HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-12-06, Page 3rrw 1a.' --+
e -Drs Rierco'il 9910011
Viedicell D38ogyOfy,
. .ttuld when ysubei
that it 4.11013 AO Maar
diseases (bona you
think "We too good
to be true. t
Dut it'gl only retie
sortable, As a bloods
cleanser, Best -builder,
and strength -restore r,
nothi;r$.1ike the "Dig+
eovrt i,l known tp medical science. The
easel$e3 that it cures Come front a torpid
liver or trail impure blood. For everything
q! alis nature, it is the only. f/uarcntteed
relatedy, In Dyspepsia, Biliousness; all
/3ronctilal, Throat and Lung ai%otions; ev-
ery form of Scrofula, even Consumption (or
Lung -scrofula) in its earlier stagesand in
trtflsrobeure,aievefails Skinand
or youbave
your money hack.
The worse your Catarrh, the more you
need Dr,, Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Ito
proprietors offer $500 cash for a case of
Catarrh iu the head which they•cannot
ure. -
The.Huron News -Record
1.50 a Year—$1.25 in Advance.
- edneSd1ty, /lee. 6111 1893.
CUSSED— DII(ECTOR note -lees
GODERICH, Nov. 2(th, 1893.
The Wrest Huron Teacher's Associa-
tion met in the Model School pursuant
to call of the executive committee at
10 A. M.
In the absence of the President, In-
spector'1'oul took the chair and opened
the meeting.
Wm. Houston, M. A., director of
Teachers' institutes, being present,
was then introduced, and proceeded
to discuss Mathematics under the fol-
lowing heads : 1, Mental Arithmetic ;
2, Notation and Numeration ; 3, The
four Elementary Rules; 4 Fractions ;
5, Ratio ; 6, Involution and Evolution.
In Mr. I•iouston's introduction of the
subject he dealt wit:t the value of
Arithmetic under three (leads. It's
practical and culture v.i11u' and its
value as an introduction to other or
higher mathematics. (hrlture was
dealt with under three heads :' practice
skill, knowledge, and esthetic. NI'lental
Arithmetic was dealt with in a very
practical and instructive manner. •'
The discussion of this subject was
further continued by Inspector Tom,
H. I. Strang, J. Delgaty. Inspector
Robb, of East Huron, who was present,
also took part in the discussion,
W. H. Johnston gave notice of a
motion in regard to substituting the P.
S. Leaving Exam. for the Entrance.
The association then adjourned to
meet again at 1.30 P. M.
The association met i,t 1.45 P. :tr. Mr.
Latta, president of the association,
having arrived, took the chair.
The minutes of the last session at
Exeter and the forenoon session were
read and adopted.
he following committees were then
- ' inted:--- Resolution—Messrs. W.
Johnston, Jas. Delgaty, Geo. Baird,
Misses Burrows and Mary Blair, Audit
—Messrs. S. J. Boyd and J. A. Dein-
. prey.
Mr. Johnston's resolution with refer-
ence to the P. S. Leaving Examination
was referred to the Resolution ('o 11-
mittee, as was also a resolution by Mr. )
• S. J. Latta then proceeded with the
subject of drawing, illustrating his
remarks by blackboard exercises. This
proved very instructive, as Mr. Latta
showed. himself thoroughly conversant
with the subject.
Mr. Houston then 0 resumed the dis-
cussion of Mathematics, .dealing with
addition and multiplication.
The roll was then'called and showed
chers in attendance.
W. Holman then read a paper
,tnada's Commercial Position in
•the World," giving Ca:nada's resources
of all kinds and tables showing our fur-
. ports, exports, and other particulars
with regard to Canada's wealth and
closed by urging teachers to teach the
children to have confidence in their
sountr y.
R. E. Brown then read a carefully
prepared paper on "Writing in Public
Schools." Movable headlines were re-
commended • to be used—the orna-
mental writing in the Entrance copy
books should be abolished. Messrs. H.
I. Strang B. A., Win. Houston, M. A.,
and others continued the discussion.
The ti me of adjournment (laving
arrived the association adjourned to
meet at 9 o'clock A. M. on Saturday.
In the evening an entertainment was
given in the Collegiate Institute Hall,
consisting of music and a lecture by
Wm. Houston, Esq., M. A., on "Re-
miniscences Of Eminent Canadians."
The usual votes of thanks closed a very
successful entertainment.
GOnERtcrf, Nov. 25th, 1803.
The association met at 9.15 A.. nt., Mr.
Latta in the chair.
W. H. Johnston conducted devo-
tional exercises.
