HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-11-01, Page 3ZIEL? X3 WAYrTED I by the woo ►villa are aliing and suf:. fer'Ifig, or wea* and exhausted.. And, tv every such woman help is guarantees by Doctor T'ierce's Favorite Prescrip. tion. For young .,........„„..„,..„,,,,,eere., girls just enteriug womanhood; wo- men at the critical ttlehango of life"; women approaching MA;pent; nursing mothers ; and eve y w nAR who is " run-down " or over. cr c , it is a medicine that builds up, Itrengthens, and regulates, no matter 'what the condition of the system. ' It's nn invigorating, restorative tonic, A0001406' and bracing nervine, and the Only guaranteed remedy for "female ceMplaiuts" and weaknesses. In bear. in own sensations, periodical pains, , Ut tion, inflammation, and every kin- ' dr ailment, if it over tails to benefit or 'carr, You have your money back. TheHuron News -Record 1.50 a Yohr—$1.25 in Advance. Wednesday, Nov. 1st 1893. IIOME RULE THE ISSUE. 4 Conservative meeting was held last Week at Preston, in Lancashire, at which • the principal speaker was. Lord Salts - bury, He delivered quite a lenthy ad• dress, in the course of which he declar- ed that aim of the Unionists was to get the voice of Great Britain on the question of Irish Home Rule. The Government did not 'dare to face the Tote of the country. If theelectors were permitted to return representatives in Parliament on the Irish Acme Ruele question alone the result would be a moat decided pro nouncement against it. 'J'he Govern, went might try to evade a decision of the question, but it would not succeed. Englishmen were thoroughly aroused and would not be duped by the tactics of Mr. Gladstone, who was seeking to obscure the great issue of the home Rule question by associating the fate Of the Government with mitu)r measures. Lord Salisbury said Hest the coming general election must be fought on a single question—Irish Horne Rule. In the meantime IHome Rule bas been shelved. LAURIER'S' TWO FACES. "We call the attention of the Liberals of the Province of Quebec," says Le Courtier de St. Hyacinthe, "to the follow • ingwords pronounced by Mr.Laurier,in a speech at St. Thomas, Province of Ontario: "I wish that confederation should have the race for its basis. I want a confederation which will em- brace not only England and its depend - e ea, but all the nations of the Anglo\ ' $ n race. I can lube the day aps proaching when there will be union be- tween all the men speaking the Eng- lish language. Such is the progcamnl of every man who appreciates British ties and British institu• tions. Such is the policy to which the Liberal party is leading. "And the same paper "goes for" Dir. Laurier's double position in this fashion : - "Patriotic electors of Quebec ! This is how Mr. Laurier epeake in Outario. Hie dream is to see all the Eughsh speaking peoples united in a great nation which will rule the world, Read this speech and say if Mr. Laurier ever pronounced such wordth, in the province of Quebec. He would not dare to do eo ! If the Liberals wi,h to he covered by the flag of Mr. LAnrier, let them give up their language, the beautiful French language, becauee the dream of the Liberal Chief is the abe,Jute domination of the Eaglieh language. What hypocrisy ?" NOT PLEASANT WORK. The discussion which has gone on for the past week or more amongst -journals supporting the Mowat Admin- istration, as to the Premier's health and who is to he his successor in the leadership of the party, is not pleasant reading. Sir Oliver Mowat is an old Ynan, has served his country ably, has held, that party together when no ono else conld have done so, and at least ie worthy of its affection ; and it must be ailing to hint now to see that the ambition of other sten would ina.ke his 'old age a reason for supplanting him. 'Conservatives may not love some of -Sir Oliver's governing Methods. but they respect him as an oppenent and ,the leader who has defied thein for the past twenty years, and though they hope to gee the day when they will govern the Province according to their ,pprinciples, they do not want to see that day hastened by the inevitable feeble- ness of old age. The lamentable treat- • Ment and result of the late Alexander MacKenzie should be a warning to those now engaged in the attempt to depose Sir Oliver.