HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-02-13, Page 2Lewin -VII. Feb, 16, 1910, The Ten Conunandineute,-Exodus 20: Commentaree-L Duties we owe to Cod (vee I-11). i, All theword- The words -which follow, generally, spoken ot tie the Ten tecatemandmeute. They are called the teu -words (Deut. 10:4), margin), the testimony (Exod. 26: 16)t the covenant (Dent, 4: 13), and they are often given the Greek. name Demlogue. Tney were apoken to Isreel, but they were desigued to. aPply to all nations for all time. The words wore spoken by the Lord, and wore written on tables of Stone. TheY are Written hi the hearts of men. 2. The Lord thy God-Jellovalt thy God." -It. V. lie' Wake of himself a$ the etereally-existing One. The name "El Whim," translated God, is plural, and used az, a plural ot majesty. Tenni must be made to realize and rezogulee tho supreme, authority of him who ta about to give the law. Have brought thee out -In additiou to one nouncing who he le, the divine Law- giver declares that t is he who has delivered them from Egyptian bona-. age. Tnerefore commands eomine • te taem from him would come with abso- lute autherIty. 3. Thou halt have no other gods before me -For "before me," the Itevieed 'Version, margin, has 'besides ate," This first commandmen1 forbids the Internal tate that -would admit of any objet weatever theatfectina and devotion which be- long to Goe, 4. Graven image- The Egyptione worehipped a greet vaDiety of object, and treated we gods the representations of animate and other thinge, Oxen, birds, froge, fish and the sun were represented by graven images and worseippech The seeond commandment -forbids all forms of idol - worship, but it does -not forbid the arts of sculpture and palating, 0111I their products are mado the objects of, worship. Moses was directed to ,con- struct therubim for the tabernacle and the braeen serpent in the •wilderness. 6, Thou shalt not bow dciwn thyself to thein -As an act of worship. Such Images are not Clod,' nor can they ih alsy sense represent him. Per I au, a lealous God -Jehovah is unwill- ing ehat the homage and devotion due to himself should be given to another. He is tbe only beteg worthy to be called God: lee would have all the world recognize him as auch because 'such recognition is to the highest advantage to man and for the. best intereses of .God's "floral government, Visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the chlideen-This does not mean that the child shall be punished for the sins of the father, for this Is opposed to God's word, as well as to the human sense of justice, hut, it declares thet by the law of heredity the evil cease- quencee ef, a, father' sires are entailed upon his poeterity. Third- and tourth generation -Since the effects of e, sin- ful life are to be perpetuated for three or four generations, it, is- highly Im- portant' that every life should be fully confornted to the will of God. 6.. Show- ing mercy. tint° thousands, divine premise is that the blessings which flow from lives of obedience to Cod'commandnients shall roe% unto thousaeds belongingtie or descending ke' from, those who are obedieea. eeee The name -The name of God in - ',relives the divine Being and all His at- tributes.' Hip imam is not to Le used triflingly tee...deceitfully. It must be spoken oxieYwith du D regard for its sa,credne.ss.,,thoughtfullet end reverent- ly. Perjury, profauity and religious mockery are taking God's name in vein. To g theough with religlaes forms flippantly or heedlessly • is tek- tites Goe's name in • vein. The. Lora • will not hold him guiltless -The per- son nue think himself ghiltless, but jeliovel looks within the soul and knows always where guilt lies. He who Is guilty of profaning God's name can have little respect for God. He leeks all deo eons°. of 'the relation he sustainto Cod. He'lai1e't0 toesidet rightly his Ohligatien ta hie Maker. He has Pestle eeepect fee himself. Remeenb4r the elehbatli day. The form oetepreseion Indicates that the Sabbath en •art institution woe already In existence. Keep it holy -When the dayeie ebeerved in rest and wor- ship, Gila requirement is eulfilled. O. Shalt thett. Weir -SIX dayseeeallowed for thepeffarneanO. of every serndar task, and it Is 'one's duty to labor on these does, for Men's idleness is tot pleasing to God, 10, The Sabbath of the Lord thy God -It is God's day; He made it; Ile employed it as 'a day of rest; He designe that mai shall use it In honeeeneeelliro. Thy erne -servant -One tie Dot keeping the Sabbath hoIY who enniloys another to do the work Ite himself could not do eoescientious- ly, 11 The 'Lord mita 'heaven and earth, ate. -The Sabbath Mummer. taw, the work of creation, He work- ed six days and rested the overall. And hallovred it -To hallow is to hold .sacred.. , II, Duties we owe to our fellow (vs. 11-17). i. leonor thy father and thy mother -To honor one's Parente is to obey, loye, cherish, revere, pro tot and support them, He who does not esteem tile parents, and provide for them, fie need mast require, ia mi - grateful and, impletto. That thy days may be long -This Is the. fleet of the commandments to which a eternise is twofolde it ineludes lag life ani permaaela cetiletre. Tee Teraclitee wore on their WAY to Canaan, the iand which 'God had neoraleed Mein, and if they shottld keep, thle