HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-01-30, Page 3A Pimple Remover
That Never Fails
Dr. Hamilton Stands BehInd His FAI1111114
Bla4 WOO alWaYe responsible for
pitnelea, blackheade and humors.
Pimpled, eeeeille, and belle aro the
COMMOn result.
contend that to cure these ills, the
eve attentleee
kiddleye, and bowels must Iv-
y retuedyeknown as Dr. Harailton's
Palle of Mandrake an 'Butternut, in-
fittlably reaches the trouble,
• Por petting life Into sleepy organs,
tor forcing out every kind of weete and
foreign, Matter, for malting health-aue-
telitialt Wood, where van you tind atoll
datelencY as in Dr. Handle:1,11'e Pills?
In 4 thousand easee I have demon-
iitrated that Dr. Hamilton's Ville eure
Metal bieniisleee and skin ditseasee.
look upon theae pilla es the beet
,telood purifier and system builder of
tile age, and guarantee they will cure
.every eemptaint having Its origin in
a weak or debIlitated blood supply.
ft Dr. Hamilton's Pills will not care
that tired, rundown condition, if they
will not change lack of force into en-
ergy and vira, the nothing will.
By creating an abundant sUPPIY of
eich nourishing blooe they maintain
that standard Of health eo much de -
aired by those participating in the
OtreullOus life we live to -day.
. Get. De. Hamilton's Nile and prove
their merit to -day, 24 per box.
( ape:erne:)talearms Note.)
Oowa wee fed in the stable during end
half of the year or more, and feeding
tads,during this period may, through ote oe ueing igoor.
be made very expensive, The
nee ler accountunsuitable
profits from the herd will, ot course,
:My gethollitile;geoefxtivilitt:rn tiacellir frVe
' 1°iconomtcsa feeding does not mean
actent supplie,s, but the using of the kieds
'Or teeas and feed combirtationa that will
.be likely to produce the best resulte ae
Tho lowest cest.
• 'AO the milk produced depends upon the
oUrintity arid the quality of the feed con-
autned, every efeort should be made to
Supply the eows with alt she will eat of
fatten combining palatabilitye easy
geseibilitY, voider and nutrition: -•
- .• Tee most economical ration zna3r have
it basis cheap but rich. et:trait:Me
form-growivr-oughages, such es clover
loky, • ensile. and roots. The libefal
feeding at .rneala is advisable tit bale:rice
the; roughage ration and to provide the
heavy milktng eow with an extra supple
of nutrients in a less bulky form,
eyeetwund of grain evhen the cow is fresh
reteentivalent to several pounds Of grain
er the Aow has decreased materielty
her mtlir flow. Feed one pound ot
ael for every 3 1.2 pounds of milk pro -
as her lactation ported progress -
'tier decrease the meal gradually ,to one
jetaind for every five pounds of nalkpro-
eVhe followMg are two wea-balaneed
• - '
'daily eations for the 1,000 -pound detrY
.ottiv imitable to the individual .needse of
terinere, throughout the district :
'No. 1,-1:fixe1 hay,
ia pounds, turnips or.
Mapaels 40 pounds, meal mixture coin-
. &Sea of brim a parts, ground barley: 2.
parte ,oll,bake one part and s
cotton eed
meal fehe part, This eneta fed fat Me
rate of one pound per 3 1.2 poinida of
Mille produced.
No. a -Mixed clover hay 12 pounds. corn
. ensilage 3 Opounds meat mixture corn -
Posed or bran 0 Parts, cotton seed 2
parts, oil cake I part, feel at m
the' te of
I pound for every 3 or 3 1-2 pounds bg
rialk produced .
All cows are not of the SELMO tempera-
. -
merit. On this account a study should
pe made of the requirements of theeia-
aleieuea animal. In the beat -bred 'heeds;
cows vary in their productivee'abilitea
therefore to obtain the greatest profit,
tecords should be kept of both &Ilk and
*pod, and testa made occasionally to as-
certain If it would pay to increase , or
deerease the grain.
Cows, in order to make e maximum
MOM:talon at it mininualt cost, sbould be
-•hotteed undea the :nest faverablir condi-
tions, that ie, in regard to cleanliness,
geed ventilation, plenty of light,,with ne-
oosary bedding and occasional greenl-
• A cow ahouid 'have all the good ouat-
ity.'roughage she wants, with a Well bat-
aneed grain region regulated by her pro-
duction, also plenty or freah water and
trout two to three ounces of Balt added
to her feed daily.
Experimeatel Parma' Note.)
»urhg the past four years, millions of
min w 0 hod previously been producers
.if the ar -eet part of the foodstuffs ro-
ut ed urmbe, breve been engaged in
ig Writ( 1 their co • , and. as it re-
ou') 'thousands of terms, flocks and
hor s balre been depleted and the finese
ata is made unfit for cultivation. These
putopean countriee are looking to can-
oe for good breeding to restock their
sibandoned ferule. The demand isiun-
ilbinked and European markets will be
le- to receive double our peeesnt bre
Mitten, if We can •produce stock Ot that
oualtty required. .
, It is the stre$ of high quality' which
have made many it herd great and have
dono So Mtleh to the late stosk industry
of Canada. Often t e highest priced stock
Is the cheapest in the end. ..
A pure-bred sire of good type ahd indie
eciduality.is the one that shottld be used
by eery liva stook breeder in the Cowl-
trye Theaslre whose ancestorhave not
ranee good, oz. that is it poor individual,
wilt likely turn out to be a liability
rather than 0,n tweet. Ma lute willnever
ten:prove live atock *even if ono does get
, A
PiOra Suffering by Getting
Her Lydia E. Pinkbanes
' Vegetable Compound.
Pittsburgh, Pre-e"Por Many irionthe
r was not able to do my Work 0Whipt to
a Weakness which
caused backache
and headeches. A
friend called my
attention to One of
yout newspaper
edvertieetnents and
immediately My
husband bought
three bottle e of
Vegetable Coln -
paned for one.
After taking two
hettlee 1 felt Bee
ate my trembles caused by thet Weak*
/Moe ate a thing of the pest. All Women
Who suffir as I did should try Lydia E.
