HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-02-13, Page 8Ilis' Semi Annual Shoe Sale This Great Money Saving Opportunity is only good from Feb. 1st until Sat. Feb. 22nd. loctusivo Genuine Bargains in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, in fact everything in the store included in this Sale. Good sized reductions on all lines and Exceptional Reductions , on Odds and Ends. lituatistaniMmemattn Try our repair department—We do the very best tvork and do it promptly._ No long waiting. — 4 W. H. WILLIS SOLE AGENT FOR THE FOR LADIES XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX \XXX XX •• .. ,~t a _�. $70,000 . .. P* 54-vnx, VICTORY: SALD rf N IWatch for" our Large Advertise- ment next week announcing the gEnormous Slaughter Prices of our Entire $70,000, stock in this Bluevale Mr, and Mn. Robert Bosman of Wing - ham. visited relatives here Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. H. McAllister of Wing - ham, spent Sunday at M r. Geo MMowbray's. ir�e.i Mrs. L. W. Ruttan visited friends at ` Brussels last week. 'Mrs. Snell is at present with her sister, ,Mrs. Thos. Watt at Clinton, Mrs. Watt is seriously ill. Mr. W. H. Haney and daughter visited with friends here on Sunday. Mr. Harvey Haney o f London, was M home for a few days this week. XMrs. H. Mothers underwent a serious y operation a t Wingham Hospital. We Xhope she will soon be 0. K. again. " .r Mr. Howard Stewart is home from • London for a few days. •- Nurse Ruby Duff deft for Kingston this x week, -- Mr. Robt. Bosman has secured R, F. D. No. 2, from his brother, Morris, and will soon be in charge. XMr. Wm. Thornton made a business Xtrip to Stratford last week. XMr. and Mrs. H. Chamberlain visited lit at Mrs. Wm. Hall's on Sunday. Sympathy is extended to the friends of the late Thomas Pentland who died on ▪ Jan. 7th at his home in Justice,'Manitoba. We are pleased to aay Mrs. James Clark . of Morris, is improving after having a paralytic stroke. �•`` Mr. and Mrs, W. Gannett spent Mon-- FA, at the home of Mr. James Messer, 74 Boundary. The +ioudg people of the village and X vicinitygave a shower on 'Tuesday even Xing to Mrs, Gordon Hall, -nee Misg, Sadie 7/ McMichael. wMies Annie Dinment is in training at the Wingham Hospital. We with her success. The Farmers' Club distributed a car of flour and feed one day last week. "�- The Ladies' Aid of Johnston's Church spent a very enjoyable evening on Friday last at the home of Mrs. Geo, Thornton. The officers of the other churches on the circuit being invited. Proceeds ot the tea amounted to $20. Mrs. Vern,Higgint; of Toronto, is a vis- itor with her sister, Mrs. C. Higgins Semember our sewing bees as we wish alI our materials sewed up this month if possible, unless we receive some different instructions. Mrs, Alex Elliott and children are visi- ting with Mr. A. McGee at present. BIG VICTORY SALE iii® .Hanna & Y lkikXXXXXX.7-4XerrXXX X s r 74 Better quality stoves at a big saving. Prices reduced for 10 days only. Doherty High Oben Range, regular $95, sale $87.00 Hsppy.Thought Range, regular $93, sale ,$85,00 2 Royal jewel Ranges, regular $85. sale $77.00 2 Artie jewel Ranges. regular $65, agile 557 00 AdvAnce Range, regular 548, sate*40 00 2 Quebec Heater' No 40, regular $18, sale— .. ......... , 515 00 gestate Heater Fl.$, regular $17, sale....': .,. $14 50 tjUekier Seater B 7, regular $11. sale $9,00 * 30 other stoves similary reduced. 