commandment in 'Ito entirety, the nation -tented have perpettten ewnerehip ie that Mild, and the people 'would be blest with long life. 1. That shalt not kill -Thou Omit 40 no. launder. Hainan life iti. earefutly safeguarded, fee it is a eac- red thing. God alone giVes life, end man heti no right to deetroy it, uu- toe in exeeptionan ciao the goila et the oirtreutilty donatids it, ite litcapi- tal punishment for the most Orions elbow,. The; law doe e not forbid risk- ing one' e life to save other Iivee or expoeihn one' elf to danger for the Mee el carrying the gospel to the lot. 14. Theu balt not commit aatti- try-h`he Integrity of the home is [Amity theeeteneth If not destroyed, by the trafttitliftelueee of the husbeud Or the wife. The eeVouth command - Merit forbitle all impure acie, thought Rod words, and all books and pleturee that eveuld areuee inmetre desire. 15. Thou shalt not fecal -Ono of the rights of tnart is that of ownerehip ot ProDeree, and that right is violated when one takes that which belonge te another without hie eatisent, 16. Thou halt "tot bear falee Wittttei)-- Thee Dr ehalt not bear false wItnette. This pro- hieitton include.; all deeeptien by %Artie an Signe, and even silt nee: It forbids; DeritIrv. InierepreeentatIon reel every act that 1 Dement/el by it &Aire to deeeive. 17. Theo Man:in:MC Teeee wine obey OA teeth cornmandment will not be gelite ef the VielatIon of thew. They are eaftguariled by the last, queetiene.---Where were the Wad - (tee at Ulla Wee? Now did GO gain their attention? 'Whom did be call up into the mount? Repeat the Ten Cernandments in meter, late what tWO elacsee are they divided? Why should not one worship etner goes? In what ways ie Gas name titeen itt vain? 'What was (oil's purpose in an - potable, the Sabbath? What does the ninth earnandment forbid? PRACTICAL 'SURVEY, Topia-The colionandments la Mod- ern life. I. The decalagete. II, lts structure and permanency. T. The Decelegue. In the lesson. We kites froiu hictore to legislation. The giving of the Ten Commandments was one of the ,most moraentous evgnts In all eistory. The solenm solitudes of Sinai were eminently appropriate as the scene or the big revelation; and the attendant circumstances were de- signed to deepen the sense. of the great crisis, inspire reverence and disclose something of the ineneeasdrable glory of the Lawgiver. The sacred precincts of the raount "that burned with fire" were fenced from careless or curious intrusion, and even those chosen to enter as Overwhelming glories must await the divine summons betoee pre- sunaing to tread on ground as hallow-, ed as that where Moses stood unshod beside the burning bush. The words which introduce the DecaIogue, "I em the Lord thy God," .markan advance upon the former revelation as "The God of thee fathers." They were to remember what God had done for themselves. Religion commences with a' testimony, but culminates in an ex- perimee. The love, worship, obedience and fellowship of Gott are the sub- stance of true religion, • While the law embraces destiuct precepts, it is an organic whole. The ehallenge of righteousness can not be halt net. If the law be cut at one point, all is -broken 'and the spirit which would vio- ,tate One procePt would transgress the Whole (James : 2,11). The law dis- closes the perfections of the Lawgiver. The commandments are God's moral offspring. II. Its structure and permanency. an ite structure the Decalague naturally and appropriately eeparates into two divisions. The first embraces the first four, precepts, establishes the duties et man toward bee Creator and protects- the divine rights and prero- gatives. God. rejects all rivals in af- fection and aesociates in worship, He does not belong to a patheon, and no manner of sintilitude is permitted in the spiritual Veneto which his na- ture and his law require. Idolatry is interdicted alike by his jealotisy• and mercy. Reverence toe his being and attributes Is enjoined?, and the Salt- tettb, "coeval With paradise," is reck- oned among the abiding ordinance. Its necessity is inwrought in the constitu- tion of things animate and. Inanimate: jesus declared himselt to be "Land al- so of the Sabbath," and observed and enforced it while making it subordin- ate to the moral or physical neces-. 'titles of men. The second division regulates human relationships, end eafeguarde the persan, property, do- mestic relations and reputation of the individual, le concludes with a sweeping .prohibition, et all inordinate "love is the fulfilling of the law," and in the love to God and 'man which he taught if found the instra- tion to obedience to all precepts. The Decalogue is nniversal in. its scope and obligation and permanent hi its ap- pliCation. The law "echoing across Wild heights," and the Sermon On the Mount, over the grassy slopes of Gal- ilee, entbody the same great principles. The former was spolten in thunder and inscribed on tablets of stone; the latter proceeding from the lips of dediatiug incarnate, Love was crowned with a sevenfold blessedness. -W, IL C: • .0 (Wily the uninformed entente the -agoey of corns. The knowing ones apply Holloway's Corn Cure and get relief. 