—Galt Reporter, (Con- servative.) CURhI;N7' TOPICS'. Woodstock Times :—"Sir Richard \IGiLrtwright has announced a serious of six meetings in which he will address his South Oxford constituents. This is his farewell tour as M. P. far South Oxford 1" Ontario papers have taken to dis- cnesing Sir Oliver Mowat's successor:in -tile provincial premiership, and Messrs. ,i3libson, Hardy and Fraser are men - ed as those most likely to he strand- ing in the spot when the mantle falls. Mr. Fraser should be a likely favorite • ie1 the party, both from length of ser- -owe and ability. There are chalices, hOveever, that it will not be Sir. Oliver that will have the settlement of this quehtion. There is a man named Mere- •--ditb who, in.company with the electors --dt the province, will have a say in the issue when polling day next cotyles round. :The Ifrltisll, flag w.doating oveir turf Irish village at the Wor'ld's Vale the in honor of the visit of Lord and Ledy Aberdeen. .A. gang of American Irish hoodlums attempted to pull dawn the Union Jack and a scene ensued. Sever- al arrests were made under difficulty. It is now demonstrated by their own judges that Canada can make better cheese than the Americans. Yet our Market for it is not in the States, but across the seas, and against those cus• touters across the seas the wise trade policy of the Opposition proposes to erect discritnivatoly duties. The appalling railway calamity at Battle creek, Mich., is another sad chapter to American railway accidents and dare -devil carelessness. Many lives have been sacrificed and dear homes wrecked because some. one dis- obeyed orders. No clatter what pun- ishment is meted out to the culprits the'dead cannot be brought to life oe the father or mother restored. The Hooper ease was given to the jury at 2 o'clock on Saturday- week and after two hours' deliberation they unanimously agreed on the following verdict : "That the said Georgina, Malo Hooper tante to her death on the 18th day of September last at Terrehonne station, Que., from causes unknown to this jury, under suspicious circumstances." Mrs. Sydney, of 701 Markham street, Tot onto, became the happy mother of triplets on Friday last. The babies are fine healthy little ones, two boys and one girl. Mrs. Sydney is now entitled to what is known as the "Queen's bounty," that is, if Her Majesty con- siders her subjects in Canada entitl- ed to enjoy the same privileges as the mothers of triplets in the British Isles. The British sovereign's custom of send- ing £5 to the mother of triplets is not a written law, but it is as firmly estab- lished as the British constitution. The (..frit press of Goderich and Clin ton are rolling sweet morsels of scandal under their tongues, but when West Huron had ono of the greatest scandals on record in Canadian history these serni•God•fearing journals wore dumb. Party has a greater hold on them than their morals or their religion. All this only shows how far the Opposition will go for petty purposes. Conserva- tives in the meantime must consider M. C. Cameron in the field for the next Dominion election. We do not expect the Federal contest for two years at least. And then we e>ndidly expect M. C. Cameron to be elected to stay at hone. And in the meantime Mr. Garrow will be badly shook up and defeated. Canada's pavilion was closed to tl.e public at Chicago last Wednesday on account of the reception and presents, tion of an address to the Govarnoa•— Gener•al of the Dominion. which took. place in the afternoon. The pavilion was lavishly decorated with chrysan- themums and British flags.' The Earl and Countess of Aberdeen were accom- panied by the official staff of the Gover- nor General. All the British and Col- onial comrnissionere and marry distin- guished visitors were present. The ad- dress which was presented to His. Excellency in the name of the Can- adians attending the Exposition, cunveyed to him the assurance that his appointment was regarded with the highest satisfaction by the people of Canada: It also stated : "We Can- adians are proud of our country, and are determined more than ever to main- tain our distinctive nationality. We feel that we have a destiny of our own that will be a glorious one, and we are prepared at all times to give cordial support to Her Majesty's representative in Canada. You may rest assured of our loyalty to the crown and of our firm adherence to the free institutions which enables us to face all the rospo'neibili• ties of the present and to prepare us fir the enlarged responsibilities of the future." His Excellency made a suitable reply, and the proceed iuge throughout, were of a felicitous character. LAUGH AND GROW FAT. She -"Yon know, Reggie, that girls are being called by the names of flowers now, and my sister suggested that I should be called Thistle.' Reggie—"Oh, yes, I see ; because you are so sharp." She—"Oh, no ; she said it was 1)0- c:wee a donkey loved ane." Jones a..d his wife were wandering among the cages in a menagerie. "I say, Jones, dear, what on earth has that rattlesnake tied himself up in such an involved knot for ?" "Can't say, darling, unless there's something (01 his Mind that he wants to remem- ber." A WISH. "Great ('ansa,,". thought the fisherman, Beside the waters blue, "I only wish the tlsh would bite As these mosquitoes do." Their presence still felt.