Platte -in a Vegetable Compoutd.e'
Witee .1Ag. Itonntieed, 620 Knepp Bee
N. 8., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Women who Buffer from any forte of
inilitnenation, ulceration, irregulfieltime
beekttelee, headaches, nerveusness or
"the blues," ebould smeept hire. Rohr.
holes woollen and give Lydia E.
Pri1thams Vegetable COMpOUIld
thorough Mat
rot *tor Miff etestrit ft bee boo
0Orreeling Such Allittente. If you have
stelae:I eemplicatioes %,3l for
adve to I, la, E. Plekhefte edlitito
ree- tame. LXa,a.
iiith theaply. lie is dear at itnY Pelee,
et /a abet very itnportant that the fernalee
wed ati a foundation, are greed, strong,
healthy animals of robust constlt.itlen
repremating the best typo of the
which you um workiI&g. with, and that
they are descendants front snceators that
heve preyed werthy or the breed they
represent in regard to cOnformation,
quality mid produetion.
Title year above all others, with the
high price of hay suid live stook, farmers
sboulti endeavor to utilize to the best ad-
vantage POssible, all reughages such as
straw, gern stalks, ete., by running these
through a cutting bOX And mixing with a '
snot' latnount of cut hay, with" Um oxide,
tie*: of a law pulped rotas and a small
quantity of meal, you will home food
which breeches stook 'will thrive and 'win-
ter very well on, and at the sante 'Ulna
enabling the farmer to hee,p hia ueual
quota of breeding animals.
A gooel :Deny farmers are in the 'doh: -
ha of lumber mills or tinishing
where theYeare able to procure sawdust
or ehavinge for bedding In the plaee of
straw, or where theY could lam dry meek
for en absorbent. ay utilizing all tne
home grown moat ages and keeping mote
live stock the farmer will be ittereaning
the fertility of his farm by a method
which bee been proven meet come:steely
the beet And Most edam:Meal way et
mainteinina agricultural production, neve
Or more oential than at the present time.
Berneard manure is detieient In Pho_k"
phoric Acid, and hence Is not 4 bale -moil
food ter piante. Additions or thia gle4
Meet return much awe than their Cot
On eons Of average Mrtiltty.
Eberlt. too of reteoure per aerie hap pe-
a e.year 'moorage yield truth eei
an acre. Ade phosphate cestIlle ea ionte
annually has Increased the v o the
yield to see wheel used in additleh to the
Sterne quantity of Manure.
Aelmale take Out of their teed tbe
phosphotous necosary to build their
skeletons or that contained in their milk.
einlees the produce of tae fatal is supple-
Mented with phosphatic fertilizers ot:
feed brought it: from outside, the soil will
becente exhausted ot phoretorows to
crop production continues. Acid phew -
Photo or raw phosphate reek Is eon:amn-
ia used at the rate of 40 pounda to it ton
Of manure,-Obio Experiment Station.
Menure returns most pee eat when
spread lightly over it large area rather
than heavily- over a relatively small
apaeo, increasing the quantity Per acre
does not usually roult In Orresponding
gains in orop yields.
Land treated with 4 tons of manure on
wheat in a. 3 -year rotation with potatotta
and glover this year returped 0.68 bush-
els to the Kerte gr 10,02 bushels more thee
unmenured lane. Ate Eaton application
to evaeat in the same maiden returned
an 'noose of 18.13 busbele per acre,.
Doubling the application of manure in-
creased the gain In wheat tally 48 per
cent. ,
Moderate aPplications of manure on
wheat during fall and winter are 1044
likely to smother the plants. A. Manure
epreader le moat effective to obtain ev•en,
light distribution. -0o Experimental
Have plenty of shed room for the dairy
cows to (stand under when it rains. If
they Are oroWded they will tight, • and
when cows fight they will give iees
The facilitio for keeping mllk n tho
averag.o rarm are very inadeeuate: arot
enough 000l space is p.vailable tor theeava
erage farm woman, hence .ahe has dittee*
eultiee in saving the milk and 1'4101114
the cream evenly.
There should be no seams In the milk,
pane, pails, etc., to harbor gemea, and
they should be kept scrupulously Clean;
aired, Steamed, and swine(' occaillanallefe
A refrigerator is almost a neeessity
, on the farm these days. There are many.
perishable foods as well as milk to be
kept. The cost of a refrigerator - le not
great when the utility and eeonemy ett
keeping foods are considered,
Crops Will not do well in Boer sole:
Thts is readily shown in alfalfa and•
clover. The leaves turn yellow and the
plants look sickly when the soil ile•sour.
Such aoil :feeds lime to neutralizer the
elinard'S-Lintelent Co., Limited. 'a
feers,-x "letcloe- peed your 31/NAPD'S
LINIMENT for the past 25 year's ana
whilst 1 have occasionally used other
liniments X can safely say that I have
never Used any equal to yours. ••
If tulsbed between the hands and
haled fiaquently, it will never fail to
cure aold in. the head:in 24. hours. It is
also the Best for bruises, esprainat etc.
Yours truly,
10.040.1•4.1•V.10•01MUd.orismoiTall „LIMMet10/00.....01,411.~•.1
acid. Reavy, cloddy, clammy' soil will
not yield even. Such soil does not easily
admit air and water and does not aupport
soil intctorie. Se la:portant In it fertile soila
On auth.soit ftinc shOuld be used. "
Where feed Is rather scarce it will bo
advfsable to plant soiling crops for Oafs,.
Even where one has considerable mature
land and a die, it is -often ecodoin, y to
plant at lee.st a small area in .ceoper to be
fed green. It otten happens that the
season is such that the pasture fails at
a time when the silo may be einptY. In
this case, if the is a aolling,crep It will
save eonaiderebi eexpensean feeding, and
keep the cows from being feel On berdels-
ive,dry feeds. .
Cote is usually it good erop for thispirre
Pose. A small area of rich land le. corn.
Planted thick and cultivated even, will Of.
For soiling purposes there are Several
props that are more or less .dependablga
Ce te produce an enormous amount 'of
greet: food for cowls, and thee will relish
It when green food is seerete
44, 40,
Corns cause inuchesuffeeIng, bet
Holloway's Corn Cure offers a speedy,
safe and satisfactory relief.
• '• •
111:0147 MAUNA LOA,
ThiS Giettnito V0109,110 is 'Worthy
atkval to Ve,suviil.