4 HUN PROPAGANDA. Three Germans Convicted at Coblenz. Coblenz Special Cable says -Throe Germans have been convicted in mil- itary courts.here, during the past felt days on the charge of circulating en- emy propaganda among' American troops in the oecupied area of Ger- mar. One Mopkeeper WhS convicted after having offered for sale a watch fob With American and Gerrnan flags crossed upon it. At Treves recently a thousand posteards were confiscated by Arneeinan officere. They pietured11 beautiful German woman with a hane- rul ef etrings. At the other end of the stringWere compailtively tiny French, Britieh and AMerican f101diers dancing to- her caprice.. "VERY SIMPLE CUBE FOR BAD COLDS t g Not Neces ary To- Bring Your Children Phone Park 4830 Why Not Try 13Well ? t Makes People Feel Well D'I'Vell is a inedicine that assist e na- ture, Made from roots, barks, herbs, Loaves, eto. The coricentratee extracts ct ie.cee hert,e teno up the etealach, reget- lase the livess,act on the kiar4Ye, Lola it contaitli a harmsess worm destroyer that death to worms. Is, not a Tape Worm Extern-II- nator, It is not r.ecommended for that [Anemia. 13'Well expels Stontach orePin Worm, and in miens case s ho.s brought away sections of Tape Worm; and by its wee many have ellecovered that 'Pepe Weern wee the cause of their trouble, 4111 have Inteckstmee my Tape Worm Remedy ane ha Ibsen relie,ted ot a hort•iii Monster tWeesty ob. thiety feet leas'. ie SP e bartli. aMot oiod t qentertr- ee B'Well resterinl theseands ot pee- Pcite the ditforent die sees atid complaints that people hafe heen relleeett or frein the use of B'Well, as it Would take dip top inueli eeace. I can seemly say duet restleesnees and drsease cannot remain If yolt take this medicine for a time, anti Lt will sureSS make you reel fine. It dace not contain poison in any form, or nercotics, that only ralleve pain, but the different roots anS heebs Wet 19511 - Late the system. It stimulates the Act -m- ach,' liveer and kidneys into headily ac- tion, haps ttigestion, and keeps tee bow- els regelip, expels all gas from the syptents teitS eids-es away the bad feeling arOuled theehedrt and fearful feeling :rem the hoed, .tientresset spirits and mien - chair kinifillk vanish, end eschecf rarfel spir- it tde 'their pretce, ItsWefeits a bless- ing to those' wilt) foie nee Is It burden to tehl...that are downhearted and uttliaPPY fromcliVemile carrieh the .poiben out of the.aAtelu thru the natural elian- eele of health', .and, as the peitien is oar - Led out of -the sysfens, eature mar.01..04 hesself,Send„a eliserful spirit follows, aa thereds nothing like good health tomattes a person -cheerful and happy,. itlahy peo- Pie tr.eeted or e,pitePtic fitil have been restor4a to health by its use. Don't ctSit me' it It cures this, that an& the °thole digests°, It IS different ;Toro the most of Mega:nes adetertived ae eUre-alle, end 1 am hot °AV:art:Meg this lertledy as such.„ but Simply advertiging it au a medicine that has an wet regulate the system, carry the Deleon out of the bleosi, ana commori-seneo must surely tell you the result . Men and 'semen who hove been nervoiletseweecks, with hollows, shack esul sunken'browseliare become plump, healthy and cieserful.from its lief., and 1 oan only say what It has done tor others it will attrolk'do for you. Young men and wpm - en whose faces were covered with pim- ples, 13.11d a ideltening sight to look at, are now free trem them from itS use. Men, women and children who had eating ulcera and running sores have been heal- ed, and what it, has done for them it is likely to do for ypu. Terrible, ashy, eoilY skin diseases have disappeared trim:mite 1150, and the sufferer made happs ,and healthy. profs Mulveney's ,world-famous; Tape .Tirorra Remedy is saving thousands of valuable lives, and .13'"Well es doing eitst as Much for those requiring thie_kincl of medicine. Tlee letteris from people who have uged B'Well are sufficient v14ec as to Ito nits. ErVirell is put up in powder form for cenventence to gond to Sorelem places by manS which',does away with all break- age: • The package of. pfevecier Makes twice aa much medicine for the sante amount of money • -Null directions for 'making. Let your gold gath headway and you can't Itee.p it from running into Catarrh. Catarrh never stays in the same Plaetet-it travels down inn> the lungs, then We too late Drive colds and catarrh right out oE Yoer system while you have the chance, leanily done by inhaling Caterh- ozone, which imamate' reaches the true souree of the trottble, gets right where theeliving germs of catarrh are working, Catarthozone A Conveniem Inhaler Treatment is the Proper Remedy to Cure, Ilawittee, and epitting come, be - Mune the dlecharge la cared. The nostrils are cleared, beadathe is re. tieved, !Math ta purified. Every trace f catarrh, bronchial and throat Weak- ness is permanently Cured. Shun metlicinee that contain berm- ini druge-use it sate remedy that is preseribed by doer:ire, that is used in hospitals, that is endorsed by theta' sands Catarthozone hae ettree, leer whiter ills there's nothing half eo goOd. TVA) months" treatment, large efze, price $1, and imarenteed, leniali glee, 50e.; trial Ow, 23e., ta dealers every- where, s "Ilow are you going to vote, teraeil?" "Itepentls -en tee -weather. If it rains, enVets l'evrtnnertem ;nee te leol I supptse have 10 Vote in it meek. One to violate the pmceellr.g retire:Mt- inteele OFFICE OPEN 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. aily