25 ,; off 11111 SksMea, sleighs, Mitts and Pla'hllghts, "Xeliabls" ignition Batteries 40c 26 and 40 Watt Electric Bulbs.. ,..3$c, Stet $1.00 a HARDWARE BORN --In Wingham, on Friday, February 7th, to Mr. and Mrs:Wee Lee, Chinese Laundry, a son. MoBnn1gv--win East Wawanosh, on Wednesday, February 5th, to Mr. and .Mrs, Stewart McBurney, a daughter— Mary Laving. BALL.Ac#r --In Delmore on Jan. SOth, to Mr. and Mrs F. S. Ballagh, a son. Feb. Cash Prices of Hard Coal and Wood Chestnut, delivered 5 per ton $11.75 at shed. Stove, delivered $12.25 per tote, $11.75 at shed. Large Pea, delivered $11,25 per ton $10.75 at shed. Small Pea. delivered $10 50 per ton $10.No. 1 Ruch, delliivered $0,50 per ton $0.00 at shed. Dry hard wood mostly Maple 55.00 per cord, $4.75 et yard, Dry hard and saftwoodtttlxed $4 50 per cord. 54.25 at yard, Dry ell soft wood $3,90 per cord. *3 65 at yard Dry cedar 53.00 per cord, $2.7$ at yard. R. J. Cantelon, Phone 1.99 TIM DEATH ROLL WILSON RANson [The following item is taken rom, a Beissevain, Man., paper and has reference to a former resident of Wingharn anti a son-in'law of Mr. Albert Hughes of Wing - ham Junction.] "Mr. Wilson Ransom. one of the most progressive and well known farmers of this district has been called away. He bad attended the Calgary Winter t~air where he purchased several pure bred cattle to add to his herd of Shorthorns. On his return he was taken ill with influ- enza, and was too ill to complete the journey. So in Brandon he went to the hospital where the disease rapidly devel- oped into pneumonia, and the end carne on Sunday December 220d, On Christmas day the remains were brought to Boissevain, a n d interment took place in Boissevain cernetery on the same day, Deceased was the son of Edwin Ran- som, J. P. of Bedford, England, at which place he was born thirty-three years ago, He was educated at Bedford Grammar School, 'York Place School in Brighton and Sidcot School in Somerset. At the age of seventeen he came to Canada and decided to follow the voca- tion of farming. With that end in view he tood a course in the Guelph Agricul- tural College and worked for a time with Mr, R. R. Stevenson, one of the Ieading Holstein breeders in Ontario. Later he came west and purchased the farm on which he has resided ever since, Mr. Ransom possessed an alert mind, and took a keen interest in his business, as was evinced by his winning the prize for the best summer fallow in the munici- pality last s anther. Being a man of sterling character and possessing a big heart and sympathetic nature his passing is a distinct loss to the community. He leaves a wife and four children to Mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. His bereaved parents live in Bed. ford, Eng., and this is the first break in the family. Sidney and Fawcett of this district are brothers, "To murmur against death, in petulant defiance Is never for the best; To will what God doth will, that is the only science That gives us any rest." _ y - Belgrave On Jan. 28, t h e ,Patriotic Society shipped to Hyman Hall, London, for the Belgian Relief Fund: 35 prs, of socks, 8 prs. of stockings acid undergarments of women and children,- '1'he Society" ac- knowledges with thanks a donation of sec- ond band clothing from Mrs. Clegg, in aid of the Belgian Relief Fund. The Betgrave Farmers' Club invite all their farmer friends of the vicinity" 10 a social in the Forester's Hall, on Tuesday evening, Games and a good program will be provided. Kindly provide lunch WINOUAM MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon) Wheat No. 2 Spring 2 06 to Wheat No. 2 Fall 2 11 to Flour, per cwt, standard. ,6 00 to Bran, per ton ...........36 00 to Shorts, per ton....... . 40 00 to oats65 to Barley .. 80 to Hay, 18 00 to Butter, per lb.