The Wingham Advance, 1919-02-27, Page 1far
ReadAbout the Extra Special Bargains Offered by the Wingham Merchants on Dollar Day, March 4th:
Single Copies • Three Cents
.A.4.7.0r,rojv .3"41,
35 Head ot Cattle
There will be offered for sale by
Public Auction at
G. McDonald's Hotel Stables,
Saturday, Mar. 1st
10 fresh cows with calf at foot.
a springers.
10 two year-olds.
10 yearlings,
All first-class Durham Cattle.
6 months' credit on approved joint
Late and McDonald, Jamas Taylor,
Prop, Auct.
UCTIONI SAL/11-eFarm (SO aerne), Stook,
• plements, eto. S. 1.2 Let 0. Con. 1, Morrie
at 1 o'clisek )r, Monday March 3rO. Nee Bills.
Ed. N. AnmaTbox0, Prop.
JoHN Pawns, Auctioneer.
1001 ION SALE -Stook, Implements, Grain.
a Furniture, eto. South 1141 Los 13, Con, &
Morris on Thursday March dth.
JAS. B. KszarigT, Prop.
JI. TAYLOR. AUOtioueor.
AUCTION SALx--Stock and Implements. Lot
• 23, Coo. 10, Turnberry, on Thursday, March
T. IL ammeter, ituot.
AUCTION SALE -Stook -and Implements,
• Lot 4. Con. 14Mon is, on Wed,. March 12111.
Jae. McGinn, Prop.
T. R. Bkrotarr, Anot.
I UOTIOli SALE -Farm stook and imple
n ments, Lot 30, Con. 13, East Wavranosh
Wednesday, March Oth at 1 O'CloOk.
DAVID '.LOW, Proprietor.
Jourr PtravIs, Auctioneer.
n are bac& of a big 1919 crop. Get prices and
catalogue from O. Smith & Son-' Disalet Dis-
tribut rs, Durham, Ont., or ILA. Lister &
Co., Toronto, Out. 2
so building a new house or barn, changing or
repairing pour present buildings or wish them
raised or moved yon would do weil to call or
in Ursa I aro a140 a first otitis stair
Carling Terrace, W ins bam
MOVER THRESHING - Having purchased
✓ clover milt we are now in a positien to
do upsto.daie work, gasoline power.
Phone 11-800 or 8-015
reetAtteNG AUCTION SALE -Of Stock. Ina-
• Olements, Etc., a. No-th half Lot 17, Von.
1, Morris. Bluevate Road, rat Meader. Mehl
10th. Sale without reserve.
FoREST WILEoN, Proprietor
T. H. BENNETT. Auctioneer.
R promptly within a radius 01 20 miles. WUI
pay cash for live animals. vv ill pay from $3.
to $5. for live animate. No animal removed
viittaout bide. Phoue at our expense.
rhone do 12. Phone evening 178.
Tug irstamEris' irgnynazisn Co., LTD.
• -- - -
VCR SAL.E-One pure-bred Jersey 00 W, ris
& calf; one general purpose horse and one
driving mare, four yerrs old. Apply at
UOR SALE - Cheap, a real good equare
✓ Piano. Cash or terms, BILLIE MYRRH,
'UOR SALE -1 good general purpose horse,
x Coeap F HILL
ipOUND-A sum of money,. owner can have
& same by applying sa, THE a ovaNcos
VCR ALE -A 11e Egg Incubator. in drol-
1 class cond.tion. A. snap tor quick sale,
ROE SALE -Five good grade ewe*, bred to
& Oxford Down Ram. Also driving horse,
eight years old. .uply to
Tilos. l'AYLOR, Con..12. East WAVDDIOsb.
rt OR SAL le -Fifty -acre farm on gravel road,*
& miles 66ath of Be grave. Apply to
S. Funny, R. R. So. 1, Beigrave.
)OR SALE-Grirom Maple evaporator 314,e..
& by 12 feet and equipment Tam ou.itt oon
44440 about 00 buckets and spates. 1-800 gal-
lon storage tank, 1.100 gallon gathering tank
and all other necessary utensils in excellent
condition. No reasonable offer refused. Cali,
write or phone
Zdas. Z. J. JAMISON, T. eswater.