isligisEISSOSI 11, le. MULYENEY. LOWS FrOM satisfied LettersFrom Satisfia Customers Customers The Originals of Which May De Seen 1916. at My Offlee, ' Ihtnavere• A.ug., Prof. IL L, Mulroney: SUFFERED TEN YEARS, Dear Sir, -We are givine your B'Well to our daughter for tp:lepay, and eince 'May 13, 1017, tatting it see has not bait ons fit. Bo- I teak the medicine at 9,00 a.m. arid 'lore, every month see had tient, one te at 1 O'sloek the worm came, hand and all, `fourteen at an attar*. I have suffered with a tape worm for / 'am enclosiug. e0,00 for six packs ten years. Would he pieased to recent- nses. mend this medicine at any time. YOurs truly, lif.R. GEO. W. GALLOWAY, Montreel, Jan. 23re 191e. 6 it Ellicott St„ Buffalo, N,T. Dear Sir, -Will you kindly Acrid me 136 Bird Avos Buffalo, Nor,, aneetter tbattle or your 1.3"Weel"? I March IS, 1917, slue:16y you will remember me sending Thisis to certify that Professor Mul- e bottle on the Serd of December. veney'e Tape Wormre Cure has rill me ef ,Itty boy, 13,, parsed a lot of ;leo:null it Taint Worm. I had tied five different worms, some of them two inehos, emu (lactaze. and several home remedies with. some it little more. The third clay, af- out results, tee taking it, he paseed thirty-seven. THOMAS GIUMP,S, ,No wonder the poor boy had such an Dinsmore, Sask., Can. appetVe. I ttesure you I am very thaelt- tut I got your rneXcine, and ern send- Allendale? R.le, No, 1, ing for another bottle for my boy of 11 Jan, 20th 1916, yeure, I enslose S.1.25 Sege:lame, and 22 stamp,s, for postaee, Sir: Would you kindly 4end me Tours tally, one package of 013sPredi," as I have usel • it, arid It has done me the, world of good, 4. Deur ESr,e-EncloaSel please fene el se When eine I ever telecl. I have been 'tethered acka4e. , Enclosed Yon will find the price of one Please oblige me by seneine rronre itrAligktal,*aroill ‘glitnIA..1.'61.41t..'theI 11.rieneretLe.i/id- it, es soon as you can. Your truly. ' , P.avenne, Out„ Fob, 12, 123.6. . and gm feeling a lot better lattice I have .„ i•em with etontach troteble for yeere, and nen new s.botit all right, Thanking, sett for your ineeicine, I re- Sta,ples, April, 1518, main, Prof. Mulroney : Tours truly, Dear received the package of ' B'S‘sell you mailed me Meech 20, and it is aSI right, Pleaeo send me $6.00 worth es soon as convenient, Sincerely yours, • Forof. Mulveney answers - Telephone Call Waterford, Nov, 16, 1517. Dear Sir, -You will fled enclosed $1.00 dale -.030? for two packages of your "worm de- stioyer." I have ueed .your medicine, Ithat Prod. muivenees, . Ties 14tly, pees, and it did me So muoh. good at the time Beiloi s ' V4a, r4r, Mulvaney Is speak/n.1. I wara Some more. . verge, fou a Worth remedy far teilldren? --, Yours respectfully, ., /Is tired .ofB.Tuarencv there? Pould pan tell me, If I brought my' little 165 Perth levee Toronte. tree .stesvu, if 'Ante had worats? Dear Sir,-Encloged son .will find one • May 9, 1916. dollar, and tyventee-five cents for more of clseh If UV .reve wenn& ,..7.,601::::te7 ‘ ertot test by 1001ang at chii- your S'Well" powders, It is _Solna se No. moans Couldn't you tell .me If 1 teld yau all the little lotiger, much for my sOns. we wish to try it a No, moslarn, my remedy celled Mother's- convenience, I arn, yours truly. Hoping to receive it at your earliest symptoms? 11••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P45.114 extpelu worms, Is an evcellent Toni° you claim ti them 330Wels; it beings esvay all woe end 0u141'( ,,B,werie Hamilton,- April 19th, 1016. erre-130111er, ood for g•the Neevre, 1,4113 le D an ear Sir,-Enelosed please find $1.25. den be given to the emellest Infant without ,1,...„ for 'which send me another package al escelleat • inedivine for negotiating the rear ef doe.ng, harm. A. la.dy who is living on d as powders. They are just fine, ratestinai w,cerns, is perfettlY llaintlene arra .d She.* eareet got a bottle of this mfylleine ..„11. ,d o all e. Kindly soon as possible. urs trul bed no neosre with tine child nista or dal ,.. lro for y. "bor baby dtwe yearn old. alio eald she reaulecer and did net bees the ceed in the lIanoVer, May 2n4, 1916. for four months; the doetor was eallInes ])ear Sir, -Please find enclosed $1.25 tot "B0'731/." As two of my neighbors have strangling the child, esle ruphcd over to me got it lately, gene , think it is so geed, 1 'amt. The arttie one tick a bad men a.nd and brou.sett the chna, also the worm, which: thought I would try it. Please send it e sva.o etokIn,g, the meteor opened its mouth and pulled eut a stomach worm that. um so n Se,Oand dm Seenssait ewer 17 more. She Prof. Mulveneryerli °Wu. rail°. Yours truly. met:eared S inches long, with her. Dile per - chased o. bottle el eietbees Fekeid, ana the f -. was horrtfied at the sight, and brorght the june, 1916, Si my c411,;(1, atIlli Mall,/ 04.11E1'4 from outer me.s4„; Dear Sir,-Pleaso send me one dollar's 'beer& mtesecrs. So, if you think it a Teed worth of your Mother's Friend Worm woems 40 me, .which 4 have here In a bottle inveetenent to try Nfothcr'3 priena, ft la 0 1.00 •,.............TO. r have given MY ohildren Der bottle, and tic far pee-- edge In the city ".. some (gore, and would not be withoulet it now for a g.ocid deal, 65 I have it litt Mid 2Gia extra for iyar,tage eutrikte 