HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-01-02, Page 5Thuradav, Jan. 21d. 1919 ,_ • )44 wish awl .ratrons and gpiends :07-6/3py and prosperous 1919. *Mks Canada Food Board License No 8-s.13535. • sievastiseesseeissiessaissiosemeseesoisesessiamaiseeiseeekeeesiestereiessreeseum""7"seissesmess""i=="I' Kt Salem ' .1 Mr. George Westlake has secured the 40 Xmas - Azisitors: Mr. and Mrs, Albert I • The -three Westlake brothers,- Ptes. mail•haulingfor Rural Route No, L His' Oallsher with Mr, and Mrs Geo. Bub Fied, Frank and Robet, arrived rt, home duties commenced. en Jan. 1St, 191% We bard near Lakelet. Dr. Wilfrid Weir of ' from overseas last week where they have are sure he will do his best to satisfy the Toronto with hie mother, Mrs. Wm. Weir, I done their bit for King and country. They i public and we wish him every success' inMr. Mr. and Mrs Robert mond:mei with i all look well having recovered from the his new achievement. friends at Fordwich Mr. and Mrs. NXTro • wounds they received, One brother, L,- McKersie of Gorrie, with Mr. and Mrs, lc. W J. Westlake is "til overseas. -... 187e IAM. OFHAMELTON Record of progress for five years taken from Govern- ment Statement as of October 31m, Deposits Loans Total Assets 1913 $35,664,000 329 $90,000 $46,174,000 1914 33 7sto 000 31-284Q00 44,832,000 1915 36,124,000 3L265,000 45-937.000 1916 45,830,000 34.960.000 57,266;000 1917 55,758,000 34.111;000 68,594,000' 1,918 60,614 000 46.114,000 75.554,000 J. P. BELL General Manager, •WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. Smith The church and school north of here have been closed again, owing to the fresh outbreak of the "flu," We hope all the patients will soon. recover. .00,00.0.441,01ersaormei.m.a.E0som Belgrave Mr and Mrs, James J. Spence of Cass. City, Mich , are visiting at the -home of 1 Mr. Samuel Morton, Belgrave. Mr, Chas. Wightman, 8th fine, was elec- ted tractee in place'of the retiring member. Mr John S Scott, I The sixth line school, No. 18, should be - j come quite musical now the ratepayers have decidid to instal a piano. The Westfield- threshing machine Syndi. cote had a very successful season, paying* • 16 per cent. on shares of $50, Mr, John McDowell, Jr., had the large amount of 75 cents to pay for his thresh - 1 ing. Who would refuse to take a share Iin suck a paying concern. IOn Monday afternoon, Dec 30th, the -.4 hting German Fires tr ` ARE WINGBA34 4e* of th*Bsigrava Methodist church * be htorn.e of Lyle Aed Mrs. Hop- per, 2nd Wu; of Morrie, see showed their Q04-wIll towards 11Ifek May Hopper in view of her ApproAtiting marriage by giv- ing her a mitseellansoue *bower After opening the preeenti, Mies klepper replied suiteble term to the meaty goer} whams, Lunch was served and very sinjoyAble our WAR ;meet in Social chilli" Pred Scandret o f Toronto, spent heistmlis with his mother, /Vire, J. cstradrett Norman Stonehowse, Toronto, is spend. ing a few dap; with ble parents. Roy McGuire of Holstein, is visiting' hie parents. Mrs. Hupfer and little eon •of Betervan. Sasir'.; is visiting her mothee. Mrs. Allison Mr Phillips of Lonclon, la spendieg a w dAys with his Mete, Men Ditvid Scott We are sorry to report Priest Geddes a under is c doctor'e care with a bed cold The Hospital for Sick Children lollOssilsu War Laid Heavy Hand on Children'. PeTairteMat;;Hittilaiejtelje,estip:7.Of the Hoepital for Sielt chittiree, Toronto, weeks a new rietera; despite the 'wavy halide cap the oar placed tleon its Work. The melt or ministering to the out - tering youngraere of this province was no light one in view or the flospital'e ,spieusild response to the national call 25 doctors and 43 nurses from Its forces have seen service overseas, Yet the number of patients treated it 5,048, or 1,308 more than last year, these in.patients, 759 were from Z66 plaves outside of Toronto. • The tireless efforts of tile staff made possible elect a reduction In the aserege length of etay necessary for the little patients from 34 days in .1914 to 14 this year. These results show that the Hos, vital has again pale to the children Holt dividends of health upon the- in - Yenned kindness of its supporters. There bas been careful stewardship of the funds entrusted to the Hospital. There has been saving --almost eorimp. ing—in every eirection