HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-11-01, Page 4' ' ' ..i C' . Bstablisbed in NOW, 18514, . " �r . • w..- y . It is about time we discus(md Fall ` Overcoets with you, as the cool even Ings and fresh tnorniogs will compel us •• to adorn ourselves with heavier cloth- I . ing. You know our record in the past . regarding these goods, and we (lope to Y do better in the future. Come and in- ; I spect our Fall Overcoats and Suits, as j we know you will be pleased. They are all our own make, and we can show you both the goods and trimmings in the place, which usually satisfies most people as to quality, The style nod ,j finish will speak for themselves. Now for the Most important item, the pric9, and who is in it with us 1' Tile Great One -Price '/Clothing p�House. *T dd�ar�• cDL�ellBTa��d\f Huron Si;,) - Clinton. (rnnixu^.eozr_.zanttri*i5Y°w�0.`241"''L.t%i3t:•E3?.w-n' .rwrw ..+rro••r rvw-cw•o- - - -- .� e � szrrcasrrnas:m�sva iauccxa+ua, ..Wwx Tire 91 �/(.ill en !Y �/ ews-8eeord CWCA0O'S MAYOR HUleDAMED. --The Orangemen, of Gorrie, intend Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, who $1.60 a ye -C-41.26 in Advance. 1. as to have been near,;fed for the thirtl the slight of Nuvenlb,•r Gth. t]nle on the 14tH of this month, was Ifellnesility, Noy. lilt 1K1:):3. last Saturday evening thrice shot in his the fatrnl of Dtinc•iln Johnston for it ,own houie and cl ilelly murdered in.cold ABOUT' TH)1+; IVV, IFS P,E001W. t blo7'l. Tho itmaisin's n:an19 is Pre. nder- As intimated last week. TnE NEw•8- g.ast. Ile deliberately went to tile. RECORD Appears is a new chess of body Mayor's residonee, coolly connuittrd type to -day. Already several of our tilc nult•l1eIandwatlke d:tv:ty. Shortly exchanges have congratnlat.ed its and after he have himself lip :incl ;at.. as coin ill huented THE Nicws-RECO RD Oil it 1'e•IlSo l that he (lid not receit'e. the its ]ulprove(t nppeara nce. Although position of corporation counsel, All.. conaectcd with Tai. NE1vS-R>:c0111) iu klarriyou lived only a few minutes. It all details froth its first inception, the Is silid that Prendergast resembles entive ni ananelnent and responsibility Gtiltoau, the assittisid, will) referred to of e=ditor and owner has been oil,., lot the doath of President Garfield as it but it year:. Ili assuacontrol of `'�:td necessity." this journal, our twenty ald years of TileGlob,ing lob e'of _llnud.ty says:— practical nowspaper e.xperienI let; its Tho assassin itppears to belong to the Class of luurderous cranks, and lit - e to aiin to be in touch with tile. masses to avowed, without. ally LIU( rpt at Cell - of the people. The result: of our labor• ceatlalent, thaLt his 1114ive wits revenge is very few order s to." -top my paper 1" for- Mr. Harrison's refusial to give him and ,I substantial increase in our sub- sit t,tfiv . There is :t degree of Still bctwceI Ihis crime and scription list, ,Intl an ill crea9e(I T0111 all theft of Guitchu. Guiteatit ,leas is ' of work in other departnletits of the prosistaut and uusuccessful office - business. We had hoped to wind tip seeker, but he possessed :t public the old firm's business several months motive. Ile refer.ed to the death of L'}1l- }�resident as a "sari necessity" that s}ace, but many suutll •acconilts are still ivoillIt ••unite the Itepubiicanl party find open and a speedy settlement of one s%:vc the republic," and avowed his in - and all imist now be urged. Those tcnt:on o1' giving Artlulr the Pre:tiden- who brave sl) Promptly responded have ('y. By seine the cl•lille Wits regarded as all indirect reside, of tile. political our sincere thanks, those who have not systetu tll:tt encola a rt'd lmire rulalted we would thank to do so. otlicc-sceki!,g, since to tlequ)ttrel whiEh During the past year TnE NEivs_ originatted in •t controversy over .ill- REcoRD has given a consistent, and con- Uniiltitlents in 'tile State of blew York. tihe creole of Sattu .day semis to have