The lofts; Volcanoes of the Hawaiian
Islands, rising above the ocean' from
6,000 to neatly 14.000 feet, are only the
sumegits of gigantic mountain messes
that its° abruptly from the bottout of
the Pacific. Mauna Loaeen the island
Of Hawaii, tands 13,675 feet' above
:ma level, but its stoves descend be-
neath the sea, its shown by deep gee
tottediags, with it grade fully equal to
if not greater than that of the visible
topes. The Wane is &amity trite ot
iho eubmitrine slopes of other !standee
e.ed the depthe attateed by these eon -
tenuous dopes, within thirty to fifty
Miles of the shores, vary from 14,060
to 10,60 feet. Mautut Lou and Matztug
Kea, If their true bases are considered
to be at the bottota of the Pacific, ere
therefore molluttdes of Its great hn al-
titude as Mouet Everest, or apPetexl-
mately 80,bee Net. it general the
Hawaiian. /island group onolets eif
euramits of a gigantic submarine,
mountain tenzin which projeete Only
its latter peaks etzd domes above the
'water. Oli the island -of }/await the
voleanie tortes ere Still in operation,
The Ohe tonttnuotesly uetive voleanie
vent of the Island is Kilauea, far down
On the eastern flank of Matuiseieet--
"the greet Mountain." NO Other WA-.
cello 1.11 the world aPerettchea Menne
Loa in the vastness Of its Maas or 112
the magnitude of its eruptive activity,
Thetis are many volcanicpeaks highee
In the air, but most of them are Mahe
ed upon elevated Ts/Mewing where they
appear as me.re cones of greeter or less
eize. it Is not yet know e at whet kw*
el the base of Mamie Loa is situated,
but it is below the ffea, eirobaldee tar
Manta Keae--"the White
la dee A Colossus ateeng volesitioes,
Its felt:unit, 1e,826 het, Is a trifle high.
or than that of Mauna. Loa, but Its
elOptet are eteoper, and IN base is there.
fore Mtetal liniallet. The magnitude ot
Mantle Lea Is dna Obit:net tn the great
twee of Its Imo, width it nearly ellip-
deal in ithetp4S, With a Major die/tette'
Of isevatite-four miles and a minor di-
ameter a fity-daree miios, Measured
t lea el
In £ha Stegx4eitte ,ef ifs eruptieng
Kept Awake at Nigh!
Itching So Intense
Healed by Cuticura
"A effete patch Appeared on the
tight eide of my face, caused by slew,.
ing with a ;lull razor, I drew Weed;
with my engem, the itchlog wee so in
tenses Thepatch wee 04 and irritated
causing ine to keep Awake at night,
"Selene Outicura Soap and Oints
Ment advertieeti 1 sent for a free sans.
pie. After using I noticed quit* a
;hang* SO I bought a be* of Cuticura
QintrOAnt and two cakes of Cutleura
Soap, and I did not eniela the whoie
bee of Cuticura Oindeent when 1 was
healed permanently." (Signed) Ewen
Macporleld, MeriOn Wedge, N. Se
table 30. 1917*
edema Soap and OIMMent are net
only Mott valuable for thetreatment of
elmpleff, dandruff and Intuited areipe,
euttheir groat misSion te to prevent
such ondittoris. Outicura Soap uttesi
exclusively for the toilet, and. Cuticure
Ointment, as needed, keep the akln
and acglp Clean, akar end
For PreeSaMPle,Raele 'Widened"
dress post -card: “CatiOturn, Dept. A,
Deeteut SoldeveryWitere.
Meanie Loa is also unrivaled. Some of
the valeanoes of. Iceland !save been
known to disgorge at a single entbreak
Inatisest of I
1‘,10,urze Loa. But each outbursts are
lefrequein Iceland, and a eenturY
has elapsed alive Any of such mogul-
tude have oecurred, though there have
been several minor eruptions. The
ereptions of Mauna Loa are all of
great volume and °cam Irroglelterly, at
an average interval of about eight
YeArEl. view of the total quantity
Of Material it has diegerged during the
last eentury no other voleatio is a,t all
comparable to It. -From a Bulletin of
the Gaited States Geographical Survey.
ova fully equal to tdoSe of
Oading rdetals.
is is well known, some metals are
unsuitable for casting, while others,
like iron, can readily be cast in any de-
sired alut•Pe. The proper* of eaating
well is said to (amend upon whether the
teetai contracts or expands on solidify,
ing from the liquid from, iron, like
Wetter, expands In solidifying, and bend,
the solid metal may be seen/floating irt
thealiquid iron about it TIM expansion
cmises it to fill the die into which it
is poured, and ao it can be out easily
Gold' and sliver contraqt in' cooling and '
therefore are not Imitable for mating-,
• - •
Help for Atithine. Neglect gives age
thine it great advaptage. The trouble,
emee It has secured a foothold, fastens
its grip on the bronchial passages tele
aclously. Dr. J. .0. Kellogg's Asthma
Remedy Is daily curing cases of as-
thma of long standing. Years of suf- 1 C
fering, however, might have been pre-
vented had the eemedy been used
When the trouble was in its first J I%
stages:- Do not neglect asthma, but
use this Preparation at once. ,
'It el,
It Pays in Bo* Beauty andw
• Reath,
Science lotting".
LW, year the eat ot timber in Brit-
ish Columbia (Mounted to Mare than
1,009,000,000 feet board measure, which
is an increase of 45 pee eent. over the
total Cor the preceding year, end Abolit
490 per -ceut. more then the eut three
yeiere ago. The inereaSQ liest been
caused by the 0144114 tee materiel fer
airplanes and shipe.
All building recorde were broken re-
eently at eriteMertO, fh I., where
Unitee State base hoopital le Inceted.
• in five hours a fOrce of 300 met% erect-
ed a buildiug 230 feet lone end 36
feet wide. In the !Wished building,
When the wOrkmeu tale dowu their
tools, were a steeneheatlug plant,
Sewer connectione, eleotrig lighteatd
a bathroom wItli tiled floor. The work
started At 7 o'elock, in the morning,
with limn dig& pOet I00100. When
the whistle blew at Wee 'the twit
workmen in the buileitle was putting
on his coat, with the OA vomPloted.