except where it would prevent the Hospital'a tooth - Mg the suffering or shortening the sickness of one ehlId: The daily cost of operation was held at the lowest point which would still. allow the children entrusted -to the Hospital to get the best medicine and the best of ftem em in the Hospital's budget—in caerre. And yet no nigh has risen tee cost of ev labor, in fuel, in food, and, above all, in medical supplies—that the mini- mum expense of taking care of one child for one day has ritten from ;2.34 batik in 1914 to ;3.21% in 1918. Of that, 0..66%—the amount per patient per day that the official Government grants do not cover--raustcome from voluntary contributions. During the past four years debts were incurred to the exteat ot 3100,. 000, which the Trustees 'felt aesured would be wiped out by the veleta as aoon as the war drew to its close, and those heavy demand e cease which have been made upon the generoeity of the loyal people of this province. The time has now come when it is ne- °apiary to make known the Hospital's dire need of financial assistance. If this 48rd Christmas appeal tants AO rally the friencla ,Of this Charity to its support, it will be necessary to mortgage Its land, buildings and Want. By the bounty of the late John Ross Robertson that property has just been Cleared -of debt for the first time since it began its ministry of healing mercy. Little children have lost a big- hearted friend, and the province a noble benefactor. It is for the public to decide whether his itfeavork shall be shadowed with a mortgage within less than a year of his passing. What think you? Send your answer as Noon as lios- sibiesto the Secretary -Treasurer, Hos- pital for Sick Vhildren, College Street, Toronto, Meanwhile the Charity Will Tarry on." in:ming 1» yourssUPPort IRVING E. ROBEFITSON- Olialrman nr Anneal flow, THEDOUBLEThAOJ( ROUTE Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT • Si Ianct CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service humlonammv. Sleeping cars on Night Trains. and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Pull informision from any Grand Trunk Tieket Agent, or Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. W. F. Burg - man Agent. Phone 50. Ccuttrefint; (60ye ;At unoral of General Lipsott near the line. The cortege passing between men of a battalion rill& the repleral broutht to Fn.*** MBA the Prim)* of VValee famed the • • • Pine 100 acre farm, with first class buildings, good fences. well watered, rural mail, telephone, school 40 roads away. Immediate possession. Don't miss it. Price $5,700, half cash. Victory Bonds bought and sold at Toronto prices. Ritchie Cosons Ineunence and Real Estate Wingibews, • Ontario •••••,001.11,0110.01•40140.110.N.M..0.1.0."1"olopoorwaymeword........ Friend of Errand Boys ereo.rie ay ,JAN. galKiati .(00-eeti . by the McClure NeWeette •. per ;syndicate.) 1/171ten Aileen Proton decided to get a job for the duration of her lira long -vacation from college she aloe made up her mind Met that job should not be of the sort that would eon/be her within the four wane of gu office. She wanted an outdoor job and, after hay- ing received stern parental objections to taking- a land any job where she would be away from home tor the VW,' Winn, she Se/inner] the "want ads" Iti the dully papers several daYS itt vain. Outdoor jobs for girls did net seem plentiful. Then her eyes fell upon that Advertisement of Brown *Brown, caning for messenger -girl. The wage offered was not very teraeting, but as the advertisement stated, the work would be for the most part doing er. 14):41,tentilitsull.n the Inis,y downtown bUsiness - Brown & Brown 15 a very large pop cern. with bronchus In eitiegt in veil= taus parts of the cotintry, end Wheil you join their force of employees It la like enlieting itean army ---you have to eubnitt to considerable catechising concerning your larOVIOUS experience, your parentage and your place of deem; and all this Is written down a formidable large white card that is - kept in a tiling ease for future refer- ence. "There is just one thing I'll have to ask you," said the young office mana- ger who employed Alise4 Preston. "and 1 will ask you to keep this confines's- tial, I don't want every one to know that we are taking on girls for er- r/aids—one person in particular mestn't RUM That% our vice itresi- dent, itir, Storm Thorne, He's i the Menge melee 401v entl—well, to make long story short, )e began as a messenger himself end he's tette about them, He makes a hobby Of giving every . messenger that is em. ployed what he mile a chance, "That mettles A lot of fatherly ad- vice, which Would be all right if the boys had sense enough to profit by it.