scientiou>t support to the gre=at Conner- h:ice no political significance, the tuotive I P;trty. In doing so we have beim ) r g I n" , iy it personal one. In Glti- merely carried out one of the plain team's case the defence of insanity proved unavailing. •fill- crime of ,,lay - duties of good citizenshi) mud the fun- s l mg it fellow -111:111 Is no worse because dainental principle underlying British- that. nuts happens to hold a ptuplic posi- Canadiunisitl—al. Canada for Caua(1_ tion, blit it is certainly more dangbcrops lanai, if yelt please. Oil 71]!19 Bile l'It,LI froill the pnbliv 9taiil1pmint. The (lis- tillatsi it, , to the lit nest discharge of . point we are ill touch with the masses public duty art. ,ttmucrous ctlougll with - of the Conservative party, many 13e- out adding the fear of as<.lssination t(t foriners, autl even McCarthy and some the list. There is, naturally intense of his followers. There are afew, holy- itelllrllt ill C'hicalgu, :nut thee sits of cxclyllehilrg have b( -on made. This }s a ever, who cannot see how THE Nxw•i5- ••rise 111 1:'!lit•h tlt'Ye F,l'e111N to be 114 pre - RECORD eAll .ba conslstwit in pursuing tcr: t fol thalt kintl of law'le;,:mess. The this course. We eminot define lwee -kll)('I'i(•atn administration of justice is .'" any would be consistent in punsnung Kr from perfc(•t, hat undue lrnietic•y towards the atssaishis of public Illell IS other•coursc. He who is not for must nut one of it; E=nters. be agai list. That is not so, says souse- .. .. . .. _ _ - body. hody. 'Here is the proof. Brown and Jones are both caud}dates for the reeve- EX -PRL' -51191t ABBOT T DEAA ship of Gorleric•h, Goderich township,-- or say the town of Clinton. There are .To,) m J. Caldwell Abbott, ex -premier exatedy 8J) voters, There are 400 sure of the Dominion of Canada, died at his for Brown, and the other 400 should be residcrnce in Montreal stortly before for Jones. But one. of Jones' supilort- nine o'clock on JIon�ay evl-lliug. He vs -as born in Queboo: 7:. years ago. 'flee ers is too conscientious .Lo vote for dist]mguisheal eleeml w•aas at faithful suttl- him. Brown secta•es 400 votes aad- jec't, full of year. and honor=s. in his Jones 389. The tyle who did not vote, death tilt Canadian nation loses one of its he should, grave Brown a rnajl)l ity of her brightest alld host vallis h suns. The funeral will take place to -Morrow one. Is this not plain that he who did ill Montreal to JLotn,t Royal cemletery. -1 I ot vote for Jones elected Brown? Of The late hour at which the sad news tcourse. And still some people do not has been received prevents it more ex - .see the Opposition in their true light. tended in entiom to -clay. We do Vot endorse every set of the Uonservntivo Government, Batt we THE 0'11EA7' TIM DE. agree with the general policy of Thestatisties of A.inei•iran exixn•ts for that Governnicllt. It is olle founded the nice months ending 1Sc•1>Letuber 3.7 on the broad principles of Canauljail isill Ittit show falling off in several of the -=by THE PEOPLE and for THE PHOPI,F. staple products' of the ]republic. Tit(- heOur Oursupport will Always hl) give,, to export of wheat has deee)tsed b7` $I5,- -the British -Canadian Party in prefer- OiX),(kX) below the figure for th(r sone lace to a Jesult Opposition, unci -,e period Inst year; the export of flour ,,voukl not elc.s n tvithold our support fulls by $•l,>{H1,1XX). The figure's for from the former rune thits assist the - cottom are not available yet for the en - lat.ter to power, tire nine months, but for the month of The Ontario issue also is one in which THE, N>;ws-REcoR.n takes it firm stand. Septe npl-r alone the dtevreatse re niched ' W. R. Meredith and his loyal followers the value of $215,0(Xl. These dMreases in and out of parliament should receive Ilse partially (lilt- to I0XV-er 111110 w, and the determined and united support of partially to as shrinkage ]Ii the aillount. 