'retook,. girl that took fits heipre i gave her Your Now, you understand, it le not neceseare to nieclicine. Now she LS as healthy as ane itatite ear Imre bring,Ing your children ewe, eltild could be. Am obliged for Yalta as I do nee practice medicisto, and have only good help. help. eseseiient medicine tor chtherert and hes cured Tours truly. the one remedy athere It la an' ot,. sick children, which empel3 Worms if the're • many little oees of De Views Dan.ce atel Pickering, Oct. 2nd, 1916. ---..... Dear Sir, -X am sending for some Mors eonvutseonts, also n.0. Call or zend eo 211 of_you...r..13:We_1_10_ m_edieLne./it leaythoebbeeoest zeinrton avenue, formerly Dundee stieet. tnat A nesse over ogle .yet. ,hono Park. 4030, Mother's, If`rlend in 00 W or onm; each toTekage makes %vie° as much doctoring for over ex years, medicine 'for ;1.0 0; no danger cif breaking Please eend it as soon as you elm, Price', $1,25; 6 packages, et; post free, and no cost, for sending.. Judt sand 1.0 . Our truly. t..x ' . • ‘..... • J1•4::cf;•:r.. Medicine sent parcel post on receipt of price. • 1 Dnndas—car, get off at Qssington avettue. The Gorman tactice ef Obetreetien and recrimination aro eale to WM A-ace:red a Mean, in a threat Made at Wenner by Cheneelloe Ebert that Ger. mar- 'mid break ott negotiation witb" the Allies. Le 'MOM draws atterition to the at'- , roeant emitted et Germane, which it says amOng other things, is rettisirig paceporte to delegates of the Allied Arita:once Commission at Spa, wee were to haw one to, Berlin to draW up a Het of sequestrated Allied property. Le Malin attributes this to the Illusion en the part of Berlin that there are twave dissensions amour; the Allies and to the ti.erman Government's tri- umphs over the Spartaelsts, I, elatin says that the Allies, however, will not permit the enemy to Ole advantage of their lenieucY. It is understood that the Council will fix a brief tante witliin welch the Germans Mug carry ant the conditioue they have only felfilloe be part. In tills respect, it is noted that none of the German merchant ships which wert balre been cent to certain Al- lied ports have yet been handed over. French opinion considers thet the occreation a Ernten is of first neces- sity if the Allies aro t °control Ger- many's principal war factories. Public twinion in France also is milling if the Supreme 'War Council Is going to al- low Field eforshal von Hindenburg to est eblish Illineelt in Dromberg and. prepare a campaign against.. Poland, which can only be supplied through Danzte. • The trupreme 'War Council also will fix the size of the contingents of France, Great Britain, the United States and allied nations in the armies of occultation, both in Le:trope and ettla. Clutecellor Ebert, itt his address to the German National Assembly at Weimar yesterday, mid: 'Tee conditions of the armistice have been of unheard-of severity and were carriee -ant without sheme. We Warn our aavereariee not to push us too far, "Like General Winterfeldt (who re- slenee: from the Armietice Commis- sion) the whole German Government might else eevntually be forced to re- Imunce from collaborating in the peace pourparlers and throw upon our adver- saries all the weight of responsibility for the new world organization." 4. • 0, Miller's Werra Powders will purge the stomach and intestines of worms so effectively and, so easily and pain- lessly that the most delicate stomach will 'not feel any inconvenience from their action. They recommend them- selves to mothers as a preparation that will restare strength and vigor to their children and protect them from the debiliteting effects which result from the depredations of worms. Piot Ra L. MUiVeney, 2 1 Ossington Avenue Toronto FORMERLY 167 OLD DUNDAS:STREET, THE NAME BEING'CHANGED TO OS$1NGTON AVENUE. nehetates.ahre CLYDESDALE ANO SHIRES Two Horse Associations Hold Conventions. President, Wm. Graham, .Clatement; Mark- ham; directors, Itiehardson, Col- . MASSI1WIL vice -President, Jas Torrance, ..Mark- unthus; John Bong, elltoeusvnie; W. INIcKirdy, Napinka, elan.; W. • Scott, Sutton Nest; T. H. IlaSSard, Mark- ham; James Henderson, Belton; T. D. Elliott,' Bolton. S HIRE -I IORSES, The annual ,nieeting of the 'Canadian -Shire Horse Association was held at the 'Carl -Rite Hotel yesterday; with a fairly good attendance. The presideot, Amos Agar; Nashville, Ont., oecupied the chair. Secretegy*.G. deW, Green reported business in shire horse e as improving ,despite tho hardship of a lack of importations due to the war. He said that the oatlook tor inereased demand was bright, and advised the Members to keep on -with breeding operations, giving as a probable mar- ket for this breed the Englishmen who are sure to come to this eottntry to uedertake farming and woula natur- •ellyp refer the Clyee as a work house. The financial statemeut llowed a balance ern hand es of 5 year ago of $1,041,25, total reoeipts for 1918 -of 570.60, and a balance on hand of $1,- 21-5.05 at tee end of 1918. The of- ficers elected were: President, Jas Boviard Brampton.; Vice -President, G. D. Morden, Oakville; Secretary -Treas- urer, 0, de W, Green Toronto. Freedom From Asthme.