• He has nude up his. mind that the future executives of the concern must be drawn, as he was, from the ranks; of those who began at the bot. tom rung. So whenever we get a new messenger he takes no end of interest lu him. He it WAS who entailed this card System—wants to know ell about the life bistory of every one that is taken into the colleens, And now that he ig off lo Chicago he has left word to send on records of any new mes- peppers. He wants to give tbern long- distance advice. So here is what I'm going to ask you," said the young Clerk, coining back to bis point after his long explanation: "You'll Just let me put your name dawn here so that he won't know 'f ou're, a girl. Alison, you said it is. May I put It down as "Why, certainly," faltered Alia "Only, won't be find out?", • "He vvon't be baelt for months, an you say you can't stay later than, t middle of Septenlber. You% esca bim completelY. You see, we did o best to get boys, but we couldn't g any. He'd say we hadn't tried liar enough. And, by the way, don't s anything in that report about being eoltege. It might Interest hint to much and then Med write to you an the cat would be out of the bag," So Alison reported the next day fo work and, provided with her pigski wallet, that swung easily over her lef shoulder and rested on her right hl she started out on the rounds of tit day, carrying Stock e and bonds abou ariouseillees, reporting at the ban back te the office of 13rown wn. If she attracted any atten it was because she was so much er dressed for her work than th r girls who were beginning to tak places of messengers and errand in the downtown section. She e neatly polished shoes that had ed for cduntry hikes the previous er in roliege. _Her suit was plain of khaki—such as had been chosen vell-to-do college chums of hers had "gone in" for motor Messes- eervice in the vecation, e coat collar nets neatly topped man's soft pique collar and a bine four -In -hand tie and a band - eller ot brown -completed the went. s, of vourse, she grew tired with any errands, bht the fatigue was red by her healthy appetite and e soundness of the sleep that al - followed her days in the open, e first letter to Alec Preston was Wally like the letter almost at - received by errand boys from the president, 11Xorgen Thorne, when young officer of the convert) was resent to interview them pollees - Mr. neorne nasured Alec of terest and his hope that he wag ding hie new Position a steeping to higher allege In the employ e concern of Brown & Prawn. ked him Seine qUeStiOns flint he him to aninver frankly in a that Mr. Thorne assured hint be confidential, on. hed- pe ur et d in o kee to y and Bro tion bett oche the boys Ivor sery wint and by Who ger Th by a dart; es] s equip Ye her m sepal by th wage Th erect ways vice that not ally. Ms in regar stone of tit Ile 88 VIM nte letter Would "Did be smoke cigarettes? If An, did he ensoke in business hours? "Ind he indulge in glj'ees of chance with other errand boys? "Whet 'did he eat for lurtcheon Did he go to night school? How did he spend big eveninge/ Whist time did he go to bed 4" There Were Many more questions; In the same vein, and Albion answered them promptly, weaning the kindly vice president that she smoked not at alt and abatainta from games of chithce. She ate egg salad and milk for luncheon, went to bed early and spent her evenings "at honste." She didn't add that theme evealngts were sometimes spent with her tired little body resting on the soft upholstery of the hong *1r in her own bed- rcom reading tonne one of her favorite Sparest or Italian author m that she Mel learned to admire in eollege. The next letter es.prcemed approval Of the young boy's steady habits, but - eminent the boy fur rest gel night eehuui ami seatited by mem that he would Mira a plias of that ha always- offeren unsevienin the onneern, hut had never been ir lie would devote