HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-02-20, Page 5TE ESPERANTO LANOVAOE Why Children Should 0a Taught raper. aato In the- Palk $bhoolat A One•session Language. -Its grammar is free from %rregularitiea and exceptions. Ire principles can be mgstered in one lesson, and a practical knowledge of the language e a n be acquired in a single school session. It is almost incredible that the whole essential grammar of a language can be given in a paragraph, but it is nevertlte- lees true. It is pretty certain that an English child can leant Esperanto in, at most, six months, so as to be able to read, speak and write in it "-The late Sir Wil- i4m Ramsay, K. C , B. Site opening is phonetic, its roots are in- ternational, and its system of word -build- ing enable ane to express the finest shades of meaning. Esperanto is a delicate and beautiful piece of work," --Prof. Gilbert Murray, Regius Professor of Logic at Oxford, "The Latin of Democracy." -.-Rector Emile Boirae, Dijon University. Esperanto providesa stepping-stonerand a stimulus to the study of foreign langua- ges. "The use of Esperanto. an easy lan- guage, makes the use of any other lan- guage easier. Thisis true pedagogy; You can lead anyone to any height whatever, provided you make the steps of the stair low enough."- Dr, D. O. S. Lowell, Head- master, Roxbury Latin School, Boston. Esperanto can be learned by children easily and quickly and, being able after a few lessons to put it to practical use :in speech and writing, they display great in- terest in it from the beginning, "Some of my children correspond in Esperanto with children in Japan, the United States Australia and Siberia -a feat of which aoany a diplomat would be incapable." -- P. Durieux, Headmaster, L'Ecole Monte- sgieu, where, prior to the war, two thous- med children were taught !Esperanto, Esperanto is an aid to the understand- ing of English. It provides an enlarge - =erg of the vocabulary, a sense of grammar, a stimulus to the imagination. "From practical experience T can assert that the teaching of Esperanto has the same effect upon the chiidren as the teach- ing of Latin -it gives an insight into the full meaning of English,;and forms a splen- did basis for the acquisition of other Ian-, gvage, "--R. J, 13. Sanderson, Green Lake Council School, Patricr'oft, where Esper- aato forms part of the ordinary curriculum of the school. LUCk17OW D. G. MacKenzie has a rreved home after spending a month with friends in Chicago and Detroit Mr. Wm. Barr suffered a stroke on Saturday evening. He has been staying with his daughter this winter, Ieirs, John Purvis, on the 2nd con. Wheeling west of Lztoknow' and sleigh - beg on the East. Both in the village. The L. M. C. A. stands for an organi- zation formed in Lucknow about 6 weeks ago composed of all deanoninations, Luck - new Men's Christian Association, meets is town hall every Sunday afternoon 3.30 to 4,30, It has a large attendance and is very much enjoyed by all 'who attend Object -To provide a suitable place for men -young, .middle-aged or old --to meet on Sunday afternoons to spend a profitable bour in song and in the dis- cussion of religious questions in thefr relation to everyday Iife. Will you be a member of the association, and, ,by your Presence and talents, promote fraternal feeling and the community spirit? We expect to have an A IBrass Band shortly' Plans are under way now to `have the old players brought .together and organize, so far they are doing well and with what players and inetruments airerdy collected are able to meet the returning soldiers at the train and give them a musical reception Ontario Fairs Association J. C. Bull was elected pre€ident •af the Ontario Association of Fairs meeting in Toronto in the nineteenth annual :conven- tion. W. J. Connolly was elected vice- president, and J. C. Pearl of Hamilton, treasurer. Three candidates ran for the second vice-presidency, R. 13. Henry, Orangeville; John Farrell, of Forest, and J.