7{13F, PEOPLE and he returned trinm- of the exports. phantly as THE Government of Ontario It is not likely that the' reduction in At the next elections. the amount of lvheitt slut flout- export- Locall , we are c•omplirnented'on all ed from the United StAt". wens Caused elands .that Tnu NEwal-RECORD is a1)y a lessoning of the Ettrupean ill)- credit to Clinton and every section polite., ltutay heave come from tlue uu- ' where it Cirenlates. The towel Inas wllllllf,>n('ti8 of thE! A]llrl•it•an farmers to been impartially and liberally repro,- sell at the louver ()rives prevailing, or sented both As regards news incl adver. from their lack of mater•iatl to export. tising. And the adjoining/ tic' hbor in either case, there is a gap to be, fill - in the market, no hoods have little to complain of. Our ed old world and correspondents have done nobly and country is better placed for filling it • they have oln• sympathy and thanks. than Canada. it lit not suggested that We desire them ta) cont.im)e to labor Canada should wait for "gaps" to open. for their several sections and TiiE Our people have not clone so in the • NEWS -RECORD. Our endeavor shall be past and are not likely to do so in the to continue to publish one of the best hIture. The way our agricltlttual ex - local papers in the province, and work hibits at the World's Fair are rakingg for the best interests *of Clinton, the in the awards from under thte nose ) County of Huron, our own Ontario and their American competitors, shows the Dominion. that we possess the merit that can _ __ force its wily even inta close voinpeti- tive quarters. But when oin• more lilt- -Miss Daisy Garland, aged 23, daughter, aged ,iniltliate rival 111 the Amain trade begins 'to Canadian of ex - Attorney - Garland,, Washington, herself lose ground, farmers can feel that of shot even greater chances are open. Friday with her fathers revolver. }ng to thein in the worlds markets be- C"anse ilnknown. yond the Atlantic. - - r �..._. W. A, Af`I11+1't1311030 T,�f1�'.11'�j',ITFlTIO 0.1`' . [I fel pot _44c �F ittlttQra0Ya6c,ivr. ' . - . The dooks are Defog cletared foto uta, other provilivild election, sand the un- i)tttwous voice and heart of the liberal - conservatives, of Ontario with greater feeling tkan ever go out with one ac- claim towards W. R, Morea n{th. This time they see it. disorganized lot of Op- i�oneuts, ttarty held together so long l)yy sectiota�,tuff religious cries, and by tele skilful )Manipulation of offices and Jobs ou colonization roads and iu tim- ter• limits. Hon. Oliver Movv;lt has long and ably led the provineiad government, but leo nolo finds a discordantfollow- Ing. They cannot longer- ,be held to- gether. Hun. G. W. Ross has ruined his health its did Hou. Alexander Mackenzie by undertaking too m,u•h ; while Hun. C. F. Frazer is also very it,uch broken down. It is understood both will retire before or imuletliately after the elections. They are ellbitle(1 now to retire and fill the most lucra- tive cruces in the gift of their party. Then ;what I'etllains? A government led and ruled by Hon. Alt-. Hardy? To that the intelligence of Omtai m) will never subunit. Such tltet! as Hun. J. M. Gibson or Hon. R. Harcourt, will not be justified in following such at leaner. Neither on the basis of being re- garded favorably by the people, I,or of fitness for oflico should either of then, Ile Mentioned in the satutl ntteranco with Hon. 31r. Hardy. There are no great distinctive party lines dividing reformers and conserva- tives in Ontario as there are lit the Dominion I! 1 Il. II province 1 tele In )crue:n it it) ,Here. •tt> ' �!achain that lata vary. 04 11ft ill).oat Mut Nix=es..e .ulna tela Ims.0 The lav ers 1ti, e.I t u.dzi tlzslet:ltled hat no better waraliii. coifed be giveil t cut at any hoist• of Me day, ane tbero filo iuscrIttiou still a•eiilabi,4. Oil the face of the alley of tiles Re- form party in Canima THE 11BOrLE have ciatved the motto "Go about; your business." And