HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-02-20, Page 10Tire W1 N( AM ADVA 'CB
(Look at the list of values and Come and flee the goods just as advertised•)
e le have taken from oar store Hundreds of Dollars worth of Merchandise aat wonderful saings. t vers W ptare
rictt ,
For the past two weeks, p op
overstocked in p many lines and have also bought and a lomt ofet goods
Mall Order ch we are offering
Farmers' Clubs, etc.. on the lines we handle,
Our aim is to keep you posted on market prides and compete for Cash and we do not
but in order to do so T mast do business like these $racks and wees we are offeringgvalues that wilcomparle with a y cash business sss today.
h time when, money t•
wl a,lvarkitte(1 nt'i('es'. To -clay is the
Furs and Fur Coats
Greatly Reduced
1 only Ladies' Hudson Seal Coat,
made from best French dyed skins,
beautifully made and best quality sat-
in lining. Reg. $3.25, reduced to $26.6.
1 only Ladies' Hudson Seal Coat,
nice emart model in best quality skins
Reg. $250, reduced to $1192.50,
1 only Canadian Mink Muff made
from selected prime dark skins in lat-
est round style. Regular $66, reduc-
ed to $42,50.
3 Persian Lamb Muffs, made from
good tight curl glossy elrins. Reg.
160 and $65, reduced to $37.50.
1 only sets Hudson Seal made in
` latest style round muff and cape scarf.
Beg. $75, reduced to $47.50.
1 set Ands= Seal -trimmed with grey Opposum, latest style.
Reg. $100, reduced to $75.
. 50 Muffs, etolea and odd pieces in Black and• Natural Wolf, Mar-
mot, ,Coon and Fox, reduced 20 to .i0 per cent.
Men's Fur Coate, Far Collared Coats and Caps greatly reduced.
Cloth and Plush Coats
The balatstce of our stock of this
season's coats at wonderful saving.
Reg. $45 to $60, reduced to $37,50.
Reg. $30 to $40, reduced to $22.50,
New Spring Raincoats Spec-
ially Purchased
25 Lashes Raincoats in new tvieed
effects and latest styles, good service-
able Coats. Reg. 18.50 to 22.50, re-
duced to $13.75.
Embroideries and
Laces Reduced
2000 yds fine laces, insertion ander 1L
trimmings in ail the newest patterns,
used for trimming whitewear and
welds Reduced 20 to 50 per cent.
Tawelings and Cottons Reduced
500 yds best quality hand or
roller towelling, splendid wear -
, s ing quality, special 10 yds 2.95.
§ Flannelette Blankets Reduced $3.69 a pair
is •'ms's`; -=:
- One case extra large sheets iu grey or white, made from beauti-
ful soft Saxony cotton.
200 lbs. Finest Fingering Yarn $2.35;per 1b.
Special purchase of best quality imported yarns, in nice even
spun, makes lovely soft socks 3 or 4- play.
Ladies' Underwear and
Hosiery Specially
10 doz. Silk Lisle Hose made from the
finest lisle yarn in black andwhite, all
sizes. Reg. 75c for 45e, 3 for $1.25.
20 doz All Wool Cashmere Hose
Another shipment just to hand, made
from the finest all wool botany yarns. Reg.
$1.25 to 1.50, reduced to 950, 3 pr for 2.75.
300 Ladies' Lisle Vests
With short or no sleeves made from ex-
tra good Bele and cotton Egyptian yarn.
Specialb3-5c, 3 for $1.
Wr'oxet r •
Ptc. I'hil Hollis an another cif the. lilist
boys 'enlisted, from uerrtse.ts on Moodily
night, Ile was its ih ,hrst draft from the
ltil't that went t,' 1 seated shortly after
te the Battalion landed in England nntt was
there until a few d.tys before, the armistice
was .igued. Ile was Oman!? battles and
had some tryttig ,„spe,iences. Phil is a
fluent talker, has all the details from A to
7 ttnd emphasizes his remarks with a sew
"French Canadian" wards very ceemion
in the array.
