre. Carrots 292 acres, 381 bushels per acre. Turnips 8,053 acres, 473 bushels per acer. Huron had in 1892, 8,921. acres in or- chards, an amount exceeded only by Kent, Middlesex, Lincoln and Went- worth. MAJORITIES BY COUNTIES FOR AND AGAINST PROHIBITION. The plebiscite returns by municipalities received show the following majorities com- piled by counties: Counties Algoma Addington Bruce Brant Carleton Durham Dundee. Dufferin Essen Elgin Frontenao Grey Grenville Glengarry "Hastings Halibnrton Huron Halton Haldiseaad Kant . , Lanark Leeds Lambton Lennox Lincoln Middlesex Muskoka .. , Nipieeing Northumberland Norfolk Oxford Ontario Perth Parry Sound Prince Edward Peel :.., Prescott Peterboro Renfrew Russell Simcoe Stormont Victcria Wellington Wentworth Waterloo Welland York 2163 This gives in round figures a majority by oonnties for prohibition of over 60,000 which, with the 8,000 aggregate majority given by the pities of Ontario, swells the total majority for prohibition to over 68,- 000. About a hundred municipalities in sparsely settled and back districts have not yet reported to the central committee or to the Government. While they will not change the relative position of the coun- ties, they are confidently expected to in- crease the total majority to a round hun- dred thousand. For 391 245 2188 1072 622 2108 • 1566 395 1102 2470 164 2733 236 211 2149 101 2815 710 1222 1805 1756 1163 694 885 1301 8588 484 62 1274 1637 3901 1988 1020 582 1966 866 During the last week the Mayor elect has be in constant receipt of The Female Vote. One would have thought that in a question where woman's interests are supposed to be so strongly concerned, as in the case of the plebiscite, they would have. shown a greater amount of `concern than is indicated by the "Newspaper people throughout On- tario will congratulate Mr Robert Holrnes, of the Clinton Now ERA, on his election to the Mayoralty of Clinton. Mr Holmes is a young man of exceptional ability, both in politics and in business. His , paper is admir- ably conducted, and it is doubtful if yen M the Mayor's chair he can do Vote. There is, of course, a certain better service for his fellow -townsmen degi'eebf embarrasment to the lady than that he has 1 endured for many „Who goes to vv.• e, simply because she years : ' through the columns of the NEW ERA ui]fFnliliar wit the custom, but there Mr Robt. Holmes, editor of the NEW • brio immodesty ornimpropriety, as dome apparently suppose. Without the actual figures showing the num- ber of women who were entitled to vote in the Province, it is difficult to 1 arrive at any correct conclusions, but the vote looks small. In Toronto 1y 26 per cent of all the women who had. votes, recorded them. This is just a trifle over one quarter, and does • not indicate that they value the fran- chise as highly as some people imagin- ed they did. As this is really the first opportunity the women had of expres- sing their opinion by their votes, it is hardly. likely that it will . encourage any further extension of the franchise to this, class of voters. In Clinton, nearly all the women who were enti- tled to exercise the franchise, did so. 1407 844 Ag'et. ,..r 833 138 , 2006 •••• 450 1028 2525 1931 4 828 o o ERA, Was elected Mayor by a hand -Hen sall t some majority. He is a good man r WEDDING.—Another of our young and we congratulate him on his nuc men, Mr Robt. Patterson, jr., has left cess, and the ratepayers on making so the ranks of the bachelors to join the excellent to, 'choice. —Mitchell Advocate• benedicts, he having, on Wednesday, Huron editors are showing up in taken unto himself a wife in the per - good form. Bro. McLean having cap son of Miss Mary Miller, daughter of tured the Grit nomidation for South Mr David Miller, V. S., formerly of Huron, his local cotem, editor Neelin this place, hut now of Exeter. The goes in as deputy reeve of Seaforth. ceremony was perfoitnied by Rev. J. S. 'Bob" Holmes now signs himself Henderson and was witnessed by a Mayor of Clinton, and the genial Kerr few friends of the contracting parties. is once more reeve of Brussels.