ROE SALE -Pore bred White Wyandotte
& t. ockerels. These are from a pen of bred
to -lay hone having a record of 207 to 282 eggs in
12 months, The sires of these cockerels are
from Dar, e hens having a record of 214, z72 and
sso eims in 12 months. A couple of seconcehand
ben houses wanted, JOHN Kaki,
✓ also stable to rent. Apply at
31aR6mt Worms, Wingham.
t )ST- Somewhere in Wingham, on Wednes-
la day morning, a black purse containing a
few doll.irs, some English money and a gold
chain. Finder will tie rewarded on leaving
same at Task Atnrabok Orrick
em -Wanted at once. Amity to
MRI. JElal ourrorr, iv Ingham.
NA.`4.04 and Medi ?Moos and Phonograph,
for .,ale, cash or terms, a .1114Lin Butocies.
NOTICE -Will the person who sent the money
us 111011 013000. J. A. MILIA.
in the envelope to J. A, Mills kindly give
RETURNED SOLDIER, married, Wi-lies to
Li secure employment, on term, long exper
lance io tam work. Apply to
geteetaNes EGGS - Frain good American
141 Strait,. Male birds from Mass. U, el. A
White Vi7yandottee $1.00 a setting.
R. Bicarre, Wingham.
nmr-or good light harness for sale. A.ppls
U to Tilos. mime.
qEED 0.AT8 rort SA.LE-Iimaroved Ameri-
ka can &tuber. iiso a quantity of elude
Seed Barley. Apply to ALEX. T. Rose.
21. 2nd line Morrbs.
'FENDERS tt ILL 13Z ttgottepgr) By Tut
A ui.dersigned until neon on Feb. 28th, fo
the renting of the fair grounds. not inoludin.
the race track or inner field. Lowest or ad
tenaernee, ne.lissarily accepted.
WANTED-4/mA Orise to store piano for few
Months. Will sell same _at reasonable
Price and ternes if Ptah° 111 auitable. If Donis,
would °wielder boring earn*. OW/le wind t
dinisider taking Vlotury Bond 4ts part poryreent
Adana Hoz 435, Stratford, fOritatte
A.SECING MA:came-wee sate st p ba^•
I gain. APOIY bt Tull Amearens.
cot max toter
Good For 25 Cents
(On Dollar Day Only)
When purchasing
At ihekoffice of
11*e Winithram AdvAtice
qiuttei Pogdier Paper°
sr AS° 14411404,10*“
ranner Posadav Winalwan ear SHO'
combs In England
The many friends here of Sergt W.
Grant Fetterly were shocked to hear of
his death which occurred in England on
February 19th. Grant was a book-keeper
in the Western Foundry when he enlisted
with the 161st Hurons. In 1915 he Was a
valued member of the Wingham Lacrosse
Team and took a, deep interest in all clean
sport. He was also a member of St Johns'
Athletic Club of London. About a year
ago he was invalided to Engrand froas
France and has since been stationed there.
Sergt. Fetterly's home is in Gartman
where his father, A. C. Fetterly, is niayor
Mr. P, B. Fetterly of the Huron and Erie
Mortgage Corporation of London is en
uncle of the deceased.
Seccend-Lieut J. J Mitchell
youngest son of Mr- and Mrs J J. Mitch-
ell who was killed in an aeroplane accid-
ent in England on Jah. 24th.
Lieut. Mitchell received his education
at the Wingham Public and High School,
where he proved a clever scholar and had
an unusually brilliant intellect
After being three years a valued em-
ployee of the Canadian Kodak Co Tor-
onto, he went west and at the time of his
enlistment in the 1281h of MoOSejaW,
was studying law in Swift Current. He
went through several of me large engaze-
ments and was wounded at Passchendate
Upon his recovery he entered the Royal
Navl Air Service and had just received
hts commission a short time before his
death ,
Jack. as he was better known by, had
a most promising fu ure before him and
will be greatty rinsze 1 o th h est if
mends he had inade by his- cfrannt re pee •
Besides his 'water and father tie leaves
to mourn him, three brothers, a. H., of
town ; Bert, of Swift Current and Lym,
ot Miniton, Man. and threee sisters
Clara, of Chicago; Mrs. H. B. Robinson,
of Stavely, Alta and Mrs. F N. Rush of
Soleter's Lomat-aim). -
Mr. Shaver of London, wel be in Wing -
ham on Thursday evening for the purpoee
of organizing a Soldier's Aid Comnession
This meeting will be held immedrately
after the Board of Trade meeting in the
council chamber and a good attendance is
Didn't Register.