The annual meeting of policy holders of
the Novick Mutual Fire Insurance Co.,
was held in the Township hall, Gerrie, on
Friday afternoon The attendance was
large and the affairs of the company in
good condition.. Thr two retiring. direct
ora, Hugh Edgar, 1 losvick Township and
James Kirton, Tut ut•erry, wore re.etected,,
A most suct'esstul 'Valentine social
under the auspices of the Young People's
Community Club of the village was bola,
n the basement of the Presbyterian shunt+. .
Thursday evening.
Boys' Suits, Overcoats,
Odd Knickers Greatly
50 Boys' Two-piece Suits
Latest styles in tweeds 'and wor-
ateds in bloomer pinta, all size's.
Reg..$12 to 15, reduced to 88.76.
20 Boys'
Winter Overcoats
Mai1e from good
all wool tweeds
in grey & brown
tnixtures. Rog.
$12.50 to 16, roti,
reducyd to 8 75
fCtrect up till Wednesday noon)
Wheat No. 2 Spring ......2 06 to
Wheat No. 2 Fall 2 11 to
Flour, per cwt, standard. 6 00 to 6 30
J3ran,perton 36 00 to 40 00
Shorts, per, ton 40 00 to 44 00
Oats • ... 65 to 75
Barley . 80 to 1 00
Ilay, ... 18 90 to 20 00
Butter, per lb—dairy— . • . 35 to 44
Eggs, per dozen 40 to 45
Lai, d 30 to 35
Cattle; med., butchers, 10 00 to 11 00
Cattle, butchers choice. 11 00 to 12 00
Hogs, liveweight, 16 75 to 17 00
Butterfat ............to 56
..Ii. James Marshall and family, who
have been residents of Helmer.: for over '++
twenty years, leave this week for London i, at all hours. Give us a
where they will reside.
Mr, J. R. Gibson has a fine shoe ng of I trial.
logs and intends starting his sawmill run-
Hing on Wednesday. p Zetas Lockman, Prop
1 new ntlliwer store will be o shed u1 ,
in Wroxeter on or about, March 1Oth.
The place for all binds of 1
home-made candy from
30c lb. up to 70c per lb.
Oyster and ~ Corn
Stews and quick lunches
E1E\r tor.
p4p t
Men's Suits and Ov-
ercoats Reduced
30 Men's Winter Coats
Made from good all wool tweeds
in brown and heather mixtures,
latest styles, all sizes. Reg. $25
to $33, reduced to $1$.75.
50 Men's Suits
Special -purchase of men's suits
along with broken lines taken from °
oar regular stock, all sizes in the
lot. Reg. $25 to $35, reduced to
- $22.50.
50 Men's Spring Coats and
Men's dressy coats in fine grey
worsteds and cheviots, also tweed
raincoats. Reg. $20 to 27.50, re-
duced to $18.75.
I00. Men's Winter Caps
$1.50 and $1.25 value for 89c.
Samples and broken lines taken
from our regular stock, all . izes in
the lot.
10 pieces Extra -Heavy'
Factory Cotton
Fine even cotton that will bleach beauti-
fully, 36 in wide. Special• 10 yds for 2.25.
Gloves a n d Waists
Greatly Reduced
1 20 doz. Chamoisette Gloves, best
make, in whites, black and natural
colors, all sizes. Reg'. $1.25, reduced
to 95e.
Georgette and (::rope -cls -Chen
Special purchase of sample blous-
es, along with a number of odd lines
taken from our:Jegular stock. Reg.
86 to 7.50, reduced to $4.95'
Miss Marion Forrest of Brussels is visit-
ing at Mr. Andrew Pollock's for a few
Qttite a number-t,f farmers of this neigh-
beihoud got in a supply 'of fertilizer for
the spring crop last week,
IVm Holl who has been in Algoma
all winter paid a Short visit • to hin home
litre last week. The northern climate
se:•ms to agree with hint as he is looking
w •31. Ile brought home with hint a fine
lot of beaver skins which he had trapped
iu the north
Miss Pearl Payne has gone to Toronto,
to engage in the millinery- work in the
Mrs James Wallace vi.s1 J'd with Strat
lord friends last week.