—Gude- The presents were numerous and -cost - rich Star. ly, showing the high�� esteem in which they are held. We extend to them The County Council for 1894. our best wishes for a long, happy and The County Council for 1891 will be :j'f THE LITTLE SCHOOL MARM, Just last sdmmer holidays, She name to teach oar school; Folks all said that noways She'd be fit tp' rule. Fresh from out the city, Dresses all so fine, People said she'd never do For our concession line. Our trustees are crazy, Everybody said, To hire this wee bit girlie; What put it in their heetd ? Well, she'd scarce been here ten days, Going in and out, Folks began to like her more, More she moved about. Kind and sympathetic, Winning ways and wise, Voice of eweetest tenderness, Pleasing big brown eyes. Big boys ell got soft on her, Couldn't tell just why; Boys that wouldn't learn before Set about to try. And the girls they loved her, Small and big ones Goo, Mama* alte was tee finest girl rata tiny ever knsow. lyyerybolly worekiipped her, 'y'1ne alit die was divine, Best sashed senna we fiver had On our ooaeneeion line. Things' were going finely, Till one day last week Saw a stranger Doming 'Cross the old mill creek. Saw them stroll together 'Long the line that night, And her cheeks were kind o' flushed, And her eyes were bright. Well, I may just tell you, 'Tain't no use to whine; That 'ere little school marm Is going to resign. Bayfield. R.B.J.S. when you" Buy Medicine' Is it to Please, -.e 00110 t rs►` e ' venienoe �% >, or � it to cure disease, d sufferings, YOUR ACTION MAX' MEAN .LIFE Olt DEATH! The Long` -Profit Dealer -wants your Money! To HIM toua LIFB 10 Dur A $gaONDARY CON. SZDERATIONI Every siok, mitering and diseased man and woman is palled npon to make a weighty and momentous decision, when re- lentless disease has obtained tjle mastery. At such a juncture,. the first thought is for a remedy—a medioine that will drive off disease, banish suffering, and bring bank to the week and run down body new strength and vitality. This work of health -building and secur- ing°whew life is a grand one; no worthier undertaking oan claim the best efforts of the affiioted thousands in our land. An all -wise Providence has left the Dare of dis- ease in human hands and to human agen- ciee. Shall sufferers, then, carelessly at- tend to life bestowed by God, or allow others to trifle wit interests so sacred? At present, the kick and suffering, and friends of such, are too frequently misled by designing dealers in medioines. This is notably tb'a case when people desire to pur- chase Paine's celery compound. It is then that human selfishness ie clearly revealed; at this particular time deception is mac. tired, and a total disregard shown for the valve of life. The sufferer, or a friend of the sufferer, asks for Paine's celery compound, and is met with the impertinent statement, "I have something else rear aa coon, and can recommend it " It is just at this point that the death knell of thousands is sounded; and, without doubt, the failure of the suf- ferer to obtain a cure, and his ultimate dealth, is owing entirely to the dealer's de- ception. The careless, and those easily convinced and influenced, often take what is suggested to them; the cost of such action is a deeper and more aggravated form of .suffering. The wise and prudent, and those who have stability of character, will not take a reco- mended substitute for the great life saver, Paine's celery compound; they must have the genuine article at any cost, as their faith is firmly fixed in- its efcacy. Readers, especially yon who suffer, and long for the release from bondage and slav- ery of disease, we ask a simple question: Do you buy medicine for the purpose of pleasing and benefitting the dealer, or do you buy it with the view of securing a speedy relief and pure? If you are honest to yourself you will allow no one to force a substitute on you for Paine's celery com- pound; not one -of the recommended substi- sane. tutes can meet your case successfully. When heartless , dealers recommend you A majorit of Hducing theeen umber something JUST AS sloop as Paine's celery ofcft ie inticfavor' not reducing number compound, ask them to support what they liquor licenses. say by showing yon the same strong, hon - Wm. Rose, a