•Barber of Rossmore. D. Evans, Strathroy, was appointed to the Western Fair, a n d Williatn Scarf, Durham, delegate to the Canadian National Exhibition, The treasurer re- ported 297 member;; receipts $360, witha balance of $84. W. J. Connelly of Cobden, was elected first vice-president; John Farrell of Forest, second vire-president. Mr. I. J. Wright second vice•president of Wingham Fair oar`d, was the delegate from Wingham to the Ontario Fairs Association meetings. RAILWAY .TIME TABLE GRAND TIUYNK WAY SYSTEM "ritArtvs L13<AVEI'OIL London. 7.30 a. m. g.15 p, m. Torotyto and East 7.25 a, in. 3.25 p, m Kincardine 12.20 p, m, • 9.40 p, AtlRlvti Pitting Kincardine 7.18a m. 3.10 p. m. London 12.05 A. tri. 7.35 p. m. Toronto.and East 12.20 p. In. 9.40 p. nt, W. P. I urgrnan, station agent, Wingham H. B. Elliott, Town .Agent, Wingham CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY fi2tAlleS LEAVE POR Toronto and East 6.45 a,=m, 3.0'5 p. rel. Teesrrater L04 p ire, 10.32 p: tn. AR1tty' k'R0laf Teeswgter ... , , +x,40 a. M. 8.05 p m. TGronto and East 1.22 p. rn, 10.20 p. m. J. U. Deemer, Agent. Winghiirrt, .I. W. MctCibbon„ Town Ticket Aged t, W. EGI. Honergraduate othe f tet ky. Row t> ,D.a.,t..b sl. varsity' of Toronto Pawkyo t ova* H. flolotrdi Air 44 '-.trie- IGL In the sealed package "rte' All of its goodness;; ' sealed in - Protected,. Preaervede -' The flavour lasfef 1 • to ''get WR(GLEY'S, It's In a sealed Package, but look for the n me --the Greatest Name in Goody -Land. Sealed Tight -epi •Right 1 125 . lbs reg t�J t.icEase Ji Nd. 13-43 Reriatratioa Na'1023 Guaranteed AnalYsiet ii le i it •re Ammonia - . • - PhoIphodc Acid-• -- Potash Potash . . . - _ ate - a% GUNNS LTD. WEST TORONTO ese Ounn's Fettillizer has stood the itesL. 'hose who have used it cannot be � I persuaded to !-:use other Zmakes. braider now for spring delivery. 'We com- • pete with all (competitors. , !Ed M G i -j . . ,t.,1C.liVA O,I MAIL CONTRACT texemasstterL(foneranso ltO• ill0l e�rdneatela000tvedt ao t Ottawa until noon, onFriday, the !tat day of March Islet ter the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a propoaed eentraot for four years sire times per week over Wjn_�RRbatO No, 3' Etural Bente, from the Poatx tettortaleneral'a pleasure. Printed notices coattainitag further informs,- tion as to 00dittona of proposed t:ontraot may talnedat the Post formaf0000f Tondo,. may bOlen- annan, iiluevala Whlteohurob, and at the of- ftce of the Poet Ofll a Inspector, London. Post Oaten J )iitlFebruary, M 0 t . 1f s R,PeInspector. MAIL CONTRACT SY+.'Mac» TENDERS eddresaotCtc the Post,,%'taster General, will be reef:d od at Ottawa until roleyacesJQMit Ilene foIoil W2laty'lhate 'on a proposed. (ontlaot fol four years ele tlenos per week over Wingkeen No, 6 Rural Route, from the 1st of .rely, next. Printed t ogees coptafpfn'a further information as 1p' conditions or ompeasiveontraob may be soon and blank forms of Tenger may be obtained se the Poden:eset Wingham, G1enannan, Blue - vale and Wibeohtrdb and at the otoe of the PO�intOnce.Poet OdespecarLondett ;?Xth of January. 