-Asthma is one ot the mot distressing troubles, sudden in its attacks and prolonged itt ite agonies. Feequently many things are tried, but nothing seems to give hepo of relief, De. .1. Kellogg's As- thma, Remedy is the one help which • can be depended upon. If yott tore tried other remedies without success, do not fail to get at Once a package ef Ibis uniformly successful prepera- tion. Officers Named for Ensuing' Year: Toronto special 'Cable -The diree- tors. report submitted at, the annual meeting of the Clydes- dale Horse Association at 'Canada yes- terday contained reference to the now conditions and opportunities for ex- tension or trade and development of niarkets tor farm and factory pro- ducts, and intimated that breeders of Clydesdaleare vitally interested and should take full advantage ,of the opportunity for disposal 0/ work horses, that Will rise out et the ef- fort for greater production on tonne and in. the cities. Wm, Grahata, of Clareniont, presi- dent, in rooying the adoption of the directors' report explained that a re- duction in the value of eash on hand shown iri the -financial report was due to the society having redueed, by bele ite debt in the font of &ants. to fairs. The balatiee at . last state - Merit evae $8,351.64; total receipts, $23- 121), and balance On hand Dee. al, 1018, was $6,523.30. A recommentlatien front the direc- tors that the regulation with regard to payMent of grants at fairs'be mod. ified, so that no delay 'would occer in making payment of prizes Won by duir Monte hoeses, was adopted with little comment, as Was also. the sug- gestion that, in future, Wier infor- mation as to .the breeding of each ant - nisi be platted on the petligree certifi- cate eent 'out Ine the record offiee. It was else suggested in the direc- tors' report that, ee a means Of •de- Monetrating the very execalent fatali- ties of the )Clydesdate as it dratight horse, the ineornieg board should be etetPewered to secure a eix-Itorse team of 'Canadian -bred Clydesdales With suitable equipment, to he shown at deestern and Western fairs. This suggention met with unaninious en - Previte The election of °Meets resulted in the reselection of the president for the meted time. The directors of last year were also re-elected, as follows, though 50 ballots were etet and 12 names were Propoeed for the !weep directors. Those elected Were: 311LIATOOE'S TOUR He Will Spend. Over Two 1Viontlis in Canada. Leaden Cable.--(elanadiart Aesee dead. Press). -The ,Canadian A680ele fact! Prose learns that Admiral Join - to in the couree of his inteal Mies Bien to the Doininione, Will reach Can - edit itt the latter part of October-, re- maining there until jahuary. Adtnirai 3011100e win IWO England, Feb. 20 for ladle, where he will remain one month. Then he will spend tor molithe in Australia and New Zeitlattd, Afterwards Visiting FIJI, Sanwa, Ben- edetti and San 1:ranchero, From Can - Wm he wilt go to South Africa, Ire ncorne his own who feele an otheeee woe,--CamPhell. BY BOLSHEVIK! Four Russian Grand Dukes Were Shot Together With 172 Other Prisoners. London, Cable. -"The first ,details of the execution of four Russian Grand Dukes show it took place on January 28 last, in the courtyard of Deriabinsk Prison, in a suburb of Petrograd," a Heisingfors despatch to the Times states, "together with the grahd Dukes 372 other persons were shot, 144 Met arid 23 women, who were [teetered by 'the, Bolshevists of having taken part itt the so-called Anglo-French organi- zations.". A reliable report from Pet- rograd states that all four grand dukes died with dignity. 'Grand Duke Nicholas .'ailithallovitch, being ill and exhausted by starvatien, had to be carried on a hand -barrow into the courtyard and in this petition he was shot, The execution was carried oat in the early morning, with the mertury standing .at 17 degrees below zero, by it detachment of sailors and Chinese, and in the presence of delegates of the Extraordinary Commiselon. Recognized as the leading specific Lor the destraction of worms, Mother Graves; Worm Exterminator hart prov- ed a boos to :suffering children every- where. It seidern fails. SEE POSITION He Has Become Very Arro- gant of Late. Paris Wants Essen Occn- pid as Warning. IMPOSE FULL OF ALLIES Pares, Cables -The SttereIne Conn- ell ofiecitll bulletin Jewett this evening "Tito Surremil •Counell to -day dIe- mend the terms of the extension of lie armietice with German)'. The tie:tee:eon will ernainue Saturday. Supreme War Council Takes Measures To -day Because Huns Have Been Growing Cheeky. "- iIT Toltatao zsiations, SUGAR MARKET. Wheloale Miatatione to the retail trade on Canadian refitted eager, To- ronto delivery: Acadia granulated, 100 lbs. .,.. $10 27 St. Lawrence granulated, 100 the. 10 27 Ltuitic graitulated, 100 lbs. .... 10 27 Canada Reclpatle gran., 100 lbs. 10 27 Acadia yellow, No. 1 yellow, differ- ential, 40es; No. 2 yellow, 60e.; No. 3 yellow, 60c. St. Lawrence, yellowe, No, 1 , yellow, differential from granulated, 30c.; No. 2 yellow, 400.; No. 3 yellow, 500. Atlantle erelloWe, No, 1 yellow, dig- ferentia,l, 40e.; Not 2 yellow, Vice No, 3 yellow, 60e. Canada yellows, No. 1 yellow, die- terential, 40c; No. 2 yellow, 50e-; No. yellow, 600. 019.iEli MARKETS. WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE. Fluctuations eta the Winnipeg Grain Exchange yesterday were as follows: Open, High, Low. Close, Oats - May P., 63% 647/e 03V4 64% July 02% 63% 62% 62% Flax - May .. 3 031,e 3 04% 2 02% 3 03% Barley- eh. May .... 