stableman aged 22, at est and convincing testimonials that Paine's the Commercial hotel in Waterford, celery compound produces every week, and was found dead in bed on Sunday tbat come from people around you. When morning. It was a cage of apoplexy. dealers can furnish .yon with proofs a■ The sentence of death passed upon Peter complete and as strong for their JUST as and Jack, two Indians, who were tried at t em• but, then his yfoou done,marisk try of New Weetminaterabby B. C. for the mar- a NEWS NOTES It is now'stated that Parliament may not be called to meet until March. . J. Evans, police magis- lagare, is said to have becdine Mr W. trate of P in An unfortunate affair occurred in ' connection with the Toronto Board of Trade dinner last week. Hon. T. M. Daly Was speaking, and in his refer- catces to the greatness "of the north- west, tookplore time than the audience though 9.etessary, especially as other splirfaera3 <. were to follow, and they nhoveed their impatience by stamping their feet, Mr Daly got offended, and Intimated that, Toronto people were •.uot able to appreciate his remarks. This *ought the chairman to his feet, who • rpfletited.the insinuation, and before jpeate wali8 established it was necessary for the Governor General to interfer ;d pour oil on the troubled waters. •ter Daly apologized for his hasty re - composed as follows: Deputy Municipality. Reeve Ashfield Jos. Giffin .... HHugh - } Bayfield G. Woods .... Brussels . W. H.Kerr. •. Blyth . N. H. Young.. Clinton A. McMurchie D. Keniiody Colborne . Aroh. Malloy Alex. Young Exeter Wm. Bawden W. G. Bissett Grey W. Milne .... A. G. Damosl W. Oliver I Goderieh Tp. John Cox S. Sturdy Goderic W. Prondfoot P. Holt Howiok B. S. Cook .... FergusonG m Hay Geo. McEwen M. Geigera R. Turnbull I Mullett Robt.Seott.... A.MODonald M Se s T T 'W orris - H. Mooney.... G. Kirkby 013 illop J. Benewiee .. one to ,nom &forth W. M. Gray .. F. Neelin tanioy R. McIIivano.. Isaac Erratt tophen V. Rate , By. Either t J. Sherrett urnberry .... W. McPherson W Cruokehank nokoramith •J. Shepherd Peter McKay Wawanoeh T. H. Taylor .. Robt Shia' •- Wawanosh Alex. Stewart W. Gibson Wingham .... R. C. Spalding Win. Holmes Wroxetor T. B. Sanders Usbortie , T. M. Kay • • • ono to be ed Theqw� no longer any doubt es to the ate oi-igessre MOMester and Dempster, the two .young men who were supposed to have drowned in the lake near Bath, Out. A search party has found the oars, mast, sail, and rudder of the boat which was used by the unfortunate, men. A. etiok that one of the men had taken with him was also found, and three holes in the ice were dis- covered. Thereis gome talk of an effort being , Made to secure the annexation of ,'goittrettl to Ontario,-, in order to Iv - the encroachment of the French - g portion of the community, glish portion of .Montreal is not ns 0i' powerful enough to 80' ictal change of this %;lid, =e • •; ✓ FOR ALL STUDENTS o`�'`� l• , �.1 FOI.t. ALL SCHOL .RS Blank Books FOR MEN OF BUSINESS Subscriptions received for any Paper or Ma- gazine"at lowest price der of a white man, 1�as been commuted into imprisonment for lite. A terrible prairie fire has been rag- ing in the extreme western counties of Oklahoma Territory for several days, and snores of farmers have lost every- thing. It is feared several families have perished. Rev J. M. Hodson, Methodist, for- merly of Belleville, is said to have ac- rented a call to the Collegiate Reform- p very strong reason why they should push d Fordham, m New York city the common ertiole on ansuspeoting peo- strfutitntes; your life depends upon the best and most reliable medicine tha established a record and name for wonders ful eures. Probably the public are tiot aware of the fact that there exists another strong reason vvhy certain dealers recommend the some- thing else they call just as good as Paine's celery compound. It is this: the just as good medicine pays them a mnch better profit on every bottle sold. This is indeed At the Hamilton Assizes Eliza Gray recovered $500 damages from G. H. Flewelling for breach of promise of marriage. The parties live in East Flamboro'. e churchator a , one of the moat influential churches plegs waWith , money and dealers who profit is their prime heart - there. your life and health to such men is of Toronto, object; J. J. Maclaren, C., but a secondary consideration. Gohas been retained by' theu Ontario Once more we strongly urge upon the af- the constitutional nment to argue the question of flioted and friends the great necessity of vthe eisaturight a the Pro- rooaring Paine's celery ,compound and tion before Legislature Su to enact prohibi-xnothing else; carefully avoid all who would prosperous life. tion the Supreme Court next month. have you take the medicine that carries long profits, and that cannot benefit you. NOTES.