As a subetitute for dialier in trans-
former windiuge, it bag heels suggest-
ed ella aluminum might be used, but,
dealing with heat diesdpittieu tempera.
ture rise tomparative wet(' of the dif-
ferent materialand othee.impertant
ffeetOrS, it aePears that he advan-
tages ere still with copper,
If all railways were eenverted to
eelotricity 4 slaving of.1e2-3 per dent,
of the total Coal emunimption eould
eventually be raade-fdr more thee
would be achieved by suppressing light -
ng altogether,. '
Dor Corns Lead to Omer?
d node-
As yet this his tioe., beea
hut interested parties will fie
14 better or corns than P
Corn extractor, 26i
e at all d03
St t
The Red Cross IlVed-
„and from its magic. birth
There sprang a force that circled the
-whole earth.
A Million minds and hearts.
Leap to its service, counting other
Easy to leave for love
Of man who, for hie visions from
Gave of his an to fight.
That good many come, and with it
freedom's light,
The Red Cross thought,- '
With thought ihtensely deep '
Of all the benefits grim War
keep .
From many a peedy home;
Of death that ldrked 'neath the
eaveeps of foam,
And of the hurtling shell
That of God' earth, turned te11
Ing hell; •
Thought of the needless Pain
aused by the German's lustful
for gain.
rag -
he Red Oros wroueht-
VVrought with cousunamate skill,
ntil both' land and sea itbeir deeds
did flee
ntil 'both 'land and sea their deeds
did fill.
Ives, sweethearts, fathers old,
Mothers whose love cau burn while
suns grow cold,
en from, a thousand lands
ho foUgele and, worked and prayed at
needs' den -lands- e.e
11 felt the' fashioning..
f noble things from spiritual divin-
he Bed Cross dreamed-
ad lei dream e crept to life;
seemed that Peace had 'phoned
fearful strife,
d reared at altar rare,
tided with sacrifices, gaunt want
bleak cake,
hieh bare Earth's offering,
life and blood and limb to Merey's
d as the lucense rose
heavens pure air, War's Gates
were wide to doe -
weighed 140 pounds when i began
aseting in comeitIon and in eight weeka w
lost nine pounds, without dieting, or
any of the strenuous exercises that go' A,
with the usual training, say a a writer e
Itt Physical 0eiture.
• :X "began by walking to the V
Monet Risco, three mites from our tarot.
eix ranee did, not tire me, for I was T
eveey day to do my marketing. The
used toe:venial/a Then I atarted my ea- se,
ercisee, x practiced before amirror, end
went at them Very slowly at Met, gee. It
ting limbered up. Every clay I would
kick a little higher.
The two exerelses I think most im- -
poetant are a bending back movement, btu
which l• also started very gently, bend-
• ing the whole body ba.ele with hands oge
above the bead, lentil I could touch the
bed with the tips of ray fingers. This en
.movement absolutely removes all super-
fluctlet flesh 61: the abdornen. The other'
exercise was a bending forward move- An
anent until the palms of my hands touch- 1 To
ed the floor.
This movement ae it is usually tekene
is of small value because most people-
beed front the Waists to d 33
o it The tor -
Ise ahould be raised, lifted high and the .
bend should be far the waist from
thee .
him. This eaCtefse loosens the hips ben
and the knees and makes every muscle 33
in the back and leg flexible. '1.'he knee
the hip ahd the back are the three pohas
Of attack In training. The two move.
/needs I give melted away any flesh I
aad to • lose, and made me as stipple eat
aa I wee when I lett the stage.
.f did not diet. cat
Use of Perstersity, in o
Abstractedly, I disapprove of p
, see- the
_a_ is
Ing; hunting T. think barbarous; "he syst
'Who 'wantonly treads on a worm js.no
friend of mine,” and yet I fish. 1 to iiiso•
not merely,. carry rtid and,reel; I use .coo
%OM, I 'suppoact It Is like smokiee; Pal
that seems to ine a feeble-minded eine
habit and yet I smoke. 'Weriting, toe, rest%
iseeras tOTnettraes as foolish, and yet I es?.seti
work. Some peeslmiste have con- AT
vbaCed thetnseIve,s that living la ' a lea
waste -of time, and yet., so far as I
have observed, they eotztinue to live.
Sweet are the uses et perversity.--.
Robert M. Gay, In the Atlantic, our
Inoreases-Your Weight Stro
• Gunter J T. Cowan, R.O.H.A.,
'0" Battery-, l'intley Camp, England,
t in August, 1918, to the Ottawa
ranch, C.R.C.S.
• *se
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
not roach the seat of the disease,
tarrh is a local disease, greatly 'fe-
nced by constitutional conditioes, and
rder to cure it you rnuat take an in -
el remedy. Hairs Catareh Medieirte
taken internally . and acts through
blood on the mucous surface of the
ern. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
cribed by ono of the best phesielans
his egrl:zter•Yof tor Yag
bi»ed with some of the best blood
'Vers. The perfect Combination of
ingredients in ,Hall'e Catarrh Medi -
is what produeo such wonderful
Its in catarrhal conditions. Send for
ao., prom., Toledo, e,tigi;ta:u
Ira rainile
Pine for constipatiekt,
• e•
The Old. Booftree,
mother England cornea home from
itgtheasoh old, her lion -heart high -
Her PeyilelBsedslot on the future, bIazieg
with those world ministries she litows
Restores Lost Strength, 4° well.
Heine from the wars ale conies to rairse
• peavey hee 114%1166 To bhrrnrg °bwelle-le health and life and for-
e 191WitS Munn
—•••••., Of things toho,And we haw: get our
Every day come new converts to that
great array of Inert and women who re- z"-
joice be neer-found health that came or m
to them through the use of that won- ae,
derful blood -renewing preparation
balled "PERROZONE," Very elm- The
pie how lt actg. All you have to do
Is take two small ehdcolate-coated And t
tablets with a sip of Ivater tie the eIciet A cro
'of each meal.