with the old Inscrip- tion Mr. Laurier will again :appeal to the electors and agAin TIM PEOE'GE will stay "Go about your business." RL°PARATH SCI100LS. The Toronto News, tinder the head line "No Separate Schools in P. E. I." comes out recklessly in the following: "Prince Edward Island"conuthis 109,- 000 people, of whout •18,066 aro C'athu- lies. Ontario has a pUpillatioll of 2,114,0'J0, and of t,eso but :358,wu arc adherents of the Church of Roam. In Ontario there is it double school vy4o)11, whsle in the Island Pruvinet+ all till- childreu are educated under the same roof. If separate schools at,(- not ne- cessary where nearly ooe half the' peo- ple arc Catholics, sul•ely there is still ioss reason for their existence lvherc the mlinovity st:1,ds ill. the, proportion of but one ill six.". In the above it appears to THE Nn WS -RECORD that the News is very unfair. Quebee has it population made up principally of Rotnan Catholic -1. If the al•gument of our cotem. would hold good the Protestants of Quebec would be at the;mercy of Honlan Catholic teach- ing. The Act of C'onfedcration gitor•- I allot illi its of detall. 'l.eno tll^ green IJI•oblctns of 0111cat}011, of erowu lances and timber limits, of I)roperty atlul civil rights, of eneroilching oil the domain of counties and townships and robhing or contirnrillg and increasing thein }n their rights, these stud other• inlportaant (I110stiolls are before the People. On these Out policy" of suc11 "'III, as Hon. Mr. Gibson and Hon. MI•. Harcourt is identical with Air. Mere- dith's. Indt'ec the' hood acts of tilt/ Ontario gvermnent have larIn-ly been the resu t of Mr. Meredith's histruc- tion and criticism of the government Polley. What Would dwrefot'e be wrong ]u those two only, cif till- _liowat govern- ment unit•}ug with .tier. Meredith, Mr. Mart("', leer. Clancy mud other leading true men in Ontario to conduct tIte. governlnont on bases in harmony with 'the wishes of the best elements, instead of the worst in the province? Should however the issues be drawn I under present auspices, with present leaders as they are, then there call Ile mo flucstion of the duty of every pat- riode jc•itizen. W. R. AM1fereditdi is the, id=ol. LA IrS AS 710 PROPIIBITIUV. The important (L•cisiol7 )las bean reached by the Danriniou Covt•vIlIn •ret to refer in : the !t,rrcm e Cottt•t of Ca:l- a ds, A series of questions relating to the power of provincial legislatures t() pass l=anes relating to prohibition. It will be i•cmeulbered that luore than two months ago the Ontario Governrentre- fcrred a num,bvi- oUtIllestions on this sul),joet to Lilt' Ont;lrio Court of Appeal. While' the views of this atugusit body would be. of interest, t:tiil t=here wotticl not be that flivility about tlttvn wlli(•11 attilche.s t.n a dorision (if tiv•:-3ni!:onlee Colirt of d!anadta, and, therefore, it is that the Federal authorities have de- cided to risk the views of t•he Supreme Court ole the following.(Ille:sti(ms : 1. H'ts a pro•invi:al It'gi:9llttall'e jlil•is- dic•t.ion to prohibit the scale, within tett' province, of spirituotts, fermented, or other intoxicating liq,,ot:; 2. Or has the h,xislature truce, ,jm is- dic•tion regM'lling slu•h portions of the province as to which til Canada Teut- peranceAct is not ill operation ? 1 :3 Ilan it provincial legisltiture,imis- dietion to prohibit the, inanufae-titre of stic•h liquors within the province? 4 Hit.% gi . . I is .a provincial It-„ula,tltre J1111, diction to prohibit the importation of stu:h 1]gtmn:s into the province? ,5 if a provincial ke;Tislature has not jurisdiction to prohibit sides of such liquor=s, irrespevtive of gilAlltity, has such legislatture jurisdiction to prohibit the sale; by retail, according to the definition of a sail by retail either in statutes in force in the province ,It the time, of confederation or any other deflnition thereof”? G if :t provincial legislature has a linlited jurisdiction only as regards till- prohibition of sales, 31,1s the Iegisl1Ltllro Jurisdiction to prl)hibit males, subject to the limitsprovided by the, ,: sevetl sub - sections of the 99th section of the Can- ada Tcnrlk,ranee Act or tiny of then; ? (R. S. C. chap. TOG, sectioq) 539.) 