A young Howick farmer got lemse f in-
to trouble recently by not registering on
June 22nd. He was married a few weeks
ago, and when t e license was forwarded
to Register General of Ontario, it was (Its -
covered by the authorities that tne gro rm
had not registered as, required by taw.
He was placed under an est last week and
will be prosecuted,
Ottidlere tire erraelog flask
Bandr;man R. T. Cowell is expected to
arrive at his borne in Wingham in the very
near future. Pte Geo. L. Day, son of
Mrs. Robt. Day has arrived in London.
Pte Bert McLeari son of Mr and Mrs.
John D. McLean arrived home on the
noon train on Monday. His bride arrived
itt Winehain eontime ago.
G. 'A. Sr. A litilsoz2,11
The returned soldiere of town met in
the tountii chamber on Saturday evening
and organized a Great War Veterans'
Association for Wingliare and distriet.
The following officers were elected. Pres. •
es -Alfred Posliff: Vice -Pro Will Hayles:
Sec'y -H. Hinseliffe. Treas. H. Dore,
They will meet every Saturday evening
for some time until they get settled in
their Own robots. Tito% who wish to
join should communieate with the &ere.
tary or any member.
The editor was entertained on Monday
evening by Mr. Wm. Sneath who kindly ,
invited us to see his pets Mr. Sneath
has a nurnbet of purebted Belgium Hares,
als6 guineapige and white rata, the care ,
of which takes up catisiderable of his time,
as they are certainly kept in the cleanest S
and best condition txrasible. Mr Sneath t
dots quite end export trade and sells
these fine furred little animals as far west i
as the coast and to several of the southern a
'states. Wears sure they are better sat- 0
isfled livinkin their COO" aPerirtlents
rather then trevelling for &ye in cages.
Mr, &ma thoroughly understands the
$OS 44 Ms *Al *ad will timbtiese Melee
0411k01100. 000010. ibmemiolfr.
'Local Items
' "••
Mr. Norman Baker has accepted a sit-
uation in Toronto.
3 Phonographs at special prices during
the "One Cern Sale' at McKibbon's
Drug Store
Attend the meeting in the Town Hall.
on Thursday evening, March 6th, by
Peter McArthur.
Conductor Cowley of Sarnia, is now on
the run between Palmerston and Kin.
cardine on the noon train.
It is almost certain that Daylight Say-
ing will be continued in both Canada and
the United States in 1919.
Go to McKibbon's "One Cent Sale"
and find out how to buy a $1,00 bottle of
fiN poposphitis for one cent,
Mr J S, Dobbie, the McLaughlin dis-
tributor sold an Oldsmobile Eight to
Capt, C. G Van Stone, Toronto, last
The North Huron Horse Breeder's
Club will hold a meeting in the Councii
Chamber on Saturday afternoon, March
8th, at 2 o'clock.
The following buyers shipped -cattle
from Wingham to Toronto qn Saturday
Andrew McKague, Jas. Menzies and
Field & Mitchell.,
St. Andrew's Ladies' Circle intend hold-
ing a St Patrick's Entertainment in the
Presbyterian church on March 17th.
Keep this date in mind.
E. Merklev & Sin have sold a Grey -
Dort Special to Mr W. F Van Stone.
It is a nice car and an exclusive model
°tiered to only- a few motorists
Although the ice secured on the river
this year is only about 8 inches thir k, yet
it is of excellent quality, and we are glad
to know that Mr McLean has a good
The regular m eithly meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham Gener-
al Hospital will be held next Monday
afternoon, fele ch 3rd at 4 15 in the
Couecil Cha nb r. •
Assessor T. J McLean is • making his
rounds and we overheard someone remark
that they have not noticed as^ few dogs
around for some time What if the mo-
tion to raise the fee to $10 should have
passed at the council board ?
