The Huron News-Record, 1893-12-06, Page 2. Fa r►' Oonoctipation Aye$ P 115 For , Oyspeps'r.. Ayer' s. Pills Wousness Ayer's PIM' ,.rick Headache Ayer's ,Pilf or Liver Complaint Ayer's Pill�G C'or Jaundice ..Ayer's 117113I3 For Lass of Appeti'tc' • Ayer's F>21443 For Rheumatism Ayer's Polis For Colds Ayer's PWs Tor Fevers Ayers Pelts Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass Sold by ill Druggists. ,livery Dose Effective rhe. Huron News -Record 81.60 a Ye -$1.25 in Advance Wednesday. Dec. 6t11 I893. THE IHR ON NEWS -RECORD. A dive Local and Family Weekly Journal, 1. Issiled Wednesday Mornings. OFFICE. -Brink Block, Albert Street, North, Clinton, Ont. TERMS. -81.50 a year, $1.25 in advance. No paper discontinued, except at option of publisher, until all arrearages are settled. The month and year to which all subscriptions are peld will be found on the address label. / TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. -Ten cents a line (non• parte' measure) fer first insertion and three cents a line for each subsequent Insertion. CONTRACT ADVERTISING.-SpeCial position 10 to 25 per cent above regular rates. The table below gives contract rates for run of paper for definite periods: SPACE. 1 1 1'R. 1 ld MO. 1 3 Mo. 11 no One column.......,1I560 00 835 00 Half•column 35 00 20 00 quarter column ffff 20 00 12 00 One eighth column12 00 7 00 One loch I 0 00 3 50 $20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 2 00 87 (10 4 50 2 75 2 00 1 00 Servants wanted, for sale, lost or found, ad ertise menta, not exceeding three lines, 25 cente each in- eertion ; not exceeding seven lines, 60 cents for first insertion and 25 cents for each following insertion, Farms, hooses or town property, for sale or to rent, stray stock or similar advertisements not exeeedin" fight lines, 81 for firsts month and 60 cents for eacll following month. -Local notices loe a line for each insertion. Advertisements without definite instructions in- variably inserted until forbid and charged accord. ingly. Transient advertisements in all cases to be ,.paid in advance. All contract changes must be received at the office not later than SATURDAY NOON every week. A.M. TODD, Publisher. ss. Itch on human and horses and all anlmalo cured i 30 minutes by Woolford'e Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Watts & Co., Druggists. The title Reverend, once used only with reference to the Pope, is now generally applied to clergymen of any denomination. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soften callonsed Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splinte, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen. Throat, Cnnghs. etc. Save 550 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by Watts & Co.,Druggiets. -• Tis' said that celery will relieve and prevent, if not cure,. rheumatism. Rheumatics has always been supposed to be a sort of damp cellary disease, anyway. RHEUMATISM CURED INA DAY. -S010.11 American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. olte action upon the system is remarkable and ruystorioui. It removes at once the cane° and the disease immediately 'lie appears. The firet does greatly benefits. 75 cents' Sold by Watts & Co., Duggiset. Diamond setting for the teeth is the latest fad in dentistry. If it becomes popular it will help a great runny people to become brilliant conversationalists. RELIEF he Srx novas. -Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseaeos relieved in si hours by the New GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY Cram" This new remedy ie a great snrprieo and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain tattle bladder, kidney el back and every part of the urinary paseages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in puaoing it almost im- mediately. If yon want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., D5uggtets. John Avery, a respected -resident of Ingersoll, committed suicide by taking Paris green Saturday evening. The deceased was a painter by trade. A short time ago three of his grand- children died, and it is thought this and poor health induced him to commit the act. He leaves a widow and grown up family.. Children who are puny, pale, weak, or scrofulous, ought to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.' That builds up both their flesh and their strength. For ;,his and for purifying the blood, there's nothing in all medicine that can equal the "Discovery. In recovering from "Grippe," or in convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other Wasting diseases, it speedily and surely invigorates and builds up the whole system. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it sets at work all the processes of digestion and nutrition, rouses every organ into natural action, and brings back health and strength. For all diseases caused by a torpid liver or impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Scrofulous, Skin and Scalp Diseases-evedConsumption (or Lung - scrofula) in .its `'earlier stages - the "Discovery" is the only guaranteed rem- edy. If it doesn't benefit of cure, in every case, you have your money back. THE DACE TO TEE POLE. THE WC ilk OF NORTHERN EXPI.OR- PES SHOWN AT A GLANCE. Q01)41011+0i UMW" centuries -.4 Culsrparl sure oC 1110 HLohtororlOouts of Modern LrxPeeilttons-Lieutenra$ 1Perr:'s Goo,' work, Dr. Nausea and Lieutenant Peary', expeditions to the polar regions, have served to direct public attention one. more to the fascinating subject of Are do explorattons. The accompanyiug din grant shows the relative positions help by the principal competitors to that racy to the North Pule, which has been goin> on for centuries. Sir Edward Belcher. in 1852.53, rescued McClure and hi crew, about 60 miles west of Barron Straight, and .enabled him to make till northwest passage. Commander D. Long, who commanded the Jeanette ex- pedition sent out by the New York Her ald in 1879, to make its way north by Bering Strait, met with disaster. Tie vessel was crushed in the ice, and Dr Long and many of his 'len afterward perished. SOME OF THE EARLIIER EXPEDITIONS. Fairly in the seventeenth century Baf- fin discovered tite great northern outlet to the bay whic14. bears his name. II: 1878, a Dutch expedition, under Lieuten. nut Koolemans Beynen, was the first of a series despatched annually from Hol land, with excellent scientific results. An expedition was commanded in 1818 by Captain David Buchan and Lieuten-• ant John Franklin in the Dorothea, and Tign,t. Both vessels were injured by the o and had to return to England. Captain Phipps, afterward Lord Mul• grave, sailed to Spitzbergen, and was de• tttiued there by the pack ice for near, a month before he was able to push fur - tiler north and reach 80 degrees, 43 mine utes. A German expedition, despatched in 1868, just failed to get as far north us Captain .Scoresby, most intrepid of whit'. ing captains, did in 1806. In 1868 a Swedish steamer, the Sophia, reached a latitude of 81 degrees, 42 minutes, in the month of September. DEFINED GREENLAND'S LIMITS. Last year Lieutenant Peary, with the assistance of the Philadelphia Academy of Science, organized an expedition. which, by the discovery of Independence Bay, at a latitude of 81 degrees, 37 2 m G tm at4 o_ -------NORTH POLE 89.. /00 82 Oir 80......, 79 78 T .1 77------- 76 7-•--- 76 75 ---- 300 4-00 500. 600 700 Roo POO /000 Greeley, 84d. 1882. Lockwood, 83d. 21m, 1883. Markham, 83d. 26m. 1876. Austrian Expd. 83d. 1872, Parry, 82d, 43m. 1527. Nates, 82d, 27nr. 1876, Austrian Expedition, 82d. 5x1. 1874. Hudson, 824, 1607. Hall, 84d. 1871. Swedish Expedition, 81d. 42m. 1868. Peary, blot. 37.n. 1692. Scoresby, 81d. 37m. 1806. German Expedition, 81d. 5m. 1868. Phipps, 80d. 43m, 1733. Buchan and Franklin, Bbd. 32m. 1818. - Dutch Expedition, 78d. 2010. 1878. Baffin, 78d. 1616, De Long, 77d. 31m. 1831. Belcher, 77d. 1852-53. THE RACE TO TIIE NORTLI POLE. minutes. practically defined the north- eastern limit of Greenland. Hudson's achievement in reaching 81 degrees, 30 minutes, near Spitzbergen, in 1007, nuts repeated 21 years a;;o by Captain hall, the American explorer, who died 'luring his voyage. An Austro-Hungarian ex- pedition under Lieutenants Weyprecht and Payer, sailed from Nerttay in 1872, and in 1874 1'a.\ er discovered a 1:u'ge inland about 200 utiles north of Nova Zentbla. CAPTAIN MARKMAN'S FEAT., In 1876 Captain Nares reached 82 de- grees, 27 minutes, thus falling something short of Lieutenant Parry's achievement nearly half a century before ; but Cap- tain A. 1i. Markham, who was a.member of Captain Nares' expedition, succeeded by means of sledges in attaining a lati- tude of 83 degrees, 20 minutes. Lieuten- ant Loch wood, who was one of Lieutenant Greely's party, bent Markham by a few miles, reaching 83 degrees, 24 minutes on the coast of Greenland. To Lieuten- ant Greely, who for the present ell ses our list, and who n ith only five surviv- ing companions, was rescued at Cape Sabine by Commander Schley in 1884, belongs the glory of having come nearer to the North Pule than any previous navigator in the northern seas. Railway Employes. The total number' of employee in the service of the United States railways on June 80. 