80 814, 79% 80% MINNEAPOLIS GRAINS. Minneapo1is:74'1m unchanged. Bar- ley, 77 to 90c. Rye, No, 2, $1.34 to $1-35. Bran, $42. Max, $3.26% to 'Paris 'Cable. -e -The Supreme War Council tent meet at Versailles on Fri - to take measures to impose on Germany "the Lull will of the Allies," eitys the Matin, bemuse of the unwil- lin-nese of Germany to carry out the armistice terms, except under certain conditions. There has been a change in the atietUde of Germany, according :e'en :. newspaper, and it is being man- ifested by arrogance toward the En- - Paris, Feb. 6. -The official commun. 'cation on peace matters issued this afternoon, .says: "The commission on the League of leations held its third meeting last night. Appreciable progress was made in the consideration of the draft. t1 was further unanimously agreed, be accerdance with the decision of the ' conference at the qual d'Ormy yester- day, that representalites of Ozone - Slovakia, Greece,. Poland and -Rouman- ia. should be associated with the min- missioti itt it deliberations. "In. their second and third sessions the eommissions have covereil practi- cally one-third et their Melo They have die -cussed- Woe- artielee which deal with the motives behintt the for- mation of a Logue of Nations and the °Meets which would safeguard the constitution of its chief organs and tthee fietantate. lilfications for membership in h While the deeisione of the commis- sion with reeartl to each article are provisional many apparent difficulties have already been 'solved, and a gen- eral agreement leas been reached on the principles, which Underlie the 'whole draft. It is, therefore, to be expeeted that thc r:_ina_in,l_ng articles will be covered quickly." Won Fame on Ite Merits. -The un- bounded popularity that Dr, Thomas' leclectrie Oil enjoys is ilot attribut- able to any elaborate' advertising, for it has not been so advertised, but is entirely due to the merits of this Oil as a 'medicine. In every city, town and hamlet in the country it Is 'sought after eolely because of ite geed quali- ties. DULUTH LINSEED. Duluth, Minn. -Linseed on track, $3.30; February, $3.30; May, $3.26%; July, $3.224t bid, ' FARMERS' ItIAIIKET. Dairy Produce? Butter, choice dairy :...$ Do., eeearnery . ... Margarine, lb.. ... Eggs, new laid, dozen .. Cheese, lb. ..... Dressed Poultry - Turkeys, lb.... ..... Fowl, Spring chickens Ducklings, lb.. Geese, ib............. Fruits - Apples, basket .. ;Doe bbl.... ..... Beets, peck ....... Do., bag Carrots, peck Do., bag .. Cabbage, each. .... .e. Cauliflower, each Celery, head .. Lettece• 3 bchs. for ,. Onions: 75-1i11, sacks . Do., basket .. -Dhe Pickling, `basket . Leeks, bunch .. Parsley, bunch ...... Do., peck Potatoes, 'bag ..... Rhubarb. bunch Salm bunch Savory, bunch .„ Turnips, bag Da, Peek • • • • " "'" GERMANS ON ALL CLAIMS Berne, Cable. -On the eve of the termination of the Socialist Confer- etice, seine of the newepapers say the German delegates have obtained all that, they desired at the expe,nse of the Allies, The Democrat, under the cap- tion, "Victory fer the Gorman Socialist Majority Party," gam "The tree bog been east. The baternatiouale, whicle since 1672, has been the instrument of the German emperiallat party, con- tinttee its tradltione. All the Independ- ents who had placed their hopes in the Onferenee see them vanish e MONTREAL SHIP CONTRACT. Mentreal, Despittelts-It was aniuntlieed eeeterday filet the Canadian ViChtlrg Company, Semifinal, has just eloeed a 50,111:' 't with an Important (etch group for the cOnstruction of One 8,310 dead weight tette, (mine steamee foe the coal and rithette titter between Prance and Chile. The velvel wilt be deliverrAl emu. Voted icady for eel -Vice in Juno title 3. Olt ts Wigges'Wheti women tlk they never stenth think. Wage- Verse then thee they never think to etop. 0 50 0 57 0 35 0 60 0 ea 0 50 0 28 0 35 0 38 vu 0 25 3 00 0 25 1 00 • . • . 0 05 0 10 0 10 A••• 1 25 0 25 0 40 0 10 ..,• 3. 00 1 30 66 0 05 • • 2 0 56 0 63 0 40 0 70 0 38 1)55. 0 35 0 40 0 42 032 0 15 7 00 0 30 1 10 0 20 0 76 0 10 t 0 40, 0 20 0 10. 1 50 0 45 0 75 0 25 '0 10 1 10 1 50 0 15 0 10 0 10 075 0 30 Hhgton mutual I PireIus. CO. Iiitalailk44 $11104 Otttoo, 0101411115Oett • I Ineso 04 oU *wee etseorty on the HA not. on**, 0406t. 040147K04. 03001 a It410140 e, oositsiN Aye*. Wlookneoi 004 Dudley Holmes •Artrosrek, sociorrotok i whips libror PP*. WOO*" j Vonotons 1 smimnigit APO 00140011" Paseoqt 00 We a* Wee* eel" Arthur'J. rwin D.D.S., te.D.Ss Doctor of Dental aurtrery 45pf the lesuri- eywanie. Oeitoge Mut Licentiate et Pen, tat Surgery er Ontario, Closed esvers Wednesday Aeternet/li, Office in Macdonald Ellocee tereATS-WHOLESALE. Beef, forequarters, cwt..$15 00 $17 00 Do., hindquarters .. 22 00 26 00 Carcasses, choice ., 19 00 22 00 Do., common , ... . . 16 00 18 00 Veal, choice 22 00 24 00 Do. ,medium 18 00 20 00 Heavy hogs .... 15 00 18 00 Shop hogs .... , ... 21 00 23 00 eiuttem ,... 18 00 22 00 Lambs ...... 