The firemen were ca:led out about 11
o'clock on Thursday evening and had a
run to Mr. Stone's house, Pleasant Valley
but the fire, which was a chimney, was
under contrcil bef ire thdy arrived The
firemen made a Jvcord run
On Tuesday evening of last week Geo
Colvin, jr. of Toronto', only son of Mr.
and Mrs, George Colvin of Brussels un-
derwent a successful operatioa in the
Wi.wham Hospital for heroia and var-
io;,) veins
Mr Hardim had the misfortune
while t 'acing ice on the river on Thursday
to fall in the water and ‘vhite we are glad
to report that he mallard to get out al-
right himself, he drowned two crosscut
saws .ind a crowbar.
Va.inry Lan -rods
The Bank of liamilton request the pur-
chasers of the above bond t present their
interim recerpt and receive their perm s -
tient bonds. e
To thost- who did not get one of The
Advance calendars we would advise you
to get in ,on the ' hand colore 1 pictures.
Th .y are better quality and will sell like
hot cakes See our window and cut out
the coupon, it is good for 25 cents.
Miss Mae Moffatt, daughter of Mr
and Mr. J. J Moffatt, was the lutery
girl who received the marked copper
which was gool for $5 at Hanna's Store
on Saturday afternoon. fhe street was
biocked with people at 2 30 when the
1000 co pors were thrown from the roof
of the building.
'Mlbs Glenn of Glenn Marks, Toronto,
Canada'.: Hair Fashion Store, will be in
Wingham, Saturday, Match 1st, at the
Queen's Hotel. with a full line of Ladies
and Gentlemane Haw Goods, if you not
satisfied with the appearance of your hair,
consult Miss Glenn who ts an authority
on hair goods and indivelual hair etyles
Free demenstrafion.
Gaelic and Eiperanto are two of the
subjects seem to be beorning this
year in Glasgow (Se )tland) School Board
Continuation Cia for speci ilized in-
struction. The e;irolment•: for Gaelic
number 91 as compared with 48 1ast year;
while the enrolment.; for Esperanto num-
ber 84 against 48 in 1918. Greek and
Russian are on the decline with 9 and 11
students respectively compared with 17
and 18.
You can get better satisfaction and a
lower price on printing in Wingham thee
you can by sending to the city, If you
doubt this let us have a talk with you
Ring up 34 and make a date w th us.
We have samples of just what you want.
Wh, n your printing is done in town the
printer's wages are spent in town, The
altar you spent in Wingharn will come
wine to boAt. Give us a trial and be
onvinced -Taxr A ir V ANCW.
Dollar Day at Mitchell's corner Drug
tore is also the first anniversary under
he new manage Lent Mr Mitchell. pro-
poses to fit•ing y mark the event by giv-
ng a day or exceptional values. T Nyal
tid Nadruco lines The best Icnown lines
f medicines made in Canada. Rot water
bottles. Stock and Poultry Toilkil Tel -
turns, Stationers+, Toilet preperatione end
ate all it bargain Prices. See advertisetent for partusultre.-Misatiers Omter
Dm; nom
Mr. Jas, McGee Morris, has rented his
farm to Mr. Will Edgar, Mr. McGee
will go to the west this spring.
Services in the Methodist church next
Sunday will be held as follows 9.30 a.
in. Praise service 10 a, m. Busyman's
Brotherhood, 11 a. m. Service, sub-
ject: "The Beauty of Jesus". 2 30 p, m.
-Sunday School, lVfiesii nary Day. 7 p,
m Serviee, subject : "Comradeship."
On Monday evening, March the 3r4.
The Epworth League will be favored with
an illustrated lecture by Rev. C. R.
Durrant of Teeswater. Subject: 'The
Rose, the Shamrock and Thistle." Every
body welcome Admis -ion only 10 and
15 cents Proceeds will be devoted to
The Cottage Prayer Circle will meet on
Friday night at 8 o'clock at the home of
Mr, and Mrs Robinson, Pleasant Valley.
The climax was reached laet week when
fifty four happy faces greeted the corn:rens
ers Two bright young ladies of our
Early on Tuesday morning, Feb. 18th -
at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Kitchen,
272 Weremoreland Ave., Toronto, the
death angel entered and bore away to the
Heavenly Home the spirit of John W.
Taylor. only and dearly beloved son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor Of Wingharn.
He was ill only a week with pneumonia
and all that medical skill end loving hands
Could do were of no avail. His death
came as a great shock to his many friend*.