1892, was 821,415. being an in- crease of 87,180 over the previous year. Assuming all increase in the total num- ber of inhabitants during the year of 1,250,000, it appears that the ratio of in- crease in railway employes to the in• crease in population was 1 to 84. The ratio of total railway employes to total number of inhabitants was 1 to 79. The railway industry makes each year larger demands upon the labor of the people. CLINTON SASH, IJQQR AND BLIND FACTORY, S. 8, COOPER, - PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor. This factory has been under the peraonal supervision and one owner for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimator for and build all classes of buildings on short noticeand 014 the closest prices. AU work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interiof and exterior material, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime., Sash, -Boors, Blinds, &o Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your ordersanommenneminmemeenmeink. -.. MONEY FORYOU Iffaken in time it will cure most severe case* of Coggh, Bronchitis, Asthma. orchronic irritation of Throat or Lungs. TN US ahaav doctarkbill, YOU SAVE muchdiscomfort. Town Properly for Sale. Lots 656 and 657, Gordan Street, and part let 14, Victoria Street. Toxin of Clinton. 'Will be sold cheap Apply to G. D. MCTAGGART, Clintt n. 707-tf For Sale or to Rent. 1 } Story Cottage on Altert St. Apply to 751-tf. MItS. THOS.000PER. CITY BAKERY. OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned having bright tut the bakery business so sureessfn)ly carried aro by Sir. Henry Morrish, will continue the business at the old stand Ile will indeavor. by supplying a first class article, to merit the liberal support of the people. 'Bread de livered anywhere in toren. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sp'"ae Cakes, sum lied on short nodal). JAMES YOUNG, - Clinton; House for Sale or Rent. That eon,torinhle house on Princess street, recently occupied by Mr. Geo, Blatchford, containing five bedrooms, bathroom, parlor, dialing room, sewing; room, kitchen and 5(0110 cellar ; hard and soft water quarter acre ground and bearing fruit trees. Will be rented or sold on reasonable terms. For particulars apply to ROBERT n•ELSII, Clinton, or D. 11. 5hl,2 ZIES, proprietor, Ooderich P. 0. 784-4t. Teacher Wanted. Malel teacher wonted in 5. S. No. 6 (Porters' Hill) school, Gederic) township, during 1854. Must hold a second class professional certificate. Applications with testimonials, and stating salary expected, will be reeeived by the undersigned up 10 Saturday, Nov. 18. eras,...**4 !JOHN TORIRANCE, Seey 780 It rt, _ j `' ,k... frit..,. Porters' Hill P. 0 Cantelon Bros., GENERAL GROCERS & PRGVL3. ION MERCIIANTS. Grocker,,. Glass i Chinaware, ALBERT T., l LINT 011, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs - 752 -1y ' SUBSCRIBE FOR Canada's BestFamily Paper THE HAMILTON. Weekly - - Spastatar all ISM ENLARGED and IMPROVED. Contains A11 the News, Massy Special Peatieres, _ Crisp told Pointed Comments Tho Most Intcrtnhling Stories, The Choicest Literary Matter, Everything for Everybody 1 TO iw'1' 'JANUARY 1$ This great paper from nnw till 1st January, 1895- 12 pages reading matter weekly -and our great pea• 111111M picturo, "WATCHING THF. WHEELS 00 ROUND" for only $1.00 • AGENTS WANTED Liberal commission to agents. A good agent for this district 1s wanted at once -ane who will take on interest in pushing the paper and will make a thorough canvass of his district. For terms end particulars address SPECTATOR PRINTING CO. HAMILTON. CANADA. CORPORATION NOTICE. Re PLEBISCITE VOTE. NOTICE le hereby given that the clerk of the Municipality of the Townehip of Stanley will attend at the TOWN HALL, VARNA, on the second Monday In December, A. D. 1898, at tho hour of 12 o'clock, noon, for the appointment of persons to attend at the various polling places in taking the vote on the Plebiscite and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk en behalf of the persona advocating the aalrmative and negative of mild (portion rupee. tively. 