—Landlord (of seaside hotel)—"How did you sleep last night, sir ?" Guest—"Not very well. The fact is—" "You didn't? Let me tell you, sir, some of the biggest men in the country have occupied that bed. Chauncey Depeay, Senator Everts, Secretary Charles, Gen. Alger, Whitelaw Reid, Charles A. Dana, George W. Childs, and Bill Nye, have all slept in it." "That's thetrouble. There's been too many, big -bugs in it." Do rat ot till Sickness Conies beforeBuying a Bottle of PERRY DAVIS' PAI N•KILLERt You may need it to•night Join OunrUnuflarfl, GREEN GROCER, :-: -: CONFECTIONER AND Canadian Express Agent, ALBERT ST., CLINTON. Fresh }i eddies and Bloaters. Oysters constantly on hand. Also so are Canadian Cranberries, cheep. CITY BAKERY. OPPOSI'T'E FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned having bought out the bakery bna!nese so snccessfnlly carried on by Mr. Henry Morrish, will continue the business at the u1.1 stand He will indeavor, by ennplying a first class article, to merit the liberal auppoit .f the people. Bread de livered anywhere in town. Wedding Caktc, Fruit or Sp .nue Cakes, supplied on short notice, JAMES YOUNG, - - Clinton. WANTED. Salesmen to solicit for a chnioe line of nursery stock. Complete outfit free end good pay from the start. Previous experience not necessary, Write et once and secure territory. THE HAWKS NURSERY CO. Rochester. N.Y. NELSON T. RITCHIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE - ONT. Orders left at this offlice promptly at - Attended to Belfast. Zip here in a secluded corner of the Globe lies the hamlet of Belfast. To the reader's of THE NEWS -RECORD We direct a few introductory remarks rela- tive to its prepossessing yet unassluning proportions. It is situated on a cont- inanding eminence near to the cold end of they County of Huron. Bounded on the north of the village of Lucknow. 1Ve may take occasion to refer to the natives of this Iiinduo stand later in life. To the east by an Irish bog clothed in Emerald cedar ; to the south nestles Dungannon, silent and beautiful ; and to the west Lake Huron and the set- ting surf. The surrounding section is famous for its fertility. The grass is of a deeper green than it was a month ago. - Horses, cattle, sheep and pigs dot the undulating landscape plentifully, like the joys in a bachelor's life. A good portion (if the soil is under culti- vation and is pr'oduc'tiVe as the gored granaries can testify. Fruit raising and dairying •hold a prominent place among the industries of the surround- ing yeomen. As to the internal machinery of our thorn, it is simple and easily understood. Each family is a self-governing body ; ,cakes its (a wn laws and metes out justice, like the Irishman's kiss, where it will do the most good, and is in greatest demand. The place is blessed with a post office, an hotel, a public school and a black- smith shop, together with a number of private residences. We are served with a daily ,nail north and south. The school is a stone building of ample dimension and on which is mounted the town bell. The knight of the anvil is aolly fellow of forty, but who looks much younger when he is washed, and on such occasions he is quite popular. We have no churches hi the place ; whether it is we have such a high moral 'standard that we need there not, or no, will be gradually revealed through the medium of THE NEWS - RECORD. Our pen and intellect are correspondingly rusty, so you will kindly give us a few clays to brush up, dear Edi tor. WHEN TO STOP ADVERTISING. An English trade journal once re- quested a number of its largest adver- tisers to give their opinions concerning the hest time to stop advertising, and the following replies were received : When the population ceases to mul- tiply abet the generations that crowd on after you and never heard of you, stop coming on. When you have convinced everybody whose life will touch yours that you have better goods and lower prices than they can get anywhere else. When you perceive it to be the rule that leen who never advertise are out- stripping their neighbor in the smile line of business. When men stopmating fortunes right in your sight solely through the discreet use of the mighty agent. When you can forget the words of the shrewdest and most successfnl business men concerning the main cause of their prosperity. When every man has become so thorciughly a creature of habit that he will certainly buy this year where he bought last year. When younger and fresher houses in your line cease starting