—dairy35 to Eggs, per dozen 42 to Lard 30 to Cattle, med., butchers10 00 to Cattle, butchers choice. ,11 00 to Hogs, liveweight..... ..16 75 to Butterfat to 6 30 40 00 44 00 75 1 00 20 00 44 46 11 350 12 00 17 00 56 Blyth Mr. Allen, bookkeeper for the Blyth Milling C o, spent o v e r Sunday i n Goderich. Rev. W B. Hawkins is confined to his home with influenza. We hope to see him around soon. The Brotherhood of the Methodist church sang at the evening service on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Christie of Toronto, representing the Christian Men's Federa- tion, made an appeal in behalf of the Bel- gians and people of Northern France The offering was liberal A large cut of logs have already been delivered at the Geddes, Tyson Lumber Co`s. mill. At present a number of teams are hauling from near Wingham This season's out of lumber will be the largest produced by the company. Mr. William Johnston has purchased Mr. A. 1.3. Bainton's double house on Drummond St. Brussels A joint memorial service was held in Melville church on Sunday evening to commemorate the death of the soldier boys from the Presbyterian and Method - 1st congregations who fell in the war. At the annual meeting of the Huron Agricultural Society the following officers were elected: Honorary president, Alex, Stewart; president, John Ferguson; let vice-president, P. Scott; 2rd vice-presi dent. T.Archibald; secretarytreasurer, M. Black. Total receipts for the year were $1,645.04 and expenditures, $1,476 - 12, leaving a balance of $168,92. A stand- ing field crop competition in oats will be held during the coming summer. The dates of the fall fair are Tuesday and Wednesday, September 16 and 17, George E. McCa11, ot town, captured a fine specimen of the white owl on the farm Cif ltobt. McKinnon, 7th con, of Grey Tp. The People's Paper A subscriber made the suggestion to the editor a few days ago that we should publish a railway time table in Ttnc An- vAlvcz as he had on different occasions wanted to know when trains were leaving. This week we publish a time table as re- quested end wish to thank our friend for drawing attention to the matter. Sub. scribers will do us a favour by making any. suggestions that may assist ue in conducting a better and more up.to-date paper. Tan AnvArrert: is the pQap le's paper and we ad11 confider it no re lo tto have your idea expressed to us. tet X. ANNOUNCE MONEY SAVING VALUES For the Month of February After .inch taking we find that we have merchandise that we can sell for much less than manufacturer are ask- ing to -day for the, same goods. We are also clearing out our winter stock of Furs, Fut' Coats .at s Winter Overcoats, Suits, Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats, all pew goods at reduced prices. , Men's and poly's' e c i a l Remnant m n a n t S a l e This Week at HalPrice � and Less 200 ends of a:oods in lengths from 1 to 5 yds, splendid kir children's dresses, odd skirts, dresses, etc. They consist of all wool materials, scrges velvets, Bilks, poplins and cottons.. (See them at the remnant table,) Hosiery and Underwear Specially Reduced 20 doz. all wool cashmere hose, plain and ribbed, sizes b:1, 9, 9, 10, made from the finest all wool botauyy at'ns. Reg $1.25 and 1.50 a pair. Reduced to 95c a pair or 3 pair for $52 75. 10 00.i. Ladies' Silk and Lisle Hose --Black and white hose in silk lisle made from good' weaving yarns, all sizes. Reg. 75c for 45c pr, or 3 pr. for 1.205 Curtain Scrims and Window Shades Reduced 250 yds. Scrims and Voiles Good quality beautiful de- signs white and ecru. Re- gular 75c a yd., reduced to 43c. G ',t 10 dozen Window Shades SQGeorgette and Crepe -de Chene Blouses Values $6 to 7.50, re- duced to $4.95. Special purchase of sample blouses and brok- en lines taken from our regular stock, sizes 34 to 44. Colors -White, Maize, Pink and Peach. $1.25 Value for 79c. This lot consists of a special purchase fl'0n1 a manufacturer at much less than regular price. 