Rugs, Curtain Scrims and Window
Shades Reduced
50 Rugs in Tapestry, Brussels and Wilton—Beautiful Roes
in heavy pile materials, sizes 23x3, 3x3, 3x3i,nice patterns hi
floral and medallion designs. Reduced 10 to 20 per cent.
10 doz. Window Shades $1.25 value for 79c -This lot con-
sists of a special purchase from a manufacturer at much less
than regular price.
200 yds Curtain,
and Voile --- Good
ecru "*x' 's-
lain or with borders. - ie;' sei5 "''s, r"
Reg. 75c, reduced to 43c.
beautiful designs, w
hito and
7 Shirts, Socks and Underwear
(Summer and Winter Weights Reduced)
20 doz. Hea*y Wool Socks
Made from good even yarns in Grey, Black and Khaki
Reg. $1 for 69c. 2 pair for $1.25.
15 doz. All Wool Cashmere Sociis
English Dake, made from the finest of botany wools
in white or blaek. Reg. $1.25, reduced to 75c.
200 Men's Negligee Shirts
All tizes in the lot in Starched or soft cafe, made from
the best quality skirtings. Reg. $2 to $3t reduced 1.35.
Combination Underwear
Men's wool combinations, broken lines but all sizes in
the lot. Reduced to $8.69.
10/4 Balbriggan Underwear
Shirts, Drawers and Combination Snits.
200 suits made from extra quality Bele thread, all
sizes. Special $1.35 a suit.
800 Drawers and Shirts, in light and medium weighta
all slzea. Special 69c a garment.
Kings' Grocery Dept.
Pt re Foods at Money Saving Prices
1000 lbs best • uality rice, $ lbs 25c
20 sacks best tolled Oats, lbs 26c
51bs best quality bead or japan tea
Ma lb .,,, ....$3.15
12 bars beet laundry soap 900
300 cansries) fruit (Peaches, Pears, Cherf0c
10 doz. eztra heavy brooms, regular
$i.5, for 95e
500 pails, best Corn Syrup 5 lb pail
48c, 10 lb. pail
aliiiIMMINOM MIMs 111100111111.011 ttttslt
Our Shoe Sale
Ends on Saturday of this week.-
West Wawanosh
Municipal council met on Feb. 11, 1919
as per adjournment of Jan, 13. Council,
Tors Medd and--•Purdon were absent.
Reeve Bailie presiding. Minutes of last
meeting read and approved.
Treasurers statement read and filed
showing a balance on hand of $1806.63,
Auditors L B. Taylor and Jas. Durnin
presented their report as to the finances
of the Municipality taken from the Treat;
urer's books at the 31st day of Dec. 1918,
this report shows a net balance on hand
of $2073.55.
Motion by Messrs. Johnston and
Young that auditors report be accepted
and usual number of copies printed.
Letter read from H. Bellamy, printer;
in which he declines to do Township
printing for $65.
Miss McAllister of St .Augustine was Reeve Bailie reported that W. Waw-
anosh, share of County grant for Red
,visiting at Mr. Duncan tIcl)onald's last Cross work was $303 80. this 'to be de.
wool( vided into 7 shares, 2 shares each to St.
Jam stown's Women's Institute held Helens and St. Augustine, 1 share to
their regul.tr meeting in \tetoria '1init on each Auburn, Nile, Dungannon.
W, dnesday, Jan. 20th Mrs. 1) Nlo P.m ! Pathrnasters appointed as follows
aid gave a t•tlk,ht the importauce of tfe ! J,tr. 0 rvin, Reg Ryan D. Sproul. L,
supremacy of the seas and Miss Sttrah • .tcPhee, Geo Rutledge, J Huston J.
McLennan gave a well rendered ,reade.g Medd, W. Dawson, F Doyle Geo.
The members are busy sewing for French ' Home, W. Nivena N. McLarty, W.