Perregoee Is marvel. It cm- me
tains juet what thin blood lackseelots
Of $rtee, but mark you, the kind of r°11re
iron your blood is able to absorb. Axel
Perrozotze puts life aad vim Mee the
bleod. &lakes It rich, red and vv"4,,
nourishisig. Naturally the bode Is Aeroe
better fed and groWo stronger day by* SPeek
Beside hers over seas, and thing our
tUtsgegi,c1 watch with here above
ad, tumultuous waters. WO have
tilaiforlere she haa dared, and once
?leo I of Crotravell's Xronsido runs
vnItitoh;tee°0111'itgain our bands together
Wn . dishonored from uliworthY
nngland, Mother Zealand, breathe
nee, More
ehilileerea love! Look out aero
o nd
gtx " eeerr
home -returning ',onions, aydneY
d tit kindling 26 her urthest
itt far Pacifie. Here New York
e with your volee another London,
ur free Spirit and ye:1r moving will.
he were British oricte when Alfred
the daYe Of Shakespeare, Raleigh,
ha are free because our tritish
sicedY hands upon their ship- of
MO -
re one rolling Voles Of joy atel
ivy fere mere our beinter flies
ritti;I:tti>ligritne have tome home
the well to peace and kind.
nae°3common rooftree -Lorne once
Lowie Worthington Smith,
hi 1.4. l'iroes.
Blume Oldtts.
Ity ,peekets,
es et Georgette;
le, Undraped duet.
Offecte of fine pin lecke.
chette buttorts wed! ae trim -
Of &Attlee digestioit onset Sm- yel'60Yw6
Proved, and probably the stomach will
reqtdre aid as well. Perrozone serves -ene
the Intepoee adraltably. Thom who, We w
use it, etijoy appetite and digestive. Kept
potvers far beyond the ordinary. et
That tired teelitig is replaced by the We a
hueetaitt, joyous geneation of health „,•
strim-gth iftereaseS, YOU feel new ener- That
lied Vigor, Day leY dal, as Your —
gy forging through your veins, and ag
ktiete that Et great tonit of groat 116111
emelt Is at work,
No remedy' more nourighing or up- tintl°11;
lifting, leo treatilleht SO sure to bring
lasting health, good SPirite Ora „.
tentreent, learrozone -contains just
what run-down folks need; it Curee Nove
tbbeacuttuiseoulteaarsupspolielen rannorye othneurtrirewe4nyt. selanisho
Sile per box at six for $2.60 at all yeate
dealers, or bY mail frotri The Cittarr- iniCnersso.
hetone Oo., 1,•eineston, Ont.
Next we have the 'motion ef te0d,
Ilug. Generally speaking, the farm
bee is exeoeted to pick up a gooete
portion of her living in be /lows. tu
A word, It la ber job to utilize the
gleauluge of the barveat field, the
scattering uubbine rine loose corn at
Itualtieg time, and all other food of
every description. vetch -otherwise
would be a total lose. The hen per-
orme thie we la suet& a eatIssfactorY
Manner thet the case, of tier raeinteu-
(Ince 'is little or nothing •deting the
summer menthe When triseet life
an YegetatiOn ils abundaeto It in at,
tor Weather condielons beeaVise such
that these sources of food supelY are
ilpheuctittoi ffa,tttehnatitonthteo,ffaeredmlenro.must give
What has been amid in reference to
maltieg ithe farm flock more produe-
tive is of great importance, but un-
less thie is coupled with ft determine -
awl to produce higlz quality producte
Most et the efforts will still prove
Eiatisfactory, Thia will be an age of
quality production, and until the farm-
er is willing to meet ,the issue be cane
pot hope to reeeiVe WV' Statatantiai in.,
crease ill the prices ot, eggs
A, fresh egg IS not ono that has beeti
covered by a broody hen Ifor SeVeral
daye; neither does iteeorne from a
nestle), 02 eggs that have lain under
the cornecrib or out in the weeds for
a week or ten daya, These things take
Place on the farm all too frequently,
The writer spent two years studying
the farm egg problem from everY
a gle, Not all d'armera hendle their
themge tdh
o.io way, but far too many of
We haike beard a great deal about
"swat the rooster" end a more neces-
sary programme was .never suggest -
der the same condition, •the lafertele
or some other room in the house. Un -
food if held for a week In Use pantry
ed. Undaerr000rydindaaralyaegumeamer tempera-
tures a fertile -egg becomes unfit Mr
egg is
It the farmer Is to produce a good
belies; Yheeetualite grtzetnusert ktelie: ep:grse-breadt
least once dally; make it point of eon"
fining an breodY hem SO that they
have no aceess to the nests; kill or
confine the ,male bird as soon as the
hatching season il over; provide a
sufficient number, of clean, vermin -
free nests; use all eggs found in stolen
nests.at home.; store the eggs in a cool
pace, lend deliver them to the buyer
saetasleoar:t once a week during the cool
weather end twice /throughout the hot
No better teat for °Moloney on the
part ot the farmer And centimercial
poultryman could,be devised than diet
e'vhieh has ben Imposed by the stress
of war. During most of this period
ithe prices of feedstuffs, eabor, bulkling
mateleals and other essentials have
been out of all proportion to sales re-
deiPts. The test has brought about
emu fundamental ebanges in poultry
Management, long since recognized,
,which must Make for it bigger, better
and more profitable industry in the
year ahead,
TANDAED BMUS rou nxistairs.
(Charles L. Opperman, ForenerlY State
Poultrymen of ,Marylaled,)
Tee sleeker hen must go, so that
the food ehe eansumee can be con-
served for the maintenance of pro-
ductive hena. The reatiegrel fowl of
unknown breeding must be replaced
by the pUre-bred Of established retie-
tation. Feeding must be etudled as
never before, and by-product feeds
utilized to their fullest extent. Man-
agement must be Unproved wherever
Beset* and Quality producte must be
the objective or all operatione. These
are some of the chargee that must be
brought ebout if farni poultry is to
occupy the position tO welch it is en-
By far the most important lesson
lasought to the attentiou of poultry
growers by the War le the necessity
for vigorous culling of the flock, so
as to meet war -time feed prices. The
ton-producere had to be eliminated.
This has been preeceed from the in-
stitute platform and in, farm journale,
several years with indifferent euee
cosi% Tbe farmer had not reached the
Point where it had become obligatory
for him to heed the warning. Now
he le ready and eager to accept auy
;mune doctrine thateeeill make possible
a decrease In the feed bilis without
lalnairing Drains.