himself eit ly to the study of Spanish that 14 sax month, he eould cominend 4 reading knowledge of that lau 110 idlneelf, be maid, had beim h capped because as a boy be ha mastered a foreign language.' It only recently. when Ids time for Study was thilited, that he had up SpainSit. It WAS the great lan for business Men of the future, .te. Al!son really ought to have more cautious, but the very eve after receiving this letter she wr back tong and fluent letter in best explaining to Mr. Th that, though elle did not go to asehool, she hail ntestered Spanish previous winter and spent Much t reading it. She declined the p however, as she had studied it. wi snit 'knowledge that etch a be Igoe, Then mune the letter that cau constereation. 3Ir. Thorne wrote tering Alec 4 isecatien in the Chi office as second correspondent Spanish department, They were ting lots of orders trout South .Am lea, be explained, and he really ne ed bun. Hes wage would be more doubled, and his traveling expense's Olucago would be pele, AllSon was at first confused and pentarth She felt that she ought to have Consented to the office ma gees deception. Hut then she took different attitude toward the matt Pleihaelal eonditions in the Pres family had not been all that th infest Imre been. tor the past yestr it had become apparent that *nett year et college would be imposelb tor Alison at the present time. S had about decided to spend the lowing autumn and winter workin And here was a chance tO OM). $25 week, She wrote back to Mr. Thorp accepting the position, confessing the game time her sex, did not wed :for an answer but, packing her littl treVeling box, and gaining a tether r lUetarte Consent front her perm started forth to take her new Je She could Ilve on $10 a week, She fi ured, especially if she' continued dreets In uniform, and the other $1 she could..save to pay her next year' expenses in college. "elm office manager in the New rer °thee when be heard of the step sit bad taken, predicted a sternly rece tion for Aileen, life telt that lie knew just how Thorne would snub her, lin the storm and the Ruth were not forth coming. Thorne told her that at lirs he bad not known, then he chanced t see the New York paper that had th office manager's advertisement tar gir rneesengere, ands beside, he suspected front the egg -salad luncheon and the hand writing that he was a girl, But it made no differetace, he assured her. He wait a thorough -going feminist, 14 that meant entire approval of giving girls an ,esqual chance with boys when they Droved themselves capable of cbgrefepifinginfotre,AnionithlielsInggirthani had linryoveodf drifted into the employ of the con- tbe messenger Wye that had ever ng40 g elms get In Wan— meet- 'able *slight Page- andi- • tiot Was Snell taken gtiage etee bee.n ;sing et* ber erne !gist the tree risel fie, sed of0 oars the get - 40 thee re, nao er. ton ey and er le a at ts, b. to 0 Then one day Thorne called Alison Ude his eipee and as she came toward` him lu her trira little khaki suit' he held out both his hande and took here into his.. Alison did not draw back, but erded looking 'down at their Joined hands with a needed Mile on her. faee. want you here, Alec" he had al - way -retained tlie first nettle by 'which he had thought of her -04 weinf you ha the office, but zttore than all 1 want you in ray hear. I- want you to make a home for.me. tel it so neeesss.ry to finish out that college couree- of yours?" "There za always one and only one possible event that will make a Col- lege girl give up her course" said Anson. "And that," "When the man in all the world she loves elsks tier to he his wife." "Does that mean you have decided to finish?" asked Thorne relaxing his hold on Alison'* hands. But 'he tight - 14 again when she tOld him that it didn't. Fumigation on Mexican Border. The latest disinfection project which hes ever been undertaken itt thin e0Un- try, and probably the largeat in the world, Wass recently begun by the Hutt- ed States depmement of agricultare along the Mexican border. Pete fumi- gation houses- are to be erected at a cost ApprOximately Of $0,000 tor the disinfection of freight ears, motor bemire and wagons enteeing the Unit- ed Stetes from Ilexice loaded with products that might introduee insect enemies, especially the pink