The deceased was a young man univers-
ally beloved and respected for his amiable
and cheerful disposition. He had much
mare than ordinary bi1ity and when only
a mere youth he entered the Trader's
• • 1.6., •••••-.•••. • "
Hear Peter McArthur on March 6th.
MayorPurney is on a business trip to
Mr. Ned Tomkins has returned to
Mort. Knox is up from Toronto for a
few days.
Mr. W. H. Willis made a business trip
to Toronto this week
Mr. and Wire. W. J. Greer spent the
week -end in Toronto.
Mrs. Ed Hawkins and little child of
Brampton, are visiting relatives in town.
Mrs Dr. Smith of Chicago, is visiting
her friend, Miss Lillian Nicholls.
Bank at Schomberg and ale° held pi -
Miss Ethyl Cameron of Toronto, spent
tions in Rockwood, St. Marys and the a few days with her 'sister, Mrs. H. Hun.
head office in Toronto of which he • was ter.
manager for a time He retired from the Mrs Potts and little daughter of Allen -
latter and accepted a position with the dale, are visiting with Mrs. Helps, Shuter
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Campbell of
Ripley, spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs Alex, Reid.
Miss Freda VanStone is visiting at the
home of her brother, Capt. C. G. Van -
Stone, Toronto,
Mrs. A. J. Busch and little daughter, of
Weston are visiting at the home of her
Mother, Mrs Swarts, Shuter St.
town and of the Girls' Prayer Circle pub- Massey Hams Co in Toronto which he
licly declared they were going to be held until his death. All arrangements
missionaries and expect to go to the
had been completed to place him within a
week general manager in the office where
Moody Institute, Chicago, for training, I
Come Friday night and enjoy the meet. he was employed. He had been with the
MIMOOMMI111.1•••• Massey Harris Co. for over 6 years and
was held in vet:), high esteem by all his
Auto ires Without Air
employers, this was evidenced by the
The Aero Cushion Inner Tire and many beautiful floral tributes sent by the
Rubber Co. of Ontario, have opened an Company. Six young men from the
office ,n Wingham arid are proceeding office acting as palfbearers,
with the sale 1 stock, They expect to interment was made in Prospect ceme-
Mr and Mrs. Seymour Thornton, have
be in a position this spring to manufact- tery, returned from the west where they have Toronto. In religion he was a ,
ure automobile tires which wil! require no Methodist and in politics a staunch Con -
resided for the past year.
servative. He was in his $01h year. Be- J Miss Joan McCallum of
sides his sorrowing parents he leaves one Lucknow, was the guest of
sister Romelda, all of whom are deeply Smith this week
sympathized with in their great sorrow. Miss Pickel of New York, is visiting at
Those who attended the funeral from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gorrie were, Messrs Fred and Alfred Tay- Pickle, Patrick St.
lor and Mr. R H. Carson, uncles of de- Mr. Crystal Wyld of Ripley, spent
ceased. a'couple of days With her sisters Mrs.
In the cold silent grave we laid him, Alex. Reid and Mrs. Bert Vansickle.
As the evening shadows fell
Silent hearts felt tears descending,
Miss Edna Scott of town, made a busi-
ness trip to Toronto last week, selecting
air. Every driver of an automobile will
be glad to know that a satisfactory solu-
tion of the tire prat:hem has been reach-
T. R. Bennett has his Sedan equipped
and will be pleased to demonstrate the
riding qualities of the new tire.
A number of Wingham citizens are in
terested in this enterprise and copsider it
a gilt edged opportunity for investors to
participate in the profits which always
accrue from the manufactu:e and sale of O'er the form we loved so well.
any article which is a necessity and in ever Dry each tear, 0 darling mother,
Father, Sister weep no more,
Think of him as only sleeping,
Not as lost, but gone before.
the manse,
Mrs. A. G.
growing popular demand.
Prospectus of the campany can be pro-
cured from the Secretary, Mr. L. Ken-
nedy, at the head office in the building
formerly occupied by W. F. Vanstone,
near the Bank of Hamilton,
;Rif e MN kEauRNs
Robert J. Little, Ableseaman, R. N C.
V R., son of Mr John L. Little, North
Street, arrived home last week from over-
seas. Robert was one of the first that
we know of, from these parts to mast in _-
the navy. .