The elimination of the sleeker ,hen
or "non -producer" Is not a difficult
task even for well versed in the prac-
tices of faodern husbandry. Her kind
IS conspicuous by certain external
eharacteristics that are easily reeog-
nized. To begin with, he la an early
Molter. As it rule, she puts on her
new coat of feathers before the hard-
working layer has even thought about
diacarding her old plumage. The hett
,that is half way, or more ,through the
raolt by the first of October, usually
or write Lyman -Knox Oa, Montreal, P.e,
prove to be a mediocre prodUcer.
Those ihat do not molt until later are
the ones that should be retained.
A second noticeable trait about tho
loafer hen is the rich coloring of the
skill and ehanke. On examining the
flock It win be nnted that the early
molten; almost invariably have rich,
yellow legs, and that the hens which
have-not. yet begun to shed their
feathers have pale or almost White
legs. This bolds true in referenee to
the color of the Vent.
It seems that in the manufacture of
ego the hen uses up it certain quan-
tity of body pigment. When produc-
tion is high this depletion ot the pig-
ment reachee the point where the legs
This holds true in. reference to the
color of the vent.
A third indication a low produc-
tion is the time at which laying ie
begun in the pullet year. The prolific
pullet starts production early -that is,
between the first of November and
the middle of December, whereas the
low producer is seldom found du the
nest until January or later.
There are a nuinber of other con-
siderations which might be Mention-
ed in eonnection With the culling pro-
ms.% but they are Of Minor importance
in this paper. The points described
above are of speetal value to the far-
mer, In that they are easily recog-
nized, thus requiring very little tirae
for their application,
The briefeet argument Ghoul& con-
vince Wane that pure-bred feWls
are euperior to Mongrels, NumeroUe
testa hava established the sto remacy
Of standard -bred birds. Granting
that thole experiments are incomplete,
there aid remaene the point of uni-
formity in favor of thoroughbreds.
Thie is a most valuable asset. How
Well it le realized when we coma to
Marketing our produett. A. dozen
egga of the same size, shape and
cola', command considerable Mere
than those of various sizes and hues,
The same Is 'true of broilere, roasters
ilea ell other kinds of poultry. To
uniformity of products we may add
ties a further advantage in favor ot
pure-bretes, the deMand for hatching
eggs and stook ef known aneestry.
' ' ••••••••SOSSileloSS•01•SftwasSomatetimasSNIMI*6•1•111'
Experimental Tests show that I
Fertilizers Increase Wheat Yields I
nxpettnetitat 'rests:
of:sionfriak /fertilizers obtained in
tented° Agricultural Experlineutat
5.2 bua. Pall Wept weasel
8.3 bue. Spring
Average of 5 yenrs' test. i
ludiatia Experimental Station-
• 7.00 but. Wheet gained.
Avetagc of 10 years' test, I
"Exactly what should ueed will I
depeed upon the local cenditiona but
en any tau it should be remembered, I
thal it wilt ¢aY better la use liberal
than Is eirdinary ii*tes,Ifecatne wheat
anomie. of AIM:Jeer an wheat now
prices arc ilk Cly to remain bleb mel
It will not require much inereese In
tbe•yleki to payator liberal fertilize.
tiotle,eerame A. T. WrAncso, Purdue
University, indiamt.
MACI ViStkr Gain on What whtie
prices are high
Write for free iikrature
Soil and Crop
trnprovamant Bureau
of the Canadian Per tilizer Aeteelation
1M tavola Bldg, Tonto
1.1 I dieeleeea *ere eels aelievaie Weenerieeteese
Tell me, will they put flowers on our
boys' graves,
In yonder France;
Who let •their homes and native land
To fight for tb.era in a foreign land,
And gave their lives that they might
In yonder France?
Or, tell me, wilt they soon forget
And give their lives in pleasure Vent,
While still we mourn our boya who
In yonder Franco?
One More Arded
To The Great Army,
Saskatehtwan Man's Kidney Troubie
Developed Into Diabetes -Story of
His Complete Cute,
Strong Pine, Sask,, Jan. 27. -Spec -
1a1) --Sore back, wheels developed Into
diabetes, had made life a burden to
Maxim F. Capusten, a farmer of this
place, Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him,
and he is added to that great army of
Canadians who glory in telling tlaeir
neighbors that Dodd's Kidney Pills
are the one sure remedy for all kidney
"For nearly five years I suffered
from sore back and headache," Mr.
Capusten says, in giving his experi-
ence. I had it bad taate in my mouth
In the mornings, and 1 was always
tired. My muscles Would cramp,
and I Was nervous, and the least ex-
ertion -would make me perspire freely.
At last diabetes developed.
"I finally tame t'o the conclusion
that my kidneysivere the cause of MY
trouble, and deeided to trY Dodd's
kidney Pi11, I got half a dozen
boxes, and before I had finished tak-
ing thetn 11 was eoropletely cured.
"I advise anyone suffering as I did
tO Use Dodd's Kidney Pills,"
All Mr. Capusten's troubles came
from diseased kidneys. They speed-.
ily ceased when he cemmenced to uee
the one euro help for diseesed
nays----Dodd's Kidney Pills.
• • Ir
Ali -Sufficient Reason.
A very porapous army surgeon wee
sent to a recruiting depot in the High-
lands to examine a batch of lade who
had taken the king's Wattling. The ab -
met, overbearing manner of the doetor
so frightened onesifervoua recruit that
he was linable tO answer the firat (Mese
tion as to his name and place tet birth.
"Why don't you answer?" roared
the doctor. 'What's your name, I
Still the panie-stricken lad could on-
ly stare open-mouthed at hit; queatione
or, who exelaimed:
eeelay, I believe the fellow's eltelle
dee!" and, tatting his watch from
his pocket, he held it to the left ear
of the reerult, saying: "Can you hear
that Whine"
The youth shook his head. The
wateh was aPplied to the other ear
with the tame effect, and thee the doe
tor opened the vials of his Indignation
on the head of the Would be goldler,
"What do vitt Mean bef telleting
whett you ere atone deaf? 'Why, you
can't oven hear the tiekIng of a watch
whelk it's held withia an inch' et the
drum of your ear!"