—Rev. W. D. Treleaven has The Empire says:—The Briiade returned after spending New Years ` returns for the month of December with his parents in Lucknow. Rev. J. have just been issued. The total im- S. Henderson returned home from ports just mCanada for the year amount - Toronto on Tuesday. We are please3 ed to £10,236,871., being a decrease as to see Mr Si. Hunter out again after compared with 1802 of '£715,424. The his long and serious illness. Mr R. exports to the Dominion for the year Robinson and wife, of Lambeth, are totalled £4,754,834, showing a decrease dau h compared with 1892. ter, Mrs J 0.Stoneman. A presents• dew _Agit; CAUTION. Boypsa are hereby cautioned against breaking windows in the Model bohool,as any person found doing so will be prosecuted. W. H. HINE, Secy Tne Peristyle of the World's Columbian Exposition was destroyed by firm last Monday night. Tho Casino and the Mnsio'Hall were also burned. One fire. man was killed and two fatally injured. in whin are h Tho Mannfaoturora Building, stored millions of dollars worth of exhibits, caught fire in several places, but was finally extinguished, the goods in it, mostly pack- ed up ready for removal, were injured by water. The fire is supposed to have been Ater ed by tramps. Sir Hector i fay be put on Trial. It is stated on good authority than the screws will be put on Sir Hector ata v very earevin ly datethe ,rio Sir Oliver Mow- at,ment as Attorney -General for Ontario, NOTICE The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meat in the Court House in the Town oottGoderich, on TUESDAY, the 23rd day of January, r , it 3 o'carylock k,p1894 W. LANE, Clerk DHouse an of for Sale or to Let The house Mrs Briyden, is St., either forstoccupied rd y for sale or to rent on very reasonable kerma. The house s suitable for small family, and has quar- Porohaeerocan havwell any time to pagfruit forr it trees. aWrR$1i COUCH.. spending a few days with their g - of £67,450 as co p r has it is said represented to 5tr Jo n for' the Presbyterian church is to be Miss Tucker, known alloverthe. Thom son, as minister of Justice for chosen next Sunday. Mr Jas. Troyer world under the initials of A. L. O. E., Canada, that the conviction elof ped left far Michigan k M John I ' dad 'n India For the last sigh- greevy and Connolly has developh Dick returned Sat- t y Miss Tucker had been en the fact that the prosecution (rears missionary work there. Tlt� page of conspiracy to defraud ,p7arke, Mc- ' i an last wee t o n to e i tion int e from Manitoba" on a sen ears ud the Gov- urda last. Mrs J. McArthur, w110 gage In mix age of c is not complete without the a idle d f her en were used for tli pro�vmg. Mr l�st'�Sit Med. t od that all money pard on her works a .-- vicinity. arty to the crime. has been serionaly ill, is slowly proceeds o pen indictment of Sir Hector Langeein as Wm. Laramie sr., r still-llenflet of the missions, and it is utiddr- This action has very it . Mr Da -Bel e i it stood cal College, has been s endin the palet in the future will go o the missions, been taken on the advice of J. S. Kerr, couple of weeks with friends in this Lady Aberdeen paid ala graceful com• Q. 0., who watched the trial on behalf ug y gash Mr John Smith a eived an liment b wearing during her recent of the Ontario Government. An at - ugly on the head one day last visit in Montreal a golden maple leaf.wetempt was made to interview Sir ee; ihen was engaged in ill, running Her Excellency suggested that jewels Oliver Mowat,°but he was "very, ve theone sof then R. mensthrewrlla slab, made of purely