0, J. STEWART, Townehip Clerk. railra HANDSOME FEATURES. Sometimes unsightly blotches, pimp- les or sallow opaque skin, destroys the attractivesness of handsome features. In all such eases Scott's Emulsion will build up the system and impart fresh- ness and beauty. • 1894. Harper's Magazine, ILLUSTRATED. Merman's MAaAztee for 1894 will maintain the character that has made it the favotite illustrated per- iodleal for the home. Among the rewrite of euter- plWed undertaken by the publishers, there will appear dialog the year superbly illustrated papers on India by EDWIN LORD WEEKS, CU the Japanese Seasons by ALFRED PAID ONe, on Germany by POULTNEY 1310 1:• LoW, 011 Paris by lttcnoRD HAULING DAVIS, and on Mexico b, FREDERIO REMINGTON, Among the other notable features of the year sill be novels by GEORGE Du A'lAUR/ERarld CHARLES DVI/LEY WARNER, the personal reminiscences of W. D. How- ELLs.andeight shun atoned of Wrstern front;erlife by OWEN WHITER, Short stories will also be contri. buted by BRANDER MATTHEWS, RICHARD }LARDING DAVIS, 'FRY 1';. WILKINS, IluTH MCENERY STUART, MISS LAURENCE ALMA '2ADEMA, GEORGE A HrnRARD, QUESNAY DE DEAUltE1 AIRS, THOMAS NELSAN PAGE, and others. Artirhs on topica of current interest will 6e contributed by distinguished epouialiets. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, Per Year 1 HAIRPER'S MAGAZINE.... .. S1 00 f4AltPEil'S Wl6l7XLY . 4 00 HARPEIt'S BAZAR..,...... 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 OJ Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and -Mexico. Tho Volume• of the MAGAZINE begin nit]] the Num- bers for June and December of each year. When no tirne is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time'( receipt of order. Bound Volumes n( HARPER'S MAGA ZINE for three years bunk, in neat cloth bindirg, will hermit by mall, post- paid. on receipt of 88 00 par volume. Cloth Casos, for binding, 50 Bents each -by mail, post-paid. Remittnnref. should be made by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid eLnnce of loss. Newspapers are not 'to copy this advertisement witlmr(f the express order of HARPER Sc BROTHERS. Address: nartrER, & BROTHERS, NEW Tonic. 1894. Harper's Bazar, ILLUSTRATED. HAnrER'SBAZAr 18 a journal for the home. It gives the fullest and latest infortnatirn about Fashions; and its numerous illustrations. Paris designs, and pal tern•eheet snpplernente are indispensable alike to the home drees•maker and the professional nwdiete. No expense ie spared to make its artistic attractive- nresof the highest order. Its bright etnries.'amue. Mg Comedies, and t11011gh00 OMITS satisfy al tastes, and rte last page is famous as a bndget of wit and humor. In Hs weekly isenes everything is included whieh is of interest to '801058. Tho Serials for 1894 will be. written by WILLIAM BLACIc and WALTER BNSANT. Fhort stories Will be written by Maur E. WILKINS, MARIA LOUISA POO'., RUTH Mel:1,1 1, STEEWART, MARION HARLAND, and others. Ont -door Sports and In dnnr Gaines. Social Entertainment, and other Embroidery, interesting topics will receive constant attention. A new series is promised of 'Cof lee 504 Repartee." HARPER'S PERIODICALS, Per Year. HARPER'S MAGAZINEc-10(1 HARPER'S WEEKLY 400 HARPER'S BAZAR HARPERS YOUNG l'EOPLE lou Postage h'Ile to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 'The Volumes of the Il.tzAa begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the number current at the time of receipt of order. Bnund Volumes of ITAvren's BAZAR for three yours back, in nest cloth binding. will ho :met by mail, post. age paid or by express, free of expense (provided the 1,10g does not exceed one dollar Icy volume), for 07 00 p:r v;lurue, Cloth Cases for each volume. suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 0100 each. Remittances should be mode by Poet-ofllce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. Newspapers are not to copy this adecrtisenten( with- out the express order of HALPER dr Bison: Elis, Address : HARPER & BROTHEI:S, NEW Yens. 1894. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. HAnran's WEEKLY is beyond all gnostical the lead- ing journal in America, in Its splendid illustrations, in its corps of distinguished contributors; and in its vast army of readers. In special lines, it draws on the highest order of talent, the men best fitted by position and training to treat the leading topics of tbo day. In 'fiction, the most popular story -writers con- tribute t.0 its columns. bilged) drawings by the fc,re- ntovt artists illustrate its special articles, its stories, and every notable event of public Interest ; it contains portraits of the distinguished men and women who are making tbo history of the time, while special atten- tion is given to the Army and Navy, Amateur Sport, and Music and the Drama, by distinguished experts. In a word, IIARrnn's WEEKLY combines the news foatnr, s of the daily paper and the artistic and literary qualities of the magazine with the solid critical character of the review. HARPER'S PERIODICAL. Per Year HARPER'S MAGAZINE 84 00 IIARPRIR'S WEEKLY HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United Status' Canada, and Mexico. The Volumne of the WxwteLv begin with the first Nnmber tor January of each year. When no timo is mentioned, eubecripttons will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumne of Ha nrnn's \V nens for throe years book, in neat cloth binding, w111 bo Bent by mail, poe:- age void, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight dopa not exceed ono dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Caeca for each volume, imitable for binding, will be sent by maid, post-paid, on receipt of 81 00 each. Bumittancee should bo maple by Post-olfloo Money Order or Draft, to avoid ehanco of loss. Newspapers are not to coy this advertisement without the express order of HAnPen & Baarnenm, Address : HARPER & BROTHERS, Naw Yonn. MEI, Stray Steer. Came to premises of the undersigned, Bayfield Line, no or about the beginning of October, a two-year-old STEER ; white belly, white tall, and white between horns. The owner is requel ted tr call at my reel - deuce on the 14th onneep,ion,0oderich Township, and prove property, pay expenses and take the animal away. WM. ELLIOTT, Olinton P. 0. lh non., Godcrich Township, Nov. 8, 180'. 7884e DIPHTHEWILL ouicati.v. au FIK RIA QUINSY, COLDS AND Col' IIS. NEW IIAKERY. • --0 WILSON &"HOWE have bought the good -will and interest in the bakery recently carried on by Mr. R. McLennan, in addition to the Restaurant' carried out by Mr. James Anderson, and have amalgamated the two bt,A,inessea The combination will be carried on in THE OLD STAND IN SEARLE'S BLOCK, and will hereafter he known as THE NOVELTY BAKERY AND RES TAURANT. Mr. McLenntei, Will he our baker. Bread of superior quality will be delivered as usual, and Bread, Cakes, &c., constantly kept on band and sold only at the Novelty Store. We solicit the patronage of all old customers and ma y new ones. Wilson c/' Howe Clinton. LARDINE MACHINE OIL The Champion Gold Medal Oil which cannot be Excelled. ICS LL'S CYLINDER OIL HAS NO QUAL MANUFACTURED BY McColl Bros. & Co., - Toronto. Ask your dealer ' for "Lardine" and beware of Imitations. FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY 1 Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . . If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have LIVER COMPLAINT, If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- DERS OF THE STOMACH, . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULE TAKE RIPANS TABULES Ripens Tabules Regulate the System and Pre$erve the Health. EASY TO TAKE_,... QUICI( TO ACT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. t, I 0 t CiII V ES 8--1, j �± t t { 2F;LIl~F. • 4444044* Sold by Druggists Everywhere. 0000000000000000000000000000000000 Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the best work- manship and material. 1 "All the latest styles and most modern improv ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly atterded- tu. Prices to suit the times. /1)55 -FACTORY -corner Huron and Orange Streets, Cli.iton. 657-y ��p➢ Tfloh1HflN G ES 0 \o in -vestment that you can make for your home will pay you such large returns in C OI - FORT ECONOMY and ever increasing satisfaction as a "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE. There is 1, to other "just as good" or "just the same," and the Genuine is sold only by HARLAND BROS., Clinton. In Base Burner with or without oven, the Radiant Home leads. Harland Bros New Store, Mackay Beloclr, .� Old Stand, Brick Block. New Goods for the Xmas Trader Just arrived and in Stock. RAISENS, VALENCIA, Fine Seleotod, off Stalk and Layers. SULTANAS EXTRA DESSERT, CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS in Brie. and half Bola. FINEST VOSTIZZAS in CASES. LEMONS, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES, PRUNES. NEW PEELS, ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON. FRESH GROUND SPICES of all kinds, also full lines of CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE, TEA SETTS, DINNER SETTS, TOILET SETTS. Cash for Butter and Eggs. ---- N ROBSON. - Albert Str Clinton-