And then the events turned,
"She'a uce gains," said the retruif,
findieg tongue at lest,
And when the doctoe, holding the
Watch to hie owe ear, found that if
tad lurked Mopped, his feellege were
too powerful to be expressed in wortle,
extensive though hie vocabulary erdl-
narllY TIteBite,
$25,00 FOR
QIN VW WRITE 1)Iiii ? 141.4"4".."`"*"
Borne years ago the Dr. Wi
Megicine Co, of Brockville, On
ford geriee of prizes to re.sid
Oetario for tee beet lettere des
cures wrought by the tiee of Dr
Pink Pills for Pale P
Hundreds of lettere were submit
We Competition, ancl yet there
bave been, teeusancis of other uo
ot the opportenity to win a prize
all these another letter writing
through tie° Use of Dr. Williame.
Pine ham never been reported,
Will furniela the materlal for the
tem to be written in this co
There le •no demand Ulm the lin
Aeon; every letter meet deal
facte and faets only.
The Dr. W7"111ElamPRs'12'lleadlicirie C
Brockville, Ont., will award
of e25.00 for the best letter recely
or before the 2081 day of Pebr
tibite190, ufbrioeme t r,e,switeyntio Roercomonnlivanrdi
W111141114' Pink Pills," A prig°
$10,00 will be awareed for the se
hest lettir. received; a prige of
for the third beet letter, and
prizes for 0.00 eaela for the next
ten, lettere.
"Aril: 1 111 teltitraealT: PbeinnriPtritlierumdeettAbue
the letter may be in tIze writer's
case, or one that has come under
Or her personal obeerlattlOn,
ore than me cure May be des
ed in the letter, but every stet,"
must be literally and absolutely,
Every letter muet eigned 1)3
full name and correct address Of
pernon sending it. If It describes
cure, of some person other than
writter of the letter, it raust ale°
signed by the person Whose cur
described AS a ;guarantee ot t
Of the etateraent made.
• ...ie...., ette...t
;be Treu.le ISse4tor r r
in A ere Uwe of tie lielee written, ffA4 eise
-ftee„:""- fes,ecce ott 11.zo oenceptioa of the eta*
esel mem:1110°4, "The Art(11110;18 Travel-
er.'"I'lie eighth veluum of the Mete
ot tee Ohio larellecolottical
t„ of- - aed Iltstoeleal fiefeelY has en era**
enta ot sui.lvet peu or Thee.
ereene Tizere are several vereions
, Wn. or the ,114110" time. egteet, ;fed
eopie. peruke some feeder 01 chi s cplUniu
tee in awe zurther eulighten the inquirer Or
must ite voter as to the birth et the tool -
ere of rely. Tee follosvinie is a digest of et.r.
elY00 Wilsone3
0051- r.e,.,;,eict:114.11fIre ezento
eese,ree, ass a tune but tie eimple delete. This'
,,EArm-einasIe tltenia Wail 'first itiVen 121
wele4e14, Belem. Ohio, for the sommemont
,ev• the gueeta at the
Iciteet' ern, Tim •GehLeti „ViCeee. •aated
for .11.1 musio the chief d•orsuTre
""-' Which Nati 0011eidered't0 be the e'er.
iteuses Trevelere•
0,, et "There ,was no, real' 'argument' in .
ptiee the drama 41 flret,13144f4tedl 'It was
Qou,da rooy: ',,ttaltIsrnepsnftlitt leaTtlte, dvr (11 dbiTileirtlyz)e ellott nnl 0 .4. gikn t4011porckm.ai:i
" 1)r. with the ,equeeter teeing 'ter renteethet'
coel itte".t.tr4tie:dtlrfol,trflaythe'
4th6je9n° Ptc)laY3111z4; tlile'.1)1111ttotillAsine.9141. au- tea!••4° 44nt
beet "Ire IS 'about to'. give up in siespo,lir,
whim the'.',UliansaA•TrWr4lee P,PPeare •
upOn threecene.,..' wi4e the441,4ler
se ez talking to the traveler he kesUs:trYinir
d in to play the -evasive, imunting tupee•-
oWn elnelly, the traveler-telhe hire that he
nu::one play 43 calti).minh 0-tiv.4.....slelt&ht 02
crib- the feel/cr. he, sits -flow and playa
the eicee oveg and evere Tha
scene doses With the- aeuseter'plekleg
"Stre out the tune, eneltbefidetha .
the "TheAlahleee Iletteeele the two- char- t
tee avefee.e, age•Themas remembers It, ode
tee . fOlioevs:
4 Tra,veler-Streuger, do you
e around 1tgreee • . •
ruth Squettet-I.reeetonte oen"e eye *nye
The waiter a each letter must s
weere else- 4Plays:first part of tune
itt Travelc117-11re,ll hoW Ion,g have you
nee- lived terel
Squattere-Ste, that big tree, over
rize, there? wore f hat, wee here- when
des eerie. •
erne Travelei**ell, yen needn't he SO
the Cress ebotlt • I won't steering 110
improperstuestiOne,•Atta ,
Squattoh-t 'Ieeelgon, there's nobade
tate exile e •
the name and clate of the paper
which he or she aaw thla armful
rine writing will not Win the p
unless you alive a good case to
scribe. The strength Of the ree
mendation and- pot the style of
letter will be the basis 'of the 0,Wit
It is understood lbat The Dr W
Hams' Medichie CO. shall hare
ght to publish Any ,fetter ente
In Ms contest', it they desire to do
where it wins a prize or not.
The contest Will close on February
20th, 1919, and the prizewill lus
awarded ae sone as possible there-
after, Do not delay. If you kilo* a
a euro write yeur,letter NOW. Ob-
serve the above conditiOns carefolly
or your letter may.be thrown out.
Addrass all lettere as follows:
The Or, William"' Medicine Co.,
Brookville, Ont.
.'Letter Contest Department,
"Civilization'e Reply," to the toast,
"Der Tag," thAt hes, been on every
German 'officer's UPS these • Mete)!
Years. The poen:. ta„by Henry Chive%
a railway porter of Bath, leng., and
appeared In the early enonthe of the
You boasted the Day, and you toasted
the Day, ,
And now the Doe 4ail come,
i3lasphemer, braggtirt and coward al
Little you rock of the numbing bill
The blasting shell, or the !Whit
As they speed poor humans home. ,
You spied for the Day, yon lied for:
the Das',
And woke the Day's red spleen;
Monster, Who tisked Ciod'e aid .divene,
*Then strewed the seas witn
ghastly mine -
Not all the waters of all the, Ehinf
C y foelehands elean. •
You dreamed for the Day, yon
eicttelmed for the DAY,
Watch how the Day will go;
Slayer of ago and youth and prime,
(Defenceless &alit for never a dente)
Thou art steeped in blood as aeliele
raise friend and coward foe.