He enlisted in Toronto in 1916 ' and Soldier Addresses Epworth League.
went right to England. Having served A most interesting address was given
on a mine sweeper for some time, he was by Mr, John Hutton, reeently returned
promoted to an Ablesearnan. Later he
was recommended for the Gunnery and from overseas, on his experience on the
Was one of the few Canadians at Devon. battle front. Mr. Hutton is a splendid
port qualifying fbr Gun Layer at Devon, speaker and every one was delighted with
port Barracks. his Interesting :address.
Mna J W. KERR -
The remains of the late Mrs. .1 W.
Kerr who died in Calgary General Hos-
pital on Thursday last, were brought to
Wingham on the noon train on Tuesday
and were interre -I in the Wingham cem-
etery. Her maiden name was Margaret
Gay, and Mr. Kerr is a son of the late
Henry Kerr. The family were reipected
residents of Wingham until a few years
ago when they moved to Toronto. When
in Windt= they resided in the house
now occupied by Dr. Hambly Many
Wingham friends will extend sympathy
to Mr. Kerr in his sad bereavement. Mr.
Kerr accompanied the remains to Wing -
ham. Mr. Alex. Alderson, a brother -in
law formerly of Wingham but now of
Hamilton attended the funeral.
A sad death occurred in Wingham on
Monday when Eliza Ann Plant, beloved
wife of Francis Bolt, passed away in her
..39th year. She was only, sick for a short
time and besides her husband is survived
by a large family, who will greatly miss
the tender guidance of a faithful mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Bolt were married twenty-
three years ago. The family resided in
Turnberry until about four years ago
when they moved to town. The funeral
was held on Wednesday afternoon to
Wingham cemetery.
new millinery for the coming season.
Miss Margaret Forbes of Cleveland,
Ohio, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos,Forbes last week.
Mr. Walter Haines left on We'dnesday
afternoon for Hamilton where he has se-
cured a position in the Dominion Bank.
Mr. and Mrs Fyfe wish to thank their
friends and neighbors for their kindness
during Viola's illness.
Miss Elizabeth Barber returned to
Ottawa last week to resume her duties as
Stenographer at the House of Commons
during the present sessions.
Miss Myrtle Lockeridge of Palmerston,
spent the week -end under the parental
roof. Miss Lockeridge will in future res de
in Harriston where she has secured a sit-
Mr and Mrs. A. J. Ross spent a few
days with old acquaintances in Cargill
and Walkerton. Mr J. S. Dobbie assist-
ed in the hardware store during Mr.
Ross' absence,
Wroxeter Man Passes
Daniel McTavish succumbed after a
short illness of pleurisy at his home at
Wroxeter on Wednesday of last week.
While it was known his illness was serious
his many friends had hopes of an early
recovery, and his death came as a shook
to the community.
Mr McTavish is in his 58th year and
the younger son of the late John H Mc-
Tavish of Howick. He had engaged in
farming all his life with his brother. Peter,
whose demise occurred last August. They
were Most successful, only retiring to the
village last spring. The deceased was a
regular attendant of the Presbyterian
church and in politics a staunch Liberal.
He is survived by his wife and two daugh-
ters, Dorothy and Margaret.
Messrs. David and James Hamilton of
Wingham are nephews of the deceased.
Get a Beautiful Hand Colored Picture On Dollar Day at The Advance Office
Many of our readers will remember that on Winghatn's Dollar Day in 1937 The ADVANCE gave $10.00 to the perm, who
found the Mysterious Miss Dollen This year we are giving away a much larger price and one that all our readers can take
advantage of. With every new or renewal subecription to Tug we will give free of charge, on boiler Day only, a
beautiful genuine hand colored picture 1640 mounted on Wavy cardboerd. W. have two subjects "The Rich Ruler" and "Jesuit
is the Temple" and *leo 011it lox% "The Good 44episend."' Titte. *turas ore soli hi city art stone at 40 and 71 cents.
Without a aukodritioa of $ts0 to Tits kovAmos Irs so sailist them $14:otars, sn Mika. Day WY, et 40 cents wit es. 1$
*ad th• coupst ?ma appocri to *odor coliam.
Subscriptions: $1.50 per year
1 As., III,. • ,•9 I '
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday
March lst. 3rd. and 4th.