Refugau tvortten and euildratt and a larfrer Dobie, J. Finnigan, D. Phalen, F. Moss,
attetldttncd is hj.J Andrews, W. Mole, E
pieta the work. •
You can save big money by buying
Spring Footwear NOW.
lie 1grave
Carr, J B. Young, L. Culbert, R. Smyth,
A. Pollard, W. i Thompson, W. Kin
than, W , Leddy, A Campbell W. Far-
Mrs, John Armstrong spent a day in row, s gook, W. J. Robb. G, R Smyth,
Gliuton, with her sister, Mrs. ,\udersoti (leo. McRoberts, W. M McAllister, U.
last week. Thompson, A. Brophey, J Craig, A.
Miss Horn of 1\'iotiiam, is spending a Boyle Jos. Brophey, Jas Agar, J Reid,
few day`s with her mother, Mrs. '1', l'roc B Harper, D McDonald, F. Irwin, D,
B. Murray, S. Dunivan, A Glascott; G
Phillips Jas. Boyle, E. Haines, J. Boles,
L. Grant, J. Pritchard, J B, Ruther
ford, W. Miller, M. Humphrey,W Bell,
J. Barber,' A. Havens, ' J, Aitchison, D
i.: \leLelland of I3Iyth was calling eon
old friends in the village on Monday.
Mr. Dan Geddes of Londesboro, visited
with his brother, \V. J. Geddes for a 0 Callaghan, D. Alton, L. Reid, K. Cam -
couple of clays. eront J; Lyons, W. McQuillin; W. Camp,
Alex Bryans spent` the w eek•end in Tot. 'bell, J Forster, W. Donnelley, T Inglis,
W. H. W1LLIS..
- Eggs. Wanted—Cash or Trade.
onto. -
t1e, and Mrs Bryant spent a day with
Mrs Wray last week
Mr. Win Johnston of Blyth, shipped
three cars of hay which was purchased
float P W. Scott,
Mr. John Armstrong shipped one car of
hogs and one car of cattle to Toronto on
Private Norman Geddes arrived home
on Monday and a reception was held in
the evening to welcome hint home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Allison and little
dauglaler of Estervan, Sask., are visiting
with the foragers' masher, Mrs 4.11isort
and other friends.
J.' Laidlaw, J. Eglestone, P. McMillan,
R. Mcquillin, 1-1..Patterson, J. Hutchi-
son, R Moore, W. Sproule.
Poundkeepers ; J. Taylor, J Logan,
L. Doyle, C C Brown, 4 Walsh, Joe
1inahan, M, Humphrey, W. Miller, D
Fenceviewers ; Jas. Elliott, S. John-
son, I-1, King, 3: Durnin, W. Armstrong,
w: B McPherson, G. A Greer
Sheep Inspectors ; John Fluker, U.
Thompson, L. Grant, A, Anderson, W,
Council adjourned to meet March 11 at
W, 4. Wilson, Clerk,
W urcl'
;rs, E. Sperling spent a few days in
Wingham last week.
Messrs. Gibson Gitlisple and Albert
Paterson have taken the contract of de-
livery ice to the creamery,
Pte. David G. Rennidy was in London
last week,
Miss Nellie Bannerman of Wingham.,
also Mrs.. IVlontleth, spent the weak -end
et the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mow-
Mr. Elmer Tiffin, 4th con., Kinloss,
will hold an auction sale on Monday.
Feb, 4th.
Mr. and W " Duncan Kennedy nave
gone to Toronto, where, the former in-
tends taking a mechanical course.
Rev. Mr. Lawson of Toronto, preach-
ed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday.
He spoke in the Interests of the helgian
relief work.
The Guild meeting on Sunday night
wt's conducted by Mr. 'Da"viii Kennedy;
he leader for Iteb 23rd is Mrs, (Rey./
2000 pkgs (Breakfast Cereals) Corn
Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Gus-
to 100 a pkg. X
10 doz. bottles mixed pickles at lee
3$c X
Another Special Remnant Sale at Half
Price and less. 200 ends in lengths from 11
to 5 yards, in Tweeds, Serges, Silks, Velvets,
Poplins and Cottons, also carpets, (See them
at the remnant table)
General Delivery to all I KING BROS. 11
All 191 g Accounts are11
purrs of the town.
