HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-11-01, Page 8To Advertisers, add s1.tallge9.• et .tl(dcer'tisettlzttts, to insure insertion Op the current irlsue, tltttet be received at the office not ktedr char;8471(JRD4Y,VQON. Qop j jar chanes received dater than SAT- URDAY SOON will hereafter be.a. the 4avert4er's ot(714 risk. d, M. TODD, Publisher. rhe Huron Nevus -Record $1.60 a Year—$1.26 In Advance Wednesday. Nov. 1st' 1893. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Rub, wit lallt. Apples, plums and pears' wanted. at CANTELON linos WANTED.—Any quantity of Plums Cherries, Red and Black Currants and Goose 'Berries, for which the highest iaarket price will ho paid.—N. ROBSON. Cash paid for ego and huttor.—CANTELON Bans. CLSTom TAILOAINC —W. G. Vance, over Coats cQ Son's store, is .0 experienced cutter and inechani:e All orders entrusted will be exeusted in the latest style, lowest price, and perfect 'satisfaction guaranteed. FIRST OF THE SEASON.—Choice Oysters at Coats' Restaurant, next Roqson's grocery. Saskatchewan, Walf, Goat and Cow - skin Robes from $4.50 up. Rugs, Horse Blankets, and all kinds of reliable Horse CIothing, 'at • closest prices at JOHNSON & ARMOUR'S. \•friss COOPER, Miss Mary Ross and Alex. W. Ross spent Sunday in Clin- ton. —Brussels Post. 11•IISS CAMPBELL, of the post office, returned to Goderich on Tuesday even- ° ing of Last week. AT HILLS GREED.—Mrs. Kitty, Rat- tenbury street, is visiting at Mr. W. T. Farquhar's, Hills Green. RETURNED. -411 those who left on the recent Chicago excursion have re- turned, well satisfied with all they wit- nessed. ACCIDENT.—Mr. Win. Ford fell the other day and hurt his back. In conse- quence he has been somewhat crippled, but is about all right again. Mn. R. D. STANLEY, the popular and general agent of the Dominion Life Assurance Company, has taken up his permanent, residence in Clinton. JULY 12T11, 1894.—Goderich Orange- men are moving for a monster demon- stration next year and no doubt will meet with the greatest possible success. STILL THEY COME.—New subscribers continue to come thick and fast. Read our offer on another page and then sub- scribe for THE NEWS -RECORD. SEVENTY-NINE.—Mrs. Thos. O. Coop er R"k celebrate her 79t.h birthday next Fridays Slis is as yet quite smart, and bids fair to celebrate a good number of future birthdays. FROM DAKOTA.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Jardine and son, of Fargo, DakotA, were on a visit to Mrs. Arthur Twit- chell, Mr. Jardine's sister, and left for Chicago for a few days. They leave for their home to -day. SHOOTING.—Messrs. John Johnston and J. F. °Spooner took part in the Western District Rifle matches at Lon- don last Thursday. The clap was bleak and rainy and consequently unfavor- able. Both, however, won prize money. • To BLYTH.—Messrs,Blackall,McMur- ray, Hinchley, Johnston and 'Can telon were among those who took in the shoot- ing match at Blyth last Friday. The pigeon shoot was a success, but rifle admirers erred to be few and far be- tween. TEMPERANCE TALK.—The town hall was well filled last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Lough delivered a splendid address, Mr. McKee being the chairman. The ,Orchestra and the excellent Ontario Street Choir took part in the proceed- ings. TIIB ASSEMBLY. --Last Tuesday eve- ning was a very enjoyable. one for about thirty-five couples in the town hall. The successful atfail• was gotten up on very short notice. The London harpers supplied excellent music and the committee of management are wearing honors. CALLED FROM i: 10 iC'r(IN.-Nrs. Robin- son, Miss Robinson and Mr. Wm.Robin- son, of Kirkton, were called to Clinton last week through the serious illness and death of daughter and sister, .Mrs. W. G. Smyth. Mrs. and Mr. Robin- son returned Saturday, and Miss Robin- son left yesterday for Kirton, where the bast sad rites were preformed. FROM CHICAGO FAIR.