hollworea of cotton. The largest house will ac- commodte fifteen freight ears. )3lec1* bole will be equipped with apparatus and pleat for the generatioe and dise tribUtion of hydrocyanic -acid gas. Tritykkor Not Reformable. atti Otmtantitiople," stays IleetrY 15orgenthea lit the Workra Work, "I became aosausinted With an Amerleatt doctor who had traveled extensivelY in the least and Who had the Most intimate knowledge of conditionsitt wean lemir. He told Me that Aerr *tan *winner, the ntansgeg e Deutsche Baak, whom he had Testiest in Berlin, had asked him te. iiedtohanka:pair7ts" 4:11"": 6121141 thednits121 "fi'efehtgbend suit this way: "ou bore sea aside this whole elating to dlaCUaa the Ottentati Ems Pre. We do not need all that tittle. I tan tell you the whole store in Just four weed: Turkoy la net re t°1:133aboluel "Ybave summed up the whole sitowintUatierou eertecti,' replied Von • "I'llet is the fundamental fatt• 'Which we must emestantle keels itt mind while dirseuezing this problefe." A, Long Walk. A Rotherliam, It taglitud, re:11bn** ha e Walked 1638,000 railed during hid III-l/rrs of ;service, and recet* wiebrted, hie golden wedding. Naturally. aey, liaketh,. under *hot boa anigiteyottlig**4 ,yoac (UAW It few& Ifs the great wars Vole sweetmeat. —the benefi* thej keatureo. the .econoinYI of a 5c 'Packge of WRIGLEY'S has made It the fa. vorite "sweet ration' of the Allied analog: send it to your friend at the front: the handiest* longest- tasting re.' freshment he can carry. CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL Made The Flavour Lasts 40 Canada THREE _•7 __ —,—..•+oxmwrrtooro•0000r.••••re•oo.rraomu.0m • A young lecly was earning 510 a Week &few months ago, now reteives' a salary or $20 a week as the result of the training given in the We asIst our graduatedto•good positions. • ENTER ANY T/ME cATALoout gREE WINTER- TERM FROM JANUARY 0, NM D. A. McLachlan, Pres. A. Havilandi: Prin. • 01,4, RelieveYour Rheumatism For 25c. NR does it by improving digestion, assimilation and eliminatcon-- the logical_ ................mmas...........aells..0.11,.........rem..0..earmsraemn.aftwirotimor....gram am -- )VR Today-- Relief or No Pay • There aro three vital processes of rhentnatio poison lo allowed 4 rii.i human existerice.s4he digestion of main in the body. food, the extraction of nourishment Think of this. it explains the fsvraosmtiet and the elimination e( this Cess of tNeeitetru.re,swRhemedy. (Nit Tab., . Jets) in so many eases where othert medicines have failed. Thousands aro proeesses,---let them be interrupted or Let anything interfere witlf these using NE Tablets every dist and get - Improperly carried on, and Sickness of, some kind follow thing's? 3. 25e box of Nature,. times ast much: frir tahA lancevo r; en Remedy OM Tablets), co- ntvaiudiryseolornoughst thoetasytoutw, eranutysti gtve You prompt relief and sat- isfactory benedtl or Coat 370u1 AntINature' Remedy id limi only; for the relief of rhetnatistnIt line proves digestio tones the liver, rinse ulates kidney add bovia -notion, Int. Rfietimatism,--due to twine interferdi 'whole system. Yon% feel like a newt proves the blood and cleanses the mice with, the process of elimination; person when you've taken Nit Tablets failure to get rid of Certain body a week. Yo've tried the expensive poione-cannot be elcuected to yieltl znedloines and doctors, now ntake the to any moilicine that fails to correct real tet. Toteil get results this tita./ th eanlitiort responsible for it. Could Nture's Remedy (NA. Tabets) _le any rnits.nable person expeet to rid- sold, guaranteed and reeonunonded DX ,14. • . 'f' . f ".- ,itritio pain as long as your dugg1t, J. WALTON. Ma( I BBON, Druggist,Winghan; Poor •digestion and. assirniIa. tient means failure to derive lull nourishment front food and that in turn often means im- Poverished blood, weakness., manila, etc. Poet* elimination ,moans an " accUmulation of waste matter whih, poisons the body', lowers vitality, decreases the pewer of re. al:Armco to disease and leads to the development of Many serious ills. kinqikowTh Feel Right et a 2se XXXXXII.XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX risa Ow( got4n€4 awd'Yiedotenot Aii).4194' am/ glie) te• • I E. R. HAR ON, Mgr of Winghamo Branch. IT , X XXXXXXXXXXXXOnt XXXXXXXXXXXX 1