7 Had the Ontario L(t slaitta•e 'oris- dfet}on to enact the 18th sec=tion of the Act, 53rd Viae, entitled "An Act, to lul- lrrove the Licit tor Licens(- Acts, "as the sail; section }9 expl=ained bytheA.ct pass- ed ley the said Legislature,, 54 Vic., and entitled "An Act Respecting Local Op- tion }n the platter of Ligmacn• SrAling'? The foregidug questions are sonle- wlhat't similar to, if not icltm. t}ca,d with, those which were submitter) to the On- taltio Court oA Apl3eal, And it is expect- edha s t e t t .t .}I Dominion I authorities Itlt01•ltlBS hary macre this reference to the high- est court in the land, the Ontario Government will )vithdraw-itsreference to the court at Toronto. AX ODD B•UT APPRO'I'RIATE MOTTO. Upon the old Temple clock Ili London ]s ai singular inscription, the origin of which i9 sald to have beelit a lucky acei- dent. About two hundred years ago, a master workman was employed to repair and prat it new face upon the clock. When his work was nearly done he asked the Benchers for an appropriate motto to carve upon the base. They promised to think of one. Week after week he carne for their de- cision, but was put off. One day he found them at dinner in the commons. "What motto shall.] I put on the clock,'" your lordship C" he asked of A*learned judge. "Oh, (•o about your business I" Ili% I honor cried, angrily. "And very suitable for a lazy 'dawdl- Ing gal)gl" the clock -maker is said to ihave mattered Its he retreated. It is " J - IIIIIIIIIIIII antevs c ert:tin right:; to Protestants in Queboc and certitin rights to Roubin Catholics in Ontario. Take those lcgill tights fr(all ouee Province itud you must also front the other. 'Siliash Confederat- tion olid an endless; tur•nloil will follow. %Ve should hold sacral the rights of our fellow-Protestlants to Quebec. CURRENT TOPICS. D. bleUoll, M.P.P., has been re-nonl- inate 1 for Nest Elgin. ^ ___- I The enquiryint.o the Hooper case has beon adjourned until to -morrow to await wit=nesses front Port Hope. Captain .Joseph Beek, ex-AVarden of the. county, has been mentioned as it possible candidate for the Local] in West Huron. The Goder•ich Signal, after a silence for several months, should now rise and explain "where it is lit" on ' the question of "contiucntal union." , ,During Wednesday. and Thursday th(t_Earl of Aberdeen delivered thirteen atrldres,Qes. The ppos}t.]nn tis Gove rnor•- L; envral of the Do,miuion is certainly not to ht' envied. Detective 13. B. Allen, of London, was found dean on the A.ndcrson pro, i�crty at Lona Point the other day. There was it bullet hole in his head, but by whom inflicted no one' scorns to i iiow. Of $W,W) in live titoc•k pri ,ns ofTored at the Chic•:ano \S'end's Fair, the Cali- ' farmer tt'ill pocket $14,4(X). IIe troll till ill vompet.Itiorl with the agri- c'tlltan'al intrrrvatti of the country tltlr. tee•,1 tellies ,15 big Its ills own. Th(e Can- farnivi, is till, best in'Aillerica. Hugh John :Macdonald hals,v,u•i•ied otlt his intention of resigning his seat for Winnipeg, and his resign,:tion haF been accepted. It in 1 o be regrette:l that \ir. Macdonald found this Comsr necessary, as be was ,i great favorite 1l) the f ioilse, possessed a great (it rtil of h i father's rlevcl•te+ss and ably represent. ed eel the c•onstituerlc-r. lie siteccss of Canada At the World's Fi ir, particularly in cheese and live stock, is attracting attention in Bri- tain. The Mark Lane Express dei-latres that Great Britain herself is nowhere ' in the competition compared to Can- ada, slat that .