1919. Oinitr. E. li. Fumesi, Posh Olflce I•aapector, The Late Sir 'Wilfrid. Sir [Laurier died at his !home in Ottawa on'Sulyday, following a 'para13itit atrdke, Hewes only sick for a :few -hours. SirrWiifrid'gave his long life •oaf 'ardent tetrviee folethe Dominion which he lover.. ;%Jl ,loyal keanadians, of no matter what a'hadeoffpolitics, regret the ,death of this tweet -statesman. He was in his 778th' :year. . A state funeral has been arranged ;and 'the 'body of this beloved '•statesmen. will lie in state in the Senate Chamber from'II'hursday until Saturday :morning, Thenrit will be removed ;to the Sacred !Heart Church which Sr Wilfrid attended. i4ttrthe Funeral Mass at 11 o'clock Mon - 'signor Olivier Mathieu, Archbishop -of Re - 'gine, a close personal friend of 'Sir Wil- :frilj, will officiate, at the request of the 'parish priest, the Rev. Father Laflamme. :Interment will take place at 'Notre Dame Cemetery here. Royal Black Preceptory. Officers were elected for the year at the 'annual meeting of County 'Royal Black. Preceptory of Huron .and Perth, Royal Black Knights of Ireland, .at Stratford ton Friday afternoons as .follows : W. C. iP., E. Mole, Seaforth y 1). - P., J. 13. .Armitage, Lucan ; Chaplain, 'S. B. Webb, `Stratford ; Treasurer, J. W. Dodd, Wingham ; Registrar, William Graham, Stratford ; Lecturers, J.' Rutherford, Stratford ; Rev. T. L. Armstrong, . Sebringville ; Censors -- S. L. Ireland, Stratford, Albert Hodgens, Lucan ; Standard Bearers -W. L. Brandon. St Mary's ; W. Thornton, Wingham ; Mar - shat, J. Dunbar, St. Marys ; Pursuivant, J F. Dunsmore ; Tyler, C. Densmore ::' Committee -- J; Gillispie, Stratford .; A. Britton, Krrkton ; W. Hodgen, Lucan .; W. B. Creighton, St.. Mary's : Joseph Guest, Wingham ; A. Murray, Bayfield , H. Cook, Granton, A feature of the meeting was the presentation of a Past Presiding Preceptor's jewel to R. W. Switzer of St. Mary's, The Late Mrs. Chas. Libby. Mrs, Chas F. Libby, who was sudden- ly stricken with paralysis + ',i1e attending 4 the funeral service in tnein,,ry of the late w Thos. Ttick on Friday evening last, -pass- a� ed away on Monday afternci®n without thaving regained consciousness. The late Mrs, Libby was born in Port-, land, Maine, where she was retarded forty- -five years ago, but prior to their .coming; to Clinton in 1913 Mr and Mrs, Libby • Thad resided in Lowell, Mass., for ,.several, '.years. Last summer they spent a very pleasant few weeks motoring through the told home States and visiting former ifriends. ,During her residence ate Clinton,, Mrs. Libby had made many friends by her .kindly and lovable disposition. She was mot strong enough physically to take a \ver.y active part in affairs outside 'of her 'ownthome but being friendly and sociable :sheanade the most of her opportunities .andtthose privileged to know her held cher an high esteem, .But it is in her own Thome she will be most sorely missed as she was devoted to her husband and he to her. She is survived also by 'two sons, Mr. FrankiLibby, manager of the Wingham branch of the Knitting Go , arid Mt Chas. R. Libby -of Springfield, Mass A grant - son, Emerson Libby, had also for years wade this !home with his grandparents. To Mr, Libby and the other members, of the family the deepest sympathy goes out in their •sudden bereavement: The eemains were taken to Lowell Mass., for interment, a short service be- ing held at the shouse on Tuesday after- noon befeare the departure of the train. Rev. J. E. Hogg•conducted the: service. Mr. Libbyaccgntpanied the remains of his wife to Lowell. The Knitting ccs ,closed both the Clint- on and the Wingham factories on Tues- day as a mark of aspect to Manager Libby -Clinton NeWs Record. 