up and using the newspapers in telling the people how much better they can clo for them than you can. When you would rather have your own way and fail than take advicel:mel win. When nobody else thinks it, pays to advertise. We are showing the Best and Cheapest Stock of Woollen GoAs in this County, all our • manufacture, which we Guarantee Pure Wool. Tho stock consists of Fine Medium .and Coarse Wool Blankets all is and Prices, Knappet3 and Unknapped. "" Sheeting, and Cotton and Wool, with and without border 41 " " IfFlannels, Plain and Patterened, all weights, Unshrinkable. Tweeds, Suits Made to Order, First Class Fit Guaranteed. Yarns, Single 2 and 3 ply, all oolors, made of Pure Fleece WooL Splendid Assortment of Knitted Goods, Men and Women's. " Hose, Sooks, Mittens, Cardigan Jackets, &o, Wool Batts for Quilts, Comforters, Matrasses, &o. Horse Blankets Shaped and Strapped or by the yard,—Horse Suiting in Stook and Made to Order, a Specialty,—Large Heavy Sweat Blankets and Coolers.—Robe Lining &c,, &/— Wool taken in exchange. BEFORE YOU RUY CALL AND SEE OUR STOCR, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. 11 1l 11 11 Beaver Mills Woollen Store, o'viI. out. Clinton NEXT' DOOR TO HARLAND BROS., HARDWARE. For Sciatic E. Neuralgic TRY ONE APPLICATION Pains • OF THE 617 M"MENTHOLT1&00 PLASTER IT WILL DiSPEL THE PAIN LIKE MAGIC. WANTED„ Energetic men can find ateedy employment with us ea .aleamen. Experience not accessary. Hand- some ani fit am: the benefit of over 25 years experience yurnisbed every man. Choice special Rues sod control of territory. We have over seven hundred acres of choice stock and eau give you many advantages. Our ,nude of securing and retaining salsemeu is superior. Cull for our ttrms. The trial will cost you nothing. STOVE $ WELLINGTON. 771-0m Toronto,0ut Executor's Auction Sale OF DESIRABLE HOUSE AND 3 LOTS IN THE TOWN 1)F CLIN- TON. ESTATE LATE JANE CALDBICK. There will bo Rohl by public auction, at the Batton' bury Houde iu the Town of Clinton, on SATURDAY, NOV. 4th et 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following desirable* town property .— Lots Nos, 82, 87 and 88 of Isaac Rattenbnry's surrey and situate on the south side of Wellington street, except a portion of the north -oast part of the said lot number 80, and which Raid excepted portion may 5.1 better described se commencing at the north- east angle of the said 10t; thence southeasterly along the easterly limit of the said let fortymine feet, six inches; (hence north-westerly un a course parallel with Wellington street twelve feet six inches; themed north-easterly an a course parallel with the said easterly limit forty-nine feet six inches to Wellington street; and tholes south•eaeterly along the southerly limit of the said street twelve feet six incline to the place of beginning. The House is a good frame one•atory cottage, erected four years ago, and contains eight rooms and woodshed•; good stone cellar; hard and soft water. The building and property ie very desirable, suitable f.a• townspeople or retire1 farmer. Title Indisput- able. Terms of Sale. One hundred dollars to be paid on clay of sale balance in thirty days. For further particulars apply T. M. CARLING, JOAN MALLOUGH, Auctioneer, Exeentor, -Clinton. Lucknow P.0 HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE. CMhfortable dwelling with six rooms, on Orange street, Clinton. Garden in good condition. Hard and soft water. For rent ur sale on reasonable terms. Apply to 7794f JAMES COOK, 'Clinton. Teacher Wanted• Male teacher wanted in S. 8, No. 5 (Porters' 11111) school, Ooderleh township, during 1894• Must hold a second close prorea.ionsl certiaeate. Applications w.th testimonials, and stating salary expected; will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, Nov. 18. JOHN TORRANCE, Secy. 780 tf Porters' Hill P. 0. }teW P4otograpli Galiern. J. W. COOK, the leading photographer, hes bnnght end fitted np the pieaIises next Young's Bakery, Albert Street, Clinton, and is prepared to execute all orders. Everything from a SUNBEAM to a LIFE- SIZE PHOTO on the shortest notice and first class workmanship guaranteed Tintypes taken. •Pictures taken on cloudy days.equally as well as on sunny days by the new process. Prices as low as any and superior work. Call at the new gallery. J.W. COOK, Practical Photographer Albert St. Clinton. NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it he distinctly understood that If any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and Mile to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is tb, last warning 1 shall glee. CAP',. WE. BABB. Recelvcr of Wrecks, Oo,lerich. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper ty only Insured. OFFICERS. Thee. E. hare, President, SSenforth P. 0, ; W. .1, Shannon, Seey✓rreae., Sanforth P, 0. ; John Hannah, Manager, 8oatorth P. 0. 01(5801088, .1as, Broadfoot, Scutorth ; Donald Rose, 0110 ton' Oabriel Elliott, Clinton; George Watt Harlock ; Joseph .Evans, Beachwood ; J. `Shan non, Walton ; Thos. Oarbert, Clinton. AGENTS. 'rhos. Nellane, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Fen. forth; 8. Cnrnochan Seafor4'. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Murillo, Auditors, Parties desirous to efreet lneurance or trans act other business will bo promptly Attend- ed to on a ipllcatlon to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post tate.. FOR NEW SUBSCRIBERS. O DO YOU TAKE A LOCAL PAPER ? THE NEON }LEWB-REGOHI3, Published at Clinton, Ont., is an old -established and reliable Local News- paper, now in its fifteenth '.'ear. It is a large, 8-pape, 48 -column publication, with an average of over THIRTY COLUMNS every week of well printed and interesting reading matter— Purely ]HEome INew:&pn,pe.r Jammed full of local news from all quarters of the County. The regular subscription price is $1.50 a year—$1.255 in advance. THE NEWS -RECORD is as well worth $1.511 a year as one dollar hill is worth another. AGENTS WANTED to Secure Clubs of 10 or Over. OurFirstFiret Sacrifice in 15 Years. SI.!.FIFTEEN JTIONTHS FOR DNLY$1 , 25c. JE`ar Three Month. AGENTS WANTED to Secure Clubs of 15 or O.vpr. 0 React an ordinary Sample Cops- and you- will be sure to order THE NEws- RECORD now for three months or year. 25c. for Three Months—$1 for 15 Months. 1AGENTS WANTED to Secure Clubs of 20 or Over. 0 If you desire to be thoroughly posted on local and current Canadian and Home events during the next 15 months, read TUE NaWs-1l.Lconn,_ Order NOW and get your receipt, or address THE NETS -RECORD, - Clinton, A. M. TODD, Editor and Owner. ISIAGENTS WANTED to Secure Clubs of 25 or Over. More Snaps Do You Read ? For the low sum of $1.75 (One Dollar and , Seventy -Fire Cents) we will furnish THE NEWS - RECORD and any of the following papers to January, 1895 : THE EMPIRE, Toronto. THE FREE PRESS, London. TIIE GLOBE, 'Toronto, THE MAIL, Toronto. THE STAR, Montreal. THE LAnnts' JoUIINAJ, and Nltws-REcoItn will cost you only $1.25 for a year—regular price $2.25. Address all orders to THE NEWS -RECORD Clinton, Ont. ALiberal Offer! —0--r— We are aow offering THE LADIES' JOU90gL of Toronto, a large 36 page monthly IIfusttated Fashion Nome Paper pa•ticulaily- interesting, to ladies, with THE NEWS -RECORD FOR ONLY $1.25. The two publications will bo given for enc year, and will be sent to any address. This oiler applies to those who renew for THE N E\V 3 -RECORD another year before January, 1994, as well as to new subscribers. The regular subscription p,tee of the LADIES' JOURNAL is One Dollar per year. The JOURNAL and Tile. Ns\vs-RECORD will only cost you $1.1,3 if yon subscribe now. Address -THE NEWS -RECORD, Clinton, Ont. A Great Offer ! GREAT PAPERS , AND GREAT PR .1III UMTS. We are in a position to offer TRY. HURON NEwe-Re• conn to Jan., 1895, and the FAMILY HERALD AND WnexLY ST•An, of Montreal, for one year for 91.76, to new eubecribere. Thle offer entitles the atibscriber to a choice of the two great premiums given by the pnbliehera of the FAMILY HERALD. These promiuma are the "STAR" ALMANAC for 1804, a superb book of 450 men, or If preferred a copy of the groat FAMILY HERALD SOUYENrtt Pic•ruiu which rr(aiie at twenty dollars. The premiums—Almanac+ and Picture—will be ready about the end of November, and will be for. warded in the order In which the enbscriptlone arc received. 8nhaerip'ions to both mere may begin at onto. Remember the offer of a choice of premiums itolda good only 18 people who eubaorlbo during the autumn. Afterwards the eboice will positivolybo withdrawn. Address nil orders to THE NE WS.RE00RD, Clinton, Ont "". Farms for Sale. Lots 20 and 80, eon. 8, Hallett, 200 a'r•s. Lot 20, eon. 4, Staniby, 100 norms. Both desirably, situated and will be sold en easy terms. Apply to O. D. MdaAOGART,Cltnton. 789-tt UNLOCKS ALL THE CLOGGED •EC•!'CION• Or THE BOWELS, KIDNEYS AND t.IVER■ CARRYING OFF GRADUALLY, WITHOUT WEAKEN. ONO THE SYSTEM, ALL IMPURITIES ANO FOUL HUMORS. AT THE SAME TIDE CORRECT. INO ACIDITY of THE STOMACH, CUR/No BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, HEM). ACHES, DIZZINESS), HEARTBURN. CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM. DROPSY, SKIN DISCA>4ES, JAUNDICC. SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, SORO. FULA, FLUTTERING OF' THE HEART. NERVOUSNESS, AND GENERA(. DEBILITY. THESE AND ACI. •NAMLA71t. COMPLAINTS QUICKLY YIELD TO TH8 cuss- TivE INFLUENCE or BURDOCK eL00O 81T'TURA.