-III are proud to sec• the. Ihnninion holding its own with the United State.;. Elnnieip,ll C 'hells generally will lime tAiP Wake lip in keeping their roads rind bridges in good order. ]Damages for hi. 1utries ,u-(• being got ani over the prtnr- ince. A Miss Orang.l. )sot ` 5.i )M ,tad full' cost.; from the town -hip of ballil. mein for ix'ing throN%ii oltt alt a wa-h- Iottt,on the,1•oad. Her friends off cred to settle for )$22X), felt the Council wouldn't. Those }u,im-ed soetll to get ,I verdict every tinge, so Councils Inttst have their roads and Adewallks right on ., c-rdautages. Haalifax Herald: `"ft is time out conte'mpontries called in the u►Lljustiff. able corrinlents made•• upon this case. :Dir. Ellis is suffering tht proper punish, 'mss In i-lde'meanor. IK ,Hetet for rti 4erl i T liberty of the press is in no longe, Ilett intemperate patlti,zatn journalist,' are cettatinly given fair warning that thevwill not be permitted todef t,netht trilkwids of the countlywith }ll, Initis If Air. Ellis him} rll(atlftllly acnotsl• edged that he. spoke in the hent tet excitement, and that he regretted ittl' El, dishonest motives to the jud141, ale irobatbly world not now be wearinp then nia•rtyr s crown.' There is it tradition still extant ir. Srotlaand and irelaind that the hr91 illicit whiskey is niacle from the "top; of the heather." And this is the only excuse that cin Ile made for the bion• trenal customs officials, who impounded the sprigs of the Scottish emblem sent over for the Hallowe'en celebration, Perhaps they were I)19)hibitioniste and thought they had caught a (hanger• ous consignment of "raw material." .If is as well that the matter shmild be cleared tip now that it has presented Itself so conspicuously for consider - tion. • Whiskey enn no more be made from heather than from shamrocks or roses. The Scottish emblem is as free from anything harmful, of whatever nature, as are those of the sister khtg- doms.—Scottish Canadian. 4 , �! -'� 1 11, 1, '' ' lIf,* ;� T ORR Isul �'" 1►1► !,"k�" For a lady than one of the C„A►,-I"•-OScar M,11 ,�►r �"�T � 'rX.j +` S to be seen at this store. They a,re `'mod, e)s of beauty and fit moot perfectly, Thele they cost 001 little. 4 THE DRESS STUFFS - ~ I -I . . ;� .# I i offered by this store are the very Newest and Lastest ;? things to l4e found anywhere. We have scanned every available sample in order to lay before our people only what we are, sue a is choice and we believe Nye are show - in; one of the richest and choicest stocks to be seen G side the citiell. EN'S S'6 80 "'S D VERCOA T I ', are here in great abs idittice, at every price and mare' and it takes very little money to buy here, MEAPS & 80 Y'S S111 TS - ,; Every conceivable culur and makes. Prices tete verb= 11 . lowest. 11 GILDWISEMAN, 1111 11 .----.------- ____________________.____=_ . .1 - CUR111s1V7' TOPICS. It is not surprising that the noisl-. -- raised about .the Ellis case in New The Globe is at its old pasthile of rail- Brunswick should be started }fere its ing tit the judges because an editor of Ontario. TDe cry is raised here, not its ow -a* faith has been Sent to jail for because Ontario is more vigilant and contempt of court. .The fact=s (if the independent than New Drunswick ea,,scasbroughtoatinc•ont't:andtheGlobe's when the right of fres; speech is con. lnnthor} of h'resentin)r thin, arc two I cernral. It is raised here because the11 very' dlffere,lt things, and those who , Ontario public know less of this Ellis 11 e c c my the latter are lit no position to 1 caste than the people'who live clown by judge of the lotJrit of t^ie I)L11t1511711ent. the tics. Consequently it is easier 6) state a bogus cattie here, and, :is a haat-' Not a Canmdian vi:sito: goes to the ' ter of fact, this is what is being done. i World's Fair but comes home ivith a Mr. Ellis has not been punished for higher opinion• than ever of this north- any championship of. the (•antic of free s leech. That 1Snothis offence. What01.71 half of the continent. Yankees he diel w•as to openly and violent at - y and foreigners also are forced to con- tack a judge