—Mr. J. W. Riter took in the great 'Chicago Fair last week. There were many wonders witnessed, among them the wonderful .Dublin tower of Power's Irish whiskey that a divine last summer paid for slashing right and left with a walking stick. The Fair, Mr. Riter says, is too great and wonderful to be well de- scribed. WHAT FRIE:QDS CAN Do.—Every subscriber to THE NEWS -RECORD can do good work for us by showing a • copy of the paper to their friends and asking them to become permanent readers. Hundreds of people are tak- ing advantage of our sacrifice offer. An esteemed friend at Dungannon sends us three new subscribers with the cash and adds that many more will follow. Another batch of names comes from Blyth in complimentary terms, while a worthy friend ,nt ,iiuhurn in - 'Onus us be can ani will tficrease Our circulation. Other places are follow- iogi n the same line andour subscription list, is jumping up. All this goes to show what .fruends can do. We are always willing to compare THE NEWS- .RECox r) with any paper in the county of .Huron, The result, as a rule, will be in our favor. Milt, A. ClsRTWAAza, proprietor of the famous Goderieb holler wort s, was In Clinton last Monday. Mets, SICIXLL+'B, of Stratbroy, passed through Clinton from Gaderich her home esterday. OUR EXPOitT TRADE.—Win. Cudmore up to date has this season shipped a bou 150 tons of export hay. IMPROVING.—Mr. Chas. Spooner, of the Grand Union, was somewhat better yesterday. THE PORK MARKET.—Yesterday Mr. E. Dinsley commenced to buy and secured considerable. The price runs from 0ic. to 7c. LEGAL LORE.—Lawyers Campion and Prouelfoot, of Goderieyh, passed through Clinton to Blyth yesterday, both being. counsel in the now famous perjury cases. APPLES.—D. Cantleton's apple pur- chase in Huron this year exceeds 6,000 barrels. The total yield in the cou my this year amounts to about 15,000 barrels. A TOUCH OF WINTER.—Saturday afternoon turned very cold and snow carne.' Monday morning there were four or axe inches in this neighbor- hood. HORSES W&NTED.—B. Aubrey, • the noted horse buyer of Montreal, will be at the Rattenbury House, Clinton,next Monday, for the purchase of all classes of horses, sound and in good condition. POULTRY MARKET. — Considerable poultry is being offered and -all sold.' Chickens, per pair, run from 20c. to 35c. Ducks, per pair, 50c. to 70c. Geese, 5c. to 7c. per ib. Turkeys, 7c to 8c. per Ib. AN OLn GOOSE.—We do not. mean in the jocular sense, by any means. John Cook, uncle to Mrs. Arthur Cook, town, is 87 years old. He resides ate Glen- williarn, Ont., and has had in his pos- session for over forty years a goose. It is of the ordinary breed and looks good for iO1Llly years to coupe. Have any of our readers owned one goose for so long a period I•r JUST SUITS.—Mr. G. H. Fowler, now of Lindsay, formerly of this sec- tion, likes THE NEWS -RECORD. Ho says :—"I wish to let you know that my paper, THE NEWS -RECORD, has not come to my address, which is Lindsay. * * ' * Please send rue a copy of October lith. I Miss the home news vc:i'y much. Your paper, I assure you, is a credit to you. It is so neat and so clean in the print and so full of news that it justs suits ale fine. 1 am pleased to learn that volt are increasing your subscription list. You have my sincere wishes •old support for the future success of THE NEws-RECORD. LOCAL DOTS.—D. Cantelon was i11 Hensel! yesterday.—\V. J. Biggins was a county town visitorTu&S(lny . --Yester- day W. Jackson was in Seaforth.—C'on- siderable poultry is now coating to town.—The funeral of the late Mrs. W. G. Smyth was largely attended considering the early hour yesterday morning.—The 1llonday evening train going north ran over and cut in two a horse at or near Blyth.