The minutes of the afternoon session
were read and adopted.
The election of officers was then
proceeded with.
Messrs. Gowan and McLaughlin
•were appointed tellers.
The election resulted as follows:
President, J. T. Wren, Hensel' ; Vice
President, Miss Burrows, Sheppardton ;
Sec-Treas., G. W. Holman, Elimville.
Executive Cominittee: T. A. Brown,
Exeter; J. Delgaty, Centralia'; W. H.
Johnston, Hay ; Miss McMath, Gode-
rich ; Miss Watson, Blyth.
Mr. Houston then continued the sub-
ject of Mathematics, dealing with di-
vision and fractions. Much ,profitable
sAliscussion was evoked by Mr. Houston
V.n the treatment of the subject of Math-
ematics throughout the session of the
association, and it is hoped much gond
will result therefrom. •
The time of adjournment having ar-
rived the association adjourned to meet
in afternoon at 1.30.
The association met as per adjourn-
ment. Inspector Tom took up "Time
Tai4es in; 'VP g^i' 0;04 EiebOokt' andslealt
• with the wank for these floodsEsti- yy''.
1fr. Told urged tlhat the teacher should
keep the copy books in hes desk .And
examine frequently. Irridtuy afternoon
entertainments were recommended,
Several teachers discussed the question
The Auditor's report was then pre-
sented and,. on motion of G. Sheppard,
seconded by R. E. frown the report
was adopted, and the janitors ordered
to be paid t"he us47a1 fees.
. The Resolution committee then re-
ported and, on motion of Inpector Tont,
the report was taken up clause by
clause. The report of the committee
as amended was adopted as follows :
I. That the Entrance Examiners be
satisfied with one copy of the orna-
mental work in the copy book, No. 5.
II. That this association view with
alarm the proposition of the Education
Department to substitute the Public
School Leaving Examination for the
Entiance Examination to the High
School, and would recommend that the
Entrance Examination and Public
School Leaving be left as they are at
I1I. In view of the benefits received
by the members (f this association, and
that the funds in the association treas-
ury are rapidly decreasing, therefore,
we, your committee recouuileud that
the annual fees of male members be 50
cents and of female members 25c.
H. 1. Strang, B. A., and Iltspector
Tolls there took up the questions in the
question drawer. Several interesting
and iustIuctive 811S\V1'1S were given.
111i.Straltg then proceeded with his
subject "Infinitives and Participles"
and in the short time at his disposal
gave some very practical and valuable
Hints on this; subject which tree highly
appreciated by the teachers. Being a
master of English, principal Strang is
always at horse when discussing any-
thing pertaining to this as in tither
branches of his work, and his remarks
are always eagerly listened to and
highly valued..
After passing •a vote of thanks to the
trustees of the Goderich Model School.
for the use of their Model school, the
association adjourned to meet at the
call of the Executive.
GEO. W. Hoesttx,
Thousands of lives are saved annually
by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
In thereatment of croup and whoop-
ing cough, the Pectoral has it most
marvelous effect. It alleys Milo/mita-
thin, frees the obstructed air passages,
and controls the desire to cough.
Too late for last week.
A Christmas tree and entertainment
will be held in connection with the
Sunday School here on Friday evening,
22nd Dee. Arrangements are being
made for a first class programme.
Good speakers are expected. Particu-
lars litter.
The things that be—wood-bees.
The annual examination of the public
school here will be held on Friday, the
15th of Dec. commencing at lOo'clock a.
In. Luncheon at noon. A in•ogratntne is
in course of preparation which will be
sandwiched • in with school work. A
cordial invitation is extended to all the
ratepayers and all others interested in
education to attend. Several teachers
are expected to assist in the exauline-
STOIIACII ACiree--\Ve all know what
it i5 ; we acquired a perfect knowledge
of the "Pet' in our youth, after a raid
on things we.were expressly forbidden
to touch. Our mother gave us Perry
Dav is' PAIN -KILLER then, and, strange
to say, no other remedy has Leen dis-
covered to this day to equal it. Old
popular price, 25e. for Big New Bottle.
William Hooper, a brother of the
suspected Port Hope wife murderer, J.
R. I-Iooper, has been arrested at Brant-
ford on a charge of burglary. A num-
ber of articles said to haec been
"sneaked" in Toronto were• found in
his possession.
GENTLEMEN.—Fur a number of years
I suffered from deafness and last winter
I could scarcely hear at all: I applied
J-Iagyard's Yellow Oil and lean hear as
well as anyone now.
Weymouth, N. S.