of tl,Ee .;iipreme Court for cede that they are :astoni:,l)ed beyond rllalkime ata order which he was bound moisure by the show•i ig the Dominion to make, and if the most popular pub- licist in Ontario were guilty of such has made. In the produce of the dairy, conduct he would not receive a syll- the field, the: forest, the factory and ;able =of sympathy in this law-abiding the thine C_itna(la has won far beyond Iter c•onllnunity. , share of the prize money. Grandly has —n -J, done •at the Fair liri tndl i sl ' �. tI .r y 9 . u. ;till doing and it splencl]cl advertisctllelit till it all be for her. The editor of the Goderich Signal I las had his attention drawn from the 'oreigri (•oittinenta] union discussion for ;eveval months and hits howand ag:tin )aid his respects rand given his atten- aon to T)ils NEWS -RP• -CORD. In f,Iet so .'anadian has he become that he act.ir Lily s(•i::w.4 ; .tht• c•oilitulls of this ,jotnl•- 1I1I to eoli);hten the readers of the iigaal at; to the doings of our own woplt'. We 114) not seriously. obje=ct, nit ore r.s.onally -%e feel con. traine(I to x•ing our cgtem. ill) tit a short turn. Che other wei'k we tool, the Signal to ,tsk for its bl,•ac•kguardiam. Last week nu• tmifaithfnl cot,ein. was taken to atsk, but the eflitor cailla)t stand tb­se weasionatl rebukes. He hit, lost hi, 'rmprt•; that is_ he is (ptift> angry. (c,ck your temper, Ali-. Signall, (-%-(•u ;lough THENl•:N�843:Ecottt)sloes "enias- 11liate" and chastise au offending Itnd Ivnywa rd fella;w-jotrrnalist. Our read - T. will bettr in mmdtluttthe quotation s patented --or probably coined ---by .)Ili: cy)tenl. and that Ttir Nt• ivs-14,c•oRil s in no way responsible for its itse. 1'hesie anllexlttiollfellows, you ](now, ire 114tlu'er cusses." The Canadian Refta•Ine rs seldom admit Chat the Dominii)nisnot respon- sible frot• the American 11c Kinley bill. The alk-, u•tlity of such a contention that the Canadian Government controls the AnieriC:t.l (30 or 65 per vont. tariff is easy to 1'ae• seen. Listen to what the St. Louis R( inthlic says: --••iii a want :and enlist, harvo it Catnadiati reciprocity. tivaty. There is Inatcrial lt•eaalth in Canada. 7,•Itiell cannot be brought Into this eotintry by emigration. It cam be ne(l by t�btaitr=ine. The stupid regtda- ionsoi'tfls' Nfc]iinley law serve as sun erllbargo atgatillst cntlilnel'e•e betw•eell the Countries. Whether that law is repealed or modified, we shmild have aL reciprocity treaty with Canada." As to :ulncxittion, 1hWlt,epuhlie declares, dcfiailtly, that Americans, do not cau•e at ritsh w-hc,ther Canada comes in or stays nut., that "political union nnisat role. but it cite wait." The Anler•icans, like Lite Grit party ]n Canada, will drellul folMlly and probably defiantly of annexat]on for very many generations te) e•onle. There will be nu)rte likelihood Al)1 waking lip sante fine nun-Iling tel find lat't'. at,(, a hits aminexed ul" e Sltm. in 1$78 the tariff generally, fir the duty c•ollevte'd nil all the fronds Import- ed into C=anada for actual volisnnlption, amtnultod-to 10 per cont. At the pres- ent time it arnonnts to a Tittle less than 17.1 per cent. Under the present t,la lit the aecv.,*itries of life Iu•t' not taxed at :all. Those articles which are in gener- al use by the great majority of the people tire. inuch less heavily taxed than they were under the Cartwright tariff. Luxuries are more he=avily taxed; sugar, tea, coffee and other Articles in cormnon list', ruesubstaantial- ly .free. Sir John Macdonald then, Ili cleclaring that "the stattement that he proposed to raise the tariff generally to 35) per cent. wits An absurd falsehood,,, uttered a truth that has been confirmed by the policy which lie inangurateed rand which his successors in office havo loyally c=ontinued. Not to 35) per cent., nor even to 18 per cent., has the taariIf generally been raised. The practice of the Conservative party in office hits been rigidly consistent with the utter- ances of the Conservative loaders ]n 1$7$. ' �. 