1 A> 1M!TEQ) r E. R. HARRISON, Mgr. of Win ha g m. Branch. COtYII[1&RCIAL PkIrvTJNG Leave yoi-irordetr ivlth us when in need r,l 'riot n Alas rtoT» HEADS BILL 31iDADs STATEMENTS IINYBLt11' E S POs r1 RS CATALOGUES CALLING CARDS, WEDDING STATIONERY CIRCULARS. Or anything you Baily require in the printing line. THE .Ant�Arvc, Toes. 34, (% ab #� + C4ltlGli!l v. Buailn a. LONE MUSE CHANCE You didn't get the last farm adver- titted in this epace, That was too bad, for it was a good One, but we this week offer you one more chance, -Two hundred acres, nine mile* from 'Wingham, will be sold :separately dr Together. Bulking On each. Good land, good road, good focality. well watered, convenient to market*, Mat be Bold to clear tip an estate. Por further particulars enquire of B EN tduurance end Real Estate Succestor to Ritchie d: Corona. Whighae , - Ontario F" The Romance 3r of Rubber •~:, r -a + . N.N.•�.j14:. •:44:•+•T a1'*",t1.. T will be news to alums person not rtrnneeteel w rubber trade that in the year •83 per cat. of the rubber production will eon rubber plantations. For met» it has been: well .mown that tit fools growth in the demneel f ber has led $4 thei cuiticalion ber pi* due1ng plants in 'artier ltlelwent the limited stippl CORriteti. 'from the wild 'f4rrests. whet enterer these .o rperime. g2tte and with whatteuecess th rnet Were Matters 'elf which tet eral ptiteltc had meagre kno The knowledge 'hes not been. inaecessible, tett' it has not be set �be'eore the e'ublic in a 1' wary, -, 3Ii►'a;fi article 'on the rubber phenomenal growth, prepared stat'Isticiil•dettartmment of tla'e:T Bank of'Conetnerce of Neve "Ye re told theta up to 1873 ttfhe total supple -of rubber game fr 'Wald," en 'that ;year seeds 1'r native 'Bt 1zilian trees were s fully plaited in experimental. g -rt -i{ew, -f:nglanci. Ceylon, tit rated'i'Salay States, the 'Data addles, 4norneo and the Pacific re.the tcentre of the'pl:tntat.io ter 'lraitustry, altirttilgJi the nue • such plantations in !TI gab ore, Penang, I3athvia -r10:ribo'are the chief rubbet • flee -world. Brazil, which as , 1-;.91'1 supplied its with tw ' ti'ir rubber'.• now supplies u tr.-•ninflt. This shift is due 1 r -tete change front wild to cult Ittenea,Cf supply, We are informed by this 13• 'Winner( rt 0 article haat ove•t 't:r:rt; ago Cohn -alms found 'Ain 0 !inns weaning vat crproc•t tilt 01,3•er. Here Nye have tht� t ,rut of those Modern pr•t+al 5•1' T71 1i:1,t arra" variously kno 1•tt.iro'. i', •er. -rt.7, ot;r and r'n "-nigh the watt rproof qu;ali .•°:1r.rr was kilor:•n to the It ,ttuircrt:s o!` yceee ego, yet th • riaable•tltateritil. did not beco .e i ie of conunert ial irnportan "t i.�:•,s than 60 yet rs ago. Since growth in i.4 ase leas been nal, To-d'a,r, American en. •'.l.:�1' footwear totals 2,80 iia a year, is ar ill . nearly $ i3 . 1. While -thd' 1v: nrlcl'a annual ':pilon � -of 1h'• raw prOc30et 'a; 3r1te'd'to.2Jit,tt,efe fork. 1:1•ititih capital controls abor. "'1' rent. -of -tete plc r tr. Lions, and the rcinaindc�r of the e:'pita ''ted'in .the industry is Dui ch. ' II. -8. is now going in. pro:! tieveloping rubber growing it �,ililipine ;Islands is already att •-t'h the -attention of experts and ' i, :Climate -and soil are report r ;admirably adapted, and the 1 'reply abundant, for the dev tent Of ,plantations there, More >0,000„pounds of the best rut 'are produced on the Island of :en en. 1917. There are thousan r_eclan that isl::n.0 and on the Is if Mindanao -that helve not yet c irn'm bearing. A tut:st promising -a been -mtxde. From the bank '•lar'el/Welt contains the facts 0 '"stated we :take 11x -:s interesting s -any Of 'the iliistu.