John George, the Conservative candi-
date in North Bruce, at it recent
political meeting it) \S'iarton stated
that he was the only teetotaller among
the three candidates, as he had not
either bought, sold, or given to others
a drop Of liquor for the past thirty
years, while the other two were tipplers,
and could not consistently represent the
temperance people.
DEAR SIRS. -1 have been using B. -B.
B. for boils and skin diseases, and I find
it very ' ooc
g 1 as a cure. As a dyspepsia
cure L have also found it unequalled.
Montreal, Que.
The J. L. Grand Pork Packing Co.
Ingersoll, broke its record on Thursday
in slaughtering hogs. The record up
to that tone was 1)13 atone killing, but
on that day in ten hours the eighteen
men, who handle that work, killed and
dressed 1,018 hogs and thoroughly
cleansed the slaughter room in the time
THERE is no better, safer or more
pleasant cough remedy made than
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It ('ares
hoarseness, sore throat, coughs, colds,
bronchitis, and all throat and lung
Mr. Christopher Robinson, Q. C., has
declined the ordered of knighthood
offered him for his services to his coun-
try in the Behring seat arbitration. Mr.
Robinson states that it is on account of
purely personal reasons.
GENTLEMEN.—I had a severe cold,
for which I took Dr. Wood's Norwa3
Pine Syrup. I find it an excellent
remedy, giving prompt relief and
pleasant to take.
J. PAYNTER, Huntsviile, Ont.
Onto shiers unify Oen O in$7 the Noes et
the. Some Time owl 11 to 1<#Mt Proof.Cow two hoards '26.inotles long 14 inches
wide, as shown in Fig. 1, the notches to
be 1 by 4 inches. Then Qat two pieces of
wood 2 inches long, 1 inch wide, inch
thick and bore a t inch groove in one
end as shown in Fig. 8. On another
2 6 x /4' q
board 15 by 27, 11 inches from one end
nail a stick across, as in Fig. 2, and
around the ends to fit the grooves in Fig.
2. Tlien cut a piece 6 by 15 inches and
allow it pin to. project from each end. as
in Fig. 4. Bore full of auger holes to
admit light. The pins are to fit iu holes
0000 00
0 0 0 0 0 0
to be bored in Fig. 1. Now cut three
pieces 1 by 4 and 15 inches long. nail
some light lumber on the end of No. 8,
to which the ti:est has been nailed, so
that they will forms a box in which to
snake tiie nest.
To put the nest together nail No. 3 to
Nu. 1. Be sure that they a ill both be
inside the box when completed. Place
the ends of No, 4 in the holes. Cut
more than in ,No. 1 and then nail the
three 1 by 4 pieces in the notches. Nail
boards across the top, leaving one about
8 inches wide not nailed but fastened to
the other by a' pair of email hinges.
This may be raised to inspect the nest.
Put in tl•e nest board and have the pins
rest in the grooves. Nail boards across
the back end. If the front end of the
nest board is too light fasten and weigh
to the under side to keep the end down
when nest contains a setting of eggs.
Drive a staple in the front end of the
nest board, tie a string to it, bring it up
inside the box, place it out over No, 4,
or the door, and fasten to another staple
in the front of the door. By this means
when the nest l oard or treadle goes
down ttie door will rise. No. 5 shows
the nest ready for use and 6 shows it as
it will I e when occupied. But one hen
can occupy the nest at the some time
and it is rat proof.—Farm and home.
P'aI1 Feeding of Voting Stock.
Young farm stock, whether intended
for 0.0 slaughter or to be retained upon
the farts, should be kept growing con-
tinually until netnly, if net fully, the
average size is attained. Keep the ani-
mals in good pasture during the summer
and during the usual droughts of early
autumn. it an extra growth of corn
fodder to be used as a Baily feed is not
attainable. then a feed of grant should be
given at least once a day. During the
cold. stormy days that prevail before
filially go into winter quartets, the grain
feed should be maintained, and when
brought to the yard warm, comfortable
shelter be provided. De not practice
the foolish policy of attempting to see
how cheaply one can winter stock, that
there may be more grain and hay to sell
in the spring. On the contrary, give
them the best of folder, if there be a
choice. This need not necessarily be
dealt out in large quantities, but in
amounts that will be eaten up cleanly
previous to the next feeding. A quart
of ground feed fed daily to a calf or
colt, or a shall handful to each Iamb,
will -greatly stimulate growth and prove
a good financial investment for the
stock -raiser.