—Jerry Badore has returned from Manitoba.—Mr. S. J. Anstrews is smiling these days. The cause will he learned on reading the birth motives.—I1is Hottcn', Judge Toms, was . in town yesterday.—Rev. lir. Fairlie was in Seaforth yesterday at- tending a nect.ing of The English Church clergy of the County of Huron to arrange for the holding Of animal missionary meetings. --W. Bawden, the real estate speculator of Exeter, is now operating near S)•alforth.—Mr. W. H. Muldrew, of The Queen City, was yester- day a welcolue caller at THE NEws-ItE- ('OItD office.—Frank Smith, of the New Era staff, has secured a situation at Rip- ley.—Mr. C. E. Willson, of the woollen twill store., was in St. Thomas last week. ---Joseph Allinson groups cabbage that weigh 20 I:ouudS and better. --Several of the • recent World's Fair party re- turned with severe colds.—Business de- mand has caused a telephone to be placed in the office of. Wilson &Howe. —Join) Johnston has leased his Ontario street house to T. C. Bruce for a term of' three years.-- Mr. R. Jenkins owned the cattle impounded last week. --The Reforniers will hold it convention (for the Leval house) at Heusall next Monday. What will Bishop's fate he ? JOHN• R. CLARKE 18 COMING.--Pro- Uably no greater or more able lecture eutcrt1iuct' lives to -day than John R. Clarke. Some of our people heaud hire •u few years ago 1n Clinton and were de- • lighte('l. The press throughout tire United States and Canada speak in the highest possible terms of John It. Clarke. Ile will appear in the Clnton town hall on NoVclnber 9th and 10th. Read a few lines of what is said of 11iu1:-- "(;OL"GII IN HUMOR, DIALECT ANr) E LOQUE N C E." A Delightful Entertainment. Rev. John 13. Clarkson, M. A., of Port hope, CanadaL, after' .Joint It. of C'larkr'S sixth visit there,. speaking his new effort on "Gough" says:—John It. Clarke's new lecture, entitled,/ "Gough i11 Humor and Elo(ruence,"'is a grand production. In felicity of diction, m compass of thought, in rich- ness of fancy, its beauty of picture and in' piquancy of drollery, it stands with- out 'u superior on this continent. If you have the blues, go, _hear it and be cured. If yon haven't, go, as this es- sence of Gough is the best preventative I have met, and cheap at any price. "THE ROSE, SIIAMROCK AND THISTLE." Morrie England, ould Ireland, Bonnie Scotland, in Song and Story. - "Seldom does a Batavia audience have the pleasure: of listening to so pleasing and interesting a lecturer as John R. Clarke, who fairly entranced a large audience last evening. Mr. Clarke's lecture was a masterpiece of eloquence, enlivened by bursts of keen wit and hearty humor. His lecture was Based upon his travels throughout England, Ireland and Scotland; and he spoke eloquently of the illustrious and immortal men who have made their countries most famous with their names. Those who missed his lecture missed an intellectual treat,.thc loss of which can only be gained by hearing him. His closing passages were sublime in their eloquence, ns, after speaking for two hours upon the three strongholds of poetry and song, he closed by praying that the Rose of Merry England, the Shamrock of Old Ireland and the Thistle of Bonnie Scot- land, would continue to throw the re- fining rays of influence in poetry and song on the souls of great and noble men over the rest of the worlkl."—Bata- via Daily News. TO ATV ... TOMO _ Is an old illustration of a complete stock ; the modern one is RANCE & SPALEING'S Fancy Goods, . Stationery • and Book Store. We have given large orders for XMAS G(�CDI]1 and our only salvation is to SELL, and SELL WE WILL and MUST. See our POSITIVE BAP,GAINS in Wall Paper, Window Shades and Albums. Let us add your name to our increasing list of subscribers to the Daily and Weekly papers. RNOE SPALDING BOOKS, STATIONERY & FANCY GOODS, BEESLEY & Co. ;� ,fi• r, �..