•v of robber: i o'1imbus and the Spanish 't;'tnguese `niis:10':.^.ri� a iv110 fol ':1 Witte ;found =1hr Aa ri. to Ind •sera; 'erose 'rithl -r for balls, 'l'n•.in•elrts!and for ;:crt:cir article `e(lh'i'n„ -among ahem shots wl r -+re proof argainrt the wet. Yet rrtrtil 18:31.2 was tut ter deemed 'tifcieiit •nmr:ent to 1 r reported 5n05ittan'lirnport t t 1.i-, - 'Po :.✓urea ,:nf 111.1:: r• .tad b e'en els .a e'trie ,•Ity for 200 ye Pe any scri0tt' 8(3 Mitre inter 1. unite. :ire it or .''.ort • made rite it -in ;an 1°101:T -rift! way, ?rider were 'l'io•': rr in this vir ,'1. iln the firs' ire 3f of the ei+ tsteh •centisry, 1l1:, F�•enell natur 'l•a 'Conrtterfint'. discovered 'fiia°e :gum =fn tet^ Cm- illeras of drys. "rhe •natit'e s called it "c "' ':f'r'ont 'thio; carte tele Frei. •1 •for •rit:incr -.-- etioutocbo .rh ins prac•lir'lly the univerw to for the r:' titerial outside En ^i:etking •counta•ies. Fren 'rusts beagle interested, a. i lore 'stuck ref rHhber Was al ^n •t1p !in England and they Unit Ps. mann 'Priestly, •the Englis1i cher d•isct�vored Mut rubber' ' wou e 'pendll 1.Ia'1:i. anti so carne 1 `i,G11 ;name, d,eri;-cd from this pr ', t'iany neral'TA etre interwove Che-growfti, rtor;y of rubber ince::'that of M,cintosh, who pe. 'ii -a -curl'thtact cif waterproofln is tin 31 25 -('.lades Goodyea at1Ie11 'Haywood. and Tlion, ock, Who were successful in di ing the secret •ext vuicanizin nae of :rtl:bbnr:tires-was first sue d by 'i•Taneoek tin ,a book pub er An 1.836, but 'the pneiunati wos n t pa'ien;ted -1y'Dunlop un 8`sf8. So, &Torn •i'hese compa,ra :recent dlsatrveries 'have multi • the !various ;ttses Which rubber rouse ;too -hill. ill Kioniest:ie and .export demon. direct' goods hail 'increased error ly since the was- began, :but it 31 x.t that American •manufac have secured •ser •substantial a g in the world's a.Ribber ;trade hey Will be :able fd hdld 'their fter the war demand ]gas ,ceats- here have been some doubt* as ability of the world to Leone the increased eased supplies of ,rub - ow that• lire end ,of the war opped the military deepened for the whole, however, It la bee that except for temporary de* ins there! wilt be a contittuOtut 1 for all the rubber prodne . nes for It are Constantly beteg t every Ith the present eni i rt t3 y yelir, P 1'501• Or 1'11 of V .- y that Just to ntS be e had G Wet, , w1e tr-;e , 0Ft Fel y bee av5 eattatbl e lustre by the rational rk, World's out the out tine ecce;, a- ard ren O i WVet4, isle nee - 0 l.1 t 0 rule re .ru and • .rents lea I el* o -fight s elf`•`"r} r; iva;te,' +O talc ta'' et:..; 0: WI1 1 t' D' itti.. ,: at ret. 15." a;. es on- e then ii11-•- mgr t; 0,130.; con - t '0 - t 9:, �aro:a 1 in - But Pet•i:. r the ract- rapi- ed- to abor eloh- than t,hcr 13asi- Is of land mute start c•l t•- bove 0nt- and low - inns for s of itch not of in een • d>fr •F 1 tf •i d} rF 1'1 nit nrit y( sitrm tiad Bo rens hat f nvit o the ntnie st len an tl BUY YOUR SEED RIGHT Be Satre the Clover and Oran Seed is Pure. VIA Every Farmer 'Should Haw Spr,vi eh/endive-Row to Get 11 and Cee Sprayog Done .:tt night Thine Is $.13(eetive. "tptii Toronto.) L1114.40)0(.11! upon i lie qualltY of the seed I,,own. No Mail afford to use