Halter for Is Pulling horse. •
An excellent halter for a pulling horse
is one made as shown in the accompany-
ing cut. It is similar to the common
halter, except .that the chin strap is
double and the ring by which ,the horse
is fastened attaches to orjy one of the
pieces, forming a npose which tightens
upon the horse's jaw whenever: he
pulls. When the puller finds 11e ac-
complishes nothing except his own dis-
comfiture, he is usually willing to give
up the effort. The entire•halter must be
strong, so he will never succeed in
breaking it. A colt should never be tied
with anything weaker than a half inch
manilla rope, that he may never learn
his power.—Farm and Home.
The Cow Is Hing.
The cow is the king of beasts. The
American eagle flies high, especially on
July 4, but who ever heard of his giving
milk to raise anything beside his own
offspring? The cow cannot fly as high as
the American eagle, but the work she
does is 40 per cent. the best. She raises
the little ones. Notice the children in a
family where only a pint of milk a day
is bought. What a difference! It
shows the good work the cow is doing
for the rising generation. Therefore,
give the people free and unlimited coin•
age of cows. --Puyallup Commerce.
as LAN
Beaver Mills Woollen Store,
Clinton Ont.,
11.r •.i„e./.•e0S 1•14.1p,'....4V. `.A,:wn..I,h>,:; 1•.,,,A4d
Perseverance in using it will give relief, even4,
in cases of long standing. whore a cure seemed
impossible and Zile seemed hardly worth living -
Per Bottle,25c,50c,or$L00
Energetic men can find steady employment with
Its a8 salesmen. 1 xoerien"e not oeeessnrr. (land•
some uuttlt am: the benefit of nv„r 25 years experience
)urnishedevery man. Choior special lines andouuttol
of torrito,y. \Vu have over seven hundred acres of
choice stock and can give you many advantages. Our
mode of secnrin0 and retaining s II getout) is uuperinr.
Call for our terms. The trial will coot you nothing.
771-6m 1 oronto,Ont
Salesmen to .obeli for a choler; lino of nursery stock.
'', m Iets outfit free and good puy from rho start.
Previous experience not uc•ceos,rv. write et once and
secure territory, T11E HAWKS NURSERY c0.
Rochester, N•
1NCA 1:DIN E - - ONT.
Orders left at this offiice promptly at -
Attended to
John 1unMnflarrt,
Canadian Express Agent,
Fresh 11ad,iiesand Bloaters. Oysters
constantly on hand. Also some
Canadian Cranberries, cheap. ;
Comfortabio dwelling with six room,, nu Orange
street, Clinton. 0a,dou in g,.url condition. Herd
and soft water. For rent or sale on reasonable
18,700. Apply to
770-11 JAMES COOK, Clinton.
flew Pftatograpll Ca1lery,
J. W. COOK, the leading photographer, will
for 60 days give a
for $2.00 ant other sizes in proportion.
TINTYPES taken, Pictures taken on
cloudy slays equally as well as nn sunny days
by the new process. Superior work.
J. W. COOK, Practical Photographer
near Cantelon Bros. Grocery. .
Albert St • Clinton.
There being some mi@understanding with re•
gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood
that if any person tastes possession of any kind
of wreckage and fails to report to oto I shall at
once take proceedings. Remember 11118 la till,
last warning I shall give, CAM!, WM. BABB.
Receiver of Wrecks, Galeria.Goderich, Sept. 7th 1801.
The McKillop ' Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
Farm and Isolated Town Proper
ty only Insured.
Thos. E. Rays, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W.
J. Shannon, Secy•Treas., Seaforth 0, 0. ; John
Hannah, Manager, Seaforth 1'. 0,
Jae. Broar,foot, Seaton!) ; Donald Rose, Clio
ton • Gabriel EllIOtt, Clinton ; George Watt
Harfock • Joseph Evans,. Beechwood ; J. Shan
non; WVplton ; Thos. Gerhart, Clinton.
T,me. Nations, Iiarlock; Robt. McMillan, Sen.
forth ; 8. Carnochant Seaforth. John O'Sullivan
and Geo. Murdie, Auditors,
Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans
act other business will be promptly attend•
et to on a +pttcation to any r.f the above officers
addressed to their respective post offices.
Te`, OR the removal of
wcrtns of all kinds
from children or adults,
1250 Da BMITH'8
LOZh?NOE8. Always
,,,•0, t r• •.,I.„ 1•.11:, and plcaoont, requiring no
• oil, •in ;. Nevar failing. Leave no bad after
.'1100, 2u cents per Lox
Published at Clinton, Ont., is an old -established and reliable Local News-
paper, now in its fifteenth year. It is a large, 8-pape, 48 -column publication,
with an average of OVER Tura'rY COLUMNS every week of well printed and
interesting reading matter-
3Purely Home
Jiunnted full of local news Trona •111 quarters of the County. The regular
subscription price is $1.50 a year—$1.`25 in advance. THE NEWS -RECORD is as
well worth $1.50 a year as one.dollar hill is worth another. �\
t112AGENTS WANTED to Secure Clubs of 10 or Over.