{. ,tai'"•.. IS<X, gar;•.^"-*' Millinery - This is where the hum is and where you find a com— plete assortment of high class goods both in Hats, Bon- nets and Triui- nrings. Department. Our popular prices make and keep trade active, de. spite the prevailing dullness that some complain of. Quali ties for the price more popular than ever, because prices are lower than ever before. DRESS GOODS. In Dress Goods we have some nice materials, at least our customers tell us so, and they are cheap. • They are worth your consideration. BEESLEY & CO The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, Beaver Block, Clinton. Clinton - 1?llrllitllre - Waeeeooms. BEDROOM SUITES. We can give yon a Suite at almost any price from $10 up. We have them in WALNUT, OAK, ASH, MAPLE, and•ELM, with either Dark Antique or Natural Finish. SI DEBOARDSI We have them from $6.50 up. 111 PARLOR SUITES. In HAIR CLOTH, PLUSH, BROCATELLE and WILTON RUG. Almost anything in the Furniture line, you can get from us. We have NO OLD SHOP WORN STOCK to otThr at Half Price. All our goods are New and the latest designs. Remember we buy for Cash and give our customers the benefit of our Cash Discounts. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, PnrniUture ndert kcr, and J. W. CHIDLEY, JR., Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night calls answered at his residence, King St., opposite the Foundry. Ur Are the Driuing Man's Coat ort The Invalid's Protection, The Strong .Healthy Man's (9c guard from siclshess. That is taken for granted by most of people. The important question is how much will it cost and what quality will I buy in a Fur Coat ? The best qualities and the best only in the respective classes of Fur Coats are the cheapest coat in the end. The $2 or $3 saved by buying a small pieced coat and poorly trimmed means only a greater loss when it goes to pieces in a season. Coon Coats in good qualities stand to -day the most durable Fur Coat in the market, our stock comprises the 3 highest grades of these coats and the inspection of intending purchasers is respectfully solicited. 401,0 ackson -Bros. Furriers, Furnishers, Clotftiers and Hatter. sumer 411110010111101111110500112111111MISRISMir -1- very Dept. Busy 0 In The Millinery Department we're more than busy. The kind of Millinery xve sell doesn't need much adver-: tisiug, but we don't wan`. you to forget we sell it, sell the best and sell it cheap. On our tables you'll find a rich assortment of neat and stylish Hats and Bona•ets. If you don't see just what you want ready trirnrned, give us an idea of what you want, select your shape and trimm- mings, and it will be made up to suit you. LADIES MANTLES. We expected big things from this department, anticipated a• big business in mantles, but the'trado done already has surprised us. The assortment, styles and prices must be right or we wouldn't have sold the quantity we have. By all means see our mantles before you buy. Out of between 50 or 60 different kinds we mention the following Black and Navy Serge Double Breasted, $4.50 Black and Navy Serge, imitation Fur Collar, $5. Black and Navy Niggencead, Doublebreastcd Reefer, Braided Collar, $5. Black, Navy and Fawn Beaver, Astrachan Collar, $5. (;lack and Navy Twill !Deaver, Fancy Braided Roll Collar, piptilltiVt14 Astrachan, $5.75. 1111 Black Niggerhead, Piped with Astrachan, Butterfly Cape, $6.45. Black, Navy, Fawn, Beaver, Nutria Fur Collar and Piped with Fur, $9. These are but a few lines, we've dozens of other kinds, some cheaper, some better, all handsome, stylish, perfect fit-` ting garments. If you are thinking of buying a Sealette Mantle it 4.9.y itis terest you to know we are offering specially lows prices. and can save you honey on one. Est. Illoclool CLINTON. •