You have sow o for the Day, yoithevf
grown for the day,
YoUrd ie the harvest red;
Caa you hear the groans and fie
awful cries
Can you see the heaps of the slats
es ,
And sightless turned to the flame.
split akies
The glassy eyes of thejleadt
have longed for the Day, yet
UV° wronged for the Ihay
lit the awful fiame,
nothing to you that hill and plait
d sheaves of dead men moue ,
eclogtvemournrain;for their -levet 1
-d ones slain,
mothers curse thy name.
Slit after the Day, there't priee ft ,
Per the sleeper under the God,
And lie you have mocked Nr roanj
a de Y-
leleten and hear what He has to sty'
"Vengeance is mine, 1 w111 repay."
What can YOIJ say'to God?
's 4 • *
&mean Woman Statua
In Rorea, weinee occupes,a place t
society which has no parallel else
whet° Itt the Orient. They am boa i 1
better and Woree.Off than in China '01s
India or eaten -better off heetnee
there AM more fields open to them t
ivorse because they are overworked t
often 11I -treated, end until reeentlje
were aetually enslaved. I
Queer thing ab:* shaking slice
They Will ileVer do you a good tilri
till thby let rattled.
here 'crones. .eeeept -amerself, (Plere
fiest.esete) -
TraveleteeWele- holfeeld rour pota-
Se:tette:le-They, ':f111111.1.t. turn out at
an: we flefe','eme ;tin•t • • ckle,76 fir4.
Treveler-Csei 1etay here alinighq
Squatter -Yes, .you -kin stay right.
wheie, you Ate, cb.at :04.thel.045); (Pla*a..
first part.) . • • , •. •
toes turn it tate year?'
Traveler -7-110w far is it to -the ne4
• ,
Squattee.,-I reeleonseit's upward et
state distrelece:e:4Blantatbe .first parte
Travelen-How long will -it,take 1100
20 get get there?
not,get there et nel.
if yOU Strae fooltn' with me.
Traveler:el-Got any eijrIt itt youi
house? • e. •
SquattereeDo You think my,bouse le
haunte(1? .PleutY o1.4eily4evia nt till
graveyardia eteiye firat•part.)
TraVelete-Hdeve tepee ttetee.the forke
of tire read?
Squattea-Ilitehiten't forked sincst
been,ltre. (Plays)
Traveler -,-Where does the road got
Squattor-ellie, hafiftegone anywhere
since rye 'beck here. lust stayed right
heve. :(?lays) '
Teeeelere:Why.dengt yen put a new
roof on,. Your. braise?
Squatter- Decense Its, %Laing,.
(Ploys.) •••
Theveleie--Wbiedeleityi doeit when
it's.net ralnitire =
Squatteheellecauee then it don't leak.
I' Troviqtr-,4,Vhf: doutt you ; plat the
restezeetlee tulle? - laleeehleYer st0Da •
•quickeaSe1la1*altereg4 f . •
ISdtiattcr-Goe,„ -stranger, ilo you
know the rest Of,that tune? Iltve been
down in NOW Oigeariteearal I heard It
, at a theatee, and relaamen at 'work at .
Iit over sinceef ie,t4I•ekieteeleg to get
tit. laet at et it if eme can. Way .
the rest of the tune e yeti •*an etaY Ile
my, cabin the rest of year natural Ilfe.
Git down tiff that dress... ..-Itifotr. don't
1 ,YOu've egtitedetettereer 'in: My bowie
and I'll Keel untblege Acme . of your
lire's blood. Git downeGit down.
Traveler-eYes; I .cen ,phey ite theree
Ile Use et yeur etting-Made III Play •
it as soon as 1' e had:4=e supper. '
,SglitlAter-,!FAY; around,, eleit woman/
and set taw' table.
"The result of it is that the otraliger
get tioff.,--takes,the.setittitithe eel:tatter
sent the prldie-i4audostilOt4AQ plae the :
!get pert -"efetlee, Mae. - •
"The tune that wes :used in thie
eltzelet came to be lettown es ;Phe Ar.
kansas TinveltasoYeeSt, -.I.Ottie Itepub,
Qui.ok Adieu.
.One art-Iiiiinri woe she:wing an
American,. travater Vesuvitie 'in erup-
tion, ane. tulle lexpeetee hint to throw
all klade- of 8n408,444 'Wilds. The •
AmerIcet:' Wasegreatly im-
pressed, but helmeted teiewith perfect
eaee, •
"it Inc been in eruption some time
zow." said the native voice that Wa
itoost reeferential, "'What CIO you •
Dank el
"Ohe &Weal' was the start
leg reloludeleef the treveler. elt isn't
0 mute."
'It isn't so much," responded the AS.
oniri-cd native.- 'DC" Ma/tally mean
any 111417"
"Why, yes," was the itoullitig renier
t the Ameritan, hWeeleave.a, water.
fall ot er , in our teentryethat geuld put
that fire out in Me inintitett."
Plefore Day of Ohronotooter,
Longitude baffled all naelgators hj.
til the ehronometer came into 81$0
1735. The ancfenta and later taiga.tors, ineluding all the great discover-
ers, could- filed their latitude by obser-
vations of the sun* height, but they
-could determise their longitude met
by dead recluettleg," or oniinintins
their ship's,progress,trom, day to flay.
1111s system was uneertain, and Calm-
ed it great many shipwreoks.
"We era make* eiteety every dity,"
said the eatriotic wheel teacher. The
boy at the foot ef the clam squirmed,
e.el trines tMorie htetorY no*
than a ititioer eau learn in * Meth:nee'
he triuttertd.
A Kidney Reim
Kidney trouble* are frequently
tamed by badly digeited food
which overtakes -those oreeneto
oiirzinate tho Irritant fields
formed. Help your *Wattle -It to
preperle digest the fotsd Ly
teeing Iitto 80 deeps of Wreck
b:pf Root/each! at Mother Wail's
CerhilVe4rttp• and your Nano
diordot will ipromptly, ftis.
appear. Got the getutbailo V