Canadian minerals or busy," and begged to be excused. of the work recious stones would ;assist in somei There is every reason for relieving the which accidentlyattach io Smith on measure the national idea. IfCanadiani accuracy of the report, however. the head• he was unconscious for a few ,interests are not advanced during the With a charge hanging over Sir minutes, and will have a sore head forHector's head he would certainly tell some time. next o four years, it will not be 'urom man things' he knows tothe confusion lack the hand work and effective counsel of toe Ottawa Government, . unless by occupants of Rideau Hall. _ that Government were to shield him — Gloderieh Townshipof Alonzo Wright, "the King of the and the question arises if the Govern - severe suffererrfrom•grip; hewebeen a ntout Gatineau," was everybody's friend, and ment would care to brave public opin- his death in his sixty-eighth year will ion sufficiently to take the latter beiensat had fully forcedrr>evrd baom a be.mourned not only by all the mem- course. recent attack, only relapse. be back hers of Parliament, but by the whole tfS his room by a Mr. R. W. t clerk of the County hippy a well-known writer and •Raptured and Defamed People: There aro ruptures people everywhere, they want the theist Trueelor the least money, and • to make it convenient for them, I will be in their neighborhood. There Is no doubt that your case will be attended to properly. as 1 am known from ocean to ocean on this continent as a man of rare ability and skill in the Mechanical Line of overcoming Rupture and all Deformities of. the humsti me—Spinsi'Disease, Club Feet, Knock- ed Knees, White Swelling It is very hard,eeven in Europe, Neyw York ;etc., to in mynfaotOsry. Io amdthe Inventor of 27 patents in different lines of Trusses and Ortho• pedicel Appliances, and, if you wish to have yout, X - case attend to, would ask yon to be on tip! as I will be found se follows with Samples an,1. Goode, se Trusses. in all their variety, to take ijt ll, Pof hipps,o of'thisdtownship, . n ofh s When, tt 4oP�ons scat vacs to be els to e b en laid up for some weeks with a We are anywhere, but Mr Wright creme bac s :vet es attack of paralysis death of to the house smiling, with a mnajorit v ry sorry to announce of dual of. over LW°. no Was 0, randson r� l Williams mother of Mr Churls the first white • ettlnr in Mull, and ylia t; which occurred on Satur of t e the ice brake, and taxa 1a 85 teat entertarne . There we no a y last; she was yearn of lige. • hearers at the ft neral, lay e water. Two men went to their rescue from fat es "fstnn In a to awrinwn ;. - shore and to went to in binning thein he London Times e: s the /nose ' i John Mac ousels. they theinselver Were drowned. 1:' ; 211 Ireland was ca pe � ceful and proses measurements, etc. WILL 5I8IT A8 FOLLOWS: Seatorth, Commereialllotel, mammy, Jaa.02 Clinton, Rattenbury House,Twceday, Ian. 23 Goderick,I Albion Betel, Wednesday, Jan. 24 Exetor,Commercial Betel, Thursday,, a. 23 Wingbam,: Queen's Hotel, Friday► 11 Brussels, Queen's Hotel, Saturday, Jain. 07 CHAS. CLi7THE, Burgles: Machinist, 194 King St West, Toronto. Don't wait the last hour, of Ottawa city and Ottawa county Mr John eraser,. His pe ulttrity, was exemtilified. in 1874", pert at Pilot Mottnd, Man., hes been die. 1 ie unfelt advantage of the farmers who a given notes to the Government for teed grain seppl;ed some years ago. a m' sed by the Government for tektinR a a 'Wednesday afternoon, while fJi number 1 'of people were skating on the Toronto bay, ds fell into the r SHORTHAND. . The long winter evenings are favorable fe to take p0 course in andhT�ppem Writing. Ne* classes are now being tossed both morning and evening, and intending pupils advantage to come at once, but students may en ter at any time. I am fully prepared to so Ivy pupils a thorough t/uein.ee training i all the branches Pertain eg to shorthandarta` writing, 5itnations areas easily secured here is they arida the eities, and eapenies ar • mach less. For lull particulars apply tto, P1. 11. COLEMAN. Perrin 131oekrOlifltoit Por ell'iefortllfition concerning travel, ao»salt, . . JACKSON* `/,�* �7 N* 41" Passe Agent til T