1. , � � ". I ., ,� � j� 1. , : . � . .. .r. I,, \ ' I., . � ) � ' ,�- - Thornais A. Edison has given -the world probably more than tiny other inventor. At all events it is certain that his imine will live in history its than of a great renins. As he wars boI•n ]n Ohio, the Americans claim as share of the credit he has )eon, blit it seems that Canada has something to do with �eying hill) to t•he world. His father•, .,annleI Edison, was born in Nova Sendai, Augitst 7th, 180:3. The old man is ;till hale sited hearty, though in his ninety-i}tst rear, sold his father reach'd the augc' of 163 he expects to live sever: ° :, e ' 11 I inventor, th ere •ore . eat t. l e tl e t ,. y ge of C:uniiiatn parentage, ancldl)cs honour to the country from which hes ruing. Since Canadian in ��tep the S u e A C i asci n l tl telephone, and the son of ,I Canadian is the world's greatest electrician, it is evident that this: northern climate is productive of genus. When the tilt-Kinley Bill was formed it ;vas thought to be ,I rod of Hoses that wotticl, as gut hon. Senator ex- pressed it, "Starve Canadians with their grnnau•ies Anil, and turn the milk into water." But instead the. milk has `` t•trl•,ued into cheese, the export of which 11 was Increased from $9,481,COo in 1801 to $11.593,000 in 1853.3. It led tolthe making of the biggest cheese by Canada ever ntltde in the world, and and(1 an aclmir- ]up group of people frons all countries, this big cheese wvs bored by Prof. Robertson, and found to be excellent in c)'tmy. lvay. This bib eheese, has stood all th2•r,)uC;b. the: sli rote£ ]n :t big building . Ill Chicago, in a semitropical heat, and yet retained its good qualities to the t'n(l. This was a marvel to the foreign r on Who concluded that the 1ool.t.e c•olamtry that could produce such cheese its that in size and quality, must be it goo it country to live ]Il. The farmers '' of Ontario have reason to feel vroud of their share in the great exhibition, and of the Experimental Farm and its dairy • t'-' static, ander whose direction the big cheetm > twits IIlad e. 1 --------- �, Its and About llluron County. --The Orangemen, of Gorrie, intend givingAhe public all entc'rtatinrnent on the slight of Nuvenlb,•r Gth. 11 --A. J. Carter, of ' alton, has leased the fatrnl of Dtinc•iln Johnston for it term of four years, at $125tit Year. The falr,n contains 50 :teres, being east half of lc)t 10, concession 17, Grey. ---Williauu Allan has solei his farm on the 7th concession of Tuckerstnith to David Ferguson, of Grey, for the '100 scut of $5,650. It contains acres and has on it a good brick house, large 11 ' batik barn with it stone stabling and other nec•cssary out -buildings. --George E. Buchanan, of Zurich; who has been attending the Toronto Ufiivvi,sity examination, the result of which wits made known A few days agger, • ' has been fortunate in having succeederl�-4 ill taking at scholarship In classics. . , George is the first scholar of the Zurich "s school who has matriculated at the university, and having taken so hilpgh ,-`1 •1. standing is, certainly, very creditable, he being one of the youngest who wrote at file crtaulination. The value of the , holarship is one hundred and ten dol Jars. —A very interesting And instrtictive Address on 1' Ireland And the Irish" wati delivered by Rev. Mr. Hodgins, l3eAforth Town Hall Ildertso) in the Twf in aid othe, English church. The `r ;s rev. gentleman keppt the Audience ht ' `'. the best of huor by litany Anecdotes 4 m ` ilhistrative of Irish wit, And by his very lever diseription of the beautiful scenery around Dublin, Cork and the '' Lakes of Killarney. Rev. Mr, Rhodes occupied the chair,•a.nd the choir, indi- vidually mid collectively, furnished the music. Mr. Hodgins is a genial favor- help in ite here, and has done much to . the building of their ngw church. �... . .11 .. •. \. i. '. ,.`Yk _ '`. `. i