—o --
Our First Sacrifice in 15 Years.
25e. For 'T'hree Months.
AGENTS WANTED to Secure Clubs of 15 or Over.
Read an ordinary Sanlpie Copy and you will be sure to order THE NEWS-•
RECORD now for three months ora year.
25c. for Three Months—$1 for 15 Months.
'►AGENTS WANTED to Secure Clubs of 20 or Over.
If yon desire to be thoroughly posted on local arid- current Canadian and Hmne
events during the nextl5 months, i•cacl TIIE NEws-REcon.n, Order NOW and
get your receipt, or address
A. M. TODD, Editor and Owner.
(`AGENTS WANTED to Secure Clubs of 25 or Over.
More Snaps T.
Do You Read ?
For the low sum of $1.75 (One Dollar and
Seventy -Five Cents) we will furnish
and any of the following papers to January,
1895 :
THE EMPIRE, Toronto.
THE GLOBE, Toronto,
THE MAIL, Toronto.
THE STAR, Montreal.
THE LAMES' JUUIINAL and Ni ws-Reconn
will cost you only $1.25 for a year—regular
price $2.25. Address all orders to
THE NEWS -RECORD Clinton, Ont.
A Liberal Offerl
—0 --.—
We are aow offering
of Toronto, a large 36 page monthly
Illustrated (Fashion Rome Paper
particularly interesting to ladies, with
FOR ONLY $1.25.
The two publications will bo given for one
year, and will be sent to any address. This
oiler applies to those who renew for THE
NEWS -RECORD another year before January,
1894, as well as to new subscribers. The
• regular subscription price of the LADIES'
JOURNAL is One Dollar per year. The
JOURNAL and Tim N,ovs•Reconn will
cost you A$1.15 if you subscribe new.
Clinton, Ont.
A Great Offer !
We aro in is position to otter THE Ramp Nrowe•RE•
CORD to Jan., 1195, and the Fa:au.Y Iloaain AND
WEEKLY BTAii, of Montreal, for ono year for 81 .76, to
new subscribers. This offer entitles the subscriber
to a choice of the two groat premiums given by the
publtshers of tbo FAMILY HERALD. Those premiums
are the "STAR" ALMANAO for 1894, a superb book of
450 pages, or it preferred a copy of the great FAMILY
HERALD SOUVENIR PICTURE Wbieil retails at twenty
dollars. Tbo prominms—Almanao and Pictnre— will
be ready about the end of November, and will bo for•
war.led in the order in whirl's the subscriptions aro
received. Snbsortptions to both papers may begin at
once. Remember the offer of a choice of premiums
holds good only to people who .ubsoribe during the
autumn. Afterwards the choice will positivolybe
withdrawn. Addroee all orders to
THE NEWS -RECORD, Clinton, Ont
Farms for Sale.
Lots 20 and 80, eon. 8, Mullett, 200 mires. (tot 20,
con. 4, Stanley, 100 acres. Both desirably, sitnnteri
Bud will be mold on elsy torus. 1,pplY 10
(I• D. MdrtOOART,Oiinton. 767.11
iinlncl:0 ,1•1 71•0 c ',1•^•r•0 .1 , ,,0 r,i r oe
Iluweli, Kidneys and Live-. r,•eying
n'l gradu.il1) s,itlnnn tvr,rtoe i'.g Ih '111, n:,
.t'1 the iminr(li00 an I fOri Lu , . , f rhe
.,ec•• eisi O ; at the 0tnue 7:1110 Cerref taT.g
Acid.ty of tih3 St)mach, 1ur.n Dila•
)715111e8-, L)yspopsot. _0L -
!inns, Heartburn. Cor, sti.pat;c i.
Dryness of the Skin. Drops r. D. m•
dessofVis:on.Jaundice Snit Phi. um,
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of
the Heart, Nervousness a d Gereral
Debility; 111 rh,.on and many „thcr sine.
;or (;no)nl:linte wi,•1.1 In the tree, inl'ueeee
la:n_ 1s Bottles 10c ; Ilegnlar sine C1.
For sale by all dealers.
1'. M1LJU1tII ,t 41)., t'roprletorn. T broad