Another famous Money -Saving lc. Sale will be held
on the -above dates at McKibbon's Drug ,tore
One Cent
am -
The Plan
You pay the regular price for one
article and then we give you moth-.
er of the same article for
One Cent
1 for
2 for
Buy one tube of Peed Tooth
Pasta at the regular price of 46c
and we will give you another tubs
One Cent
Or 2 for Sac
You cannot afford to miss this sale which will in-
clude Rexall Remedies, Drugs, Rubber Goods, Toil-
et Articles, Stationery, Etc.
Come in and net a Bet
Remember the days and dates, Saturday, Monday
and Tuesday, March 1st, 3rd and 4th.
War Tax extra as usual.
J. Walton ricKibbon
Phone 53 C. P. R. Tickets.
Farm Property Changes. 0.0 11111=11111111m= 11.111111101111.11111.0110 ea
Turnberry and we hear that Mr. Wheeler1
George .Wheeler's farm on the B. line,
has purchased a farm on the 1st line of
Morris from W H Fraser. Mr. George 59
Manes has purchased Hugh McKinnon's Canada Food Board License
farm on the 2nd of Culross. Mr. Adans • No. 8-278.
Johnston has sold his farm on the 10th
con. Turnberry to Mr. George Cruick-
shanks. Mr Forest Wilson has sold his DOLLAR DAY
farm on the Bluevale road to Mr. Albert
Foxton and is moving into Wingham 1 Tuesday, 4th . March
Mr. Wilson will hold a clearing sale of for G
roceries on Dollar Day.
stock on Monday, March 10th, and Mr. ; Make this store your headquarters
Johnston o n March 20th. M r. T. R 1 to tell you
Bennett, the popular auctioneer, will wield
the hammer at both sales.
Mr. John Moir has purchased Mr.
The Hospital At Home. 1
The At Home last Friday evening n i 1
aid of the Hospital was pronounced a 25 per cent. off
great success, both financially and
socially,, -the guests having all enjoyed 1 All Cbinaware, and our stock is
themsehres thoroughly, and the amount! considerable, at 25 per cent off,
of money realized being very satisfactory.
The ladies prizes were won by Mrs Leslie
Young for games and Miss Patterson for
lone hands; while the gentlemen winnine
were Mr, Robert Allen, games and Mr.
Frank VanStone, lone hands. The pro..
ceeds will amount to about 8125.00 after
all expenses are paid.
The flowers for the prizes were donated e
by J. M. Graham and the cards by Mrs.
Dyer, Mrs. C P. Smith and Mrs. J. P. KNITTERS
Mr. Joon McLean supplied the coal
and the hall was cemfortably warm.
The sincere thanks of the ladies are
tendered to these kind contributors, also
to all those who assisted -so cheerfully
and willingly especially, Mr Boyce LA -
assistance in lighting, etc, Mr. R. Currie
and Mr. j Walker and others for the
loan of furniture, Mr. Finlay and others ,
for cream, coffee etc , all of which con-
tributed to the success of the evening.
Come and See
It will Pay You
Tea and Coffee Specialist&
*ow immsemmis aim imuimermi 0.0
Beginners paid while learning
Good light Steady work. High.
est wages paid.
Clinton Knitting Co. Ltd.
Wingluun Branch
25 pairs Women's Black Kid Lace and
Button Boots, size 2*. 8, 3,q, Clearing
at ....... .. . .. . ,
14 pairs Women's Pumps, cerded silk,
color, Brown or Black 01.00
20 pairs Mines Boots, Lace and Button,
Regular Price 43 66 for 02.49
18 pairs Children's Lace and Button Boots
rase 8 to 10i for . 451.49
20 pairs of Children's Boots, Lace and
Button, size 3 to n, 41.00
14 pairs Boys' Boots, Solid Leather, size 1
to 6 01.79
25 pairs W01116fett Patent Leather Lace
and Button Boot., 02.29
20 pairs Men's Boots, all sizes
18 pairs Men's Rubbers .....
We are going to make this a real Dollar Day all
through our Shoe Store
Come Early and Secure your share of the Bargains
Big Cut Prices in all lines of Men's, Women's, Boys'
and Girl's Shoes,
mom: monontxx