Terms Cash—No goads .charged at rerduced, prices.
now cefs.,
Feb. Cash Prices of Hard
Coal and Wood
Chestnut, delivered $12.25 per ton
51.1. 75 at shed
Stove, delivered 512.25 pet' ton,
$11.75 at ±shed.
Large Pea, delivered $11.25 per ton
810.75 at shed.
Small lea, delivered $i0 50 per toys
410.00 at sited.
No 1 I3uck, delivered 59 50 per ton
;9.'00 at shed
Dry hard wood mostly Maple 55.00
per cord, $4 75 at yard.
Dry hard and soft wood mixed $4 50
per card $4 25 at yard.
Dry all soft wood $3.90 per cord.
83 65 at yard
Dry cedar 53 00 per cord, $2.75 at
R, J. Cstntelon, Phone 199
Mr. C, 11, Doan, Shelbourne, was the
guest of his mother this week,
A grand concert under the auspices of
L. 0. L. No. 707, wilebe held iu the town
hall, Gorrie, on the evening of Thursday,
Feb. 20th, wheti the following well known
artists will furnish the programme; Mr.
dart Lloyd, Toronto's popular humorist
ttnd entertainer; l4iss 1.,atarel (, Shaw,
1.onden, dramatic Reader; Miss Norma
Hermiston, Listowel, Sopranist; Mr, R A,
Ashton, Gorrie, Violinist; Mrs. Norma
Wade, accompanist.
Let Music -Brighten righten the
Lives of Your Children
Let them grow up in an atmosphere of goodliusic.
`Let their appreciation of the beautiful things of life be developed
by good music.
Let them receive the indelible imprint of culture and refinement
through the medium of good music.
While the young minds are open to we've such impressions,
begin their musical, and higher, education with
"The Phonograph with a Soul"
This wonderful instrument brings the world of music into your
home ; re-created by the world's greatest artists. No matter where
yon live, your children can have the same musical advantages as
though living in the great cities during the height of the musical season.
The New Edison does not merely imitate. It•re-creates. No
human ear can distinguish artist from phonograph. The famous Edison
tone testa have proved this, not once, but more than 1 stud times.
Start the Children's musical education to -day, by bringing them
here, and letting us playa program of charming music that will he as
enjoyable for you as it will be delightful for the little ones.
• • Winghaln, Ont.
Our mailing lists were corrected this week, See if your
label,ihas been changed,
Mrs. Charles Campbell spent a few days
in Toronto last week.
1V Ir. and Mrs. Robert Warwick, 2nd
line, have returned home from their wed-
ding tour. They visited Philadelphia,
Kansas, Nebraska and other places in the
Miss Hazel Campbell and Miss Lizzie
Hetherington left on Monday for the west
Miss Hetherington intends taking a
school id Provost, Alberta,
t'vir. and Mrs. William Spiers visited at
Flitter Hastings last week.
Mr. Jatnes Golley spent a few days
with his daughter, Mrs. John Rintoul,
of 'Hamburg.
Miss Mary Casemore and Annie Gray
visited at Mr. Stephensons, in Grey this
Miss Agnes Aitchison of Bluevale, was
the guest of Mrs. Will Spiers of 4th line
for a few days,
In North Ontario bye -election held on
Tuesday of this week resu.ted in the el-
ection of Mr. Widdiffeld, the Union
Farrrier's Liberal Candidate.
The ice harvest is now in full awing and
the crop is a very good quality.
We notice by the daily press of Monday
that Lt. -Col. Ethel. Griffin, son of the late
C. N. Griffin of Wingham, has been
awarded the D. S. O. Wingham boys
hoe nis:'de s splendid showing in the
Great War.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX p.xxxxxxxxxxx
N INTO this work oui' craftsmen put the most
reverent care and consunnnnate skill. It is but
fitting that an enduring memorial be provided to
Nkeep fresh the memory of the country's bravest and
We solicit correspondence from churches, so-
cieties and families wishing to thus remember de-
parted ones,
THE DENNIS Win: i i_ a fu'aiw
Lt wrtc. N