27 00 28 .00 • Do it Now--DisOrders of the di- gestive apparains.should. be dealt with at once before complications arise that may be difficult to cope with. The surest remedy to title end and one that is within reach of all, is Parma - lee's Vegetable Pills, the best laxatiere and sedative on. the market. Da not delay, but try them now. One trial will convince anyone that they are the best stomach regulator that can 'be get. DIRECTORS FOR BEE -KEEPERS Nulled at Annual Meeting in Toronto. Business Matters Up On Wednesday. W. R. Hamble silo., M.D., O.K. Sorts4wolottl: Tilt" tehPallt‘irtele4rnestret taken postgraduate worn_in, POP 'err, :eteriolegy end Ocieeteides Made:line. • • 't Offloe in the Kerr residernm, s times the gile$11.1$ Hotel *id OA • Papilla Onto* AU Aroeiness Om* oare441 at:41141m Phone 14. P. (X 1102 111 De. Robt. C. Redmond st.R.o.S. (Eng.) ; (1.01:4) ' 'PHYSICIAN AND SUWIED0141. I (Dr, (ihishotm's old stand). " DR. R. STEWART Geadpate of University of Toronto, racillq, of Medicine; Incentlefe of the tentaris College of Physiciane and Etirgeons. OFFICE ENTRANCE): SECOND DOOR NORTH •OP ZURBRIGG,S PHOTO sTUDtp, JOSEPHINE ST. PlitONg 29 Toronto Iteoprt-Tb.e second day of the convention of the Ontario Bee- keepers' Association brought an in- crease in the number of delegates on hand and in interest in various prob- lems diseuseed. Beekeepihg in North- ern Ontario, advantages and disadvau- tageo of combining beekeeping and general farming, and usefulness of motor car hi the apiary were consider- ed from various viewpoints at the morning session, while in the after- noon the delegates had the privilege of hearing Charles latawart, of Johns-. town, N. Y., inspector of apiaries, ex- plain methods of detecting and deal- ing with bee diseases. A good part of the efternioon ses- sion was c1evote4 te business. The ocretary-treasurer presented a report -sbetving tt membeeship of 930, oft which 425 represented affiliated soc- ieties, a total decrease of 183. The fin- ancial report showed a net surplus on hand of $195.85. It was pointed Out, however, that mailer the association was not paying its way eillee it had beer& necessere for the ecoretary tce Impost upon the department for sta- tionery, stamp% etc. A suggeation j DRS. SOPER et Witt 1-4 SPECIALiSTS Peel, gegems, Asthma, DaterthoPimptes, Dyspepsia, Epilepity, ninturnetisenf akin, gide nee, Steed. Nerve end Madder Diseases, , Cell or *end btory istor he telvice. Medici** hems ed In tatitt to:m, ticott-JO nes. to I INts. Md 9 to 6 p.m, 13u50eyt--10 eels to J. 0**,010416e Pete DRS. eoParn INUITS et Terme Se, trofesIth, Oat. Mies Mention 'Ms PAD*, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Poll. P. A. PARKS& Osteopathy " builds vitality Led -33eMairth. .3,6justruent of the onto and tisanes Is gently leoured, that* Nanning the predisposing cancel 6t disease. 'Mood presserre and other e1=4* *Sots made. Trusses selentificaity tel. OPPIOM OVER emus-nre STORE,. Tirows--trussders and Pridart. am. 40 p.m.j 'Wednesdays, t to 11 wok Otfetw days thy appointnank -Genekal Ilospnal 1 (Under Government Inspection). PlossantlY sittletod, neautifully far. wished. Open to all regularly Iteeneed Philielante Rates for patients-4*W* Include board and nursing) -$4.30 tte •313.00 per week, according to Iodation Of SOM. For further informatton-, Wass* MISS L MATHEWS, Superi ntendent, Sox 223, WIngbern, Oat, 1 SELL TOWn and Farm properties,. OW and bee my Ito arra get my peke:lel 404 some exarelent valtisee J G. STEWART Air IfithiatiAnt. 'Ffseiti. officeitt Town MA ee J. W. DODD (Successer to J. Ca stgEwART) FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT and HEALTH INSURANCE; P. 0, Box 366. Phone 198 WINGHAM ONT. John F. Grow 6' Issuer ol NA.B.RLIM LICENSIS TOWN NALL WI Nelf4AM Phones-Offloa 24; Residens tea. woe put forward that the Zocretaries Of the couaty associations be made direc- tor* of the Ontario Association. Elections were held for the solectioe of director -1 for the various districts for delegates to the exhibitions, arid for the honey crop committee. The following were chosen by ballot as hirectore: No. 1 district, R. E, L. Harkness, Iroquois; No. 2, A. McTav- ish, Carleton Place; No. e, M. B. Holmes, Athens; No. 4, Sohn Chis- holm, Belleville; No, 5, W. eVe Web- ster, Little Britain; No. 6, II, G. Sib - Paid, Toronto; No, 7, F. W. Krouse, (Iuelph; No. 8, Zanies Areistrortg, Sel kirk; No. 9, aohn Newton, Thames - ford; No. 10, J. Myers, Stratford; Ilro. 11, C. E. Chrysler, Chatham; No. 12, R. el..Houghton, Bradford; No. 13, Dr. 13. N. Gates, 0. A. C„ Guelph. elehibition representatives: Canad- ian National, Toronto, T. 3:). Evans, Pelingtort; Ottawa. M. B. Holmes, Ath- ens; Lontlen, Ie, T. Barnard; Lambeth. Honey Crop Committee: IL 0. Sib - bald, Toronto; W. Couse, Streetsville, xuiti W, T, Crate, of Brantford. Von, George S. Ilmay, Minister of .Apriculture, dropped in and addreesed the delegates for ft few minutes. The Minister itatnia.ted that if the ussoci- Non in its eyelet had not eeeeivecl nutelt financial assistanee in the pest, "It, perhaps, due te the feet that their ease, bad not been properly rlaced beeore the GoVeenment," The hint was not Wasted for Mr. Henry wart peeitiptly warned that the elainte Of the tteeeclation would be Iahl before PROTEST' ITAierAN OCCUPATION. saionilti, Fen. 9.-Nalive Oreeks ban varioue regions in northern Npirtts, nal% itISidittn• ItaVe ads (111 1)111 i0 Wender Venieeloo a protest nettinet the proliniention Of the Itellan eccupation cis the northern Epirus, aud tithenet the 5111.1 111151 of the itallen militavy autitoettlea there. The ;Wetted (enemies:1 a demand thet their nativee lesion he Seinid unit (11ree.