low-grado clovei ftrask Seed. The risk of steediue down the farm with noxioua weed seeda too great, High-grade clover and grass seed is freer from weed seeds and produces More IlealthYt vigorous plants per pound than does low-graele seed. Impure seed is dem at any prite. Pure nee Is thie pur chaser's right and he should insist on having it. In the pure/twee of clover and grain seed the following qualities sheuld be looked. for: - 1 Preedom from weed eeeds, es. the Seed Control Act. The weed seeds can be properly seen only by spread- ing out the sample of clover or &Tau seed on a clean white sheet of pa.per arid looking carefully over it with the aid of a tripod ma,gnifier or hand lees. No farmer should be Without a lens of some kind. Everyone who bas toaturchase seed should endeavor to become familiar with the common weed seeds and know the standards of pmety required by the Seed. Con- trol Act for the various grades of clover and grass seed. 2. Preedom from dirt, grit, broken straw anti other inert matter. A great many samples of clover and graes Seed contain' far too large a Percentage of such inert matter. Those beYing such seed are pa.ying a high price per pound for dirt. 3. Good size and color. A good sample of seed of any kind should be large, plump, bright, and have tbe characteristic color well developed. Plumpness, brightness and good color are usually indicative of high germin- ative capacity. 4, High germinative capacity. Good clover or grasa seed of any kind should have a high gerrainative pacity. This cannot be accurately judged by an examination of the seed an can be ascertained only .by a . germination test. Purchasers of seed I can have such tests made for them I by sending their seed to the oflIce of I the Seed Coramissioner, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Veneers are reminded that the De- partment of Botany of the Ontario Agricultural College is at their ser- vice at all times for the testing of 8eed as to ' purity. In subroitting samples for purity tests -send at seaet one pound of the coarser grains, one ounce of alfalfa or red clover, and half an ounce of alsike or timothy. A full report on samples will be fur- nished. Samples of seed should be carefully packed and addressed with postage prepaid to the Botanical De- partment, Ontario Agricultural Col - 0. A. College, Guelph. every Farmer Should Have Spray Calendar. Before giving the reasons why kvery farmer should have a spray calendar let us state what a spray calendar is. It is the gathering to- gether into a small space -usually just one sheet or page --of all the necessary knowledge for the control ars of the various inseets and diseases to tha,t attack our fruit trees and bush The fruits; so that instead of having to gin search half a. dozen bulletins the al - the formation almost at a glance. A epraY the calendar hi therefore a handy refer- ail- vane sheet on the control of insect ch pests and plant diseases. Every farmer thould have a spray g- 1. Because it will save him time ch in finding the necessary information so diseases. ed 2. Because the information given in the spray r,alentlar is more reit- n- able than he can obtain from his Id neighbors or any other source. It is te the best information that can be ob- os prevent costly mistakes due to slips 4. Because the spray calendar 1', state.s definitely whin to treat the dif- s- week tete late would in the case of g. sortie of our worst insetts and dis- - good reason for each elate of treat - c mmat even hi the Wender, It is not 