60 Men's Leather Mitts Men's Leather Mitts, horse hide fronts with heavy wool lining. Reg. $1.50 to $2.00, reduced to $1.19. avid Fur Coats 40 Muffs and Stoles, in Wolf, Sable, Fox, Marmot and Opposuni. Regular $15 to. 25, reduc- ed to $9,95. Special Values Persian Lamb, Hudson Seal, Mink, Alaska Sable Muffs and Stoles' in best quality at a :' , saving from. 10 to 25%. 25 doz Ladies'. LisleVests. Reduced to 35c 3 for $1 With short or no sleeves, made from extra quality lisle and cotton Egyptian yarn. 10 dozen Combination Suits Made from heavy lisle thread In short and no sleeve. Special price 60c a suit. Men's and Boys' Win- ter Overcoats and Suits Greatly Reduced 20 .1 . ''. $' W'a. JV T E ;R COATS Made from good all wool tweeds and plain black cheviot cloths in latest styles, with or without belts, sizes 35 to 44 Reg. $25 to $33, reduced to $'18,75. s0 !'rzj •.S` .SZI'ITS In all wool tweeds, worsteds and navy serge: broken lines that we have only two or three of a style left, all sizes in the lot from 36 to 44. Regular $25 to $35 values, reduced to y8'18. 'S. 20 7Oy.S' 'WI, yell COAT'S Made from good -all wool tweeds in brown and grey mixtures Reg: $12.50 to 16 50 Reduced to y5'8.7.5. 30 7303f'.S.:S (/ITS In latest style bloomer two piece suits, made from tweeds and worsteds, Reg $12 to $15 values' Reduced to ,8'8.75. Combination Un- derwear and Socks Specially Priced 10 doz. All Wool Cash- mere Socks Best English .make, made from pure botany woolyarn sizes 10 to 11, black and white. Reg. $ 1 to 1.25 a pair, reduced to_ 7 5c. Wlen's Com bination Suits 50 combin- ation suits, broken .lines that we have not all sizes in X X OA74 l 7 7 ''0 X 74 exceptional quality, sizes 34 to 44. Reg. -$5 and $6, reduced to $.3.69. Boys' Fleece Lined Undewear 20 doz, shirts and drawers in good heavy fleece, specially bought Reg. 75c, reduced to .45c. Ladies Winter Coats Greatly Reduced Plush and cloth coats, all this season's garments, con- sisting of the latest styles in the famous (Northway Coats). Reg. $45, 'to $60, for 37.50. Reg. $30 to $40, reduced to 22.50. Special 15 coat samples and a few last seasons. Reg. u t o $25, reduced to $11.- 20 Serge Skirts All wool skirtc in Navy and Black, sizes up to 26" waist band. Odd lines taken from out' regular stock, Reduced to $3.95. KINGS' GROCERY DEPT. ---(Pure Foods at Money Saving Prices.) 12 Bars best laundry soap for ..,.90c 10 doz. bottles mixed pickes at..,,19c 2 for 35c Canned Fruits 200 vans (Peaches, Pears; Cherries) per can .,20c 12 dozen Heavy Chamoisette Gloves Best quality in Black, White and Natural, all siz- es. Reg. $ 1.25, reduced to 95c. 1500 pkgs. Breakfast Cereals (Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Gusto, Toasted Rice Flakes per pkg 10c 500 pails best corn syrup, 5 lb pl 48c 10 lb. pail ...,, 95c 5 lbs. best quality black or Japan tea for $3.15 1000 lbs best quality rice, 3 lbs. 25c 10 barrels Rolled Oats, 4 lbs for 25c All 1918 Accounts are now due. Flainelette Blankets Reduced $3.+69 a pair. One case extra large sheets in grey of white, made from beautiful soft 'sa: ony cotton. ING BROS. Produce Wanted. Phone 71. Tel'nls Cash ---No goods charged at reduced pr'it�es. rayy,,aa, � 11 100 Men's Winter Caps All wool tweed caps with ear* laps. Regular $1,25 and 1.50. reduced to 89c. General .Delivery to all parts of the town. {