6, Ileca,use the spray e,alenclar tures to use, in each case and gives the proper Strength. Too streng a mixture would mean loss of money and sometimes burning of the foliage or fruit; too weak a mixture failure • to Control the pest. 4. Because Several SPraY mix- tures, e.g., Bordea,ux mixture, can be Made at home. The .spray ealendar telle hoer to make these. '7. Ileea,use fallowing the direc- Owls given in the spray ealender. almoSt perfectly clean, fruit and math More Of it Can bo obtained. AlWays ask for the lateat spray Calendar, since they are revised trona time to time, and hew and better Methods added in place at the 014 ars emote as they here been inadlelently Etow can Spray ealendara 01).. partment of Agriculture, with a re- telleet fer one. Write your name rued O. A. College, Guelph. rn. England, Agricultural e lefo Autumn was $1. 6.80 a week, mill beer and tea. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractlo Drugless Healing *colt. ratty locates land remOvel the cause of disease, altoeving nature to rather* health, ilise of Mosta. Phodll Water Like Stone Each Xineardine, Ont., householder is forced to vend $3 per annum for extra soap to soften the excessive hardness out of the local water supply. No wonder Ron. Col. ItIgh -Clark M. P., declares that it 1* cheaper to live in Ottawa than to atay in Kincardine and buy woo. Toronto Telegram The steel has arrived foe IN btidga on the 0, line and the Men are rushing work on the bridge, 2.oth 1919 NOMA WAR SAVINGS cOMMEITEE WAWA HON. GEO. BELL. Boehm MR 1, DOUGLA$ HAZEN, $t../.181 For 12GfAnormation) War es Savings Stamps ADDRESS NEAREST OFFICE *PERU . 21114 StIs Meese West, Caliary; 742 Tegkr SIMI& Rieman THUNDER SAT /teems 410 Gras Iseluusse• Fad Wpm' r Olt WESTERN ONTARIO . . • • 3;1 llama SOW: Imam 04, CENTRAL ONTARIO 4 • • 34 Tweets, Street, Tarsals F.ASTERN ONTARIO ilvaresso, Ottawa NOVA SCOTIA . . • • • . Idetrops4a Reins Street, Relax 37 41 $lict*ttettt? to lc++ Ittlitttl+++% BARD'S 4 tifEBRUARY CLEARING; + • money saving opportunity for shrewd buyers 44- ,,E* in our Men's Wear and Ladies' Wear Stores. Buy Furs now at a quartet= or third their regu- lar selling price. All lines7of winter goods will be reduced to + prices which must appeal to your sense of economy.. .4. Cut prices on Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's Sweaters, et4 Boys' Sweaters, Men's Mackinaw Jackets, Men's Fur Coats and Fin, Cot - tared Coats, Men's and Boys' Suits, Heavy Winter Underwear, Men's + and Boys, heavy Rubbers, Felt Boots and Overehoes. You tan get the 4.. +. most for your money here. Come and let us prove it. 4. LADIES' WEAR STORE ++ * marked at greatly reduced prices. Come quick for best choice. "Remnant Sale" after stock taking we have a table of remnants all LADIES' COATS 41111* Fur lined and Fur collared, quilted lieed Coats. All must be sole et ,11" BARGAINS in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats, Fur Coats, „114 some price. We will make it worth while for you to buy now. + Your account is now past du -e + I', settlement is requested at once by + cash or note. -P. H. E. ISARD & Co. + v+444444 +444444 +44+444C,i4i+R.' SATISFACTION Has been responsible for the growth of OUP, fussiness. Let us prove this to you, we have to others, ask them. Try us for overhauling this winter. Axles and Oversize piston rings made to order. Electric Niork and wiring a specialty. We have the machinery to help us out on our re. pair work. IndependentGarage AND MACHINE SHOP Merldey. Proprietor. Phone 84